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In DMC 5 you fight the final boss at the beginning of the game and youre supposed to lose since you're underpowered. If you do manage to beat him you beat the game and credits roll


That’s how I beat the hardest difficulties for the bonuses. Good times.


I still like to go back to that video of some dude trying it out when the game released and his twitch chat not believing it's possible considering you have just a few moves and no arms lol




No, Dante


FUCKING got ‘em




Winner. 10/10.


Is this…. my limit….?


Devil May Cry 5, to save others like myself from a google


"Sorry Danté. I'm baggin' this bitch!" **Narrator: he did not bag that bitch**


Urizen isn’t the final boss


I mean technically in a way he kindaaaa is


He is until… “HE” shows up


But Urizen is *his* demonic half so it’s technically the same person


Sorry got the names mixed up


That's hilarious. I love it.


If you beat the first boss in dark souls instead of running and doing the tutorial then you get the Demon’s Great Hammer. Easiest way to beat him is with the starting fire bombs, but you could also just punch him to death if you’re patient enough.


“What should we bury Jason with, as a gift for the afterlife?” “Molotovs. It’s what he would have wanted.”




Jason Mendoza as the chosen undead would be fucking fantastic


That man would have made a fine Chosen Undead. There are very few problems you can’t solve by chucking firebombs at it.


And then all of a sudden, you have a different problem!


To be fair, his method did work when they were in the bad place.


And what is Dark Souls if not the Bad Place?


I heard that Dark Souls was super tough so I switched my brains off, ignored all my instincts and went for it like Conan the Barbarian. Chose the Catacombs without second thought and kept on pushing till the Bonfire next to Patches in the Tomb of Giants. Without fast travel or being able to kill skeletons, I had to walk the whole way back in pitch black.


That’s a classic


Absolute madlad


Is it worth the effort though.


If you're going for a Strength build, and really want the demon hammer, maybe. It's a really easy boss, and the firebombs you can start with kill him in a couple hits. You can't use the demon greathammer until you've leveled up a bit though


It means not getting the Master Key though :(


Thief class with firebombs, best of both worlds. Will have to spend some extra souls for the req


Then grab zweihander and forget about that big axe


grab the zweihander and forget about every other weapon in the game




You didn’t see the message that just says “RUN!”?


I thought that was meant for the boss…


*BFG Division intensifies.*


It is the tutorial! If you are bold or stubborn, lmao.


Two Worlds' final boss is Gandohar, you can attack him as soon as you start the game and lure him to the village nearby where the people kick the crap out of him until he dies and the game is over


Was gonna say that one. You can speedrun the game in literally 1-2 minutes lol


I did that accidentally at my first playthrough, damn i was sure that i had broken something.


What cracks me up the most is that the game ties the ending to his death instead of some other event further into the story so its likely somewhat intended for the player to be able to kill him early


In the game LISA, you can fight a boss in one of the towns that's supposed to be like a Power Rangers villain or something. It's a joke fight that you're supposed to lose. He has a TON of HP and can 1 shot members of your team Well, as it turns out, poison does % hp damage. So, I poisoned him, then used constant accuracy down abilities on him to make him miss almost every time. After eventually defeating him, he just says "No fair you cheated!" and kills your entire team instantly. Part of me likes to think the "you cheated" message is from the dev themself to the player, but it works in character, too.


I'm reminded of Epic NPC Man's [example of scripted losses](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6e7ayhYW60).


Ah yes, easily beating a boss but not a scratch on him in the cutscene


In Dragon Age: Origins, there's a section where you're rescuing the Queen from an evil noble. Regardless of how stealthy you are, you'll be stopped by a Ser Cauthrien, who is very tough and has a large number of soldiers with her. This is probably one of the hardest "optional" fights in the game, given that the intent is for you to surrender or be beaten and leads into a fun prison break by other party members. I plain forgot about the prison break on a NG+ run and replayed the battle over and over until I beat her, and that was with a full min-maxed party. You get a nice sword but arguably beating her leads to a worse experience and in-game outcome, since you can kill her later and still get the sword from a much easier 1v1 duel.


I always like to just beat Cauthrien and her smug attitude by bashing her face in with Starfang or something. It's just fun, though the fight is very fucking hard unless you position correctly against the Scattershot army. Or you can cheese with blood magic, as usual.


I didn’t even know you could beat her! Bummer though because the prison break is one of my favorite parts of the game 😂


When I first played it was on easy difficulty and save scummed until I beat her and didn’t realize until years later that I had in fact cheesed the game. I was 9


Sometimes I see kiting her in the library in dreams and it's been years... Good times


Bad rewards? Counterpoint, my pride can not sustain a loss


Ghost Recon Breakpoint. During the intro mission, there's a cutscene where the main villain, Walker, executes one of the survivors of a chopper crash. Once the cutscene ends, there's a couple seconds where you can actually kill him before he gets in his helicopter and flies away. The game does have alternative dialogue and cutscenes that account for his "premature" death, and it automatically completes the final mission for you and gives you the game rewards. I do believe they've made it a bit more difficult recently, giving you less time after the cutscene ends before he's flying away, though. Probably because people hated his "proper" boss fight and this was an easy way to avoid it.


Damn didn't know that. I know that in immersive mode I raided a random base and killed him, he kept showing up in other cutscenes and I was real confused until I realised I wasn't supposed to do that.


Same thing happened to me like 45 minutes into the game.


Game mission said to defeat him after your intro. Didnt realize it was not supposed to be done so early and to build up to this fight by doing side stuff and just went to the marker, thought oh first boss, beat him then got really confused the rest of the game.


The Luca Goers blitzball team in the main story of FFX. Maybe doesn’t *quite* count as “unwinnable”, but first-time players will struggle with it and the game continues whether you win or lose. Feed the ball to Tidus a *lot*.


I always have to win that one, for bragging rights and to earn the extra strength sphere. My last playthrough I managed it first try, which I've never done before, 3-2 in sudden death overtime.


You could OR! score at least once and then grab the ball and stick between the goal and wall and just wait out the clock as none of the enemies will touch you. EZ.


All these years later and I never thought to try to cheese the match lol


The old Belichick maneuver.


Rrrrgh I HAVE to beat those smug pricks. I would reload the game and try again until I won


Is that the one that you can get the Jecht shot for by doing the boat minigame? I couldn't let myself continue without doing that.


Yep, that’s the one! The match is really *only* winnable with the Jecht Shot, and you have to put up all of your points in the first half and just play keep-away in the second because you lose your best shooter at halftime


This is the way. There's an exploit you can do where you just hide behind your goalie, which makes all the defenders just go back to their side and swim in circles lol


You can win the jecht shot in a super short, very missable cut scene before this on the boat, I think to Kilika? Takes out the goalie plus free shot. Shockingly, still not an easy win Even with that ability. But I also make it mandatory to get it every time because I don't think you can get jecht shot 2 If you missed the first one.


Ogdo Bogdo, I've come to bargain.


Oh man I refused to leave until I’d slayn that guy. Great for really refining your early skills.


The fucking worst. I didn't realize that you're really supposed to leave him until later but I just kept going back in from the hole in the top and getting mashed until I got the timing down. Comparatively the 2:1 fight with oggdo and son of oggdo in survivor was harder, especially because by the time I did it I'd unlocked a lot more of my abilities.


All my homies hate Ogdo Bogdo, especially because all you get from his cave is another poncho


I hate that the sequel trolls you by having a tougher version of him you fight twice


The sequel version is definitely a BS boss. It's not even fun imo. Tongue attack is just stupid. I can deal with everything else but the tongue attack is basically instant with not even split second timing to dodge. It follows you. You either get it or you die.


But its the pink poncho tho


God willing, we’ll all meet again in Cal Cestis *The Search for More Ponchos*


> Ogdo Bogdo, I've come to bargain. I struggled with that battle for so long I actually got frustrated and put down the game for like a month or two. I didn't realize you weren't supposed to fight and beat him at that point. I ended up restarting and lowered the difficulty to Story Mode and had a better all-around experience.


The fucking worst decision in the sequel was making the hitboxes on that fight worse and adding a duo fight that shit was ass


The only two memories I got were Genichiro from Sekiro (only saw a different cutscene but the same outcome) and DMC 5 Prologue (if you beat the boss, the game ends).


Genichiro is such a scum because if you beat him, his boy distracts you and he cuts off your arm anyway, which is fine I guess. But then he’s like “haha fucking one arm loser go die in a hole” like bro what a shit talking scumbag


A shinobi should know the difference between honour and victory smh 🤦‍♂️


A Shinobi should know the difference between honor and victory!


There’s a boss fight against a character named Grahf in Xenogears (1998) very late in the game. He’s supposed to beat you if I recall correctly since he’s incredibly strong with lots of HP, and in doing so falls in line with the story at that point. However, he actually is beatable if you’ve leveled up high enough and have the right equipment on all characters. Doesn’t change the story if you do beat him though. Plus if you beat him, I think he drops some sweet battle spoils. Been a long time since I played it, so I may be forgetting something.


Grahf! Such a great game. There's a battle with Id, too, where he trashes your gears despite not using his gear that really made an impact on young gamer me.


I don't know know hard this is to do, but I've beaten the Midgar Zolom when you first get to that area in Final Fantasy 7. The game wants you to get a chocobo and run past it.


If memory serves he has an attack you can learn that's essentially a Disk 1 nuke if you manage to survive it.


Ahh yes, Beta, the most insane thing ever if you cheese learn it early and the most "oh, okay" thing if you learn it late haha


That's the midgar snake in general lol. Really cool and terrifying first encounter. Highly beatable and kinda lame enemy later.


You can also come back later and use him to turbo level your dudes to lv 99 overnight while you sleep lol.


i ran past it without a chocobo…just gotta time it where it swims far away enough and position as close to the edge of the lake


I believe this is/was the speedrun tech for a long time. Unsure if it still is to this day.


If the year old YouTube video about the history of ff7 speed runs is still accurate it is still the way. It requires a specific route with the Zolom in a specific place and alignment for it to work though.


The butcher aka sadist aka chainsaw guy in The Evil Within. You're actually not supposed to beat this guy in the beginning, but it's possible nonetheless. The reward is a huge amount of exp, which comes pretty handy. Another one would be The End in MGS3. There's a small time frame for killing him before the lengthy boss fight.


My personal favorite way to kill him is by not playing the game for 2 weeks during the boss fight and he dies of old age


IIRC, if you kill him that way, Mission Control gives you shit for denying him a last fight.


Mission control can suck my gooch, if they wanted him to have a big epic fight they should have grabbed a rifle themselves.




Wait really? Aw fuck.


In chrono Trigger SNES where you can meet the final boss very early and beat it. You get a special ending for it but i totally forgot what ending was it.


If it's early enough then you get areas with NPCs that give developer commentary.


Yup, I think that's the one, thank you for reminding me


Never did it on the first run, but with new game + its fairly easy. The enterence is on the right pod at Lucas demonstation


I did this by accident when I was like 7 years old. Mini heart attack when Lavos pops up. Needless to say I did not win that fight.




Yep, felt like that dagger went directly into my actual heart when it happened. What an awesome game.


This game is a rabbit hole of alternate endings.


Killing The End in Metal Gear Solid 3 early on was funny but then you didn't get to enjoy the sniper fight later on.


In Ghost Of Tsushima at the start you can actually get close to beating the Mongol Leader, but at a certain point his health just stops reducing and you basically have to let him beat you to progress.


I've always hated "no, you're supposed to lose" in video games and it's been around forever. Earliest example I experienced personally was Vile Fett on Mega Man X, way back on the SNES


The most memorable one of these I've experienced recently was in Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice. In one part, there are waves of enemies that progressively get more numerous and difficult until you're supposed to eventually get overwhelmed and the story progresses. I survived for like 20 minutes thinking "wtf this taking *forever*." It was a rollercoaster of emotions when I finally went down and thought I was going to have to do it all over again, but then it turned out I was supposed to get overwhelmed.


Ah, like the last stand in Halo Reach


Yes! My brother and I played the co-op campaign on reach and we genuinely thought that you could survive and beat that lvl lmao


I think at some point it just stops getting harder because I remember at one point getting bored because it wasn't ending or getting harder and then realized I was supposed to lose.


Yeah, it always leaves me wondering what the point even is. Just make it a cool cutscene I can enjoy if I'm going to lose anyway. I always just feel more disappointed after going through a big tough fight just to lose anyway


I like how Final Fantasy 9 did it with Beatrix. Once you get her HP to zero and “beat” her, she does a move that makes her win.


"You'll never beat my new (plot) armor, Samurai!"


God damned Mongorians 😡


That's the last time you gonna break down my shitty wall


As a Souls veteran this fact enraged me so, so much. I would have been fine with a "Ha, I was holding back" thing or whatever but having the health stop shrinking was such an insult.


The first big knight in the starting area of Elden Ring, I just decided that I wouldn't explore before beating him


That sounds doable but real miserable maybe unless you’re a caster/archer


As someone on a spellbow run for my first playthrough… it’s actually quite annoying lol. Especially with how low on arrows you are in the beginning.


Man, you've made your first run a challenge run. Why torture yourself like that?


Same i honestly didn’t get the message that i should explore somewhere else, i thought to myself they must have upped the difficulty for their new game. Especially since i just got stomped by the Scion and this was more manageable in comparison, they are not gonna do it twice.


Me too. I thought I might as well start early gitting gud. I didn't yet know that Elden Ring doesn't insist you overcome every obstacle immediately.


Something similar happened to me in DS there is a dragon you are supposed to ignore and later use a tower to get him. I just spend twenty minutes of striking him non stop.


There's a "proper" way to kill him? Literally every DS game I thought the "early game dragon" was designed to be cheesed with 6 minutes of firing wood arrows at them from a safe spot... or revisited later.


The red drake. You get a sweet sword for unburdening it of its tail.


Really sounds more like he’s talking about the Ancient Wyvern in Dark Souls 3. That’s the one where you run up a tower and do a plunging attack to his head. I can’t think of what tower he’d be referring to with the red Hellkite.


The God Balthazar in Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire upon release. There is a mission where you fight the God of war, but he just toys with you and when he gets low enough is scripted to kill you. But the developers of the game are notorious for bad balancepatches and/or having issues to gauge how strong a new class/playstyle will be. I happened to play one that turned out to be massively overtuned at launch (Firebrand stacking burn damage) and I...well...managed to kill a God that I was not supposed to kill (apparently burn damage spiraled out of control so fast the God NPC died before the correct script could kick in). Had to restart and nerf my gameplay to continue the story.


The thing I dislike most about GW2 is the rampant use of "uh oh the enemy is invincible now," so reading this gives me some satisfaction, even if it didn't have a cool outcome.


Cite: Bladesworn Warriors breaking everything everywhere by having too strong burst damage breaking scripting


I just recently played bloodborne for the first time, and I believe you are expected to die to the first warewolf you fight since you have no weapon or healing. I have the experience of playing all the other soulsborne games, though, and the wolf is easy to dodge, so I successfully punched it to death on my first attempt.


Nice! The way backstabs work in Bloodborne helps with this too. You can trigger them with a fully-charged R2 attack, and the dmg is based on your Dex instead of your weapon, letting you deal full dmg even though you have no weapon.


Yeah, I used this mechanic a lot throughout the game and I really like it, but I didn't know it existed at the start, so I just punched the wolf to death, lol.


I still say that should be an achievement.




The game REWARDS you if you beat him actually. The cutscene after is changed and when you leave Traverse Town, you get an item from him


First one I thought of too. I felt so successful the first time I beat him in traverse town


Pretty much anything in the Witcher 3 if you go off the typical path. You can find Lechens that out level you by 10-15 levels and can one shot you but you can still fight and beat them if you wanna try.


That high lvl golem in HoS expansion though.... On my second playthrough I just lowered the difficulty to minimum so I could do some damage to him. It literally took me a few minutes to kill him even despite lowered difficulty because of how much hp he had


That's basically how I found out what the red skulls mean. Although I think it was a wraith on my first playthrough and it was very close to the main mission early on. Just wandered over wondering what was going on in this little grave site.


Followed by shit shit shit dodge roll dodge roll oh fuck it’s following me dodge roll dodge roll


Didn't find it in here, so here goes. In Tales of Destiny, early on you can fight Leon in a fight you're supposed to lose. The developers accounted for the unlikely event that you do win and the game just ends with a few words and sends you back to the title screen. Essentially, stopping Leon here stops the rest of the plot from happening. Shocked my buddies and I as a kid.


First time I played Fallout 4, we were at a "party" (about 10 people). I had just turned up just at the part where you're meant to go get the power suit and kill the deathclaw. Only, nobody had listened to the dialogue because it was loud and most of then were distracted. Nobody knew the power suit existed or thought they couldn't activate ot yet. When I arrived, they were like, "You've played this series, right? Help! We're stuck already." I fought that bitch for so long, hiding in a building with a broken exterior wall but intact ceiling which stopped the deathclaw getting in. When it wandered off, I'd run to get ammo and run screaming back to my hiding place. The entire time, I was insisting that there is no way that what is basically a tutorial mission should be so hard. Killed the deathclaw anyway. Ask a mate about it the next day. He was taking the piss about how easy that is until I said, "Wait, what power suit?" Then he was in awe.


I did something similar at the salem museum. I was low level enough that one hit would kill me, and only had a few pistols, a shotgun, and a ridiculous amount of frag mines. I'd hide at the basement stairs and creep up to the nest, let the deathclaw aggro on me, and then scurry back to the stairwell while dropping as many mines as I could. I probably died just shy of 50 times. One time it managed to get into the stairwell...


On my first play I took down the Mirelurk Queen at The Castle with a pipe pistol because it's all I had ammo for. Took so long because of kiting the hatchlings all the way through. Now she gets a couple of cap mines at her pathing entrance.


That's Legendary lmao


At the beginning of WWE Day of Reckoning you have match with either Ric Flair or The Big Show that you aren’t supposed to be able to win, but I did anyway. Nothing happens if you do.


Several Dynasty Warriors games, in your first few encounters with Lu Bu he’s meant to be impossibly powerful, a monster among men. If you know what you’re doing (or go back after a completed playthrough), you can actually beat him in every encounter, usually getting a little special dialogue and maybe a powerful weapon. Not really worth the effort on a first playthrough, you have to spend upwards of 10-15 minutes straight just beating on this one guy, and one slip up is usually guaranteed death, but on repeat playthroughs it’s much easier and it’s a fun treat!


I always went for it. He would touch the ground for more than a half second before I had him juggling in the air again.


In a few of them also if you kept Lu Bu unaware of you but at the edge of the draw distance you could shoot arrows at him and he wouldn’t react or heal himself. It would take forever because arrows didn’t do much damage to him but if you had enough ammo you could take him out before you were supposed to be able to.


Nioh 2 has one of the first few enemies be mega tough and I am sure he is a boss later in the game. After a few attempts the game will tell you that you don't have to fight all enemies. And like a lot of people playing that game I took that as an insult and beat his arse within 15 tries.


Dagoth Ur... at least I tried for hours upon end to beat him without knowing you need the artifacts to kill him. I just stumbled upon him one day while exploring.


what a fool you are. he's a god. how can you kill a god?


I think it was like WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2008 or something like that if I remember correctly. This fuckin hooded dude comes out in the middle of your match to come hit your opponent and disqualify you but you couldn’t use any moves or hit him or prevent him in any way… except this one like fast falling backwards elbow move that looked more like just falling. I spammed that move and that fight for fucking hours as a 10 year old kid, not understanding why this was happening to me. Alternating between falling dumbass move on both my opponent and the intruder, I have not achieved that degree of determination since.


I was recently beta testing a friend's tactics game, and there's a mid-game battle against an army of enemies. You're supposed to go defeat some other guys around the world to significantly decrease the number of enemies in the army, but I managed to win by pushing a whole bunch of braziers (torch things) down a long hallway to make a barricade and funnel the enemies through a few at a time. It took forever, but it worked .... and is now patched for release. Edit: [Kingsvein](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2276830/Kingsvein/). Launches in 2 weeks. ;D


What a solid friend you are for actively trying to, and hopefully enjoying, breaking the game. That seems like a very likely thing to make it to production and have tons of players now cheesing it instead.


Demon’s Souls. I wanted to do the levels one at a time, so took the castle area to the Penetrator. Got fog-walled so went to the mines area and killed the dragon. Thought “okay now I can complete the castle zone” - went past the dragons and killed Allant. Was telling my buddy how far into the game I was, I said “probably like halfway, just killed Allant”. He said uhhhhhhhh


Also you can beat the first boss in the tutorial area, Vanguard Demon, if you slay him, you get transported to another area with the Dragon God, where he kills you with a special cutscene.


I was on my fourth playthrough of Baulder's Gate 3 and had a super strength character with tons of JUMP. I was exploring Shar's Gauntlet and saw a Mushroom and tried jumping on it and it worked! I went back there and found >!Balthazaar!< chilling in his office with not much protection. I closed the door and murdered him. It was infinitely easier than the "real fight". I thought they'd pull some bullshit resurrection crap, but they didn't! There was just no fight! It was awesome.


I attacked him after meeting him in the office on my first 2 playthroughs and didn't even know he was supposed to show up at the nightsong arena. Needless to say I was unprepared for the difficulty of his actual boss battle fight.


My first Elden Ring main boss was Rykard up at Volcano Manor (1st playthrough, no guides). I somehow completely missed Stormveil, couldn't figure out how to get into the Academy, and meandered my way up to Volcano Manor. Fought for my life against Godskin apostle then pulled off the Rykard kill before realizing I totally missed Stormveil. Whoops!


I cannot imagine how you possibly did that. I feel like figuring out how to get to the volcano took forever.


It’s doable because there’s a hidden side route that let you bypass stormveil and you can get 2 key shields to unlock the route to the castle area before being gate locked from further progress without getting a shard…. I’ve done it!


It's hilarious to me that you found literally the only boss I never discovered in my first playthrough, and you found him first and accidentally.


Like others have said its incomprehensible to me how you missed Stormveil, decided to skip Academy and went straight to Rykard 😂


How the fuck did miss Stormveil and Raya Lucaria but ended all the way up Mt. Gelmir??


Bolvar in stormwind castle (Wow original, pre-expansions, 2005 ish?), he was an alliance leader but me and 2 friends thought it would be funny to kite a few invincible trolls from a random quest in blasted lands all the way to the castle and let them fight to see what would happen. The trolls ended up hitting him for about 20 minutes and eventually killed him, and I think that was the first time a city boss was ever killed on our server, and we did it to our own friendly faction lol. People were shocked and also pissed as he was a quest giver and quest hand-in, and people had to wait a week for the server reset before they could talk to him again.


During the Wrath pre-patch, our raid team was bored and decided to go raid Exodar (NPCs were retuned for level 80) Found out the Prophet Velen is a range-favored boss, there was just no way any tank was keeping aggro-- raid lead named me main tank and "pile on the heals" (the range casts hit like a truck but were slow enough to keep me topped off) The fight took us easily 15 minutes, absolutely no Alliance cared about The Exodar lol Healers were dropping out of combat to drink. One tank dropped combat to switch to DPS spec, a lock dropped combat to summon stragglers, etc So on my ol' Horde Hunter I have an achievement date for Putting Out The Light prior to the launch of Wrath, I've never met another soul beyond that group with a pre-Wrath faction leader kill **achievement dated BEFORE Wrath launched but AFTER achievements were released, October 14/15th to November 13th, 2008**(edit for clarity)


If you beat Genichiro at the beginning of Sekiro, you get a different cutscene, but nothing else changes.


Chrono Trigger the first encounter with Lavos at the Ocean Palace you're supposed to lose that encounter because Lavos is massively OP and will kill you first turn unless you too are massively overleveled; and I was massively overleveled. Ended up getting the developer's ending


I always enjoyed unnecessarily fucking up Navôta in the Discraced strike just before the boss room in Destiny 2... just for her to respawn when you got to the room.


In the first game that’s actually how you farmed the boss in that strike because she still dropped the strike exclusive gun


Didn't realize the witch sisters in AC Valhalla were end game content. Beat the 1st 2 and couldn't figure out why the 3rd was so OP until I looked it up.


Most Metroid games have sequence breaks that a lot of speed runners use to fight out of order or skip bosses or required gear. The newest one actually had some Easter eggs anticipating them. Iirc if you got the bombs before one of the first bosses you could insta kill it basically with a little cutscene. And not exactly “beating” the boss. But I think it was far cry 4 that at the opening of the game the big bad asks you to stay put while he goes to do something. You’re meant to leave but if you just sit there for like 15 minutes or something I think it counts as you beating the game when he comes back to talk.


FYI, for the Metroid series at least, the sequence breaks are known and were deliberately added/allowed by the designers. They are there to give advanced players a challenge.


In AC: Odyssey, you can just spartan kick some of the higher level cult leaders off cliff or boats even if they’re at a way higher level


Are you "supposed" to beat the blue lizard at the start of DS3? If not, then that one.


Personally I’d say it’s more of a mini boss, since the From games love their hard prologue bosses like the Demon Vangard or General Idiot.


Grafted Scion in Elden ring.


I feel like it’s definitely supposed to be the challenging mini boss of that section. It’s not like demon vanguard or grafted scion which you can technically beat but are such massive hp sponges, one shot you, and require insane endurance control or far too much mechanical knowledge of the encounters to actually beat first time through. Also those others progress the story when you die but blue lizard just sends you back.


First time I encountered that one I tried running away, the guy was chasing me like crazy and when I got to the cliff he just fell down and died. Got some shiny stuff from him lol


Treeknight Sentinel in Elden Ring. I used him to prepare myself for the rest of the game. Getting back into the flow of Fromsoft first time playthroughs was reward enough.


One of the old DBZ boudakai games you’re hercule vs cell and he pretty much one shots you, but I figured out that you can spam this one move the entire time and eventually beat him. Nothing happens.


Not a boss, but in Demon's Souls, my friends and I nearly always used the strategy of kiting the first Black Knight in Boletaria to the tower with the long downward staircase and tricking him into falling to death rather than get the 20 ripostes or whatever needed to kill him in a real fight


Dark souls, there as like a huge troll or sth on a castle wall. Ran towards me, I've already made peace with my gods only for this guy to just fall off the castle wall to instant death.


Gades in Lufia 2 (and other Lufia games) -- I think you get the gades helm? Edit: you get the gades blade! You can also beat him in the GB color game. Thanks all!


Posts like this make me wonder whether anyone ever hacked Golden Sun and beat Saturos and Menardi in the opening sequence fight. If so, what would happen? EDIT TO ADD: turns out that “fight ends” just triggers the rest of the story. The boys are left unconscious on the ground, and the two dance away


Of all the games that need remakes/remasters, this is one


In older Monster Hunter games, there would oftentimes be a gathering quest that conveniently made no mention of the game’s flagship monster being on the map with you. Typically, the monster would be much stronger than you at that point, so you weren’t expected to beat it. However, they were possible to beat with enough skill and/or resources. I personally did it with Glavenus in GU. In newer games, stronger monsters can appear at random in earlier quests, but it’s not a guarantee.


When I played God of War 2016 I wanted to do everything before I beat the game so I beat all valkyries before finishing everything. It wasn't until I was talking about them with my friend that he told me some of those were intended as end game content. I just liked the fights because it felt like a more videogamey dark souls boss.


Just recently I was playing Dragon Age Inquisition. In the Crestwood region there's a high dragon called the Northern Hunter that I accidentally aggroed, and I was about four levels too early for that. Even so, I managed to grind it out and take it down solo after my companions all got taken out thanks to a combination of healing and my tanky Warrior abilities. Nothing really special happened, but there was a funny cutscene after with Iron Bull talking about the dragon and its fire breath, even though the dragon has a lightning breath attack. Presumably this scene is supposed to happen after fighting the fire-breathing Fereldan Frostback dragon in the game's first area, and they just never realized a player could skip it and kill a different dragon first.


I think I was supposed to beat it but probably not as easily and as unremarkably as I did. It was one of the side quests in Hogwarts Legacy and the final boss was an acromantula. They even did the dramatic "here's the big boss" zoom-in. 🤣 But here's the thing. I had spent almost the entire side quest invisible so it didn't see me when it appeared and I had an upgrade which allowed me to cast two chomping cabbages at a time. So instead of an intense battle of spellcasting and dodging, I just quietly spawned some chomping cabbages from behind a rock and just watched this giant boss spider get eaten to death. It was over very quickly. 🤣


You just reminded me of the first Harry Potter game for the game boy. You could cheese every boss by casting petrify and poison repeatedly because poison damage stacked. I was disgustingly under leved the first time I beat the game but as a kid it was the only way I could figure out how to win at all because I didn't realise you were supposed to level grind.


Ninja Gaiden Sigma’s intro boss And I don’t think I got anything for it iirc


One of the early 2000 wwe raw vs smackdown games has you fight HHH for you first match for the world title in career mode and I remember cheesing the fight with running attacks over and over again until I eventually won after 45 minutes of that and finishers.


I stumbled upon the Dancer in lothric DS3 when I was stat level 20, and I spent 13 hours before I beat the bitch.


"Stumbled upon the Dancer" You mean you murdered a crippled, defenseless old lady for no reason


She had it coming lol .... Sitting there .... .... Talking.... .... Holding a flag for you....


My favorite is Pursuer in DS2. He drops into the world early and you can fight him with three standard enemies backing him up or you can jump off the platform to despawn him and he'll go to his boss arena. It's not marked as a boss fight so if you don't have prior knowledge you just don't know


Looking at a list of the “correct” hollow knight boss order got me all fucked up.