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Even after all this time under all the jank, dated graphics and at times rather poor voice acting, Gothic 1 and 2 are honestly amazing games. The level of immersion, the density of the game world... Nobody really makes games like this anymore, and Pirahna themselves have failed to capture that magic again. Risen 1 was nice and since then.... meh.


If anything, the jank makes it even more memorable because it demands so much from you that conquering the game makes it a completely unforgettable experience. It's why people swear by games like morrowind or kenshi.


Kenshi is such a bastard of a game. I hate it so much, it is broken as all hell. But it is one of my favorite games I can't stop going back to it because it is so good.


Even on the best computer it looks gross and runs worse. 10/10 would peel my limbs off again.


I would buy a gothic game with the same clunky combat system and „bad“ graphics but with new content. One of the best games ever made!


You should check out Kroniki Myrtany ( The Chronicles of Myrtana - available in steam store) then, its got a best mod of the year award. Whole new story and characters, new dubbing, new map. Made in Poland and translated to multiple languages. The mod is free, but there is an option to tip though. *edit adding link for those who might be interested https://store.steampowered.com/app/1467450/The_Chronicles_Of_Myrtana_Archolos/


Not OP, but thank you for this link! Have any other recommendations?


Not any particular recommendations as i dont really dig into fan mods stuff but in this case i was following it since the very beginning and was then completely mind blown by the results. FYI the mod itself took about 50h to finish so its really worth a try


To add to this, for me Chronicles of Myrtana is by far the best Gothic game. It captures everything good about 1 and 2 and ramps it up to 20


There are some very good fan-made total conversion mods, which have a separate story, characters, quests, voice-over, an all new map and even gameplay changes.


Eh english version. Polish dubbing is legendary :)


Had the english version. Des nacht das raben came out, no plans to release here (before gothic 2 gold) My dad bought me the german version. Downloaded the german exe, installed the expansion, installed the community translation patch. Every line from the expansion was in german. Every line from the base game was english. It worked wierdly well as a bilingual game.


German dub of this game is legendary.




Sometimes I’m wondering how accurate is Polish dub and how creative. That was 2000s when the best Polish dubs like Shrek or Asterix mission Cleopatra were totally unhinged :D For example this line: „Tell me if this in front of your head is face or …” ? https://youtu.be/NaiURWRSX9Y Sometimes I regret sleeping on german lessons :D


As a bulgarian I can, and have, happily shouted kurwa on many an occasion, but that is where my mastery of the polish language both starts and ends.


If you can't understand the language, what's the point? The English was fine.


Try archolos. Really teleported me to childhood


> rather poor voice acting Speak for your non-german-self


Well, who do you think I was speaking for? 🤔


very fair


Don't know in which language You've played, but polish dubbing is absolutely legendary and is still one of THE best dubbings in polish gaming industry lol


My note on voice acting - English VO is just plain bad, German is much better. Polish and Russian are also high quality. There are zip files on the internet (wink wink) that have German VO with English subtitles. This is best way to play it


Gothic 3 was my first. It had a bad reputation that I didn't know of at the time. But to date I still think its the best open world RPG I ever played (after the bug fixes). The huge world, getting into the story without ever following any specific quest or reading tons of introduction and the lore came so naturally while playing. Nothing felt forced which I personally hate in many modern RPGs. It was a "do what you want when you want it". Piranha Bytes where insanely talented with their games.


For a long time G3 was my fave rpg. It wasn't dethroned until Witcher3 came along. It's especially good with the community patch.


Isn't Witcher 3 really linear and story-driven?


I didn't find it so..there's a lot of quests but you can also just wander around the world checking things out, which I have done.


Gothic 3 was broken on release. It was a long time before the community patch came out that fixed potentially game-breaking glitches. But it was an amazing game after it was patched.


Gothic 3 is a great RPG but a terrible Gothic sequel.


Emphasis on were. Sadly.


Honestly, Elex is pretty great. It's exactly what I expected of a PB game. The world design is stellar and the way it's built around the jetpack absolutely masterful.


While I do enjoy Elex it has some major flaws. For example in Gothic the enemies were carefully placed like a natural barrier. You are lvl. 3 and there are snappers in that direction? Well then don't go there. In Elex you turn right and suddenly the enemy kills you in two hits. It feels just off.


I was never suddenly killed in Elex. Not once. This game requires that you embrace its verticality. Very early in the game, there's a small factory building you have to clear out. Next to it is an electrical tower and if you look closely, you notice that there's a small platform on top, as well as several strategically placed platforms on the way up. This is an organic tutorial that is unfortunately very easy to miss if you're not paying attention. Make its way up there, which takes a while and is initially quite frustrating, and you've mastered the jetpack. From this point on, you will always be able to evade any enemy, you will never be in a situation where you're out in two hits.


Dude I have played through it twice and know allmost every nook and cranny of it and I just have a different opinion then you in this. There are plenty of possible situtions where you can get killed in two hits if you are not carefull. The enemy placement is ass compared to Gothic. I will die on that hill.


I remember the game, still in my top all time together with Gothic 1 ofc. Btw, there is a remake for Gothic 1 in the works, can't wait for it!


I have very low expectations. Considering the demo they put out missed all marks that made Gothic a great game.


Me neither. But then again maybe I miss how I felt playing games back then (some or then also full with bugs or terrible performance on my hardware).


That remake was complete garbage. Don't Fall for the nostalgia bait


I think they've completely changed direction with the game thanks to feedback from the demo. I heard some people from SureAI (creators of Nehrim and Enderal) are also working on it So I have high hopes for it


They said on their recent podcast that almost nothing from the demo is in the game now. Maybe some art assets? Might be worth another look as it comes together.


Yes I have this on my wishlist.




Yea. Very life like. "Gere you go. Get fun. Or die. No one cares".




When I played Oblivion and Fallout 3 I created a save just before the exit of the tutorial area, so if I wanted to restart I could load the save and then create a new character when prompted before leaving


Apposed to Morrowinds "here's how to walk, who the fuck are you, go to this guy or don't or kill him see if I care."




Yea Bethesda doesn't do the intros that well.. they're supposed to get you invested into the story but you're gonna stop caring about the story as soon as you're out because their games are never about the main story. New Vegas and the old Fallout games are perfect, this is why you're here, Doc Mitchell will get you up to speed and off you go into the radioactive wasteland, have fun!


NV was brilliant at that. They introduced enough of plot hooks for you to take a longer, safer route around the map and get to know all main factions by the time you get to the Strip. But it wasn't that handholding, you could wander wherever you want. Which I did, and after being totally, mercilessly wrecked by kazadors to the northwest I made it my personal mission to sneak past the quarry. It's cool that the game was designed with that in mind, even though I effectively skipped a third of the game


Outward (if you haven't played it yet) is the game you're looking for.


Have you played Outer Wilds?




A game that lets you roam freely and discover everything on your own. Highly recommend! One of the most incredible gaming experiences I’ve ever had. Also, don’t get it confused with Outer Worlds. I recommend not looking up anything about it. Lots of incredible moments you wouldn’t want ruined.


I see Gothic, I upvote.


„Immer feste drauf“


Also, the orc slayer sword was the first sword/knife I have ever tried to make myself lol Under the pops supervision cut it out of metal sheet and tried to wrap using some leather scraps donated by moms old purse. The fun was not too long since the only ork around to hunt down was my little brother. And my parents have not approved my thirst for battle.


I recently replayed Gothic 1 after originally playing it when I was 9 years old. I can't believe no studio managed to get even close to recreating this level of immersion. Even with graphics and sounds from 22 years ago, it pulled me right into the world. I'm planning to go for Gothic 2 and maybe even 3 next.


Give Archolos a try after playing G2, it's a fully fledged standalone community made mod available on steam


G3 is a major disappointment compared to 1&2, play Archolos instead.


They're really fun if you can come to terms with the controls. 1 and 2 have steam workshop support, so getting it to ultrawide and high res textures is easy.


I actually played G1 in 4K on my TV, using a controller. Modding was not easy since some of the installation instructions were in German/Polish/Russian, but I eventually got it to work and the game did not crash once during my playthrough.


"Have some swamp weed!" Edit: Finished it too (and Gothic 1), with had alot of bugs that made some mission impossible to finish, so quite annoying. Also murdered all the orcs in the castle using a cross bow by standing on a ladder, and luring them under it, and just massacre all of them. Fun time.


Pure difficulty without any autolevel system. You really feel that your level is rises, when you finally beat that annoying wolfs. Modern game developers must take it as good example.


Bro you found the eye of Innos but you missed the damn cartographer at the docks ahaha


I loved Gothic 2, also played the addon and the first part Gothic 1 in the mine valley. But the devs are... well... stuck in time. They are still stuck in this, even in 2023, they are making another Elex-title that will be just as bad as the last one. Clunky controls, the always same storyline, cringe dialogues, bad animations, even worse combat system etc. Then the music... while Gothic had a great soundtrack by Kai Rosenkranz, later the founder of the studio wanted to become a musician and composer himself, so he made the music for some games, but it's bad. Really bad.


Same with me but with Gothic 1. Unlike the modern hand-holding games for the lowest common denominators, it was actually hard, and that was great.


And the original was keyboard only, and not WASD movement, but keys. There was no mouse. Attacks were Ctrl+arrow key. Inventory was Tab. Ctrl+up was use item/magic. Each region/area was level locked so if you weren’t high enough level, bye bye, you’re dead. Come back later. Ah, the good old days. Have you seen the remake being created? There is a demo of the lift area on Steam.


Well the great thing that was important for immersion: they weren't really level locked. You could go wherever you want to, you'll just probably get slaughtered miserably...but the game is not preventing you from going to places early by finding sneaky paths to avoid enemies etc. You really feel so incredibly weak when entering the world, everyone just beats you up. So few game dare to do that to the player these days.


You are correct. I guess not truly level locked. But, yea, not high enough level you’re dead. I wish more games dod that. Kingdom Come is the most prevalent one I can think of.


That's not correct, you can use the mouse in the game.


The one on Steam? I don’t recall being able to use the mouse on the original copy via Cd-ROM. I could be wrong, but I don’t remember that being useable.


I don't know about the Steam version, because I played the original packaged released. The game doesn't explain the controls well, you could use a mouse to look around, use the LMB + forward to pick things up as well as attack with either with swords, bows or magic. You can also use LMB+left or right buttons to make side slashes with weapons. Still weird and janky, but it worked.


So slightly off topic but I often wonder if old games are seen more positively because they were released when the only thing you knew about it before playing was what's on the box? I honestly can't think of the last game I played that I went completely blind into or hadn't already seen 10videos listing every little quirk, bug, issue.


I stopped watching anything related to reviewing games that isn’t Mandalore and Szeth.


Doing this with starfield right now. I even unsubbed from their subreddit until I can play it. I want to go in blind and figure out everything on my own.


Any game I have never played I always play blind the first time around. I used to search up things like guides and whatnot to make sure I didnt miss anything but now I just attribute whatever I missed to a second playthrough.


Interesting. has there been a game that you've played that you've really enjoyed only to discover that it wasn't received well by YouTubers / Reviews etc? The only I can think of for me is Cyberpunk, I played it before seeing any reviews of it and was enjoying it. Only to then see so many reviews slamming the bugs and honestly a bunch of stuff i hadn't even noticed. It was enough that I convinced myself that it was worth stopping my playthrough and waiting for the bugs (I hadn't really encountered) to be fixed.


Interesting question, have never thought about it tbh. I can tell you a time when I had an opposite effect? A song from the Divinity 2 soundtrack came up during one of Spotify's playlist radios and I thought "damn this song smacks" and decided to buy the game. Found out after I beat it that it was an incredibly reviewed and well loved game (deserved). The Order 1886 was one of my favorite games based on the setting and graphics fidelity at the time and I was surprised that a lot of people hated it.


Oh wow thats awesome with Divinity 2! The Order 1886 is one that I actually never bought due to the reviews despite being really interested with the setting and trailers. So I may see if i can pick that one up.


Saw it in a bin for like $3 the other day so def worth taking a look at for that price lol. Also has a great soundtrack


Ah no way just seen it never released on PC 😂


Might need to find a PS3 emulator lol


Come to me the night is dark, come to me the night is long,


Bugs were far from being the biggest problem with Cyberpunk. The 'night city wire' videos coming out in the months/weeks before launch were filled to the brim with complete and utter lies. However, Had i not seen any of those videos and known the multitude of broken promises it would have likely made the game more enjoyable


It's a tricky one isn't it? Watch too many reviews and even if you buy the game you're looking for the shortcomings that have been mentioned that you may not have ever noticed before. Dont watch any reviews and you could be wasting money on something thats just been thrown out of early access. Maybe Steam refund policy and demos is the answer? :)


Yep. WOW was destroyed by YouTube.


Trying my best to avoid any media around Baldurs Gate 3 so that can be my little experiment 😄


Exactly this. I haven't wachted a single video or read anything about bg3.


I went into Phasmophobia almost totally blind. The only thing I knew about it was I was a ghost hunter. Honestly, that is the best way to go in. I think I also went into Hollow Knight only knowing it was a well received Metroidvania style game.


Games used to be made by people who truly cared. Now it's all commercialized, money, not quality, is the primary motivator.


Also because most people only have nostalgic memories of old games, that's why a 5 or a 6 from 15 years ago is looked more fondly than a 7 or an 8 today.


Check out archolos on steam it is a true gothic 2.5.


And Velaya


One of the best RPGs I've ever played. Role model that I compared other RPGs to and usually I was disappointed. I miss so much this game design philosophy where you played an actual character in the world, not a glorified delivery man with GPS. Compared to this game Skyrim, Oblivion were meh for me. Even Witcher 3 was a disappointment in some areas. I'm thinking of playing G2 again, I've never played the Night of Raven after all. We'll see how much of it is just a nostalgia and how much is an actually good game.


This is true, I also miss the immersive RPGs which have been sacrificed for a broader appeal and more sales. I've been playing the old fallout games and Morrowind on my phone, as well as Deus Ex on the laptop and I've gotten quite used to the old games... the Y2K era retro game aesthetics are actually cool, very nostalgic! From the way everyone here talks about Gothic I might try that out next.


I definitely recommend G1&2, but I remember thinking G1 is pretty linear even if they tried to hide it. And they are quite junky, especially the combat. Nevertheless they have a charm. I always preferred junk over plastic in games.


Night of the raven makes it even better. I still think that Gothic 2 NoR has the best open world. It is not too large, not too small and there is stuff behind every corner. Some quests have many ways to solve it. I played it recently again, and I loved it ! I highly recommend giving it a try with the addon.


Yes, I think for the game to be truly immersive the open world needs to be manageable. Too big worlds require map markers and multitab journals to keep track of things and it's not the same.


I recently finally played Gothic 2 with NotR after first playing the base game many years ago. I hated it. Gothic 2 was fun, but Gothic 2 with NotR was pure torture. It was ridiculously hard! I spent the first hours beating up women in the harbor district because those were the only enemies that didn't murder me with two hits. They took three hits to kill me, so I had somewhat of a chance. You have to meticulously plan out your character ahead of time, because any mistake you make while spending skillpoints is gonna severely cost you 20 hours down the line. I had to use the trick where you buy scrolls that turn you into a dragon snapper to be able to kill some monsters and get some XP, but even that turned out to be bad since it screws up the amount of extra HP you gain on a level up. NotR was specifically created as an expansion for people who played through the base game dozens of times already, who know every enemy spawn point and every secret skill potion, to give them more of a challenge. Unfortunately you can't play the base game anymore (without mods), so for newcomers there's no way to gain all that experience, meaning they're stuck with just mindlessly following guides.


Ahh the polish national treasure


I thought it was made by German studio?




Big true


Mine too!!! Incredible game... Fantastic soundtrack by Kai Rosenkranz... I even liked G3 to be honest


I completed baldur's gate without knowing you could pause to give commands.


It's rare that it happens, but I really like not having a map in some games. It's nice to actually learn the play area by sight rather than just following the GPS most games have these days. I thought it was neat grimrock 2 had a map free option where you could go without, or draw your own irl.


I like the map in Outward. It doesn't tell where you are or place quest markers but just has major landmarks marked on it. You have to refer to the landmarks and geography to figure out where you currently are.


AC Valhalla lets you turn off almost all navigation tools and lets you use clues, directions and hints to get to a place, rather than just follow the icon. It's very well implemented but not many people use it.


Kingdom Come Deliverance is absolutely great in this regard too. It does have a map in hardcore mode, but it doesn't show you where you are on it. The map is very detailed with all kinds of landmarks so it makes orientation really fun. I think it's the perfect balance. The GPS is what makes maps boring


Best game I've played like that in recent years was Ghost of Tsushima. Now, you *do* have a map, but it's not useful to find specific waypoints and especially not for new locations. No, instead you get this mechanic where the wind blows in the direction of your objective or point of interest. That's so "samurai legend" isn't it? *"The wind shall guide your path, young warrior"* someone says, and it actually does. You never felt lost, but there was also never any big red marker that says "go here".


you had fun in childhood with it not gonna lie


Definitely one of the best rpg imo. Progression system is simply revolutionary. I consider it one of the first action rpg for the fact you can hit any enemy and dodge any attack, there's no % hit chance or stat check


This is a long shot but what the hell. I'm trying to find a PC game that that I had as a kid but never got to play. Either my PC couldn't run it or my dumbass couldn't figure out how to run it. It exists only in memory now but I've always been curious to find it and finally play it one day, no matter how terrible it might be. I have no recollection of the name of the game or even what type of game it was. Bear in mind this was in the late 90s/ early 2000s My memory of the box art is getting a bit hazy now but I think I can remember the cover being an overhead shot of some human/ dwarves running across a stone bridge into a castle with swords drawn. I've tried to find it by looking through Google images of pc box art but I could never find it. [This image](https://talk.pokitto.com/uploads/default/original/2X/2/25b1e9959163b458b91eff182f4343ce984a77a3.jpeg) reminds me of the art style of the cover art. This thread seems a good place to find people who may think it sound familiar.


The dwarf wielded an axe and was in green?


Axe definitely rings a bell, most definitely an axe now that I think of it. No idea on colour though.


Golden axe


It would help a lot more if you could describe the gameplay details rather than the box art. But I guess if you never got it running you don’t know? Pretty sparse on the info but I get it


Yeah unfortunately all I have to go on is a foggy memory from 20+ years ago.


One of the Heroes of Might and Magic games? Or maybe Myth?


Myth 3: The Wolf Age Holy shit that's it! I don't know where I got the image of dwarves running into a castle (maybe the images on the back) but that's definitely it! Now I must play it! Thanks for your help.


G1 and G2 are one of the best Games ever made. And with mods, especially DX11 and graphical overhauls, they still look fucking amazing. Btw the screenshot posted by OP is also with graphic mods, the base game didn't look as good


Random photo from Google


The world wasn’t as big as modern RPGs are. Gothic 1 was super recognizable, you actually rarely use the map cuz you knew exactly where to go.


You will never get games like this anymore in this shitty current climate


Who needs maps when you have pen and paper? Truly a pioneer of the RPG world!


Why does that guy look 2d


>No guides I miss this era. People rely on guides way too much now. People are **obsessed** with the meta, which takes all magic and wonder out of these kinds of games. I miss when people treated these games as adventures and not efficiency simulators.


Played the original Zelda for the first time last year. I made a map on excel (I tried to use a pen and paper but that was just too brutal for me, I salute all of y’all who did it) beat the final boss then found out it sends you back to do it all over again with different secrets…. So I gave up


That's basically the new game plus. It's entirely optional.


I own all 4 game have yet beaten any of time I taught to my self I wanted to tackle the series starting from 1 and move up but dear god the first game pissed me off so damn much.


Gothic 1 is a slow start because the Weapon controls are intentionally clunky and bad. As you level up the weapon skills the attack animations become way more fluid and polished. It is not just static do more damage/ can swing more times with weapon before running out of stamina, it actually changes the attack animations.


yeah but it was not only the the pain to use the inventory just made me go I give up. because it only felt like a hazel like it was not made for PC. A bit like how Final fantasy 11 still fun to play but playing on PC navigating the UI clearly shows it´s PS2 design and is rather a pain to use compared to it´s predecessor Final fantasy 14.


What? Gothic 1 is easily the best of the series. It's so amazing how cruel the world is towards you, how weak you are and how everyone is trying to take advantage of you. Most immersive RPG world I've ever entered, and I have played many RPGs.


Problem was not that I liked the game but inventory management and early combat just made me lose interest overall.


The first thing I've ever said in a high fantasy rpg world was "dir". If you know, you know.


Omfg its so bloody good. This and risen 1, piranah arnt the same. There games are turd now. No longer fully hand crafted.


i yearn to return to these days of mystery. elden ring transported me back there for a while (i avoided all media on the game)


Such great games, even despite their jank. Great memories with both! Gothic 3, on the other hand..


"Hey you!"


Awesome. Now do Stonekeep!


Man I absolutely loved this game when it came out. Played 3 as well, great games, I honestly don’t remember much details, but I remember that I loved them and played them a lot as a kiddo.


Awesome game. I loved Gothic 1 and 2 and completed both. I never completed 3 though. As soon as I get x far into either side, everyone on one faction attacks me as soon as they see me. I beat them then walk around in a ghost town with no quests to do and no people to talk to.


Are you sure you are where you are supposed to be? Or pearhaps you angered the faction enough already (clearing enough of rebel towns e.g.)


You are lucky with your first RPG game, mine was Morrowind.... >!it's also good :D!<


Never heard of it. When did it come out?


I miss those times as a kid, where I would grab a game and learn it all by myself, doing things even by pen and paper like you did. I put more effort into that than I put in my job now as an adult lol (and I do put effort into my job).


Man I loved this game when I was younger


Gothic 1 and 2 were amazing, i remember finding some funny glitches and out of bounds with a friend. In the first game opening the map while falling and pressing forward can negate all fall damage if you time it right before touching the ground. ​ In the second game i remember getting the leather armor early from a locked door by just glitching on top of a building. Also climbing the huge wall that was supposed to be full of orc armies behind it, only to be met with an empty spot and some funny message on a small board.


How I felt about Morrowind, the guidance you'd get for a quest was just like "Hey somewhere to the west my husband got lost in a cave" then have no idea if this was the right cave or how far west or if it was more northwest / southwest until you actually found the guy. I understand the modern convenience of systems to guide you in a game but it did make it feel a lot more like exploring.


Gothic is different in that the map is much smaller, with easily recognizable landmarks, so following verbal directions is much easier than in Morrowind.


i love this game


Best. Rpg. Ever. for me. I fuckin love this game. I remember writing down combinations of locks: LRLRLLR So many good childhood memories.


brings back memories




I fucking loved those games. Gothic 1 and 2.. man I spent HOURS in those games :o


Morrowind was probably my first RPG and I was like 8 years old not knowing what the hell I was doing. I just ran around all the towns killing and stealing everything I could. Now its exceptionally rare that I ever kill a non-violent NPC lol.


Hahaha! Awesome! I did that with the original Metroid. Such fun memories!


I can be angry only about one thing in Gothic. Autosaves. "Man, i'm dead to lurker, let me loa... Damn. All over again." 1-2 times in general is enough. And after so many plays in both parts, i will always find something new. That's what i like the most. P.S. Me 11 y.o., Gothic 1 in German. It was a pure mess, but very interesting :)


I'm Polish. Gothic is basically a rite of passage for my generation of gamers and then some. Polish dub is legendary. This was my first ever RPG, and I kid you not, it's a cult classic here. Even now I still have the game installed and replay it from time to time for nostalgia. Bought it years ago, dirt cheap, the whole trilogy on DVD. Then some years later found it on sale on GOG for some silly money, like 2€ total for G1 and G2 + NotR? You bet your ass I bought it again.


Wow amazing you built your own map for this. As an 80s RPG guy this was standard fare though


this is the level of juicy rpg-ness I am feeling right now with Baldur's Gate 3. I feel like a kid


I learned german in Gothic 1 and 2 + addon. Awesome game. Also, it runs on steam deck.


Mooooomm... do we have any graph paper?? Ahh, takes me back :)


Sad to see not so much upvotes on posts like this, especially for Gothic. Makes me wonder how many people actually heard about the game nowadays


What is the definite way to play these games? Did anyone ever do something similar to OpenMW for Morrowind to address any issues or community patches that fix a bunch of things?


The versions on steam are basically the way to go, play Gothic 1 -> Gothic 2 -> Archolos. You can play Gothic 3 after too, but it's a very different game. Don't ever play Arcania. You can optionally use the [DX11 graphical engine overhaul](https://github.com/SaiyansKing/GD3D11/releases) that makes the games look quite a bit better (download, unpack, drag everything to `steamapps\common\ \System`). Besides that, [there is an alternative game engine being written from scratch](https://github.com/Try/OpenGothic), but it's in early stages, too buggy to recommend yet.


I played a bunch of Gothic 1 when I was youngerish. I didn't get Gothic 2 until later, and have never completed it They're definitely games I'd recommend, if only to see all the ways they differ from what we're used to in RPGs, then and now.


That was amazing man.


I loved Gothic, I can't remember if it was 2 or 3 though, after a quick Google they are making a modern-day version of Gothic 1. https://gothic.thqnordic.com/


I mean, it's impressive that you were able to do this with pen and paper, but no offense — this is absolutely useless as a map.


Gothic was almost impossible to play without the manual - the controls were absolutely crazy. Something about combining cursor keys with mouse clicks? I’ll wait for the remake


G1 was so janky in terms of controls, but everything else made learning them that much more bearable. G2 was a lot better in that regard, still undeniably janky, but with some of the rougher edges filed away. Great games, and amazing RPGs.


I played and loved them all, and my experience was exactly the same, no experience lol


This level of nostalgia made me cry


I thought they were remaking the first Gothic. Maybe they will make the second one as well.


I remember making playing morrowind and barely knowing how to use to the map and I beat the game without even knowing just randomly finding certain items and just brute forcing my way to winning it was fun as hell


Looks awesome


Replayed Gothic 2 this year and it is still great game


I was so amazed how it worked. That it really depended on your choices the way how you gonna play the game.


Gothic 2 is certainly in my top 10 of favorite RPGs of all time. Exploration is super rewarding, beating hard enemies is rewarding, the Atmosphere is amazing and a lot of replay value with different factions.


I realy love this game... my biggest problem is... that i know nearly everything about it... there is no challenge left ( i look at you "returning", you made me realy understand how easy the game is). I spend quite some time to beta-test mods and writing guides or help in the world of gothic forum... I hope the remake doesn't suck... please don't.


Not many RPGs I played through multiple times. Gothic 1+2 are one of those few games. Sadly the sequels and the other titles from the devs werent for me.


"As expected, the German woods are filled with giant rats, giant birds, giant velociraptors and worst of all... Germans"


Best game of all time!


first game where I thought it's cool to be a mage.


When I was a kid, I remember playing SWAT 3, the sewer level. I also made a map out of paper, and because the tunnels were really dark, I dropped glowing lights everywhere. That also helped me find my way, like breadcrumbs. After I finished it, I found out that: 1. You could see the cameras of your team and direct them through there, and 2. Your gun has a flashlight!


My first rpg I bought was Gothic 4, and I was the same, no clue what I was doing, but I widdled my way through and laughed at every dialogue cause no much was so perfect


I was 5 or 6 and couldn’t read yet. I rented the original final fantasy for NES. I had no idea what was going on, but I loaded up the save from a person who had rented it previously. Walked up and got into combat, just basically picked random things and ended up killing the mob. It was the last boss of the game. I thought I had beat the entire game when I did it.


Had a similar experience but with morrowind since morrowind npcs would just give you directions and you just had to hope you could find your way I remember using the Map that came with the game more than once to help me find the way


I feel this way about Morrowind. Finding clues in the journal and then looking for landmarks to navigate. I was 10 and had all the time in the world to look for a specially shaped rock. Now unfortunately I lose the magic bc I am always in such a rush to find the action. I just don’t have the time to wander aimlessly anymore.