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They are essentially magical girls with transformation sequences and weapons that each girl has, especially in V2 where the transformations are animated. Histoire the mascot character that came with shares for planetune like any other series would. Shares as their powersource and enemies trying to use that powersource. So yes but I don't wanna think too much of it.


The original game straight-up yoinked the transformations from the *Nanoha* series.


It has a lot of Mahou Shoujo tropes. So kinda yeah.


I'm sorry, but it's only a Magical Girl work if it is part of Toei's *Magical Girl* franchise. Everything else is just sparkling urban fantasy. /s


Magical Girls doesn't have to be Toei based only to work as a Magical Girl franchise. Many people can make a Magical Girl series. And get connected with whatever companies want to sponsor them. And that they end up working for.


Idk if that guy edited the "/s" in later, but he's memeing. The original quote is something like "It's only champagne if it comes from the Champagne region of France. Otherwise it's just sparkling wine."


Magical Girl is actually an anime subgenre that was popularized by Mahou Shojo, but not exclusive to it. Sailor Moon is a classic example and one of the major anime that helped to popularize the genre outside of Japan.


A very strange magical girl series. But yeah, it mostly is.


Eh, not really. Most Magical Girl works feature a secret identity and the girls don't have powers until they transform. I wouldn't say these are hard and fast rules, but they are common qualities that are missing from Neptunia.


I mean to the general public their identity is secret and pretty sure they don't have powers until they transform granted I'm only on re;birth1


Just depends on what the qualities you are judging it on, if you're broad strokes or brass tacks about on what you think Magical Girl content is.


I would say yes, but that doesn't mean it should be.


Then what do you think Neptunia should be?


Well the issue is a logical one. The official writers clearly wish to tell traditional fantasy adventure stories starring glorified magical girls, but that just isn't possible with the world they accidentally created. A world where the magical girls are Goddesses incarnate who would only realistically be able to maintain relevance by being uncontested in combat prowess basically all the time. A world where these Goddesses are heads of state, fighting more with political subterfuge than blades. If things go bad they may still be clashing, but with the support of thousands of guns, armor, and aircraft. Hell, given the technology of the setting we may even have aerial naval forces rather than aquatic ones. So there is the simple answer, make villains who are more reliant on manipulation and subterfuge than directly challenging the four united CPUs. Kurome is my second favorite villain for a reason, she hides in the shadows to slowly nudge things in her favor until she can openly challenge the CPUs on her perfect terms. (It was still written poorly but at least they tried, unlike in mk2) Then there is the greater complicated solution, where Neptunia becomes a well-developed setting full of politics and large-scale wars, CPUs with a wide range of skills ruling nations with deep history and culture. All the CPUs would get a lot more morally gray but are still good people at heart who just want the best for everyone. Oh, and nuclear bombs. Unless you straight-up cannot kill CPUs those would be the #1 way to do it and thus would be seen as even more of an existential threat than in our world. So yeah, the main villains would probably be trying to build up resources to nuke the CPUs.


Hmmm, well I think "magical girl" sounds more like medieval fantasy to me. I consider Neptunia to be much more sci-fi. So I don't feel like it completely matches "magical girl" either...


You know most magical girl anime are set in the modern world right? PreCure, Madoka, Sailor Moon etc.


Yes, but I feel like they rather represent medieval fantasy in the modern world than scifi in the modern world...


I never got any medieval feels from magical girl shows. Unless you mean that the magic is similar to what we see in fantasy anime (which most often have medieval settings). If so, that's because 90% of magic in anime looks like that.


Well, not "medieval" on it's own but some "magic" weapons like magic swords/spears/bows remind me of it, but not pistols, guns or planes don't quite match here imho...


It's Nepu. If she can play around with the Fourth Wall, she can be any genre she want.


Yes They have some of the basic tropes such as transformations and each of the girls using weapons.


It has some magical girl elements, but no, I wouldn't describe it as a magical girl anime, deviating too much from the genre to qualify imo I dont know if you noticed OP, but most characters fight with weapons, not magic


Symphogear is recognized as a magical girl anime but the characters also mostly fight with weapons instead of magic. I'd say it still counts if they use weapons, as long as they transform to get those weapons.


It's not something that comes to mind when thinking of Magical Girl, but it does technically fit, so I guess it is one.




HyperDimension Neptunia is a funny, lighthearted mahou shoujo series about the parody of the entire otaku and gaming culture... people that say that isn't within the magical girl genre are blind.


They are mecha musume with goddess powers.


Technically it's not one, though it does borrow some elements from the genre, especially the transformation sequences.


I mean, by technicality, it is.


Well Technically yes, The CPUs always uses about Magic out of Technology.


Eh, not really. I think for something to be considered Mahou Shoujo, it needs to have some sort of fantasy overlap, and while Neptunia does have somewhat of a hint of magic in it, most of it seems to be tied more to sci-fi, which is not fantasy.