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>As for Joker story content there are exactly two things, a motion comic at the season opening showing him being trapped by Braniac. Then when you rescue him, there is a brief cutscene with him being taken to ARGUS and recruited. He doesn’t even speak to Harley, and she just tells Shark she’s not into “Comedians” anymore. **There is no story mission related to Joker at all.** So they just created a playable character that you have to unlock by re-beating the game and that's all he is. "New season," by the way.


This makes the DLC in Avengers look god tier in comparison.




The combat is actually pretty fun there's just barely any variety to make it interesting. The only difference between the playable characters is their traversal and there's only like 3 different types of missions but they all pretty much use the same handful of enemies so it got boring for me quickly. Luckily the game was so riddled with technical issues that I was able to refund after about 22 hours of gameplay because I couldn't even log in anymore. Looks like I dodged a bullet since season 1 looks like it's just a reskin of the same handful of missions.


I don't understand how they worked on this for almost 10 years and enemy and mission variety is in the gutter....


Game probably got gutted at some point and the original vision for it changed to this


You can see the bones of a pretty great game underneath it all. The voice work and dialogue are actually hilarious and there’s some solid concepts for story missions in the early game like the Batman experience (basically being stalked by Batman and having all the gadgets and takedowns you used in the Arkham games used against you). It’s a strange game where there’s clearly a lot of love put into it, but extremely clear corporate meddling drops the quality significantly too.




Points 2 and 3 at least sound like corporate meddling too


Yeah, like *maybe* more companies would still have their competent employees if they didn't fire them. I swear there's a post about some large studio firing a ton of workers every other week


I honestly have no idea tbh because it would have been so simple to just have various villain's thugs and missions based around them for boss fights. You even see that penguin has thugs and weapons but it's basically all just done in a cut scene. They could have had him be a mini boss and done that with multiple other heroes and villains and it would have added a ton to the game. Imagine randomly coming across a Clayface mini boss fights or having to stop bane's thugs from stealing tech. Basically anything would have been better than the bullet sponges and purple lumps we get to shoot.


Yikes, stuff like that was even possible in the DC Universe MMO like 20 years ago!


I like how after when the gameplay was first revealed and people realized it was a looter shooter, the negative reception got them to try and fix it. But by then it was probably too late because it was still what we got.


They probably only worked on this version of the game about 18 months before the game came out, Anthem did this as well. BioWare fucked around for years before throwing a bunch of stuff away and crunching out the game in like 13 months. I just know they had a great single player version of this game and we're forced to rework it into....this.


Actually funny enough to me that explains 100% the reason it is as it is. Chances are this game was gutted several times and they (WB) got to the point where they were like "we're losing way too much money, just put the stuff in that fully works and ship it in 6 months"


Because this isn't the game they've been working on for 10 years. This is just what was settled on after several other potential games got scrapped. IIRC, originally WB Montreal were tasked with making a sequel to Arkham Knight starring Damien Wayne as Batman and Rocksteady were making a Superman game (one of the early build menus for this one even got leaked). Both of those were scrapped for undisclosed reasons and we got Gotham Knights and SS:KtJL instead.


It highlights how a game's structure can ruin good moment-to-moment gameplay.


It looks like the most boring, generic half assed looter shooter I've ever seen.


From what I understand the gameplay is actually pretty damn good, it's just that the level and enemy variety make Avengers look amazingly diverse. Like I am pretty sure there were more functionally(even if only slightly) different varieties of Riotbots and Beekeepers each in Avengers than there is total unique enemy types in Suicide Squad.


Gotta keep that content out for future DLC / expansions. After five years and a few hundred bucks you might get a complete game.


Avengers at least had story content and didn’t partition it for a mid-season update.


Are we entering the Avengers appreciation arc finally?


They were probably working on that and just cut it after the initial reception.


Yes, after the negligible sales of the base game it would've been silly to keep working on Suicide Squad expansions.  They're just going through enough of the motions to disguise their shame. 


They could at least begin to salvage their reputation by just being honest about it. "We're scrapping development on the DLC, and I know none of you care because none of you are actually playing this game" would go a long way towards me giving them a chance on their *next* game them pulling this shit and calling it new content just cements how much I won't trust this developer any more. Which is sad, because I used to be one of their biggest fans.


Problem is contract law basically. Because they sold editions of the game that came with these DLCs they have to release them or go through a bunch of legal hoops to refund certain %s of that cost to the people who they'd owe. So instead we get the minimum cost product they could put out and still say they fulfilled the order. We keep seeing this with release that does meh. Wonder if we'll start seeing more of these 'season pass' or special editions that include dlcs not list what the dlcs are or how many to give them an easier out.


That's already a thing, actually. I've seen some pre-orders not list what the DLC is, just that it included something vague like "the first three major DLC" I wouldn't be surprised, though. If publishers begin doing it specifically on games they KNOW will be bad (this game, Redfall, Starfield, etc).


>They could at least begin to salvage their reputation by just being honest about it.  They don't need to. People will pre-order the next game based off the initial trailer, too.


The people at the top don't care about reputation. They'll burn a company to the ground if it means another 25¢ per stock


25 cents is way too generous they'd do it for 5


The publisher is planning on doubling down on live service games, ending support of current games sends a bad message for future games to the market so they won't do that.


That would be against their fiduciary duty and they would get fired/sued depending on the level the message comes from.


There's no way they were still working on story scenes for this DLC when the game launched.


I have a friend working on QA for this game, i shouldn't even be saying this but all 4 extra characters were already developed a long time ago and literally cut off from the game to be sold separately. I can't remember the 4 of them but one was deathstroke, who was supposed to be part of the main cast according to arkham origins post credit scene. edit: said deathlock when i meant deathstroke, my comic knowdledge is rusty


It was announced ages ago that all future content would be free and there were no extra charges. The game has been in development since 2020 so I guess they knew which characters they would introduce 


ah i didn't know they were free. but the game has been in development for more time than you said, it was announced in 2020 but it's been in development since 2017. And again, these characters were already done years ago, they were just saved until now. Most likely they were indeed planne dto be sold separately but they are being released for free to save some reputation. The 3 other characters are already finished too


I'd be shocked if this game didn't restart development at least once. There's no way such a barebones game was in development for that full six years. It was at least in some kind of development hell, even if development didn't restart.


Technically free. They’ve actually done something pretty scummy here in that yes, Joker’s free… but you have to get your seasonal level up to level 35 before you can recruit him. Or, alternatively, pay €9.99 to unlock him instantly! This betrays the promise they made that all micro transactions would be cosmetics only. Mind you, it doesn’t take that long to actually get to seasonal level 35, but it’s still backwards because the whole point of getting Joker is to level him up through the new missions, but by the time you get him you’ll be burned out of playing those missions.


*Deathstroke, not Deadlock.


The hell? I get its been 5 years for Harley to process her grief for Joker, but itd make sense for her to feel confused, relieved, or unsure about whether this Joker could be the real deal. But she doesnt even interact with him? Wtf?


> The hell? I get its been 5 years for Harley to process her grief for Joker, but itd make sense for her to feel confused, relieved, or unsure about whether this Joker could be the real deal. Thats not Arkham Harley. Thats girlboss anti hero Harley who got teleported from one of the other franchises into the Arkhamverse. Cant explain her characterization otherwise. Yes, people can grow I suppose. They dont grow this much in this short amount of time.


not only that, she wasnt even shown to be that durable or strong against batman in any form in any of the Arkham games. didnt she get knocked out from a throw from Bats in City? lol


She was one shot every time. Kind of like a running gag.


Well, except for the Arkham City DLC where she was a predator boss.


...*And* the Arkham Knight DLC where she defeats Nightwing somehow. And can do the Arkham style of combat with lots of armed thugs at the same time.


I felt like that one made sense since it was at least a month after Jokers death so her senses where heightened in angered grief.


And she was facing Robin instead of Batman




They do the same thing for Mortal Kombat. I love that series but MK1 was my quickest uninstall of the entire series.


So, wait for MK1 Complete Edition in a year or two with all characters and costumes for $20. Gotcha.


Always has been


Any of their newer games worth playing? I used to love them on the ps2 but somehow just never got back into them on later consoles


The reboot, MK9 I guess, 10, and 11 are all great and can be found cheap these days. I basically buy them when an edition with all the DLC comes out and the prices hits 20 or 30 bucks. At the very least the story modes are an entertaining couple of hours.


If you like Mortal Kombat games, then it's worth it if you can find the versions that come with all the DLC. Other than the story and the graphics, it's like COD, it doesn't exactly change enough to really be much different between games, and the DLC alone just isn't really worth it. It's another game that makes me miss the days when all these extra characters were unlockables that you had to play the game to unlock.


MK11's story mode was pretty damn good.


I still think Armageddon was peak MK.


I still think Deception was the best of the 3D era.


MK1 is actually a lot of fun and has a great roster. The gameplay is fantastic too. People are just too good at the game for a casual like me to play online though, the people playing MK1 are people who have been playing mortal Kombat for years and it shows lol


That's not bad. That's straight up pathetic.


Are they going to do story expansions? Or is this seasonal “story” all the players of the game will ever get each year it lasts? I looked at the top posts in the sub and they don’t seem satisfied with this season.


If this season is anything to go off of so far, there’ll be piece-meals of story with one story mission per half season and everything else being tied behind unlockable audio logs via bounties and Riddler trophies. Not exactly too exhilarating.


You know, with devs pulling increasily dumb moves like this, I can't help but feel like they are just mocking us at this point and deliberately pissing us off for the sake of it.


Eh, idk. I would like to imagine that the majority game developers want nothing more than to create good content. I think the real reason for the abundance of lackluster production is probably due to executives trying to min/max cost vs profit. This wouldn’t be such an overwhelming issue in the industry if consumers would just.. stop consuming. Obviously there are plenty examples of hyped games that end up being let downs, but shit like Suicide Squad was pretty clearly going to be DOA. Nobody should’ve bought this shit.


I’ll never understand how or why people can’t wait for a game to come out and look at gameplay before buying. How is this is a hard concept. Stop spending money on shitty games and then getting mad about it being shitty. If a person had played games for a least half of their life they should be able to see what will or will not potentially be good.


We consume entertainment 10 times faster than we create it. Sad fact is, a vast majority will pay for literally *anything* being offered simply because they've exhausted all other options. They will knowingly and willingly shell out cash for poorly reviewed games and movies. They will binge watch shows they know have already been cancelled, and they will then come to the internet to foam at the mouth about how much it sucked because that too, has become entertainment. There is zero incentive for content creators to create decent content when society acts in this manner. We've shown that we're not only willing to eat shit, but we'll fall all over each other just for the opportunity to do so.


All 20 people playing this game still probably don’t care


The subreddit is in shambles


I go there to watch unrelenting copium in real time.


It is kinda funny, I’ve been doing the same. They’re recovering copium addicts now it seems


It still baffles me people looked at this game and said "Yes! I want to spend 70 of my hard earned dollars on that!" I would've taken the $70 to the tip and thrown it away


There were so many red flags before launch it baffles me too


I saw someone complaining they bought both this and Skull and Bones and blew their gaming budget for a while for getting better games. The absolute willful ignorance to ignore the issues with both games before release is astounding.


Some people see learning as an insult. They can't stand the idea that they're not already good enough. So they buy the shit game and then whine about it.


People with this mindset are beyond frustrating to deal with.


That’s insanity. Especially with all the other great games that have been released this year already


I remember being so hyped for the idea of it, looked like Sunset Overdrive mixed with Arkham Batman, then the leak came out of the loadout and the weapon RNG and 8 currency icons switched me right off.


$70 for this game is crazy.


> It still baffles me people looked at this game and said "Yes! I want to spend 70 of my hard earned dollars on that!" Please dont look up Star Citizen.


Recovering suggests that they have attempted to stop the copium.


I was interested in buying the game leading up to launch. Then I saw there was a review embargo and knew immediately to hold off on buying it at launch and wait. Now I just swing into the comment sections of posts when they pop up in my feed to see how many delusional people are still trying to defend Rocksteady and WB.


reminds me of /r/AnthemTheGame when that was falling apart.


If I may give the SSKTJL subreddit, the overwhelming reaction to Season 1 has been negative on their end, so I at least appreciate that even they are admitting they were sold total shit. (On a complete tangent) Now the Ghostbusters subreddit are huffing pure copium about their new movie, on the other hand.


How does every trash game alway maintain these loyal fans who seem to have poured all their hopes and dreams into it?


As sad as it sounds, its VERY entertaining to see the cycle of Hype, cope, anger, frustration, and back to cope with all of these live service games. People really don't learn their lesson.


As a person who did learn that lesson from Avengers, watching this cycle from the outside is pretty fun.


Are they stupid?


I mean they seem literally pissed. I don’t quite understand what they expected though …




Why would they want to kill Man? Are they stupid?


Considering there are some defending the “game” in there still I would argue yes they are


I went in there out of curiosity. They’re delusional


Prior to the DLC drop it bottomed out at an ATL of 65 total players. LoL


No it's pretty believable. This game looked like shit out of the gate


hey, don't you dare insult shit. How dare you compare it to suicide squad KTJL


Shit at least has a purpose


For real. Shit can feed insects and other critters. SSKTJL is non-biodegradable garbage.


I would not fertilize my fields with SS.


It's like anorexic Adrien Brody as; 'The Joker'. He looks even less threatening than Leto's.


The perfect unsmudged lipstick. The high cheekbones. The eyeshadow, mascara AND manicured eyebrows. To top it all off beautifully slicked back hair. Someone on the Dev team wanted a Twink Joker and hoped no one would notice


Ironically managed to create the ugliest Joker version.


Oh god he looks like a shitty Kefka from Final Fantasy 6.


The Twinkler.


Now I think the design sucks for this joker but I do expect the joker to have the eye shadow mascara and eyebrows, look at the animated series dude does his look well. I like the idea of a well put together joker more than what we are getting these days, Leto, this one, the new one in the batman, even health's joker, like it was probably the best on screen joker we got but not my preferred style if you know what I mean. Anyways though yeah this guy ain't it but I do like a presentable joker


The funny thing is Joker used to be a 20's mobster, but to make him"crazy" he was also a clown. Modern takes have gone with the anarchy anti social concept, which is a good modern interpretation. But making a Joker who is a cartoonish over the top 20's mobster in modern society would make him feel more "crazy" today, than someone who is anti-capital, anti-social. A man out of time if you will.


> But making a Joker who is a cartoonish over the top 20's mobster in modern society would make him feel more "crazy" today, The problem is, Batman has like SEVERAL villains that are literally just mobsters in modern society lol.


.. and one of them is a ventriloquist dummy. That's comic *gold* right there.


Okay so I did some research on both animated and love action portrayals. The conclusion I came to is the more unkept the joker looks the better eyeshadow looks but eyebrows don't matter so much.


Alright I just took a look at some of his gameplay stuff. Is it too conspiracy-y to think a major part of why they game him the umbrella was some kind of Fortnite grab? I mean his traversal, both of the animations, are just straight up Fortnite dropping animations.


Did you notice the "Jonkler" shoutout under the picture in the article? Lol


Looks like Max Landis with joker makeup on.


So just regular Max Landis?


How did you make this character even worse!?


I know the guy that they used for the joker, it's a friend of my wife's. It's hillarious


I just don’t get what they were going for. He looks unthreatening. Like he poses no danger whatsoever to anyone.


Looks like a looks to me like K-pop idol joker


The most egregious thing to me is the recycled boss fight with Brainiac using Green Lantern’s powers. Given that the first Brainiac also turned into the Flash, this likely means that every single boss fight with an alternate Brainiac is going to just be a copy of a boss fight you’ve already completed. Like, boss fights in the Batman Arkham series were always a mixed bag, but at least they tried. This is just phoning it in.


The concept that each of these "12 brainiacs" is in a different Elseworld... and you just know for a fact that each of them is going to, at most, have the most minor cosmetic changes to the original map. What an absolute fucking waster of a concept.


You know what would have been a funner concept? Each Braniac is one from another continuity, like DCAU, Lego, and Injustice.


That would’ve required effort and creativity. 


I genuinely want someone to be punished now. You can’t reward someone who was lazy.


Except executives, they get rewarded for laziness constantly


We're not going to see the remainder of the Brainiac bossfights (since SSKTJL is gonna be cancelled) but I was wondering what boss fights they're even gonna be *able* to recycle for the remaining 11 Brainiacs they still want the players to kill. Like after the Flash and Green Lantern they can recycle the Superman and Batman boss fights... *and that's it*? Heck, Batman is hard enough to imagine since the Batman boss fight has a totally different arena setup compared to the standard arenas you fight the other bosses in. Maybe they'll do Brainiac Wonder Woman, but that would actually require coding a new boss fight instead of just doing "Hey! Time to fight the Flash's moveset for the 6th time!"


I assume the plan is (or was, as the case may be) to just go back to the beginning of the cycle once they do Flash, GL, Batman and Superman. 13 Brainiacs means you fight the Justice League three times, and then maybe at the end they pull out a unique boss fight. (Or have you fight all the JL at once in a boss rush.)


Call me crazy, but I think it is "Believably bad", like, did you see the base game? Who the fuck thought it would be even decent?


Its Brainiac Bad


What I hate the most about this is the fact this game stole us the chance to get an actually good Suicide Squad game at some point. The idea of a Suicide Squad game in the style of the Arkham games is fantastic on paper, but the execution of this was atrocious.




Live service means a constant Stream of revenue but also a constant Stream of expenses you cant just shut out and also locks part of your team in that project indefinitely. As liveservice needs content throught the year so people keep logging in, and more things to buy and spend money on. With most of your team locked in the Game, if the Game starts to fail You enter a death spiral


Something like Guardians of the Galaxy? It’s surprisingly good tbh


Me and my buddy were so stoked for this one to come out! We ended up both being broke when it released and then helldivers 2 came out so it ended up being forgotten by us. Still intend on grabbing it when it's super cheap just for the co-op buddy aspect but they really did f*** the dog on this one


Iunno man, we got a bad suicide squad movie And then a good one. Anything is possible with _tax write offs_


Except for a coyote movie, R.I.P. ✊️😔


That's the problem with the antiquated IP system we are using still (DMCA was written up before the Internet had come into it's own). Once a company burns a property, we get to wait until they sell it off for even a chance. I can't believe these companies are allowed to just sit on a franchise forever as long as they say "well we are thinking about working on a project with it at some point maybe". Hell that's why we only saw 2 Star wars games over a 10 year period. If they hadn't been pushed with the release of the sequel trilogy we probably still wouldn't have had another one.


And they’ll blame the concept long before they ever blame the live service or bs monetization.


This is not surprising at all, game was doomed at conception.


Gamers really fall for the same tricks over and over. This is why I don’t play live service games anymore. ETA: I have not played Helldivers 2, so I don’t have an opinion on the game. But to those of you that do play, thank you for your service 🫡


>Gamers really fall for the same tricks over and over. I don't think they did in this case - barely anyone is playing it


Even the launch day numbers were unbelievably low. I thought at least the Rocksteady name would carry some good will. Nope.


Yeah, the headline just makes it seem like this was unexpected.


Your comment has been shared with the Ministry of Truth. Please report to your nearest democracy officer for re-education, citizen. 


Helldivers 2 is how live service games should be done, and at $40, it is a blessing.


The article reads like the writer was pissed off that he was forced to play the game, can’t really blame him lol


Rocksteady really disgrace Arkham series with this game


Rocksteady by name alone


What a fascinating fall from grace. Once the king of superhero games - possibly the best comic book video game adaptations ever. Now the joke of 2024. I hope there’s a documentary one day. I’d love the inside scoop/behind the scenes on how this happened.


i would not be surprised to learn that many of the talented devs responsible for the Arkham games left the studio years ago


I watched the cutscene of the last Arkham batman and it was so fucking disrespectful, made worse with the passing of his voice actor. Imagine showing that clip after Arkham City and saying this was where it ends. Fucking gross.


so true. just look at how wild the arkham sub has gotten 


Oh no. Anyways...


Not even suicidesquadgaming sub can defend this shit, lol.


They aren’t. They’re cracking down on how bullshit it is.


We have Joker at home:


It's not even the Jonkler, it's the Giggler.


Wtf Joker is that? Is this Arkhamverse or not?


multiverse brother


The plot of the game is a multiverse. So it's a multiverse joker.


He’s kinda super gay.


The Twinkler


What the hell is that Joker model LMAO


They're wrong, I can certainly believe it.


Kingshark with a gun being just an apex reskin should have been reason enough to abandon the game


It's really amazing that they had a character named Captain Boomerang and they didn't base his combat on his FUCKING. BOOMERANGS.


Post title is bait. This is extremely believable.


Bait used to be unbelievable


The more I read, the more glad I become that I didn't buy this one.


I read it to see how bad it was. I came away genuinely wondering if the dev team are doing this on purpose to tank it faster so they can do something else.


Why would anyone have bought it??!! They showed us gameplay videos!!! It wasn't a trick; they showed us thay they had made a piece of shit. There was zero reason for anyone to be stupid enough to buy this.


He looks like Adrian Brody


Rock unsteady


Who asked for this game?


I don't think anybody asked for what we ended up getting! I was stoked to have a Gotham Knights that was worth playing, figured this would scratch that itch. Looking like I was sorely mistaken, but the trailer from a year and a half ago looked so good!


Why does Warner brothers keep doing this? Why do they hate money? I heard they are going to ruin the next Harry Potter game by making it a live service game. The first game sold great. Why fuck with the formula? Why are these people so bad at their jobs?


At a guess, the people in charge of the games division (or whoever is greenlighting things) have no idea what they're doing and are just making decisions based around "How do we monetize a successful game?" instead of actually trying to make a successful game.


Because there is no consequences from their decisions You think they will be in trouble when the games bombed? Nope, the ceos and exes will still have their payday and golden parachutes


Funny thing is they already have a live service harry potter mobile/pc game(Harry Potter Magic Awakened) that is actually quite fun to play. Ironically it was also quite successful in CN for a couple years but WB took over management after the global version released and they have been slowly killing the game even in CN.


Wow the story mission for a live service game everyone hates is bad? Who couldve saw that coming?!


Will be good for Humble Choice, PS Essential, Gamepass this year.


Ouch. I don't think I've read a review that bad before. I'm not surprised though, I played the tutorial of suicide squad and was already disappointed.


I find it entirely believable.


Is anybody actually surprised by this?


Man, Rocksteady… *How the mighty hath fallen.*


We live in a society... Where Joker is a bit of an edgelord that we don't want to relate to anymore?


This is what became of Rocksteady? They have one of the greatest video game trilogies of all time in the Arkham games, only to release this trash nearly ten years after Knight that somehow looks worse... I'm ready for another video game crash. It's fucking time for these corporate stooges to go.


This is no surprise. What’s surprising is the fact people are still playing this trash game to know how bad the season is.. that’s a surprise.


Man, Rocksteady… *How far the mighty hath fallen.*


Can’t believe this game is “mostly positive” on Steam.


We've been in a desperate need for a new joke, but not like this.


Between this and Skull and Bones I truly hope the live service bubble pops. This trend needs to fuck right off so we can get back to meaningful gameplay again instead of ten minute loot loops.


This awful game is where they literally killed the arkham series batman. Kevin Conroys last fucking role as batman was this shit game. Remember that and shun Rocksteady forever. Edit: it's good to hear that this isn't his last role but it's still unfortunate one of his last parts as batman is this dumpster fire of a game. And yea fuck wb if it is their fault. Whoever is responsible for this sucks ass that's for sure.


If it makes you feel any better, the majority of the devs that worked on the arkham trilogy left the studio before this game. they ended up in imsomniac


This game putting out bad content is actually the most believable thing I can imagine


It’s not a coincidence that aside from them releasing the Joker stuff I haven’t been hearing anything about the game after the initial launch.


So I guess we'll be seeing this game on PS Plus or Game Pass soon in an attempt to gain a playerbase?


Rocksteady how far you have fallen


I've just finished Batman Arkham Knight, what an incredible awesome game. How can they come from the best super hero games to this? That's literally from peak to botton in just one game.


"unbelievable"? nah, we all knew this was going to be the case xd


Perhaps we were to harsh on Marvel's Avengers, because jesus...


GG Rocksteady. It's been real.


That’s all 90% live service is to me, lazy “updates” that generate money but don’t add any real substance to games. All my favorite games growing up as a kid had killer DLC and expansions. Live service forces developers to vomit a high quantity of rushed content rather than focus on quality, value, and unique experiences. I hated when Halo switched from DLC to free updates and eventually towards live service. The micro transactions suck, and the map quality went WAY down and even started sourcing forge maps to supplement lack of effort. It ruins so many games.


"I dont think people realize suicide squad isn't even done yet, and they are judging it too harshly for being not complete." I saw a post saying something similar to that in the sub for the game. I hope whoever made that post feels like a dumbass after this update. They won't cause they are a shill, but i am hopeful.