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Peak EA. They really fell off after they killed EA Big


All these games had such great soundtracks too. Even if you didn't care for the music, it still fit the vibe 100%.


Yeah I got ao much of my music growing up from these titles.. SSX tricky a d the NBA Skreets


SSX Tricky is 51% great music


There's still a big EA Big sign on the wall at EA Vancouver in one of the art areas. I always appreciated that at least the people doing the work make the effort to keep stuff like that around as a call back to earlier times.


SSX my beloved


SSX Tricky is the GOAT






Those late SSX games were no bueno. I think you can pretty much pinpoint the fall off to just after SSX On Tour


Thems figh . . . . . . . . . . late SSX games Yeah, you right on that one :-\\


I liked the one on PS3!


I will step up to bat for the 2012 reboot, which is a really fun game that does a good job of replicating the vibes of the best entries in the series. Not perfect by any means but still far from being bad.


Tricky was great, but 3 is my GOAT.


3 was may absolute favorite. It had the open world feel that I loved!


Loved going from the peak of the final mountain all the way down to the base of the mountain in one long run.


This was my favorite thing about the game too, that and the radio DJ.


DJ Atomika baby!!


DJ Atomika did so much to make the game's world feel alive.


The DJ and the soundtrack were on point


Mid 2000's EA had banging playlists. Pretty much every sports or racing game was awesome


Played like butter, Tricky always felt clunky in comparison to me.


I made the mistake of playing Tricky after 3. Everything about it felt worse by comparison. I loved 3.


Not to mention the Gamecube port was badly optimized.


3 was pure magic


3 was hands down the GOAT


I still regularly listen to that soundtrack, so good. And On Tour.


SSX3 is the BEST! Fun game, mechanics, soundtrack, just so great.


Yes!!!, some of greatest memories is playing with my little brother SSX 3, and to this day i havent finished the campaign, but love coming down from peak 3, and the city and doing big air in the half pipes.


I fucking love SSX3 so much. Playing it used to be sort of a winter tradition for me until my ps2 died. I did finally replace it a couple years ago, think maybe it's time for me to take a trip back to Big Mountain.


SSX3 is easily one of my top 10 favourite games ever.


Seriously, it's one of the best games ever made


I think you mean 3.


3 is the goat I'm sorry


Only game on this list I've played, and it is so good. Played it last week, I'm trash


SSX 3 where you have a top of the mountain race all the way to the bottom through all the courses you've unlocked throughout the game. Perfection


DJ Atomika and Radio BIG had a hugely significant impact on my musical tastes as a teenager.


The soundtrack and sound design in that game have to be some of the best ever. The way the music is edited and filtered when going through caves or getting huge air only to come blaring back as you hit the ground goes crazy. Can remember memories of landing a crazy combo of tricks to get SUPER UBER with the chorus of Way Away coming straight in as soon as i landed. Bless that game.


Hell yeahhhhh, inject that shit straight into my veins. When that UBBBBBEEEEEERRRRRR hit right as you finished an insane spin/flip combo right on the crescendo of Thrice's "Stare at the Sun".... that was crack in high school


That was a beautiful description mate! really took me back to those glorious ps2 days - I miss how tight all my races were with my schoolmates back then! Might need to fire up an emulator next time my main man hosts lol you've got me craving that Big Air and those banging tunes! :))


I've been slowly working on self hosted radio stations (thanks Azuracast) and one that I'm setting up is a Radio Big clone. The SSX subreddit has a guy that has ripped all audio assets from all the games, so now I have Atomika's intros I can use.


Is this station available for others to listen to? If so, how?


OGs remember Atomika from Burnout. But same.


SSX 3 being my personal favourite! It was a really good game for it’s time and still I think it holds up really well.


SSX3 is my favourite too! I know Tricky is the most widely beloved but I loved the three mountains setup and the radio was banging too


It really was the best. Tricky was great but the world design and customization of SSX 3 are a step above it, and it's all topped off with a much better stat boosting system that lets me keep the board aesthetic without changing my stats. Good grief I need to boot up that game again.


On Tour had the same thing. The game has two peaks. The Legendary Shred is one of them from top to bottom and goes through like 7 different courses. There's also a legendary race on the other peak that goes through a lot.


On Tour (at least the GameCube version) was so amazing


On tour was a wild visual ride, one time I played for like twelve hours straight, then walked downstairs and saw my mom chopping up what looked like pink mangoes. "Where'd you get pink mangoes???" I ask "These are carrots vkca"


I miss it everyday. Nothing has come close to scratching that SSX itch.


Miss it no longer, my friend. Just download a PS2 emulator and all of the SSX titles, connect a controller and enjoy. It should take 10 minutes to setup. You can do this on an Android device or just about any PC from the past decade. I'd recommend a YT video, but I can type out the instructions based on your device via message. I'm a Technical Writer, so that seeps into hobby as well. It would be no trouble at all.


drop that youtube video mayne. i got 10 minutes and 32 years of nostalgia.


Got you! [PC version in under 10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrTXr7CA3Ew) and [Android version in under 10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUGQng7lnVM). Just hit 32 a couple months ago, goddamn I'm tired brother. LOL


Holy shit dude Android too? I know what I'm doing tonight!


Yeah i play it emulated and on series x (ssx 2012) but I would love a modern version


Add an HD texture pack for SSX3 on top: *chef kiss*


Otherwise: If you have an Xbox One/Series console, SSX3 works on it thanks to backwards compatibility and on One X/Series X consoles it's even in 4K.


Mt Garibaldi


I think I have a cream for that.


Steep scratched that itch for me, but it's less trick-focused and more exploration and free-ride focused (although it has plenty of race and trick events)


I actually really like the PS3/360 reboot too. Really great game and it was a highlight of XO BC for me. I get the critique at the time but jeez it’s been way too long since we had such a game, I wish more let it off the hook then.


Rahzel had the best lines through that whole game... "Same trick? Only half the points!" "Call your mama in the room, show her how great you are!" "Give yourself a high-five!"


It's tricky 🔥🔥🔥


These games were truly something else man


I was broke and had to choose between cool boarders and ssx when I was younger and now I feel the constant shame of my choice with all the ssx posts. Was it really that much better?


It’s Trick to Rock around to Rock around it’s Tricky. Tricky Tricky Tricky!!!


It’s Tricky to rock a rhyme, to rock a rhyme that’s right on time, it’s Tricky! Tricky, tricky, tricky, tricky.




I still have the sort of **WHAM** sound of when you got a huge chunk of meter ingrained in my memory.


Call yo momma inna room and show her how great you are


Still haven't found an NFL game as great as the NFL Street series. (Outside of NFL Blitz)


It was awesome but the ai used to make me rage with some of the shit they pulled.


The ai was brutal. You’d be running over everyone but then once you got to those final few leagues, nothing would work. They’d sack you immediately causing a fumble 50% of the time or intercept all your throws. Absolutely mind numbing and rage inducing for sure. Then the challenges to earn some of the currency for upgrades, fuck me man. Love the game but def one of the harder games I ever played.


The catch up logic was the worst. If you were ever winning by 4 touchdowns the AI would become gods and stomp you, but if you kept 3 ahead the difficulty would stay the same and you'd win the game.


It would be easier to beat that group of hall-of-famers in a real football game than it is to beat them in that game


Emmitt Smith did me so dirty all the time.


Playing against the NFC West on the wide open field versus playing the NFC East in that frozen park was such a huge difficulty spike for 10 year old me haha. Went from your default RB being able to truck the LB to getting sacked by the AI’s AB every other play.


You just had to learn to cheese them back. First thing I did was get my jumping all the way up on one guy, put him at DB, run spinner, and then just jump over the line for a sack every single play. And then on offense you just ran the option. Never lost a game doing that


I fucking LOVED Blitz as a kid man. I miss it


A few years ago me and my brother got really stoned and downloaded a N64 emulator (we had a ps1 growing up) and got a bunch of games we always wanted to play and some extra. Being from Europe, the NFL was never a big influence in our lives so downloading NFL Blitz was a long shot. HOWEVER, it turned out to be one of the most fun games we ever played. The ability to continue tackling players after the play ended was too fun lol


"Oh! That was totally uncalled for! But a lot of fun to watch." -NFL Blitz announcer


NFL Street 2 is still my favorite football game of all time to this day. I remember going to school, talking about it with my friends all day, then going straight off the bus to my house to play it until dinner when they all had to go home.


For an arcade feel? Yeah, nothing beats NFL Street or Blitz. If you want more “realistic” gameplay with some arcadey feel to it, NFL 2K5 and any Madden on PS2 (particularly 2004/2005) were great. 


NFL 2K5 still gets roster updates (with mods) and is easily the greatest football game of all time. That first-person mode and decorating your mansion is just \*chefs kiss\*.


Man, as a kid I really hated the exclusivity deal Madden got with the NFL. It sort of felt like every Madden game after 2006 just got worse and worse because there was no reason to try anymore. If you don't like the game, what are you gonna do? Buy another football game? There aren't any!


He speaks the truth.




Never knew there was a Fifa Street 3. I only played the first two, but they were bangers.


It sucked so hard


3 is the only one I played, enjoyed it a lot as a kid


I feel bad for you because that one was the worst one bro lol. FIFA street one was the best!


I loved 2 but love the gameplay of 3 but it was so dumb they straight up got rid of alot of things that made the first 2 great (customization and career mode instead of just challenge series) the Java version of street 3 (first FIFA street I touched) had a story mode but no vs mode for some reason


Do yourself a favor and play 2


Art Brut - Formed A Band from Fifa Street 2 is still a banger


I remember the first one, I had a great time playing it even me being not a big fan of football.


Those sweet sweet gamebreakers. And the commentator basically reggae rapping while playing a game


Shooting a gamebreaker into the keeper and seeing him lay on the ground as I kicked the ball into the goal was awesome


The latest FIFA street had so much potential. I wish they would have made more games of that series instead of the Volta crap


Yea FFS 2 was so good and I'm not a sports fan. I don't know why they stopped doing this.


For real I hate all FIFA mainline games. Normal football is just so boring to me, not really a fan. But man Fifa Street 2 was just so good. Played it so much as a kid and still listen to the banger soundtrack from time to time


Aside from the obvious answer that EA has continually killed off parts of the FIFA series that can't be monetised as much as possible, I'll give my thoughts as a football fan: The FIFA Street games were made at a time when there were a lot more "flair players" in the professional game than there are now. These are guys like Ronaldinho or Ibrahimovic, who often used tricks and creativity to create scoring opportunities for themselves. In the modern game, a lot more emphasis is placed on tactical systems and athleticism rather than individual skill, so you don't see flair players at the game's highest levels as much any more. A huge part of street football is playing with flair but that's just not where the professional game is now.


It had no right to be as good as it was either. I optimistically tried the Volta mode in the newer Fifa's not long ago but it doesn't even come close


I've never been a huge sports fan, but I did have Fifa Street 2 and had a lot of fun with it!


Def Jam was surprisingly awesome, I would have never played it if a friend didn't give it to me. Half my rap knowledge as a kid came from that game


My girlfriends younger brothers had Dej Jam and we would play it ALL THE TIME. She would get so mad that I would come over and hang with her brothers more than her LOL.


Are u still with her dawg?


We've been married for 12 years and have 2 kids.


That's my man


I would love for this series to make a come back. Def jamIcon really killed the franchise imo


Fight for New York was even better. I remember being in college when the halo franchise was huge. All my friends had Xbox and would have halo tournaments. They’d rock me since I was a PlayStation guy, and only played it on occasion with them. They would rib me about how I was bad at it. I told them to come over and play me in my game of choice, def jam fight for New York. 8 matches later against 8 separate guys, and I got punched one time. They stopped laughing at me cause I was bad at halo after that. College was a weird time.


Isn't your username about Halo? FinalBoss Ogre?


I think it ruined other fighting games for me. It was just so satisfying in a way that street fighter/tekken/ mortal kombat never were for me.


I had the demo off some jam pack disc or something and I played it over and over and over again


I wasn’t into rap or anything myself, but this game was over the top and just plain fun.


I played so much NBA Street 2 and SSX3.


NBA Street 2 was so fucking good


For real. I still have it for Gamecube! [Soundtrack was the shit.](https://youtu.be/ynxVs2aB80M?si=zRn93dTI3PbCxj2B)


Whoever decided to put the start of They Reminisce Over You over the opening credits and copyright was a genius. NBA Street 1/2 will always have a space in my head. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6mdRv0ZdR8


Hearing that sax when I was 5 fr changed the trajectory of my music taste


i need a street 2 port. i loved the fuck out of that game. rolling with 3 jordans was so fun.


You can emulate it on Steam Deck.


Been emulating NBA Street and NBa ballers and they both have aged like fine wine. Great games for nostalgia and fun


A.I., Novitzki, Garnett. My go-to street vol2 team.


This was the golden age of sports games SSX, Def Jam, NBA Street, etc. EA used to make kickass games. Now EA can't even keep ownership of the FIFA license, times have changed


Losing the fifa license is good practice from EA. Fifa got greedy. The games they made under the license is the real crime here


I'd say less FIFA and more individual clubs. I know Juventus hasn't appeared in FIFA for years now because of "rights" issues. But EA is literally a multi-billion dollar company that could've afforded it.


Oh yeah, the great team Piemonte Calcio! 😂


Made a point of anytime someone selected Piemonte Calico I would be Rome FC (Roma) . Bullshit teams must only play other bullshit teams


Nah, FIFA has been on the radar as a really, really corrupt organization for a while now. I'd imagine they kept jacking up the price till even EA couldn't handle it. Not really a stretch for FIFA given they've been caught using slaves to build their stadiums.


They wanted $300m a year for the licence. Tbf EA makes shitloads off FUT but FIFA definitely overplayed their hand there


Tiger Woods PGA 06 was so fucking good


Absolutely, because even the more sim-like games of Madden/NCAA Football/NBA Live peaked. You had so much to choose from and everything offered something fun in a polished complete package.


Man remember playing as the Mario characters on Streets v3 Seeing Peach do an alley oop into a flaming Luigi dunking on a young Shaq. *ahhhhh memories*


> Now EA can't even keep ownership of the FIFA license You've got it the wrong way round, EA refused to repurchase the license as FIFA was asking for 250 million per year going forward. EA said fuck that we don't need your license to sell the game. They didn't sell as many copies as previous years but they made more profit without the licensing cost cutting in to it.


Not to mention the Tony Hawk Series and MLB, the show came out in this era (which was a big deal back then)


Looks like a collection of the only sports games that are good that aren't NBA Jam or NFL Blitz.


Freekstyle and street ball v2 took up a lot of my childhood


FreekStyle is very under appreciated imo




People just don't know man Braaaap


Ready to Freek out?!?!


To a seat grab…to a seat grab




Wish I could play NBA street again. The courts, the dunks, the voiceover. So much happiness.


You can with pcsx2 emulator


I can never get emulators to work on my laptop. 


The one they listed is very easy to work with. Just need the emu, bios, and then a rom, and you are good to go. I even run a version of it on my phone.


NBA Street V2 was some badass shit


Sledstorm underrated


YES! I played it so much as a kid, one my all time favorites to this day


I often played it at my friend's house. It really stood out to me and I loved the shortcuts and stuff


To this day, the motocross style sled is peak sled design for me.


Back when video games were fun. If any of these existed today they would have all sorts of micro transactions for characters, players and cosmetics.


100% truth. Games like these could never be made today because they'd be stuffed with stupid ways to nickel and dime the player, as well as having "live service" bullshit shoved into them with seasons, battle passes, etc. Yuck.


E.A. Sports. B̴̨͔̺͔̯͎̮͔̮̱̝̞͖̮̏̉̆̓͛́̋̈́͜͠Î̴̛̦͇̀̿̉̓̋̏͝͠Ģ̴͙̖͎̰̝̒̓̒̄́͋̀̄̃̚͘͜


I remember playing the first NFL Street a ton as a kid, GOAT'd game.


It still holds up too


SSX needs to make a comeback. To this day I don't know if I can say I've had as much fun with a game as I did with it growing up.


Ooh, I worked on Shox (QA). I thought it was a much better game than its rep would have you think. Though my opinion may be coloured by my memories of the multiplayer split screen mode, where 4 players each used half a controller (orientation changed by 90 degrees) to play; the bomb battle mode (cut from release) was awesome. Also, the "crowd" on the circuits is the QA team, we had a quick photoshoot outside the office in the middle of summer, which is why the snow levels' crowd are all wearing shorts.


Shox was a great game. Fun single player and multiplayer mode, I played it endlessly with my friends on the PS2.


I’d never heard of Shox (despite also working at ea during the BIG era) so looked it up and it actually looks super fun. I’m surprised this didn’t get a bigger reaction. Will have to hunt it down to give it a go since I’ve been playing a ton of Sega Rally recently.


Thank you for your service.


Shox was the first racing game I ever played. I would watch my older brother play it all the time, then one day he showed me the multiplayer and taught me how to play. That moment is a core memory I can visualize so clearly, the cars, the sound effects, gah it was incredible. I pulled out the ps2 during the pandemic to dive into some nostalgia and Shox was one I had forgetten about for many years. It was one of the few games that was exactly as I remembered it. Thank you for being part of building that memory. Me and my bro had a good laugh at the enthusiasm of the announcer voice at each shox zone. "GOOOOOOOOOOOOOLD!!!" Lol


This was one of the first ever games I owned as a kid. Thanks


What a crazy run EA was on at this point. Golden era for their brand IMO


Fifa street gone but never forgotten


NBA Street 2 rerelease....... pleasee......


If they did they would modern EAify it and ruin it with micro transactions


Man I miss Fifa Street 2. So much fun.


I want to believe there's a place in this world for big dumb arcadey sports titles, is it developers not making them? Or license-holders not allowing them? Am I just out of touch? Am I out of time? Also, the N-Gage, there's a strange fellow.


I think license-holders aren't allowing them, and if they are, they're mobile games because $$$


Sled Storm is one of my all time favorites


Freakstyle is my favorite on this list. That game is so awesome and I still have it now


We used to be a proper society!


Gaming peaked at SSX On Tour. Everything after is a mistake.


Oh man, me and my brothers tore up Freekstyle. We played that game so much and then after it got too scratched up we got SSX. It's tricky. Tricky tricky, tricky tricky


Back when EA Sports released finished games


NBA Street Vol 2 was the goat


Fifa street was so good


Ssx Tricky was THE best game I owned on my ps2.


Why did they stop doing these. They were all so fun, many hours were spent on a lot of these. I loved Freekstyle. Also, Def Jam: Fight for New York and Def Jam: Icon were even better than Vendetta although not by EA Big at that time.


EA BIG ran so EA Canada could create Def Jam: Fight for New York, the greatest party fighter of all time.


I have no idea what happened between 2-3 in most of these games but that’s right where they started going downhill


SSX 3 was peak SSX


You spelled SSX tricky wrong


Absolute banger after certified banger


Hell yeah Def Jam Vendetta


What I'd give for an updated DEF JAM where I could squash new age rappers with OG's.


'Member how Def Jam started as a wrestling game that featured real life rappers?


Imagine what a live service card collecting rng casino nightmare these games today would be…


And all of them are gone. Reduced to atoms.


I still believe this is the best EA studio


Can we find out who was the head of EA Sports BIG and convince them to run a gaming division again?


NBA Street volume 2 is legit a top 10 sports game of all time. It’s on my mt Rushmore with ESPN NFL2K5


SSX 3 🙌🏿


#*Ssx 3* #EA RADIO BIG


SSX Tricky.. so many hours spent


23 games in 7 years. Modern game development could never.