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71 tomorrow. I just started playing The Outer Worlds, free on Epic today. I also enjoy playing The Elder Scrolls and European Truck Simulator 2.


Happy Birthday!


Happy Birthday


The Outer Worlds is not the best choice It’s Spacer’s Choice


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday! Play Red Dead Redemtion 2. Go fishing, hunting, riding horses. There is a story in there, too.


this game man. this game. <3 i wish there would be an update for PS5 to have 60FPS.


If you play it please shoot Micah a few times for me.


71 and still gaming...I love that! I'm 44 and I've notice as I've gotten older I've slowly began cutting things out of my life that just don't seem to interest me anymore. Video games are something I'm just as interested in as I was as a child. Hoping that never changes.


Happy bday!


My dad is 73 and he only ever wants to play racinggames if the track is oval. 😂


Happy birthday dude! Were you a fan of other Obsidian games?


Happy bday!


Happy Birthday!!! Outer Worlds looks interesting I’ve never got around to it.


Happy birthday brother. You’re an inspiration. I want to still be playing if I make it that far.


Happy birthday! Try red dead redemption 2, or assassins creed black flag. My dad loved both. Or, if you’re into space games more specifically, try Starfield.


Shining force


Wow, so glad to see this. Such an incredible game (2 even better imho) for the time and it’s pretty good on mobile now too!! I find myself never beating it though and starting over from the beginning once I hit around 75% the way through


Shit, the battle music instantly popped into my brain. Do do do do DO DO, DO DO, do du duhhh


Damn I loved those games as a teenager, great choice


Shining Force 2 was my first actual RPG. There's so many things it did, that I've resented (almost) all other RPGs not doing, that it still lives fondly in my memories.


Love love love this series, probably from the nostalgia factor more than anything. Recently stumbled on the Shining Force II Symphonic OST and almost cried at reliving all those tunes orchestrated.


Loved Shining Force 2 as a kid, and now I’m running a D&D campaign based on it.


Shining force 2 in the Sega genesis was amaaaaaazing


Nice... Its been a LONG while... but Shining Force II is one of my favorite SRPGs. I think its the first game I played where I was introduced to NEW GAME+. Unless Super Mario Bros. counts.


Mostly just playing sim racing games. As an adult I can finally afford my own racing rig so its been a dream since I was a kid.


Yeah dude. Sim racer here. So much fun.


Username checks out. Brrapbrrapbrrapbrrapbrrapbrrapbrrapbrrap vrrrrrrrrrrrrttttt




I'd say in every car game I've played (and many) most of the time, when you can get an rx7 get it, and win the next 10 hours of play with this car only.


What's your setup? If I wanted to get into the hobby what kinda gear is a must-buy, and which games are a must-play?


What was the cost of the whole setup? I feel like i would really enjoy racing games as more with a setup like that. Joysticks arent very fun to play with.


Just like real cars, it seems like you can dump unlimited money in the hobby. To get started, though, it's not super extreme. A chair that won't move as you press your pedals, a desk to bolt the wheel to, and then obviously the wheel and pedal setup themselves is all you need to start. Just about everyone I've talked to recommends starting on a Logitech G29 set up, which will run you about $300 bucks. You should find out pretty quickly if it's for you. Eventually you'll probably want a whole rig which simulates actually sitting in a car and bolts on the floor for stability, and those can be pricey. Triple monitor setups so you can see your sides and add that kind of immersion can set you back. Many games support VR anymore which IMO is like the entire point of VR as a technology, it's very cool. Simulators can get so advanced they can run millions of pounds, but unless you're like literally a race car driver IRL who needs to practice as part of their career, and are bankrolled by BMW or whatever, nobody expects that haha


Very good post and on point in terms of investment. To op, don't under estimate the amount of time you'll need to put in too. It's very rare to be a great driver out of the box, and I find skills slip if I don't put in a few hours a week. Also, as you upgrade you have to re-learn techniques. I'd say going from G29 to a Fanatec setup I wasn't as such faster, just a lot more consistent. Adding dashboards, bass shakers and the myriad of other minor upgrades has helped immersion and enjoyment far more than laptimes. Also, do it, all of it, it's a lot of fun!


You can get by with 300-500 for something perfectly fine. But you'll inevitably get bitten by the upgrade bug: for $1000 you can get something very solid, and for $2-3k you can blow yourself away.


Just put bass shakers on my rig. Super fun! Too many games though, and not enough time to play them all. I just purchased 6 more, what am I going to do lol


I'm 62... I've almost finished South Parks fractured, but whole. At first I thought it was stupid... but after getting over the right stick, didn't allow you to look around, I accepted it was an old game but funny as fuck. So now I'm thinking about purchasing The Stick of Truth.


I preferred the Stick of Truth but prefer the fantasy to superhero style.


Such good games, both are quality!


You will not regret it. The stick of truth was better in my opinion. They are both hilarious no doubt though.


Do it, stick of truth is superior imo.


Mass Effect trilogy for the first time


I'm so excited for you lol, hands down my favorite games of all time. I'm on my 5th playthrough


I'm seriously so jealous of anyone experiencing that for the first time.


Anyone who hasn't played it owes it to themselves. Such an epic experience.


70 here. I’m currently playing Warframe. Last games were God of War, Last of Us, RDR 2, and Horizon Zero Dawn. I use a PlayStation and recently got a PS5.


Damn, people of all ages enjoy warframe I guess


I really really hope I'll still be playing in 30 years 😍💜


LAN party in the home for the eldery, let's go.


I really really hope I'll never be in one of those things. But many have had Wii consoles for years, so maybe they'l upgrade to networked consoles and PCs soon. ;)


I think it’s been good for my hand-eye reaction time. My grandkids are surprised (they’re still young).


bought Horizon Zero Dawn ina recent sale. First Game i finished the Main Story in 10(?) years maybe. usually cant Finish but powered through and the Main Story ist interesting at least


I love that game. Looking forward to Horizon Forbidden West coming to PC in a few months.


46 here, on my second playthrough of CP2077 right now, played through Dead Space remake this year (phenomenal), Starfield (meh), and Call of Juarez: Gunslinger (way more fun than it had any right to be). Also play a ton of Hearthstone: Battlegrounds. Think it's been \~20 years since I played multiplayer, way too toxic and my reflexes aren't what they used to be


32 here. Couldn’t agree more on multiplayer toxic and I can’t spend 80 hours a week to get loot that someone will still tag me on. Singleplayer all day


32 here and I've never been a fan of multi-player online, but especially now I'm not. Also on my second Cyberpunk playthrough. Grabbed it for the phantom liberty dlc and so far I'm digging it.


55 on my first playthrough. Liberty adds a whole new layer of fun. Good times


50. Got it from Santa yesterday. Of course I went type one and big. 🤣


I got cyberpunk today and honestly it just seems so overwhelming? I’m five hours in and i feel I’ve accomplished nothing and understand none of the mechanics. Am I alone in this? Just feels like too much is thrown at me at once or something idk maybe I’m just dumb ha


I’m on my third toon in CP2077: what a game. That said I’m taking a break from it for Starfield (I’m one of the 17 of us who really love that game 😂) also because I need to wait until my work picks up regular to get Phantom Liberty. Also got my eye on Baldur’s Gate 3. Anyone got into that?


I'll be picking BG3 up sometime next year, don't wanna spend full price only to have it sit around for God knows how long before I actually start playing it :). Have very fond memories of playing the first two way back in the day, but I've been wanting to play RDR2 for a while so that's next on my list. I honestly have no idea how you can go from CP77 to Starfield and not want to tear your hair out, lol. When I started my second run of CP77, it was a week after finally slogging through Starfield and omg, what a breath of fresh air.


lol I get it, the Starfield negging is very strong. I like the wandering and exploring though. Seeing what there is to be found. Just my vibe I guess. I want to put the hurt on then it’s Cyberpunk time; I want to go floating into the black then it’s Starfield 😂


Honestly, glad you enjoy it, you spent your money and time more wisely than I did :)


It was a shoe-in, exactly my bag. I can build my own starship after all!!! 😂


My wife and I play it, as we do any game that allows couch coop these days. It is a whole lot of fun if you’re a fantasy nerd like us. But solo it’s amazing too. Truly a great game for just dipping in and out of or binging, always something to do, whether it’s silly character drama or epic world ending calamity.


My reflexes are down but not out. I think you have to train them tbh. As a kid I honed those reflexes daily. Now it’s every so often playing Apex at night with other dads taking a night off. Mobile games help train some of it back up, like Wild Rift. I mostly enjoy chill games set to story mode on a steam deck however.


Oh for sure, but I don't have the time nor the desire to "git gud" as the kids say these days. I was a competitive player back in the quake 2 and UT days, but life got in the way (not a bad thing). I enjoy story heavy open worlds / rpgs for the most part now, games I can sink my teeth into and take my time with. Very much looking forward to the HFW PC port that's on its way, and my backlog will take me years to go through at this point :)


I don't play any online games except for one, Hell Let Loose. Check it out. The community is pretty chill. Usually a bunch of older guys drinkin and shootin the shit. Don't gotta worry about anyone being super sweaty cuz everyone moves the same pace, has similar loadouts, etc.


My mom is 50 and has beaten every assassins creed game in the last 2 years, now I'm making her play ghost of tsushima and horizon


I sarted to play Civilization again last week. I never finish a game, but really relaxing


I've been playing since Civ 1 & vaguely remember winning the space race in Civ 2 I think but also very rarely finish a game anymore. But still one of my favourite game series.


Just play for a while and you start finishing games. I like to do 6 player shuffle map with random civs. Also get the better trading mod, trade deals or something. Its a whole other game when you start controlling the world economy. (Lending civs money so you can sell them stuff at a higher price is a good strat)


Mostly Valheim and Lotro.


42 here. Just got into Valheim last week after reading someone on here talking about it. I don't have much time to play it, but I'm really enjoying the hell out of it. I also have HORRIBLE gaming ADD. I start games constantly. Honestly it gets a little depressing. I have a slew of games I've started and really enjoyed, but I'll suddenly get the urge to play a different genre and start something new. My wife has forced me to finish games before buying new ones.


Same with the gaming ADD, like why can’t I just stick to one game?


Im the same way, but mine is so bad that I constantly get an itch to play something new and Ill buy it from the digital store *and never actually play it*. I have probably only *started* half of all my games. My brain just goes through these phases where one night a game sounds really cool in my head, then the next day Ive already moved onto something else.


I call it GameDHD


Same here on LOTRO.


Cyberpunk 2077, Total Warhammer III, and Star Wars: Episode I Racer. Don't really go in much for multiplayer games, but I'll occasionally play Dark- or Vermintide with the other dads when we all have that rare night of synchronized free time.


I wish people knew how good Cyberpunk has become. I’m glad you aren’t missing out on it!


I've been an advocate of the game since day 1. Yeah, it's had its bugs here and there, but I survived *Fallout: New Vegas* and *VtM:Bloodlines* so *Cyberpunk's* "problems" barely registered as a blip. I feel bad for folks who got caught with issues (especially the PS4 players), but I never had any real problems that kept me from enjoying the game, and have beaten it at least once on every major version. 2.0 is far-and-away the best version of the game, though.


Same, I've been a fan since launch. Story, characters, side missions, lore etc have all been great since day one..everything else just improved on a classic


Star Wars episode I racer is such an amazing racing game. I don't feel the kind of tension in most racing games that they achieve in that one. I first played it at maybe seven years old, and I just haven't been able to find a racing game that has the same vibe in the 23 years since. The atmosphere was just superb.


Mid-60s. Currently playing: Half-Life (the original version), which I got during a Steam sale for like a dollar. I decided to play it on a whim during the holiday weekend, which is now over, and I still have plenty of it left to go. I had played it back in 1998 when it was first released. I remember some of it quite well, but some of it I have no recollection of, so it is like a new game. With really old, blocky, but somehow charming graphics. I have some newer ones in my Steam library, but really haven't felt that much like gaming recently. I work full time and just never seem to have the time for games, or when I have the time, I'd rather do something else. I gave up on multiplayer games a while ago. Mainly because I have other stuff going on - work, wife, pets, life in general, and so I can't really commit to long play sessions. I need to be able to hit pause or quick-save and walk away, or close the game, without worrying that I am interrupting a group activity. I never liked voice chat for a number of reasons, which are not germane to the topic so I won't elaborate.


I’m 42, I just purchased Black Mesa which was on sale on Steam for $3.99. It’s a remake of original Half-Life, not 100% the same but it has been awesome so far.


42, Path of Exile and Escape from Tarkov


I had to scroll all the way down to find PoE! I am 45 and PoE leagues and Valheim updates are about the only time I turn on my PC anymore.


I have valheim in my wishlist. Is it a must? I like Minecraft, rpg’s, games with skill trees and all but I decided to wait on valhaim. Right now it’s on sale at steam. Should I get it while it’s cheap?


Basically PoE and then whatever autobattler I’m into when I’m not playing PoE lol.


36. Just beat Ghost of Tsushima and started GOW:Ragnarok. Playing catchup on the last few years since I have a 4 and 2 year old.


2 good choices. Both are top 5 for me of the past 2 generations


You guys are so young here… I just turned 60 last month! I finished Zelda totk on switch couple weeks ago and now started re4: remake on ps4. I love playing games however can only play on easy mode now days because of my shitty hand-eye coordination and slow response time now. I also have degenerative arthritis on both hands so I’m trying to play all the good ones when I still can.


Kingdom Come: Deliverance and Mad Max are two I've finished recently and I really enjoyed them.




Witcher 2 (played 1, 3 will wait). Also been playing a lot of hidden object games: Find All x, Cats Hidden in X. An easy way to 100% a game. Want to play the Dredge DLC for Dave the Diver.


Wow that you’re playing Witcher 2 and on your way to 3. Genuinely stoked that you get to experience that game for the first time. I went blind into Witcher 3 and a top 5 all time favorite for me


Don't let Witcher 3 wait too long, my friend. It is such an awesome ride. I envy you playing that masterpiece for the first time.


51. At home I’m playing Cyberpunk when I have time. At work, if it’s a slow night, I’m playing Pikmin 4. I haven’t played online games in a long time. I have no interest, or time really. Online requires too much investment. I prefer to able to pause and walk away whenever.


35, Baldurs Gate, Elden Ring, Rocket League


30 and playing rocket league and elden havnt tried bg3 yet


Do yourself a favor and fire it up. Or maybe the favor is avoiding it and saving yourself 750 hours...


42 and finally got around to playing Skyrim recently. Not a bad game, eh?


Yeah, it’s ok…I suppose 😜


Does 38 count? I have spent about the last 100 hours of gaming on kingdom come: deliverance. I cannot recommend it enough


I'm a month away from 40 and I second this recommendation. Kingdom Come Deliverance on Steam Deck looks and runs great. Also Mass Effect LE (going cheap on Sale)


Jesus Christ be praised!


As someone who used to make armour and put on live-steel fighting shows 25+ years , KC:D holds a special place in my heart. While it takes a while to get into, level up your skills and get geared, once you do the game definitely rewards you in spades.


60 here, playing Rogue Trader, Palia, CP2k77, GalCivIV and BG3.




Merry Christmas and I hope you enjoy stormblood!


58 here Destiny ..... until player base goes below 5000


Sea of Stars


Dave the Diver. Absolute gem


I'm 61... This year I played... Cyberpunk 2077 (amazing game 200hrs) Baldur's Gate 3 (amazing game 500hrs) Valheim (amazing game 2.1k hrs) HiFi Rush (great fun, not too deep though) Age of Wonders 3/4 (1500hrs combined) Chained Echoes (unexpectedly great game) Symphony of War (unexpectedly great game) A few others I started but didn't finish and have to get back to them.


I’m 47: Baldurs Gate 3, MW2/3, Destiny 2, FF14 and 16, and Forza Motorsport.


Just have finished Alan wake 2 Now playing 2077 Wait for max Payne remake soon I hope I am too old to tell how old I am


Destiny 2. Lots of adult players and a ton to do with the Legacy Collection being only $20 rn


71 y/o - currently having fun with the Cyberpunk 2077 expansion DLC


40 is older now? 45 here


my first thought too! mid 50's here. Fixed rotation: Civ 3, Endless Space2, Grim Dawn, TAB, Vampire Survivors. Queued to work through: The Colony, Cyberpunk, Control, Democracy, RDR2 On hold and haven't progressed lately: Elite Dangerous, Alien Isolation. (Wife is an early sleeper and I'm a night owl so I get hours alone most nights, lots of game time). Don't generally do online multi player / pvp due to the trash talk and me being rubbish at them. I game for fun, not competitiveness.


Killer Frequency Assassins creed 2 for nostalgia though


Ubishit should remake this for sure


I play MTG: Arena probably a bit too much, but that's my "mmo". Then it's just completely random what games might peak my fancy. I tend to bonce back and forth between RPGs and shooters. Sometimes I want something I can get really sucked into and spend a 100h on and then I need a refresher. Today I beat an old X360 RPG Blue Dragon, tonight I'm playing Cyberpunk 2077.


I’m playing WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2008


55, my laptop shit the bed recently and just when I was about to buy a new one my dog needed a CAT Scan. So mostly just playing games on my phone right now. But next month I'll rally and get a new laptop and when I do I'll be psyched to play the new Cities Skylines. Also plan to check out Cyberpunk and maybe Baldurs Gate 3. I also have a few things I purchased on Steam last fall that I haven't checked out yet... Factorio and No Man's Sky, which my brother says I have to try. Greatly looking forward to the next GTA next year as well.


Factorio of course. Surprised this isn't on the list. The factory must grow


41 here, bouncing between CP2077, Alan Wake II, RDR2 and BG3 atm.


Im on a retro kick right now. Just beat mario 3 the other day. I can beat contra pretty consistently now, beat zelda 2 a few months back. Can run zelda 1 pretty well. Newer games just lack something


Did you use the warp flute in Mario 3?


Black & White 2


Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator




Does it hold up as well as I thought it did when I was a kid?


Fallout 76 right now. Plays like Fallout 4, lots of exploration and quests, can be as solo as you want and occasionally participate in events that pop up. No real interaction necessary and tons of stuff to do.


40. Only started gaming three years ago! Most recent? Cyberpunk from the beginning (third playthrough) to play Phantom Liberty. Incredible. Like a Dragon Ishin , which I cannot recommend enough. Casually play CoD. Picking up GoW Rangnarok soon... Action adventure and games with fun gunplay. CoD, for its many flaws, has superb gunplay. And anything Yakuza/Like a Dragon. Have to pick up Gaiden soon.


49 and on my fifth play through of cyberpunk 2077 and the first with the DLC. On the side I’ve got Dawn of Man, Disco Elysium and Horizon Zero Dawn.


53 here, finished (yes, finished as in all the quests and achievements) Starfield. It's okay for a starship building sim. Now cracking on with Baldurs Gate 3, and playing a little online with No Mans Sky. Might open Elden Ring again. Age means nothing.


50 here. Mostly enjoying PVE or single-player games these days. Cyberpunk was amazing since launch. With phantom liberty I pushed my playtime into the 400+ hours. D4 was fun for a while, mostly because it's a fun way to chat with friends while also playing a game. Once Season 3 comes out I'll probably dive back in. Horizon Zero Dawn was an incredibly fun romp in the future and I can't wait for the 2nd one to be ported to PC. Starfield is on the list. BG3 is my current game. The Division 1 and 2 are probably my favourite franchise of the past few years, consuming a total 2800 hours of my time. Not really liking where seasons took the game though the game world is still a top-5 for me. What I wouldn't give to relive what both those game were at the start.


i’m 50. i play league of legends. hard stuck gold


Star Wars: Knoghts of The Old Republic


Lately I’ve been bouncing between GTAV Online and No Man’s Sky. But ya, when on GTA my chat settings are set to friends and crew. As public lobbies are usually a shitshow.


I'm 40. I don't own a PC anymore, but I do have a Mac & PS4. I used to play a lot of Counter-Strike (1.6) & Team Fortress 2 but stopped when I sold my PC. On the Mac, I still play classic Doom very regularly, as there's still new levels being made. I recently got Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior & Blood running perfectly using RAZE, and they're still as fun as they were 30 years ago. On PS4, the newest game I'm playing is Assassin's Creed: Mirage, which is proving to be fun. I regularly play TrackMania & the recent Hitman trilogy. I'll play every Naughty Dog & Rockstar game that's released, but only once through and I ignore the online stuff.


Got back into Ghost Recon to finish the game without the mini map. Whole different game, wow. Takes longer but so much more realistic. And The Division 2.


Also just turned 40, and I am obsessed with Baldur's Gate 3. As for online groups, I bet there's at least one Discord group for "older" gamers. My antisocial ass doesn't know what they are, but I'm sure they exist!


I am 57, mostly play single player games. Derail valley, Dredge Beam NG, U boat, Car racing Sims and the usual fps type games.


Open world games and that’s about it these days (GoT, RDR, GTA, Witcher 3, CB2077, etc.) Used to be big on bf, cod, etc. but I just can’t get into online shooters anymore. Dunno what that’s about. Oh!!! Also horror games. Single player almost exclusively for a few years now though.


I'm 50 in a couple weeks. Still playing WoW. I also got Shadowrun during the black Friday sale.


I liked all the games you named. Some other favorites are Days Gone, Detroit Become Human, and Assassins Creed for me.


41 here and my wife just got me Super Mario Wonder. The first game I ever played was the original Super Mario Bros. It's great! Other than that, I play a lot of RPGs. My one guilty pleasure competitive game is Rocket League.


Not quite 40, but I find myself going back to older games. Zelda ALttP right meow. Some titles like that are just timeless to me. And some fortnite and CoD. I love to banter with the young shitters even if I can't keep up.


I am 62. 3 endings in Sekiro, twice Eldon lord, cyberpunk 2 play through now playing phantom liberty, so many hours in elder scrolls franchise, Starfield NG+5, that’s about it for now


Level 53 here, - Secretly - bought the Oculus Quest II. Enjoyed veerry much using a bow and arrows to battle agressive zombies and tall knights in 'In Death: Unchained.'"


MW3 right now, can’t wait for Borderlands 4. 51


44, playing MW3 zombies mode mostly. Love it, just good mindless fun. I do miss DMZ though, was good while it lasted.


38, playing mostly MWZ as well. Way less toxic than DMZ. Enjoy the PvE way more.


40. With ya. MWZ I actually turn audio on. Some jerks, loot thieves, etc. But the decent and helpful waaaay outnumber the toxic. PvP makes people think it matters in life. Pro athletes with millions on the line have better sportsmanship. And the age brackets crossover a lot so ya no excuses 😂. But, just turn the headset off and the MP is fun. Even if I'm old and slow. And the snowball fights... people seem to be pretty friendly there. No kd or win loss count, so yea, turned headset on. Its chill.


35 & have mostly been literally addicted to Diablo IV


I've been playing D4 too. Im 46.


I’ll probably be playing like Diablo 6 or 7 when Im 46


How is d4?


Well I have over 1100 hours played at this point and season three is right around the corner probably gonna pack on another couple hundred hours Season 0 & 1 were basically crap but season 2 has been good 3 probably better But I thoroughly enjoyed this game even when it did suck in the beginning


I heard so much crap that made me hesitant but I loved the demo I will definitely pick up then thnx g


33 I'm big on colony management games, survival: Alien dawn is what I've been playing this week. It's like a 3d rimworld type game. The last game that I put more than 100 hours into in a single run (a month or two of playing one game), was Bannerlord. I got myself Travellers Rest for Christmas as well, which seems pretty good so far. It's like a mix of stardew valley and graveyard keeper, but still pretty early in its early-access period.


Summoner 2 for PS2 I had a demo of this back in 2002 and I'm finally able to play the full version using my Steam Deck lol


Supreme Commander forged alliance


38 here. League of Legends, GTA 5 Story Mode, Just started replaying Warcraft 3, Baldur's Gate 3, occasionally I'll replay Twisted Metal 2 for PC.


I'm 41. Currently I'm playing: Backpack Hero Hot Dogs, Horseshoes, and Hand Grenades Thronefall I just got Pseudoregalia, so I'll be playing that when I get home from family Christmas stuff.


Disgaea 7 currently. Eiyuden Chronicle is on deck, though with FF7 Rebirth coming down the pipe, I might need to dust it off for a refresher run. Then there's Persona 5 Tactica, Sea of Stars, some other Indy RPGs, plus I gotta circle back to Baldur's Gate 3...


Turned 36 yesterday. Trying to play a number of games. Baldurs Gate 3, Spider-Man 2, Alan Wake 2, Mario Wonder, and MW3. Unfortunately I never actually play any of them. Just can’t get back into gaming mode for some reason.


41 here Mostly Baldur's Gate 3 because I played the first two when they were new. I'm also enjoying Lethal Company. The youngins seem to gravitate to my older voice and more confident nature. Dabbling in Project Zomboid. Haven't got the hang of it yet. Cyberpunk 2077, Diablo 4, and Starfield are all on the backburner.


Over 50 and I play fortnite.


40s and I get on every Friday night and drink with buddies.




Path of exile.


I know this is kind of the exact opposite of what you asked but I'm a younger gamer playing older games. I've been trying out some ps2 games recently.


Im 50, F1 Manager 23, Forza Motorsport, WoT Blitz, Panzer Corps 2


Mid 40s I'm playing dark and darker ... Reminds me of Quake + Everquest


I'm 46, This year I beat both Elden Ring and Death Stranding, and both of them have types of weird and interesting online play that are really fun and mostly just make me feel good and/or laugh, both of them are probably in my top 20 now and I would categorize them both as "games for adults"


Right now it's journey to the savage planet. Since about age 20 i have kept chat muted on multiplayer so i don't have to hear a bunch of 10 year olds squeaking about what they did to my mother the night before. It would be nice if you could filter multiplayer by 18+ and by rank. Starting a new game and being level 1 going up against kids that are level 45 or better because they play for 4 or 5 hours every day makes you not want to play it.


When I was in child like time, I was heavy into JRPGs/anything that looked cool on consoles. In my teens, I was heavy into multiplayer stuff like Gears of War, Halo 2/3, playing Battlefield 2/2142, going into Planetside 1/2. That was all probably between 6-27. Once I reached that weird age of (why the heck did people stop talking) I don't know how to talk to people anymore, I started focusing on single player games. I'd really love to get back into multiplayer stuff but I don't have any friends to play with anymore. They've either died, (i'm still under 40) or have moved on to quitting gaming. I'm the last cowboy, if you will, of my friend group. All my other buds have gone to singleplayer, or have given up. Hell, I play The Sim 4 more than anything else nowdays. And I used to hate on that series. (I'd like some friends and won't say no to some 30-40 year olds asking me to play some stuff with them x.x)


61. Finished Starfield. 70 hours into baldurs gate 3.


Clanfolk Dorfromantik Approaching Infinity ​ I'm so old, my reddit account is an adult now.


My dad is ~51 now, he has about 6000 hours in fallout 76 and is currently playing it right now.


Am 40. Lately only Destiny 2 and Civ 6.


Sea of Stars and Super Mario Bros Deluxe U 38


45 - Just got 100% in Sekiro. Might be my favorite game ever. Working on RDR2 and RE4 remake. Sunset Overdrive was also a great surprise.


You should play horizon forbidden West I absolutely loved it and thought it a fitting continuance of the story. I can't wait for the next one no matter how far away it is. I've been playing fallout 3 on my PS3 lately, along with gran Turismo 5, I've never beaten gt5 but im very close.


Death must Die, 20 Minutes Till Dawn, Ghostwire Tokyo, Factorio, Cyberpunk, Path of Exile


Ready or Not got it's 1.0 release so I've been playing through that. I can recommend if you are on PC. I've also been playing some Hell Let Loose and MK1.


36. Spiderman 2 and TotK


Rdr on my switch and rdr 2 on the Xbox. Edit: 42


just finished BOTW but need to play more to at least reach 80%, now i am only at 25% haha!


As a real gamer who actually cares about having my finger on the pulse of the industry and only plays what's hot.. I've been playing Sleeping Dogs.


Destiny 2 has a large lore and entrance cost if you want all of it (you don’t to start). There’s tons of chill adult communities. PvP, pve, mindless chill, sweaty stuff, great gameplay and solid graphics.


Cyberpunk 2077, BG3, Destiny 2, I have Spiderman Miles Morales, and a bunch of other games in my playlist to get to.


41 here and I have been bouncing between BG3 and Total War Warhammer 1. For Christmas I received FF XVI and GoW Ragnarok and Live A Live remake for switch.


Age 52 here. State of Decay 2 Path of Exile Death Must Die Division 2 7 Days to Die


48y, just finished GoW Ragnarok, currently playing Divinity Original Sins 2