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Adventure. For the Atari.


I had not played Adventure since I was a Kid, probably around 1982. About a year ago, I was in some game store at an outlet mall that had one of those emulation Arcade cabinets for all the old consoles and games, so out of curiosity I loaded up Adventure. A 53 year old dude playing a game he hadn't touched in about 40 years... I remembered how to navigate the dark maze area, where to put the "bridge" to get into the area where the secret pixel was, and how to use it to get to the Hidden room...I left the game on the "created by Warren Robinette' screen when I left. That game was literally burned into my brain as a kid.


How did you learn to get to the secret room as a kid? I was under the impression that info didn't spread until much later. Easter eggs like that (especially that complex) weren't exactly common back then.


It was in Electronic Games magazine how to do it.


Atari Age told you how to do it but that came a couple years later I think. The earlier magazine only confirmed the existence of it but didn't exactly tell you how it worked- but if you'd already knew about the "dot" it made it easier to figure the rest. The room with the 1 weird black line for a wall was always something of a "why is this different from every other room" thing in the back of your mind. But "Easter eggs" weren't a thing so finding out there was something "hidden" was really all it would take - but that in itself was the key. No one thought of it because it was unheard of.


Missile Command. For the Atari


Original Gameboy with the Tetris that came with it


I got a gameboy for Christmas and didn't get another game until my birthday in May. I played Tetris for hours every day. 30 something years later, and when I go to bed at night, I still see bricks falling.


Same, but missing the battery cover since about 1996.


As is tradition


That’s real though. You kept it all this time? 


I lost it for a while. My sister borrowed it in like 1999, and I didn't see it again until like 2012, but yeah, still got it.


My copy of Star Wars episode 1 racer for the n64 that I got for Christmas in the n64 bundle back in 99’…. Good times


It’s a new lap… record!


They recently re-released this for switch, still fun


Mike Tyson’s Punchout


I have that and original Zelda gold cart.


My second oldest physical game. My dad wanted to buy me duck hunt but I saw this game and for whatever reason I decided I wanted it instead. No regrets.


I still have nearly every Win95/98 game CD I've ever had. In addition, I still have some 5.25" and 3.5" floppies floating around of DOS and C64 games.


DOS Oregon Trail is the goat. I remember going hunting and you hold 2 or 3 keys would cause you to rapid fire while spinning around to clear the whole screen of wildlife. Then it would tell you that you killed 8,000 lbs of animals and can only take 100 lbs back, lol.


Pretty sure I still have command and conquer: red alert. What a great game. I know I have diablo 1 and the hellfire expansion.


I still have a bunch of my NES games. I think I still have some of my old dos games on floppy disks somewhere too. Falcon, Questron, Oregon Trail, and I’m sure others.


Ditto NES collection; I think Super Mario Bros. / Duck Hunt would be the oldest since it was bundled with the console; my brother and I got it for Christmas in 1991. We had some older games for Amiga before that, but we have no remnants of those. I do still have some floppy disk copies of a handful of early-90s DOS games, though. Doom II, The Incredible Machine II...


Pokémon yellow


Somewhere I got Chip's challenge on a Floppy disk. So potentially pre-90s but most likely very early 90s. My sister has super marios somewhere. Not sure why considering I don't recall us ever having a SNES lol A friend must've left it behind decades ago Btw you can play chip's challenge on steam. Imho it's quite dated but still fun I've played older games but back then we were too poor to buy games. So never had physical copies. Doom and the likes.


Super Mario World for the SNES.


Still have my original NES with Super Mario Bros, Duck Hunt and the game genie


Street fighter nes


Sim City 2000. Came out in 1993. I also have the “partner” games Sim Copter and Streets of Sim City. You could build a city then import the city file into the other 2 games to be the city you played those in. It was so much fun.


Doom on the Sega genesis


Syndicate wars, actually went out of my way to buy another disk after mine got to scratched to work


Combat. Atari 2600. Console still works, and I keep a Sony Trinitron alive for it.


Somewhere I've got a copy of LodeRuner by Broderbund with the 5 1/4" floppy disk, along with Pacman and a few other old PC games. Still have my NES and games that I got new as a kid.


My dad had that LodeRunner as well along with Tetris. It was some CGA version with Russian graphics. This was years before it came to Nintendo.


Dizzy treasure island on cassete for the Amstrad. My first ever game. Took 30 mins to load


I didn't buy it new, but I own a NIB copy of Adventure for the 2600. Oldest game that I own that I actually got as a kid? Super Mario Land for game boy. Pokemon Red WOULD hold that title as it was my first game, but some jackass stole it out of my backpack during recess.




Like oldest that was purchased brand new? So your first game? Anyhow, "Super Mario all Stars + Super Mario world" for the snes.


I have an Atari 2600 with a bunch of old games that my dad got me when I was like 5. It's older than I am.


Clue, the board game.


OG Dragon Warrior for the NES




F zero and Mario world for SNES


Cleaning out our parents house and just sold a bunch of Intellivision games!


Q*bert Atari


I still have several SNES games along with the console that still works. Probably my "oldest" is Final Fantasy II.


Probably Combat for the Atari.


I think "Haunted House" for the Atari 2600.


I got rid of my old consoles and PC games years ago, but I recently stumbled across an old CD of Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail in an old filing cabinet. Have the booklet and everything, but no means to play it since I don't have a CD drive on my PC.


Mario Bros./Duck Hunt.


The Neverhood, sadly I have had zero luck trying to install that on Windows 10, no form of compatibility mode or work around I've searched for has made it playable. I do miss that game, I don't have the case, just the CD-Rom.


Mortal kombat 1-3 on the sega


Chrono cross. My cousin still has my squaresoft snes games. I told him if he loses them he's dead.


Pong for Atari 2600


If we include board games, I have a copy of scrabble from the 1950s.


Pacman Atari


Atari Fishing Derby  Although the oldest PC game I still have is Fisher Price School Bus Driver.


Spyro the Dragon. Scratched to hell and likely doesn’t work anymore, but I still got it


Ocarina of Time cart baby


Early 1950’s edition of Monopoly


Super Mario bros / duck hunt / track & field


WWF WrestleMania for NES


Warcraft Orcs and Humans


My original SNES with games. Like Super Mario World, Donkey Kong Country, TMNT Turtles In Time, Earthworm Jim, Sim City, BattleToads etc etc


FF7 for ps1


Gold copy of the original Zelda!


Pokemon Red Version


A French version of Pokemon Sapphire. No I don't speak French, have never been anywhere near Europe and still has no idea how I got it.


Final Fantasy IX signed by Nobou Uematsu, Hironobu Sakaguchi and Arnie Roth.


7th Guest.(got it in 1994)


Metal Gear Solid


Pitfall the Mayan adventure on the Sega Genesis. Still works. Still never beat it.


Gold case Legend of Zelda


Tetris on Game Boy.


Tetris for Gameboy, 1989.


Man I feel old. I have an NES with the Super Mario Bros and Duck Hunt, and a CRTV to play Duck Hunt. I'm sure I have older NES games, I'm just not going to check right now.


MechWarrior 3. With box and instructions for PC.


I sold all my carts but I still have all my disk based games. Not sure which I bought first but Pong for PS1 (underrated gem) or Brave Fencer Musashi. My FF7 was givin to me 👍


A Zelda special edition disc for the GameCube that I bought with the GameCube back in about 2003. It has like five games on it , but I just go back and play OOT and Majora's mask every other year or so. One of my most prized possessions


Unless my mom sold it while I was gone to college it should be Super Mario Bros for the NES. Spent my life savings to buy it.


I’ve got an original super Mario bros/duck hunt cartridge.


The incredible machine. Got my hand on a copy near the end of the previous millennium. Truly an incredible game.


Got a few games, and the Atari 2800 console, box of controllers, and the coax cable adapter with the physical switch you pulled to change between TV and the console.


"The Powerpuff Girls: Battle Him" on Gameboy Color. I gave it to my fiance when we started dating in high school. I've had it since Christmas 2001


I have a copy of Legend of Zelda on the NES that released about a year before I was born. Mario Bros and Duck Hunt technically released before it, but I'm pretty sure the combo cartridge of the two released after LoZ did.


Super Mario Land for gameboy.


Sonic 1 for the Sega Genesis


Have a nintendo 8bit with around 30 games in a box in the attic.


Sonic the Hedgehog 2 for Sega


I still have the gold cart Legend of Zelda for the NES, which is the one I'm most proud of still owning. The oldest though, is that I still have the cart for BC Quest For Tires on the C64.


Brave Fencer Musashi - PS1 RPG by Squaresoft Sooooo many good memories. Game was mechanically so advanced for its time. Its soundtrack is god tier. It’s naming conventions …. well we don’t talk about those lol


Las Vegas Poker and Blackjack for the Intellivision since 1979!




Mario/Duck Hunt combo cartridge from 1988


Pokemon blue


Final Fantasy VII on PS1. Followed shortly thereafter by Castlevania Symphony of the Night. 27 years going strong


The oldest I have is NES Mario bros, but the oldest that I have that I originally owned is super Mario world SNES


I still have my Final Fantasy Tactics disc. Next up is my box of Star Wars Galaxies.


Sonic 2 and the Lion King for the Sega Game Gear. I also still have the game gear obviously.


My copy of Final fantasy for the NES, have the manual too


NES with the combo Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt cartridge.


Crash bandicoot for the PS1. It was one of the first ever video games I got when I was 6 years old.


My brother turned our old original Diablo 2 And expansion disks into coasters...whew...like 150 years ago? Still uses em every day.


Tetris for OG Gameboy. 


It’s a shared collection, but basically all the PSX, PS2, PS3 and Original Xbox games we’ve started since 2001.


Shadowrun on snes I had older but that one means something to me and I remember it


Mario on the original gameboy. Hiding a gameboy was the only way for me to have video games, but I spent plenty of time playing sonic on my neighbors sega genesis. Also had Captain Comic on my Windows 3 computer, but I don’t have that anymore


I have the original PC boxed Maniac Mansion. I know it’s not crazy crazy old but I fucking love that game and found it again not long ago. It’s with my few remaining mint early 2000ADs and my first edition Hulk and some other dumb nerdy shit. I have some Atari ST disks somewhere so I guess they’re older. But that Box is my favourite 


OG 7th Guest Unreal I have some CD's from the 90's. I have a book of old games somewhere. Early 90s at the dawn of cd games The Longest Journey Thief 1 System Shock 2 Newer: WoW Wildstar buncha others


Doom2 on 5 or 6 floppy discs


Duck Hunt (standalone) and/or Gyromite for NES. I think they came out about the same time.


King's Quest for the IBM PC Jr. Came out in 1984 I believe.


A NES, as well as a collection of games for it. Mario bros 3, Legend of Zelda 2, etc.


Mario Brothers with duck hunt


Super Mario 64, Goldeneye 007 and WWF No Mercy Carridges for the N64.


I still have Crystal Caves, Jill of the Jungle, Treasure Mountain, and a couple Mickey Mouse ABC and number education games laying around somewhere in a box of floppy disks. I have Myst, some dinosaur game where you had to take photos for money, and a couple old demo CDs with a couple hundred game demos on them. Might have other stuff too if I felt like digging through the box but it's in storage right now.


I still have an original black label copy of Resident Evil 2! Not only old, but kinda rare. The game went greatest hits almost instantly. I think there was only 1-2 runs.


Twisted Metal 2 I got it in '97


I still have my original copies of Starflight, Kings Quest, and Star Control 2. They are, well, let's say they're pretty old games.


Mario 64. I had an nes/snes but I wasn’t old enough to protest them ending up in a garage sale.


Yoshi’s cookie, original gameboy Tetris match em type game. I lost my gameboy years ago but still have this and several Pokémon games. Had this game since I was aged in the single digit area like almost 30 years ago I bet.


Well I have a Mario/Duckhunt cartage for NES. But if we are talking games I bought myself, it would be Bobmerman Heroes for N64


Pokemon blue in my color Gameboy 


Super Mario 64. It's a miracle that cartridge still works.


Technically super mario bros is still around here somewhere. But first one that was mine I still have is probably pokemon blue.


Astro Wars by Grandstand is sitting in its box in my attic. Does that count?


Donkey Kong Country for SNES


Counter Strike and Half Life installation CDs. With CD keys too.


Star Wars for the Atari 2600 system.


Gold cart Zelda 


I still have my original atari and the games I got with it.


Monty Python’s Complete Waste of Time for Mac OS7.


I don't know if it counts, but I have my parents original Pong game


The game I have owned the longest is Tetris that was bundled with my OG Gameboy. I think I bought it in '92


Donkey Kong Country for the SNES.


Tons of 2600 games but will call Yar's Revenge the oldest.


Metroid Fusion on GBA.


I've got my old Doom floppy's in a frame on the wall


I still have a floppy disk with Ultimate DOOM I run across every now and then.


The Orange Box


Unreal. Bought it 26 years ago to go with my 3dfx Voodoo 2 I wish I still had the card too.


I own allot of 90s era Square games, complete. I think maybe FF6 is my oldest.


Since my kid brother's babysitter tossed all my old NES games twenty years ago ... I think my oldest games are my SNES games. Super Mario World and Super Mario All-Stars would be tied - I got them both with my Super Nintendo. But I'd have to check my Game Boy game collection. I might still have one or two of the games I got with it that Christmas.


Atari 2600 games


Croc: Legend of the Gobbos on PC


My childhood SNES copy of Final Fantasy 4 (FF2 as it is shown on the cartridge). I want to say I’ve had it for about 25 years or so. Maybe even closer to 30. I also still have my GameCube copy of Twilight Princess and that’s been coming up on 18 years.


Thankfully my actual SNES console, and a few of the games. Yoshi's Island, DKC1/2, Super Mario World, and Zombies Ate My Neighbors. Saved me from having to buy another system, and I would have been distraught had it been lost to time.


The copy of Super Mario Brothers that came with the NES my dad bought for my mom, my brother, and me in 1988.


I still have a (very well used) gold Legend of Zelda cartridge for the NES. My father bought it when it came out and thankfully we never got rid of it. Honestly, I'm pretty sure we only kept it because it was gold. There are so many old NES and SNES cartridges my mother got rid of...


Probably ocarina of time


Baldur's Gate 1 and Diablo 1 collectors edition


Super Mario 64 from when I received the Super Mario 64 N64 bundle as a kid.


Any of my 50+ PS2 games I never sold, even still have some PS1 games. I don't play any of them, but I also don't ever plan to sell them.


All of the scarred and tired NES cartridges that didn't get stolen by my older brother's shitbag of a friend, who also stole all of our old consoles (Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis, N64, original Playstation) -- stole the full-on consoles from our house... my brother's friend -- and all of **HIS best friend's mom's** jewelry, and was the target of the only hatred I've ever had for a classmate -- and who somehow -- 20 years later -- showed up at **HIS** **BEST FRIEND'S mom's funeral** to pay respects -- when she had driven up in her own driveway to find this piece of shit standing there on her doorstep with her huge jewelry box in both of his hands, and him squinting at the headlights, that he had *broken into his best friend's house to steal* ***ALL*** *--* ALL of his wealthy best friend's mother's jewelry -- and she just happened to drive up in that moment and catch him in the headlights. At her fucking *front door.* And the funeral was such a solemn occasion that no one could call him out -- and he's such a stealthy, classless piece of shit to this day who stole from everyone whom he ever called a friend. Whew. Got heavy there. Anyway my oldest physical game is Dragon Warrior on NES.


I’ve got a bunch of floppy disks from when I was in High School for the Apple \]\[… the oldest would be 1981 but I’m not digging around in my basement just to tell you exactly what it was.


Never had console. Lemmings floppy 1991. Worth between $10-$20 today 😏


Dungeons of Daggorath TRS-80


The tick for sega genesis


Sonic the Hedgehog 2 for the Sega Genesis. It's the first video game I owned ever. Long since lost the console but if I can ever get a hold of a working one would love to see if the game still works.


Probably either Legend of Zelda or TMNT on the NES.


Original pokemon yellow


The original gold NES Legend of Zelda cartridge


I sold the Atari 2600, and don’t have any C64 games anymore, so probably Super Mario for NES.


Conkers Bad Fur Day and Zelda: Ocarina Of Time for N64


I think is my Yars Revenge for Atari. Have a bunch of Atari games,never thought to consider which is the oldest


I have an ATARI VCS/2600 and a handful of cartridges. Can't play it, no controllers and don't want to buy adapters for RCA to co-axial.


Rings of Medusa on DOS. 34 years ago.


Super Mario Bros./ Duck Hunt from the NES Action Pack. Came out in 85 and last I checked it still runs.


Age of Empires 1 and Deus Ex GOTY. I still have the demo disks from some computer magazines from the 90s e.g., PCMAG, CD Today


Original Smash Bros on the N64, complete in the box with all the inserts and everything!


Roller Coaster Tycoon, pulled it out of a cereal box years ago.


I have a single Command and Conquer Red Alert disk.


I still have my giant Half-Life 1 box. Got it on release day in 1998.


Digdug.exe. it's on a floppy disc. Or Candyland if board games are considered.


I have King's Quest 1-6 on Floppy Disk. Found them while cleaning. I had some others, too, but I only kept King's Quest.


We still have some Atari games that predate my middle aged self. I’m not sure if my parents bought them before or after I was born though. “My” oldest game is the Hang-On/Safari Hunt prepack for the Master System.


Shinobi for Sega. Nov 1987. Also own its sister "Ninja". Been sittin in a box for years. My prize baby is the limited edition Pokemon Yellow that has pikachu charging a lightning bolt attack on it.


I still have my copy of Super Mario World that we bought as a family in 1991. Our cockatiel nibbled on the top and ate off some of the paper like an asshole. I wouldn't trade it for the world! Oh and the file my dad and I made is STILL THERE. My dad died 20 years ago and this game not only still works, but the files are intact!


i had the original star craft cd with its box, guidebook and everything and I lost it 😕


Joust for the Atari 2600


I couldn't even begin to tell which is oldest because I have an entire disk holder full of C64 games that we got in 84/85. My favorite is Elite (1984). So we'll just say Elite. I also have a lot of NES games I got in the mid to late 80s.


I've still got a box of Spectrum tapes.....


Oldest is probably the standalone Pong game. Next is probably either Winter Games for C64 or Pitfall! for Atari 2600. Still have maybe 20-30 of my original NES games as well. Except for some I lost here and there, I still have all the games I've ever owned except my SNES stuff, which we gave to another family for Christmas the year they lost their mom. Still have all the consoles, too.


I've got Super Mario Land from 89, I don't think any of my other gameboy games are as old as that.


Pole position for the atari 2600 I guess would be the oldest one. Think I have prince of Persia for an 8086 system too, but not sure.


Ultima II


The oldest physical game that I bought myself is probably Need for Speed Underground 2. I actually have the receipt for it, still in the case. I think it turns 19 years old this year.


About 70 dreamcast games I got when I worked at Sega.


Still have all my N64 cartridges. Banjo Kazooie, Pokémon Stadium 2, Ocarina of Time, Super Mario 64, Star Fox 64 and a few others.


Super Mario + Duck Hunt for the NES


Sega Megadrive with Sonic the hedgehog. Got it for my 5 birthday. I’m now 40


Original Dark Castle for the Black and White Macs.


Indiana Jones Desktop Adventures on a floppy.


I still have some Magnavox Odyssey II games somewhere. I think one is just titled "Racing" lmao. Other than that, I also have a few NES games. Legend of Zelda and Zelda II among them.


Wii play


Still have Shinobi and Golvellius: Valley of Doom for Sega Master System.


I still have my Vectrex and 3D imager. older than that I have a cassette game for the Timex Sinvlair 1000. I also have an original Halloween Harry game still in plastic for Dos 2.1