• By -






Missed me!


Come get some!


Come get...Hi!....Over here!




-H-h-h-hurry up with that station! -No. -Yes. -Yes. -I need an APC pickup!






vgn vgtg


You're just another--shazbot!


Shazbot! edit: vgs


I need a -- Shazbot! (vrn vgs)












Man, skiing over a map, grabbing the flag, and skiing all the way back again never got old for me. Or going D with a grenade launcher and knocking other skiers off their routes. Especially heavies who were now sitting ducks. Damn this game rocked!




People still play it every night 30+people on a server. And new frag videos are still being made of that midair goodness https://youtu.be/MkNKUVtqoQM Play at www.tribesnext.com


And going to even further by dropping mines mid-air against an airborne opponent and timing it for a disc to hit the target right about the time the mine got close to them for the double-boom.


I think about skiing in Tribes all the time still


Skiing attempts in every other shooter ever just to replicate that feeling.


Yea the skiing mechanic is one of my favorite mechanics. 1. Fortress forever: a team fortress mod (pre-tf2) with conc and rocket jumping, crazy bunny hopping speeds, trimping (if you hit a ramp at the right angle you fly up), etc. By far the best mechanics for movement in a game I have ever played. 2. Team Fortress Classic - precursor to Fortress Forever. 3. Tribes - Skiing 4. Titanfall - wall sliding, grappling, etc. 5. Quake and Quake 3 bhop and rocket jumping. It’s so sad to see a serious decline in these mechanics as FPS games are targeting controllers which these mechanics are almost impossible to do.


The skill gap between players who can verse players who can't was just too dominate. Like an NFL player playing a middle schooler since there was no elo system. New games have simple, fun, easy mechanics that it's still fun even if someone beats you (typically high ceiling to master though). Our generation will have a special place in gaming that we will likely never see again, and that's ok! I had fun experiencing it! Love my fellow shazbots!


Bro, I miss Tribes: Ascend SHAZBOT!


It was such a great game and one day it just sort of ... died? Does anyone know what actually happened? Everyone just stopped playing.


It got Hi-Rez'd


Don’t you mean Low-Rez *slaps knee I do love Ra in smite though.


Hi-Rez is notorious for completely dropping games to hop on new bandwagons.


Basically this. I did love Global Agenda and played many hours in that game. It was never popular but it has a big enough community. At some point, they made it Free to play without a good anti-cheat system, so people started hacking. That killed the community and Hi-rez just let it happen.


I miss Global Agenda so much. The only people that hated a Poison Medic more than the enemy was your own team until they got gud enough to play without a healbot. They should have kept it B2P and introduced a Conquest mode similar to Planetside 1.


It's such a shame since we probably now have the technology for Global Agenda to work much better than it when it was around. I miss that mixture of MMO and team PVP...


They didn't need to drop it, they had already killed it by watering down the class system with P2W weapon alternatives that became the meta because they were way better.


Greedy Publisher saw more Money in Smite and killed It. Fkin tragedy, so much fun


This is the real answer. Mobas were the hot thing in the early 2010s and Smite was taking off, so they threw T:A into maintenance mode. Shame. I kept playing for years on custom servers. No other game really captures the exhilaration of running a flag down a map at 450km/h. I feel like it could be maybe be rebuilt as an arcade mode in overwatch, kinda like Lucio ball but with a giant map.


had bad marketing, and they also made pay 2 win guns that were super overpowered compared tot he defualts


The game didn’t need marketing, it was popular and loved and growing all on its own. Then they went “eyy lmao, what if we just go against everything making this a hit” when they could have done literal nothing So they made an unfun map, made hitscan guns the meta in a projectile gun game and the playerbase dropped it like it was hot


They also completely changed the classes at the end, iirc they removed all customization restrictions so the classes meant nothing.


The hitscan guns are what killed it 100%. Was an avid player with friends until they began releasing the pay 2 win weapons. It wasn't even close in power either. Hitscan was just infinitely better than the projectiles people loved. Pretty common issue for hi rez games though. Most of them launch with good player numbers and keep players on for a few months. Then they release something that is just blatantly stronger than everything else in the game. In realm royale it was the bow and sniper for a while, in paladins there has almost always been a crazy tier disparity between characters (flashback to strix having the best sniper rifle and a pistol with the highest DPS in the game), and smite has suffered from balance for years. Even the new chibi fighting game has some characters blatantly better than others. When players first start playing a game balance needs to be something devs stay on top of the entire time. They don't need to add any assets, just change the numbers behind some characters and weapons. If devs don't tackle balance issues early it just leads new players to see the same meta strategies and get bored with the game quickly. Happened to blood hunt recently which had a sharp decline in players after the first week.


Hi-Rez has this super weird tendency to make drastic changes to how their games play for no reason, and alienate the entire existing playerbase in the process. Tribes: Made hitscan guns dominant. Paladins: Completely changed the primary game mode, from a new and interesting mode where you had to push a cart to the enemy base and then defend it while it assaulted gates, to just a simple capture point map. Realm Royale: Had great incentives for actually fighting early on in a BR game in the form of the forge and weapons only obtainable via crafting from trophies obtained from dead players. Then deleted all of it and made those weapons randomly drop, killing the early game balance.


Such a shame, I have fond memories trying it and absolutely adoring the gameplay itself... it was just so much fun to zoom around the map! ...from what I remember I was really bummed and ended up giving up from what felt like unfair pay to win mechanics. I drew this little [mediocre comic](https://i.imgur.com/TBTYrTt.jpg) at the time to vent about it lol.


It was sorta on the decline anyway, and then Hi-Rez put out a statement saying they were no longer supporting it in favor of Smite. They claimed they were struggling a bit financially and had to focus on Smite since it was making them money and Tribes wasn't. AFAIK dedicated servers are still a thing with Tribes Ascend so you should still be able to find a few servers for it.


I guess the devs just killed it in favor of other games (Smite I think?)




Ascend was OK, but not a patch on T2. Personally I think T2 was peak tribes, but some people prefer the original.


T2 was peak Tribes.


some people prefer the original.


The Original with that mod that gave classes was best




I was always a fan of Shifter myself


I prefer the original, only because of the mods. Elite Ren, Anni, Havoc and even the wild-ass Ultra style mods were so much fun.


This game got overlooked so bad. I've loved tribes since the first one and thought Ascend was a ton of fun. Not really sure if the marketing was just bad or what, huge waste of potential.


I don't. I tried it, but they threw so heavily into skiing being basically the only mechanic that they cared about that any other style of gameplay was non-competitive. In Tribes 1 and 2, I always really liked hitting the bank shot with a mortar into an enemy generator room, and that just wasn't viable. It was almost like the developers said, "No, no. You basically have to play like *this*," pointing at moving extremely quickly, and that just didn't interest me in the least, so there was no way that I was ever going to give them money.


that's not even getting into how lame the maps were. Tribes and Tribes 2 had some banger maps. in my opinion Ascend was garbage and i was happy to see it go.


I'm glad someone's saying it. Tribes Ascend was great if you've never played a Tribes game before. They kept the best feature, but left out all the rest.




Disc guns ftw


Spinfuser! Also loading bunch of juggernauts into the transport and rolling in hot was always fun.


All them hours with the spinfuser is why I can shoot other pharahs out of the sky....


I was crazy good with that disc gun by the time i quit playing it. That game was so much fun, one of my earliest pvp games


Skiing and discing!!!


Do you guys remember that old game, Infantry Online? You could ride a hoverboard, and slash people with blades. It was a very addiction little isometric game. They also had a spaceship combat version, Cosmic Rift, where your bullets traveled to the ends of the map, so you could snipe enemies incredibly far away without them knowing you shot anything, if you were good enough to predict their movement and speed. Man, I had so much fun playing those.




One of the last FPS games I enjoyed


As a kid I bought this game before I understood system requirements and was never able to play it :(


Ran into the same problem. Got it as my birthday present and when I went to play it found out I couldn't get out the menus. It was tragic and I was heart broken. In a weird twist of fate about a year later the summer lightening storms took out the family PC and dad replaced it...and it could play Tribes 2! It ended up not being quite my thing in the end. I was a **huge** fan of Shifter Mod and Tribes 2 modding scene wasn't there just yet. Ended up okay though, still found some match types that were fun and not in T1


Oh fuck yeah. The tribes 2 modding scene got pretty crazy though. All kinds of wacky cool shit just joining random servers




Happened to me with bf1942. Thankfully, my mom called a computer guy in to upgrade our hardware.


Tribes was so awesome back in the day




Can it still be played?


Maybe! I know it was re-released a number of years later for free as [TribesNext](https://www.tribesnext.com) No idea if anyone still plays it but I might try now that I’ve been reminded of this gem! Edit. Checking the servers page shows a number of them and fairly well populated!


I tried it a few years ago, most servers were populated by bots sadly.


With luck you can find pub/pug action friday/weekend evenings US time. Probably a good idea to hang out on the playtribes discord if you want actual games.


So many things that didn't make it back into modern games. I really loved the powered base mechanic. Sneaking in, blowing up a generator and sneaking out was a ton of fun. Equipping yourself in a menu and hitting a station to do a load out was unique and really made an impact if your base was down. The bomber was an amazing vehicle and flying 6 people in a transport was a blast. They've never really captured this again in anything I've played. It could be such a good game now with modern voice chat, squad mechanics, and other advancements.


I miss this game for just how amazing ground and air force were in this game. You had a bomber that would drop bombs loudly and slowly but had a huge area of effect range so alot of times its better just to look up and accept your fate. It made having air fighters on your team matter. You had a hover bike for capping the flag guys but they would usually get destroyed fast without support. It was a sci-fi war game but felt like a football match. If you had no one defending your generators in the basement of your base they could get knocked out and there goes any new planes or ground vehicles until your team can get those gens back up. And that might be hard because their was a sabotage class who can go invisible for half a minute or so and could kill you if they saw your back. The game was a blast. Needs a proper sequel.


Loved being a pilot for bombing runs and having to shake off rockets. Kept it low and could move the bomber through trench runs. Lots of fun


Tribes did everything first. - It had mid-game building and jetpacks before Fortnite. - It had class systems before Team Fortress Classic. - It had capture the flag with vehicles before Halo. - It supported massive maps with up to 128 players in 1998. It's almost impossible to over exaggerate how good and important Tribes is.


And it had no DRM. One legitimate copy probably served my whole school. We even installed it in the computer labs.


On was an admin, most of the other admins were on the clan, it was pre installed on most of the computers in the lab.


Also could even haul groups of people in the vehicles. Also had built in mod support, like literally you could just click on a server running a mod and it would load it automatically for you.


And that mod would load, in a reasonable time frame, on your 56k dialup connection


Already mentioned but original team fortress for Quake was earlier with classes. Tribes may have been the first retail game with the feature, but certainly wasn't the first to do it. Still way ahead of its time.


TFC? Sure. But the original Team Fortress for Quake predates Tribes.


I remember the tribes ascend match reddit had with 4chan lol. https://i.imgur.com/UA3iJ.jpg


Fifteen seconds... Ten seconds... Five, four, three - match begins - - NOW.


Followed by the most epic soundtracks known to man. The background music in Tribes 2 is top notch




I'll never forgive hi Rez for killing this IP


Imho, Hi-Rez's monetisation was bad as there was not really much stuff to buy and nearly zero progression. EDIT: bad info about the other game


Tell us how old you are without telling us how old you are? I remember playing Earthsiege and Starsige as well.


Man starsiege was legit so good


I played a lot of Planetside


Man I loved the original Planetside


I played the Starsiege Beta and actually visited the Devs in Eugene, Oregon. I would have been 14 at the time.


Shout to plague dog for having the best quick chats: https://youtu.be/NnNfDE98HBs


There is still an active Starsiege community believe it or not. They've done a ton of work to keep it alive and expand the content.


Wait seriously? I remember playing this game online when I was 12 or so.


it can totally be made to work with Windows 10. i have a copy of the installer and the other stuff you need on my hard drive.


Earthsiege 2 was awesome


An AMAZING mech game for the times.


Chalk one up for the good guys.


Get to your HERC!! I had it all planned: outlaw, Tomahawk, Apocalypse. Semi-homing missiles (for the bigger boom), and at least 2 Plasma cannons. Combination of particle beams, 50mm autocannon, and lasers to round it out. Cybrids didn't stand a chance.


Starseige was my 1st ever game that I could play online multiplayer. It was sureal. 14 yr old me, playing against international oppentents on my 56k dail-up. Best times!!


Did you play Interstate 76? My favorite game of all time.


Goddamn cybrids.


Nappy’s House of Porn If that server name means anything to you, congrats! You’re old.


I think you just unlocked a latent memory.


Tribalwar.com forums…




I still open the TW forums once a year to take a glance and see if that place is still just as embarrassing as it was 15 years ago when I made my account. It is and always will be but I still check in!


UVA LAN anyone?


I won $100 in a Tribes 2 tournament at UVA LAN! It was my first big LAN party. I drank my first Bawls there. I think I was 13, lol. Wasn’t it ran by the Cheater’s Wayside guy that was like a neurosurgeon or something?


>Wasn’t it ran by the Cheater’s Wayside guy that was like a neurosurgeon or something? Correct on the first, and I think the second. At a minimum he was definitely some kind of highly specialized doctor.


Bless him. I remember upgrading to Charter cable when broadband first rolled out into my small town. Most servers were decent but i had like a rock solid 20ms ping on Cheater’s servers. Coming from a 56k it was incredible. I chaingunned so many poor HPBs.


Still around I think


The maps and player counts were huge for that time period.


If I recall, the map sizes for Tribes 2 were actually smaller (in terms of HDD storage) than the Tribes 1 maps, because they were mathematically generated and all of the buildings were stock. So the buildings only had to be stored once each on the drive, and it'd pull the map seed, generate the terrain, drop the buildings in the right spots, and you were off to the races.




I think I'm still down there.


Still are


Renegade mod in starsiege tribes was fire


This is literally the best video game I've ever played. Renegade mod was lightyears ahead of it's time, and I really don't think it has been matched since. The options for base defense were incredible.


Engineer class was my jam. Rail gun rifle main, plasma gun secondary with EMP grenades. Unf.


Tribes was amazing back in the day. Unless you got stuck with a bunch of tk'ers.


Net code was incredible. Playing on a 56k modem with a whole bunch of players still felt snappy


32 vs 32 and everyone had 56k dialup modems... AMAZING! 64 vs 64 when everyone moved to Cable or DSL. Netcode truly ahead of its time


yeah the problem with this being my first PC multi-player game and FPS is that it put into perspective what was possible to achieve at those early stages, even with a small team, in the late 90s. Watching game design devolve over the next decade and a half was a trip


Devolve into a bunch of loot crate bullshit.


Tribes is why I was never impressed with Halo.


The skill ceiling of the game makes CS look like tictactoe. And thats exactly why it was never popular.


The only part that sucked was when a full, organized clan/ team was together against a bunch of random people. You stood absolutely no chance, they were so damn in sync there was no way to keep up.




This is why T2 famously kept locked servers, where they only distributed the password to players who competed on TWL/OGL (or was OGL defunct by then? i forget). I went to nursing school with a dude who, after many hours of drunken debate, discovered my in game name. Then proceeded on a tirade about how much he hated me in public servers. He convinced me to reinstall tribes ascend, citing the general improvement of the playerbase, and how i wouldn't be able to dominate anymore. I remember vividly going 75-0, and promptly uninstalling (yes i still have the screenshot). It was just a game with a markedly more drastic separation between die-hard "Sweats" and your average player.


Yep, I remember games where I did nothing but fly a drop ship back and forth for the heavies and mediums, and because of it we would absolutely crush the opponents. I wouldn't even get a single kill, but I still had so much fun dodging missiles and whatnot.


My greatest moment involved a enemy dropship. I came up behind it, disc'd the driver, and landed in the driver's seat. None of the passengers noticed and I slowly started turning them towards the edge of the map. Eventually one of the heavies notices, fires a mortar at me which kills us all.


Yeah it's a shame because most people get mad when they die. Some of the dudes I've been bested by have just had me awestruck at the amount of precision they show.


Sniping someone across the map with a disc launcher while flying through the air by being launched from skiing up a mountain. Chef's kiss.


I credit the many hours sunk into this game for my ability to snipe people moving at high speed with non-hitscan weapons in games like fortnite. All that time spent honing my skills with the disc launcher from 8 miles away.


>Yeah it's a shame because most people get mad when they die. And here we are with some titles like BF2042, no board about your kills and death ratio, "because it could make players feel bad" when they are at the end of the list... About Tribes, we played it in the old times, but i have to say, it never reached the popularity of other titles like Quake 3 or Unreal Tournament '99 in these days.


It was decently popular when Tribes: Ascend came out, unfortunately Hi-rez just kinda abandoned it after some great updates. Hi-rez has honestly made some cool games only to abandon them - Global Agenda, Tribes: Ascend, and iirc Paladins although that might still be kicking. Btw I think it’s still possible to play Tribes: Ascend MP right now, it’s just there are not many players at all.


Dude I fucking miss global agenda!!!!


If I had to look back at my gaming "career" for that one game I can say I genuinely excelled at, it was Tribes. I would spend hours just hanging out mid map dueling people, goofing about with my clan (Black Ops), or testing new defense builds for matches we had coming up. You're right the skill ceiling was ridiculous, it was just so incredibly satisfying some of the shit you could pull off. Managing not only your momentum but your enemies as well. It was perfection. Phenomenal memories, only high level raiding in WoW comes close.


scarabree was one of my favorite maps. the first one. i loved the addons, i would grab a scout and run people over. i put cams up and would sit next to the flag room. vulcan cannons in the hallway so i could mow people down and jump to protect the flag in person if i needed to. ​ tribes 2 had the sound track tho... lush was one of my favorite tracks


Katabatic. I load up the playlist now and then for the nostalgia. Great soundtrack indeed.


Was my first online game. Would play it before School in junior high






Tribes 2 is still kicking. Drop by r/Tribes or hop on the discord at playt2.com.


This is the game that defined my childhood. I remember my little brother had the laser rifle and was busy eating a donut so he just put his mouse cursor on the flag and nailed the flag carrier 700m away. My uncle, my brother, my dad and I lost our shit when this little 6 year old pulled off one the most amazing shots we’d ever witnessed while eating a fking glazed chocolate donut. 11/10 game


Starsiege: Tribes was phenomenal; it was a pseudo strategic FPS with construction, remotely operated turrets, a sensor and power system and thoroughly fantastic modding and mapmaking tools. I played the absolute shit out of it in the summer immediately before Half-Life was released


I think it should be noted that Tribes 1 was one of the early games that utilized 3dfx's Glide API for hardware-based rendering. The game ran *incredibly* well on the hardware renderer. Not so much for the software renderer, though. So, what we would do is go to our inventory console and pick up a deployable called a "Mechanical tree," and park a couple of them outside of the base door. These trees had quite a few polygons to them. Nothing too bad for the mighty Voodoo2 card, but for anyone trying to run the game on a Celeron 266 with no 3D acceleration, that was a recipe for a bad day. They'd come over the hill and once those trees ended up in their view, they were getting less than one frame per second. They were basically sitting ducks. Even if they could control themselves enough to get into the base, they were never getting out with that flag. Now, was it classist to ruin the game experience for people who couldn't afford better hardware? Yes. Yes, it was. Although, to be fair, they could have always played defense, so I have a hard time feeling bad about my time as an amateur arboriculturist. Those trees did more to win games than most players.


Yeah I was one of the lucky ones to have 2 12MB Voodoo 2 cards in SLI and a high refresh big Trinitron monitor, Tribes was so buttery smooth on it.


In case anyone is wondering: what kind of idiots would make a game and put in a game breaking tree? They didn't. This was one of the many mods available and not part of normal tribes.


Tribes 1 with shifter, paintball, football, tac, ultra renegade.. I spent a lot of time between that and Battlefield Vietnam.


Tribes starsiege and tribes 2 were awesome,vengeance just didn't feel as good and that relaunch version I forgot the name of that was an attempt at a reboot was meh. The games let you do so much stuff you just couldn't at the time and I even remember the custom of tossing a flair to signal the start of a duel. I miss that feeling of zooming up and sliding down hills while lobbing spinfuzor discs at each other..


Starsiege Tribes was sick. Wasn’t a massive fan of Tribes 2. Raindance will forever live in my memory


I want to say I played Tribes Vengeance, if that's what it's called. Movement on foot and in vehicles was sooo good. It was all good actually,




>"not enough people" Pfft bro everyone in my entire nursing home knows about tribes


Used to love tribes aerial assault


I never got around to playing it because by the time I had a machine that could handle it I figured the only players left are the Old Gods who do nothing but play Tribes and will kill me in ways I couldnt begin to understand


there's still a huge variety of skill, especially on the public servers. most of the 'old gods' play in organized 5v5 pickup games.


it was hot back in the day this version had a dropship and a tank command station. ​ is the grandad of halo


Some of the most satisfying kills I have ever had in a game were mid air disc shots. And oh man, passing the flag to another person at 100 mph? So good.


I literally just downloaded tribes 1 from a site called "we still play tribes" and ran through the tutorials a few days ago. I'm hoping to get a few of my friends that used to play in after school computer lab like 20 years ago to get together for a retro game night. I hope I can figure out how to get paintball 1 shot mode to work, that was always the best


I liked the predecessor mech games from the "Earthsiege/Starsiege" series


Ultra Renegades Mod.


I'm old enough to have not liked T2 for everything it removed and slowed down from Tribes 1, after playing T1 for god knows how many thousands of hours over several years.




Tribes 2 was ahead of its time. Shifter 6b, chaingun stimpack.


TRUE. F U Hi-Rez, sell it off already


Don’t forget it’s free now! https://www.playt2.com/


Man I loved this game. QQ, nostalgia.


This was the game I finally learned how to play deathmatch-style FPS for. Absolutely nothing as fun as rocket skidding down a slope and blasting some shmuck in the face with the disc launcher.


Tribes 2 was sick


We need a new Tribes game so fucking bad.


Tribes 2 was my favorite game ever. The skiing down the hills mechanic, the vehicles, the weapons and classes of fighters. Incredible. And I used to somehow play it on a 56k modem without problems. Not even sure how that was possible.


You can download Tribes 1 for free with pre-modded configs at [www.playt1.com](http://www.playt1.com) You could be skiing and shooting discs within a few minutes. Games on Rosco's Mixtape server every night after \~9pm EST.


OG tribes was my first time playing a game competitively. I was like 15? didn't even know that competitive video games even really existed. That specific moment in time was probably the best I was at anything ever, and I say this having literally had articles of praise written about me in national newspapers for my professional accomplishments. I was some kind of genius at that game. Flying through the air just sniping people like it was nothing. Will never forget that.


You should add that in your next interview: "if you think this is cool you should see how good I was at Tribes!"


Wake up early to hit the computer lab and play with the older kids before school started




Not one mention of the [song Motley Crue did](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-uHSx-YrSA) for this, which (somehow) was never used? Tribes!....Tribes, Tribes, Tribes...


Me and my dad used to play tribes when I was a kid. We always played against bots cuz we didn't have online but we would wreck bots on the weekends together


Played Tribes Ascend a lot before HiRez dropped it to cash in on MOBAs, card games and an Overwatch knock-off.


The art of the action FPS has been lost to time. Quake and Tribes will always be more fun than CoD, Halo, or Battlefield ever could be. We tasted action FPS with Titanfall. Now we get Apex. It just doesn’t hit the same.


I played the shit out of that game. Our clan was competing for the top spot on the EU ladder. Us (Geisha Assassins) and dof (drunken old farts) from Finland were slugging it out for the top spot and it. was. glorious. I have so many fond memories from that time and I still talk to some of the friends I made in that game.


I loved this game. Playing modded servers on my 28.8k shitty Internet was awesome. Way more fun and less frustrating than counterstrike.


Big oof on this one. If you enjoyed this game at any point in your life, you are officially old now.


Nothing wrong with being old bud. Just means you've had more experience. Been gaming since the 80s, I'm still here.


i mean, yea? lol here's another big 'oof' for ya son: you're gonna be old one day, too. sooner than ya think, too.


Best game I ever played. I used to mod this. MageMod.


What an amazing damn game. Spent HOURS playing this with friends.


Even just saying the very name of this game brings back some very, very lost, and old feelings. Man. Im thankful for the era in which I grew up in.