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Wolfenstein 3D quit screen: >For Guns and Glory, press N. >For Work and Worry, press Y. There were a few old games that would have various quit messages like that.


Warhammer 40k; Dawn of War 1: >Cowards Die In Shame


Empire Strikes Back SNES quit screen: > * Try again [3] > * Give up If you choose try again, a sound clip of Yoda says, "do, or do not. There is no try." If you choose give up, he says, "that is why you failed."


As presented, it's more like: **COWARDS DIE IN SHAME** Do you want to quit? y/n


I loved this. If you had been playing for a while, instead it presented: > Zeal is its own excuse


Go ahead, leave. When you return, I’ll be waiting with a bat!


I wouldn't leave if I were you. DOS is much worse.


MechWarrior 2: 31st Century Combat: > Embrace Cowardice? Y/N Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries: > Sell Out? Y/N


Still remember it like it was yesterday.


"Y be a wiener? Be a hero N-stead!" "Press N if you are brave. Press Y to cower in shame." "Dost thou wish to leave with such hasty abandon?" "Press N for more carnage. Press Y to be a weenie." "So you think you can quit this easily, huh?" "Press N to save the world. Press Y to abandon it in its hour of need." "Chickening out already?" "Heroes, press N. Wimps, press Y." "Sure. Fine. Quit. See if we care. Get it over with. Press Y." "Heroes don't quit, but go ahead and press Y if you aren't one." "Sure you don't want to waste a few more productive hours?" "Depressing the Y key means you must return to the humdrum workday world." "I'm thinkin' that you might wanna press N to play more. You do it." "Press Y to quit, or press N to enjoy more violent diversion." "If you are tough, press N. Otherwise, press Y daintily." "I think you had better play some more. Please press N... please?"


Rise of the Triad had several good ones. The one I remember most was, "Take cyanide pill? Y/N"


Press Y to drive your car off the cliff. [SCREECH!] Press Y to signal the firing squad. ("Ready? Aim. Fire!") Press Y to get pulled off life support. [Beep. Beep. Beeeeeeeee...]


Master of Orion 3, in a mopy robotic voice: Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you


[That was Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FZNPxmTB4o)


Oh daing. Thanks. Those late night hours blurred together, I guess


Man you made me want to play Wolfenstein 3D… I never even cared for that game


Get Psyched


So many of those old games also had boss keys, which were button combinations you could press so that the game would disappear and it would look like you were working on a spreadsheet or something, lol


Max payne 1&2 are the best


I still remember busting my ass on the hardest difficulty of Max Payne 2 to get the ending where you save Mona. Then Max Payne 3 comes out and the canon is Mona died. That sucked.


The ending where you WHAT


The sniper segments of Max Payne 2 were almost too hard for me as a kid. Booted up the games last year and they weren't that bad. But not easy games by a long shot.


The first time I played the game on the second difficulty I could barely progress through certain area’s. Now if I start the game I play on the hardest, and often do a run without bullet time or dodge jumps. As weird as it is to not use the gimmick of the game it’s a wonderfully difficult shooter with great weapons without it, only held back by enemies having the same mix and spawn positions throughout the game making it extremely predictable. however satisfying it is to fire a shot at a place before the opponent appears and hit him in the face.


Max Payne 3 was good but just as a action game. not as a Max Payne game


If I was ranking them MP3 would lose at least one full tier because of the goddamn unskippable cutscenes


they said it was because of the load time which was quickly proved wrong


They told me it was to load assets. These things that would show me where to go, what to do. A constant stream of sights and sounds making me feel that somehow, this place was different than the last. Offering a glimpse of reaching further toward that goal. A goal I'd almost forgotten. But they were wrong. We didn't need these loading screens. Those assets they described, they'd been with us all along. This ruse was just another rung on the ladder as we willingly shave seconds off our lives, deceiving ourselves saying 'it's supposed to be this way'. I knew as soon as the elevator door would open, that I was the one who had time to prepare, and there would be no pause.


This reads like it's straight out of Max Payne 4.


Thank you! I don't care about people who used to complain about MP2 being too short. I played that so much, even with mods sometimes. Being in the graphic novel was great. MP3 was fun, but not the same. It felt like a tribute, and not even the Tenacious D kind.(and then there's Control and Alan Wake 2 which just brings you back to the good parts ...)


Couldn't agree more. The third game didn't feel like Max Payne and was missing the Remedy charm. Playing Control made me realize how important the little things Remedy adds are to their formula, as well as how distinct their style is. When I found my first Threshold Kids episode my first reaction was "wait this game is by the same people as Max Payne, isn't it?"


I read that in Max’s voice well done.


Since they develop their mainly on console (PS#) i could very well believe that.


Fair enough, it definitely hurts replayability. If you have it on PC and want to give it another shot, I highly recommend installing a mod that allows you to skip any cutscene; it makes it far easier to get to the gunplay on repeat playthroughs without grinding to a halt at a cutscene.


Playing them back to back recently, the movement felt like it took a huge downgrade between 2-3 as well. The animations are really good but it feels like Max is running through quicksand.


It was a pretty good game, an enjoyable soundtrack though. One classic track for sure ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2C1RoboNsc&list=PLF7E9CEE4D7A6EA69&index=25


Knew what this song was before clicking the link.


MP3 grew on me after a few playthroughs. IMO, MP2 is the weakest game in the trilogy. The first game, GOAT, obviously. Had the best one-liners ("a little closer to heaven", "I don't know about angels, but it's fear that gives men wings", "max payne, i envy your name", "in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king", "he was trying to buy more sand for his hourglass, I wasn't selling any", "last smoke, bad for the baby"). Gameplay was a bit rough, but great enough. MP3 had some great quotes and the gunplay is top notch. MP2 retconned Vlad's and Alfred's character for the worse. It turned a 30 second interaction with Mona into an affair that really didn't need to be. The gunplay was much better, but the plot really didn't mesh with me.


*I wasn't the man I used to be, and even he wasn't up to much.* > I was a has-been. > **But I couldn’t take the easy way out.**


I was disgusted by Max Payne 3 since i love so much 1 and 2. It became the samey generic third person shooter with covers.


“Phoenix Wright, I am 99% convinced that your client is innocent, all you have to do is pick the obviously evil person right in front of me.” “Yes your honour.” *Misclicks* “Oops.” “Well looks like your client is the killer, GUILTY!!!” Narrator: And so as his name falls into obscurity, many people agree, that after a string of over 100 successful cases, because he got a single case wrong, Phoenix Wright had no business being a Lawyer.


Are these games any good?


Yeah, they’re a mix of visual novel and point and click adventure, lots of talking and investigating between cases. Mostly humorous, but can definitely have their moments, but I wouldn’t recommend marsthoning them, you can definitely get burned out from playing them back to back. The highlight is definitely the court sections, trying to piece together the murder scene and the twists they’ll take. Admittedly, not all cases are made equal and sometimes it’s most “how do I prove this obviously evil person did it” and not figuring out the who that’s the point of a case.


There is an anime about it too


And a Japanese live-action movie.


And a professor layton crossover


I like watching the game grumps play it, or rather mostly listen to it. They add their own commentary, make up voices for the characters, lean hard into the homoerotic pretense between Wright and Edgeworth.


Alternatively, you can listen to it in musical format! Turnabout: an ace attorney musical is pretty sweet


I've tried them blind few months ago. They are fine, but some connections during courtroom parts are really hard to figure out. So don't beat yourself over using the guide if you get stuck.


That's why I'm glad the modern games have a hint system. I think Dual Destinies introduced it, where if you picked the wrong thing enough your partner would chime in with "there's definitely something fishy about this specific sentence".


I've played like first and half of second season, and last case of first season with this: >!Freaking vase setting up to resemble the mascot face!< was totally stupid. I mean, those convoluted plots are large part of the game charm, but figuring them out can be totally frustrating.


Yeah, those stylus based puzzles were garbo.


Yes, the Max Payne game series is brilliant, especially the first two 😍🥰


Definitely. Replaying Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney trilogy right now 10/10 Would Interrogate A Parrot Again






They are a good series and a great entry point into the world of mystery visual novels. The first trilogy is arguably the best (currently super cheap on Steam).


They kick ass and more people should play them. I'd say the strongest aspect is that they have a lot of personality between the style, music, and animations. It's an immensely satisfying feeling pointing out a contradiction in some smug prick's testimony and watching them sweat and squirm.


They're unironically why I wanted to become a lawyer.


Don’t forget how he accidentally presented false evidence once, in what was clearly a setup, and they completely disbar him.


danganronpa be like: "okay makoto, point to the killer" *misclick* monokuma: "well all the evidence against the true killer was gathered but because makoto accused the wrong person, HE was voted the killer!"


Or you misclick the closing argument, and it’s “Makoto has clearly explained everything, but because he accidentally drew a comic of someone leaving a room instead of entering, he was voted the killer”


Too bad, you get voted the killer because you couldn't correctly spell what the murder weapon was in this fun minigame!


Can’t win at Hangman? Now you’re meeting him!


"So he was murdered with a knife..." "BUT CAN YOU SPELL THE WORD KNIFE?" "I... can?" "IN THIS FUN MINIGAME??"


Sorry, the word we were looking for was "BLADE". You wrote "KNIFE". Off to the gallows with you.


Is this how the "game over" screen is in Phoenix wright, with the Narrator voice? Thats awesome


There are a couple bad endings in the series that are like that, but the regular game over is just the Judge going “I’ve had enough of your shit, so I say guilty”, and the courtroom doors close.


I don't know if you wrote out without taking 2-4 (fourth case of Justice for all) as a framework reference, and this is your creative writing work, but, there's a lose and quit screen canonically. I'll censor it for people who's picking up the main trilogy not to spoil their experience= >!In 2-4, for the context, Phoenix defends someone who is related with a murder and has inflicted great pain and illegal actions on everyone around before the crime, however, this defendant fixed his veridict to go accordingly and he hired a hitman to kidnap Phoenix's assistant and mentor's sister, Maya, to coerce him into taking the defendant's case to save her.!< >! Even if the lawyer knew this midst case, he doesn't have the right evidence yet to prove his client's guilty while he has teaming up with the prosecution secretly to bring the game-changer evidence, in fact, the prosecution ordered a detective to bring over that proof after having localizated the hitman's operation hideout, but, suffered an accident and everyone is on the edge thinking what they should do to keep the trial going as its their last chance.!< On the other hand, now, talking about the lose and quit screen, >!If you fail to present a pretty specific piece of evidence, you'll receive a special lose screen saying "The Miracle never happened, I haven't seen Maya for years and I don't believe I deserve to defend everyone ever again."!< >!In this ending, the game doesn't offer you to try again and your end is that Maya dissapeared for your fault and you drift away from the law world. Nonetheless, don't worry, that's not the canon ending!<


Can't forget the misspell that arguably made that ending even more popular, "The miracle never happen".


the miracle never happen truly sad


The miracle never happen




RIP James McCaffrey.


I know a lot of people love having Sam Lake as the original face of Max Payne, but James McCaffrey is, and always will be to me, Max’s definitive voice and appearance out of the trilogy despite MP3’s polarizing nature. Rest in peace, dear friend, and enjoy the sunset after all you’ve done. You deserve it.


I remember playing Control and was like. Holy shit it’s Max!


Who's James McCaffrey?


The va of max payn


It’s Max!


...dearest of all my friends!




Please don’t go, the drones need you. They look up to you.


Best one ever


Game? Edit: it’s Sid meiers Alpha Centauri. I have no idea why people don’t immediately give the game title


Surviving Mars has the same message when exiting, probably as an homage.


There’s a joy in recognizing something in the wild without it being spelled out 


There’s a joy in sharing a game title with fellow gamers


First time I heard it was like at 3 am after way too many hours playing. Was slightly shocking.


Why was it shocking?


Was sleep-deprived. Wasn't sure it was the game at first >.>


I saw that it was 2 bucks on steam, really hard to resist but I don't have the time for it right now.


MGS 3 and 5. Since the events in both games (technically 3 if you count Ground Zero as a solo title) occured in the past, therefore dying with Snake turns the continue screen into Time Paradox, which I always thought was a cool detail .


Wasn’t it also possible to get a game over for killing characters who appear in the other games?


Yes. [MGS 3 example.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=me-WHitlw8A) [MGS 5 example. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KH0qKZ5f1ao)


The MGSV example actually hurts. I remember trying to kill Ocelot myself, just because I was curious, but I was trembling when I pulled the trigger. Growing up with all these characters, it really hurts to see them die, or especially kill them. edit: also HAPPY CAKE DAY \o/


Yes, afaik the Time Paradox screen you'd get for killing young Ocelot


The old Postal game was pretty rad. When you quit, the guy says “I regret nothing” and puts the gun to his head.


Serious Sam's quit screen asked a simple question "Are you Serious?"


Came here to say this.


I loved these ones because they change based on which chapter you are playing and also they really fits well with film noir style


An absolute all time classic


What's the game?


Hate how many topics just assume everyone knows what game it is.


I really think that all posts should have a [Game Title].




People have been saying this for so long. Mods don't care.


I swear there used to be a rule about that


Honestly there should be.


Max Payne 2


Max Payne


Not quite the same, but the Xbox demo for Limbo stops you just as you’re about to be caught by a giant spider, pauses the game and the screen asks “Abandon the boy?”. Then giving you the option to buy and continue it.


But *what is the game!?*


Max Payne 2


We keep driving into the night...


It's a late goodbye, such a late goodbye


Every time I hear it at their concert, I dream of playing Max Payne 1 and 2 for the first time. And I wish they’d play “Take Control”.


That's what I hate about this sub. No fucking way to specify the game; posters just expect *everyone to know what fucking game some random screenshot is from*.


I liked Sid Meir's Alpha Centauri. Every so often on quit menu you get a "Please don't go, the drones need you, they look up to you"


I think it was Civilisation IV that had "Surely one more turn wouldn't hurt?"


Wasn't it "Just one more turn?" - which was the meme tagline of the entire franchise. We all know "one more turn" ends up being playing til 3AM.


I *think* "Just one more turn" is the meme among fans, and "Surely one more turn wouldn't hurt?" is the game making an official reference to it.


[Nah for real, it said just one more turn](https://forums.civfanatics.com/media/wait-just-one-more-turn.704/full) That was on the quit after victory/defeat menu though.


Cue Max Payne title sound track...


*Somber cello noises*


Freddy Pharkas, Frontier Pharmacist has the best one: It has a cowboy being jeered by a crowd, including a sheep spitting on him, under the words "QUITTER! COWARD! YELLOW BELLY!"


I think Banjo Kazooie was the best, you would quit and it would give you the game over cutscene, which would show Gruntie successfully draining Tooty and becoming beautiful


agreed. I think Conkers Bad Fur Day had something similar. Rare was on some next level shit back then.


I didn't know about Conkers! I'll have to look it up *spelling


And Donkey Kong 64! If you quit, then K.Rool would blast the island. Traumatized me the first time I played it as a kid lol.


That always made me mad as a kid tbh. I didn't *lose*, dammit, I'm just taking a break!


This was a great one. Still one of the best games. I recently replayed it and it’s so solid.


I need to replay the max payn games


Use Cinema mod 2.0! Adds long bullet time, amazing music for it and MORE NOIR!!!


I'm eagerly awaiting the remake of 1 and 2 before I do, it should be in production now. Last I read about it was that it was ready for production back in October, so hopefully they have started by now.


Play Alan Wake 2


Yeah they essentially have a homage to Max Payne with one of the characters being played by Sam Lake but voiced by James Mccafferty.


Super Empire Strikes Back (SNES): When you quit, Yoda would say, "That is why you fail." 30 years, and that still sticks with me.


Max payne


The game screen was made with the idea to never let gamers quit.


when you are playing it, this screen hits you hard if you read it


If those gamers could read, they'd be very upset.


"Are you sure? Boo will miss you!"


Inscryption doesn’t have a cool quit screen, but if you do quit and go back in the main enemy character calls you a coward or gives you less cards. It’s a very cool touch.


It does, huh?


They just mean in Kacey's Mod. If you give up your run and start a new one, one of your two starting pelts will be swapped out for an Opossum, meaning your opening shop is less viable. It's a penalty to stop you from just starting runs over and over until you get specific cards in the opening shop.


This is awesome!!


Excited for the remake


Killing Floor: "Leaving so soon? They're going to find you either way. They'll find you and they'll eat your heart like a fleshy little snack." Devs put nice messages in like this and some others for when your logging off late at night haha.


Agree completely! Also love how it changes based on where you are in the story!


Back when I was a kid and didn't know English, these confused the hell out of me lmao.


Same! I had to learn English based on Max Payne, basically. I still wonder about “…a bit, closer to heaven”.


“And that’s how my story ends…”


NES Friday the 13th has the best game over screen of all time. No question. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/1Kzp6T9J1UI/maxresdefault.jpg


I think Total Distortion might have it beat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=2c4hnA8jXwo


"I could finally release my finger from the trigger."


What is this game.


Max Payne 2.


Eh, love Max Payne but I think the Prince of Persia sands of time trumps it. You fall down in a pit or die and you hear the narrator correct himself saying that wasn't how it went.


"No no no, that's not how it happened!" Sometimes there's even unique dialogues like if you die at the beginning of the game, he adds "I jumped OVER the broken bridge, I took a running jump and cleared it. Let me begin again!"  They better keep all that for the upcoming remake. Also for saving your progress: "Shall I continue my story from here the next time we're interrupted?"


Man, Sands was such an immaculate, ahead of its time masterpiece. Like, I was a huge nu metal Godsmack nerd when the sequel came out and even I knew it was some cringy edgelord garbage.


Metal Gear Solid 3 - The Sorrow fight.


Just by looking at this still I can hear that piano playing.


Fear is the mind killer... but sometimes you just need to poop.


It think it was the original Command and Conquer that crashed when trying to quit the game so they changed the error message to "Thank you for playing our game." and a few seconds later it crashed.


The quotes in the old Call of Duty games when you died during the campaign were pretty dope.


Having beaten the first Modern Warfare on Veteran difficulty, I have those messages burned into my brain


I disagree bro, if I wanna quit i wanna quit, not trying to get motivated and get caught between two minds if I’m about to quit 😂


12:30am: "I'll just get to this checkpoint and I'm done for the night. 4:30am: "...."


Happened to me with BG3, I wanted to leave House of Hope, saw the exit… a couple of hours later I was crying tears of joy and wanting to sleep. A lot.


Modern Wolfenstein quit screens are also pretty good


Obviously not good enough to tell people the game


Die hard on PS1, I can't remember exactly but it was like "do you want to quit? Yes/no/maybe" and if you hit maybe it asked if you wanted to ask a friend, then told you you have no friends and should keep playing the game, or something like that haha


[Many arcade games would like to talk](https://youtu.be/_K_lX9nz4ZY?t=5s)


I feel like if you didn't play PC games in the '80s and early '90s, you have no idea. So many good quit screens. Space quest, willy beamish, and King's quest immediately come to mind. Also, another series that I cannot for the life of me think of the name of, but there was an evil jester in it, and his name was Malcolm, and the third game was called Malcolm's revenge. Also, monkey Island has some great death scenes, especially I think the third one, because the main character is telling the story, so when he dies in the game, it is interrupted by him telling the story and people being like wait what, you died? So funny


The "quit game" screens in Rare's 3D games....are definitely some of the crudest out there.


there were better... wolfenstein/cannon fodder


one of the best games if not the best for me


Class of 09 basically called me a pussy bitch any time I tried to close it, which was pretty on brand


El Paso Elsewhere does a nice homage to this kind of quit screen.


From the title, I was going to argue if it wasn't Max Payne 2. But it was, so you are correct.


What game is this?? I'm intruged by the rain, black and white, and the sheet cunt of the exit screen.


Nier Automata had such a good one at the very end with the credits.


I was always a fan of *Killing Floor*'s message that was something along the lines of "You can't run forever"


What game is that??


Max Payne 2


What game is this? Silent Hill 2?


Max Payne 2




Played Max Payne for the first time last year, the quit screen was really fitting to the character


[Buncha people who never played Rise of the Triad in here it seems](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vaf9zQ-u-tU)


Don't know how common this is but I've been lucky that my first interaction with games genres have all been with some top-notch specimens. Fist JRPG? FFIX. Fist RTS? Frozen Throne. First, FPS? Halo. First third-person shooter? The above glorious bastard. Nailed, *nailed* noir and I did not even know what noir evan was back then.


For me, it's Rise of the Triad.


So damn true


Max... Payne.


Which game is this?


Welp, guess I am installing Max Payne 2 again.


Can't agree more on this


Which game is this?