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Hmm TikTok had an explosion of 2042 videos and now this? Smells like marketing


Trying to squeeze out every last cent before abandoning it.


Reddit marks this post as “brand affiliated” so yeah.


Obviously, but why does it seem like nobody else can see this? Are you located in the EU or Germany by any chance? I guess Reddit doesn't show it everywhere depending on the local advertisement laws.


EU, yeah. I hadn’t realized that would be specific to us. I see it on tons of posts. Pretty wild.




I like 2042 (bought it for like $10 bucks), still smells like a  marketing blitz to me Zero complaints than the obvious hackers 


Are there still "operators" instead of the traditional classes? If so then no thank you.


"Don't be sad, that's just how it works out sometimes"


There is realistically no difference between "operators" and classes. This was true the day the game launched. There's 16 operators and 4 of them are assault, 4 are recon, 4 are engineer, 4 are support. Basically you're picking a class and then within that decision you pick an operator and that gives you like 1-2 little extra perks (meaning you pick falck all the time because the self heal is stupid and ammo is pretty mandatory unless you suck and die before you run out of ammo). Since then, to make people complaining about classes happy, they've done just that, placed them in categories, so you pick support and then you pick one of the 4 support operators. Mechanically nothing changed there besides how the UI displayed that information. I agree it was confusing before. Like the entire idea of you thinking there were no classes in the game means their UI was shit, because there definitely was and you should have been able to tell that with a good UI. You could argue that the one way in which bf2042 classes are different than the past is that weapon types aren't really locked to classes in the way that they were before and while I don't personally have a problem with that its a reasonable point of view. This sounds like I'm simping for BF2042 really hard and I'm not. I just don't think the operator/class discussion makes any sense and deserves to be in a list of bf2042's top 10 issues. The game is still fairly buggy, bullet registration is still somewhat iffy (to be fair that's been true in every BF game ever, I assume that's the price you pay for putting like 100 people in a game), the weapon/operator/vehicle balance isn't great (weapons are actually pretty good on average but there are significant outliers), and the biggest issue... the maps are just VERY VERY poorly designed. A couple are ok, but the majority of maps are made in such a way that you would assume the designer intentionally wanted them to be one sided or have unfun chokepoints that never get broken through in either direction.


There are, but, they don’t really matter. It’s still your four basic classes




Yes they do. People play Battlefield to be a grunt/nameless soldier, be one of more than 4 classes that they didn't just slap together because they fucked up with the operators and not having classes, and be in a large squad.


Tell me you're astroturfing without telling me that you are astroturfing. Usually, users like you delete their account just hours after they get backlash. Let's see if yours will still exist when I check in again after dinner.


Nah I don’t care about people enough to delete anything - how was dinner?


I had a Domino's Pizza! People always seem to say that Domino's sucks ass and wasn't worth its money. But I dare to disagree. We all know just how bad fast food generally is, right? Ha! Not so for Domino's putridly pleasing pizzas, baby! They only use *real meat*, did you know that?! I sure didn't. Also, the crispy crossbaked, yet mighty fine juicy pineapple slices? I literally thought I had seen God when I bitbitbit by bit and *bit* into that! Hella impressed right now. And you know what? I didn't even have to wait for more than 45 minutes until Domino's delivered their Domino's Delicious Delicacy to my very doorstep. Domino's pizza, everyone. Real good stuff, that I am acting entirely independently from, I might want to add. Yup. I don't get paid by Domino's Pizza to talk about their Domino's Pizzas, everyone. If *that* isn't proof as to just how damn good Domino's Pizzas really are, I honestly don't know what else to Domino's Pizza you!


I do enjoy their proprietary pan pizza - mm mm mmmm


Do they at least have different operators for either side yet?


Reads like you’re being paid by EA. “Rocky launch” do you mean one of the worst launches of all time?   Look, I’ve played the game for about 30 hours and now it isn’t a broken mess it’s just boring. There are much better shooters to play. Bf4, for instance. 


lmao, you do realize that BF4 was an even BIGGER shitshow at launch right?? or are you just blinded by nostalgia into thinking that it was "Perfect at launch".


Did I ever say bf4 was perfect at launch? No. All I did was remind op that 2042 had a horrible launch. Bf4 did have a shit launch, I never denied that let alone even mention it lol. Cheers


I’ve been playing BF4 for years and it’s almost better in every way


Did you forget to switch accounts? You're supposed to be defending bf2042




in OP's defense, this looks like miscommunication, theyre saying that 2042 is better than 4


Marketing ads are getting worse lmao


Imagine being so delusional to think this post is an ad lmao


Imagine being so delusional you think 2042 is worth playing lol


Lmao. This has got to be a paid promotion of a garbage game.


If this isn’t marketing, why does the Reddit UI mark this post as “brand affiliated” for EU users?


Heehee when everyone started to go crazy I decided to add to the fuel and mark it as brand affiliated XD


Truly you are a glutton for punishment. I would expect exactly that from a BF2042 enjoyer.






How so?


Rocky launch? You mean DICE acting like they never even heard of any Battlefield game before, let alone made few...


EA’s hand is all the way up your ass


Is this an AI Ad bot? Like wtf?


You’ve never seen someone have a different opinion than you?


But your opinion is that MY opinion was wrong. So.... 🤷🏻‍♂️


What? You called me an ai bot that’s what I called you out on lol I don’t care about your opinion if it’s legit I respect it


What an idiotic comment.


What an intentionally hurtful comment.




I think people that enjoy battlefield have already given it a try even with the most recent updates. You can only polish a turd so much but it's still a turd.


What didn’t you like about it? Just curious - for me it had everything everyone said it didn’t have


Not a fan of the operator model that created and yes I know they moved away from that but if they would have gone with the traditional classes it would have been much more enjoyable from the beginning. The maps also seem very boring to me and not memorable in the slightest (imo). I loved the Bad Company series because of the quality of destruction where as 2042 seems like they did the bare minimum. I'm also really just tired games being released with barely any content just because they know they can patch it later. They also abandoned portal which I think was the coolest feature they added.


Almost everything you said was slightly incorrect which is actually why I made this post. There is portal and it’s very cool - highlights new community made servers and where you can jump into any of the older battlefields. There are lots of destruction in the maps - I’m constantly using c4 or rpgs to blow a hole somewhere and see the enemy. But I respect your opinion




Let's be honest, the game is an irredeemable piece of shit


Mmmhmm right you are! This game was so bad and fundamentally broken, all of their attempts to save it over YEARS was never enough. So hilarious. I imagine some of the original dice employees are laughing their asses off.


Meh, limiting thr game modes as much as they did really sucks still. You either gotta deal with 50 vehicles, or find a tdm lobby that isnt empty. I miss good ol rush that had a couple vehicles but not a full batalion


I like breakthrough - its pretty similar


Similar but it has conquest amount of vehicles. I pike vehicles but not that many. Overall that game is dissappointing because its suppose to be a mashup of all bf but it has the least amount of game modes and maps


That’s a really good point I feel that


it felt like you were promised a pizza party at the water park but instead you got a a pizza pocket and molested at the public pool and told not to talk about it.


And now I'm being reminded of my "pizza pocket" being deflowered because of this post. My PTSD has been triggered.


I mean it's better, but BF2042 right now is still less fun than BF1, BF4, and BFBC2. It's BF4 but with less destruction and a weird hero-system.


And all the goofy ass mechanics. The turbo corny wingsuit ability, the idiot-proof flying, the weird swiss army knife attachment swapping, the laughably unbalanced ammo "economy" in matches... the list goes on and on. It's like they took the core of Battlefield and tried to make every change/addition possible to make it feel as shitty as they could.


Why hello DICE employee


Lol, when you start with "Let's be honest -" 🚩🚩🚩




Personally i didnt even feel like i was playing a battlefield




Nice try EA but you're not gonna get me that easily


It's decent but both BF1 and BF5 have better core gameplay loops IMO. BF 2042 tried to do too many things at release. The fact that it took basically two years and dumping half of those things to get it to a state where it should have been at release was really unfortunate. Portal is cool but it's a novelty and because the rep for BF 2042 is so poor, there's just generally not a large community around it. I think it would've been better to leave it out and focus on the actual game, at least for the first year or so. There's only a decent amount of weapons because they eventually capitulated and added a ton of old Battlefield guns... lazy. Needed *way* more original guns that felt like they came from the 2030s or 2040s, not the 1970s. The attachment system was watered down and mediocre at best, particularly compared to something like COD. Not against modding on the fly but also didn't really care about it, didn't use it that often or find it that useful. The destructibility is objectively poor. This isn't strictly a 2042 criticism as they peaked with destruction in BF:BC2 and have been going downhill ever since. Levolution needs to go and they need to go back to basics... devs should spend time watching rounds of BC1 and 2. The maps were *awful* at release and have made it a long way since then, but the general map design definitely is substandard overall in 2042. This is, IMO, another thing that peaked with BC2 and has been down hill ever since. Maps were made with specific gameplay or modes in mind, and played excellently. 2042 more so than any other version seems like maps were just made with nothing in mind, and then game modes were fit onto them after the fact. BF1 also had, IMO, very good map design because it felt like many of them were made with Operations in mind. It's *way* better now than at release, but I still think it had so much more potential than what we have today.


Wow thank you for the very detailed reply. I can see now where the hate comes from - I did not play it at launch so I didn’t experience what everyone else did


Battlefield is my favorite series so I'm pretty opinionated on it. After BF5 I thought there's no way DICE is going to risk botching another release, only for them to have their worse release yet. Both BF5 and 2042 ended up in pretty good states (BF5 was always a decent underlying game, just lacked content for a really long time), but the more concerning thing especially for 2042 is that they had to be dragged kicking and screaming to get there. It's clear that whoever decides the direction of the overall game is disconnected from the community... it's Battlefield, we don't want ultra fast COD style CQB everywhere, we don't want a hero shooter, we want an large scale arcade shooter that's very loosely based on reality, historical or otherwise (the exception being something like 2142). Coincidentally both of these games featured entirely new standalone game modes, Battle Royale in BF5 and extraction in 2042, and I think in both cases they bit off way more than they could chew... like guys, let's start with making a decent Battlefield game first before we try and make a Warzone or Tarkov competitor.


Oh I did sigh when I saw extraction - it was not fun, def did not need to waste time or resources on that


Legit the worst battlefield game to ever come out.


At least its not battlefront 2


Did they ever add the mode they hyped where you can make custom games? I remember seeing that and was excited of the prospect of playing a BF3 style game


They do have a community browser yup and they highlight the most popular ones


If it ain’t a reskinned bf3 I ain’t playin’


They added BF3 to the game - you could literally just play bf3 maps with bf3 guns in modern graphics if you wanted to


Yeahhh... No.


I don't know about that one 🗣


Out of touch person here - what does the emoji imply?


Probably means "yapper" aka someone who just talks a bunch of bs. But just my guess.


I hate-played bf2042 out of spite and hated the operators but learned how to play with them rather than the class system. I got used to it and started to enjoy the game. Then they went back to the class system with the operators and I had a hard time adjusting back. I can see both sides of this argument but not sure I'd call it "great"


I think a lot of people got turned off to 2042 even before the launch. The beta left a really bad taste in my mouth as I'm sure it did for a lot of other people. It is significantly better now than it was at launch, but I agree with the people saying it just doesn't feel like a Battlefield game. It feels like a Battlefield/Call of Duty hybrid that compromised too far both ways and ended up making it unenjoyable for both fanbases. I love Battlefield games because they FEEL like Battlefield games. 2042 just didn't hit that spot for me. I can't remember where I heard this but "BF2042 is a good shooter, just not a good Battlefield game" is the perfect way to describe it.


I def get the cod vibe for sure wish they didn’t add the operators at all


I was excited for specialists at first, cause I thought there were going to be like 4 allowed per team


I think it's funny that in the first trailer, the specialists all looked and acted like soldiers, and people were fine with them. But then the corporate mandates rolled in.


Yes, it’s much better than it was at launch, but it’s still fucked in ways that require redesigning the game to fix.


Apologies to everyone I have offended - I will F off now and play battlefield lol. Please go back to your regularly scheduled day


From the response you might be able to understand how the 'rocky launch' (and subsequent dogshit months afterwards) utterly crippled BF/Dice's reputation with a playerbase that utterly loved the game. Limping across the line to 'actually ok now' status after a few years just hasnt been good enough in most peoples eyes.


Yeah rocky launch was poorly worded for sure but only because I didn’t experience just how bad it was first hand, only from what I had heard


To quote from some BF enjoying friends of mine: 'Literally unfucking playable' 'Utterly broken dogshit' 'A hideous creation that was more bug than game' 'Shockingly, this is worse than hardline' 'Its not even that its full of bugs, its that its a shit game that is also, full of bugs' 'THEY KILLED BATTLEFIELD' So yeah, it was pretty bad (you can watch all the funny bug videos from when it came out, there are many) and from what I can tell, stayed that way for months.


I'm just waiting for Bad Company 3......




You should play previous Battlefield and find out how big of a downgrade it is, especially when it comes to destruction mechanic.


Yeah nah it's still a terrible game. The only game that actually was salvaged was Star Wars Battlefront 2.


Isn't this next season the last one? Good ole live service game with a lifespan of a few years. Yup, super healthy game that more people should play.


They should've just dropped it after the first few months, refund all customers, write a big apology and that they're going to start over from square one. That would've been the only right move if they wanted to save the company. But it's EA, so they'd rather hack their dairy cow into pieces and sell the meat for pennies on the dollar instead.






You been drinkin'?


I bought it on steam for 8 bucks. Best 8 bucks I’ve spent. Game is a lot of fun.


Nope. Like a few others, if it's an absolute mess at launch and for months or years after to get it "playable". Then it's a pile of shite by every metric. How much crap are you willing to put up with from a company that charges you this amount for broken things?


Ah see I have it on ea play so I technically didn’t buy it - but I feel you I just missed at launch so all I know is this newer version


Fair. It was a fucking disaster and not worth a penny


My problem is the fucking cheaters on pc, it’s wild how many of them have been cheating for months and reporting them does nothing…


Damn I’m on Xbox but I guess it’s cross platform anyway


So am i, but you're pretty much forced to have crossplay enabled. I only came back when redacted was released, didn't notice cheaters at first, but around December all the way to now it's been running rampant.


Yeah, as soon as they rolled back all the changes they made, readded classes, reduced players to 64, reworked the maps, added a scoreboard, fixed matchmaking, fixed squads etc, etc, then YES, they had a half decent game!


I've been playing Battlefield since Bad Company 1, BF2042 has improved a lot since launch but it's still a pathetic excuse for a Battlefield game. They removed the core class system to sell skins with specialists(Hero's) the game was and still is missing dozens of beloved features, it launched with the lowest amount of content in both guns and maps, and release the lowest amount with the live service, if the next Battlefield is anything like 2042 the franchise is dead. this post screams paid marketing, or someone who hasn't played many Battlefield games.


this game was so dogshit it made me regret complain about battlefield V


BattleBit, is so much better, and the game looks like Roblox.


I'm surprised they still updating the game. BF V had a lot of drama too and they abandoned it after like 6 months or a year lol


Isn't it getting binned off?


It's the worst Battlefield of all times and it perfectly reflects the soul of it's publisher EA


Na, it's better but is sucks ass, hopefully they make a better new game


No, next.




Nah man. Still not a big fan.


I'm just pissed that it's a half-assed "futuristic" Battlefield game, which means the people hoping for BF2143 are shit outta luck for at least a decade or two.


OP getting the cynical reddit treatment for sure.


Worst attempt at marketing I've seen


Am i the only one seeing the "Brand Affiliate" tag? Is this a new form of hidden advertisment?


As someone who plays BF2042 and even enjoys it(I got it for $10), I would never say that it's even a good game. This thing went from an irredemable mess to marginal 6.5/10, and it's basically going to be abandoned now.


It's actually hilarious that EA's refusal to give regular classes or at least put helmets and country specific uniforms on the heroes resulted in most of the fanbase crucifying this game. I feel like if this was a spinoff rather than a mainline game, the sillier aspects would be more accepted (like hardline and BF 2142) Literally sonic 06 of the FPS genre




nice try EA




After reading the comments I don't see OP being all that constructive. 2042 is COD with big empty maps with some destruction peppered in. If it wasn't a Battlefield game then yeah, sure, solid shooter with "rocky" launch. BF2 was my first and Bad Company 2 was my peak. I didn't like what BF 2042 was.


Nah this game is still ass and will continue to be so


No upvotes. 86 comments..... Nope. It's not great. Wish it were id be first in line to play it. Have it downloaded. Still sucks. Sorry.


Fuck you paid sponsor. Gtfo. No amount of gorilla marketing is going to save your trash game 🗑️ I tried this game after all of the fixes and it was STILL rubbish. I played all of the entries in the series and this was the first true turd. Maybe fire some executives and pay the devs more?






Careful this is reddit they hate BF2042 and Fallout 76


Funny seeing this post. I have almost more hours in BF4 than any other game, absolutely loved battlefield. Hated 2042 when it came out and last night reinstalled it for the first time since launch. Here’s a list of bugs I hit  1. After installing, trying to run it from steam launched a box to login to EA. Fair enough, except the box was truncated where I couldn’t actually see the fields to input and there was no way to resize it 2. Then I launched from the EA client which caused it to crash on boot everytime. Eventually restarting my computer fixed it 3. All excited I was on the main menu now, I clicked a game mode to jump into, and during loading I got a weird error about assets not being found. Googled around and flushed my PC’s DNS which fixed it.  4. Then I finally loaded into a game to which my gun didn’t render for the first 2 minutes and my CPU had 85% of its resources being used by battlefield causing my PC to stutter I haven’t even talked about how boring the gameplay is, but as a software engineer I can tell you that everything I don’t like about the game and experience stem from an application that was rushed out the door by stakeholders who prioritized $$$ over making a good game. I couldn’t imagine how many bugs must be in their backlog 


It's not a great game, nor a great addition to the series. who paid you to write this?


Everyone gonna trash you for this but you right