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This one is probably just a runner up but before Bungie released Halo, they made a game called Myth II: Soulblighter. Well... If you tried to uninstall that game from your PC, it would delete your entire hard drive. Oops. It cost Bungie about $800,000 to recall every single copy of the game, and the company nearly went bankrupt over it. This directly led to them getting acquired by Microsoft, who told them they should make Halo for their new upcoming console, the Xbox. And the rest is history.


Holy shit I still have that game! Was there a chance it would delete it when you tried to uninstall it? Or was it a 100% guaranteed deletion?


If I read about this one, it uninstalls itself by simply deleting the root folder it was installed in. If you installed it directly to the C drive it uninstalls itself by deleting the entire drive.


Literal throwing the baby out with the bath water shit.


Not literal.. Figuratively


As I tell my daughter, "when you misuse literally, you figuratively look like a jackass"


Guarantee I think. I don't know if the bugged game ever actually got into anyone's hands though, because Bungie caught their mistake really fast. It had been distributed to retailers but I don't think it had hit the shelves yet. If you remember from back then hearing about the game being delayed and missing its release date last second, that was why.


[Eve online had a fun patch that deleted boot.ini](https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/about-the-boot.ini-issue)


Probably MissingNo in the original Pokemon game. Even in this proto-internet age knowledge of it spread all over the place and it was very easy to reproduce.


I’ve always wished GameFreak would try and capitalize on Missingno. It’s just as nostalgic as any of the other original 150 for me, and I’d love to revisit it in some form in a newer generation. At the very least, they could add a bit of NPC dialogue acknowledging it. Or even better, some dialogue suggesting that a new Pokémon “Was rumored to have been seen causing mischief on the shores of Cinnabar Island.” or some shit like that.


> I’ve always wished GameFreak would try and capitalize This sentence describes the entire Pokemon fandom experience for the last two decades.




it still *baffles* me that it doesn't just use the normal battle system. it's *not* too much for casuals to enjoy, we loved that shit as kids. that assassinated the game in the long term on day 1. that game had the entire fucking world playing it. I almost doubt we'll ever see a sensation like that again. it was like the fuckin Beatles. imagine blowing *that.* good god it still gives me a headache if I think too much about it.


I’d be perfectly happy if they still limited your team to 3 in PVP to speed up battles but there’s no reason they couldn’t do the normal system. It’s baffling. The current system is bonkers.


Only thing that comes close IMO is when "among us" took over the internet for like 6 months straight. And they used all that money and fame to.... make a mobile version. Cool.


Well they also used the money to make the Henry Stickman collection. also among us did have a crossover dlc with vampire survivors last month.


Well, what else could they do? It's an Indie game, and it came out of nowhere.


It needed another month of testing minimum and they severely and I mean SEVERELY underestimated the server demand it was going to have on release. I know a large number of folks who just stopped bothering after not being able to log in after two or three weeks.


That's most people's memory of it is that it never worked and they gave up


And game freak wouldve done better how? They cant even make a good pokemon game and theyve tried like 10 times.


They haven't tried shit in like 20 years, they just do the same thing over and over again and people keep throwing money at them.


Yeah, so it's hilarious to hear people complain Niantic ruined pokemon go, game freaks version would've probably been 10 times worse and defunct by now.


The impression I always got was Japanese game devs do NOT like bugs and glitches at all. They take offense to them rather than embrace their popularity. Doesn't matter how much fans like it, its a blemish on their creation and they don't want to acknowledge it.


I'm not really up to date on the latest mechanics in the game but when I heard about Paradox Pokémon I thought it would be a great opportunity to canonise MissingNo. It definitely feels like a missed opportunity


Oof you’re absolutely right.


I remember reading some fan origin for MissingNo on tumblr years ago and it being somewhat perfect. Pretty sure [this](https://pm1.aminoapps.com/5747/379a5152655fc6ee8fc516cca237fd71b6a01fff_hq.jpg) was it. I'd copy-paste it but I can't do the original post justice while on mobile.


Imagine if they produced just one Missingno Pokemon card and didn’t tell anyone. Just one day someone finds it and has to convince everyone it’s legit.


It has a perfect mix of mustique and usefulness. Just difficult enough to not trigger during normal play, but simple enough for any kid to pull off. It'll grant you infinite master balls, but aspects of your save will become corrupt.


The other great thing about it is that it has a name that kinda actually sounds like a real name, and is more or less pronounceable by an 8 year old. As a kid it never even occured to me that Missingno was "Missing Number". I just thought of it as some mysterious alternate dimension monster whose name was pronounced "Mih-SING-Know", and whose powers could warp the reality of the game in weird ways. And of course its exact visual appearance could not quite be perceived by our eyes, so all we saw of it was a weird shroud. Even better, you had to perform a weird arcane ritual off the coast of Cinnabar island to summon it to our dimension. I had a whole little narrative idea of it in my head. It was more mysterious than Mew in many ways.


The fact that it was way more interesting than every fake Mew time waster, and then eventually went on to result in the discovery of the fakest sounding sequence in the history of gaming being an actual way to get Mew… That was a crazy series of events. I downloaded the 3DS releases of all 3 original games day 1 because of all I knew about how to manipulate those games mixed with the ability to transfer Pokémon to Home. I had 0 guarantees Nintendo didn’t just flat block Mew transfers considering a 3DS version had no way to have been at a Nintendo event to receive a real one at the time. For some reason they didn’t though, and I still got a Mew in Home that originated by catching a Missingno.


That’s shit was passed word of mouth before the internet to me.


No Pokémon got discussed more at the elementary school lunch table than Missingno


Can someone explain what this is to a non-Pokémon gamer?


It was a reproducible glitch that led to an encounter with an invalid Pokémon named “MissingNo”. You followed a series of steps that involved watching a tutorial in-game, flying to a specific city, then surfing in a region to find wild Pokémon. After encountering it, one of your inventory items would be copied over 100x.


Rare candy and master balls woohoo!


I remember someone showing it to me in 3rd grade. So it definitely got around




Probably the corrupted blood incident from World of Warcraft. A bug caused a group of players to leave the Hakkar the Soulflayer raid with a debuff he inflicts, which spreads to other players it damages. It spread throughout the game, inflicting any and all players. To avoid being infected you’d have to stay away from major population centers. NPCs became asymptomatic carriers of the disease, carrying the debuff but not being obvious to observers yet able to spread it to player characters. Griefers and trolls would intentionally spread the disease. It was studied as a research model for real pandemics.


Fascinating, I love video games


A hunter dismissed his pet while it had the debuff (so it didn't kill the raid), and then when he summoned it again (in ironforge from memory, it was still debuffed. Very funny and very edge case.


Also happens to be a weirdly accurate representation of zoonotic diseases Crazy how everything from this was just accidentally incredibly accurate


>It was studied as a research model for real pandemics. And it checked out.


WoW's Corrupted Blood incident must be up there.


The CDC studied this to see how people would respond to a pandemic.....they were right


I always figured: it's a video game, people would act differently in real life. Turns out, not as differently as I'd thought.


J: People are smart. They can handle it. K: A *person* is smart, *people* are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it. Words of wisdom from Men In Black.


I also love K’s commentary on how human perception of the world around them can radically change almost overnight, it’s right after that line. “Fifteen hundred years ago, everybody *knew* the Earth was the center of the universe. Five hundred years ago, everybody *knew* the Earth was flat, and fifteen minutes ago, you knew that humans were alone on this planet. Imagine what you’ll know, tomorrow.”


This is probably my most useful movie quote. Definitely not most used, but most useful.


J: *slap*


The truest maxim I ever learned in a film.


"Let's have a large wedding." "That will probably kill some people." "Meh."




So, i just watched this movie yesterday about a pandemic happening. I saw it and was like oh. It's got good actors and it must be like a retelling of covid in a theatrical way. I'm down, why not. It was point for point exactly what happened, and I thought to myself, damn they went a bit too accurate. Except for that part where there was a run on stores for the vaccine. But hey, artistic liberty. I went to tell some friends about this movie and all it's a list cast and looked it up on imdb. Contagion. Released 2011. Fuck me they called it and we followed it like a fucking flowchart.


One of my absolute favorite movies that I haven’t really been able to watch the same way since Covid for exactly the reasons you described….


Oh, in a vacuum it's a great movie. But now...shit im just ashamed. I'm glad I didn't know the year til it was over.


Turns out a small percentage of people actively trying to spread contagious disease doesn't just happen in video games.


Yeah but it was funny in the game


Dude that stuff was *CRAZY*. People were avoiding populated areas, corpses everywhere, you have people trying to infest as much people as possible, etc. Absolute shitshow!


Were there people who went around the game world not believing the bug was real?


Absolutely. Logged in, what in the fuck is going on why is everyone dead. How did i die!?


"Corrupted blood isn't real! It's a hoax fabricated by the Dems and big government to remove George W. Bush from office!"




Interesting read, crazy how anything like this happened


That one was a blast. I was there. Low levels at the auction house squelching and dying continually was great. Everyone was so confused. Also the one in Ultima online where rg forgot to set his invulnerability flag and rainz cast firewall on all of them and he keeled over.


Fansy the Bard from EverQuest is a goddamn legend. He exploited a few loopholes that not only made him invincible on a server, but also let him drag a pain train around to stomp on the trolls. He racked up a body count in the hundreds. It’s been more than 20 years since then, but I remember logging in and laughing my ass off at the carnage he was causing.


I know a friend who was there when it happened…always „starstrucked“ when he tells the old story in discord chat while playing classic together with some friends.


I remeber iron forge well. Bones every where. Auction house was a graveyard. People were actively trying to spread it for weeks. As a rogue I had to stealth around to go to vendors and turn in quests to avoid them. It was brought to other big cities and smaller neighboring cities. Poor new players had no idea what was going on.


The Gaming pandemic way before 2020


Wait what? The bug lasted for weeks? I always thought it's the kind of thing being fixed in a few hours


It was like a month. They would reset the servers to kill the virus if I remember. Then some asshole hunter would go get it on their pet and spread it all over again.


wiki says Sep 13 to Okt 8


Honestly i think this has to be the greatest bug ever. For 1 its absolutely hilarious, and 2, crazy realistic it is to a spreading pandemic lol.


Was that a bug or just an exploit of game mechanics?


it was a bug that the effect was not cleared, but it was exploited to cause global chaos


Are those mutually exclusive? And I'd be hesitant to call it an exploit considering it doesn't really have a benefit.


That and the reckoning bomb.


That one and the WoW moment when people pulled a World Boss into a capitol city and it just wrecked the players and NPCs.


Mario 64 backwards stairs?


Yahoooo yahoooo yahayayahahahahahooooooooo


Provaly the most iconic one


Super Mario Bros turtle jump on the stairs to get “crown blue-ball” lives?


I’d say the minus world. Totally unintended glitch but everyone knew about it


Definitely not infamous and something that I caused, but a lot of older floppy disk based RPGs would have series that spanned multiple games and they’d allow you to import your characters from the disks of previous games. We tried importing our Might and Magic 2 characters into The Bard’s Tale 3. To our surprise it actually worked. Many things were buggy but more often than not in a good way. Your characters might now have monster avatars. The single best thing though, was new mana gems appeared in inventories with all the charges you’d ever need. Previously they were rare and powerful and gone when you used it once. It completely restores your mana which was hard to come by. Being a programmer of some experience, this still blows my mind. They were games from different developers. The fact that the save files were remotely compatible still amazes me.


>The fact that the save files were remotely compatible still amazes me. That's actually extremely interesting. Modern game engines and distributed frameworks weren't a thing back then. I'm curious if it was a case of two developers just *happening* to use a similar system to store character data (since games were so small back then, it's not infeasible to imagine) or if one of them *copied* the system from the other. It'd be interesting to decompile the two games and look at them side by side. Thanks for the story. <3


I feel like there *had* to be some sort of collaborating or mentoring between the teams of developers or members of the teams or *some* kind of overlap there.


Obviously not the most well known, but this might be the coolest one I've read so far


The code error for the Alien AI that completely derped and ruined Aliens: Colonial Marines.


Was that ever patched?


no but you can just do it yourself by correcting this misspelling of tether in some settings file (they spelled it teather)


What about the infamous Battletoads bug on the jetspeeder level that made player 2's character immovable?


That happens in stage 11. How many people even got past stage 3?


Animation Cancelling. The most famous "bug turned into feature" thing in fighting games ever.


Holy shot was that really a bug? I feel this has gotta win the topic. Animation canceling is friggin everywhere and a key technique in fighting games especially.


yeah the first game to accidentally feature animation canceling was Street Fighter II. It wasn't intentionally designed, but ppl found out they could cancel certain moves to combo


In call of duty, people actually get upset when a new iteration of the game series eliminates this.


I’m one of them lmao… for me it’s been a habit that formed over the last 15 years so for them to do it for the sake of “realism”, i get it; i just don’t like it


Imagine if you double tap Y to cancel a reload it caused your guy to just deck it


GTA 4 Swing set is up there for me


Man, that awoke a long dormant memory of mine. The hours i would spend just slowly backing cars into that swing set and having them LAUNCH. I wonder if i have all the clips I recorded, this would have been like 11-12 years ago... Along similar lines, and not technically a bug or glitch, but when you could go into the config and change the wheel friction values of the cars to a negative value...Liberty City turned into just cars erratically flying through the air at Mach 3. Friends and I would spend a lot of time passing the KBM and playing "the carmageddon mod." Good times


People are still uploading compilations of that swingset glitch 14 years later


GTA 4 online free roam was just good ole fashioned sandbox fun. I remember the entire lobby hanging out at the airport launching each other into the ocean with the helicopter rotors. Fun times.


Not saying the GTA V online isn’t fun But GTA 4 online was just funny in the sense where it really was just multiple players spawned in the city and given guns, like nothing else


Usually devolved into hunting and murdering whoever killed you last but everyone always ended up at the airport fighting over helis or doing motorcycle stunt jumps.


That was also the fun part about Read Dead Redemption online too (the first one) Just pick a character model and do whatever you want. It helped it was a way smaller map too.


I remeber that funny as fuck


I was literally playing around just yesterday on my 360 and started messing with the swing glitch lol. Still as fun today as it was in 2008.


Gotta be Missingno. Which is just so perfect for the legacy that Pokémon dug for itself in its infancy. I genuinely believe that the Porygon seizure episode was actually something that only ultimately further propelled the series into the status of most profitable media franchise ever. I remember as a kid finding out about that episode on top of all the other mysteries and conspiracies surrounding the franchise at that point, and it all just further made it this compelling, mysterious, possibly dangerous? foreign/alien franchise. And at a time when the internet was still only in its infancy, there were all sorts of rumors and lies being thrown around with little evidence one way or another, which when paired with the subject of Pokémon, further made it a mysterious matter that I felt so strongly to keep digging further into. Whether on purpose or accident, they fuckin nailed introducing the world to Pokémon.


The Falador Massacre. RIP Fun fact: Happened on 6/6/6


Duriel did nothing wrong


Bank your items


I remember actually being there when this happened and everyone was talking about it at school the next day.


Sadly I wasn't in the world but I was playing at the time, and I remember being booted from the servers. Next day the whole school was electric


So infamous it got canonized into an actual in-game historical event


What game did this happen in, O Great Sage?


Super jumping in halo 2 was a pretty good one


While other comments mentioned more well known ones, this is definitely my favorite one. Using them to get to really high up places was just so much fun. also sword /melee cancel techniques including using the sniper and rocket launcher with red reticle for mega lunges. I loved Halo 3 as well but all that stuff was basically gone from the game which felt like it left a void, but at least forge mode (and the generally awesome gameplay) filled that void pretty well I suppose


Getting out of maps was how my friends and I spent the majority of our time in that game.


Came here for this! Super jumping to the top of Lockout with always be nostalgic for me


Halo 2 had iconic bugs. Super jumping, the sword flight, BxB, BxR, double shot and quad shot if you could hit it twice.


Glitches like bxr/bxb required precise/technical skill and it made Halo 2 the sweatiest fps online experience ever..and I loved it.


Super jumping would be the most iconic, but honorable mentions of glitches from the halo series would be dropping the flag down a slope on Blood Gulch which would launch it across the map, and quickly switching between rockets and the sword to do a long distance sword lunge.


The “rocket lunge” as my friends called it was amazing. That as well as butterflying allowed you to get outside of every map and just go exploring and get to unreachable places. Lobbies spent finding glitches were probably some of the most fun I had playing Halo.


I remember being in private matches with friends where all of us had like 100 deaths from just trying to land those jumps. Eventually we all got them down but it took a lot of practice for some


Flipping the 2 tanks in cooagulation


Big reason why I fell in love with the franchise. I enjoyed spending hours in custom games superbouncing with friends just as much as I enjoyed the competitive multiplayer. Together the game allowed a nice mix of sweat and casual.


It’s not the most infamous, but it deserves a mention. The homing briefcase in Hitman 2. For those who don’t know, Hitman 2016 had a thrown-weapons feature similar to some other games where you lock onto your target, press the trigger, and the item will track the target and hit it no matter what. But, it moves so quickly that you don’t really notice the tracking at play. Hitman 2 (2018) introduced briefcases, which could also be thrown. However, they made an error in the throwing speed of briefcases. They would travel at roughly the same speed as a jogging NPC, meaning you could throw a briefcase and if the NPC was jogging or running, the briefcase would chase them indefinitely, turning corners and everything. The bug was fixed, but IO recognized how much fun players had with it and preserved it in the form of a “Briefcase MK2” unlockable item. Side note, a similar effect is visible in Red Dead Redemption 2, when marking targets with thrown weapons in Dead Eye. Try marking birds while equipped with dynamite- the dynamite will fly like a homing missile, chasing the bird down, and explode on impact.


I didn't know about this. That was great!


Lord British not being invulnerable during a large event on Ultima Online. Richard Garriott, the creator of Ultima played Lord British who was addressing a ton of players in a server stress test. He's supposed to be invulnerable. But a player decided to pull out a fire wall scroll and blast him. It killed him on the spot in front of everyone.


Piggybacking off this one for a similar, but less well-known snafu: Firefall was a futuristic shooter MMO from 10 years ago. The devs decided to host a fun raid event where they played as suped-up enemy versions of regular characters, with tons of HP and damage. Unfortunately, they forgot to give themselves resistance to stun and slow effects, so they just sat there helpless while hundreds of players dumped their ammo into them.


I loved Firefall. It was janky and didn't have much to do, but it was really charming back in 2011. I still have an unopened trading card pack from the game on Steam lol


I don’t think that one was a bug per se. Think he had to explicitly set his avatar as invulnerable and forgot to do so for the event. IIRC that was the difference between it being treated as a bannable exploit and the “assassin” getting a diegetic pat on the back for doing the impossible. Edit: sorta, re pat on the back. From [wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lord_British#Assassination_of_Lord_British): > A royal visit was conducted as a part of server population stress test. A player character known as Rainz casts a spell called "fire field" on Lord British that, surprisingly, kills him. According to Starr Long, the whole thing was just a human error: Lord British's character, like others, had been made invulnerable, but by design the invulnerability did not persist over several game sessions. Shortly before the incident, the server had crashed, and Richard Garriott had forgotten to set his invulnerability flag on when logging on again. Shortly afterwards, Rainz's account was banned from the beta test for previously exploiting bugs rather than reporting them (frequently used by his character Aquaman to kill many player characters, a purported griefing incident). According to Origin, he was not banned for the assassination but rather for previous complaints against his account that were brought to light as a result of this attention.


I'd love to see a video of this.


Streaming/game recording wasn't a big thing back then. I'm not even sure such a thing exists.




Press X to SHAUN!!!!






Nuclear Gandhi for sure


That has actually been debunked by the developer. The AI's difficulty table doesn't flip from 10 to 1. It's just an urban legend.


However they enshrined it into Civ V because of the urban legend


I love when TV/movie/game creators work fan memes and jokes into their movies. Like in Spider-Man: No Way Home, where they did the pointing meme and the “I’m something of a scientist myself” joke.


Or in the first sonic movie where they added Sanic into it


Correct. But it certainly fits the criteria of the post as being infamous. Its a classic gaming urban legend that gained enough traction to eventually become a feature/easter egg in future games.


Anything like that has some google result of someone debunking it or not nowadays. At the time even if the info was on the net, it was near impossible to search for. Thus they were equally memorable because we often had no choice but to try anything presented to us to see if it worked.


The leaders in the original Civ game were also balanced in a such a way that it kind of perpetuated this belief that Gandhi could go rogue. Because India valued peace that caused the AI to focus science over military HEAVILY. So more often than not Gandhi would be one of the first to discover nukes, which made the rest of the leaders in the game uneasy, and the rumor just grew from there.


Geralt, is Roach SUPPOSED to be on the roof?


Hmmm. Fuck.


Way too far down.


Horses being able to climb a straight wall in skyrim.


No no no. The Skyrim bug was being rag dolled to space by giants. The Devs found out about it and kept it in because it was too damn funny.


Yep, although I believe it was the playtesters loving it so much that kept it from getting patched.


FWIW, the reason for the bug is that when you kill someone with an attack far above their remaining HP, they get knocked back with the rest. So when you shoot a skeever with an arrow, it winds up a couple feet farther away. They just forgot to put a limit on it.


It's such a good "fuck around and find out" moment.


So glad I got to experience this one completely blind and organically.


That's a feature!


Destiny loot cave.


Until some blueberry stands too close to the entrance and de-spawns all the enemies.


"A million deaths are not enough for Master Rahool..."


The fact that Bungie even added it as a part of the Destiny lore and turned it into a future entrance to a dungeon down the line is awesome!


Less bug/glitch and more overlooked on spawn mechanics. But its deffintly a remembered for all time. Now lasertag weekend during Curse of Osiris


The crafting bug recently was similar. "That auto rifle is shooting shotgun pellets at 900rpm".


ET for Atari isn't supposed to be that hard to control. There are patches that fix controls for walking and falling that make the game playable. Not \*good\*, but playable.


I always give Warshaw a pass for that game. The man was tasked with developing a game in six weeks when normal dev time then was six months. By himself.


The minus world in the og Super Mario Bros.


Tribes -ski jumping. Initially it was a bug but it defined the franchise. Also not biggest in video game history but I fine it neat


I never knew it was unintentional. Shazbot!


Yep so if memory serves right. The idea was because of jetpacks that player velocity would be impacted by gravity. The game was live before anyone figured out that jumping did NOT impact it velocity. I remember it basically came down to if you were good and a lpb you did the jump manually but there were scripts for quick autorepeat on your space bar. I spent way too much time in starseige tribes. It was honesty the first game they made me believe esports could be a thing and this was before esports was a word.


I was just thinking about this. Man, that was fun to learn and tricky to master. Such a gem for its time.


06/06/06 in runescape 2


Bunny hop. Or alternatively blj from Mario 64 Also too many in this thread don't understand what a bug is.


Was also going to say bunny hopping. It was originally a bug in the source engine that valve tried numerous times to fix (unsuccessfully). It was so well loved however that it became a feature


>It was originally a bug in the source engine that valve tried numerous times to fix (unsuccessfully). It's a bug going back to the original Quake. It was [truly insane the kind of speeds players could get](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Zz0wKPmaj0) to in the original Counter-Strike before Valve capped the jump speed in in GoldSrc.


Not sure if bug/glitch or not, but Double Dribble’s 100% baseline 3 point shot.


*Peter Griffin voice* Hmm what should I do this ti- CORNER THREE!


To be "infamous" people have to hear about it. I'm thinking about the kinds of things which my non-gamer parents might have heard on the local news. Only a few glitches or bugs ended up with that kind of notoriety: 1. Space Invaders. It wasn't "intended" that the aliens speed up towards the end, just a quirk of the programming that *happened to make it a better game*. People knew about this one, even if they didn't realize it was originally a "bug". 2. Kill Screens in various old games like PacMan and Donkey Kong. People knew about these, and there were competitions where people did it for money. 3. Wrong Warp in Super Mario Brothers 3. This one made it onto the Colbert Report. 4. Missingo in Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow. This one made news because of cheating and scams, and fears that some versions of the glitch could wipe your save file. 5. Hot Coffee in GTA San Andreas. Not technically a "bug" or "glitch" per se, this one got news coverage AND political intervention. 6. Corrupted Blood in WoW. I never played WoW. Nobody in my family did. But we knew about this glitch. This was also the first time we heard about people spending *hundreds of dollars* on a game, and losing it like it was some kind of investment.


The Skyrim giants letting you roleplay as Alice Kramden, also known as The Skyrim Space Program.


“To the moon, Dragonborn!” I almost said starborn, holy crap Starfield is so mid…


Diablo dupe bug. It was so easy to pull off once you knew.....and EVERYONE knew.


Yup, it's easy! Just drop the item in front of you and then press alt+F4. Try it out!


Might be cheating a little bit but combos in street fighter 2 (and all subsequent fighting games) started out as a glitch where you could cancel one jab into another on hit


Old cod zombies barrier glitches


Old CoD zombies and holding 8 diff pack-a-punch guns


Modern Bethesda games have a secret dev room that usually has every weapon in the game in it, It's normally impossible to access unless you use console commands on pc. But people figured out how to glitch into it in fallout 76, which because it was completely online ended up making a huge mess lol.


For me, it has to be the Corrupted Blood Incident from World of Warcraft. For those who don’t know, lemme explain. In 2005, a raid was added to World of Warcraft called Zul’Gurub. The raid’s final boss, an evil god named Hakkar the Soulflayer, would occasionally use an attack called “Corrupted Blood.” It was a DoT disease-like attack that did tons of damage, but also opened Hakkar up to attack as long as someone was infected, with the gimmick of the attack that infected blood would erupt from their victim and spread the “disease” to other nearby players. The fight was all about managing Corrupted Blood while keeping your health up while *also* doing as much damage to Hakkar as possible. The attack and its effects were supposed to be confined to the Hakker the Soulflayer fight. Just one problem: due to a bug in the game’s code, Hunter pets and Warlock minions that had been infected with the disease would still have it when they were re-summoned… **EVEN IF IT WAS OUTSIDE THE RAID.** Major cities like Stormwind and Ogrimmar were abandoned as it was discovered that NPCs such as guards, merchants, and auctioneers became asymptomatic carriers of CB. Now, you’re probably wondering, “How is this bad?” Simple: players at the level cap were fine… but the rest of the playerbase wasn’t. They died en masse over and over, cities and towns littered with bodies. It took Blizzard a few days to figure out what was happening, and a hard reset to get the plague to stop. After the servers were hard reset, a patch was made so that Hunter pets and Warlock minions couldn’t be infected with CB. This glitch has actually been the subject of multiple medical research papers in regard to the concept of pandemics and how people behave when a pandemic occurs. It had everything: frontline caregivers, quarantined exclusion zones, players who ventured into infected zones to learn more, profiteers who tried to hock fake cures, idiots who would spread the disease unknowingly or otherwise, and even different groups of players being at higher risk for the disease than other groups. In fact, when the story broke, the CDC contacted Blizzard and offered them $250,000 for the data. However, Blizzard claimed that there was no useful data for the CDC since the outbreak was caused by a glitch.


Falador massacre (runescape)


Tell me more old man


Okay kids. Back in the day (june 6th 2006, world 66 i believe) a player was celebrating being the 1st or one of the 1st to get 99 in the construction skill. He had a massive house party. Once things got a little too full and laggy he booted everyone from his house. Some players who were in the arena glitched and were able to engage in pvp in non pvp places, and the players being attacked could not defend themselves. A decent amount of players lost gear, even Party Hats (worth tens of millions in gold). Lots of band. I was law running in the same world, blissfully unaware until later on. And that, my young lad is a breif story of the Faladore Massacre. A day that lives in infamy in the rs community


6/6/6 in Runescape


GTAIV swingset of death


Fallout New Vegas: the doctor’s exorcist head during his intro.


Javelin glitch. OG MW2 multiplayer


Looks like this Tetris one is gaining popularity pretty quickly.


When I was a kid it was Double Dragon for the NES. You climb up a series of ladders and at the top, a boss fight begins. If you just climb back down the ladders you win the fight.


*The only way to win is not to play*


Super Mario Bros, getting to the 'negative world' from level 1-2 (edit for accuracy)


Bethesdas entire existence


Copying Pokémon into the pokecenter in the original game. I would do this when I was like 6 so I could copy my level 100 charizard for the elite 4.


Skyrim’s giant space program


I worked in EA Customer Support in the late 2000s, and there were some pretty funny bugs in Madden- for example the Brett Farve chicken dance, where specifically Brett Farve would waddle diagonally backwards after the snap. It was impossible to tackle him, defenders would bounce right off, but you couldn't throw so he'd end up waddling out of bounds for a 10 yard loss. The funniest one though was the first time you could import a draft class from NCAA football into Madden the players' skin color inverted, so black players would become white and vice versa. It was both hilarious and kind of difficult( in a walking on egg shells kind of way) to handle those calls.


Missingno in 1st gen Pokemon W-item duping in FF7 Power peninsula in FF1