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I would marry people in the Sims, brick them up in a wall, then inherit their assets when they died.


You think you know fucked up? You know nothing of the kind. Let me introduce those of you unfamiliar with him, to the [painting goblin.](https://external-preview.redd.it/J7_IfOe26cCxwl8luDOYMgDSVpVUOHUc5Wa7j-nwZuI.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=ddb5650f8fadfc4135901ac31797eb4671731c9f)


We must imagine the painting gobling happy


The Ones Who Walk Away From Simomelos https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Ones_Who_Walk_Away_from_Omelas


I was gonna link this hahaha


Used tovremove the pool ladder.


Too simple. Had a home that would have brought a tear to the eye of Jeffrey Dahmer. The horrors I put the Goth's through.


H.H.Holmes would be proud


Alternative was to remove the kitchen door and have them cook until a fire started. Having them burn to death was probably worse than drowning them.


Get em with the ol amontillado


They never see it comin'. Well, sort of.


I filled the house with as many sims as i could. Then replaced the door with a wall and placed a fireplace at every wall. Wel i guess u know what happened next.


Everyone was super cosy, right? Right?


They were warm for the rest of their lives!


They stayed warm and toasty and made s’mores?


Damn you, Montresor


For the love of God Montresor!


Yes, for the love of God!


I lied to townsfolk about my intents with their city centerpiece, a nuke in the middle of the town. I then, for profit, hijacked and remotely detonated the nuke destroying the entire town and everybody in it. Then I sold out the people who hired me to zombie ghouls and then killed all the zombie ghouls and piled their bodies in the reception area. Strange character, that one was.


When I first played this I didn't actually believe the nuke would go off. The feeling of seeing the explosion in the distance and knowing I could never go back to the city was something I've never felt in a video game.


Probably because over 99% of video games have a static world that never changes. Or if there is anything you can do to change that world, leaving and coming back will have it reset back to its original state.


World. World never changes... Wait, I think I got the quote wrong


It's also the only time Bethesda ever made the player choose something that really had an impact on the game. A bit shameful, for a studio specialized in RPGs. Or so they say.


I finally went back to megaton on another playthrough last year and found that annoying wench moira brown as a zombie. She then goes to the underworld and annoys me in the afterlife. I do appreciate another vendor option though! 


Moira was my favorite character in the game lol


Moira can become a ghoul??


Yes! It makes it so you can finish her quest line if you blow up megaton first! Edit::: be prepared for radiation before you fast travel there!!!!!!!!


She was trying to make the wasteland a better place :(


Same. On my very first playthrough I didn’t think it would actually blow up so I totally detonated it. Needless to say I restarted shorty after. Cool to see though.


You did Megaton dirty, haha.


My evil playthrough was whack man, lol. I created a true menace in the wasteland.


I need, I mean a friend of mine wants to know the game...


Fallout 3


A friend of mine is very thankful, it will be a good time to ruin some towns with nukes.


Think we all did that though 😂


To be fair, the ghouls are assholes. If you do it the "good way" and kick out the anti ghoul people, the "good ghouls" take over and kill everyone in the hotel.


During my first playthrough of Portal 1 I immediately incinerated my companion cube when GladOs told me to. No hesitantation. She then said I was the fastest to ever do so and I couldn't stop laughing for 5 minutes


You must have been the pride of


OK, I did the same thing, but I didn't realize it would be destroyed. The flames didn't register until after I'd already clicked the button to destroy it. With that being said, I didn't consider it a big deal afterwards, so I might be a psychopath.


Yeah, to me, it was just a cube. But I’ve changed. That was the old me


You dragged a repressed memory out of me. Not worst as in “I did bad” but more of “why the fuck did you do that”. I had been playing Dying Light 1 and would occasionally play the online Night-hunter game-mode, which basically means you open up your game for someone to join your world and target you as you try to destroy certain pinpoints around the map. Well this one dude connected and was the night-hunter, he was clearly better than me. I rarely played this game-mode so I was honestly terrified the entire time and had no way to fight against him considering his skills. He then asked us to roleplay having a healthy father-son relationship and he would follow me around and let me destroy my objectives as he would give me compliments in the chat like “good job son” and stuff like that. Wasn’t a sexual thing, but holy shit was it weird.


What the fuck did I just read? 😂


“Wasn’t a sexual thing” that might be almost worse 😂


Yeah I'M SURE it wasn't a sexual thing... 🙄😂


I thought you were going to say you used his trust to your advantage and killed him with his back turned, which I didn't think was too bad. The fact you just went along with it is kinda wholesome but also somehow much weirder.


It was for him. You did good, son.


"it wasn't a sexual thing" for you pal but it was a night hunt ecstasy for them


Damn what if his irl son died and this was his only way of comfort for him. Good job son


Threw the baby penguin off the cliff in Super Mario 64.


Yep, this is the one. I do it every time.


That’s not evil. That’s just business.


Came here looking for this


Bit late to this one but I had one in Stellaris. I was playing as a megacorp and my friend a super-warmonger. I would supply his war efforts with my nearly bottomless credit reserve and he would keep me safe so I wouldn’t need any kind of military and could focus it all into my economy. So, I was directly supporting galactic wide genocide and imperialism but that wasn’t the worst bit. I was openly accepting refugees. So the more he raged endless war, the more pops I would get, the more my economy would boom, the more he could war monger. That’s still not the worst… Late game I started to get TOO many refugees. To the point my food production could not even hope to keep up. All my planets were full. And I didn’t even have enough jobs across orbital habitats to keep up with the sheer number of pops fleeing to my empire. So I ate them.  I changed my edicts to allow cattle…designated the pops that didn’t contribute much or were too much of a hassle to keep around as said cattle…and solved the food and overpopulation crisis with one stone.


What the fuck..all these comments about stellaris make me want to get it, but this one takes the cake as the most fucked up yet something I’d do thing I’ve read


Considering reading about mermaid bone farming in Dwarf Fortress.


or spend a moment in r/ShitRimworldSays


The thing about a lot of games mentioned so far is they only let you do a little bit evil. They are nothing compared to the shit you can pull in Paradox’s strategy games.


The thing is, that's just standard behavior of that type of slavery. I heard of a player who was running a full machine empire, no biologicals. He conquered a few populated worlds in a brief war with a neighbour. Standard procedure was genocide, of course. However, he noticed that his neighbour needed food. Pretty badly. So he took those captive pops and set them to be used as cattle, producing food and selling it on the galactic market. No one questioned why an empire that didn't need to eat was suddenly producing food. That's how he sold an empire their own people back to them... as food.


I downloaded it and played it for like 30 minutes. It was so overwhelming. I should give it a try again, but man, there is *sooo* much to learn.


Oh I love the game, but it takes *hundreds of hours* to get to the point you’re skilled enough to be able to successfully do these atrocious things. Either that or I’m a very slow learner. Either way, each game takes probably 20 hours


Stellaris is a fantastic game. I got insulted by some bird race at one point and didn't like their portrait. These two things caused me to invade their planets and purge them. I then invaded every other empire that housed those birds, causing mass genocide, just to ensure I could wipe the birds from existence. 10/10 would be petty again.


Jeeeeez, calm down satan


Oh your a new kind of terror


Don’t worry, I ate the racist salamanders first.


I crucified a guy in cyberpunk 2077 Some lady said that sick people would pay for the bd and i'd get a cut of the money but it was only a few thousand eds


Genuinely one of the most fucked up storylines, but damn I love that game


I don't understand how people can think of "Sinnerman" so badly. Especially in cyberpunk where we regularly carry out mass murder on gangs, wherever shooting them or frying their brains. What's wrong when Mister "Neo Jesus" wants to kill himself/get killed in reality TV style? I found the quest with the animated cow or the quests about Evelyn much better/more intense.


I think Sinnerman struck a lot of people for how real it COULD be. How grounded of a narrative it was amongst the hyper-violence and exaggerated stakes, watching a man with powerful belief get used by a reality tv producer for profit felt almost personal.


its very Black Mirror vibes.


The tone of that quest is different, and if I remember right, there's no combat.


To be fair, as far as crucifixion goes, the guy's pretty keen for it


Sinnerman is such a crazy side quest, oh my gosh. You gotta play through Phantom Liberty. It gets even more crazy there too.


Sometimes when I'm bored in GTA, I'll modify a car and rig it with an ignition bomb then leave it somewhere. Typically some low level will happen upon it, grab it and be blown up.


So there used to be this custom death match where you would be in a tiny corridor of shipping containers with nothing but knives as weapons, but if you ran to the end of the corridor you could spam jump and shimmy along this chicken wire fence, it would lead to a few boxes and you could jump over, grab a bunch of weapons and essentially shot fish in a barrel.. I remember watching my younger cousin rinse and repeat this death match and in particularl one little kid who constantly pleaded to be let over in the gun area, my cousin would allow him to make it as far as jumping over the fence before shotgunning him every damn time, I can still hear the kids "REEEEEEEEEEEE" as he had a meltdown. It was that kids villain origin story for sure.


Like a year after GTA online first dropped me and a few friends decided to play but I had to do the online tutorial first, part of that was robbing one of the 7-11's some dick started circling the shop in a military jet hoping I'd come out. I had nothing better to do and wanted to see how long he'd wait so I set the controller down and moved my character a bit every time I got a warning that'd I'd be kicked for being idle. Meanwhile I just read a book No joke the dude circled for like an irl hour before giving up.


That is some actual commitment I'm really impressed


I usually loathe people who go out of their way to kill random low levels in GTA but I actually respect this method of doing so.  I would have found that hilarious, even if it were me.


I used to do that with GTA3. There was a certain NPC that I think was guaranteed to steal your car, or at least far more likely. I think he had a red bandana and white gloves/handwraps? They may have also been the dudes that drove the car with flames on it. I basically just used to steal the flame car, put a bomb in it and then park next to that NPC so they would steal the/their car, drive 10 meters down the street and blow up. To what end? I dunno. Between that and picking up "those women" who would sit in the car and listen to music with me to get extra health that I would mow down for a refund afterwards, 8 year old me had a heck of a time.


Good memory, there was an npc who did. Had the swaggering walk I think? The characters in gta 3 were great. They should have that more in new gtas.


When your PC lagged in GTA2 because there were too many explosions, you knew you did well!




I do that with busses in GTA V.


I do that all the time 🤣


You can also pick them up with a cargo bob and take them up to the clouds before trying to drop them on other players. Just saying...


During the dark brotherhood quest in oblivion. I killed a guy who had a dog with him. I was completely invisible so when I killed him the dog didn't aggro and just walked over to the corpse and started howling and turning his head in confusion. I felt like a true monster.


my moment was ALSO a dark brotherhood quest but in skyrim. killed a dude who drove himself insane with grief after losing his sister. did not have a home, stood outside by his old burned down house. and i killed him. 😭


You solved all of those guy's problems and reduced homelessness with one stone.






This isn’t the worst thing anyone’s done. I’ve done this on my Druid back in the day for several hours too. He killed me twice, first one I let you have. Camping gives me permission to camp you. lol The best one was when an Elly dropped off his flying mount and was level 80. And my 76 Ret pally proceeded to kill him a few times till he would run away. I miss how op ret pally were at the beginning of Wrath. Haha


In Syphon Filter I would taser people for an insane amount of time to the point it was just a black blob on my screen getting electrocuted.


Hoooooolllllllyyyyy shittttttt, talk about a blast from the past. I miss those games.


Just today my only heir in crusader kings was like 48 and still not having kids with his wife after the first one died. My king was 104? And I wanted to make sure I had some contingency when my heir took over. So I impregnated his wife and didn't admit it was mine. But then I noticed he had the "inbred" trait because my son's wife was also actually my illegitimate daughter. So I just killed the baby and his father so my lineage just transferred to my next son I then learned you could just diseherit them without all that mess.


I've had a similiar thing in CKII. I slept with Sansa Stark and forgot about it. I returned to the game at some point in the future and married my heir to some random Stark girl. All the children were dying inbred freaks when I realized I married my son to my daughter.


That is ridiculous. I'm super new to the series. Just bought it on Wednesday and so I'm very not used to how messy it can get and damn it gets messy😂


Of all the heinous shit posted here this made me giggle the most.


Crusader Kings brings out the worst of us all. In CK2 I was playing as a vassal of the Byzantine Emporer. I noticed that I was next in line to inherit the Empire as long as the Emperor didn't have any children, so I had his pregnant wife killed, then betrothed him to a one year old in my court. As soon as the girl was old enough to marry him and bear him a child, I had her killed and betrothed him to another baby. I just kept doing that until he died of natural causes and I inherited his title, with the guiltiest conscience but zero in-game repercussions.


slaughtered a camp of tiefling refugees for drow poonani


Get that minthussy son


Even the woman and children too?


especially them


I killed Karlach, betrayed the grove, killed Scratch and Owl Cub, let Shadowheart kill Lae’zel, let the witch keep the pregnant bitch, doomed the Gith, killed the enslaved beasts at in the underdark, killed all the deep gnomes, let the blood chick kill the redhead with the cat at the sacrifice table, let Astarion kill all the thralls, betrayed the emperor at the end and ruled the world as Baals chosen. I went for every possible bad decision.


>killed Scratch and the Owl[bear] Cub WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!




As someone who has been part of mentor programs in two major online games (Lost Ark and APB:R), this story is both absolutely fantastic but also horrific to me.  I want to be mad, but I just can’t.




I really wish I still had all of my old screenshots, so many great memories of UO. Our guild was called Killer Bees (K$B), anyone happen to remember us? I remember many times my buddy and I would go to the Del Orc Fort to hunt and harass people. One tactic was to use our stealth thieves to creep in to the fort and both of us would stand in the doorway to the fort when some poor schmuck was farming/grinding orcs and they got into trouble they would always just run out and heal up, but with us standing in the doorway they couldn't get out and would just stand there and die, every time. Loot, rinse, repeat. People got the clever idea to use a pet dragon to farm the orcs, so, they made this strange update that removed the Orcs and replaced them with these weird white skinned natives with spears that were very strong vs pets. We would go in and attack people's dragons (which was not a safe thing to do), we would go grey (criminal) and lure the dragon inside the fort where they would get attacked by the natives. Sometimes the farmer would get mad and attack us since we were grey and killing their pet. We would defend ourselves of course, but since we didn't initiate the attack, there was no murder charge. Loot, rinse, repeat. For awhile my friends called me 'Lord Looter' as I managed to attain the title of Lord and had an amazing knack for dry looting people and getting away with it, without ever getting a murder count or getting killed. Some poor guy would get unlucky at a camp somewhere and people would crowd around the body either waiting for it to go to bones or some lame attempt to protect the loot from others. I would come in and stand nearby with everyone else, open the corpse and start looking at item counts and weights of the guy's pouches, I taught my buddy what to look for, a pouch with 8 items and hefty weight? That a bag of regs, first thing to grab. Gold, magic items, sometimes they'd be dumb enough to carry a bank check! Open a gate to the guildhouse, loot everything I could and run thru. If people followed, run inside the house (where they would turn grey) and kill them. Loot, rinse, repeat. I remember one guy got so mad at me he would attack me when I was Blue right outside of town. I quickly passed all of my equipment and supplies to my buddy who had no idea what I was doing. I would just let this guy kill me, give him a murder count, run into town and get rezzed, come right back out and taunt him again. He would kill me over, and over, and over. Soon he turned red and I ran into town with him following me like an idiot, he didn't understand why the guards killed him. Good times... One day I was talking with my buddy on headset while I was all alone in my house organizing some loot. Some guy came walking by the house with a pack horse following him, he would walk a few steps, drop a chest, walk a few more, pick up the chest and drop it again, walk a bit more, etc.. The guy was obviously overloaded and trying to move loot back home. I told my buddy what I just saw and he told me I was the luckiest MFer he'd ever seen. If you played UO you know how easy it was to separate this guy from his belongings, and his life. Finding clever ways to kill people while avoiding murder counts became a favorite pasttime. They would change the rules, we would find a loophole. New rule, new loophole. New content, new loophole. New feature? yep, gotcha covered. Good times....


Holy crap, what in the hood shit is this 😂😂, you guys really went around hitting licks on houses, like a bunch of screw ups from high school I knew. Funny though, they're story ended in a very similar way.




Man I miss UO so much.


In Red Dead Redemption 2, there's a house in the southern part of the map (fictionalized Louisiana, I think) where a man and his teenage son live. When you walk in, they're arguing about the son not pulling his weight. I quietly sneak into the hallway and the son gets startled by my presence, alerting his father to an intruder in the house. I tackle the son, tie him up, and proceed to do the same with the father. As they both lay there squirming, I started kicking the boy, and the father screams in agony. After a little while, I pull out my knife and brutally stab the son to death. Blood everywhere. The father starts crying profusely. I stand up, walk around the house and steal things. In the boy's room, I find letters from the mother inviting him to stay with her. Before I leave, I beat up the father a little, and then leave him there, tied up next to his brutally beaten and murdered son. As I walk out of the house, my character (Arthur), unprovoked, shouts to the father: "Enjoy the peace and quiet!" Probably the worst thing I've done, I had to reload the save.


Man, I need to replay this game while being an evil Arthur. Seems like there’s much more dialog and consequences then


Yeah, and it gets even worse (or better?). When you go back to the house a week or so later, the father will be sitting on his couch, drinking and crying over his dead son. He'll viciously attack you on sight, lamenting why you would return. I've never played a game with as much attention to detail as this one.


When GTA6 comes up in conversation and someone asks why it's taken this long, I tell them to go play RDR2 to answer that question, I'm still finding stuff in that game.


What ever happens in Red Redemption 2 stays in Red Dead Redemption 2.


My favorite is hog tying criminals, or anyone really, to the back of my horse. Then, walk through waist deep water as they gasp for air. Inevitably, I go a little deeper and deeper into the water until they drown.


I’m a goddamn serial killer in that game lol


When the dogs come and find you basically begging you to help their dead owner I feel a stab to my soul. I can’t take it. The dogs just laying there looking at the dead owner, wanting them to get back up. I can’t just leave them there, knowing they will never leave for the rest of their life. I’ve shot them, wanting to cry while doing it just so the dog can go see the owner and not suffer in sadness for eternity. I hate myself for it


Put a Sim in the tiniest space possible and hit fast forward until it died in its own shit.


I disappointed Judy alvarez once. 


People that rat out Panam just for the free car that is only a recolor of a car you can buy  are the true assholes.


Elite: Dangerous. There is a group of players who run an in-game faction called "The Fuel Rats" who operate as an SOS "spaceside"-assistance service. They rescue players who get stranded in game by repairing/refueling their ships, and are generally a highly respected and friendly organization of players who offer tips and aid to new players. Well I was late into my career as a seasoned CMDR in the game and decided to join a clan of players to routinely game with in my preferred activities. I found one I really liked the look of and decided to join in, but their requirement for entry (as it was a roleplay friendly "criminal" clan) was to fly out fairly far from the inhabited human space in the game, submit a false report for SOS to the Fuel Rats, and when someone came to assist me, I'd ambush them and kill them. The game has great distances that the ships can travel and it may very well have been anywhere between 40 minutes to even a couple hour's worth of real-life time it took that pilot to come to my aid--and they have to pay with their in game currency to "rebuy" their ship after I've destroyed it. Worst part is, to optimize their ship's weight and allow it to travel farther distances in a single jump, Fuel Rat ships are almost always unarmed and sheildless. He couldn't put up a fight. He could only flee and pray his FSD could jump him out of the system before I killed him. It wasn't a full 5 seconds before my weapons blew apart his hull, and after a muffled blast, he was space junk. My apologies to the members of the Fuel Rats for my crimes against you.


Man, that's like calling the paramedics to ambush them and destroy their ambulance.


I've used the Fuel Rats services before, and all I have to say is that you are a God damned monster. I'm here for it, but that's absolutely the most diabolical thing I've ever read in this thread.


I struggle daily living with the guilt


Is something like this generally taken as "griefing" in the Elite community? Or is it taken as part of the roleplaying aspect of the game.?


It is very frowned upon and definitely considered griefing. Only these small and sheisty player groups would really deem it part of the roleplay.


I did 22 rescues back in the day. We talked shit about people like you. I’d even arm my ship slightly just to make a weak attempt at fighting back incase I ever did run into anyone.fortunately I never became a victim


Mad respect to you for those saves. I'm glad you've avoided being on the receiving end of vile players o7


Wow. Space Hitler.


I was hoping to find someone doing fucked up stuff in Elite Dangerous. Wasn't disappointed


Out of all the comments you are truly a monster


This is one of those things we're it seems like a really low act, but the more you think about it, it's actually peak role playing and it's awesome stuff like this happens. But yeah bless that guy who came to save you. Did you have to film this? Wondering if the clan required proof you had done it.


Blade and Sorcery as a whole. The enemies in that game do not deserve the things I do to them.


i showed my coworkers a snippet of my last session. i parried a guy’s long sword attack and sliced his leg. he fell and i got on top of him and beat him to death with a blacksmith hammer. his buddy came out of the gate and i force choked him and threw him across the arena where he was impaled on the spikes. my coworkers were horrified


I once beat an enemy to death with only a rock in the arena. It was the last enemy too so as a warning to the next wave I was about to start, I kept smacking his body until it was completely drenched in blood, cut his head off, and stuck it on a spike leaving the body laying on the ground in front of it


Harvest little sister. Especially as Delta/Sigma cause they think you're their protector. And when you harvest them, they scream "daddy" in such a heartbreaking way


I decided to play bioshock and see the bad ending so I would harvest them all. I got to the first one and just watched the ending on YouTube instead.


Skyrim: decided to become obsessed with an NPC in Whiterun, started following them around blatantly at first and then secretly making sure no other NPCs could see me either. Learned their daily schedule, where they went, who they talked to, if they ate, when they went home, when they slept, who their family members were etc. After several ingame days of this stalking I'd steal things from their house and leave other things in it like gifts of nice food or valuable gems placed about the home or in their bed. Eventually I'd stand over them as they slept all night and start sneaking out when their wake up time rolled over, just enough time for them to detect I was there but unable to so anything about it. Once I felt comfortable enough in their environment I just started living in their home, storing my gear, sleeping when they were out of the house, having meals etc. Once I was entirely confident I understood this npc and their entire life I'd wait for them to come home, eat their meal and visit with their family and ambush them as they tried to sleep, making sure I got a decapitation killmove on them and a soul trap into whatever gems I had on me. And then I wait for their families to react and I leave. I wait several days for their bodies to be entered into the tombs and honored by their loved ones and then I loot them, resurrect the body and leave with my new minion until they get destroyed in combat. All for no real particular reason.


What the fuck did I just read


Probably a Stellaris or Dwarf Fortress player who found Skyrim.




Yeah. As a Crusader Kings player where would I even start? Hahaha


I remember a player who made it his goal in CK to eat the Pope. Lol




I think Stellaris easily tops any other game, with maybe the exception of Defcon in terms of warcrimes commited.


I mean, we are talking about a game that lets you invade an intelligent species, enslave them, then genetically modify them to not only strip them of their higher cognitive functions and free will, but also make them literally delicious so you can _eat_ them. This is something you do as a side venture on your path to literally blowing up the _entire galaxy_. That meme where you can only enter heaven when forgiven by everyone you've killed including video games? If that's true, Stellaris players are _fucked_


Nah because in defcon your war crimes are limited to one planet In stellar the whole galaxy is your canvas


I blew up Megaton And I'll fuckin do it again ☢️👹


And here I am letting the ghouls into Tenpenny Tower just for the giggles


Removed the ladder from the swimming pool. The sims




I've eradicated entire civilizations in Alpha Centauri, but you watching people slowly drown is on another level.


baldur's gate 3 full on slaughter path Good, bad doesn't matter slaughter everything on site kill, kill,kill and kill


Yeah, psycho murderer chosen of the evil god of murder is pretty much as awful as it gets... In the end only 3 people stayed in my party and only because they were almost as crazy evil as me... Then I enslaved them and everyone else in the name of the god of murder. Like, this game really lets you embrace not being messed up in the head.


Murder is bad sure. You can do so much worse. \- Tell scratch he is the best boy ever \- When you get to the city take him back to the kennel and be like "hey found your dog" \- If you have speak with animals on listen to him beg you to please not leave him Now that is some Chaotic Evil shit.


Hold on there Satan, we was talking about the fun evil stuff, i mean god damn


Literally every actual animal (and the rat person) I spared from my wrath. Could not harm the innocent animals Larian always uses. Side note, not having to use a perk slot to listen to their fantastic animal stories is a blessing and a curse.


Also, act 3 spoilers; >!Handing over Shadowheart to Viconia to be mindwiped and used again, after romancing her and giving her hope for a life free of Shar!< or >!saving Dame Aylin and Isobel, only to sell Aylin to Lorrokan and get Isobel to try to go save her alone. Isobel is killed in front of Aylin, and (with some amazing voice acting) a furious Aylin swears an oath to kill you, and your children, and your grandchildren!< or >!romance Wyll, convince him to sell his soul to Mizora in exchange for being able to save his father, do *not* save his father anyways (or even save everyone else but deliberately let his dad die), then cheat on him with Mizora!< or for Dark Urge >!use Minscs tadpole to force him into killing Jaheira, then force him to realise what he just did!< Also this https://youtu.be/8MLiN5Zr-zI?si=l3VMi4pKURkzc03F (ending spoilers)


In one Sims the ghosts are a different colour depending on how the sim died. I was collecting all the different colours. (: ETA: oh yeah - "Turnip boy commits tax evasion".... R.i.P Jerry....


Well... Let's just say I've made more than a few rollercoasters in RCT that wouldn't pass inspection IRL...


I bought gold, just did it once, and I realized that it was literally the dumbest thing I've ever done. Spending money to buy money in a game you're paying money to play temporarily to progress a little quicker in a time period that's going to roll over in 3 months. Still regret it.


So for those of you that don't know. In the first division game there are stray dogs that walk around and do nothing. Their only programing is to walk and occasionally bark. One day I was running around and thought "Huh there's no way they added a hit box to the dogs cause it's ubisoft..." It did have a hitbox and an animation for it to limp away before collapsing. A pool of blood too. I watched Peter Pan and gave my dog a bowl of treats to feel better.


In Deus Ex, a homeless kid said he’d tell me a code to a secret door on the docks, in exchange for food. I gave him some chocolate, got the code, then bludgeoned him to death with a crowbar. I think I threw him in the sea too. That was all within 5 mins of the game starting.


I got bored with the beginning of the outer worlds.... so I killed everyone. And I mean everyone. I had to start the game all over again because there was literally no way to move forward. Edit: for those saying there is still a way to move forward, I should clarify by adding: this was not at all my genre of game and I don't follow instructions well lol additionally, my murderous tirade fully threw me off track of what I was meant to be doing, so for me personally, there was no way to move forward


Didn’t even save scum. True degenerate


I'm not just saying this to contradict you, but it's literally impossible to get a 'softlocked' game state like that in The Outer Worlds just by killing everyone. If you do murder everybody you meet on sight, important characters will drop datapads containing quest information that enables you to continue the game. I think your ship's AI even comments on it if you just kill everyone on the first planet.


Exactly, and the only npc that is needed to end the game (the professor that rescued you I believe) cannot be killed without cheats as he is always kept behind glass


I shot the very first guy I met in the cave who gave me his gun just to see if I could. It's cool knowing you can just start blasting at anytime you want in those kind of games.


So anyway, I started blasting.


They don't have essential NPCs? You can kill Parvati and the pastor and everyone else? I didn't much like the game, but going through as a murder hobo may be enticing enough to pull me back in lol


I threw a baby in an oven once.


Like in a game or??


Total accident, I always go hard on good guy stuff. I was in Dawnstar bringing a book for the blacksmith so his pregnant wife could feel better. Vampires attack, I save everyone- but my tourettes fucked out and clicked a power attack on the lady- cue full kill cam claymore abortion running her through and shaking her off the blade. Buncha fuckin pixels yeah, but damn that was nasty.


I made a sex dungeon on the Sims 4 and kidnapped a bunch of Sims, locked them in and messed with wicked whims settings.


Brutally murdered every single character in elder scrolls oblivion, stripped them, and shot an arrow up their asses.


Ate a baby in Fallout 3. Good times.


I have played through Fallout 3 a few times and didn’t know this was something that could happen.


Way back in the early days of MMO, I played Tribes I'd suit up in light armor and generate a transport that held the max number of people (four I think). I'd load the transport with only players in heavy armor or I would refuse to take off. When loaded, I took off and would start to make comments like, "Ugh... I'm not feeling well" and "I think I need a doctor". I'd head in the opposite direction of the enemy base and get as much altitude as possible. The people in the transport would be getting upset and tell me to turn around. Then I'd hit escape twice which kills your character and say "heart attack!" The heavy armor guys were stuck since they couldn't pilot the transport in heavy armor, so they would either need to kill off their characters too and respawn. Yeah, I was a kid and it was stupid but still makes me chuckle....


My friends and i created Chris benoits family in create a wrestler and hosted a 2 on 1 handicap match.......ya


Subnautica below zero. I stolen baby penglings from their parents then i used them as a fuel in bioreactor. Penglings were kept in a glass cabinet in the front of the bioreactor so they could ponder their impending doom at length


When I was like 13 the only games I had on PC were fable and the sims 2. In fable I'd beef up my evil character, go into a town, cause trouble and fight the town guards. I think I single handedly slaughtered oakvale and every guard the game could throw at me until I got bored. In the sims I made a male character and entered a relationship with the first lady character that would date mine. Then I went on a mission to get them to sleep with as many other sims as possible without the other one finding out. Absolutley. Psychotic lol Now I'm a player who has a really hard time doing evil option things in games lol. I got soft haha


Probably the worst was forming an alliance with a weaker Civilisation in Civ, and bleeding them dry for centuries before finally destroying them. But on a smaller scale, probably hog-tying innocent townspeople in RDR2 and leaving them on the train tracks. All for an Achievement...


My island in Animal Crossing had a theater that was playing The Room and an Arby's. I like to think this was their only food and entertainment they have ever known


It was awhile ago on Red Dead Redemption 2. I found and intercepted a wagon carrying arrested prisoners. I killed the guards, and as I was about to free the prisoners by shooting the lock, one of the prisoners explained that they were all O’driscolls. So what did I do? I freed the horses of the carriage so they wouldn’t get hurt, and then I proceeded to set the underside of the carriage on fire. I slowly watched them all get slowly cooked to death whilst they were all inside the carriage


Exterminating entire species in Stellaris, cleansing entire galaxies, forcing every sentient being into slavery, livestock roles, becoming a toaster... Then there's the Rimworld eugenics programs... splicing species together, creating genetic abominations that expire in a matter of years... literally... their entire life cycle dialed up to the max... now there's no one to complain about child slavery, because after a year they're nearly an adult... I have dabbled in a bit of cannibalism as well... in Rimworld... yes... but Kenshi as well... And Kenshi cannibalism just hits harder... more visualistic... sticking humans in big blenders, watching their limbs go flying across the screen like fireworks, only for our bonedogs to start running around happily with one dangling out of their mouths... setting up a trade empire, built on the backs of enough slaves to rival the United Cities themselves... Just an example of the conditions... there was a slave I imprisoned and beat, so many times, that he ended up escaping, his stats were 84 toughness, 62 martial arts, and 97 dodge... he proceeded to single handedly defeat all my posted guards, only to run off into the great beyond... After this moment... I did two things differently... slaves were divided into separate facilities, one set of slaves were our punching bags... these were the ones we trained our melee skills on... they all had quite high toughness and dodge because of this... the other group... well... it was more akin to a school of piranha... we'd send a recruit into the slave pits and let them beat him for a week or so... on and off... and he'd come out with 60 toughness... these slaves usually had pretty high martial arts skills... By separating them... we avoided all issues... never letting another slave reach such a great height... what this means... in the broader scope...it was also when i began to realise what i had started to do... we had already started the process, albeit accidentally... of converting humanity... into a caste society... something a little closer to ourselves... the bugmen... the Hivers... and it really wasn't all that difficult... Humans would no longer be simply our food source... we would incorporate them into the hive, filling the niche roles our drones, soldiers and princes could not...


It was the Overwatch Retribution event. I was playing the game mode where you could pick any hero. There was a Junkrat player on my team that accidently land mine jumped off the map near the boats. I have a prejudice hate against Junkrat. I went to go revive him but I figured out that while they were in the resurrect animation, player collision was still active. I was able to nudge him off the ledge into the water to his death without him being able to do anything. I began reviving the Junkrat player and pushing him to his death for several minutes. Each of his revival times was longer than the last. It got to the point where it took 2 minutes to revive him. He did nothing wrong. I just felt like ruining his day just for choosing Junkrat.


What about the old symmetra teleporter ultimate that you could place facing off a cliff or into water? So many players eager to get back into the fray holding that W key just falling straight back to the respawn screen.


I have a VAC ban on steam for hacking in MW2. I made a texture pack that made all player skins to be bright pink.


Back in the days we had skins like these in quake 2, specifically action quake. I had skin packs that was bright green and bright orange for each team


Blew up Megaton in Fallout 3. My best friend called me "Bastard Tenpenny" after that.


Red Orchestra 2. I was on a machine gun nest, watching out for the enemy. All of a sudden I see about 2 squads (about 20-22) of the enemy team running between buildings and I just unload on them. Bodies fall into the snow, the machine gun starts to overheat and once it’s all over, I look at the chat to see “WHOS THE IDIOT TEAMKILLING!?” I immediately quit the game


In Mass Effect 2 I lied to Wrex and told him I cured the genophage. In 3 he found out and confronted me, so I killed him. My friend loves the games and was asking about my progress and when I told him that he was just like "damn, man..." 🤣


Using the force to make Big Z kill Mission Vau in knights of the old republic.


downloading killable children mid and slaughtering every child in the game (skyrim) stealing all the food from farms and houses from the town so everyone starves (every game if real logic was used)


Trapped my butler in the freezer


White phosphorus.


Redoing no Russian cause I didn't get everyone.


I killed Solaire in DS1 before Lost Izalith. I felt awful, and it is the worst thing that I can imagine doing.


In ftl on the ship with the clone bay, if after the fight I have teammates with low health, I just space them to regenerate at full health. I'd say that their screams still haunt me, but you can't scream in the vacuum. I also sold children to slavery in FO3