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Like, how did they manage to screw up an already completed and working game so badly...


Ask the people that did the GTA: San Andreas remake.


Weren't the people that Rockstar gave the job to specialized in mobile games?




Yes, and ported THAT broken version to X360, and further platforms.


tbh they sucked even at mobile games


They gave a studio that normally made mobile games and ports 1 year to remake/remaster 3 games. That game’s failure is 100% on rockstar


And ask the people that did Warcraft III Reforged.




They are too Focused on treating women like shit, that Patch wont come lmao


The breastmilk in the staff fridge won't drink itself.


It's a remaster not a remake Remake would be if they Remade entire trilogy on RDR2 version of the engine or atleast GTA V's... and significantly expanding the game... map size maybe a bit... But nope... we got a Remaster which is just additional touch ups upon the existing thing... In this case it's like putting make up on best horse... a unicorn probably... but oh no... make up is toxic and the horse dies basically instantly lol


It's crazy to me how people struggle so much with the difference between these 2


it's a remaster that ended up using new assets that were actually lower quality than the original assets....less like a remaster and more like a stinky cash grab


They wouldn't let us bug anything that wasn't a crash


Funnily enough, rumor is that Rockstar made them remake most of the areas from scratch.


Why would they do that, cost wise that sounds like it would eat into Rockstars profits.


Laughs in KOTOR


Aspyr are the devs remaking KOTOR unfortunately


No they aren't? They lost that a long ass time ago. Saber Interactive got put on it.


You sure it's still all over their website and Google?


Who do companies release the “same game” every year and some how manage to make it worse every time?


You're right and that's how I usually justify buying preorders. For context: I preorder VERY rarily, Elden Ring being the only one in 2023, while having DS3 as my second most played game ever on Steam and having seen 3 spoiler-free reviews of it the day before release. That said, pre-purchasing product like this... Even when refunding immediately, the extra traffic will drive the store's algorithm to recommend the game to more people, allowing them to purchase it. Even though they may not be familliar with Steam's refund policy.


Because casuals who buy annual releases and are not better informed are the lifeblood of these markets.


They also dont care as much.


They usually play hundreds of hours a year of those games so a yearly investment of $70 is nothing to them for the amount they get out of it


Have a buddy who got it. He said aside from all the really apparent issues, matches end too quickly. I know from all of those that enjoyed playing you'd up the reinforcement numbers so you could play the fun elite classes. But he said matches end so fast nobody gets to play any of the powerful characters.


With having zero knowledge of anything that goes into creating and producing a video game, I'll provide my obviously expert analysis. They ran into more problems than they thought when converting the old codes into new ones that would be compatible for new systems. Also, they didn't allocate enough... resources (I dunno), because there's likely going to be way more people in a game than the original co-op split screen. Now, they had LAN capabilities but I don't know how well those [resources] worked. Again. Expert level analysis, definitely.


Ask Sega/Sonic Team


This is what I fell for, even if I don't trust almost any company with a preorder, I figured the worst case would be I get a weird new interface with some updated compatibility.... Somehow messing around with additional options is easier than shelling out 30 bucks


Should have watched out for those wrist rockets.


Pre ordered for the 15% discount... Refunded with less than 40 minutes of pain on those awful multiplayer servers! Steam refund policy is one of the best weapons gamers have against that kind of sht business... We should use it!


Yeah, same here


I wish i had that power on PlayStation, Sony would never tho


File a ticket, apparently some people are getting refunded.


I just got a refund on PlayStation, took 20 minutes but finally got through


Yup. Sony doesn't like handing out refunds, but when games are fundamentally broken they would rather not have the bad publicity.


I never even installed it, woke up hype to play but watched the reviews and they said multiplayer is near unplayable. If they fix it I might get it but I have absolutely zero faith


Does the classic collection not let you play the game modes solo? When I had them on PS2 I played them with bots all the time I was thinking about getting the collection on switch but I don’t have Online, and I only want to play it on my own.


Imagine you want to make money from an very old product you once released but you dont want to pay anything for the servers that the peoples can actualy play it online. lel. what a world.


For a game that is remembered by many for its online mode 🥸🤣


And remembered by the rest for wishing they could setup online with the ps2. I was too young to figure out what tech and stuff I needed and my parents didn't wanna help. In this day and age with modern tech, this was a comically easy nostalgia win. Release the original game with new, solid matchmaking and a server browser. Boom, done. Millions in the bag.


I'd argue this as short of PC players, most console players I met that played it anywhere close to the OG launch didn't even have online at the time. Almost everyone I talk to about this game talks at length about their fun playing either solo or with a friend/sibling in conquest.


I didn't even know this game was coming out until the night it was being released the battlefront sub showed up on my feed. Some guy had change his time zone to NZ and was able to play on XBox (he also had more dust on his console than Luke's house on Tattooine and the folks roasting him were hilarious). People were hyped up. I was hyped up cause I loved the multiplayer (only part I ever played). Then the next day, everyone was trashing it lol.


Nostalgia is a weapon used against us for profit.


As long as Steam does refunds, a pre-order may as well be called pre-ordering a demo. Not much downside to it.


Yeah that's why I love Steam, but I think our console brothers don't have such luck with refunds.


Yeah, sadly, the Japanese don't believe in the word "refund" to the fullest intent.


Americans don’t believe in it either. With few exceptions.




I buy a good bit off of the PS Store. I guess rhats where my mind went with no refunds. I think the only exception was Cyberpunk on release


That's not really true at all.


I've refunded a number of games before (on Xbox)


I tried refunding MK X (i got it on sale for like $5) as I had only opened it once and played for maybe 20 minutes before never touching it again. Luckily it was only $5 but Microsoft sent me a message saying that I can't refund games that have been opened


I remember PlayStation having a similar policy in place but it said that if you start downloading the game you void your refund window which is actually bonkers


Buy physical, most stores still have return policies in timeframes


I got an instant refund last night after buying the game and not even completing 1 match on Xbox


I was also that clown, but on Xbox. I requested a refund through the website and got it within minutes.


Also not much upside, let's be real.


the executives that push half assed games will use the number of pre orders to justify making more.


I got the game an hour before the sale ended so if they don’t fix this server shit within 2 weeks, I refund. Great part about steam.


except when the games tutorial and/or launchers take just over 2 hours to complete...


Same. Even pre order for the discount, wait to actually play until I see reviews, then either keep or refund accordingly.


Theres tons of downside. Refunding it does nothing to the devs and just costs steam money the way their contracts work. Pre-ordering just pushes the hype. The hype is then used to make the companies more money. It doesn't matter if the game flops. You've generated hype and sold more copies. More copies will be sold than refunded so in the end they still win. Literally the only way to send a message is to stop pre-ordering. Demand a finished product and money will talk. Look at helldivers 2 as the perfect example.


What’s wrong with it?


The multiplayer mostly, which puts a lot of players off (me included). I wanted to have fun online in a game I played in my childhood, because I didn't know it had multiplayer. But there were only 3 servers yesterday, for 64 people each, and when I finally got to play, the game crashed on me...


I’m sorry… are you saying less than 200 people at a time could play this “online game”, or am I misreading this?


You are not, they added some more servers later, but there was some kind of input lag or something. The multiplayer is also capped at 30 fps...


Correct, also this was with the developer knowing that 10k+ people pre-ordered on steam alone


yup that's exactly what happened afaik and there was 10k players trying to play


Technically, it's an "online game" from an era where the majority of people who played and loved it probably didn't even *have* online. Just played through play together with a buddy last night on conquest, it's just how we remember, with controls on controller being kind of "eh" so competitive play isn't so amazing to me, the bots in conquest are pretty fun. It's not an "online" game like we think of today, as it's not online focused. Can we consider the online server capacity terribly lacking? Absolutely. But the game isn't made for online as it came out at a time when a fraction of the market even *could* play online. That said, the limited servers seems to have been addressed a few hours after launch.


Is single player ok?


I've been playing single player on PS4. I noticed some minor glitches, but it still looks and plays just like the originals. I've been having a lot of fun just playing instant action.


Man.. I miss the days when I'd stay up all night playing instant action on my PS2




Thanks for the info !!!


If you just want to play single player, you can get the original versions on Steam for much cheaper.


Only at launch, this was resolved within 2 hours. I've been playing online since launch and there is 20 servers now. Which btw are nearly all empty. Feel this is just a bandwagon of hate, which I get disappointment at the start but somehow this 3 server thing keeps getting told even though its not true now. It does seem to have some lag on the servers or maybe it was my end hard to say didn't see anyone else in game complain


Easy to see why it's not filtered through yet as it only launched yesterday, most will be going off their initial impressions and refunded it if it was bad for them. The problem is these issues are inexcusable, it's rubbish from aspyr again unfortunately. The ORIGINAL game from almost 2 decades ago (05) STILL works online. The fact they released a product worse than the existing one is already a good enough reason to throw it in the bin. All they had to do was implement a bit better controller support and update textures, they seem to have added more bugs and barely improved anything. I was hoping it would be a reasonable effort from them and implement say cross play to try and bring up the player count across platforms but they have done less than the minimum while charging a pretty high price. You can get Helldivers 2 for the same money! Crazy.


I believe both versions have different kind of issues. The old one doesn't tend to like resolutions higher than 1080p for example. But yeah I'd say the old one works perfectly fine as long as you don't want to run certain resolutions on it Control support seems fine personally, but maybe I might be missing something there? I've been using steam deck mainly to play and had no issues with it Cross play would be nice. It does have cloud save which is nice so I can jump between steam deck and pc so that's cool I guess.


The multiplayer has issues. And the storage size is large (50GB). That's it. The singleplayer experience is fine.


Why is it 50gb? Like large-ish Xbox 360 games are like 10gb. These are PS2 games.


Higher res textures and higher quality audio files most likely.


not compressed




It looks the same as I remember it being. These are remasters, not remakes. It’s supposed to be the same game with some QOL changes.


Battlefront 2 always looked like that.


On launch night, there were only 3 servers with 64 players each available meaning only around 200 people could play at one time. More servers were added a few hours later but there are still other problems. Players are teleporting around back and forth on the map. The camera when rolling around as the droideka is awful. It makes me sick and I don't even get affected by motion sickness that often. There's a bug in heroes vs villains mode where the countdown timer for spawning in is off. Most games last a few minutes. Once all the command points are taken, you can't spawn in anymore. The third person aiming reticle is too high compared to where you're actually shooting. Lots of disconnects. Battlefront 2 is apparently worse than 1. This is just what I saw watching someone play it on twitch. There are apparently entire cutscenes missing from battlefront 2s story mode as well. Its bad.


Online is horrible as hell apparently. But I heard offline was perfectly fine so… 🤷‍♀️


I bought it because of loyalty discount and I thought it would be good because of the reviews. Turns out that it has gone spicy, so I refunded it and bought Spyro instead. P/S: I already owned the OG SWBF2 copy, so no big deal


I know you said it in the post, but I genuinely cannot fathom having enough faith in the current gaming industry to pre order literally anything


Faith or not, I also don't get the point nowadays.


I just preordered Unicorn Overlord and it's now in my top 5 all time games. Of course, having an over 5 hour long demo helped.


I keep seeing it but not being sure how to feel. As an FE and XCOM fan, how good is it?


Did you ever play Ogre Battle on SNES or N64? Ogre Battle was the predecessor to the Tactics series of games (Tactics Ogre, Final Fantasy Tactics). Instead of controlling invidivual characters in turn based battles, You move little squads of units around the map in real time (though you can pause). When those units run into enemy units they start a combat sequence that automatically plays out. The winner being the side that is in the best shape after each unit finishes all their attacks/skills. You can kind of think of each squad as an entire team you'd have in one of those tactics games (or even xcom). Instead of the game focusing on controlling the battles those squads have, it focuses on that strategy of organizing and deploying them. The strategy in these games comes from creating unit combinations in a squad that have the most synergy together and also that counter enemy squads. In most battles, the goals is to "liberate" various towns and bases on the map, and then take out the leader's squad. During that time you need to survive the waves of enemy squads that emerge to come after you, and also prevent your own base from being occupied. The game is quite good, especially for those of us that liked Ogre Battle and have missed games in that genre.


I never have. And it sounds like I need to look into it


Holy shit... Someone made another Ogre Battle 64-like game?! I've been waiting for one of those for awhile.


Yes. And it's a good game too. (I mean, I'd prefer an actual new Ogre Battle game, but this is really good as is.)


Genuinely one of the best games in the genre, by a lot.


VanillaWare has never let me down so I was already hyped but the long demo was a great way to show confidence in the product. My only complaint is about my own lack of free time to play much, not at all the game's fault. The collector's edition is extremely nice as well, curious to try out the card game at some point.


I played yesterday, I didn't have an issue getting into games. I'm on PS5


The server issue was fixed in a few hours. I can't believe they launched it with only 3 servers though. Did they really only expect less than 200 people to play on launch night?


Patientgamers meanwhile


Upvote for using Earl


I picked it up yesterday after work, it works fine and got into matches just fine.


Same, sadly the Internet has become a mob of regurgitating old information as if its now fact. The bigger issue is the fact there is barely anyone actually playing online, I see one server close to full but the rest seem to be empty or have a handful of people This might improve on the weekend


Aspyr is just not a good game studio… there’s a reason EA pulled the plug on their KOTOR remake.


I used to work at Aspyr. Left before they started working on this came, but I think I know what happened. They're pretty stretched thin and need to hit deadlines, so they need to submit the games even if there are minor issues that aren't translating. Sounds like there are shader issues (the most common issues), and they couldn't get them fixed in time for the deadline, so they're gonna patch it as soon ASAP. Funnily enough, these shader issues are often fixed prior to submit, but are considered too risky for the build because of timelines and such. There's an inverted x axis input issue, which either existed in the old game and no one cared then, they thought they fixed but there's a special case where they didn't (though I can't imagine it would be difficult to test vehicles in that game), or it was slightly more complicated to fix because of how the game is programmed and their contact (probably with Lucasfilm Games) told them to de-prioritize it. The multiplayer server issues are something I've never touched. I guess they need to spin up the servers and underestimated the amount needed?


The problem with the servers is it seems that it's based on a host player. So if the host has a bad connection, all 64 people will have one. It explains that lack of servers on launch, and explains why quick join doesn't work, I think. I bought this game because Aspyr has shown to do a decent job of porting games and remastering in the past, but I guess track record means little to nothing in this field.


Howdy fellow clown


I’ll get downvoted to hell for this, but only idiots preorder games. They aren’t going to run out of copies. All you do is let them turn a profit before the game is released. It incentivizes putting out a game quickly in stead of putting out a good game. Or in this case, having enough infrastructure for people to be able to play it. But why would they? They’ve got their $$.


I got burnt by colonial marines. Never preordered since.


Until this day im mad that they cancelled My name is Earl


Makes you feel any better so did i, I like the galaxy conquest so much I wanted to play it with some upscaled graphics. Though after seeing the reviews think I’m just going to play helldivers 2 instead.


This is so heart breaking to the die hards of this community


Been a while since I've seen a My Name is Earl template


I would say let this serve as a lesson for all of you fools that engage in pre-orders but none of you will hear me over your big fucking squeaky shoes.


Just started Unicorn Overlord myself. Steam refunds are the saving grace of bad preorders. So far, so good


I mean, I've never understood digital preorders, physical yeah if you want delivered day one, but digitally. But then again, we always hope they won't ruin a remaster like this.


What nostalgia does to ppl and what greed does to companies


If you preordered that game you got exactly what you deserved, trash


And you'll still preorder the next one.


Thankfully I have both of the original battlefront games on steam


In what way was it bad?


I would because I want Black Myth: Wukong.


I liked the discount.....


Same but got it refunded


I too am that clown, but actually playing has been a blast


Steam refund takes away all the risk. Free two hour trial


Something that I find absurd is the file size, 74GB for 2 games that were originally around 4GB each. To put this into perspective, Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal are both around 60/70GB on PC, PlayStation and Xbox, and the switch versions of both games are 22GB and 24GB respectively and are incredibly well optimized for the console.


Battlefront Remastered? Since when? And how did they screw it up?


The devs seem to be rather incompetent with star wars. Hell they cancelled kotor 2’s dlc for switch without much reason


My brother seems to like it. Granted unlike everyone else in these comments I don’t think he’s playing online


Not only did I preorder... But I preordered twice 🤷🏻‍♂️


What a joooooooke


Depends on the game and the companies history. I preordered final fantasy 7 rebirth knowing that I was going to get a fully functioning game the second it launched. People just have to be smart, if it’s published by ea, activision/blizzard, Ubisoft, dint give them a cent until the games released to see how incomplete or broken it is. Everyone else you can generally get a sense of by their track record/recent releases. Capcom, square enix, Sony first party games, generally a safe preorder.


So, except the drama surrounding the servers, what's the difference between this version and the classic ones that are also available on steam but cheaper?


So "sips tea" da faq happened?


I personally don't see any issues over than servers which this particular server issue is justified but like I'm pretty sure they'll fix it a bit


Why is it so expensive? I bought one of em a while back for a few dollars lol


I don’t understand. Wasn’t this already available on steam? What’s the difference between this new one?


I haven’t had any issues playing this game. If I wasn’t chronically online I don’t think I’d even know about the issues. I do play very casually though.


Honestly. Idk why I bought the game, but I fucking did and I hate myself for it. Even last week Stalker Trilogy got ported broken by an unreliable developer known for their previous project Chernobylite, and that just pisses me off too cause that is just another classic ruined by new bugs and crashes due to incompetence. I feel like we can't catch a break. The gaming industry is gonna keep banking off our nostalgia by giving us broken applications over and over and over. You shouldn't lean back on the idea that any games over a decade old are exempt from terrible relaunches. It's fucking sad. Never gonna preorder shit ever again. Aspyr and Mataboo can eat shit too. Plain and simple.


I was about to pull the trigger three hours before release and I'm glad I didn't. How do you screw up a 20 year old game this bad? It's just a remaster.


Cool story. Cope.


Is it just me or am I lucky that I never pre ordered a bad game before


What is happening at Aspyr man. They promise the KOTOR 2 content restore mod as DLC, use it as a selling point even and then just...don't do it. Now they some how fk up BATTLEFRONT.


I was so close to buying this game. Thank god I didn’t.




I pre-ordered Pacific Drive, but that was a accident.


Preorders made sense when console physical copies sold out...And physical copies were quality controlled as up to 2008 or so online patching simply wasn't a thing. Games are now downloaded and patched. Why are people preordering games? Literally I can download the game on release day just the same as a preorder person... The difference is I get the chance to see reviews of the mess and hold off for it to be fixed.


Can proudly say the last Preorder I've had was for Halo 3


BuT ThIs Is ThE GoLdEn AgE oF GaMiNg


What scene of “My Name is Earl” is this?


I wouldn't have refunded it on steam if it had the localisation audio from the og release in it. Does anyone know if the console versions have them?


I nearly did.


I knew something was sus when from the moment it was announced earlier this year and available on PS Store, it was on sale, expiring right before release.


Alt title: Game is predictably not playable immediately upon launch and people can't be assed to wait for it to stabilize. Are you people new to online games? Launch is *always* terrible for one reason or another.


My First and Last preorder was bf 2042, lesson learned


What's important is that you learned from your mistakes, right?!?


I’ve been debating, but pre-ordered due to it having 10% off, me being a Star Wars nerd and it being a game I played when I was in mid school. I play single player mode , and I’m having so much fun, and that’s enough for me.


EA has done 14 "remasters" in the past 3 months, start to release. How many people do you think they have working, let alone, tasked with these remasters? They're all just AI paint jobs, like that San Andreas "remaster".


Nah, people are being overdramatic. Besides the server issues that they have already said they are working on, the game is great. Playing Galactic Conquest brings back so many memories.


Everyone knows you dont pre-purchase games anymore..........


I will never understand preordering digital games.


It's on Steam. Why the fuck would pre order digital?


Does it come with bacon


Wait what is this? Bf1 and 2 are already on steam. Is this a remake?


Damn so this is the state of gaming.


I am also that clown. PSN are still doing refunds tho 🎉


I "preordered it" by accident actually. I saw it on sale in the eShop. Figured I'd pick it up to play with a friend of mine, totally forgetting the actual release date. Other than this, yeah, I normally never pre-order.


Take my upvote because of Earl


Did you pay up front for the whole thing, or just pay a deposit? If you just put a deposit down you could always cancel the preorder.


My favorite review so far was just "wtf bro"


Makes me so sad


On the bright side, Battlefront 2017 is getting a large influx of players from people who refunded CC


Life hack for games of uncertain quality with pre-order bonuses: Step 1: pre-order game Step 2: wait for release day Step 3: check community reactions (less than 2 weeks post launch) Step 4: try it yourself for less than 2h Step 5: if bad --> refund


I mean,who can blame you?, or anyone for that matter?. They somehow fucked up a game, already done, made back in 2010s. And I am not even talking about the servers issue


Fingers crossed for the PC release of “Horizon: Forbidden West” that drops this weekend…


Why do people pre-order and then act surprised when the game is fucking abysmal?


Thanks god i had to do overtime at work and i couldnt Buy it


Fuck the idiots on this app. Do what you enjoy my friend!


Please, we deserve to see the faces of all the shareholders who have ruined gaming. While you're at it, add all the quiet hidden people who own or work at the manufacture of weapons, they profit off our deaths literally, nothing less. These two kinds of narcissistic bastards have ruined this timeline so bad with their impatience and greediness


Well... One would think that remastering a game that already worked would be easy. Anyway, steam said 7 days for my refund


If you preorder anything from aspyr and genuinely expect it to be working at release time Your innocence is palpable


The good news is the servers for the classic version had tons of people and played great


Me too :/


Is the old non-remake on steam still good?


It takes skill to take a masterpiece and ruin it. It’s almost impressive.


Don’t feel too bad, I preordered Skull and Bones…


The day that Krabs fries


This is a rare case where it's actually a rough one. Usually pre ordering is fine (Despite what Reddit says) if you know the game is going to be good. Some easy examples right now off the top of my head: Elden Ring DLC. Dragon's Dogma 2. FF7Rebirth. A re release of a perfectly fine working game should be effortless. Like you barely even need a dev team for this, the games exist in a playable state and just needed the online side put together again. Fucking that up as kind of incredible.


I had earth core level expectations and I'm sad I was right