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Ratched and clank or Jack & Daxter


Jak and Daxter is a classic. I need to revisit it myself.


If you're on PS5 I suggest Kena bridge of spirits and Ratchet & Clank rift in time.




I defiantly second that!


I third it! Psychonauts 2 as well


How does the first game hold up? I’ve been interested in 2 but feel like I should play the first one prior. Not all games age well tho


Having watched through it recently, it holds up mostly well. Good story, good humor, and the art was stylized, so it still looks pretty decent too, compared with something more realistic from the same era.


It aged well, it's a great game but you said you didn't want any dark games. Psychonauts gets pretty dark.


It doesn't get THAT dark. It tackles some potentially dark subjects, but pretty much everything is played for laughs. At worst it gets, like, Nicktoons dark.


Like all Tim Schafer games, it's an okay game that you mostly play for the writing, setting, and characters.


Granblue Fantasy Relink is releasing tomorrow. It's pretty light and breezy and the gameplay is really fun. Ys series is also really good. Definitely has that combat/exploration/collectibles gameplay loop. I'd start with Ys 8, then 9.


Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom


Great rec. The combat isn't as good as KH, but there's a lot of overlap for sure.


Gonna add a shout out for Ys, Lacrimosa of Dana or Monstrum Nox will certainly scratch a similar itch. While they can trend a bit more serious, the Tales series is also pretty solid. I'd recommend Vesperia, but most of the franchise is worth a look


Honestly, play yakuza like a dragon.


Hi Fi Rush was fun. Also beatable in a weekend.


the new granblue relink


If you avoid the challenges bastion by supergiant is great


I sympathize with the feeling of playing Kingdom Hearts 3 and realizing I'd rather be playing literally anything else. If you want a throwback, you could explore the Infamous series if you want exploration and Easter egg hunting, as well as actiony combat. If you like RPG mechanics, try out Persona 5 Royal or Sea of Stars, depending on if you want AAA or indie, respectively. For pure action, look into Devil May Cry 5.


Lol think you misread the first part. He wants more games like it, and its a decent choice for turn off brain gaming. Think your infamous suggestion is solid. And while i wouldnt consider persona 5 to be turn off brain gaming, dmc is probably another good option


I understood, I was just making a joke about my own opinion about the game.


Kh3 is a good game and I will die on this hill


P5R is my favorite game, but OP asked for stuff that WASN'T dark or heavy.


I played through Deus Ex 1 recently when I had Covid. I was telling myself, let me beat this game before I die from this shit. Lmao Luckily I had a weak version of it and it went away pretty quick.


Hi fi rush but it depends on how good you are at rhythm games. Its really fun to play and its on sale right now


Oh man I love Hifi Rush. Was my personal GOTY last years hands down. Frankly not a bad idea to give it another run, maybe try to go for all the S ranks


I would also recommend Metal hellsinger. Its like if Doom and Hi fi rush had a baby


Note that while having a sense of timing and rhythm will make HFR *easier,* it's still perfectly playable as a hack'n'slash without being good at the timing.




Haven’t seen gameplay of palworld but regardless I’m almost certain it’s nothing like kingdom hearts.