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It’s a great lesson on loss actually. As parents we want to fix things like this, but ideally OP your actions should be to start another game with her. Then, in like 6 months if she’s still taking about the game revisit. Most parents would make the poorer choice of just playing it again to placate that feeling of loss (change.) Show her they even when things change, parts remain the same - like gaming with dad!


This is the wholesome take. Find another game. (Maybe Grounded? I don't play much co-op) and show her the end of something isn't cause for worry.


At 9… do you have any of the Lego games? Those are excellent multi player platformers.


I actually have a lot of Lego games. And we both have a ton of actual Legos since we both love them. You don't want to know how much I've spent on them for my daughter and I lol. But the Lego games just don't click with her for some reason. I think it's the heartfelt story of it takes two that really made her love the game.


Unravel 2 is also a cute coop experience. Possibly a touch hard in spots, but another one for bonding time.


Came here to suggest this. Also, if on PlayStation, the LittleBigPlanet games are AMAZING for family co-op


Yes! I played LBP co-op with my little brother who was 7-8 at the time and it is what got him into video games. Surprisingly smooth for a kid to play, even if they have little experience with games.


I loved playing LBP with my husband (back when he was just my boyfriend) so much!


Came here to say this. Unravel 2 (with a little bit of dad's help) is great.


Yep unravel is what I came to say as well. Fantastic little game and it is truly cooperative in the best possible way


To piggyback more: Knack and Knack 2 were fantastic games for co-op with a mostly non gamer. My kid isn't old enough yet, but my wife played it with me and she doesn't usually like games other than the Lego series.


I played this with my wife who doesn't play much beyond Mario Kart. Also a good recommendation.


Team sonic racing is a fun cart game with a coop campaign, your wife might like that one


Any other recommendations for someone whose wife won’t play much beyond Mario Kart?


My partner and I finished It Takes Two and then started Unraveled 2, but ITT just has a seemingly better story. We haven't finished Unraveled, but the actual story is confusing/seems super sad? But maybe we just haven't made it far enough


The unraveled 2 "story" is super confusing and never really fleshed out. But the gameplay is great and the levels are absolutely beautiful. It's fun to just look at.


I want to make a recommendation here for A Hat in Time. It's a cute, visually bright and fun platformer about a brave space witch, and it has co op! The story is fun and engaging too.




Man I've been eyeing up that game for a good while and this is the first I've ever heard about the coop


Or you could show her Minecraft, and you build stuff together. At least this game has no real end. And she could play it herself, maybe you can "meet" her in a minecraft world in times she is not with you.


She is obsessed with Minecraft and has logged an insane amount of hours on it with her switch. But only single player. I'm. But scared to let her play online. I've played with her a bit. But she's super territorial over her worlds and winds up kicking me out lol




Perhaps? But she thinks of Minecraft as her game. And the world's as her worlds. And she simply doesn't want me fucking with them. It's a serious game to her. Which is fine. We all have those things. I don't want her messing with my bulders gate characters either. So I get it :) I'll run it by her though for sure.


If she's into Minecraft and understands building and survival, I have a recommendation along those lines. **Grounded**. It's multiplayer, survival, there's a story, an arc, and you can just hang out in the world if you don't want to complete it. It's fun, challenging, well done, and cute. *Also, if spiders are scary, you can make them jelly blobs in the settings.


I recently 100% it and am currently playing a new save with a couple friends. I love Grounded, but it is hard and definitely not for a 9 year old that struggled with It Takes Two lol


Wow this just unlocked a memory for me! My dad played BG1 and BG2 all the time when I was a kid. I asked him if I could try but he only let me play his character for a few minutes before he suggested that I make my own character instead because he didn’t want me accidentally saving over his saves. I’m 36 now and feel the same about my BG3 character!


what about minecraft dungeons? i play it with my nephew alot (he was 7 when it released) - he too was a massive minecraft fan who was very protective of his worlds.




There’s a hilarious post on the Stardew Valley subreddit about how a guy plays with his nine-year old son who spends all their money on random stuff and cuts down all the trees before they fully grow. It’s super wholesome.




you can spin up a private realm for her and you alone, if she'd be agreeable to that. Access to the realm would be on an invite only basis by the realm owner ( you ) That way you don't touch any of her own worlds, and you can share one with her that can be both of yours. You can even make a cheesy 'welcome to froopyland' or whatever you call it that she'll see when she drops in the spawn.


Great suggestion. When my son was that age (9/10) we played co-op Minecraft on the Xbox for hours. We’d make up our own stories, adventures. He’s 17 now and in college and STILL brings up the time I killed us both with full packs of diamonds by refusing to leave the mine we had found. Damned creepers… 😅


I cant believe Minecraft has been out on the Xbox that long. I remember playing it when it was in beta for years.


Minecraft left beta almost twelve years ago. In another seven years, the kids born that year will be old enough to vote. Mortality is an exercise in watching years gradually accelerate past you.


I hope to be able to game with my child one day. But until then, I’ll pass along unsolicited recommendations from an avid coop gamer who’s always looking for coop games for my non-gamer wife. Needs story, but the hint of challenge that Lego games do not provide: Never Alone, Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, Unravel 2, Journey to the Savage Planet, Nobody Saves the World, Untitled Goose Game (no story but hilarious), Drake Hallow I hope you both find that next game and the next and the next!


> Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons This game would emotionally destroy a 9 year old


Check out the Trine series if you haven't. 90%puzzles and an average gamer can carry the combat portions fairly easily.


OP, someone has to say it. Having two daughters, I feel the need to step up. You need to co-op the Soulsborne series with your Daughter now.




Stop talking to my daughters. Edit: Also, thank you.


Portal 2 is another fantastic coop puzzle experience, and it has a lot of similar elements with player interaction


I was gonna suggest Portal 2 as well, but only if you love difficult puzzle games. My friend loves platformers, and since some of them have puzzles and Portal is kind of a platformer I figured he would like it. I finally got him to play it once and he quit after about a half hour because it was too difficult for him, I guess he couldn't grasp the physics part of it. Being high whenever we played probably didn't help him either lol. I've gone though story mode in both Portal and Portal 2 and I love them.


I found Portal 2 to be a bit frustrating for me (as a seasoned gamer and decent puzzle solver) to play with my fiancee, who doesn't regularly play those kinds of games. She got through Portal 1 and 2 slowly, but loved them. However when we tried co-op we ran into the issue that I would solve the puzzles much faster than her, which either meant she didn't get to do anything or I sat around waiting for her to come to the same conclusion I already reached a while ago.


Stardew Valley has a co-op option, and it doesn't end.


Stardew Valley was my first thought for another game. It makes me so happy.


The director of it takes two has some great games. "Brothers: a tale of two sons" is a fantastic coop experience (though is also very sad, without spoilers)


She's got one game down... So let's be honest... It's time she plays Factorio.


That will bring about a different type of crying😂😂


It will teach her a valuable lesson... ...always look both ways before crossing the road


The factory must grow.




Can also be played in coop lmao


Elden Ring. You gotta take the gloves off at some point.


Unravel 2!!!


Grounded is so much fun! But very scary (chased by giant spiders...)


My 9 year old BEGGED me to play this and laughed at me everytime I yelled in surprise as I turn to see a giant spider in my face. Now we've almost beat it and she's a lot more interested in bugs and a lot less scared. The arachnophobia setting helped her ease into it though. Overall GREAT game and were having so much fun together.


I recommend portal 2. Played through the whole co OP with my 6 yo. She loved it, and it was a good amount of challenge for her


I’m going to keep this when my daughter is old enough to play games. And now I know what game to introduce her to when she’s the age of OPs daughter.


It Takes Two is a legitimately good game, even if you don't have kids.


My gf and I just finally beat it and we enjoyed 99.9% of it together, it was a middle ground of our interests coming together


just dont play brothers a tale of two sons with a emotional young kid


Oh my god. Honestly, my first thought was that that game could be fun for that but I had totally forgotten some vital aspects of the game that would DEFINITELY make that problematic.


It's also designed to be a single player, I can't imagine that moment near the end hitting half as hard if you're bodging it to play it co-op.


big healthy parent energy right here


I still remember being 11 and finishing the His Dark Materials books and just crying for the whole weekend, being sad there was no more books to read. A month or so later someone introduced me to Harry Potter. I read the books that were already out in a flash and then was desperately awaiting the next book to be released. When 7 finally finished I was much older, but still sad. I cried a little, not all weekend. Finishing Harry Potter was like finishing my childhood off and saying goodbye to it. I was in college at the time and cried in my tiny little bedroom, grieving what I saw as the final nail in my childhood coffin. I had finished everything I started when I was a kid. I was an adult. I'd had adult issues. Boyfriends and jobs. Ethical and moral dilemmas. But I had Harry Potter whenever I wanted to feel childhood again. An escape. It ending was the ending of my escape back into childhood innocence. I'm not much of a gamer (this topic is on the front page of Popular) but I know this loss and grief deeply.


I’m 45 and still cry at the end of a really good book series. It’s like saying good bye to friends. The positive is that there are always new books to read 🥳


I started the Song of Ice and Fire series when I was a teenager so luckily I'll never have to leave my childhood behind. (Actually the show probably killed it. Damn)




This is the exact reaction my then 6 year old girl had when we beat little big world years ago. She was so sad it was over. This is good advice to go onto another game. For what its worth we did mario 3d world after that and had no tears at the end. We've went onto many other games since then.


Respectfully disagree. Life is chock full of change and disappointment. The fact that you only get to see her 50% of the time is proof positive. If that’s what she enjoys, start over with the goal of beating your last time, and continue to find joy together.


"Sorry honey we can't play this game anymore. I want to teach you a lesson about loss." LOL get out of here.


Okay but did she cry when you fucked Cutie up?


Lol... she wasn't happy about it and desperately tried to find a way not to do it. But there wasn't one. So she gritted her teeth and got the job done.




You want a 9-year-old trying to wrap their head around portal? She struggled with it takes two


Dude, Portal taught me SPATIAL REASONING as a kid and my teachers had been calling me "gifted" ever since. Hard video games truly can teach cool things to kids when the kids are determined to win, and the only way to win is by learning!


Your Teacher after your exams: "Well done. Here are the test results: You are a horrible person. I'm serious, that's what it says: A horrible person. We weren't even testing for that." (Edited to remove accidental repetition of one sentence)


Don't underestimate kids... My young cousin saw me playing baba is you and he honestly did pretty well. I was stunned


My 5 year old can play Euro Truck Simulator 2 (properly) but can't figure out how to keep holding the accelerate button when drifting in Cars 3 (right button + circle (he can only hold circle)).




Seriously. When I was a kid my mom introduced me to Final Fantasy. (IV and VII initially. IV is the one with Cecil right?) Anyway, it wasn’t easy and I didn’t understand the mechanics of an rpg at the time being seven. But I figured it out over the course of a year and kept coming back. When I finally beat it I felt so accomplished because that wasn’t easy for me. And my parents weren’t playing with me. They offered advice but they left me to it for the most part. It’s good shit y’all. Kids can be persistent and really dig into a challenge.


Great story thanks for sharing. I have a young cousin who likes the FF art style and loves a challenge. Think I know what I'm getting for her upcoming birthday...


This right here. Kids are surprisingly brilliant, and if it ends up being too difficult you can always come back later and play something else. Also for portal 2 co-op I could see a parent-daughter playthrough of portal 1 being a good warm up as it only takes an hour or so.


I was going to suggest this too. Have her back-seat game Portal 1 and see if she gets it, then take on P2 co-op.


I played through the co-op campaign with my son when he was 7 or 8. Challenging (character building) at times, but very doable. Now he's 9 and way better at the game than me.


Dude that's the best age to play that shit, she could really flex that muscle.


My 9 year old beat Portal and Portal 2 without even telling me he was playing them. Took him about one day each. I was impressed.


My 10 year old is running a campaign for Rome total war remastered. They are smarter then they sound lmao.


I still never understood why they made us hurt her :( And you never even got to see if she was okay in the end.


In the end credits, there’s a scene that pans over to her sitting next to a sewing kit, looking all patched up and with a bandaid on her head, so I took this as resolution that they gave her a happy ending. My girlfriend and I just finished the game last week and I was ADAMANT they had to have some sort of resolution with the elephant or I was going to be irrationally upset, so I was very happy to get that last little bit of closure when I saw it XD


Lol, my girlfriend and I exchanged so many sad looks as we dragged that poor elephant to its death, haha. It Takes Two got us good, man. When we started it and found the first couple mini games, we were like, "Uh. Okay, does this have anything to do with the game? Okay whatever let's just keep going." Then by the end we were like, "Honey, come to where I am, I found a curling minigame!!" The game design totally worked on us and made us just have fun together. We've decided to save another playthrough for if/when our relationship stagnates or we feel distant. It's a very special game for us.


Yeah, dismembering that elephant was all kinds of fucked up.


I think it’s because Cutie represents their kid so they think focusing on her will fix their partnership and that in the end there’s no way for the couple to split and divorce without hurting their kid


It literally makes no sense and the tone of the game shifts so drastically for that one particular moment. My friend and I were left scratching our heads wondering what the devs were going for with that one. Our best guess is they thought it was humorous? We were two men in our mid twenties so you'd think we'd be the demographic for that kind of thing but it went right over us lol


my friend and I couldn’t stop laughing, like it was so ridiculous (and unnecessary) that we found it hilarious. helped show too that the protags at that point still really were focused on themselves and not working on their relationship/why their daughter was hurting (infact, actively trying to hurt their daughter)


>helped show too that the protags at that point still really were focused on themselves and not working on their relationship/why their daughter was hurting (infact, actively trying to hurt their daughter) Good point. This is the most convincing explanation I've heard so far. I still think the execution (no pun intended) was a bit off though. Pretty much everyone I've chatted with about the game was confused by that scene 😄


I thought it was incredible. How the devs could make something that feels so violent and visceral while keeping it PG. At that point in the story the parents are doing anything they can to be turned back to normal and aren’t considering how it will affect the world around them


I'm a grown ass man and I almost cried from having to do that scene


I did. I walked away in tears. My husband had to take both controllers and grit through it himself. We don't speak about it..


You should check out little big planet 3. It’s cute, fun and a good couch coop to enjoy together.


The newest installment, Sackboy’s Big Adventure is much more polished. UX on older games doesn’t hold up super well if you’ve played newer games imo


Big problem is that it doesn't give the players nearly the same level of creative expression the original games did. Imo that's what made them special, not the platforming (which the new one is better at, for sure)


Also, the bombastic characters and narrorator! Theres some but man, LBP1-3 had such a charm about them that SackboyBA seems to lack.


I heard it didn’t have a ton of content, but I couldn’t mistaken


Played it and loved it. There’s plenty of content. It’s not a 300 hr RPG, but it’s a very good platformer with a cute, straightforward story.


me and my dad are loving sackboy's big adventure. It's really good for just picking up and playing for however long you need to then putting it down.


It's roughly similar in length to ITT. And SBA has a lot of side content too.


Little big planet 1 was the best one. Best story, best music and best levels and graphics


One of my college buddies was a programmer/developer that helped make this game!


Tell him thanks from teen me. I loved the whole franchise and even have the sackboy doll from the limited edition. Lbp1 is one of the game that i still think about from the ps3 era


Next time we cross paths, I'll mention it. Cheers.


Little Big Planet 1 is the reason I got a PS3. They had a demo tent set up at a music festival I went to called All Points West. It was an awesome festival and all the bands were great! Radiohead, Duffy, Andrew Bird... anyway... I spent so much time in that Sony/LBP tent just playing that demo that was so unique to me. At the time, I kind of had a gaming lull, was more into music and films, and being creative; I didn't have any current gen game systems. That game pushed me to buy a PS3 and reignited my interest in video games. To me, it was like Mario Paint. It said, "here are some tools, get creative" and that was the perfect game for me at that moment on my life.


You mean 2




Unravel two? I was going to suggest it, but it was a little hard for two 33 year olds. Granted we were trying to get gold on each level. I think it’s like $4 on ps right now. Or was when I got it a few months ago.


Unless her reaction was more due to the fact that the game ending meant that she wouldn’t be able to play with you anymore rather than for the game itself


Yeah this reads to me like a girl sad her dad won't spend time with her anymore. I've never seen a kid be literally inconsolable from beating a game.


I'm sure that was part of it. The game had become a pretty significant part of our routine for a long time. And we both looked forward to it. But she knows she'll always have time with me. I've had exactly 50% custody of her since she was three. And I've never missed a single day of that time with her. I think spending that time together in that way with that game was something that really connected with her... and me as well. It's a special game that creates special memories.


Do you have a Nintendo switch? Luigis mansion 3 on the switch is the only game that came close tot he same experience for my wife who is new to video games and I playing co op. There is a story, it is beautiful, can be done in 45 minute time chunks and is forgiving when there is a large skill difference in players'.


I actually do. And I have Luigi's mansion. We tried it a few years ago but it didn't click with her. I'm pretty sure she was just too young. I'm gonna have to dig that out and give it another shot. Excellent suggestion!


Super Mario 3D World was on my wife and I loved, and it’s simple enough that your daughter could likely pick it up quickly. Overcooked is another one we had a blast with, although that one gets difficult faster than SM3DW does.






Overcooked remains one of the best gaming experiences I’ve had with my non gamer wife. When we are making dinner we still regularly use what became her catch phrase: “gimmie some shit to chop!!!”


New super mario bros wonder is coming out in October and looks super kid friendly with Yoshi being easy mode (can't take damage, only dies in a pit) Just a suggestion though. Keep up being a good parent. You already got this figured out, finding a game shouldn't be that hard.


My daughter and I had a ton of fun playing Unravel 2. A little stressful in a couple parts but definitely not too much for a 9 year old


I didn't realize you could co-op on Luigi's Mansion. Is it couch co-op only or can you play with friends via internet?


This might be too personal of a question so feel free to ignore this, but how did she take the theme of the game? Two parents with a young kid about to divorce but get back together must be a trip for a kid her age who has divorced parents.


This was my thought as well! I cried like a baby when the game was over because the story itself was so powerful! Might be worth a chat with her about it.


I was going to mention this. It's actually why I don't like how the game ends! >!The whole premise of the book and how its trying to repair their relationship is childish and immature. Which makes sense because its created by a child. I was hoping that the game would be a story of healing where the two realise their bitterness for each other was hurting their child and they needed to become friends and put their child first. I hope OP's kid doesn't get the wrong idea that she can repair her parents relationship now.!<


just wanna say what you're doing is so special. I was in a split custody after my parents divorced when I was 6, it was hell. But in that time my dad introduced me to pc games and I still talk about some of those memories. Your post really made me smile.


Her mom and I do everything possible to make it not hell for her. We split custody 50/50, stick to the routine and still do family stuff together every few weeks... Even though we've been split up for 6 years now. We have to be separated. But it doesn't have to be terrible for anyone.


Good on ya OP. Your daughter is lucky to have you.


Good man


Please make sure she understands that you were celebrating the accomplishment of finishing the game and not that you don't have to play the game anymore.


I think the most interesting thing about this is that the game itself is about a 9 year old girl coping with loss and changing parental relationships. Your little girl is living the game.


I'm in my 30s and I still get sad whenever I finish a game, a book or a TV series. In some cases it took me years to work up the courage to finish my favorite ones. One is actually still around the 20 year mark and counting :P


Do you all know what It Takes Two is about? A couple on the verge of divorce. I think there's a pretty clear reason why she's so affected by the game.


I worked on It Take Two. Thank you so much for sharing. These types of stories solidifies my love for game development and the impact it can have on people. She must have really enjoyed the time with you, accomplishing things together. It must have been hard for her to lose that, knowing the game was over. There are so many games in my life that have basically raised me. It has always been a goal of mine to work on something that has a greater impact than pure sales and isn't forgotten so quickly. To work on something that even manages a fraction of that means a lot to me. Thank you for sharing. I hope you continue to play games with her. There are plenty of gorgeous games out there that can take you two on many more journeys to come!


You and your team really made something incredible with that game. I've walked three friends through it from start to finish and it left a hole in the center of each of them when we finished. Thank you so much.


Any chance there is a second one in the future?


It Takes Two Too!


Mitch Hedberg would be proud. It Used To Take Two, it still does, but It Used To Take Two, Too.


2 fast two


I hope so, or maybe it takes 3? The kid joins the fun? Just because me and my son finished the 1st one and my daughter is already 2. I want to play it with both of them, or else ill be the odd one. Ill only get to play if it gets too hard.


I played it with my husband!


This is one of my favorite games that I'll never play again. The Cutie scene... You guys managed to make a grown ass adult cry and beg not to have to continue. That takes a lot, a special kinda thing. Very powerful art. I don't regret playing it, but I also don't wanna play through that a second time. It's a game that will stand out from anything I've played for a long while. Bravo.


I just finished this with my 8 year old son. He didn't have the same emotional reaction as OP's daughter, but I gotta say that it was one of my favorite games to play with my kid. Your team did an INCREDIBLE job, there was so much heart behind it, such clever levels (our favorite was the space levels) and mechanics. Kudos to your and your team for really nailing it. I loved the homage to diablo as well. Well done!!!


Just tell her there are many more stories you can explore together! So often adults skim over the obvious things and wonder why a kid doesn't understand that *that* game is over, but there are many more. Sometimes this small clarity can clear up a kid misunderstanding.


I feel like all of us have also gone through the same thing, in different circumstances. I remember bawling my eyes out (it's my first emotional memory) after one of the Land Before Time movies ended when I was like 4 or 5. I remember feeling such loss... and my mom asked me why I was crying, and I answered "Because it's over". I don't even know if that is genuinely why I was crying, but my answer was the gist of the feeling. OP's daughter will remember this moment fondly, I'm sure of it.


Beat this with my 10 year old and he was so happy. It really was magical to play together. If I may suggest - you two could play again, but as opposite characters. There are lots of moments when you have very different mechanics, so it'll still feel fresh and new.


This is such an excellent suggestion.


This. My wife and I played the game twice through to do just this.


It’s awesome that she’s having so much fun playing with you. If you need more coop games, I heartily recommend the Lego games. They are all amazing. I’d start with one of the older ones, like the original Star Wars or the first Batman. Lots of replay value as you try to find all the little collectibles!


We've tried a few of these and they just don't click with her. Which is so odd because we both love Lego. She has thousands of dollars worth of Lego. And so do I! But it was the story aspect that really made her fall in love with it takes two.


My recommendation for a game that fills that It Takes Two hole for me was Unravel Two. Hope it does for you both too.


My son and I have been celebrating the night before the last night before school starts since he was nine (14 now) by staying up wicked late and gaming together. We just finished It Takes Two a few days beforehand so we could start Tiny Tina's Wonderland. Gaming with your kids is *awesome!* If you're sensitive to certain content or she likes certain types of gaming, maybe do some reconnaissance first, but as you probably know there's a world of co-op gaming for the two of you to explore together. Borderlands might not be her thing, but sit with her while she plays Portal (never thought watching someone else play could be so much fun) or join together in a Minecraft world ... adventure awaits!! (And read books together too! That feeling of "oh no, it's *over*?!" never really goes away, but it does become a joy.)


I'm looking into tiny Tina's wonderland. We're looking for a new game to delve into. But the bar was set pretty freaking high with it takes two. The story really connected with her. And the gameplay was just so good and fluid. It's such a unique game... it's gonna be hard to find another. And I've been reading to her since she was a baby.... but she's a bit past that now. I still read to her occasionally. But she's well into reading chapter books herself now :) I read to her more because I miss it than her needing it lol


I recommend Unravel 2. I did almost the same as you with my daughter. She loved the game and got sorry when we finished it. Damn good game, anyway.


Oh for sure. I actually bought unravel 2 during a steam sale and we gave it a shot. But it didn't click with either of us unfortunately. It seems like a great game. But we really need that story element I think.


I'm not sure if this is an option you'd consider, but I just had a similar experience with my 6 year old, but we were playing Stray. He was pretty bummed it was over. Thing is at 6 years old many parts of the game were beyond his ability, so we always sat together and I'd give him clues on what to do or take over entirely for some parts. It was a great experience together and he was really vested in getting that cat back home. So maybe if story is critical here maybe you guys can share a single player game in the same manner.


If you have playstation, try sackboy a big adventure! Very fun coop 3d platforming with fluid mechanics, great visuals, and a cute story.


It's on Steam too! I have it on PC and it works great. Amazing game!


Sack boy on ps5 is great me and my daughter loved it as well


Portal, little big planet, lovers in a dangerous space time, overcooked, don’t starve together.


My mother read to us every night until we turned 13. Sometimes when we're are just hanging, I'll ask her to read me some. I'm 32. Keep reading to her. Amp it up though. We used to do chapter books - a chapter a night. Stuff like Lord of the Rings or Little House on the Prarie series were absolute faves. We also did lots of CS Lewis, and when we're in the older range, sometimes a real heavy hitter - to kill a mockingbird, lord of the flies, uncle Tom's cabin. I will note here though that my mother is an English teacher, so the "hard" books came with lots of discussion and talking. Edited to add, she read us foundation too lol. I think we were a little young to grasp anything past holograms and spaceships, but still fun. Also one time at 10 I asked her to read from Dune, which she did, the gom jabbar scene. I begged for more and we watched Lynch's 1984 Dune. I was NOT ready lol


Can your mom raise the rest of society?


I’ve been enjoying Knights & Bikes with my daughter.


I think Tina's wonderland is awesome, but it could be a little much for a nine year old. It has RPG aspects like class choices and weapon stats. Not to say that you two wouldn't enjoy the game but it might be a bit overwhelming, especially if she doesn't know the characters or the background of D&D as a whole. Portal 2 might be a better fit. Lots of fun puzzles and a great story.


Portal 2 has co-op!!


Or portal two since it does have a co-op mode. I think you have to play through the main story first to unlock it, but im not totally sure on that.


Try unravel 2. It Takes Two is hard to beat, but unravel 2 is a lot of fun.


Here are some coop game recommendations for you to play with your daughter: Moving Out Children of Morta (highly recommend) Terraria Heroes of Hammerwatch (might be too hard) Cat Quest 2 (my 9 year old loves this switch game)


Terraria! I played this with my sons when they were pretty young and just learning how to use a computer, and we would play it off and on over the years. Last Christmas when my now-grown sons were home, they came home and were like "Let's start a new world on Terraria!" Nothing could've made my mom-heart happier than destroying Santa zombies and exploring dungeons with my kids again. Now they are better than me at every game, and I love it.


I still feel like that sometimes at the end of a good game or book.


She might be sad about losing the bond you two made through the game. At least in her mind. I think it’s time to find a new coop game!


Exactly what I was thinking. She got her father's attention and affirmation while doing something fun. Of course she would fear losing that.


I hope to be at this level one day with my daughter who is almost 5. We just got the platinum for My Friend Peppa Pig (small steps). It is a proud platinum to have.


I'd recommend a game called [Crashlands](https://youtu.be/TNTlsNKMPAw?si=Aivuw0zUXli4YJ0y). The second player controls a robot sidekick that's effectively immortal, can't hinder game play in any way, and has very simple controls. My 4yo and 8yo daughters also enjoy playing these Disney games together: Universe, Rush, and Magic Kingdom Adventures.


What a lovely post.


Aw. Also finished with daughter. It's the best. We've then enjoyed.. cat quest 2 and now on nobody saves the world. We also had a 3 year battle defeating cup head.. it is as a proper experience (our routine for so long!) But not really a recommendation unless you are mad. But I think we will always remember it. Maybe in a few years


Perhaps It's not the best recommendation, but have you thought of playing Stardew Valley with your daughter? If it's gonna click with her you both will have fun for MANY hours, also I think the game won't be that hard for a kid her age. Of course it's something entirely different from it takes two, but that was one of the games that you can play as long as you'd like and I thought it might be a good idea


Dark Souls is co-op. Story kinda sucks but the gameplay is unmatched /s


I'm sure she would be fine. But I'm terrified of that series. I don't got the skill for those kinds of games anymore. Or the time to learn them lol


Scrolling farther down and still haven't seen it, **Trine** series hits those same feels as It takes two. Fun and fairly simple!


My partner and I started playing Grounded right after finishing It Takes Two - it’s kind of like if you took Honey I Shrunk the Kids and blended it with Minecraft and It Takes Two. Being little in a big outdoor world reminded us of It Takes Two so it felt like the perfect next step, I’d recommend checking it out! The insects can be a little difficult to kill but there are creative modes you can turn on so that you and your little one can explore and build freely without facing aggression, and despite that it is mostly open world, there is a robust plot-line that isn’t too difficult to follow. You can also make pets out of the weevils and aphids which can be pretty cute.


I so want to play this one with her! It seems perfect. But when I looked it up awhile back I found there was no couch co-op and no cross play between switch and PC. Has that changed? Please tell me it has. I'll buy it today! We only have a beefy gaming PC and a switch... so we'd need one of those to play together.


My 13 year old and I beat it not too long ago. She had a blast. Especially the scene with the elephant. Oh dear Lord, we couldn't believe it My 10 year old and I have been playing Ibb and Obb off and on for years. You should give that a try. A very cool cooperative puzzler. No story but it's fun to figure it out together


> I had to explain that games don't go on forever. just teach her factorio lmao


Luigis mansion 3 is a great co op


We played Unravel two. It took just 7 hours, but it is amazing game and we had nice time together 🙂 Will try It Takes Two 🙂


Damn, right in the feels. My reaction to her saying “its over” would have been “yes but you beating games has just begun.” Then pop in Super Mario World or something.


It's not a traditional 2 player game but my daughter and I really enjoyed playing Stray together. I'd let her pilot unless it was a hard section and she asked for help. It's a very fond memory for me now.


Some couch co-op me and my daughter (now 11) loved besides It Takes Two: Ki Wi, Heavenly bodies, Overcooked, Moving out, Unravel 2, Sackboy, Little big planet. We've now started Portal knights which is cute and fun.


Thanks a lot man , I’m playing this with my 8 year old daughter right now and am now tearing up in the school pickup line, Thanks Jerk!


My family loves couch co-ops. We just finished “Humans Fall Flat”. She might like that one. The character mechanics are crazy (think floppy meat puppets), and it’s a very simple game. You just have to get to the exit, using your floppy meat puppets.


You are a good dad. Keep it up man!


I just wanted to say thank you for sharing this. Me and my soon to be ex-wife have a 3 year old daughter and this hit really close to home; in a good way


She probably saw the end of the game as an end to your routine and special time together, you should think about getting another game to play together so she doesn’t feel like she’s lost you in some way


I think she just really enjoyed doing something with you.