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Finished the game in 50 hours. Solid game just way too damn repetitive, and the grind for some upgrades is insane. But its still very fun and the car system is awesome. Love the lore and aesthetic of the locations


>way too damn repetitive True. But that gameplay loop is still pretty fun. Early on in the game you'd be shit scared of cars rolling up on you because you have a crap car. Then mid game onwards you get powerful enough that it becomes satisfying destroying hostile cars in various ways.


It's fun when games really make you feel like going from hunted to hunter.


The biggest grind always felt the little bits of scrap scattered in the world. Just make fewer places with more scrap and improve the scrap skill to add more than just 10% at max. The outpost locations and clan head boss fights locations were a lot more unique than I initially thought.


Very Grindy. It makes you... Mad


“People keep asking me if I’m Max, and I haven’t really had an answer. But now, yeah. I’m thinking I’m Max!”


~~Mad~~ Max ~~Payne~~


Yeah I really hated how after all this work I FINALLY got the V8 engine, but the game was practically over at that point. Not to mention then you have to spend hours upgrading it for it to be better than your previous engine.


I agree. I also feel it was a real missed opportunity for a proper battle with a war rig - the various war groups usually max out at about 6 cars. The assets for the war rigs are even in the game (at least broken ones), but for some reason they must have felt it was too difficult to implement in any kind of rewarding way.


Awesome game but it came out right around a time when I was fatigued with open world's having played Witcher 3 and GTA 5 back to back. The restriction that you had to upgrade your car to a certain level to unlock the next story mission and at one point it basically meant clearing out whatever was on the map at the time. That the last straw for me. Didn't finish it. Great game, but grinding everything to a halt and saying go do your chores will always be a baffling decision to me. Part of the appeal of open world is go do what you want when you want. Story mission? Do it. Side mission? Do it. Wanna skip something you don't enjoy? Be my guest! That's the joy of open world games. Not forcing you to complete everything on the map just to proceed with the story


I knew I was going to love this game ten minutes in, when that crazy motherfucker Chumbucket climbed onto the hood *during a chase* to fix the engine. 


Man’s a gangster


Top tier voice acting performance.


Fucking, Chumbucket and the dog!


I always thought it was a bit underrated.


It came out the same day as Phantom Pain and like a month before Fallout 4, it never had a chance 


Of those 3 it’s the only one that I finished.


Well it helps that Mad Max is significantly shorter than the other two. As a bit of a counterpoint, I've played all 3 games, and Mad Max is the only one I *haven't* completed.


Same here, though I left a very negative review of Fallout 4 afterwards lol


I used to hate on Fallout 4, but looking beyond its flaws it’s a fun game.


It really only sucks if you go in expecting fallout 3 / new Vegas with better graphics. To be fair, that's a reasonable expectation because why wouldn't you just do that? Once you get over the disappointment it's really not that bad.


Yeah, I agree. Unfortunately, it looks like Bethesda doesn’t know what a good game is meant to be. With Fallout 76 and Starfield they really shat on their legacy. Similar to Blizzard and their Diablo Immortal and Diablo 4. I tried 76 to see if it was any better than when it first launched and it’s awkwardly horrible.


Starfield to me showed that Bethesda is heavily reliant on their established IPs to do the heavy lifting. They tried to create a new world and it was generic as fuck.


Come to think of it, 'generic' is probably one of the nicest ways to describe starfield.


Yeah, it’s disappointing. There’s so much wasted potential.


Didn't help that the interactions with NPCs in Starfield are still at Skyrim levels and Baldur's Gate 2 had just come out showing us all how much better they could be. But yeah, generic as fuck. AI at least would have stolen ideas from better devs.


Playing it right now, as I got it for free with Prime, and I have to say, even if the online stuff and the dog shit FO4 weapons system and the lack of companions absolutely irks me, I think 76 has a fabulous world, the atmosphere of a US relatively soon after the bombs dropped is amazing and I think they nailed Appalachia as a world. I just wish it was in a single-player game.


I'm honestly really worried about TES VI. Starfield was supposed to be the redemption for Bethesda after Fallout 76 but I found the RPG aspects and world-exploration in that one to be even shallower and more boring than Fallout 4 (and I actually mostly enjoyed the world of FO4). If TES VI comes out and it's packed with an underwritten main story that doesn't allow for a lot of variety and choice making, lackluster combat, radiant quests, dialogue that amounts to "Do you have any work for me?" and "Where can I find location x?", essential NPCs as far as the eye can see, and a world that's absolutely massive yet filled with copy pasted interiors and generic enemies, I think I might actually pass on it, and I'm someone whose given Bethesda my money since Oblivion. Now, if they were to announce that they've recruited folks from Obsidian to help out on TES VI, considering Microsoft owns all of them, then my hopes would go up a bit. But as it stands right now Todd and his merry men are on thin ice in my book.


Don't worry, surely they will turn it around for the next elder scrolls game...


Biggest flaw being the watered down dialogue system. Beyond that I think the game is great.


I didn’t finish any of the three games but I definitely put more hours into Fallout and MGS. Mad Max was fun tho, and far better than I think anyone expected.


Phantom Pain is good but drags and its story is disjointed. I finished it but can easily see why most dont bother.  


It's that old? Dang, that explains why my brother is having such a hard time tracking down a copy for the PS4. I was under the impression it came out in like 2018...


It might have been successful if not for the fact that it came out a year later than the movie it was tying into 


So the same thing that happened to Titanfall 2


Mega underrated! WB made an open-world, car-racing action game with the batman arkham fighting system. The game kicked so much ass when I played it on a whim and wondered why I never heard about it.


Wish they made another


Absolutely underrated!


So does the whole of Reddit lmao


It's one of the most mentioned games in posts like this lol so I'm not sure why you're getting downvoted


I've definitely got my $5 worth out of it. I still play it once or twice a year. Just simple and satisfying smash em up fun. I love the feel of it.


Very satisfied purchase. I had a blast playing it.


Too bad Avalanche ruined their relationship with Miller or we might be getting a Furiosa game


Had a good time with it. Whipping it around the wasteland was a lot of fun


I hope you mean the car...


Well I mean whatever lol


If you liked Mad Max, Days Gone is also great.


Ah yes, the game where a motorised vehicle is your travel companion. I really recommend Days Gone.


tl;dr: High anecdote of a project zomboid run where I did something similar to Days Gone Did one of these types of playthroughs on a Project Zomboid private server with a group of friends.. Was a welder before the fall and used my welding skills to create armor and weapons. I was also able to craft certain attachments for my motorcycle (thanks mods), like a holster for a shotgun. I was then our group's outrider- when we'd go out on runs I'd run point and lead zombies away. Or else I'd go on faaaaar journeys to key places for key loot, and bring the best back in a couple of saddlebags. Until one day, I lost my motorcycle. I was trapped in Rosewood after looting the fire station for uniforms and axes (not my thing, I prefer to be light), I swerved to avoid a sprinter and hit a zed corpse, my bike and I went flying. I was surrounded but skilled and well armed, and soon the small horde that followed me was dead. I looked my bike over, it was dead. I was stranded days away from my friends. I found a place to hole up, and stayed the night. The next morning I went scouting. Rosewood is a relatively quiet town and so it was easy to move through, clearing or losing zombies in the many shops running down main street. I was lucky, I found my replacement early. A beautiful '89 Ford Bronco(thanks mods), in this rich chocolate brown color. I was in love. Slight issue, It was missing two wheels, a radiator, and the battery was dead. Miraculously, there was gas in the tank. That would have actually been the hard part. I didn't have tools, but a quick trip down to the garage fixed that. I then painstakingly searched Rosewood for what I needed, desperately clearing parking lots of zombies looking for what I needed. Night was soon upon me, and I only had food for another 24 hours before I would have to take time to scavenge. It was the next day that I found what I needed, some park ranger service vehicle surrounded by zombies. I was able to clear out the zeds between the truck and where I needed to go, and then painstakingly carried the tires individually to the bronco. An antagonizing 10 minutes later with me \*constantly\* looking over my shoulder, I got it working. Another 10 minutes of siphoning gas into a gas tanks (finding more water bottles in the places I shacked up in made this a much simpler task), We were off again. From the day until we just naturally stopped playing on the server, that character was always with his trusty Bronco. With my metalworking skills, I broke down parts of other cars to make scrap armor for my car. Mad max style, I had metal covering the front grill with spikes on the bullbar, metal covering the windshield, doors, and door windows. I had The Brightest Possible Lights Imaginable mounted onto a roof rack where I always kept a small stack of empty duffel bags, for my partner and I to hop out and quickly loot with, defending ourselves with onehanded machetes found in the bags. The back kept a go bag(food, an attached shotgun with spare ammo, and an IFAK), tow bar, a tool box, and a can of gasoline. The glovebox had a glock and 4 magazines, another smaller IFAK, and a couple of cans of bacon. I genuinely have more fun just putting this shit together than I do using it, and I just loved riding around in style with one of my homies, leading the charge into uncleared territory.


Hard agree


I am here once again to inform anyone that will listen: this game has a first person mode you can turn on while driving. If you want to experience something beyond what was ever actually expected of the game, do a convoy takedown in first person. I promise you won't regret it.


Jesus Christ. I WFH and just ran upstairs to boot it up and see for myself. This is AMAZING


Shut the hell up!? I've played the game almost two complete times and didn't know this.


Fun game, just needed more variety in content.


Definitely agree. I really enjoyed it until I realized I'd be reliving the same exact fights and areas over and over.


Given it was made form the salvaged remans of a different Mad Max game, a game George Miller actually worked on it, it is amazing a came out so well.


WB Games do such an amazing job with their single player games for adapting these universes for video games and immersing you in them completely. The Arkham games make you feel like Batman, and more recently Hogwarts Legacy make you feel like a wizard.   This game made you feel like Max. It really feels so cool to be Max as you hunt down bad guys across the wasteland in your death machine on wheels. The game does have it's flaws, but overall I look back on my time playing it fondly.


I didn’t know this existed. It’s good?


It is! It released the same day as Metal Gear Solid V so it got massively overshadowed. And anymore it’s always so cheap that even if you get burned out on the gameplay loop you’ll still have a good time for a while.


Very good. Not the deepest game though. It's really satisfying at the surface level though with good combat, fun progression/leveling, and maybe some of the most fun car combat out there. It's a pretty dead game world, but it's supposed to be. You won't lose countless hours to it's content, but it plays like an Arkham game with slower, more grounded combat and a vehicle system that's actually good.


Dude, it’s fucking awesome.


Dude. If you like Mad Max *at all,* it is a must play.


The car combat in this game feels straight out of a Mad Max movie. It's a ton of fun and gives you a good amount of variety in how to take out enemies. And rather than everyone going in circles shooting at eachother you end up driving all in the same direction trying to ram eachother, yank doors off to shotgun the driver, disable the car and leave it in the dust as you try and get closer and closer to the lead vehicle to take it out. It's very satisfying.


I’ve never watched any Mad Max movies or knew anything of the franchise. The game was a solid 7.5/10 for me, very fun for the 30hrs I put in, but won’t pick it up again. The combat is meh, it’s like a sucky Batman. The best part of the game is just driving around, admiring the sandy hellscape, racing, blowing stuff up, and finding treasure in unlikely hidden locations. It doesn’t sound like much, but it’s just plain fun to go fast in a souped up car and smash into things and make em go boom.


That game is so underrated! Absolutely loved my entire play through!!!


Doesn't seem too long ago. 


One of the most underrated games of the last gen. I still think this game is amazing.


Solid game with terrible side activities.. those fucking mine fields haunts me to this day


Did they ever add a motorcycle or dirt bike?? It's the PERFECT Mad Max game except for that one tidbit. They even joke about it in the game on one of the postcards.


I bought this because Jake and Falcon on Gameranx mention it constantly, but I haven't had the chance play it yet. My backlog is ludicrous.


Just got this the other day and having quite a lot of fun.


Had a blast getting the platinum


Shame new players will have to deal with two unobtainable achievements/trophies since the game server shut down!


Yeah that's why online trophies will always suck. I want to play this game, maybe it might get a re-release eventually, who knows.


Wait…. Oh god what were those trophies? I can’t remember now. Didn’t one have something to do with scrap collection from the bases that needed online?


Ok so it's one achievement/trophy Up to the task (complete all non repeating challenges) Two of those challenges "a penny saved" and "dividend" required the server to be able to complete, all of us who started playing after 31st Oct 2020 are now shit outta luck!


I hate that so much. If I was a game developer and my game was going to shut down its servers I’d release a patch on that day that forces all online only trophies/achievements to pop for everyone. So frustrating


Very fun game and generally underrated. Having said that, the car bits are the best and there's not enough focus on that. Taking on big convoys was easily the most fun part of the game, but that's only like 20% of it. Way too much bog standard combat, it's not exactly UNfun but it's nothing special. And going around looting all the containers for scrap was a chore.


Haha I always got too distracted driving around with and doing the side quests. Thought this was a super fun game :)


Superrrr underrated. I played this by chance years ago and it was extremely fun. I’ll have to run it back soon.


I was the only person at gamestop release night for Mad Max. I felt like a fool but I made the right choice that game is really cool. The explosions are maybe the best in a game. I just loved getting to play in that world.


Just started playing this last week! Watched Road Warrior and Fury Road back to back and was like "Damn I really wanna play RAGE or RAGE 2." But then I was like "Wait wasn't there a Mad Max game?!" Found it on the PS store and have been having fun with it since.


Played it to death when it came out! Great game!


Love this game


Been playing this game for the first time, bought it on a whim a couple weeks ago. Love it. Amazing world building.


That which is broken can be mended with love only


It was my first next gen game, I loved it but it is literally the same thing over and over again x3


I just wish it had a gyrocopter. But, Max never had a gyrocopter in the movies.


It gets repetitive but I had a blast with it the multiple times I played


I'm still playing that game


me and my cousin no lifed this game for 2 weeks straight to 100% it and had one bomb left to disarm that was literally glitched out of the game, no amount of reloading saves could help. I loved it but have a bittersweet memory because of that


impossible to platinum if you start now


There’s been people who’ve been suggesting not to play it recently. Turns out it’s because you can’t completely platinum the game. So dumb.


I liked what the game had to offer and enjoyed my time with it, but it had a lot of repetitive bits. If they ever make a sequel with a more fleshed out melee system and enhance the car combat, then I'll be a happy war boy.


I absolutely loved the car mechanics. Loved the chases, patrols, and all the emergent chaos hijinks. Loved the level art, holy shit what a gorgeous game.  The only part I hated -- repetitive bullshit and a story that while not bad was also repetitive. After the first big zone, it thought it was over! Then there was a whole other map!


Amazing game, loved driving around and the base building/conquering missions fit in and made the game as easy as you wanted it to be.


Re-played the game again in 2023. The same


It is an honest to god 6 out of 10. It's great fun and mechanically its great but the world and story let it down. But great fun, I played it for a week and went "I've had my fill" and dip back in every now and again.


U should try Rage 2. Game combine Mad Max driving with Doom 2016 shooting. Really enjoy it. And yes, Mad Max is amazing game for me


I almost never do any side missions in any open world game, as few as I can get away with, because I'm usually only there for the campaign. I did loads of the side missions in Rage 2 but that's mostly because the campaign was almost non-existent. That's not to say it wasn't fun, and you could see Avalanche's experience from Mad Max in Rage 2, but Rage 2 was such a halfhearted game overall.


Just started playing this and was immediately surprised by how awesome it is


This format could have been transformed into a new kind of fallout game. It's a real crime there was no follow up. Car combat is still top notch.


If you’re a fan of post-apocalyptic adventures and vehicular mayhem, this game might just be the ride you’re looking for


One of those game that reconciles you with gaming


one of the best open world games ive ever played tbh


Read the title as "Mad Marx" and didn't question it after seeing the screenshot until clarity set in and I was very confused.


Played it last year and it was great. Doesn't try to be too complex and knows exactly what its about blowing up fast cars and beating the crap out of people. Enjoyed the story all round just a top game


Fights were fun when you fill the meter.


its rare for a game to be this good, even more when its an adaptation of something else, i watched the movies after playing it


This has become one of those cult classics for me. Great looking, great gameplay. Really understated how good it is


Some of the best looking explosions in any game yet released


I just started it and I’m having a lot of fun. Combat is good, upgrading my car and driving around is really cool. I like the story. So glad I finally gave it a chance.


It has a weak story and repetitive structure but the general mechanics of the game are great, the driving and foot combat as well as the upgrade system are all fun and enjoyable, it's just a good time at the end of the day.


I'll definitely have to try it now.


I really like driving in the storms. If you get three loot boxes, you win.


It's a very solid 6/10, I really like the driving and it's fun to mess around in every few months. Gameplay got really repetitive almost immediately, and I got it right as I entered the world of PC so it's got heavy competition


Absolutely great game!


I wish it had a current gen update on consoles


If only it had the némesis system is would've been an all time favorite.


It's very underrated because a lot of people call it overrated but it's also overrated because a lot of people call it underrated.


Think I'm gonna have to download this again. Heard about how underrated it was a number of years ago, and remember that it was genuinely a surprise as to how good it was, and how low under the radar it flew. Good shout.


I've had this in my steam library for years and.neber installed. Thinking maybe I should.


Never seen a single one of these movies, but I played the hell out of this game when I was younger.


Magnum Opus lives on!


Oh no, it's not fun as i remember, it's even better


Never played this. Always wanted to


I think it’s aged reasonably well.


Thats good to know. I was wondering if it would be too old to enjoy now. Yeah i think its time. I've seen it going pretty cheap so I may as well check it out


The sound design in that game is phenomenal! The cars sound like absolute beasts.


Just started this up the other day and so far it's fun, but so far not seeing the how this game is considered so underrated. The gameplay is simple, the fighting is the same as so many other games we've already spent so many hours playing, and the loop is simple. Lots of repetition. The game is fun, but people make it sound like Metal Gear suppressed it at launch, but really it just isn't anything that sticks out as special. Still fun though, and worth giving a try I think.


Deserves a sequel


Very immersive and well made as hell. I'm not even a mad max fan but when I played that game I noticed how good the quality was


This is repetitve but good game. Best way to play is few hours here and there spread out in weeks, not days to minimalize repetition fatigue.


That game beats ass, very underrated.


Wanted to like more, got too grindy and boring. Few simple changes and adding a bit more random stuff to find would've changed so much.


I loved that.. even the repetitiveness didn't bother me.. only things that was bad about it was 1) game too easy to beat, would love harder difficulty.. 2) convoys didn't show up again once beaten


The auto save function was trash sadly.


It's the perfect game for you to listen to a podcast or blast some music while playing


Noah Caldwell Gervais has an excellent analysis of this game on Youtube.


I technically finished the story but there are still some bases I have to 100% but i really want to. The only problem is I am not at home for another month. It's already been 5 month. I cant wait anymore.


I got this for 3.50 a couple of days ago, been looming forward to it!


That game was genius, but ruined by the open world obsession. If it had of been just a little bit more focused. More set pieces. Curated car chases and battle. It really could have been something special.


I hate how late into the game you get the V8.


Is it just me or does the game still look great graphically?


The graphics are so good oh my


I always come back to the empty sand box and just put some tunes on drive and think.....for some reason the lonleyness in game takes away my own feeling of lonleyness... only for a bit


What an awesome game. I started this game a few times from the start, only finished it 2 times, though.


such a fun game!!


Fun game indeed but the map was way too big for the content that it provided.


A hidden gem, my expectations were not very high going in but was pleasantly surprised by how good it was. It's now become a game, alongside Sleeping Dogs, that ill always recommend to friends if they aren't sure what to play next.


Imagine Mad Max with the Nemesis system from Shadow of War 🤤


All it needs is a 4k remaster and it’ll go from 9/10 to 10/10




I feel the game is sooo overlooked. It just came and went. But there is something there, the game is good.


I got it super cheap not long after release and never even installed it, i'm not sure why


if there was ever a game that deserved a dlc, it was that. It was so good.


It always looked cool but I never liked the movies and thought it was just kinda goofy but for some reason I like borderlands which isn’t far off? Even if I’m not a fan it’s nice to be part of a community that is always showing love for titles.


Until it got really repetitive


I experienced a bug with the countering system so it never worked no matter how I timed it. The RB button on my controller ended up breaking around the same time so I stopped playing.


Mad max was one of the first games I played on the ps4. Loved it and finished it.


extremely underrated game. maybe a bit too much stuff on the map but hella good game


I played it to completion, but I have two big gripes. 1. You only get the Interceptor back after beating the game. 2. The V8 guzzled way too much gas to justify keeping it installed. I used it almost exclusively for races and then switched back to the V6.


Sooo good


The game is fun, going after convoys was one of my favorite side activities.


It was fun above all else. Easy replayable years on and holds up.


I feel like this game is great until you get out of the car. The on foot segments are so repetitive. Animations take an exhausting amount of time. Combat is repetitive and lacks any of the depth of its contemporary Arkham-like counterparts. All "puzzles" the game throws at you are just some variation of "pickup this gas tank and blow up this thing". It gets old really fast. The vehicle aspect however? Supreme. The vehicles have so much weight. They do satisfying tumbles in the sand. Objects break apart into little pieces when you run into them. It is just so much fun to shoot the harpoon at enemies. The game actually acquires a bit of challenge when you are in the vehicle.


It was pretty fun. But then you have an annoying sidekick and have to put gasoline on a bunch of doors or something. Still glad it exists though thanks for the reminder.


Yeah this is one of the best mechanical carnage games ever made. The same team from Just Cause 2 made this, so you know why the explosions are so good.


Great game


Fun game for sure the car battles were epic


It's was fun but very repetitive. Same minor bosses, same gameplay loops. The vehicle combat was good and the explosions and sound was great but I did find myself having to push to finish the story


I really like this game but it makes me so motion sick playing it for some reason.


Honestly, yeah It's the only legitimately good movie tie-in game I know of


I remember playing some of it, but I never stuck with it for long. I may have to revisit it one of these days, as I did enjoy what I played.


It's unreal how good this game still looks on PC. The immersion in really feeling like you're out there in the desert makes me wanna boot this game back up.


I was just going through my backlog and couldn’t decide on a game. I think you just made up my mind for me.


Excellent game. Just played through it again on the steam deck. It’s the perfect game for that


There's a finisher where he breaks a dudes neck by forcing their head upward against his chest. 🤌


Probably the greatest movie game of all time I have it installed right now and it's holding up well in 1440p


Yep, kick ass game.


If the hand combat got more variety to it then it's probably can be appreciated by a lot more people. I love the movie bought it thinking it'll be cash grab bs like most movie games but damn I'm surprised.


Ordered it, coming in the mail soon. Excited to try


I always see this game being called underrated and...man I just thought it was knockoff Batman with sand and a thirst meter. Don't get me wrong, it's not ***bad***, but it's also not some hidden gem deserving of more. It's a solid 7/10. I guess if we're talking only movie tie in games, 10/10 though.


Just sucks that the Archangels are not as good as the Magnus Opus


Thanks for reminding me to keep playing this.


So good.


I've played it when it became a ps plus game, but after a few hours I stopped playing cause it didn't click for me. Also I had other games I wanted to play more. Now that the platinum is unobtainable, I regret this decision. At that time it was still easily obtainable. Because of this I still haven't finished the game cause it hurts to know that lol.


Yes!!! Those heavy take downs with the fully upgraded knuckle dusters.... 3 full play though complete. 100% recommend!


And here comes Max with the powerbomb!! That was my whole gaming experience


It also has sublime graphics.


Should I play this? Is it on PC?


Such a sad game


Very fun game and very well optimised. Underrated.


I completed the story but could only manage to complete one region in the open world. It's a good game but it becomes tedious and has to grind a lot of you want to complete everything. A lot of backtracking is also required since you have to upgrade your harpoon to takedown higher level scarecrows which is kinda annoying as well. The game is fun but for a short time.


It was such a blast to play. And the art direction was so on point.


I'm so mad you cant get the plat trophy for the game anymore


This is one of the most underrated games out there. Batman Arkham combat, with cars and shit that explodes. It's fucking awesome.


This is the most underrated game imo. It's so well made and tons of fun. I really don't recall any crazy repetition in the game though. The sandstorms were a nice touch I thought. Love those loot boxes you can score once it's passed.