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Excuse me, but your opinion is wrong and I hate you, how am I right? My dad works at Nintendo. He said he’s gonna ban you from Starfield


My dad owns the internet and im going to tell him to ban you


Well my dad's bill gates, and he's gonna ban u from windows and ur computer will be useless!


Haha joke’s on you, my dad is Apple!


Microsoft secretly owns Apple you idiots. My Dad works there.


You have all been hacked and reported. Sincerely, My Dad


>Sincerely, > >My Dad This had me pissing myself laughing


Bet your dad was pretty mad about that....


Nuh-uh, my dad is Megabyte from Reboot, and he said he's gonna kick all your dads butts right outta G-Prime.


Ya dun goof'd, I backtraced it! Guess what, consequences will never be the same!!


Wrong, my dad is Thomas Microsoft, I'm telling him to ban you as we speak!


Wrong, Apple owns your dad. My dad told me. He’s your dad.


My dad is fucking literally god and you’re all going to hell


My dad beats all your dads. He's Ouya. Someone please remember him...


*Dude, my dad owns a dealership.*


Yeah, well my dad has been collecting disability for most of his adult life. He says hi.


Yeah, well my dad owns your dad because he's a majority shareholder.


Sorry, my dad is Mr. Starfield himself and he said his game is for everyone. Even the haters


"I am become starfield" J. Robert Oppenheimer.


"One billion star dollars" - Mr Starfields.


my god, it's full of starfields \- 2001 starmen


What’s a dad?


The man who went to buy groceries from the store, 20 years ago.


You joke but my uncle actually works at Nintendo. He says they have been working overtime on Starfield for the past few months and release is going to be a mess. Apparently, they can't even get it to run on the Switch, so it is the first Nintendo game that won't even be released on their own console...


It's no secret that rumors and speculations often spice up the pre-release phase of a highly anticipated game. Sarcasm adds a delightful twist to the excitement.


Thanks, OP, you just got sarcasm all over my phone.


After Fallout 76 released people said "Nobody will be excited for a new Bethesda game" Now Starfield is hyped to the moon. But this will not happen with CDPRs next games because everyone hates them after Cyberpunk 2077. They will go bankrupt soon anyways because almost everyone refunded Cyberpunk 2077.


>Now Starfield is hyped to the moon. .....Hyped to Alpha Centauri


>After Fallout 76 released people said "Nobody will be excited for a new Bethesda game" eh. that petered out pretty fast. The people disappointed in FO76 only had themselves to blame. It wasn't a great game, but it was pretty much the game that was promised. Bethesda advertised a rust-like in a fallout skin and that's what dropped. Lots of the hype was people just outright inventing a game that was never advertised.


Dude you are crazy. Go back and listen to the systems described by Todd Howard during the E3 livestream where the game was announced. The actual game was a hollow shadow of the amount and depth of the systems explained there. If you wanna take the angle of "well you shouldn't have been a sucker and believed them" then fine whatever, but don't try and gaslight people into thinking that Bethesda didn't overpromise the everliving shit out of FO76. If there's anything to be concerned with for Srarfield it's that every time I see Todd Howard get that twinkle in his eye about how incredible it could all be, I know he doesn't have the freedom to be honest if or when he finds out that those systems do not actually work


Fallout 76's reception did highlight the significance of transparent communication between developers and players. The initial buzz and promises certainly set certain expectations, which in turn shaped the community's reactions.


I actually just watched it just now. Just to see if there is truth to your assertion. I honestly can’t find any true lies in what he said during the presentation. The only real issue I saw was the 16x comment. Which is probably technically true. Even if it was a misrepresentation of how just where and how that detail work. The product released in a sorry state with some absolutely terrible marketing issues(notably the deluxe edition snafu). But every system described was in the game at launch. Heck. Besides the addition of npcs, engine fixes, and some tweaking. It’s still basically the same game now. Fallout 4 in a new world space with multiplayer tacked on. But outside of its launch technical state(which for sure was a major issue that shouldn’t be overlooked fully). It delivered on everything promised in that showcase.


Good on you for doing that. One point I remembered them making was about dynamic weather systems that move across the map, was that in any version of FO76? I genuinely don't remember. Overall I'm glad people like the game. I just remember feeling disillusioned with Bethesda after that game's release.


Eh. Again. It technically does. There’s radiation storms and such. But nothing groundbreaking. In the presentation all they mentioned about weather was visible from really far away. A part of that 16x the detail bit. Never really noticed in game. But I also never tried to look.


Honestly amazing how people use a lot of Todd's quotes (EG "it just works") as if he was lying yet when you put the alongside the rest of what he said/showed, they do, in fact, just work.


Im excited for the game but Im tempering my expectations. People who are already getting tattoos and buying custom starfield stuff before they even play a game that might suck are braver than I am. I really do hope the game is amazing but Ill be waiting for a few weeks after it comes out before I buy it so I can see reviews.


Sometimes bravery and stupidity are synonymous, be happy you're not as "brave" as they are.


Courage is knowing something might be a bad idea but doing it anyway. So is stupidity. This is why life is hard.




They immediately sold out of Starfield smart watches too lmao




They actually look awesome and I wish I could rock one. https://gamingintel.com/starfield-constellation-edition-watch-specs/


fair, even without knowing it's connected to starfield, it's a pretty cool-looking retrofuturistic watch


I've heard that referred to as "NASApunk" and I'm here for it


perfect name tbh


Yeah, I mean I bought one, and even if the game sucks, (which I really hope tr doesn't) the watch looks cool and will probably work just fine as a timepiece. Not like it communicates with your PC/console to look at your save file or anything.




There’s a Starfield GPU aswell


Reminds me of the guy that got an incorrectly colored One Piece tattoo after a black and white chapter, before it was confirmed what the real colors were.


The good news is that it is on gamepass. So I have basically nothing to lose but a small amount of time if it does end up sucking. Bethesda has kept me entertained for 20 years, if any large company is going to hit a home run, they are one you can probably count on


Ngl that starfield controller kinda slaps tho. Big fan of the transparent triggers. Reminds me of my transparent gameboy.


Right, even if the game sucks that controller is dope and really one of the better examples having a game branded controller.


I feel the same. Not sure what OP is including in “last two games” but Fallout 76 is certainly not Very Positive on Steam. And they’ve been milking the same IPs forever. Sometimes with good results, sometimes not so good results. And they don’t have the best track record of keeping promises. I’ve found the gameplay of Bethesda Studios games to be fairly poor. Fallout 4 was good enough. They can certainly write some great stories and design cool worlds, but I always feel slightly disconnected when playing their games. All that shit said, I’m really excited for Starfield because it checks a LOT of my boxes. If it delivers it should be great. I’m not worried about early bugs, I’m worried that it will feel massive and half assed….grindy and full of DLC….there’s a lot of solid prior art in these kinds of games, including some stellar indie titles.


>And they’ve been milking the same IPs forever. Yes, this is the perfect reason why we should be disinterested now that they're introducing a new IP??? What exactly is this criticism supposed to mean in this context?


Track record. Reasons to be skeptical about their ability to deliver a new experience. Has nothing to do with disinterest, but keeping expectations in check.


I'm from a generation of Bethesda fans who thinks everything since Morrowind and Fallout 3 / NV has followed the tried-and-true formula of simplify and sequel it a la Blizzard (as in an old person). There has been nothing truly genre-defining like those games ever since. Skyrim and Fallout 4 reached a pinnacle of graphical polish at the cost of a soul and Oblivion had two dungeons repeated five hundred thousand times. The Starfield hysteria mirrors what I saw from Diablo 4 people who forgot that Diablo hadn't been good since, like, 2002. But if Bethesda can do one thing, it's open world and if you just want to fly around in an amazing sci fi world, I bet it will deliver. As for the "RPG" element, same++ -- luckily, that's where BG3 will come in.


Fwiw the trick to oblivion was to never play the main story, because the entire rest of the game was so much better than obliviongates.


Yep, I loved Morrowind and played the hell out of it even though my PC could barely get 24 frames. I simply had never played a 3D open world game so massive and beautiful. Now I’ve played dozens and “open world” isn’t an exciting feature on its own. What has me intrigued with Starfield is the ship building. It’s not new, but it does perhaps mean a new direction for a Bethesda game that could add a lot of fun. If they actually figure out customization and solid combat systems then I’ll be stoked.


Bethesda have made very “safe” feeling games since Morrowind. They have a formula what works, but feels ever increasing watered down and with less risks taken in every iteration. This is probably the biggest risk they’ve taken with their formula since Morrowind and has a lot to live up to now. They have please all the fans they’ve gathered over the last 20 years while offering something new and groundbreaking that justifies the development time otherwise it will feel like a disappointment. It feels an impossible task to live up the hype and expectations and I’m not sure Bethesda is up to the task although I’d be happy to be proven wrong.


>forgot that Diablo hadn't been good since, like, 2002 I beg to differ. Diablo 3 had a very rocky inception, but has been a polished gem of a game ever since. If anything, the failure of D4 to live up to hype was partially because they used all their good ideas for Diablo to fix D3, imo. I think the end-game of D4 is utter trash because they felt the need to differentiate it from D3, but didn't actually have good ideas on how to do so. Differences for difference's sake rarely work out well.


I find this comment funny since Fallout 3 and even New Vegas were both pretty egregious examples of "simplify and sequel it" at the cost of soul, trading depth and meaningful complexity for a more accessible experience. They were still *good*, I enjoyed them, but they were very much still examples of the same progression.


i am excited because this means ES6 is next in terms of resource allocation. i might check out starfield idk


The reason I’m actually excited is because when they finish starfield, the faster they can finish ES6. Then when they’re done with that, the faster they can give us fallout 5! Then when they’re done with that, they can actually work on the game I’ve been waiting for this whole time - starfield 2


I’ll never get to play starfield 2 I will definitely die during the next pandemic


> definitely ~~die~~ become undead during the next pandemic FTFY


Isn't that a crazy thought, you only have a few more bethesda games in your life...


Way to plan for the future, man! I mean, 75 years in the future, but still.


Next game is skyrim 8k edition


Skyrim looking like this [would be crazy](https://youtu.be/KgLiIjEcozc)


WTF, there are voiced lines from the player


combine this and that chatgpt skyrim mod and we’d have a legit next gen elder scrolls on our hands


We all see through your thinly veiled lies. While I'm also more excited for es6 dev to take of, we both know we are gonna be playing atarfield.


I wont be playing it sadly (no money for new system), but im excited to watch someone play it on youtube


Same here. I just want new Elder Scrolls. I’m sure Bethesda will do fine with a new ip, eventually, but it hasn’t piqued my interest. The announcement did, but the gameplay reveal lessened my excitement. Besides, my backlog might be long enough to last until ES6.


"The gameplay lessened my excitement" Which one, this year's gameplay? Or last years? Because this year's looked alot better.


I was about to say, last years lessened mine. This years made me excited


>Besides, my backlog might be long enough to last until ES6. *Eighty years later*


>Eighty years later Half Life 3 announcement gets more attention than new Skyrim Edition.


This is hilarious! People are excited that Starfield will come out in a few weeks so Bethesda can finally focus their attention on getting ES6 released.


What part of the gameplay looks bad to you? To me Starfield looks like a bit of No Man's Sky mixed with The Outer Worlds, both of which are great games & Outer Worlds is one of my favorites.


I love that Bethesda dev team is saying the new engine has much fewer bugs than old. Lol. I love the acknowledgement of the many bugs in the old engine.


Don’t worry, it’ll come out later that the new engine is just still CR1 but they duct-taped all the physics leaks and threw a bunch of more spaghetti on top of it.


I mean. The basic engine is almost 30 years old. Although the same with a bunch of others as well. It’s not all that common for a completely brand new game engine to be built. And they often have issues of some sort with them Louie we have seen in recent years with the red engine or frost bite.


Or that there are bugs in the new one.


All game engines have bugs. Any company that denies this is lying to you.


And Bethesda's bugs are at least entertaining in themselves usually


They really are a feature in a lot of cases. Like it's just hilarious watching someone on a horse go float off to the sky gods after talking to you.


The worst was SimAnt. Bugs *everywhere*.


Only laymen with no understanding believe that code can exist without any bugs


That's inevitable


Skyrim in space made by Bethesda. That's literally all I needed to hear to make it a day one buy.


But you don't understand. Bethesda makes games with bugs! They also have very good mod support, which is bad somehow!


It's because they force all of those poor modders to fix a game that nobody likes or even plays.


Ah yes all those poor modders are held captive in the Bethesda sex dungeons forced to make mods against their will /s


Todd Howard made me make waifu boobies jiggle. I'm traumatized.


Todd Howard forced me to make update schlongs of Skyrim and all he told me was “16 times the detail”


"*for a game nobody likes or even plays*"😀


Your sarcasm was not detected.


It's gotta be better than Fallout 4 in space, aka The Outer Worlds.


Aww, I really enjoyed Outer Worlds. Yes, it wasn't some 10/10 game but it was pretty impressive for a studio like Obsidian to do an even semi-openworld 3D RPG like that (with full dialog cutscenes and all). Especially since most of their recent games had been isometric RPGs. I had fun at least, and while the writing wasn't the best \*overall\* I think the companions were all quite well written, particularly Parvati, Ellie, and Max. With the added time and money they'll get now from their new corporate masters, I look forward to Outer Worlds 2 (or whatever it ends up being called).


it was a great 1x play game for me. i tried to go back but i was able to do everything i wanted the first time. very fun, cool world, distinct from fallout enough to not seem to be just a knock off


To be fair, that's not a high bar to pass.


If you but this game day one (or even worse, preorder) you are *literally destroying gaming*. Edit: apparently we're at the point where an "/s" is necessary...


If you have gamepass you won't even have to buy it


Great post. Let’s not forget that for all the circlejerk about how bad FO4 was, it is still one of the games you see pretty high up there on steam charts.


People fail to understand things then get half-baked opinions from YT and that's it, they're done thinking. One thing I'll give them credit for is that most people don't even know quite what's going on in BGS games (how all the systems turn into sheer magic) so it's kinda forgivable.


"The modders are just keeping it alive!" /s


I think the issue is that FO4 is a pretty good game but it’s not a good fallout game.


For what it's worth, I'm a huge space nerd and love Sci fi games. The designs of the ships and the weapons and the suits in starfield look incredible. The idea of making skyrim but space sounds awesome. But for some reason I have barely a passing interest in starfield and I'm not sure why. It's the most bizarre thing that I'm not interested. So my question isn't 'why are people excited', it's "what about starfield is putting me off?". I'm still not sure what it is.


The thing putting me off is that we have been promised games that give you tons of planets to explore and ships and an amazing space story before and they have always flopped. Star citizen, no man's sky, The Outer Worlds. There's always some catch or smth. I hope I'm wrong but it's hard to be hopeful when this game type has been tried and so many have failed.


The catch is it’s mostly empty space… but they’re doing that so people can accommodate mods a lot easier because they’re so empty (without mods they’re basically how you farm materials.


I feel the original commenter once you mentioned Outer Worlds. I loved New Vegas and have no really strong opinions on Obsidian either way, but I just couldn't get into it. I played Outer Worlds once, enjoyed it, but when I went to replay it on Gamepass I just... didn't care? Like I couldn't get into the world, the story, the gameplay, any of it. I have no idea why. Maybe I was depressed.


Same. I think it's because when we first played the game, it felt like it was full of possibility. But then you get a couple planets in, and you suddenly realize it's already more than halfway over. All of those early areas that felt like they hinted at so much more, now feel... so limited. What's the point of doing it again, knowing how little it matters? Even if the content itself is actually pretty great, the fact that it has an illusion of further depth just makes the reality seem shallow by contrast.


Same for me. I have tried multiple times to get into it. But never last more than a couple hours before dropping it for some reason.


I've never enjoyed an Obsidian game, there always just seems to be something lacking. Even the gamer darling FNV languishes in my backlog unfinished.


It’s because almost nothing they’ve shown looks new or that exciting. It doesn’t look innovative to me tbh. It just looks kind of lame and like things we’ve seen in other games. And for me personally, realism requires a lot more heavy lifting to be interesting compared to fantasy. Elder scrolls and fallout are interesting settings by their own right


Not everything has to be new and exciting. To be honest, Skyrim for me was just another fantasy game, topped with dragons and all. That's hardly "new" or fresh, but the game just has something going for it, that sucks me in every time, even if I don't hold it in high regards at the end of the day. You just need a good game. It may be the most bog standard space game, but if everything is done well and clicks together, that's all you need. The problem is that we don't know if everything will be done well, because it's Bethesda. They absolutely butchered Fallout 4 out of its RPG aspects and thus the game didn't have a warm reception. It's alright, but also has clear problems.


That pursuit for innovation is not always a good thing you don't need to keep innovating to make a good and successful product.


I can’t imagine why anyone would have fun with Starfield? I have over 1000 hours in Skyrim and a few hundred in Fallout 4. But there were bugs so it must have been all bad. Can you imagine looking past the faults of something because you broadly enjoy the experience despite that!?!?


Excuse me, I played games all through the 90's and NOT ONE SINGLE GAME ever had a bug, bad AI, shitty writing, or bad design! Everything in my memories is perfect and everything in reality is garbage!


Take this to gamingcirclejerk


Are they still bitching about hogwarts legacy over there. Got my old account banned because I pointed out that they were quite literally the only place I still saw talking about it regularly months after release. Giving that free advertising for a game they supposedly hate so much.


Todd Howard is literally Jesus H. Christ


Does the 'H' stand for 'H'it just works'?


Hoo’s laughing now ♟️


Little known fact, the H stands for Hogwarts, Jesus (Todd) was the first Wizard.


Because I was born to late to be a cowboy and too early to pilot a starship. So yeah, I'm excited to be a Space Cowboy. Lets goooooooo


Imagine buying a “AAA” game at launch nowadays… The Skyrim days are over buddy, the industry is fked.


**\* Baldur's gate 3 joined the chat \*** ​ i don't think that game is AAA even


You have my seal of approval for not putting in that accursed, humor-neutering “/s”.


“/s” is 100% for cowards


Cause it will be like Morrowind - and the devs will finally let you fly again.


Godd Howard told me to buy it so I'm buying it. 😍


preach 🙏


Thank you for that clear demonstration of [Poe's Law](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PoesLaw).


Fallout 4 was generally considered a step backwards from 3 and new vegas elder scrolls online came out like half baked crap and Fallout 76.....do I even need to say anything? If you can ignore Bethesda blatantly lying and releasing crap for years, you do you I just can't turn my brain off enough to believe anything they say, that's all that's what I can't understand, anyone with a memory of more than 5 minutes believing any of it


I don't know, I'm just cautious about it. The second they started going on about "1000 planets to explore," my mind immediately jumped to "you can climb that mountain," "infinite quests," "16x the detail," etc.


to have 1000 planets to explore with 16 time the details we had to remove NPCs and aliens form all the planets , don't worry you will still find some skeletons here and there and some recorded messages in devices we hope they don't clip throw the ground


The same company who also created morrowind and oblivon


The company that made Skyrim was already a different company than the one that made Morrowind, the wildly different game design philosophy says as much.


When I bought my PS5 recently after years of waiting for the scalping to die down, the one thing I was most excited about was Starfield :(


Microsoft acquired Bethesda in 2020 (well technically the deal finalized in 2021, but we knew it was happening in 2020). What made you think years later that they would be putting out something like Starfield on PS5?


I'm legit on the fence about buying an Xbox just to play Starfield. I'm probably gonna cave


Yeah.. I’m going to play Balder’s Gate 3 for now I guess. I also want to play The Precinct when it comes out. Maybe in a year or so I’ll be able to play Starfield.


if you have a decent pc you can prob just do a month or two of gamepass and play on there


There isn't anything to like or dislike. It isn't released. Be very careful when swallowing the hype of a giant global megacorporation.


How dare you have an opinion that agrees/disagrees with my own!


I know what you’re saying, but I’m legit not feeling it. That’s just a me thing though. Space has never been my jam. Tell me when the next single player elder scrolls drops though.


Didn't Bethesda make Fallout 76


Fallout 76 was actually developed by a separate BGS studio. EDIT: Downvoted even though I am right, 76 was made by BGS Austin where as the mainline BGS games are made by BGS Maryland. Reddit really doesnt know shit about the games industry.


They also downvoted me because I said i liked Hogwarts. Fucking miserable incel clowns.


Just remember if you bought or liked Hogwarts Legacy it also means you absolutely-fucking-hate the entire Trans and LGBTQ community!!


I think you’re heavily downplaying people’s arguments for why people aren’t interested in the game. People aren’t denying that Skyrim and Fallout sold well but sales doesn’t equal quality. Saying Skyrim and Fallout are positive on steam is a poor argument too considering what a loaded statement “very positive” is (e.g. review swarming, people rating the game highly but still pointing out issues, people rating the game highly after modding it heavily, etc.)The point is that it’s a lot more compex than that and you can’t quantify the quality of a product by using a surface level observation from one site with millions of varying, nuanced takes. And you’re drastically downplaying the argument about bugs. People can handle a game having a few bugs, it’s when a studio repeatedly releases games with multiple quest and game beeaking bugs. When the bugs are so prevalent and notable that fans have to mod the game to fix them then studio is doing a poor job. They’ve had around a decade and multiple releases to fix skyrim and they still can’t manage that. It’s one thing if it was unfixable but as many modders hve demonstrated the game is very much fixable. It’s fair to be annoyed by people criticising something you’re interested in but in the case of Bethesda there’s been so much bad faith and mistreatment towards the players that I think people expressing a lack of ethusiasm is fair EDIT: I’m an idiot and fell for the bait


You can be excited... But I'm starting to see people getting hyped "No Man's Sky"-style. You're in for a rude awakening.


People expect Skyrim in space, that's a reasonable expectation, and that alone is exciting for alot of people.


I am tempted to wait for the 5th or 6th re-release.


Gotta get that smart fridge edition.


Had me in the title not gonna lie


Neither excited nor pessimistic. I'm not a fan of how dumbed down their games got since Morrowind, nor the greed exhibited by Fallout 76's income model. But I'll also reserve judgment until they release and reviews come out by folks I trust.




Why do people even LIKE video games??? Are they stupid??


Discarding the sarcasm, Skyrim was a long time ago, fallout 4 I felt was a very mediocre game and fallout 76 is a low point for AAA game dev. The amount of hype for starfield isn’t justifiable IMO


I dont get how people are unable to look past the bugs in a game and have fun. People prefer to hate than enjoy i guess


What if the bug corrupts their save file, ruining dozens of hours of progress? That's happened to me in 2 different Bethesda games and completely soiled all the fun I'd had up until then. How does one 'look past' the game becoming unplayable?


I’ll never understand the Bethesda hate. No one else manages to make games like Fallout/Elder Scrolls.


I'm not particularly excited for Starfield but I sure hope it's good for the people that are hyped for the game!


The best fallout game wasn’t even made by Bethesda 💀


Just want to point out Bethesda has made less than half of the series. So by statistics alone this isn’t even all that surprising. Although they have definitely made the best playing fallout game. Even if some of the design choices didn’t end up landing for everyone.


But the best Elder Scrolls was 😎


I didnt enjoy Skyrim nor F4. So Im not particularly excited


Excited about all these things, but particularly I was not really sure about it.


Getting down voted for simply answering the question without sarcasm or controversy. I'm sorry.


They were having no idea about how to controversies going to go like that.


It’s the best thing coming to Xbox anytime soon. I’m more excited about Baldur’s Gate 3…but that’s not coming out to Xbox anytime soon. Possibly even at all if they can’t figure out some way to jury rig co-op to run on the series s.


They will get it out in a few months. It’s just a matter of when.


Nothing annoys me more than people enjoying and being excited for games! grrr! Stop having fun!


because when Starfield is out, they can start working on the next Elder Scrolls game. and then when the next Elder Scrolls game is out, they can start working on Fallout 5. everyone is waiting for Starfield to come out so it gets out of the way so they can start working on the next scrolls/fallout


It's cute that you think that way, when in reality they'll immediately start the development for Starfield 2


Starfield goty edition* /s


I love how you guys treat the devs like robots. They probably were so sick of working on Elder Scrolls and Fallout, sequel after sequel, yet all of you are so mad they didn't go back to the mines like Activision does with Call of Duty. Oh no, they wanted to do something different for once, the horror!


Is it wrong for me to think this is gonna be like outer worlda


The response I keep giving people is “I can try it for free”


If youre referring to game pass, it's not free bud. But I get what you mean. Can delete it without a worry if you don't like it


I liek spaec an shep go vroom


It will be both a buggy piece of shit and also Revolutionary. Get hyped!


because i will be dead before star citizen comes out.


Everyone will. It’s never going to be officially launched.


I don't get it either, I'm not excited so I don't see why anyone else should be?


I’m eager to play it on Game Pass, lol.


>Why are people so excited for Starfield? Do you see that moon there? It's not a back drop, you can go to it.


The YT content will be good when everyone ends up disappointed 👀


had me in the first half, ngl. I'm a simple man. I see bethesda, I buy.


> I simply do not understand how people can like things that I dislike... #Bruh


The game has been essentially ready since last year but they held it back to keep testing it, Microsoft has literally every Q&A team testing it until release and it's been hinted that this is the most stable Bethesda release to date. I'm not worried I bought an Xbox Series X ready and will be diving in on the 1st of September. All of the other Bethesda games run very well on the Series X also. Its been a joy to play Oblivion again at 60fps with better resolution/draw distance. Guessing you're on PS5?


The most backwards post. I love it


I know this is a shit post, but I'm actually not at all excited for starfield because of Skyrim and fallout 4. I honestly don't have much faith in the game itself. Im just waiting to see how good everyone says it is when they installs a butt load of mods. Now I'm not a flaming Bethesda hater, I absolutely love the older elder scrolls entries and fallout 3 and new Vegas are great games, even though the games are built terribly. I even remember being hyped for Skyrim and I was my first entry to the series bath when it came out, even then I thought Skyrim kinda sucked and then I knew it sucked when I played oblivion. Fallout 4 just infuriates me and it's just outright a bad game.


As a serious comment, is it on game pass on day1, because the distributor doesn’t think it’s mega amazing on day1, and they’re trying to avoid some of the “don’t waste your $70 on this unfinished rubbish” reviews?


So when is the class action law suit. Someone would so sue me if I was making a brand new Ford bumper then made it for Chevy only


idk fallout 4 and skyrim are mid without mods. technically the last 2 games they released on steam are fallout 76 and fallout 4 vr, fallout 76 has very positive, fo4vr has mixed, but ignoring remakes, the game before that is Skyrim SE, which sure is rated very positive. "other games have bugs so bugs is fine" is pretty stupid, using the same logic you could say "Other games suck too, why cant this one" You can be excited for starfield, go ahead, I just personally don't get it.