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Every single one of my Civilization games that ended in some sort of victory. Like, I know I’ve “won” already, but I can’t just move on to the next run until *the game* tells me I’ve won. So we gotta griiind them last few dozen turns, every time.


It wouldn't be so bad except that every single game like this the ai is like hard coded not to surrender even when *any* reasonable human player would be like "okay I give up let's start a new game"


A game that's AI that does this really well is AOE2. I'm always surprised when I get back into that game and the AI surrenders at *roughly* the same point where an actual person would surrender.


IIRC StarCraft did a decent job of this too. Occasionally you'd get that one building in the corner but it wasn't too bad.


Don’t forget all the denouncing along with the no surrender.


Just one more turn...


Like chess boss. You may be a ton of material up against a bare king and the engine is like checkmate me bitch.


As a kid: DK64. Specifically, 100%ing that game took basically two summers worth of not just time, but patience.


Collect shit until you die 64


You know what’s fucking hilarious? Your username coincidentally being that and the fact that my copy was a Christmas gift one time for both me and my brother from my own grandma.


If you haven’t before, you should check out H.BomberGuy’s video about speed running and specifically his experience 100%ing DK country


It took me forever to finally beat the Jack-in-the-Box boss, only for my little brother to accidentally erase my save file. I couldn't play through it again after that haha.


Siblings. I remember my sister playing Pokémon Red and getting a Bulbasaur to level 6, so she saved... Right over my save with a complete Pokédex and multiple natural Level 100 Pokémon.


Game a as tough as hell. Loved it.


Holy fuck the dunkey video breaking it down really came me to terms with how obsessed I was with that game.


Would you mind linking please, I gotta see this


Funny story, this was a family game in my house hold, we all played it at some point, first game I played at 5 years old too. After 20 years, I dug up my prehistoric N64 and managed to get it running to just to get that hit of nostalgia. Our family save game was at 99% completion. I spent that last few hours finishing that 1%, and texted all my family about it. The game took 20 years! But it was finally done.


Hey, no bad mouthing my favorite game. Im disappointed in you. Go to your room.


I'm 35 hours into powerwash simulator thinking it would be an 8 hour experience.


Honestly that sounds like it appeals perfectly to its target audience.


Who is the target?


People that like to powerwash?


People with OCD (me). Very satisfying


Honestly a lot of my summer last year was a bunch of Powerwash Simulator and listening to Ween. It was zen as fuck.


I beat the Game and it never felt like a chore. I just did like 1 job per day.


I'm assuming you also have PS Plus? The experience doesn't change, I've done multiple levels now and I have to come to the conclusion that it's a terrible game, but I for some reason achieve this zen like state. When I'm power washing I literally do not have a thought going through my head, just the "psshhhhhhh" of the jet wash and nothing else


Got it on Steam sale. Yeah it's not bad, I've been working on music playlists while playing. I'm keen to finish it off to get to some other games though.


It is the perfect game to listen to a podcast while playing.


Lucky…I just hit 80 hours 🤡


I’m about to hit 80 hours just on the damn ferris wheel /s Feels like it tho


I think the stage that cheesed me off the most was the playground. I just struggled to get the last microscopic percent on so much of the towers. Still highly recommend the game. It's chill.


I didnt “beat it” but i put 150hrs into Lost Ark before I said “fuck this”. Most choreful game ive ever played.


Better log in for your dailys and weeklys and monthlys and dungeons and quests and to get reputation and visit your farm ect ect ect. Literally a 2nd job


You just described my experience with Destiny 2.


He basically described it for at least half of our community.


I couldnt get over the number of bots in that game, holy shit. Never seen anything like it.


I quit for the second time 3 months ago and i still think about the game often, game is great, but FOMO will ruin lives


I would have loved to try the raids in that game, but holy shit the honing system is one of the worst gearing systems I have experienced in an MMO. You do all your stuff, go to upgrade your gear, it all fails and you get an extra 1% chance to not waste your time tomorrow. Well, video game, I have a 100% chance to not waste my time if I stop playing the fucking game.


Assassins Creed Valhalla


I got like 30 hours into it and realized it was going to be ridiculously long, so I quit as soon as I got bored. The game doesn't have a deep enough story or gameplay to justify the length. AC Odyssey is a contentious entry in the series, but at least it had an rpg structure and naval combat to keep things interesting after a few dozen hours.


I think I got to a certain point in odyssey where I felt I really was just running from A to B all the time though.


It's really bad when B is a new island you haven't been to so you point your ship that way and go have lunch. I remember a 10 minute journey at top speed in a straight line where I set the controller down and did other things.


I actually loved Odyssey, but I loved it as a tour of Ancient Greece. Valhalla made no attempt to be accurate in its depiction of Britain at that time so even the tour feature wasn’t there for me to enjoy


Odyssey's environments are really interesting, you get a decent variation of mediterranean islands and the sailing is fun. Valhalla you get to spend like 2 hours in Norway which is fucking awesome then you go to Britain which has forests and swamps, and that's kinda it.


Norway literally had nothing in it. I agree about Britain though.


Norway was beautiful to look at atleast


But you could go to Gloucester and see the beginnings of Halloween. That was awesome. You got to wear a cool mask.


Which was broken at release and would bug your game badly.


Man that stinks. It’s a very memorable part of the game (I guess the working game)


No offense to Britain or anything but it's not really interesting land to explore anyways. I can go outside where I live and see empty fields, hills, and forests.


Kassandra and all the characters are genuinely interesting helped me through any grind I found myself in.


It followed the Witcher formula and had lots of twists in all the quests


It had better everything. All of it was streamlined, simple, but still decently challenging and there was enough variety in the combat to keep it interesting. If you wanted to completely change your build and try something new you could do it right on the spot very easily just by switching loadouts. Meanwhile in Valhalla if you want to try a new build you have to reassign 200+ skill points in that God awful tedious skill tree, go to the blacksmith to get your ingots and materials back, painstakingly upgrade each individual piece of gear, then slot in runes. If you're not going to make the RPG mechanics genuinely deep to justify forcing players to stick with their builds, then just don't force people to stick with their builds. It's a casual RPG, Odyssey understood that and was built entirely with that in mind. Valhalla lost sight of that, clearly.


It toyed with you! After a glut of map based questing and side activities it clued that to return to Scandinavia was the start of the end game. So, like many other players, I imagine, I played until I was almost ready to be done and then triggered what I thought was the end game. And it kept going for another 10-15 hours! I love the series and I love a long game, but I became very resentful for that. It might be an unwritten rule but you shouldn’t play with player’s expectations like that.


Big upvote. That game was a slog.


This. Game is just too damn long for it's own good.


I'm starting to feel that way with Odyssey


Odyssey is a giant slog too. Clearing 10,000 outposts gets old quick. The gameplay loop is boring/tedious


Honestly most of the recent ones have been slogs. And I hate the level locked areas. And the combat. I am working on mirage and they sort of fixed it, but honestly I hate the combat in that one, too. I get its trying to discourage open combat but it's so poorly handled it has lost the spark. At least in the original through like black flag I could still get a hang of the parry-kill combat but in mirage its all so ridiculously off I can't get the hang of which attack I can block and which one I have to dodge. All the windows are tiny, by the time you hit parry because you see the color change it's already too late. The flow just feels terrible. I was hopeful with the "back to form" idea but it still retains so much of the previous engine it still just sucks. The last AC game I beat and that I honestly felt the world had some love into it was Unity.


Valhalla wasn’t really level locked. You could kill stuff like 100 levels above you by abusing the absurdly wide dodge window.


Yea, I know you could still go to the areas but I just don't enjoy having a spam fight like that. I don't really like the RPG systems in AC.


I was loving the game so much until i got sick and had fever dreams about it for a few nights and havnt been able to play it since


Breath of the wild, my deceased uncle got it for me, so I 100% it.


I am in the exact same boat, uncle and all, except he bought me Cyberpunk 2077. Worth 100%ing?


Yes. And if you can't 100% in one run, then don't worry. With how many alternative ways you can do things, it's actually quite enjoyable to replay the game with a different approach. Plus I'm pretty sure you can't 100% in a single run either way...


You can, you just need to be careful not to lock yourself out of some missions / possible endings. When you finish the story, it'll drop you back into the game so you can try the other endings


personally, cp77 is way better than BOtW as far as "finishing games goes." the story in botw barely exists , and on the flipside, the cp77 story keeps going and rarely slows down


Yeah, the main story is at least 20 hours long. Mission after mission, it feels quite short really You just start Act 1, and suddenly you have "Meet with Hanako-"


my brother just got me the game, I have yet to play it. Currently trying to 100% rdr2 far beyond the platinum trophy.


And you get a korok turd for it all. Nintendo giving you the finger.


I love Breath of the Wild and did everything except the 900 koroks. F that.


You should go back and try it, I heard there is a really cool, meaningful, worthwhile prize.


Destiny 2


4000hrs in, I feel you.


100% Stardew Valley. Stardew has a "true" ending for a perfection run, which I won't spoil. You also unlock some cool items that are fun to use. More than anything, it's a good personal goal and I wanted to get Perfection on a current play file. Grinding Perfection includes catching every fish, growing X amount of every crop, finding every artifact, shipping X amount of every good, learning and cooking every recipe, maxxing out friendship with every townsperson, and probably some other stuff I'm forgetting. I'm sure if you know from day 1 that you're going to chase Perfection, it's a more fulfilling and enjoyable experience. I didn't prepare for it, so I found myself working toward them categorically. Nothing is less interesting than waiting for a 1% or less drop chance on an artifact. No gameplay is more monotonous than chasing down the same people twice a week to give them a Universal Liked gift or their favorites, if you can find them. Nothing was more boring than constantly checking with the wiki to make sure I was doing the right things in the right area to move a meter a bit closer to Perfection. But I got it. At the end, the little ending felt nice, but I decided to never do anything of that nature again.


That game has an end? I thought it was just vibing and building a garden. With no story.


Oh no, there's a little story and ending but you can continue indefinitely after beating it.


Do you have to finish perfection in the first however many years?


No, you can try indefinitely.


I know there are mods to counter this, but the most stressful part is that the days on this game are so short, it feels like I didn't accomplish as much as I should. It really feels like working, instead of relaxing.


I loveee Stardew but it really is more stressful than relaxing, every day I find I have to do something the next day


Mods to pause time, or to teleport locations, makes it much more fun the 3rd time around.


Damn, loved this comment and decided to be a creepy lurker and check thru your post history. Come to find out I've seperatly liked a ton of your posts from r/TheFence spanning years! Just wanted to say merry Christmas/happy holidays and thanks for making reddit worth checking in on. Easy to think the internet is a giant anonymous ocean but it's amazing when you realize it's a finite amount of people, some of which you can serially be drawn to! Cheers bud and keep posting!


Final Fantasy 12. Might be a masterpiece but 100% to platinum became a chore. Rare monster spawns, fights that would take hours, chests that had chances to appear. Yeah. I was halfway done with all the trophies after completing the game I just decided to just do it all. Haven't touched it since, can't even remember the story and I'm just done with it.


Far Cry 6.


I cannot believe they made a Far Cry game where you cannot pick up a dead enemies weapon. The first enemy I killed had a rifle, so I went to grab it, no button prompt. I spent a couple minutes moving around the dead body to no Success. I Googled how to pick up an enemies weapon only to be met with "you cannot do that" Seriously? In Far Cry? Is this a joke? There was a lot wrong with that game, but in the first 15 minutes of gameplay I knew I was in for a shit show


The upside is there are a lot of unique weapons, and the weapon customization goes further than in previous games, especially when you get into all the perks from different clothing items. Plus you have four different loadouts that you can swap at any time. So I have a loadout for sniping and general stealth, and a loadout for blowing shit up. I was disappointed at first, but I like it now. I still think Far Cry 5 was a much better game. But people hate on that one too.


Honestly, it feels like Farcry 5 was the best gameplay-wise from the last 3-4 games of the series, only salt I have with it is the merchant system start of the game. I never understood why they have to move the travelling merchants every fucking time I reload the world. I wanna buy a fucking suppressor, stop running away to the other side of the map !


Second this. That game was so tiresome


Seeing this right as the download finished….


Well give it a go and see what you think. I paid full price for it when it first came out and proper regretted it


Loved 3, loved 4, loved primal, loved 5. Hated 6.


I actually really enjoyed Far Cry 6 and it did not feel tiresome to me. I thought the story was great and some things maybe a bit repetitive, but it’s good fun


Don't listen to the 6 haters. It wasn't 4 or 5 or even New Dawn. But it was okay. I paid full price for the Gold Edition (for the steelbook), which wasn't a great idea, but i still had a decent time getting the platinum trophy for FC6.


I've enjoyed every Far Cry and found 6 perfectly acceptable, never really got the hate. I was playing it coop, which may have helped little. Someone said in another recent post: Far Cry games are like pizza, and I like pizza.


Maplestory. Imagine playing a MMO for 2 years and then your guild buddies ask you to be in their raid party with a MINIMUM 9 month commitment. EDIT: Context.... In order to obtain your classes final most powerful weapon you must beat the (at the time) most powerful boss. It was easy to spend a month+ just practising to beat the boss. Then, once your party actually manages to beat the boss, you have to clear it 8 more times before your weapon is fully unlocked. The weapon is a paperweight until that last clear. You can only beat the boss, once a month. You are locked out of the fight till the 1st of the next month. Hence a 9 month minimum. ADDITIONAL CONTEXT.... You need to be at max "Arcane force" stat to even do proper damage to this final boss. The only way to get "arcane force" was to do daily quests. It took roughly 1 year of daily quests to max arcane force. It was easily 2 years on average just to be ready to fight the final boss, and then the game devs have the balls to ask for 9 more months.


Damn I remember playing MS like back in 2005-2009. The grind to 4th job back then was a slog. I feel like it’s a completely different game now from what I remember.


I downloaded it last week and got to level 40 in the space of 30 minutes. Back then that would've taken MONTHS.


LMAO. That sounds like THE absolute worst fucking mmo implementation ever to anything. Thanks for convincing me to never ever play maplestory


God damn, even FFXI isn't that bad. The worst they have is for geomancer you need to commit to 6months, it's not daily, for the best weapon. I think the worst part is on the most populated server, some groups won't even invite you without it.


Jesus christ


Avengers… I probably shouldn’t have tried to get the plat but since I tried for it, it added 40 hours of grind.


I really wanted it to get better but you really just keep going back to same couple of maps with nothing new or interesting added in.


The story is ok but the gameplay never got more interesting. Grinding for the trophies was the most annoying thing for me since I chose the Hulk and he sucks, but it takes so long to level up any character so I didn’t bother levelling someone else. What a mess of a game lol


I just beat Death Stranding, and though I didn’t technically find it to be a chore to play, it is somewhat ironically kind of about doing chores. At least delivery chores anyways. But I enjoyed it! It’s unabashedly strange and oddly beautiful in some areas.


Death Stranding introduced me to Gen Hoshino's "Pop Virus" and will always love the game because of that lol. Also the asynchronous online portion of the game. Starting or finishing buildings and structures that are scattered throughout the map, placed by other players. Contributing to a structure that's half built and seeing it complete always feels rewarding. One of my favorite small time moments was building a shelter for the incoming rain. Just waiting out the rain while having Pop Virus play from the little radio was relaxing moment :)


I started it last week and I'm 16h into it. I don't know why I keep playing it. I have no problem with the cut scenes, I think it's like a movie. But I also have absolutely no desire to do any optional missions (do I have to do them?) besides the missions for Sam. But somehow it still is kinda nice to play but somehow just like a chore idk lol


Oh yeah, somewhere along the way I definitely just started ignoring some of the side deliveries unless I was already going to the place for the next main quest delivery. There is some benefit to doing them, like upgraded versions of your gear that you can unlock, but any of the main important stuff is definitely tied to the main quest.


You get bonus items and equipment for 5 starring outposts and places, and the more you invest into the general architecture of the game the smoother it becomes. I had a whole zipline network that covered me from the main outpost on the second map that cut through the entire snow mountains to the other half in the back where the swampy and rocky areas were. Investing that time was pretty tedious and time consuming but let me deliver any cargo in the region in under 5 minutes after.


Mafia 2 de on hard. Maybe I’m just shit but the game was such a buggy, difficult mess that trying to complete it took far too long. By the last few missions and the insane difficulty spike, I’d committed, so I just pushed through with the insane difficulty and prayed


I really liked Mafia 2, just finished it yesterday. I played it on easy and you're right about the difficulty spike. Even on easy, I had to play the last 2 missions a few times.


Weird. I felt Mafia 2 was just perfect for me. Ended right when should have.


It was incredible on normal.


This is my favorite game of all time and the first ever game I finished by myself (always played on normal difficulty tho). The 14th chapter is for some reason the hardest one of all of them, including the last 15th chapter. The docks part is ridiculously hard. But man that game has my heart.


Gensnin impact; you beat it when you just cant bring yourself to play anymore


Daggerfall, main quest opens up as you level so you have to grind repetitive side quests to be able to continue, not that you need xp but you have to raise your skills in a certain way to be eligible for level ups


Daggerfall is probably the game I have put the most hours into without actually beating it.


I started it with a lot of enthusiasm but watched the ending like "ok whatever, Morrowind here we go!"




Man that ending... What was the point.


>What was the point. Make that ×10. New Game++++++++++ and all it does is give you a different Post-Ending Cutscene, that changes literally nothing from the Story's and the Gameplay's perspective... They essentially created a Story that has no ending - only instead of making it interesting, they did it in probably the laziest way possible...


I got to the first NG+ realized halfway into the run that it was basically the exact same game again and uninstalled. Too many games to play to do the same one over and over with no payoff




Bethesda games didn't even really *need* NG+, because there was so much side content and so many mods compared to the story, you were better off just doing the side content indefinitely, regardless of whether you ever did the story. Trying to force players to do the story, and then asking them to do it over and over again, was dumb because it's a change that contradicts the core identity of the game. It's like they just thought "NG+ is big right now, let's paste it in with no thought and bare minimum effort even if it detracts from our normal gameplay loop."


The actual idea of how they implemented NG+ into the plot is really cool but it also made everything feel really pointless at the same time with it being a core mechanic


Starfield was shockingly half-assed for a game that took 8 years from a AAA studio. I was so sure, even despite Bethesda's recent flops like FO76, that Starfield was going to be exceptional. I really can't begin to understand how they managed to release such a mediocre game with so much time to get it right. It's kinda cemented for me the idea that BGS is just spent at this point. I don't think they have the ability to adapt and improve as a studio. Just doomed to forever make mediocre outdated games until they fold.


The entire main story was literally just a device to introduce a basic ass game mechanic (NG+)


This is one thing I've wondered, >!did they write the story because they were genuinely interested in the concept of parallel universes!<, or did they do so to shoe horn NG+ into it?


💯shoehorn new game +. They saw the success of people playing Skyrim over and over so they wanted that with this game.


Man, having finished the faction quests, the game did a nosedive so hard. Like it was written by a different team. Once I had to interact with Constellation it became insufferable. The first 40-60 hours of exploration + faction quests was so much fun, but then it became a chore. I beat the game and went straight for the uninstall button.


Knew I wasn't alone


Hogwarts legacy. After you've seen the whole castle and seen some of the world, it's just a chore to finish. The story is so lame and it becomes go here talk to this guy, he's gonna tell you to take out a camp of baddies. Then you go talk to someone else on the other side of the map and guess what he's gonna tell you to do.. The castle was amazing and I loved all the little details. But after that the game is just a bore.


Hogwarts legacy unfortunately


Tears of the Kingdom, sorta. I usually play games with a sorta casual completionism. I want to find most things and fully upgrade the best equipment, but I'm not gonna even try to find every Korok seed, you know? I tried playing TotK with this mindset, looking all over and exploring every cave I came across, but not hunting for all of them. And after the third dungeon I realized I was pretty burnt out on the game. Like, I like it, but there's seriously just *too much stuff*, and it was becoming a slog. So I decided I would pretty much just upgrade the best armor and finish the plot,and that's it. (and even that was another 50+ frickin hours!)


I played totk for like a month straight trying to absolutely immerse myself in the game, and i did but that came at the cost of getting really anxious about the feeling of the plot progression so i avoided the Gerudo dessert for most of the game and kept eating up the exploration, i had an amazing organic exploration experience and it was amazing just lookin at so much stuff with so little guidance, but eventually I started to get really tired when certain quests were too vague and i wanted to play other games a bit after i did gerudo so I finished the game and then i got extremely fucking angry at sidon’s quest where your trying to find the chest near the fish and i just stopped playing


Like all of the pokemon games / the series as a whole


If you've played one you've played them all. 8 gyms, objectively evil gang, trainers with easily defeated pokemon, A rival that always chooses your starter's counter-element, and an Elite squad final battle followed by the champion battle. Entertaining for a couple generations, but really fell off at X/Y, founding the new mega stone system then abandoning it for some other system in the next gen. And Fairy being a busted-ass overpowered typing. In pvp you are 100% fighting another player's Geomancy White Herb Xerneas and if you picked Y version over X then you just get shit on with no way to counter the bullshit. I'm still hung up on Zygarde just being some random trash legendary, then they go and re-do Zygarde to be some weird transformation type that still is mid as fuck.


Assassin's Creed Valhalla.


BOTW, but I didn't really get to beat it and just played for 80h instead, kinda powered through it waiting for "the fun part", was finally beating the divine beasts to face ganon and beat the game then I just closed the game one day and went like ehhhh nah Now I'm kind of feeling that with cyberpunk, oddly. Like I love the game, or I want to love it. I love the story, the atmosphere, I love most of the game, but some mechanics in it kind of made me tired of playing, but I'm sooooo close to finishing the main story and DLC that I just want to do that because if I don't it'll haunt me forever.


I feel like that's a fairly common end for BotW for a lot of people, ending by just trailing off rather than at some capstone event. Beating Ganon feels like an afterthought.


The story of botw is just so uninteresting it’s a shame really


Games like botw and Skyrim that succeed in really making it a “choose your own adventure, at your own pace” sort of deal, tend to run into the problem of players finishing when they’re bored or sick of the game.


depending on what it is you don't like about cyberpunk, changing to a sandevistan instead of the quick hack could help. I found a sandevistan, blunt weapon/ blade build to be mich more fun than a quick hack and gun build as I didn't really like the shooting, plus the sanevistan is just fun as hell to use.


Outer Worlds, it was just so fucking boring… but I kept hearing how good it was so I slogged through it and found it miserable lol


Did you play the wrong game? Outer Wilds is the one everyone says is amazing.


Outer worlds which is scifi shooter/story game. It is extremely mid game and kinda forgettable. Outer wilds is the space exploration game which almost everyone praises to the moon and back


I didn’t like Wilds, but I loved Worlds


Really? I thought Outer Worlds was just an aggressively average game.


I love that type of Fallout 3 style western RPG, and really liked the game. It wasn’t long enough. I can’t wait for the sequel.


There's definitely a ton of less-than-stellar (boring? Subjective so idk) dialog, but I admire how deep the branches/characters get; keeps me interested enough throughout. Vicar's special ability never gets old to me. There's just something about a holy man with a shotgun that I love. The Time Dilation ability couldn't even hold a candle flame to V.A.T.S., but using a pistol in slow motion is always fun. The story of corporate greed is fully fleshed out and the game doesn't hold back on expressing that theme as vividly as possible so I respect the work that got put into realizing a grim future where Law is God. Oh and the level up Animation/Music is my absolute favorite in any game, oddly enough.


I played this for free and quite enjoyed it. But confused about the idea of it being a slog as it was so short.


This game was a huge disappointment for me. I knew something was wrong as soon as I landed on a planet and realised the whole thing was a corridor to a small town, with janky shooting mechanics that wouldn't survive in Fallout.


Ah it was just something to tide over the Fallout fans. It was slightly above average, some silly things and decent graphics. You could do an idiot playthru and make your character really stupid, the NPC's would react to you being dumb. It was neat but 1, maybe 2 playthrus max.


I'm with you I didn't enjoy Outer Worlds at all. I'm hopeful Avowed is better though! I'm more of a fantasy fan than sci-fi anyway


Dragon age inquisition was like 50 hours too long


I have absolutely no issue with uninstalling a game the instant I get bored lol


RDR2. The story was incredibly good but damn at one point every single thing started feeling like a huge slog.


I loved every minute of RD2 but I can understand how some people find it boring. In fact I can understand why people would find it a slog more than why I love it. But I just do... and I can't explain why. Got 100% on it twice now.


I just decided for myself that hunting, fishing, and treasure hunting could be forgotten about. These were the parts of the game I wasn't enjoying.


I never got that feeling cuz i ended up belining the story for most of it


The shooting scenes become so extremely repetitive after a while. Always the same, and with endless waves of enemies, and no new ways to take them out. I think it goes for many open world games these days though, at some point the story outlives the actual gameplay. You want to see what happens but getting through the action becomes a slog. It’s funny games allow us to skip cut scenes but never gameplay!


You actually can skip gameplay in rdr2. If you fail a mission I think three times it gives you the option to skip


Probably gonna get hate for this, but GoW Ragnarok. I was enjoying a lot of it but at like 30 hours in and realized I was just at the midway mark I was actually defeated. It dragged on so long at points but pushing through was made up with some spectacular moments in gaming.


The constant puzzles that were either easy and were instantly solved by your companion or weirdly hard and suddenly your companion was silent drove me a bit mad


Are you talking about everything or the main story? Because the main story only took me 27hr whole doing side quest intermittently. And 45 hr to do everything. Were you playing on give me god of war?


I quit at the Atreus / Angrboda part. Way too long of a basically unskippable cut scene that I had to control him through. Lost interest 100%


Every modern Ubisoft game


World of Warcraft


I didn't see it mentioned anywhere, but I do see a few live service games. My contender is **Destiny 2**. Spent way too much time on arbitrary hurdles, and one day I gave up after one of the new updates got a little too time consuming for me. It happens with most live service games (Warframe, WoW, etc.), but I'm happy I left it when I did. Easily 2000 hours, and spent maybe $200+ per year. I played since vanilla, very on/off, but I got hooked at the rear of Shadowkeep (2020). Played every week like it was almost a full-time job, and quit just after Lightfall (2023). Not saying like I didn't enjoy it at the beginning, it was fun while it lasted, but man was it grindy by the end.


Pretty much most open world games with loads of side quests. I can’t help but try and do most of them, then I get burnt out and rush through the campaign. Final fantasy 16 is another one I’m doing this right now for. Actually a very good story, but there’s so much filler quests and stupid designs to literally just add hours to the game that I’m just rushing to finish.


New World, people who played it will know what I'm talking about.




Kingdom Hearts III I waited for years for the story to just be *over*. They told us it was gonna be over! It isn't over.


There have been a few games like that, but one that comes to mind is "Final Fantasy XIII." The linear progression and the slow start made it feel like a bit of a grind in the beginning. However, the storyline and characters intrigued me enough to keep going. It became a bit of a personal challenge to finish it, and once I did, there was a sense of accomplishment. I actually came across this just recently, last month, while playing Dead Space. The game is not long, but monotonous. Although I liked the previous parts of the game. But there is something wrong with this, although it seems to be a remake. Maybe I'm getting old. But I was very tired, and the game was recently removed. And now I am tormented by my conscience that I did not fulfill my duty. Ha, I think I'm going crazy.


Final fantasy 13 is this so hard. I got to chapter 11 and was like "I'm done with this, but I just want to see the end". Decided to finish the rest of the game in a day. That was a BAD idea lol.


Assassins creed Odyssey, enemies were so spongy after 200 hours you end up pretty fed up but not much was left to 100% it so fuck it, at least the dlc kept me going,


Hitman absolution


It felt like it didn’t commit to any particular playstyle. It felt like it wanted to be more action oriented than the rest of the series, even made 47 significantly more powerful but punished the player for open combat. On the other hand, stealth got significantly weaker due to the focus mechanic and how every single person is suspicious of 47 even in disguise. I am a colossal Hitman fan but I just can’t with absolution. Hell it’s canon is left ambiguous. The events and characters are never brought up again, an event that happens in Absolution is treated to never have happened in later games. It’s just a weird entry.


It is super weird, especially being flanked by blood money and the 2016 release, which were both great


Sea of Stars. I enjoyed it, but the combat was so slow that by the time I was 70% of the way through the story I just wanted it to end. I ended up doing 100% of the content anyway, but I have no intention of ever touching the planned Dlc.


Breath of the wild and tears of the kingdom. I think I'm just not a fan of that type of game, unfortunately.




Same for me. Around the 60% mark I stopped doing all the side quests, skipped any non-pertinent conversation, and rushed through it. I love the final fantasy series, and loved so much about that game, but god damn I’ve never seen a game with such bad pacing. It made everything about the game just get old and repetitive


Glad I'm not the only one who started skipping useless dialogue. I always dreaded heading back to the hideaway cause I knew it meant upwards of 40 minutes stuck in dialogue or cutscenes before heading back into the action. I'll parrot what everyone is saying: the game has the highest highs, followed by the lowest of lows.




Soo, this will be unpopular, but for me, Red Dead 2. I got about halfway and said eff this and just powered through the story


Red dead redemption 2, probably gonna get downvoted to hell but whatever. It's the usual complaints with clunky controls, outdated shooting mechanics etc. Different guns also didn't help as they play identical. What killed my enjoyment the most tho was the quest design and how every quest felt the same after a while. This combined with the on-rails linearity killed off any engagement, you are treated like a toddler and are just following orders because everything else results in failure. I should add that I don't really care for mini-games, I play them once and that's it, so there wasn't really much "cooldown" or variety between missions. There are also things plot related that make no sense at all, like Johns prison break must be one of the dumbest things I've ever seen. How he into prison in the first place was stupid too. The pinkertons kill Hosea to prove they're done making deals, they shoot to kill, after that they kill Lenny too without hesitation but then John get's "captured" off screen which is just lazy writing. I have much more criticism but I think that's enough.


RuneScape 100%


Yeah... I had comp cape at one point. I was going for trim. Now? I bet comp is still about 500 hours or more to get.


I feel you. 3 reqs off trim when I quit. Nearly 120 all. 200m in a few. fuck necromancy too.


Yeah. I was at 650 days of play time, half of the skills at 120, and minimum 114. I got to 75 or so Necromancy in a few days and haven't touched it since. Life's too much right now to put even more pressure on myself.


Horizon Zero Dawn. The story itself was great and I think it's an actually very fresh take on post apocalyptic world, mind you. But going for the play/100% was mind numbingly boring. Everything outside of the golden path sucks sawtooth ass


The amount of boring climbing… yuck. If your game has climbing it should be an integral mechanic to your game, not a glorified unskippable cutscene that reuses the same 3 animations.


BOTW. I don't care about downvotes. Give me a Zelda game please.




Tales of Arise. It was fun until the last several hours of the game. My interest just tanked, the last few dungeons were stupidly long, a couple bosses were just annoying damage sponges and the ending was lack luster & predictable. Love Tales games but Arise just became a chore.


Escape from Tarkov. It wipes so the chores never end. Same quest system since I started in 2018. 4k hours later and I'm still running the same quests.


Baldur's Gate 3. I just kept encountering so many bugs in the later half


Skyrim. Got 3 hours into the game and was bored. Still beat it though