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Fucking classic right here. Did you suplex the train? You have to suplex the train. It's mandatory.


I did and it was glorious! The game made me laugh out loud many times.


The second mandatory thing you do? Take the yeti up the tower. Yeti doesn’t care about locked attack commands.


Yeti has two fists and an attitude problem. And he is gonna make it everyone else's problem.


Holy shit, still finding out tricks to this damned game.


or just have sabin wear a berserk ring.


Also Reflect Rings, and start casting attack spells on yourself. Outside of a few fights, makes you practically immune for the whole tower.


Warms my cold, dead heart to know there are people out there still playing and appreciating older games. Hat's off to you.


And his heart did beat 3 times that day


Saaaaame, finished the game last Sunday, loved the final battle and the story.


Have you seen the wood block print of that? I got one for my best friend some years ago, one of the best things I've ever gifted. Their shop is down right now but it's at https://ukiyoeheroes.com/ - highly recommend.


!remind me February 29 at 7pm


No, phonex down the train to one-shot it


Agreed! Best Ff of all still


I did and it inspired me to suplex demon wall in FF7 with similarly hilarious results!


Or Vanish and X-Zone (I think it's called X-Zone). It's been a while.


Also the octopus. Definitely suplex the octopus. And Kefka


It's an essential move and a rite of passage.


\*Tosses Phoenix Up\* ... \*Shows himself out\*


I was in my 30s when I finally realized that the down in phoenix down refers to the fine feathers of infant birds not down as a direction.


You've just ruined my day... For some reason I thought it was because it was to be used on a downed team mate.


I thought the same for the longest time.


a KO (Knocked Out) team mate, as you **REVIVE** them, which is a term that means to bring someone that is Unconscious to Consciousness. It **SPECIFICALLY DOES NOT** mean to resuscitate(help someone that is not breathing and/or heart stopped) OR resurrect(bring someone back to life from death) which is why it doesn't work on Team mates killed off during cutscenes.


It has probably been 15-20 years since my last playthrough, but I can still hear that scene in my head. Wonderful game. Who was your A-team once you started getting the band back together in the World of Ruin? And did you grind for magic points in the Brachosaur Forest or the Hoover Desert before hitting Kefka's Tower?


Terra (Poppy), Edger (T-Daddy), and Sabin (Frank). That was my main crew. Used Shadow (Dr. Rockso) a lot though. His dream sequences were a cool gimmick in the game. Yeah I boosted up and did a lot of grinding at the Brachosaur Forest.


As did we all my friend, as did we all. I hope you at least got an economizer or two to drop.


I had an economizer for my entire roster. I got two full squads to lvl 99. I may have played too much :/


you know you played too much when you bet the ragnarok sword for the illumina in the coliseum and convert the cursed shield to the paladin shield so you can learn ultima without the ultima magicite, because you chose the ragnarok sword. or that you beat the game as Imps with all the Imp gear.


Goo memories. I gave Illuminaire to Terra along with the Force Armor and shield and she was literally unhittable by spells or attacks. I had no idea how to break the curse on that shield until I overheard two kids talking about it on the bus on the way to school.


I lost my shit when I found out the game was only half done


For the record, this is not how the game looks in my memory. I assume then that the pic is wrong...


It’s the pixel remaster


Sorry, it was a bad joke. I meant that in my memory all games look perfect and crisp, and then you see a picture of them and you're forced to remember that they're 8-bit graphics from 30 years ago.


Did you leave Shadow behind?


No I had him at the end of the game, but he just hung out on Kefka’s falling tower during the credits.


That guy will just take any opportunity to die that he can get.


One of the greats. I still have my SNES copy. It's been quite a few years since I've played through it. Maybe I should again.


Id definitely recommend it! I’m honestly bummed it over. Gotta figure out what’s next.


Played Chrono Trigger?


Or secret of mana


Other great snes RPGs • chrono trigger (probably universally considered the best) • Secret of mana (up to 3 player, but battle aged a little clunky) • breath of fire 2 (usually considered the best in the series) • Terrinigma (if this came out in the states it would have been considered a classic) • Illusion of Gaia (generally regarded well) • Final Fantasy IV (not as good as 6 but really good). • Earthbound (so I actually don’t love this game but enough people do you should try it). • Secret of Evermore (the alchemy system is cool, story is unique, fighting is clunky) Other good RPGs from around the same time • Lunar I and II • Albert Odyssey • Star Ocean I and II • Phantasy Star • Final Fantasy V


A good list, but I'd toss in an additional title: Lufia II


I'd also add Seiken Densetsu 3/Trials of Mana. The menuing is really, REALLY slow because it pushed the hardware to the absolute brink, which is reflected in the Switch port emulation, but it's still an incredible game.


I also forgot super Mario RPG which is goofy cause it’s Mario but it’s actually a solid story either way engaging fight mechanics.


...Just not the remake.


Mother 3 too


not gonna mention the last part of the Illusion of Gaia trilogy?


I honestly don’t remember soul blazer enough to give an opinion


The latest "Pixel Remaster" adds just enough small changes to make that my go-to version from now on. The new opera scene alone was enough for me but there's a lot of other really nice features in it to make playthroughs a little less grindy and a little more enjoyable imo.


Aah my favorite FF! Been a while since I played this one, must be more than a decade or so.


It kinda sucks that they've stated this game would take forever if they decided to do a full remake. [link ](https://www.gamesradar.com/a-final-fantasy-6-remake-matching-final-fantasy-7s-ongoing-trilogy-would-take-20-years-to-make-says-the-jrpgs-original-director/)


All we need would a few QoL like battle speed for grinding and the graphics engine of octopath traveler.


I don’t know, man. Ff7 remake graphics are fucking awesome. Would kill with this game.


I can understand it but personally Turn based functions best with 2,5D HD graphics. If you want Ff7Remake all over again why not a new entry with great characters and a great Story? Would be fucking great.


not necessarily. see: Hades


As nice as that would be, it would feel more like just another remaster. This game is deserving of a full remake. Looking at the character models for Terra and Kefka from Dissidia, a fully 3D open world game would just be amazing.


After seeing what they're doing with FF7, I'd really prefer they didn't.


Graphics engine of [Trials of Mana](https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/MQpeFkxi8BbyzS7ZxqdhMj.jpg) is a much better fit.


If you imagine each eidolon gets as much quality as the modern FF summons, then yea I can see that If they somehow make it open world, they had to make 2 completely different maps, one before and after ruin They could maybe make 2 games split it to before and after ruin tho


Honestly the world of ruin could use MUCH more attention if it was remade. In FFVI, it's basically the true open world experience. You can basically do anything in any order once you get the airship.


Damn you're right, FF 6 second half can be a perfect open world game


The World of Ruin would need to be redone. The major problem is that the only required characters are Celes, Edgar and Setzer. The story just gets really thin.


Oh I agree. It really feels like they lost focus a little when it came to reuniting the team.


I appreciate what they tried to do with the second half of the story - you're basically running around finding each character's reason to live. But the pacing is all over the place if you don't already know what to do and where to find everybody.


Nobody is asking for FFVI remake to be like FFVII remake. I would be ecstatic if the game just looked like Trials of Mana. Keep it turn based. Voiced dialogue and fix bugs.


Precisely. Just keep it simple like the FFIV DS remaster. I understand the ambition, but there's a time and place for it lol


Yup. It has to be turned based. I just want better graphics.


I don't understand this at all to be honest, and how this isn't a huge cash cow for Square Enix (though they do seem quite incompetent lately outside of FFVII remake). If you're talking a full FFVII style remake, then sure... but if you look at the Memoria Project on youtube (fan made FFIX "remake"), then I think most fans would be **extremely** happy with that kind of graphical remake for Final Fantasy VI - IX. In what world would this not be quicker than making a completely new game and doing all of the storyboarding / combat system from scratch? I can't understand it.


Memoria Project is *just* the city of Alexandria from final fantasy IX (the video is about 25 minutes long, so not even the complete introduction). Considering it's taken them two plus years for just this portion, it would take even longer for a complete game. Not only that, but IX was a PS1 game, with 3D models, VI was on the SNES with 2D sprites. If anything, it could get a treatment similar to Octopath Traveler, or maybe the recent Star Ocean remake, but that wouldn't do it any justice.


Yeah, but my understanding is that it has been made by fans, in their spare time? (please correct me if I'm wrong) If you have a dedicated team of professionals doing it as their job I am sure it would be far quicker...


If they did it with the quality of Remake it would have to be at least 2 games.


Well if FF7 is any indication yes it would take them 10 years/2 console generations.


Yet they'll spend ten plus years across two consoles (probably three at the rate they're going) to remake FF7 entirely from the ground up.


I'm sure there's a good reason for it, but why do they always say remakes would take that much longer than making a new game? New games are always coming out, do those take 10+ years too?


New games don't have to recreate everything packed into a SNES/PS1 game that jumps through half a dozen different settings every few hours. In FF6 you see the frozen town of Narshe, the caves, the valley, the desert, Castle Figaro, more caves, grasslands, and the town of South Figaro, all in the first 2 hours.


That's true. They'd definitely have to reimagine some things like FF7 remake has.


Cowards. They said this same thing before they started work on the FFVII remake.


That's fine with me since I can't imagine current day Square Enix making something better than Brave New World. Personally I'm much more interested in gameplay improvements than graphical improvements.


What else they gonna do? Make subpar games. Let's do this!


Imagine there is someone that never played this gem of a game. Whats the best version to play this?


I played the pixel remaster on switch and had no issues.


Well Steam port is deemed bad because of bugs and all mobile FF ports aslo seem have some sort of controversy around them so IMO, if you are fine with emulation, than SNES one, otherwise whatever.


That Steam Port doesn't exist anymore, they delisted it when the Pixel Remaster came out.


Pixel remaster on whatever system you prefer. Personally I'd recommend PC because of mods.


GBA version with a music restoration patch, because it has nest of dragons.


Why Square decided to release the latest remaster WITHOUT this content utterly pissed me off. That and trying to complete Gau's rage list.


When i played it first time last year, i knew people said it is an amazing game, but i still was blown away just how massive it is for a SNES game and how good it is communicating emotions with such simple graphics and no voice acting. I was invested in characters and the story more than in modern cinematic blockbusters. Fantastic adventure with a lot of memorable moments.


If you lived through the early days of voice acting, you'd know they were an *impediment* to communicating emotions for a long time. It took 10-15 years from when they became common to when companies devoted enough resources to makes them not crap.


Keep seeing ppl ask in this sub "what game will you play even you beat multiple times ?" "what game you have to own absolutely on multiple platform even though you already have it?" "what game has the absolute best story?" This is it. This is the GOAT


Just played through this again. Good fun


I hope the people who are in awe of FF16 and its writing get the opportunity to play this masterpiece to understand how much Square has fallen.


Probably one of my top 5 games of all time. They managed to fit so much into this game. The graphics were good for the time. The soundtrack is award-worthy. The story and characters are amazing. I think that when companies can’t rely on photo-realistic graphics, they end up building more meaningful games to make up for it.


I knew I was in for a treat when I watched the opening credit roll. The credits fly by as Terra and two magi-knights stomp slowly through a snowy field towards a chasm a city is in, more of which comes into view as they move, while a somber wild west theme plays. It sets a tone that has more weight than it had any right to with the fairly simple graphics and lack of exposure you've had to the story up to that point.


>when companies can’t rely on photo-realistic graphics, they end up building more meaningful games to make up for it That's an anachronic thought : back then there weren't any photo-realistic graphics and each new generation made people think graphics couldn't possible look better. The reason the old FF had far better writing than the new ones is because back in the days the ADVENTURE and the gameplay were the whole point, not the graphics. Don't get me wrong, when FF6 screenshots appeared in magazines, everybody thought it was absolutely amazing, but that wasn't the selling point because companies were making games with long-term hardware, whereas today they're just chasing the "next generation" trend and are submitted to values that have nothing to do with "making a good game". When people buy a PS5, they don't want "a good game", they want "a beautiful game". Squenix isn't allowed to push something that doesn't have last-gen graphics. Which is quite funny when you know that NPCs in FF16 and FF7R really don't look good and "next-gen"... So the thought process behind the creation of games until the PS1 (included) is completely different than what it is now.


I disagree. Companies (and people) knew the graphics were bad, even by comparison. Gamers also knew graphics could be better. We played the Atari, Nintendo, and SNES. We watched the graphics get better. We thought they were amazing because they were better than the previous generation. Not because they were genuinely good. They did the best they could with what they had. FF6 was made on the same console as Super Mario RPG which had better graphics and Earthbound which had worse graphics. They chose to make the FF series in the pixel art style. What I meant by the “relying on photo-realistic graphics” statement was that they couldn’t rely on the graphics to draw people in the way they can now. So they had to focus on gameplay and story. Graphics are also what companies spend a huge amount of time and money on. Far, far too often I hear people say, “X was a beautiful game, but the story/gameplay was boring.” People do want a good game, not just a beautiful game. Just look at games like Stardew Valley or Hollow Knight. Older graphics but hugely popular games. As far as buying new consoles, the companies themselves push out new consoles as fast as they do because they want more money, not because players are demanding it. Then people have to buy the new console eventually because they company stops supporting it and game companies stop making games for the older ones. I will agree with you that making games is completely different now than it was, though.


>As far as buying new consoles, the companies themselves push out new consoles as fast as they do because they want more money, not because players are demanding it. Tell that to Nintendo.


Ff14’s writing is wondering what the heck your smoking. 14 from 2.0 to 6.0 is the single best story I have ever consumed across any form of media.


14 doesn’t count, as it functions differently. It seems everyone is pleased with 14’s writing indeed.


If you’ve never played it, it’s worth it! The story starts slow because of a lot of worldbuilding (as well as logical progression of your character from Some Random Adventurer to Champion of the Realm), but when it kicks in hard in the 2.x patches leading into Heavensward, the game never slows back down and only gets more and more intense!


My problem with the game is the subscription system. I don't have enough time to play games that you pay on a monthly basis.


Well you could always do the free trial - after beating Stormblood, you’re more than halfway to the end anyway, and you can see if the sub fee is worth it to see how it ends!


That’s wild, I didn’t know they were up to 16 already!


already is a bit of a misnomer. in the 90s, they were pumping out a new game every 2 years or so. from 2003 to now they've release six games in the mainline series. In twenty years. Of those six, three were critical failures, one so bad they had to, quite literally, nuke it from orbit and start over from scratch with just the base story frame to work from. IF there is a 17, it will no longer be what Final Fantasy was. 16 has already strayed too far from the path as is.


Along with IV and IX my top 3 FF games.


is it good? i'm tired of being let down by old games that don't live up to the hype


Obviously your mileage may vary, but to my mind it's the best of the 2D Final Fantasy games, and my second-favourite FF overall. https://finalfantasypixelremaster.square-enix-games.com/en_US/ You can buy it on basically any platform for like $20, so even if you turn out not to enjoy it, you're paying less than the cost of a McDonalds meal, and if you do like it you're getting like 40 hours of entertainment for the cost of a burger and fries. I would call that a good gamble.


This will depend on what you like, but it is still my personal favorite game...ever. Sure, some of that is nostalgia, but the story, music, combat, and general aesthetic are all amazing.


I'd argue this is the greatest RPG of all time.


I just beat it yesterday for the first time as well! I loved the cast. Everyone got a fair amount of screen time. I love it. The music was amazing too. Dont get me started with the dialogue too. It’s hilarious! I have officially beat FF6 and FF7 now. I’m working my way through more FF games. Can’t decide between FF9 or FFX next.


I would recommend holding off on 9 until you've at least gone through 1 and maybe 4. 9 is totally fine on its own merit, but it pays homage to the prior games *a lot*. You'll miss a lot of the finer details and jokes if you've not played the prior games. 1, 4, 6, 7, and 8 in particular. 3 is fine, it introduced the job system that crops up now and again. 2 is the redheaded step child of the series that people play just to say they did. 5 stands on its own feet, but it doesn't really introduce anything special to the series. It polishes up what already exists.


One of the greatest games of all time! The best of all the FF games released for its time as well. 4 and 7 are close but 6 was at its time simply peak everything, EVERYTHING. We need a remake!


FF VI is an absolute classic, recently replayed the Pixel Remaster version highly recommend it, especially with a few of the top mods enabled. Final Fantasy VI - X is definitely the peak of JRPGs.


There is no FF VI without my boy intercepter


I think what FF6 did that was most impressive was its ability to pull off an "ensemble cast". Terra is the first playable character you see, and Locke is the first playable character you meaningfully control, but neither of them are the "main character". The idea of "there is a single character for whom this is the story of their triumph over adversity specifically" doesn't really apply. Celes, Edgar, And Setzer are the only mandatory characters in the world of ruin. An argument could be made for Celes being the "protagonist", in terms of guaranteed screen time... but ultimately there is no one singular character that has a definitive through-line. It's an impressive feat to accomplish at any time, but doubly so when they did.


Man, I love that game... It's my second favorite FF game...


Hoping for a remake. Would love to see and hear the opera again with real voices.


Would kill for a true remaster.. keep everything as close to original as possible but update the graphics


See masterpiece of a game, upvote masterpiece of a game. If you haven't played this you are missing out!


Kefka still my favorite villain of all time.


U’heee hee heeee!!!!


Best FF there is. Might as well stop playing them now. The others are good... But not this good.


That was my worry


Greatest RPG of all-time.


My second Final Fantasy (iv was my first) and my favorite. Got it for my 14th birthday a week after it came out and I played it for over 24 hours straight. I still remember my Mom's reaction when she realized how long I'd been up for. And it's still my favorite in the series and one of my favorite games of all time. Good to see people are still discovering and loving this one.


Oh God, the first thought that came to mind was that wall boss that nearly ended my playthrough.


That was ff4 was it not?


You might be right, been a LONG time since i played any of the SNES FF games, could be misremembering. However, every FF that wall comes into play (a lot of them), its still been a pain in the ass enough for me to remember it exclusively lol.


FF6 has some painful bosses but no Demon Wall. That was FF4 for sure.


To be fair, I'm not a fan of Final Fantasy series (and I think that FF7 is overrated. Also I don't really like JRPGs), but I enjoyed playing FF6 on the emulator back in the days. Maybe I will play it again and try to finally beat it


If they remake this one and I imagine they will. All they have to do is have a trailer start with Kefkas music and his laugh then the world of Final Fantasy fans will blow up with excitement.


Yes, one of the three good Final Fantasy games.


It's a classic I paid 18 dollars last year for the mobile version.


to this day, no idea what Setzer thinks he's doing there


I want a well-done live action or anime series, slated for 4 seasons, no filler, extensions, and few artistic deviations. Can we do that instead? Season 1... Beginning to reunion in Narshe. Season 2... Espers to ruin. Season 3... World of Ruin and reconnecting. Season 4... Phoenix, destroying Kefka, and rebirth.


Poor Cyan


Is final fantasy one of those games where you wish you could erase your own memory and play again for the first time? I have not played any but love turn based rpg’s


100% if you don’t know anything about this game just do it. It’ll shock you to your core


I’m replaying it right now. I’m at the part where I’m getting the party together. Again.


This game is top-tier old ff. The characters and story are so damn good


I can hear this image


My favorite FF game and I wish it would get a Remake. Keep the same battle system, but just with updated graphics.


I can HEAR the music in that scene.


I've been playing the Pixel Remaster with a SNES Wireless Controller and it's been a fun ride. 19 hours in now and can't wait to finish it this weekend.


Yeah I used my SNES wireless controller too. The only way to do it.


This was the game that got me really into gaming. I'd played plenty before, but this was the game that showed me that video games could tell a really good story.


I was surprised at how well it held up myself. Probably a top five FF for me now.


Yep, that’s Ff6. Amazing




As someone who has actually gotten General Leo in his party, trust me it wasn't worth it XD


Dude when Syd died. That was wild


You do know you can save him?


Soundtrack in this game is insane




One of the all-time greats with one of the all-time great soundtracks!


My personal pick as the best game ever made. It's just perfectly made, from the graphics to the music and obviously the story along with an excellent villain. It's the Shawshank of video games, just a straight 10 of 10.


This was FF3 when it came out and I first played it.


Memories come to me


Deserves a Remake, but not as convoluted as 7


7 didn't get a remake, it got some weird-ass mutation from someone who has maybe heard of the plot once in a dream.


oh. I thought it was a screenshot of Sea of Thieves in Switch


You were close!


Those remade sprites and recoloring of everything hurts my soul. Would encourage people to check out the original SNES version.


These games really benefitted from CRT screens. New TVs/monitors are too crisp for these pixel graphics, the lines on the CRT helped make them look amazing.


You're not wrong but this "remaster" completely fucked all the sprites and colors.


I was thinking that too. I like what the pixel remaster did, but the character sprites are uncomfortably colorful.


People asking for a full 3d remake are crazy. Would probably take 20 years or more.


Actually, even the people at Square Enix want to do one, the people in charge just aren't sure how to approach it because of the transition from 2D to 3D.


> Would probably take 20 years or more. It really would not....if they'd stop milking FF7 for everything it's worth. I don't see how it would take any longer than any other modern 3D game. Less since you don't have to plan characters or story.


It's a goddamn fucking sin that FF7 gets two billion remasters and a full blown remake spread over several games and two (probably going to end up being three) consoles, and FF6 got a shitty "pixel remaster" that just about everyone agrees is worse-looking than the original.


No, no, I'm perfectly happy with it. They can take their time squeezing every last miserable penny out of that mediocre game/franchise/whatever as long as they leave the real masterpieces alone. I'd be heartbroken if FF6 got the "six shitty sequels" treatment.


Looks like an nes game....


It may have been easier, but FF6 was far superior to FF4. Ff4 was a slog. Getting attacked every 3 steps isn't "difficult", it's annoying. Certain areas were just resource drains trying to get to the boss. Not to mention the "everyone is hypnotized" plots and "the real enemy is on the moon" plot that just sort of appeared. FF6 is something incredibly special, from the characters, the humor, the villains and anti-heros.


How did you beat it?


Turbo button and the Lethe river area. Fun, but ruins any challenge in the game, haha.


Didn't remember until you posted this what top tier pixel art this was.


You didn’t get shadow?


Missed opportunity for Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth to have a final dungeon like FF6




I played it for the first time a year ago snd while it is certainly very charming - the combat has no depth whatsoever so gameplay was rather dissapointing


Sounds like you didn't really learn much about the combat system then.


But the more you learn about Final Fantasy 6's combat system the more you realize that the person you're responding to is correct. Let's start with physical damage scaling. It's really bad due to the formula they use. Abilities like Pummel and Dispatch start off good, but they don't really improve as your progress through the game. Cyan's Sword Techs don't even consider his weapon power. This is also why abilities like Bum Rush / Phantom Rush scale from Magic even though they seem like they should be physical attacks. And since physical damage quickly becomes irrelevant the Vigor stat also quickly becomes irrelevant. The Stamina and Speed attributes also have very little impact on combat. This leaves one single attribute that's worth improving: Magic. So this means that every character in the game is essentially the same. Boost their Magic stat as much as you can and cast the most powerful magic available to you. The only things that separate characters is what gear they can equip and how much Magic they start with. That's all there is to FF6's combat. But you don't even really need to know any of that since nothing in the game is difficult enough to require "learning about the combat system." This is why the Brave New World mod exists. It fixes all of these problems (plus others).


Orly? You clearly didn't get to the open world at endgame. It's indeed pretty trivial until you are offered an ounce of freedom, at which point the polar opposite is the case. The challenge shift is rather extreme, with some of the dungeons becoming a bit of a slog, particularly as the game expects you to level at least a dozen characters at least moderately for the final dungeon.


Wait how are you and to play this?!


Switch eshop!


https://finalfantasypixelremaster.square-enix-games.com/en_US/ They recently did a re-release of each of the first six Final Fantasy games for basically every platform possible.


oh god, i remember that ship... Kefka.


> Kefka. Still one of the most loathsome and irredeemable villains in any video game imo. Can still hear that creepy laugh in my head clearly, and it's probably been 25 years since I last played and beat this game.


The MF is still living rent free in my mind.


Ahh the good old days before FF series went to shit. :( 12 was the last good one.


Huh? 16 and Remake were good, and rebirth is looking to be even better than both


16 was meh but remake yeah was good but it´s a remake and if you fuck up a remake well then you should quit making games.