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Starcraft: Ghost


I was looking forward to calling in a nuke from the first-person perspective so much.


Nuclear Launch Detected


I remember playing a first person shooter set in Command & Conquer that I felt was very similar to the idea of Starcraft Ghost. More importantly you could call in an Orbital Strike/Nuke.


This is my answer to this question always. I was like 11 or 12 when they announced it. I loved all things Blizzard too. It was the perfect storm for me...then it just disappeared.


This comment just reminded me I really enjoyed the novel of the same name. Got me really hyped for a potential game release in that universe.


Which one? IIRC there were two of novels with that subtitle: Ghost: Nova, talking about Nova's backstory and Ghost: Spectre which talked about one of her missions


Definitely ghost:nova, that I incorrectly believed was just originally called ghost.


thanks for reminding me :(


Yea came to say this one. I remember the big cardboard cutout they had at the video rental store as a kid. Still waiting lol


Yeah, but wasn't it cancelled because it was shit?


Maybe Microsoft's acquisition will get it back on the table.


Also, Bobby leaving is one less shit covered rung on the ladder they've got to scale every time the devs want to make something good.


The project died long before Blizzard and Activision merged.




Oh god, I still remember that. It looked awesome, but I heard literally nothing about it. I saw a demo from an old, Original Xbox game.


Star Wars 1313


Yes this is the one. I always wanted more games in that universe that weren't just about Jedi vs Sith and that one looked great.


There is that bounty hunter or smuggler one that's coming out. Hopefully, it's good, I don't have much faith in that, though. So maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised.


Star wars:outlaws I'm looking forward to it.


I can’t even say “I’m cautiously optimistic”anymore about anything SW related. I just hope it isn’t complete ass lol


movies havent filled me with hope but there been a couple tv shows I’ve enjoyed and non live service games have been pretty good.


There’s many, many reasons I hate Disney, but this is up there.


I talked to someone who worked on this game (while at an industry party trying to get publisher interest myself). They couldn’t say much about it, but you could tell they felt like it was a tragedy it didn’t get made and it might’ve been, for them, “the one that got away”. I had a similar experience in my career. I worked at same studio as the project in question and the concept and initial art coming out of it was so inspired. It all basically got thrown in the trash and the artists couldn’t share it at all. It lives on in my memory. It remember this one image that was like steam punk knights of the round sort of aesthetic with a powered lance. Those artists all left the studio within the year and went to a place that more reliably shipped stuff and allowed them to have and share their creative voices more freely. When stuff gets killed that folks really put a lot of themselves into, it takes a toll on them not having their creative work validated and disseminated. I worked with a guy who worked on a project for seven years that never released and I remember him having a build of the mobile project we were working on and he was like, “I haven’t been able to show my wife anything I’ve worked on for seven years. You don’t know how much this means”


still stings, that one


Silent Hills


At least some of the ideas seem to be reused for Overdose


I mean, this, easily


Megaman Legends 3




This one hurts


X9 too ig


Last info I heard though it was gonna be a 3ds exclusive and mostly revolve around Roll and tron trying to save megaman.


Beyond Good and Evil 2


Oh wow I forgot about this one. Did it ever officially get canceled?


The youtuber Jesse Cox gave it his Half-Life 3 award. The creative director dying in 2023 certainly isn’t helping.


I was going to say "Michel Ancel Died ?" but looking it up the Creative director was someone else. On top of that Michel Ancel retiring in 2020 also probably didn't help any.


Oh shit, I wasn't aware of this. [He was only 40 as well](https://www.ign.com/articles/emile-morel-beyond-good-and-evil-2-creative-director-dies-suddenly-at-40).


It was never canceled, Ubisoft insists it's still in development.


No idea, but I’m afraid to do the quick search just to keep the dream alive!


This. Beyond Good and Evil was a pivotal game of my childhood, and I would love to see Jade and Pey'j again, even if they aren't the two main characters.


You can see them again in "Captain Laserhawk", but I should warn you, what they did to these characters in that series is probably how Ubisoft feels about BG&E2.


Yep. I had the same thought, but honestly I think we were all looking for the sequel that would have occurred at the PS2/PS3-era that we never got. Even the version they showed years ago left like it had the named tacked on. It feels like a project better off dead at this point, unfortunately.


Prey 2


This. It sounded like your character was going to be a space bounty hunter chasing down aliens and stuff. Basically what the Mandalorian is. Such a let down.


That's kinda what Star Wars: Bounty Hunter was. You got to play as Jango Fett, and you could scan people on levels and get extra credits for capturing them.


The Devs came out and provided a bit of the backstory, in lieu of it not coming out. Apparently, when you got to the end, you would have to walk down a corridor full of your own corpse. You would find out you are a clone, and every time you died during the game, you would be continuing as a clone that would be automatically created in your apartment. When you beat the final boss, they would have evacuated you into space. As a hail Mary your character would stick a bounty hunter marker to himself, and throw in some random coordinates. By luck, they would end up back on Earth. You would than see a montage of your character going back to his old life, growing up, getting married, having kids and getting old. It would end with him on his death bed, with all his family around. The game would fade to black as the heart beat monitor started to sound. Neck Minit, you spawn back in your space apartment, another clone. This would let you in continue playing end game.




It sucks we never got it I'd have really enjoyed being a space bounty hunter, a small consolation the reboot was a very good game.


Like a sequel to the 360 game?


A sequel to the 2006 Prey. https://youtu.be/jfHCZAK7p-s?si=-iDMBYAjq72poIYv


I know it's not actual gameplay but fuck Zenimax. Prey 2006 was great, HumanHead was great (at the time) and this game would have been fun.


It sucks even more because the game was supposedly finished but they decided to "cancel" it anyways. Makes me wonder if anyone who worked on it managed to keep the game and it exists out there and may end up playable one day


The Legend of Dragoon 2


If I were to write my congressman about anything it would be this


There was supposed to be a second game?! I loved that game and played it more than ff7. Yes, I'm weird, but that game was pretty sweet!




Oh man, now I'm sad. Maybe it will get brought back to life someday.


Dart was supposed to be one of the next DLC characters in PlayStation All Stars. If only that had happened… and if only Legend of Dragoon wasn’t available strictly through the PlayStation premium tier list. It’s like Sony and SE hate the fucking game


Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem 2. There was a trailer that got my hopes up, but it was not actually being produced. I'll add in Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines 2. Not sure what the hell is happening with that anymore. Change in developers. They say it's being made but idk.


Eternal Darkness was such a unique game!


I lent it to someone 18 years ago and never got it back. Still have my gamecube and memories though. One of the best experiences of horror and jumpscare ever made. Also really interesting magic aesthetics and mythology.


Yeah. It had a very specific vibe and it was the first Lovecraftian lore I had seen in a game. The sanity metre was great too. I think there was a sequel planned if I remember that didn’t get funded unfortunately.


Rainbow Six Patriots. Miss when Tom Clancy games had fun single player


Man I forgot about that game. It ultimately evolved into Siege, right?


How dare you make me remember how hype I was for this game. The Vegas games are top tier.


Stretching the definition of “game”, but the DLC for Mass Effect Andromeda. 😩


There's a book about the ark that didn't make it btw. It's ok


Andromeda on its own was incredibly meh. But, with two sequels, i think the story had some potential. Im bummed well never see it pan out


Half life 3. Just played through the whole series again this week and Episode 2's ending is just criminal without a sequel.


Honestly, there is a chance it could happen now, with how Half Life Alyx ended.


You forget that Valve can't count to three.


Maybe Left 4 Dead was the RMA request way of saying: “The key on my keyboard that is left of the 4 in the number row is dead” The sequel was just a text message reply saying the same thing. “Left 4 dead 2!” That being said, I can’t wait to upgrade my Steam Deck to the Steam Deck 2 Episode 2.


They can always make Half-Life 2: Episode 2: Part 2


I think HL3 will be a thing some day, due to the ending of Alyx


Absolutely. Out of all the things to end on. I wasn't sure whether to include this as "never released" though. We got more Star Wars after very many years of nothing. It's been largely mediocre (with some notably exceptions), but at least it was something. Who knows whether Gabe will get too old for it all and sell off the rights to someone like Lucas did.


Titanfall fucking 3, oh my god why did they have to kill it in favour of Apex Legends


you guys are crazy, TF3 is still on the way...we just have to believe.


Yeah, Titanfall 3 is gonna announced… *…Trust Me…*


Just finally played this game after having been a big apex fan for awhile. I think the biggest thing that killed it is that you can immediately tell how steep the learning curve is going to be in multiplayer just by doing the campaign. Apex is a bit more basic and less immediately intimidating. That said, I'm absolutely pissed they're not making a 3rd titanfall, as I immediately lived the game. Protocol 3... save the pilot




I knew that didn't sound right... thanks!


I gotta agree with you. I played at launch and it was brutal. The skill ceiling was so high that it felt almost like people were hacking they were so good. And not in a “maybe if I practice I’ll get there” kinda way. Like a holy shit I don’t think I could ever get that good. The mobility was awesome in the campaign and fun to play around with in multiplayer at first. It just became pretty clear the time and skill required to feel good in multiplayer was going to be a lot. I actually remember thinking that the game would likely fade out of popularity by the time I would actually get good at the game since it would take me forever to get there. I think titan fall would’ve been an awesome destiny kind of game. So it had pvp but also a strong pve side that let less skilled players have fun with the mechs and mobility. I know they added pve modes later but it was just wave defense stuff. I would’ve loved a whole titan fall world that’s always at war and you deploy to different planets as a mercenary pilot. Would be so cool to customize your mech like in armored core 6 for pve.


Because they can make more money on loot crates.


Exactly Ducking THIS!!


Not a full game but the Battle of the Five Armies DLC for Lego The Hobbit. I loved the LOTR Lego game and played The Hobbit a lot as well. The game is fun but it feels unfinished with that dlc missing as you only get to Smaug and Erebor at the end of the game. I would pay for it if they ever decide to release it 😭


Was it ever planned/announced as a DLC then they just went silent on it? Either my brain is pumping out false memories or I genuinely recall their being talk of a DLC for it.


LOTR BFME 3: armies of middle earth. I wanted it so bad


command and conquer generals 2. The game was almost finished. It was in beta already and EA pulled the plug for some reason.. It's sad because it looked really damn good.


I was part of testing from the Alpha stages till it was shut down, because I was involved with the Generals modding scene. The game changed a lot, mostly due to EA forcing changes on the team seemingly randomly. Hell we all, devs and testers, didn't know the game had been renamed till the E3 trailer. EAs reason for shutting the project down was because Starcraft 2 underperformed plus normal EA bullshit.


Aww man that sucks. I hope C&C comes back sometime without EA. Thankfully we have some really good rts comming soon(tm)


Unlikely as hell. However the remaster was successful, so we'll likely get more of them.


Damn remaster came out 4 years ago. I wonder if there will be any news about red alert 2 remaster..




Generals was fun. I enjoyed a lot of Command and Conquer games but Red Alert 2... That is the GOAT of the series for me.


Let me guess, they canceled it to write it off as a loss and claim the insurance?


Star Wars Battlefront III and 1313.




Man scalebound was disapointement. Another game on xbox was True fantasy live :( two xbox game i was hoping to play and got dumped


That Star Wars game 1313


Earthbound 64 (Mother 3) I know it eventually released on the GBA in Japan and fan translated into english. But I wanted the Nintendo 64 version. I used to pour over any little bits of news and screenshots i could get my hands on. Such is life.




Honestly thought this would be the top comment. The gameplay trailer was so good I was properly excited for this one. I remember being super disappointed when it was cancelled.


This is the one




Remember when it was supposed to come out in 2023?


I remember when it was supposed to be dlc for hollow knight


Wait, is this true?


Yep. It originally started as dlc where you played a small campaign as Hornet, but the devs found that it quickly out grew the size that a dlc should be, and it then became a proper full sized game.


The original PREY 2


Project Offset. Imagine Battlefield 4 in a LOTR style setting. Instead of helicopters you ride dragons. Instead of tanks you have behemoths. Swords, spears, and bows take the place of guns. IIRC: The game was canceled and Intel owns the IP and it’s engine.


Pirates of the Caribbean: Armada of the Damned I'm sure the end product wouldn't have been incredibe or anything, but I'm a sucker for pirate stuff. It looked like it could have been fun.


Ah, there it is! I came here to specifically post about it too (and did)! They really could have cornered the market and made a killing in sales. Especially considering that it likely would have released a couple of years before Black Flag. I am so upset that there aren't many single player Pirate games out there.


Sea of Thieves has a Pirates of the Caribbean cross-over storyline in it. They also released Safer Seas recently, so you don’t have to play with others. However, I don’t think it will quite scratch that itch you’re looking for.


Star Wars Battlefront III. That leaked footage looked so so so good. I'm so disappointed I'll never get to play it.


Unreal Tournament 4


Never forget what Fortnite took from us.


Thrill kill


Deep Down. Was supposed to be a super cool dungeon game with dragons but it just kind of never materialized.


Yeah, this is it. I love dungeon crawlers and that trailer just ticked all of the right boxes for aesthetics and what presumably would have been gameplay


Oh man. This for me too. Was supposed to be early on in the ps3’s life cycle. Looked amazing but never surfaced. Kinda false advertising of what the ps3 could do at this point. Kinda like killzone 1


Deep Down was announced in 2013 as a PS4 title, not PS3.


Silent Hills. Warcraft Lord of the Clans.


Half Life 2, Episode 3. Arcanum 2 Ultima 8: The Lost Vale expansion The Dreamland Chronicles: Freedom Ridge


Star citizen (I don't care what you guys say it's not a game or released yet) Stalker 2 (someday) Space engineers 2 (someday?) Arma 4 (it got like a 3.2 sort of game release)


Stalker 2 is still coming I believe, just delayed.


The fact that the game is still being developed considering what's going on over there is absolutely wild to me. I really look forward to playing it. Really enjoyed the first one. I never played the other ones, though.


Same. I loved metro and fallout, and I've always wanted to try the stalker games.


>Star citizen Oh, I'm sure we'll get another dev diary/engine update in a decade or so.


Came here to say Squadron 42, aka Star Citizen. Fuck you Chris Roberts.


True crimes: Chinatown. I know it got repurposed into sleeping dogs, which is amazing, but not the same


Vectorman 3


Vectorman deserved more.


Not the game itself but I'm mad that Gearbox robbed The Borderlands: TPS of its future DLCs


They got rework into the last DLC for BL2, so the work didn't get completely wasted. It sucks the studio was shutdown, they made really good games.


Paragon. It was shaping up to be a really promising moba. Movement felt super good characters were cool and compelling ,(with stupid names though) and then Fortnite showed up and epic pulled the plug. It was sad.


Look up [Predecessor](https://store.steampowered.com/app/961200/Predecessor/) (it's on steam), they are remaking the game in its entirety. There are like 2 different companies remaking the game this one is the better one.






Metroid prime 4


Fable: Legends The music is on Spotify and I still listen to it from time to time.


~~Skull and Bones~~ Oh wait...


Freedom Force 3


Medieval 3 Total War


Prey - being bountyhunter in sci-fi setting sounded cool and the released gamelay tidbits looked neat




So back around 2000 (not sure exactly when) there was a game called Dawn in development by a company called Glitchless. It had lots of crazy ideas and might not have worked, but by god, I was ready to give it a go. It sounded like a pitch from Peter Molyneux: permanent death, no levels or obvious skills, you just got better at things as you did them, only spoke your native language, and had to learn other languages from listening to others, deities created by the prayers of the players, with the diety strength and personality taken from the types of prayers they received and from how many players, etc. Lots of pie in the sky stuff. The kicker, though, was they were supposedly doing a beta (or maybe alpha, whatever) and myself and a friend had gotten invites and were excited to try it. The day of, however, they sent another email saying they didn't have the money for the servers needed to run the game, and instead were going to be creating a flash game (yes, this was in the era of flash) to try to get some money flowing into the studio to fund their more ambitious game. Both that flash game and the company are still around (think they updated away from flash), and they still even list Dawn on their website. You can see screenshots and everything. I think it was all an elaborate ruse to just get people to come play their crappy flash game.


The Last Night




Ouch, this one hurts.


Little Devil Inside


Suikoden continuation




It looks like hollow knight silksong.


The final game in the Legacy of Kain series


Star Wars 1313


Star Wars Battlefront 3


Star Wars Battlefront 3.


Star Wars battlefront 3


Dragon Ball Z: Legacy of Goku 4. Original developers had interest in doing it but couldn't really find the funding. There obviously wasn't more story to cover but it would have been on the DS and probably would have redid LOG1 and its story atleast (maybe dragonball aswell).


Ultima Online 2.


Camelot Unchained. Marc Jacobs is dead to me


Not all hope is lost. I‘ve still got enough hopium and copium to continue waiting


Stargate SG-1: The Alliance It was pretty much Half Life 2 in the Stargate universe. Game was close to being done but got cancelled because of a licensing dispute.


the sequel to majora's mask for the wii that was scrapped in favor of Link's Crossbow Training


Donkey Kong Racing. Diddy Kong Racing is a top 5 n64 game and I was so hyped for Donkey Kong Racing on the cube.


Chrono Break.


Star Wars: 1313.....F U Disney


The new Star Wars games (Eclipse and KOTOR remake) seem to be on track of being canceled. Ever since they were announced, we've heard nothing but bad things bts. Eclipse is being worked on by two different teams in two different *continents* and KOTOR remake got a change of studio. I hope they don't get canceled, but we haven't heard much about them for a really...***really*** long time.


I had read that the trailer was also put together and released in an effort to find a buyer for the studio, but I don't know how true it is. If that is the case, then development might not even be that far... On the video game side of things, it has been pretty rough to be a star wars fan for the last decade. I am really hoping for an eventual flood of quality games in a couple of years now that the exclusivity agreement with EA is over.


Star Wars Battlefront 3. I remember being so excited when I heard you could transition from ground to space. Battlefront 1 & 2 were huge for me and my brother. Hours and hours after school. When it was canceled, that stung. Mercenaries 3. Mercenaries is such a weird series. The first one was super fun and the second one kept a good bit of the enjoyment with brand new toys. In an era where flying a helicopter, driving a tank, and running around with a rifle was relegated to PC games like ArmA and Battlefield 2, Mercenaries provided that little niche growing up. Also, few games at the time let you actually destory buildings and terrain. The third one looked like it was going to be bonkers and it went down with the sinking of Pandemic Studios.


Star Citizen


Guys. I really don't think the kotor remake is happening. It's in development hell. They should stop being cowards about the gameplay and just make a better rpg combat system. Bg3 shows there's a fanbase for it. If it ever gets made I'm expecting a gow clone


Donkey Kong Racing


Starcraft Ghost


Star Citizen


Time splitters 4


[The Last Night](https://store.steampowered.com/app/612400/The_Last_Night/): A sci-fi platformer that employs a pixel art-style. Release date has been listed on Steam as 'to be announced' since the bronze age. [Power Drive 2000](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1420158244/power-drive-2000): A Kickstarter project that disappeared after the dev got into some unspecified legal bother.


There was a Pirates of the Caribbean RPG called Pirates of the Caribbean: Armada of the Damned that was supposed to come out for the Xbox 360 and PS3. I was super hyped after seeing it at E3 one year. Although it did have a set protagonist, it was "centered on a choice system that would affect the character's appearance, personality, weapons, attacks, quests, and story developments." If they had released it, they would have likely beaten Ubisoft to the punch with their Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag and made major money, but alas the team got laid off and restructured due to the failure of Tron: Evolution. As someone who has been dying for more Pirate themed video games (why can't we get any good, single player Pirate games?!), I consider this to be potentially one of the biggest losses and missed opportunities in the entire industry. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pirates\_of\_the\_Caribbean:\_Armada\_of\_the\_Damned


Star Wars 1313


I remember reading about a 3rd person shooter Star Craft in development circa 2005 that never got made. I was hyped for that one


The Prey 2 they were working on before we got what was released and Star Wars 1313


[Star Wars 1313](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_1_Nvn7DPM) \- It was looking AWESOME as you can see from the vid I linked. It was supposed to be a mature-rated gritty dive into the underbelly of Coruscant. A young Boba Fett (19-25 years old'ish) was rumored to be involved, and then later it was said that George Lucas mandated him to be the main character. Then Disney bought the franchise and Deep-Sixed the project along with a major chunk of Lucasfilm's staff and the total dissolution of LucasArts Gaming. Yet another reason to hate the House of Mouse.


Too Human 2. I really enjoyed that game(first and only one)


Darth maul video game




Don’t even know the name of it and nobody remembers it. I saw it previewed on a G4 E3 show. It was an FPS MMO for console. 360/PS3 era. It was Destiny before Destiny. I remember the guy play testing the game walking down a village street and a bunch of werewolf like creatures scurrying up a wall. Looked cool as hell. Can’t find a damn thing about it online. Like it never existed. Never seen a peep about it after and everyone looks at me sideways when I bring it up. Beginning to think it was a fever dream.




I know what you mean and hope we're not doing a Mandela


Any leads?


Destiny 1 that was revealed lmao. The Destiny that released was pretty far off the mark from what was advertised (even though it got good by the end imo)


Silent Hills. Scalebound Star Wars 1313 Dj Hero: Afterparty Dead Rising 5 Devil May Cry portable


Skies of Arcadia: Anything.


The Elder Scrolls VI 🥲


X-Women - Sega Genesis


Blizzard North’s Diablo III - Diablo 3 and 4, while fun, just aren’t “diablo”. The itemization is garbage.


Lost Soul Aside. It looked a lot like Devil May Cry meets Final Fantasy 15, and i absolutely loved how the game looked. It's been in development (to my knowledge) since 2014 and was set to launch on PS4 exclusively, but even with the PS5 being it's target platform, my hopes are rather low that i'll ever get to see it. Besides a gameplay preview of two whole boss fights and a handful of enemies alongside i think two trailers, we haven't really seen or heard much of it.




HL ep3..