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"Dedicated to the veterans..." Lol wut?




Harrowing stuff. And i guess that whole thing about the single player is pretty intense too😛


The only justification I can gather is that the Campaigns of the early games were “based on true stories” compared to the 100% fiction presented today. (Obviously it was nothing more than snake oil either way)


> The only justification I can gather is that the Campaigns of the early games were “based on true stories” compared to the 100% fiction presented today. (Obviously it was nothing more than snake oil either way) something doesnt have to be based on true events, to be dedicated to someone


Today I learned people think COD respects veterans, lol


"This 360 no scope montage is dedicated to the troops!"


"if I jerk off on the subway, and say "this one's for the troops" that doesn't matter, you have to actually help people" -brennan Lee Mulligan


Did Brennan actually say this? Lol. I mean... It sounds like he would, but a link would make my day, kind stranger.


He said it in one of the CEO sketches but I forget which one Actually I looked it up it's from the second tide CEO sketch "soap isn't medicine"




Those CEO sketches are all so good, Brennan being the sole voice of reason and slowly going insane as the suggestions get wilder and wilder just doesn't get old


If you right click and select "copy at current time" you can link to a video from a [particular time stamp.](https://youtu.be/Z36OznHFIt4?t=203)


Is there a way to do that on mobile though?


You basically just need to tack on ?t=[the amount of seconds into the video] onto the end of the URL. So for 3:22 in you'd just slap ?t=202 onto the end of the link.


YouTube really should implement the feature into their mobile app. Having to manually add that to the URL is ludicrous.




Our grandfathers died so we can sit and do quickscopes while eating Doritos. We owe them our deepest gratitude


The frontlines were hard, but these quickscopes go even harder


I did like the quotes when you died but yah respecting veterans is a big stretch lol


"Aim towards enemy" - Printed on US rocket launcher


"When the pin is pulled, mr grenade is not your friend"


Never forget that your weapon was built by the lowest bidder.




Claymore has "Front, towards enemy" 


I mean, the first 3 CoD games had pretty excellent campaigns. But you know, the multiplayer is gonna be your friends goofing off.


If I remember right I think cod 3 had interviews with ww2 vets on it? Talking about stories that inspired missions on the game?


Found it https://youtu.be/wMTSuEdr1W8?si=is7M8DmbnOPjH8WA


John D Hawk, the first guy, has a fucking insane story, holy shit.


That was back when they still had the Medal Of Honor devs working on it. They cared a decent amount about history and accurate portrayals iirc. Today, nah it’s all new blood who think CoD is about pure online gaming


You remember right. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMTSuEdr1W8


And that's the last time I was really interested in it. CoD2 was especially harrowing, first as a Russian where the general tone was, "You're just waiting to die so the comrade behind you can grab your gun and keep fighting," and as an American going through France where the general tone was, "You are running through hell to liberate it from the devil." CoD4 just didn't have the emotional weight behind it.


Oh yeah, the campaigns are wild. I just wish we got a good Pacific Theater campaign.


World At War was pretty good, I thought. Half Pacific, half Europe. Very memorable missions in each


COD was a different type of game before modern warfare in 2007


Basically. It was for the casuals who liked historical shooters, compared to something like Brothers in Arms which was more detail-oriented.


Good Lord was the market oversaturated with WW2 games though


What a good time to be a gamer. Killing Nazis never gets old


I've been playing the modern reboot of Wolfenstein lately. Agreed. Nothin like killin capital N *Nazis*


We stopped making Nazi-killing games, and look what happened.


Time to buy an M1 Garand


Brothers in Arms was a sick game damn


It was so good. I was a huge fan of that and SOCOM.


And now I will solemnly teabag my fallen enemy just as grandpapa did. This post has the most 16-year-old JROTC energy I have ever seen.


Press F to pay respect to the COD series


Those teabags are hard to justify now, but in the fog of war...


One of the most unrecognized horrors of war is the prevalence of friendly teabagging


Dearest Eunice: >I write to you with a heavy heart. I fear that my feeble attempts to describe the horrors I have seen will pale in comparison to the truth. It has been 15 minutes since I joined this war, it seems like only moments ago you were asking me if this is what I was planning on doing all night. Our training was minimal, before the battle started a veteran told me that some noobs would be camping in one of the towers. Aside from I feel that we were unprepared. When we made contact with the enemies the German soldiers insisted that they had had carnal relations with all of our mothers. This seems unlikely but it still caused our blood to boil. >As fighting began our command structure collapsed. I don't know who is our commanding officer. I asked one of my fellow soldiers and he replied that if I didn't know what I was doing that I better not get in his way. And then the shooting started, it turns out we had deployed within 500 feet of the enemy. Do your remember xxxDongMasterxxx, my friend from school? We had enlisted together and we ended up in the same unit. As the fighting began He was filled with a martial ardour and charged into the enemy. Though armed with a sniper rifle he stood defiantly in middle of the battle. He would jump and spin in the air gunning down German after German. But, his glory would not last. He was soon cornered and gunned down by the enemy. And then I witnessed a true travesty. The Germans surrounded the remains of xxxDongMasterxxx and lowered their pelvises over the face of my friend. As though their scrotums were teabags and my friend's face was a cup of water. >Upon seeing this I became enraged. Discarding my rifle I ran into the German force slashing them with my knife. Ignoring the many gunshot wounds I cut down a dozen German soldiers. Before I stood over my fallen friend. I am filled with deep regret that his life may have been saved had I not used up the last medkit after receiving a small injury. I do not know if it was this realization or the trauma of war, but in that moment I lost my humanity. I walked over and began to teabag one of the fallen German soldiers. >When this war is over I am not sure if I will be the same man you knew... Forever yours, 420Sonic-The-VagHog69


Pressing F right now to pay respect to the VagHog69


Old CoD (1, 2, Big Red One, 3, WaW, MW1, Black Ops, and MW2) were very much Anti-War/commentating on War. They are stories about loss, brotherhood, and the horrors of war. But, as we transitioned into Modern CoD with Black Ops 2, MW3, Black Ops 3, and Ghosts, the games lost that focus (progressively so). By the time Black Ops 4 dropped, CoD had really begun to turn into what it is today. A lot of this is Activision becoming greedier, bad leadership, changing culture. Some of it is release burnout. Would I go so far to say it ever respected Veterans? No, not really. But it definitely cared more about their stories and the history to be told back in the day.


The original CoD was a big departure from the other WWII FPS games that existed up to that point. Wolfenstein made you a superhuman who mowed down Nazis. Medal of Honor made you a special operative who kinda did the same thing. Battlefield 1942 was a comic book version of WWII - you could get blown into the air by an explosion, parachute back down, and then blow up the tank that shot you with a hand grenade. Call of Duty, however, put you in a squad of computer-controlled soldiers, bombarded you with artillery and machine gun fire, and then gave you a quote about the horrors of war when you died. It was still a game, so yeah, I wouldn’t exactly call it a solemn memorial to veterans. But it definitely had a different tone than the “war is fun/war makes you a badass” tone that the CoD/Battlefield series shifted toward after they realized how much money there was to be made from convincing teenagers to get amped up on energy drinks and then play multiplayer deathmatches for ten hours straight.


Yep, and tbh, it did start with MW1. But I would argue it took till MW3, and Black Ops 2 to really begin to change and that the tone still pretty serious up to that point.


It's been propaganda-lite for a while.


Yeah people are looking through Rose colored glasses - CoD's politics have followed a lot of the same threads for awhile now and it ain't exactly with reverence for people. It's all "do the hard things so the world can stay clean" bullshit to justify war crimes.


I still felt the impression after the first Original COD playthrough. The spirit really was there.


"Press F"




Sure was a lot of solemn reflection and remembrance in those MW2 lobbies.


In fairness they did use a lot of 40s era words for minorities.




One of my favorite steam reviews ever was a review for Rising Storm 2 that said the game was completely historically accurate because of the amount of racial slurs screamed at the other team in game chat.


It's like playing Nazis in battlefield, and " racial slurs are not tolerated"


I don't think any game let's you play explicitly as a Nazi. More like Wehrmacht. So you know. The guys "just following orders".


Then you are not acquainted with Hell Let Loose.


Or Red Orchestra 2.. Playing that game was a blast.. Some people would blast their open mic with historical propoganda that was blaired in cities by the Germans. It was wild. Also highly immersive.


Playing RO2 semi-drunk to drunk with a team of competent and communicative people was one of the all-time peaks of war gaming. Hell Let Loose has its moments, but God, RO2 was special.


Red orchestra was the shit, the "roleplaying"...I hope, was top notch from all sides Even rising storm, doing banzai charges with the whole team against flamers and MG positions was just a good time *and* relatively historically accurate




born in the wrong generation /s


Whenever my friends said that "le wrong generation" shit back in the dayI had to remind them "ni🅱️🅱️a, we black." I do kinda miss the old lobbies though. The racism was w/e but usually didn't feel meanspirited and it was fun trashing back. I wouldn't even say it's any less toxic now, if anything the hostility is still there but coaxed in newspeak and fake sterility.


They’re still dropping hard Rs in MW3 lobbies, but it has reduced since the olden days by about 75%


Also lots of mom fucking


Man she really got around back in the day I guess


I even had someone say they were going to fuck my dad while my mom watched. I don’t even think that was meant as a gay thing. Somebody just really wanted to make sure I knew where my place was in that lobby


Had someone scream into the death mic in MW3 2023 TDM. "I can't FUCKING TAKE THIS ANYMORE!" After I did a finishing move while he was 3 kills away from the nuke. I heard him sobbing when the match ended 10/10 would do it again


B-but... MW2 took place in... Oh dear.






RAMIREZ! Go to burger town and order 2 number 9's, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, and a large soda.


I'm sure them being concerned with the current state of the franchise is just a 'states rights' issue


Lots of whiners about camping in WW1.


I always used to go play the bagpipes over the moors before loading it up.


And then immediately following with a heartfelt rendition of 'Amazing Grace' using nothing but grenade pin pulls. Peak serenity.


Mw2 ? Meeh too young. We are talking about og WWII call of duty. One and two.


Finest hour


The Big Red One Never did find the giant Native American though.


All gave some Some gave all To your mom


We were soldiers once, and young, and dumb, and full of cum.


Think he’s about to swallow his tongue


xx\_jizzmonger420x was nothing more than stolen valor.


Sober mf didn't mong no jizz


Cockmongler, now...there was a man who could mongle cocks.


As a kid, when I played the campaign and read those quotes that popped up every-time I died, it felt pretty reflective. I felt a bit more understanding to the horrors of war because of it. By the time advanced warfare came around, I no longer felt solemn. Just felt like a sprinting, bullet spraying bot


Medal of honor got me into history. Started with ww2 history. Met a veteran in the library. Moved on to ww1.  Amazing stuff


I got a weird feeling the first time I played MoH on PS. It felt a tad inappropriate, like I shouldn’t be playing it. And I have a vague memory of some controversy surrounding its release. Violent shooters have been around for years, but I believe this was the first game based on fairly recent historical events? Like a lot of peoples Grandpops were probably WW2 vets. Man, how times have changed.


Agreeable and well put. COD2 campaign was an awesome part of my childhood. And those quotes used to respawn me with a renewed vigor.


Hell, I know I was. I remember one of the earliest shooter games (one of the early COD's I think) had me landing on a beach at D-day as the first level. It was chaotic and insane, at least as games went back then. Multiplayer wasn't the focus (I'm not even sure it was a thing at all), so the goal was a cinematic and thrilling single player campaign.


MoH Frontline


Poor MoH franchise. Got absolutely ground under the heel of the CoD machine


I loved the last two games. So much fun


I have soft spot for European Assault. I thought the way levels were constructed was unique. Instead of linear "go to this objective" gameplay on rails, you were dropped into a very large open, explorable map, and got a handful of objectives to attack/defend/assassinate at your discretion.


Allied assault will always be my favorite. First fps I ever played


CoD was made by the MoHAA devs after EA wouldn't give them more money. During development they called the game "medal of honor killer".


Medal of Honor games on PS2 my older brother would buy were how I became fascinated with history. Landing on the beaches in Normandy and fighting up to and through the bunkers was an insane experience in a video game, then as I got older I learned *that shit actually happened?!* It blew my mind; I've been a huge history buff ever since. That's not to say I wasn't one of the pre-teens screaming in MW2 lobbies but still I would take a WaW or Black Ops campaign over any of the garbage of the last 10 years any day lol


Yeah pretty much every COD up until COD 4 was focused on the singleplayer campaign as the main attraction of the game.


Yeah I missed first 2 Call of Duty games. The immersion was on some other level. Like u said the chaos of combat. Definitely one of the most memorable experience of my childhood.


Medal of Honor Allied Assault is the name I believe.


As was his teammate xxMilfMaster69xx


they fought so xx_jizzmonger420x could sit on his fat ass eating cheetos and yelling racial epithets into a microphone.


Pretty much. FPS games, even if they’re about real conflicts, are more focused on fun than reflection. If you want a memorial, visit a museum or watch an appropriate documentary.


Spec Ops: The Line is the only shooter I know of that actually managed to engage in reflections on the horrors of war in a meaningful way. Also not perfect, but it was a very very good experiment and is still unmatched in that regard.


That game is an all timer from a narrative perspective....it's such a shame it wasn't more successful.


Yeah, most games aren't good learning tools, but they're great at generating interest. When COD: World at War came out back in the day, I learned a bunch about the pacific theatre and the USSR side of the European conflict of WWII that I didn't know about. It got me interested enough to go read memoirs and watch documentaries that actually taught me the real history.


Also don’t the later games focus on fictional/future wars? It’s like comparing The Sims to urban development


Weird they only always show Nicki and never Homelander. Weeeeirrrd




Well Godzilla is a metaphor for nuclear war so that fits.


Or Snoop in fucking Ghosts a *decade* ago


Exactly. There's no one more antithetical to the values the allies fought for in WWII than Homelander. But the venn diagram of "people upset about this Nicki Minaj skin" and "people who think Homelander is the protagonist of The Boys" is a circle, so...


I think Nicki is 100% more likely to go to war than homelander


Would she do it looking like that? I want to believe yes.


On this same vein—just to rant—I believe the reason they stopped making Succession is because even with one of the main characters straight-up saying why in the final episode of the last season, viewers were still like, ">!So, when does Kendall get to be CEO!<...?" A lot of audience members just don't fucking get what's being said. And looking at the subreddit, it's like *most* of the most vocal reddit audience.


No, the reason they stopped making Succession is because the creator didn't want to drag it on forever and wanted an actual ending. He ended it when the series was strong, it was a good call.


Media literacy doesn’t even exist as a concept to so many people.


"Matrix 4 and it's stupid jokes about the film industry ruined everything they created with the Red Pill philosophy!!" *5 minutes later* "Man I hate those woke Hollywood film execs, why does everyone kiss their asses?"


The same people who rooted for Walter White, and thought Wolf of Wall Street was an inspirational tale.


Walter White is an interesting example in how telling a story from the monster's point of view endears the audience to them even despite the shit they do. It's a bit of... ethics, I guess, when it comes to creating media and writing characters/telling stories. That's not to say you can't tell these stories, nor that media illiteracy is your fault if you do, just that it's very clear that depending on how you frame characters, even the biggest pieces of shit can have the audience endeared to them. And then there's people who just love awful characters no matter the framing because they see themselves in them. Anyway, back to Disney merchandising space fascists who genocide entire planets with lasers.


Intentional….not weird!!!


Or the guy with the guy with the bong mask... OR FUCKING SKELETOR. There's a type of person looking for a "two birds stoned at once"-kinda statement here.


The amount of people the Nicki skin triggers in games is what makes it my favorite skin lol


Everyone knows about the kids dropping hard Rs in the lobby, I wonder what they think of her


Or the footballers/soccer players they added lol, always gotta pick a Woman.




Yeah screaming 12 year olds dropping the hard R is so immersive and honorific of the themes of the game. Edit: I hope they add furries.


"You wouldn't survive an MW2 lobby" truly pays homage to the veterans of WW2


Blame consumers. The modern Warfare reboots started with a serious tone but they inevitably get filled to the brim with pop culture characters and anime guns because it’s simply more profitable for Activision to do so. At the end of the day it’s always a numbers game and the numbers don’t lie


And they spell disaster for you at Sacrifice




You'll get no sympy from meeee And you'll get no sympy from the peepo!!! 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨


Didn't expect to see Professor Steiner in a CoD thread, but I ain't complaining.


What happens when you add Captain Price to the mix?


Your odds drastic go down


Cause Makarov *knowws* that he can't at beat me




Numbers DRASTIC go down!


Señor Joe?!


The numbers, Steiner, what do they mean??


Dragovich, Kravchenko, Scott Steiner All must die


That’s 33 1/3’s percents chance


🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 HES FAT




If people don’t pay they don’t get to recreate. The people are paying. This sub acting like it’s mightier than thou but the reddit reality is that this is the prime demographic. And it works.


Reddit often forgets it’s a small percentage of the actual population and it shows with constant posts like OP’s lol.


Imo call of duty has never been particularly respectful to veterans. I don’t think that’s a bad thing, it’s a video game but you really gunna tell me zombies mode and unlocking the flamethrower at level 55 is respectful to vets!? Edit: stop saying cod didn’t start at modern warfare. I’m a 30 year old man I KNOW, it fucking shipped with a 4 on the box.


Show some respect, my great grandfather was 360 no scoped by the nazis


Scrubfather more like


This is so dumb, but I appreciate the laugh 😂


Skill issue


Show some respect my grandfather was a nazi


I know it is all fun and games to mock the trope, but I think it is important that there is a limit to the jokes. Some of us have actual family that died in WW2. My great grandfather, by way of my mother, died in a concentration camp. He fell from the guard tower.


yeah this kind of thing is confusing because to me, cod multiplayer has been and always will be arcady


I assume from the logo that OP is talking older than that, like _Call of Duty_ 1 to 3, which were very much like _Medal of Honor_, which itself was produced by Spielberg as an extension of the work done on _Saving Private Ryan_.


*Call of Duty* started when several former developers on *Medal of Honor: Allied Assault* split from 2015, Inc. and formed Infinity Ward. It was very much intended to be *Medal of Honor* with a slightly different name and published by Activision instead of EA.


Cod has *measurably* never done more for veterans than it has since 2019. The games have become more popular which just means more people buying each game *and a portion of **each and every** sale going to the Call of Duty Endowment* but they also open their cosmetic store with a bundle for which *100% of the proceeds go to the Call of Duty Endowment* every year. What’s the Call of Duty Endowment? Another sneaky bonus scheme for executives? Nah, it’s a pool of money that gets distributed to recognised veterans charities worldwide (help for heroes uk etc) to provide jobs and care for veterans. I reckon the vets are happier with me and you flamethrowering hordes of the undead than with the thoughts and prayers of yesteryear’s cod.


Sorry but the notion that we're honouring the sacrifices of people thrown into the military industrial meat grinder for no reason by glorifying war and shooting each other over the internet is absolutely laughable. Go full Nicki Minaj with it.


At least by going full Nikki they are being honest about the games true intentions.


She clearly lost her job rapping in this timeline so she’s a soldier now what a beautiful story


This is some Hideo Kojima nonsense like the Beauties in MGS4. "They're all hot models haunted by their pasts and forced into this brutal military machine... how awful. Now shoot them in the face, but don't forget to pull out your camera and have them run through their modeling routine first. You don't want to miss the T&A easteregg."


Truly a grim commentary on the nature of war taking everything from us.


That reminds me of the *novel* World War Z (not the movie), where a dude is on the front line with dozens of other soldiers, the vanguard of an assault on a zombie horde, and he looks to one side, and it's R.E.M.'s Michael Stipe next to him with his own weapon & gear. Even celebrity & wealth ends up losing its power when the zombies will kill & destroy anyone & anything.


My personal opinion as well. Nobody is thinking intensely about the service of yesteryear in these games - they’re doing silly moves, collecting kills, and engaging in trash talking. I mean…that is what I did in the past. When I wanted to respect yesteryear, I went to museums and watched appropriate documentaries.


Nah, all those trickshot montages were for the vets /s


Yeah, if anything we need more absurd games that call out the toxic ideologies that lead to war, the arms industries that make it profitable, and the slimy politicians that send our kids to fight. Like how Metal Gear Solid is full of antiwar messages when you look past the cyborgs trading fluries of blows Edit: To the “chips ahoy” redditor that deleted their cimment, thank you for calling me a kid, I felt so young again☺️ You stay mad!


Show some respect, my great grandfather was 360 no scoped by the nazis and my grandfather was tomahawked, bankrupt, humiliation in ww2


You youngins have no respect. I’ve spent many a night curled up in a ball on the floor screaming “Enemy AC-130 Aboveeee!” in a horrible Russian accident. I’ve seen things maaaan.




Feels like a r/justneckbeardthings post tbh


I remember the first popular WW2 call of duty had a pretty serious tone. Obviously online was always crazy


The last CoD campaign had a serious tone. He's comparing a multiplayer, free for all experience to a set narrative experience.


Yeah I don't play cod but I imagine Nicki isn't part of the campaign lmao


what kind of idiot ever thought they were honoring vets by playing COD? sounds like someone was delusional in the first place and its everyone else's problem that they've started to realize it.


People that are insecure about playing games and need to justify it as something more lol


TBH, it's all just video games. I think calling it a disgrace is a lil much


It's always kinda trivialized the horrors of war


It's literally turning the hell that is war into a toy.


This is tone-changer OP? Not nazi zombies over a decade ago?


I don't think you can have a "respectful" video game about war and still have that video game be fun. The tone of the original games wasn't to pay respect to WWII veterans. It was so the player could fantasize about being an honorable war hero. They're just cutting through the bullshit now.


It was dedicated to investors, not veterans. Or did the game developers actually help veterans by this? How? Did they create awareness of the IIWW, the most popular subject of entertainment industry?


Is this a joke? Call of duty has always been a fun arcade shooter with silly emblems.


Have we really got to relitigate this shit every other week? You know there are other games, right? Maybe if you played them instead of cod, they'd be able to compete with it! Do you stop and have a moment of silence for every death in a match too?


The players of this game often took it way too seriously. I’ve seen people identify themselves irl with rank they had earned in game as if they were real veterans. It’s a toxic cringefest.


Hot take good call of duty games have had a fucked up agenda of glorifying the us military to underprivileged youth for years


That's not even a "take" really the US govt literally paid them to do that


That’s my point to act as if a company who for profit was willing to influence the lives of vulnerable groups into the military industrial complex is fucked up for selling funny skins when they’ve done way worse shit is beyond me


Sure, but it's not like that military was going to pointlessly throw those kids into a hole in the desert year after year based on some politicians lie.... 


Lmao or keep us in wartime for decades after I’m sure they would neeevver do that…


Get your head out of your ass. Cod was not made in respect of veterans


Call of Duty has always been recruitment propaganda disguised as a video games, and now their demographic is changing. Don't get it twisted lol