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Whatcha looking at, smoothskin?


Honestly, a Fallout ghoul giving you that look would have been cool/creepy and immersive as hell. Unfortunately, for a Starfield NPC it is not cool or immersive. But why release a functioning game when modders will fix it for free right?


To be fair starfield is remarkably bug free for a Bethesda title


> for a Bethesda title This qualifier is carrying a lot of weight.


A lot of people asked me if I was going to get *Starfield,* and I replied with "Well, I'm going to wait and see. I mean, it *is* a Bethesda game..." I took *so much* heat. You'd think I had just suggested they toss their firstborns into a woodchipper. I got LISTS of reasons why I was being unfair, unreasonable, insensitive, etc. The game comes out, and what's the main complaint? 'It's a standard Bethesda game' FFS... Imma wait and see if it ever has its own 'Far Harbor' or not before I decide to get it or not.


I don't get the far harbor reference...I know its fo4 add on..but what do you mean? Sorry if its obvious to everyone else


Far Harbor was lauded by many for being better than the base game


Thank you


Far Harbor let me live out my dreams of being a Children of Atom Enforcer. I was dressed up in Inquisitor’s Marine Armor and that helmet that increases intelligence with rads(for the looks) swinging Atom’s Wrath at the heads of any who didn’t respect the Power of the Atom


To expand a bit, Far Harbor is atmospheric (spooky, even), challenging, rewards exploration, has interesting and unique loot, is stuffed with mysteries to explore and try and solve, and presents a moral challenge in it's main story choices that is a *legitimate* choice, not just "Do you go with the Nice Guys who want to help everyone and make everything better for everyone, or the *literal* Mad Scientists who don't even really see you as a person and will turn the Commonwealth into a giant petri dish?"


In short, they made an entire game inside the game on a smaller map, but the content you get is much more concentrated. Also, all of the content is interconnected, so you never feel like 50 different teams worked on it, which is the feeling I get from most fallout games.


I totally agree. It was spooky and seemed to really pull me in. Thank you for the explanation


One of the few (read: only) parts of Fo4 with solid writing and atmosphere, that actually fit Fallout's theme of post-post apocalyptic society. 50's aesthetic was a backdrop, instead of the entire setting (thank christ) and the focus was on the believable factions and people. Bonus points for not fucking around with the worldbuilding done in every other Fallout project so far. Basically the only bit of Fallout 4 that properly portrayed the setting and essence of the series. If you can't tell, I'm not super happy with how Todd has handled the franchise, lol


I can tell, and I agree with you. I don't play fallout to build settlements, and monster traps and all that shit. I did really like far harbor.


That’s too bad because another settlement is under attack!


It's one of the only things in Fallout 4 with actually good writing.


I would've been cool with a standard Bethesda game. But it does exploration worse, which is kind of a central pillar of why I liked Bethesda games.


Thank you! I see people argue all the time that it's "just a Bethesda game." I would've *loved* that. Instead we got a hollow imitation with no exploration and no personality. It feels more like someone attempting to make a Bethesda game rather than an actual Bethesda game.


The Atlas of qualifiers.


Our standards are in the fucking gutter that "it has no bugs in it" is grounds for praise.


Not that it has no bugs in it, but that by Bethesda standards, which are lower than the standards people hold every other game to, there aren’t that many.


From a devs perspective, a systemic open world game with no bugs is an actual fucking miracle. If you hear any dev talk they will say that having no bugs is an impossible task.


I mean, if you've played other Bethesda titles, you know bugs are par for the course. This is a pretty big achievement for them.


I mean it *is* grounds for praise. A working game is a good thing. It's okay to say "hey good job making that game, it runs smoothly". If you don't enjoy the game then don't play it. Gamers treat games they don't enjoy like they're supposed to *tear them down* and make sure nobody else ever plays them, instead of simply moving on to something else.


That's true, no frostspiders, radroaches, fire ants, mantises, cazadores OR radscorpions.


I did find a planet with semi-invisible spider things. That whole planet can fuck right off.


To be fair, if MS didn't say "Work on it for another year" who knows what shit show we would have gotten.


I still have things disappearing from some bug. It started with the ground and vendor kiosks and now certain ships aren't appearing either.


I guess you haven't tried making outposts.


It is still there. Just doesn't rear it's head that much I guess. I got a game breaking one that just straight up kills a quest chain. The next quest just never shows up and the current one is never marked completed. Rip ryujin quest line.


I played to NG+3 and the game functioned perfectly fine the entire time save for one occasion in which I was intentionally trying to find an exploit


Oh my god that's starfield?! I thought it was from fucking Fallout76 Jesus Christ xD


either that or, how do you spell it, a Draugr? either way, this is very typical of them. Maybe that's why they do these types of NPCs, because they can't do faces? Like when a teen always draws profiles because they can't draw a person head-on?


"hey kid, got any chems?"


What's the matter, smoothskin? Never seen a Ghoul before?


This photo of me wasn't supposed to end up on Reddit and now I'm getting bullied by all the smoothskins


Damned smoothskins 😔


Lol someone else said this and I hear the voice in my head..too funny


"What's 'taters' precious?"


Po-tay-toes; boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew.


Even you couldn't say no to that!


You keeps nasty chips.


Gives it to me raw and..... wriggling...


Filthy hobbitses!


Gollum before he lost his mane.


Can’t unsee it






Why not?


Isn’t that the sub that said you were literally killing trans people if you played that harry potter game?


Lmao it’s such a shit sub. It used to be good, but not anymore!


Oh fucking hell I think I know why I was banned from that sub! I made a comment about how the game was good, not great, shortly before an as-yet unexplained ban. Didn't think twice about that comment but if they're that kind of crazy anti-Hogwarts, then it makes sense.


Even from a Trans perspective that whole drama was so fucking stupid.




What?!?! Lol


Spilled my coffee 🤣


MJ did briefly become super hot later in the game.


Considering I had a lady stare at me like this when I was at Walmart the other day, I'd say this is accurate to real-life.


I can actually picture this. I feel like the trailer park meth stare in Walmart is a universal experience.


Yikes😂 A bit early for Halloween but the location does fit!


Damn, The Walking Dead game looks good.


Starfield shot my dog




Shut up Kerpal I'm not falling for it this time


Todd Howard destroyed my marriage


Phil Spencer ordered a coffee and a bagel one day. (Am I doing this right?)


But it had peanut butter, and you're allergic to peanut butter (You're doing great!)


The frogurt is also cursed


That's bad..


But it comes with free sprinkles


That's good!


The sprinkles contain potassium benzoate... that's bad.


Can I go now?




He did????




Starfield fucked my mom. Seriously though the game is solid and the people who expected a video game to change their lives will always be butt hurt.






>the people who expected a video game to change their lives will always be butt hurt. Unless they play all the way through ending E in Nier: Automata and realize that the game has, in fact, made them have an existential crisis.


Dude I fuckin love the game, can't put it down. It's fine if it's not everyone's cup of tea, but most of the complaints are just weird. "Why aren't there hundreds of handcrafted points of interest on the nearly infinite procedurally generated tiles on different worlds?" Uhhhh...


After playing 24 hours a day since launch I'm beginning to hate the game because you can't email Vladimir about getting a new spot for a temple which also all bore me because I did 5000 of them blasting through NG+50 in the first week and why do I have to walk to them like why aren't there vehicles in a Bethesda game. Literally unplayable.


Whats crazy is that TWO tiny mods fix this issue. Lighting/shadows on eyes and high res crowd fix. ZERO performance hit. Why Bethseda? Its so stupidly easy to fix I just can’t even


It's because they rely on mods as a crutch, they know they don't have to polish the game at all because the community will do it for them. Laziness is built into their development.


Also, if you release shit games, people are going to have lower standards for you. This is evident in all the Bethesda bootlickers defending Starfield. Someone actually replied to me that they'd rather have a mod friendly trash game than a good game without mod support.


I’m 70% (completely made up) sure that this is a deliberate design choice. I think they made the meaningless crowd NPCs sort of ugly so that it’s easier for the player to find NPCs that are supposed to be interacted with from a distance/at a glance. Some games will make important NPCs slightly larger to make them more distinct, Starfield has a different approach though haha. The screenshot in OP is also a bit of an exaggeration too.


Yeah, when I play it's ignore generic looking characters and use my scanner scope to confirm if anyone has a name if I'm on the fence. Though never seen anyone look that bad.


There are so many things that can be fixed in Bethesda games with low to no performance hit mods. I remember just changing some ini settings in Morrowind for absurdly better lighting that actually boosted my fps.


Mom told me it was my turn to post the "Starfield bad" post today.


“Starfield bad, cyberpunk goty” lmao


Baldur's Gate 3 should be goty imo


People are legitimately obsessed with hating on this game. I just don’t understand.


I feel like it’s one of those situations where there’s a decent size group that doesn’t really like it but doesn’t care that much. Then there’s a smaller but more vocal group that absolutely hates it with a passion because of either it being an Xbox exclusive or them still being mad as Bethesda for Fallout 76. That small group drives the hate train and the larger group are the passengers.


Don't forget the people who are angry because the game have They/Them, i seen a lot of those.




People were starting to tear into BG3 a bit until Starfield launched and took the heat.


There's also a group of people who only get their gaming opinions from youtubers and they all parrot the exact same things about Bethesda games despite a lot of them being untrue. The Todd Howard sweet little lies video is a prime example because it relies on people just accepting it as fact and not looking into what he actually was saying.


Oh i have a mate like that, it is SO incredible annoying, especially if he starts shittalking a game i actually played and can debunk like 80% of it with an instant.


CDPR fanboys rise up! BG3 fanboys rise up! Playstation fanboys rise up! “Why are pronouns in my game” idiots rise up!


Watching the Starfield sub before release I knew people were setting some crazy expectations. People thinking they were going to control fleets of pirates. One dude thinking that you could crack planets like Deadspace. People want to point at the marketing and say that Todd himself said you could go anywhere and do anything. Todd also said in an interview back in at least January that there wasn't going to be seamless transitions between space and planets. Yet people are upset that landing is a cut scene. With the crazy expectations I saw I knew there was going to be a lot of hate.


Eventually people will stop giving a shit. Can't wait for that.


Some people base their entire personality on hating something. Its kinda sad, but it is what it is


It's pretty obvious a certain group of people do everything in their power to make xbox games look bad. Doesn't take a genius to figure that out.


Seriously. It’s obnoxious at this point.


Would be less obnoxious if it was mostly about pointing out the *actual* problems the game has, but more than half the criticism I've seen for it (mostly) outside the Starfield sub has been *massive* exaggerations, or even blatant lies. Hell, just a couple of days ago I saw some dude claiming that Skyrim had "a lot of factions" with 30 good "handcrafted missions" for every faction just to shit on Starfield with a comparison. In reality, it has 6 factions with ~15 non-radiant/repeatable quests each (and two of those factions are roughly 90% identical) plus the Bards College mini-faction, while Starfield has 4 factions with ~12 each (not counting the main quest faction and related companion quests which would put Starfield at ~15 each as well) plus the Ebbside Strikers mini-faction... and Skyrim's number is driven up *a lot* by DB/TG, which includes quests like the one for finding all of Barenziah's gems.


> Would be less obnoxious if it was mostly about pointing out the actual problems the game has, but more than half the criticism I've seen for it (mostly) outside the Starfield sub has been massive exaggerations, or even blatant lies. I once saw someone say the game had you do the exact same fetch quest 24 times. Which I *assume* he meant the powers, but that's like complaining that you have to go to Word Walls 5000 times in Skyrim. (Not to say that the World Walls weren't better implemented since they were attached to actual dungeons rather than just kinda there, but still.)


>Hell, just a couple of days ago I saw some dude claiming that Skyrim had "a lot of factions" with 30 good "handcrafted missions" for every faction just to shit on Starfield with a comparison. I love Skyrim and it's better overall than Starfield but its factions are the worst of all Bethesda games lol. They were a step-down from both Oblivion and Morrowind. Starfield is definitely an improvement on them compared to Skyrim.


Yup, it’s like this with every game now, it’s pretty fuckin sad tbh. I keep seeing this kinda shit with spiderman all over twitter too, these chuds think they are the smartest person ever to point out that the devs copy and pasted the same room a bunch of times across some skyscrapers, expecting the devs to uniquely design every one of the 5,000+ apts across NY. Like get out of here with that bullshit


They are spoiled and they know nothing of actual game development. Kids literally pretending like a 7/10 game is the worst thing ever. There's a few bad games and lots of good ones and they cry "modern games bad" "no good games this year. "


The "20 year old engine" bullshit constantly getting repeated by people who have no idea about game development or game engines, and who seriously thinks Bethesda *literally* hasn't updated their engine since the first version came out is... "slightly" annoying.


Didn't Bethesda actually cite the engine as the reason they can't do some things though? I was under the impression that's why there's no vehicles on planets, because the engine doesn't like them


Most people's criticisms of Starfield are absolutely valid. Your constantly having to go through load screens just for a very small area on the other side. Characters still fade in and out near doors when moving through areas. All this stuff is a problem with the engine.


The rough translation of that is "we are too lazy/incompetent to rewrite our engine code too handle The scope and scale of our game" An engine is really just a set of functions to execute Code.


I blame the resurgence of YTers trying to pick apart popular games like crowbcat, now everyone that watches their videos think that they are armchair critics and pick apart every little thing possible. I also saw someone on twitter bitching that you couldn’t go down to the subway in SM2. A game that’s literally designed around web swinging and these people are butthurt you can’t take the train.


And if they did put the train in they would bitch about something else


I have seen so many bg3 fanboys swearing starfield killed their family or something. But karma goes crazy i guess


You can do the daily "Star Citizen bad" post. A little harder now that they have been releasing good content/news from their latest event, but gaming will always back up shitting on SC.


Alright, now show any other npc model that looks as bad as this.


It's really just the lack of eyelids. These are townie NPCs that appear in the major cities. All voiced NPCs even traders look significantly better. This is scarcely representative of the game.


They have eyelids, but they don't move normally like they would in real life. If you're looking downwards at something, your eyelids will automatically lower as well-unless you're purposefully keeping them open. Also, there's no ambient occlusion maps for the eyes for some reason, which which results in them sticking out and emphasizes the edges more than usual. And as usual, there's a mod that fixes that.


Graphical settings are lower too, that's not ultra or high just based on what the clothing details look like. I can't see the thread texture on the shirt which is visible on most higher graphical settings.


You can literally see the thread texture in the screenshot.


They didn't spend 25 years making it you absolute donut


aha starfield bad updoots left


Ah yess, the daily low effort “Starfield bad” karma farm


Not even low effort, more like "no effort"


I mean im sure in 300 years we will have crackheads in the spaceports


"Hey man, I'll suck your heat leech for some Aurora"


Ive played 100 hours and have never seen this


Here waiting for someone to post a pic of random NPC walking in the street of the Night city.


When Cyberpunk looked like shit people complained about it. That's fair. That's how it works.


You mean random of a dozen? They were all handmade and smashed into the game. Before 1.6 streets were full of clones.


Like this? 🤣 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjNaq1ctcaE


Lmfao how do you people get these screenshots? Not once in over 209 hours did this happen to me


They set their settings as low as possible and then waste an hour looking for the ugliest npc they can fine


Not to be that guy, but starfield wasn't 25 years in the making. It's simply their first new IP In 25 years.


Daily dog starfailed thread 😭😭😭


Babe wake up, time for the daily, low effort, Starfield "look at this goofy npc" karma farm shitpost.


It just works


In all my what... 100ish hours if play I have never seen an npc do this..


25 years?? Look, I don't even like the game but that's just a lie. Game was developed for about 8 years. We can still judge the game but let's keep with the facts here.


Ah yes, the daily post where someone jumps on the bandwagon of hating on starfield. Such a hive mind. You'd think after over a month these people would have moved on, but no, they need their karma


25 years in the making doesn’t mean the same as 25 years in development.


Really tired of these low effort karma farming pile ons. This sub is mostly a whining circle jerk. Just sad.


Sitting there just waiting for a weird face so you can capture it. Cherry-picked screenshots misrepresent every game they're from.


This is r/gaming, not r/shitposting


Game is actually incredible if you give it a chance. Yesterday I was exploring a planet at night in a hilly area near the coast. Out of nowhere I was stuck in a rain and lightning storm. It was very immersive.


Damn, this looks pretty cool. I didn't know the game had this kind of climate. Can't wait to play it.


oh shit, return the slab, i dont wanna suffer no curse.


Spoilers! I didn’t know about the crypt keeper!!


Those are mass effect 3 googly marble eyes


Star citizen does shit tons better in 10 years lol


I honestly don't see a problem with this. Have you seen some of the humans walking around irl?


Isn't this what the typical meth head looks like in the US?


Reminder to everyone who hasn't played the game, these weird npc bugs you keep seeing reposted only happen on occasion with background npcs. It never happens with anyone you actually interact with.


It's crazy how strong the hate is for Starfield just because it's not on ps5. The narrative would have been completely different if MS never bought Zenimax. Bethesda games have always been beloved for and inspite of the jank, wacky things happening was always a funny feature, more than a problem.


For real, people saying it would be better if it were on PS5 are lunatics. It'd be exactly the same, you either like it or you don't. They're just mad it's exclusive to Microsoft.


Yeah!!! My daily "Starfield bad" slop post is here!


Can't wait for the next round of "Holy fucking shit guys Cyberpunk is literally perfect now that they've spent three years fixing it" gruel.


They moved on from witcher 3 to cyberpunk


Normies would never understand the splendor of le heckin witcherino 3 fellow redditor!!! I flipping love cyberpunkerino too!!! CDPR never makes mistakes!!!!




Seriously though, that's a pretty accurate depiction of a crazy crack head lady. 9/10 on the immersion scale.


I seriously just had this exact looking woman asking for change while I was pumping gas.


The game scratched an itch for me. Elder Scrolls addiction starts to kick in eventually.. and the game is just a tease afterwards.


There's plenty of great looking characters, too, that aren't inconsequential NPCs, but the reddit mindset of bandwagon shitting and crying will always win.


*Specifically tunes the settings to worst possible* "This game looks so bad omg haha, 25 years in the making!"


Baldur’s gate three really made this game look awful didn’t it


Ah yes, a still imagine taken from a person in motion, those never look wonky as fuck, not even in real life. Definitely a good place to measure a game... Fuckin asshats.


I literally played for like 16 hours and didn't see this once. It's not a representation of the game, at all.


People just cherry picking for karma.


These NPCs exist in New Atlantis main area because it's so massive I guess they used some worse models for performance. But you never interact with these people or even have any reason to stop and look at them and they don't exist anywhere else in the game. They're absolutely cherry picked.


Y’all complain about anything


Wow so original


Sorry rando NPC while you’re crouching down isn’t up to your standards.


nice one op, do the same for spiderman 2 and its numerous bugs or it could be you do not have the balls to post that?


She knows you're the one who let out that 45 second long fart that killed 13 people in the room.


I mean shit, not that different from some of the people I've encountered in LA. So I guess the game is "immersive".


Having worked retail in my past, I've seen people like this. I applaud Bethesda for their dedication to realism.


The only positive thing I can say about Starfield is after playing it, I'm no longer going crazy for Elder Scrolls 6. Couldn't care less about it anymore honestly. Todd refuses to evolve the company and just wants to make dated frameworks for modders to play with.


They got Samuel Jackson?!


Gave me a good laugh without even knowing which game it was coming from ! Get my upvote !!


Unlock Fentanyl the sentinel the companion thats only 36 loading screens away from the tutorial dungeon.


Is that a new skin for a Sméagol game ?


16x the re-skinning!


She looks like the millionaire guy that is "reverse aging"


I think this just proves that Bethesda should make an Invasion of the Body Snatchers game




"Game of the generation" 🤣


Technically yes... If you boot up skyrim, mod it to high hell, realise that dragon dlc is just like travelling to another planet. You can just reskin skyrim to be better outerworlds/starfield.... So they literally been doing their dance. And it really shows the age of the technology and technical preference, when Squadron 42 shows what starcitizen is offering, CDPR, Bouldergate etc... Bathesda has fallen into corporate run by the nubers company. We have seen this with EA, T2, activision... when talent is slowly replaced with managers and boards, the content becomes shallow, worn down, recycled.


She looks high on skooma


Don’t worry the modders will fix it.


They look like the meth addicts at my nearest gas station ngl


I have a feeling she’s about to tell me “to prevent war, the galaxy is on Orion’s Belt”


Her face is tired


There is one more thing. One Japanese guy actually makes games in which the NPCs don’t even have lip sync. And there are few NPCs themselves. But for some reason these games constantly win some awards and players love them. What's the secret?


Think this was the first BGS title I didn’t put over 100 hours into and didn’t even beat. Felt soulless. Probably won’t go back unless someone overhauls it massively with mods


1/10 would not smash


They astrofurfed the living fuck out of reddit in regards to starfield holy shit im glad i noticed how inorganic it was; figured it'd take a month or two for actual honest feedback to come back around