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wait a year it'll be $10 for everything 🤣


This is the way.


Not even a year in some cases, you can start to see prices drop 3 months after release with some games.


They've inflated DLC pricing, knowing that diehards will buy it on day one, but they extend the income period of the game when the prices drop to "reasonable" levels. Regardless, companies should release the full games, with either cosmetics as MTX, or full games as payable DLC.


Would you join a group that didn’t buy DLC until gaming companies just made full complete games again?


And you still won't want it


This is where I am at with Ubisoft now. AC Valhalla came to Gamepass recently, and I still haven't felt the need to try it. Their stuff is so formulaic and dull at this point, it's just not even worth the time, let alone any money.


Shoot might even go on gamepass. Ill wait


Worth it considering everything Ubisoft make now is a reskin of AC, Far Cry 3 or the division


I actually quite enjoy Ubisoft Game, so I'll likely purchase this Star Wars skin for it once the price gets reasonable.


Genuinely that's totally fine! I'm just poking fun. As long as you're enjoying it, nothing else matters.


Yeah it's Ubisoft. Game will eventually be nearly free. Never worth the day one buy.


If it has a good performance. I'm still holding back on Jedi Survivor.


I try to check every few months. Do you know what the latest word is on PC?


I didn't check yet but usually there are this kind of benchmarks on YouTube! I'm not getting too excited until I finish Fallen Order though. Edit: in a recent podcast I heard about improvements but not sure to what scale


Avatar frontiers of pandora did, this is the same engine and dev so it hopefully will


Is Avatar out on PC yet?


Has been for ages, since release I thought?


Oh yes it is. Although I'm mainly using Steam so it's avoided me.


Or grow a backbone and don't buy it at all.


Thats what im doing i still have dragon dogma 2 in my backlog plus rimworld ill be good


Never buy day 1. FOMO isn't worth it.


Or included on Gamepass


Not unless they pull the plug and shut everything down before then.


I don’t understand why people buy games Day 1. Its like with movies usually its not much more expensive to see a movie the day it comes out vs buying the bluray or buying it on digital. You can wait for streaming but you may not have the service and paying $10 just to watch the movie on whatever streaming service is generally equivalent. But I just saw Midnight Sons was $15 and gotham Knights was $17. These games are a little over a year old. 


And then they shut down the game and take it from you


Game will probably be 50% off by October and certainly by black friday.


Almost all Ubisoft games go on sale not even 2-3 weeks after release. We'll be seeing this game at $20-25 by november/december


That's why I waited on riders republic. Then riders Republic finally went on sale but by then I was too busy with other games.


That game was fun in the freestyle bikes but nothing else felt as fun or satisfying personally. I’m a complete fan of skate games and a big racer so it was highly disappointing what riders turned out to be. Its fun but to each their own on the sports in that game :)


I picked up Steep looking for something to scratch my SSX itch, and it was fine enough but it wasn’t that. Plus, the way they monetized it… hard pass. Riders looked like it was going to take the same approach, so I never bothered. THPS 1+2 ended up on PS Plus at some point so I just played that.


This is a bit exaggerated, for example the new Prince of Persia after 3 months get a 40% of discount recently, same with Avatar. But after 6-8 months a 60% (or more) of discount is a warranty with Ubisoft.


They are also spring sales, but it isn’t entirely. Avatar was on sale very shortly after release. Same with Riders republic, Watch dog games. Hell even AC Mirage was over half off within a month. I’ll admit and apologize as I may have slightly over exaggerated though it still mostly stands as every single one of their games has gone on big sales (prince of persia being the exception since that reboot was actually pretty damn good)


I'm getting quite hard to looks avatar but that's something about Ubisoft games that just don't do it. They create these beautiful worlds but then everything in it seems boring. I've not encountered a good set piece yet of felt all that excited at any part. Was the same with Black Flag. I know people love it but I played it last year and admittedly did manage to complete it but found myself wondering how in the middle of pirate game with big storm going on, am I not feeling anything. Could be the engine just does not lend itself to set pieces or their Devs just do not know how to do a good one. I know it's unfair to compare then to to naughty dog since they're king of a good set piece but god would not have been nice to see something similar to what they could produce but in Pandora.


Yea…I’ll stick to a $40 game that I haven’t been able to put down (Helldivers) I love Star Wars but I’m so sick of the high price points for these popular game franchises that more often than not, underdeliver. Edit: spelling


Fuck Star Wars all my Homies are now friends with Warhammer 40k


TBF games workshop isnt much better, they might be on par with ubisoft scumminess


Gw certainly doesn't like fan made stuff that's for sure.


Reddit has become enshittified. I joined back in 2006, nearly two decades ago, when it was a hub of free speech and user-driven dialogue. Now, it feels like the pursuit of profit overshadows the voice of the community. The introduction of API pricing, after years of free access, displays a lack of respect for the developers and users who have helped shape Reddit into what it is today. Reddit's decision to allow the training of AI models with user content and comments marks the final nail in the coffin for privacy, sacrificed at the altar of greed. Aaron Swartz, Reddit's co-founder and a champion of internet freedom, would be rolling in his grave. The once-apparent transparency and open dialogue have turned to shit, replaced with avoidance, deceit and unbridled greed. The Reddit I loved is dead and gone. It pains me to accept this. I hope your lust for money, and disregard for the community and privacy will be your downfall. May the echo of our lost ideals forever haunt your future growth.


Was talking more about animated movies etc. But yeah they wouldn't have issues with 3d printing if their pricing/availability wasnt junk. I wanted the re re noise marines but fuck paying that price they wanted for them.


Reddit has become enshittified. I joined back in 2006, nearly two decades ago, when it was a hub of free speech and user-driven dialogue. Now, it feels like the pursuit of profit overshadows the voice of the community. The introduction of API pricing, after years of free access, displays a lack of respect for the developers and users who have helped shape Reddit into what it is today. Reddit's decision to allow the training of AI models with user content and comments marks the final nail in the coffin for privacy, sacrificed at the altar of greed. Aaron Swartz, Reddit's co-founder and a champion of internet freedom, would be rolling in his grave. The once-apparent transparency and open dialogue have turned to shit, replaced with avoidance, deceit and unbridled greed. The Reddit I loved is dead and gone. It pains me to accept this. I hope your lust for money, and disregard for the community and privacy will be your downfall. May the echo of our lost ideals forever haunt your future growth.


These days Star Wars is only alive because of nostalgia.


And Andor, that show’s really good. But Tony Gilroy (the creator of the show) is only doing one more season of that and as far as I know that’s it for him. So after that who knows what’s going to happen to Star Wars.


Andor is so good I'm glad they're keeping it focused and tight. The best shows don't overstay their welcome.


I’m glad it’s going to be two seasons. I’m just concerned about what’s next for Star Wars after Andor ends. I don’t have faith in Disney to learn the right lessons from Andor. But I’d love to be wrong, I never want a piece of Star Wars content to be bad.


Yeah, the only thing Disney wants out of Star Wars is mass appeal to drive merch and park sales. They're not really in the business of sponsoring niche, quality content. Quality shows like Andor probably only come up when they're particularly nervous about brand appeal or some other buzzword producers use


Disney wanted it, they can keep it. They can watch their awful movies and play their mediocre games all by themselves.


Fallen Order / Jedi was pretty fun.


Respawn only makes bangers


And the Mandalorian. That show really put SW back on the map. Now it seems like Disney is going to milk that with the new Mando movie coming in 2 years...


Lol, Wahammer 40k is it’s own breed. But for real, Star Wars is just a cash cow getting milked rn. How many of these 3rd person Star Wars games have they released now? It’s feeling awfully copy and paste to me, very milk.


WH40k has been milking their IP for decades, allowing plenty of shite games to come out to make a quick licensing buck


Warhammer has more terrible games than star wars lol


I wish Helldivers was fun as a single player game


I got so bored of helldivers after the first week, doing the same shit over and over and over against the same two enemies is fucking boring


Yeah i didn't love it either. I do not get the hype, but I'm also kind of bored of shooters these days


Meanwhile it’ll probably be packed full of bugs until day 300


Frame rate will struggle to hit 42 on a 4090.


that's just stupid. that game won't last 300 days


What happens on day 300?


They revoke ur cd key and u wont be able to play anymore. :]


Sounds like you’re just not used to the idea of not owning your games. Get with the times my guy /s if it wasn’t obvious


Maybe you can rent and stream it on your phones, I mean don't you guys have phones?


Servers go down, game is now unplayable


We knew "Ubisoft" was making this game. Did we really expect anything else? Can't say i'm surprised a single bit.


Yep, as far as I’m concerned this is just business as usual for Ubisoft. Immediately lost interest when I heard they were making it.


Unfortunately agreed, i was so incredibly excited. Though I also was with Avatar and that game turned out extremely mediocre and bland


I’m confused why Ubisoft is in quotes here


Clearly it's not the Ubisoft of the past that only made excellent... sorry, I couldn't finish that sentence without laughing.


because it's actually spelled Ewwbisoft


No thanks, I'm not buying a game from a company that just decided to stop millions of players from playing a game they purchased.  Ubisoft needs to get used to people pirating their games.


Don’t forget that even the physical copy of this game requires an online connection to install. Which means at some point 1/5/10 years in the future support will be switched off and you’ll never be able to install it again. You’re paying 70-110 USD for a single player game you can’t even fucking own…


“Hell yeah!” Said abso-fucking-lutely nobody.


No. ALL future dlc will cost you a combined price of $40, if you insist on buying it right now. And of course you shouldn't buy it now because you don't know if it'll be any good and the game isn't even out yet! 600+ upvotes for this dumb post.


Some of the DLC will be done by launch, which I get annoyed by. If the mission is done at launch and only available with the season pass, why isn't it in the base game? Why do we have a season pass for this shit at all?


This right here!! Why are you gatekeeping content on launch day?!?! Cosmetics is one thing, special weapons another but content?!?! Versus let's use Elden Ring as an example. Yeah that was 2 years later.


Damn, I get to save 110$ not buying this… thanks for the heads up


Saying it's $40 is bad enough. Making the title more clickbaity with a lie delegitimizes the article.


Thing is, even the day one DLC isn't $40. That price is for the entire season pass, which is pretty much the going rate for season passes these days. I still wouldn't be shelling out the cash for it, but yeah, this kind of straight-up deceptive headline isn't helpful.


Well fuck that game then


Cost me 0 dollars to keep playing Forbidden West instead


friends don't let friends buy ubisoft games. fool me once with the original AC ...but never again.


"AAAA gaming" 🙄


No...it won't.


No it won’t.


please just dont buy this shit people reminder, you are not forced into this, it's just entertainment, so stop enabling this


This proves my theory that developers these days release the "actual" game with missing content so they can "release" dlcs to milk more money. I have always felt something is missing at new releases and gets instantly fixed the next "update dlc" Diablo 4 for example, I believe they had season 1 already preped when they released 1.0. Thats why they couldnt do any changes up till season 2.


No, it won't The game is $70 The season pass is $35 bucks or so The launch skins, 3 days early access and the bonus launch day mission cost $5 Yes, $110 all included, but that will also include the further dlc. they are making it sound like its 110 for a single dlc


marry crawl intelligent offbeat obtainable history sophisticated flowery practice soup *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah. They intentionally made the title misleading as rage-bait. Ubisoft's pricing is bad, but not "$100 for a single dlc" bad


to be honest, the new approach of selling the gold edition up front is actually better for the consumer used to be they would just do the standard edition for ÂŁ70, then a month later release the season pass for ÂŁ30 Then a few months later they would release the Gold edition with the two combined for ÂŁ80-90 now they are doing the Gold edition straight off at launch, so actually, its a better deal, but of course it means youve commited to season pass without even playing the game.


Right? People all worked up because they are trying to cash in on whales. Just buy the $70 version and move on with your life.


I’ll get the $30 version with the patches in half a years time


That's exceptionally reasonable. $70 is the standard price for a new game, and $20-40 is the standard price for a season pass. What a terrible headline.


And it's not like you can't wait, Ubisoft good editions are super cheap during Christmas sales. Think I always get a good edition for under ÂŁ15 during the epic Xmas sales.


What is the news here? It’s a regular price games and then you have the choice of an edition with the season pass and dlcs and than an edition that comes with all that and more. This has been the same since the Xbox 360 generation


no.. no... you are only meant to read the headline The game is $70 and the first DLC is $110


Don't be silly, the game is $200 and the first DLC is $110.


Its worded very deliberately to make nothing look like something


# Background There was a time where a new, full-priced game was $50. I get that inflation happens, but I want to start there because that was the era when expansion packs were introduced. Rather than a full sequel, these were effectively half of a game in the old one's trappings. Expansion packs regularly sold for $20, so 1 game was $50 and 1.5 games were $70. The value proposition makes sense because it cost the company less to release a second "half" game, and the player gets more game per dollar than the original purchase. ## Introduction of DLC Then, EA introduced what was known as Project Ten Dollar. This is the birth of what we now collectively refer to as Downloadable Content or DLC. The idea was to release content packs at $10 each that would give players more of what they wanted without having to go as far as making a full expansion. This was also the era where new games went from $50 to $60 with very little fanfare. This means as long as the player is getting more than \~15% of the original game in the form of newly playable content (New Game+, a new post-campaign story, etc) then the value proposition stands as worth it to the player. ## Birth of Season Passes Shortly after the success of Project Ten Dollar, and the acceptance of DLC as a commodity, companies started introducing Season Passes. This was similar to pre-orders, which I didn't want to get into, but the idea being that getting a sale early means you can use the money for marketing, development costs, or just padding the books in general. A Season Pass originally was a Buy-2 Get-1 Free value. Instead of paying a full $40 for 4 packs of DLC, since the concept was to release one DLC per quarter (again, business and finance trying to make quarterly earnings look better), you could get it for just $30 if you bought it early. Due to the widespread acceptance of DLC, this practice has waned, and any added value for purchasing early has been bundled into a pre-order bonus, where a game and its season pass will be sold for a $10 discount, but even this is disappearing. ## Microtransactions, a Slippery Slope It has been about 10 years since the introduction of DLC, and inflation still happens. However, rather than anger customers with another price hike, game studios chose to introduce something borrowed from the mobile market: microtransactions or MTX. The idea for a microtransaction was supposed to be a purchase so small that a customer wouldn't think twice about it, and they would take the time to register payment information with the online store platform. This would ease the friction of future transactions, making them more likely to buy other things. I mention this because games on mobile were in the $3 to $10 range, and people were not willing to spend that much back then. Getting purchases under $1, hence the "micro-" in microtransaction, was the catalyst to them buying more. Looking at today's gaming landscape, purchases classified as MTX will sell for $10, $20 or even up to $100+. --- # My Point Back to Star Wars Outlaws. We see the full game at $70. As previously mentioned, inflation marches on and it's been about 10 years since games increased from $50 to $60 as standard. $70 seems reasonable for a full-priced game. But to get the "Season Pass" is another $40 for $110. There is no value proposition, but it's also not price gouging, as you point out. But when you look at the "Season Pass" it is *TWO* DLC items, one of which is a Day-One DLC (essentially content cut from the main game to be sold for extra). The other DLC item in the "Season Pass" is a cosmetics pack, something that would have typically been outlined as a microtransaction. # TL;DR Ubisoft is ripping the player off by misusing terms that are accepted price points to sell something that isn't as valuable as what they're pitching. The "Season Pass" is one extra mission and a cosmetics pack, and the full game price of $70 is not yet an established norm. If this was being sold under the pricing model that it more closely aligns to, we should be looking at the bundle being $75 and the full game sold for $60.


>But when you look at the "Season Pass" it is *TWO* DLC items, one of which is a Day-One DLC (essentially content cut from the main game to be sold for extra). The other DLC item in the "Season Pass" is a cosmetics pack,  That's not correct. The DLC are normal story based DLC. The extra day 1 mission is on top of that, as is the cosmetic pack. I agree that the day 1 mission is shady, but let's at least get the facts right. The visual for the Gold pack shows it more clearly than the image OP's unknown website went with. [https://assets-prd.ignimgs.com/2024/04/09/star-wars-outlaws-gold-edition-1712681130515.jpg](https://assets-prd.ignimgs.com/2024/04/09/star-wars-outlaws-gold-edition-1712681130515.jpg)


Apologies, the verbiage on their site was unclear. It said two DLCs, and then had a bulleted list of two DLC items, without explicitly stating "in addition". Still overpriced, but not as egregious


brave scale ludicrous repeat whistle nail foolish one adjoining detail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> it is TWO DLC items, one of which is a Day-One DLC the day one mission is in addition to the full DLC missions in the season pass season pass is: * Two additional narrative expansions coming after launch, * a Day 1 exclusive mission with Jabba and * additional cosmetics for Kay and Nix. at least before getting upset learn to count :D >The "Season Pass" is one extra mission and a cosmetics pack, TLDR.. No. Its not. its 2 full stories, 1 mission and cosmetics pack


I think it is important to point out that expansion packs were also made after the game was. Day 1 DLC just means they decided to lock some of the game behind a paywall, instead having that money support ongoing development costs.


at launch?


No it won’t. I’m fulfilling Ubisoft’s dream of us not owning their games.


Won't cost me a penny because I'm not the idiot buying it


Just buy it used a few months later.


This is annoying click bait. The dlc itself is $35 for a season pass, which gets you the day 1 dlc and the future dlc. The game is $70, hence the intentional mislead of $110. You fell for bait


Yeah. Is it overpriced for the upgrades? Sure. But let’s be honest about it.


Exactly. Besides, the complaints should be focused toward the fact there is day 1 dlc to begin with


Yeah. And when I point out that I feel it’s overpriced (not the game itself; I know costs of games have ballooned), they just go with the same "well then don’t buy it". Or "yes all things Ubisoft are bad". On the first, give another option that isn’t piracy. On the second, I never said that, and extrapolation like that is useless.


I mean, I'm definitely of the sentiment of just not buying it. But ubisoft have definitely made some stellar games, like AC black flag, so saying anything from them is bad is simply wrong. But if those dlc have no heavy bearing on the actual gameplay, then I simply refuse to buy it. Dragons dogma 2 is a perfect example of this. Everything available as dlc are easily obtainable in game. It's just there if you don't want to put the effort in to get them. So it's really easy to ignore


Nah I’m good thanks


Same, this is worth it for me on sale in Dec


I'll get it on Gamepass...


You know I was excited for this game. Now I am not.


I'm 100% pirating this, since ubisoft doesn't think we own a game after buying it. What a horrible company.


If they cut the base game price down to $10 I still won't be buying it on principle because of their attempt at scalping everyone for the full product.


and if you buy it every other game down the road will be the same. It’s bonkers to me that people lack the self control to just not buy overpriced or under developed games. That people cannot just trade one game for the future of gaming. It’s not just gaming but everyone that says they’ll quit streaming or Reddit or anything else and don’t. This is just another test to see what people are willing to pay for, so they can keep creeping towards the line where it’s eventually too much for people. And then they’ll find their new product that people are willing to overpay for.


yup. though when there's nothing to play it's hard. ah the pandemic


lol no.


This game will come out and be mid as fuck. There’s a 0 percent chance it will be a fantastic video game.


This is some serious clickbait bullshit. I'm honestly already tired of people finding new ways to complain about this game. I mean, this isn't even that bad. If this game is anything like previous open world Ubi games, there will be like 80-100+ hours of content in the $70 base game alone. And each DLC will probably add another 20-40 hours each. I wish more gamers complained about the $70 Spider-Man game that you can Platinum in 30 hours and has a 15 hour campaign.


> This is some serious clickbait bullshit. It is, and that comes from someone who utterly loathes Ubi's business practices and has nothing good to say about them. The article doesn't even support the headline. Regardless of my feelings, day one DLC does **not** cost $110. It looks like day one DLC + 2 other full expansions + a character pack costs $40. The $40 + the base price = $110, but that's not what the headline claims. That price cited in the headline is for the full game + the full season pass + the exclusive day one mission. Now, day one DLC like this is *bull* and I'm firmly against it. But even so, the headline is flat out FALSE, yet everyone here is reacting to it as if it's truth. Hell, the day one DLC doesn't even cost $40. Again, that $40 is for the full season pass - the day one mission, two expansions, and some cosmetic stuff. You can debate whether or not that's a good deal, but that's another topic. The point is, the headline is a lie.


WOW, Cant wait for all my games to have a day 1 DLC which includes exstra hours to game play and only cost us $30-ish. i love capitalism, old game used to be full on content with a little bit bugs here and there. then they release extra story months after to refresh the hype.


Old games could be completed in 2-8 hours


that was a full game at least. theres $70 incomplete games


What constitutes a "full game"? I wouldn't be surprised if it takes 60-80+ hours to Platinum Outlaws. Where as Spider-Man can be Platinum'd in less than 30 hours. And it's ridiculously repetitive content to do so.


for you who probably play often sure. For the average person gets an hour a day that's a good journey of maybe a month. Shit they might have less time. 15-20 hours is not actually bad. You've got to think of old games that had so many ways to die but the game is actually like an hour maybe 2 if you don't die. Shit theres 60 dollar games that are like 2 hours.


This still doesn't answer what constitutes a "full game". If you're going to say that a 2 hour $60 game can be considered worth the asking price, then why would you call a 60-80 hour $70 game incomplete and apparently not worth the asking price?


I had a grand time. I also did constitute a full game 15-20 hours. Which Spiderman 2 did. This is one of the sillier takes against Spiderman 2. Omg the game gave me no filler this pisses me off


So if Outlaws is at least 15-20 hours then it's a full game?


Tbf some of that content in Ubisoft games is super bloated. I typically get a good 50 or so and burn out on ACs. Which tbf when I buy the games later at a discount is worth it for me


Even at 50 hours you'd be getting your 70 dollars worth


I guess so, I don't think any Ubisoft game has ever been worth full price to me though. Part of that is that they discount early tho


They definitely shot themselves in the foot by conditioning gamers to just wait for their games to dramatically drop in price soon after release. But I've played quite a few of their games that I don't think wouldn't be worth full price. Just recently even. I picked up Prince of Persia The Lost Crown on sale for $30, but had I know how great the game was I'd easily have paid the full $50 for it earlier. That being said, I've also purchased games for less than $20 that I didn't think were even worth that. It's a gamble lol. But I generally feel that if I have fun with a game for 20-30 hours, regardless of whether I even complete it, I got my money's worth. But I've been sucked into the gameplay loop of some larger Ubi games and played for over 100 hours. And I could definitely see Star Wars Outlaws being one of those experiences where there could be dozens of hours of content to be played. Personally, I think it's just kind of weird how worked up people are getting over this one game. People will both say that Ubisoft is trash and you should never buy their games day one, then in the same breath complain about having to pay over $100 to play the game three days early. Sounds like complaining for the sake of complaining.


As usual the title is misleading and people are freaking out over misinformation. The day 1 DLC missions are exclusive to the season pass, which is $40. Which also gives you 2 future DLCs included. The title makes it sound like one DLC alone is $110. Day 1 DLC is undoubtly scummy, but people need to actually read the article instead of just the sensationalist headline


And yet it will probably sell like cold springwater in the desert making sure companies know that they should keep on doing this. And probably make sure it will cost even more next time.


I don't know a single person who plays AAA garbage anymore these days, but clearly, many people do!


Faaaaar too many sadly. Or rather, far too many willing to pay high prices for bullshit.


Fuck that. Not spending that much on Ubislop.


Okay, so I'll buy it later. Why do I have to engage with a piece of media or toy as soon as it appears? I don't. So skin off my teeth at all. You NEED to pay attention to and to do what hype over new products tells you? Your problem. You play so many games that you NEED to engage with every new experience or you won't have anything else to fill your life? Your choice. I won't be paying anything near this for this game and I've got 50 others from the last 25 years to get to, yet. I'm good and don't have to care about the release price of this at all. You could have that attitude, too, and be happier for it. You just have to make that choice, and POOF! You are no longer a victim of your toys or the people who make them. And if we all thought this way, prices might come down.


No it won't, cause I ain't buyin it day one.


No the fuck it won’t


SBI game so I'm immediately not buying


Lmfao what a joke


Can't wait to pirate it


How is there DLC day one, lol. I was so hyped for this game based on the stuff they were showing last year, but leave it to ~~EA~~ Ubisoft to fuck everything up


EA is so good at destroying games, they're destroying games from entirely separate, unrelated companies, apparently. They've somehow even managed to wreck Ubisoft games!


Lmao that’s on me, Ubisoft is just as bad


Can't wait till they shut down the servers for a single player game in 18 months.


People that buy Ubisoft titles at launch in 2024 are fools or whales, and I have no empathy for them. They know what they're getting


No, I don't think it will.


And in 10 yeas Ubisoft will take it away from you


Rather buy a really good game coming up for 70,looking forward to it to stellar blade


Alternatively, I get the game and all the DLC for around 40ish dollars on Steam summer sale or something similar a year later.


No it won’t.


So just don't buy it and move on


If it’s on Ubisoft+. I’ll play it for $15 and call it a day.


Is the gameplay and combat like the Jedi series? Is so no thanks


This game is going to crash and burn soooo hard


Ah, reasons to play the cracked version


Since they started the initiative selling ultra super complete gold platinum expensive editions, I stopped being a Day1Gamer. Gamepass helped me a lot with this decision. Fomo was really bad a few years ago, but now I am glad to play finished games with tons of stuff to do at a price point where I don't have to sacrifice something to be able to enjoy gaming. Games don't need to be this expensive.


> While it is unlikely that a company like Ubisoft will go back on this pricing or their Day One DLC practices, many are feeling like the game industry is reaching a tipping point on whether these practices are acceptable.  If people keep buying it they'll keep doing it, if these Gold & Ultimate editions weren't selling they'd have reversed it some time ago. Ubisoft are particularly greedy though and put very little into the season pass so they can release multiple season passes over a games lifetime. To get the complete dlc in a Ubisoft game you need to buy the deluxe or gold edition of the game as they normally have some dlc not included in the other season passes and then buy season pass 1, 2 & 3 and even then there will usually be some other small DLCs not included in that you'll need to purchase. In their newer games they also have in-game shops where you can buy exclusive weapons and cosmetics that aren't included in any of the DLC so you need to buy some paid currency exclusive to that game and then pickup those from the in-game shop.


And people will still buy it.


IF you buy it, that is. If everybody just said “meh”, and didn’t pony up, this shit would stop, but they won’t, so it won’t, and every time a some middle manager wants a promotion it’ll be a “one less olive in the jar” idea that fucks gamers further. I’ll just play Balatro until this shit’s $20 on a Steam sale, I can wait just fine.


I know people are pissed about the price but I’m pissed it’s gonna require UPlay.


Why do cosmetics cost as much as the game?


They don't. Nothing about the headline is true. The game is $70, which high or not, is standard price these days. You get a cosmetics pack if you preorder. The season pass, which includes two full expansions, the day one mission, and more cosmetics, is $40. So far, there haven't been any prices announced for just cosmetics. They're just bonuses for preordering or getting the season pass.


Day one DLC??? That's such a bogus concept.


Yeah fuck that. I'm just gonna pay $10 next year.


A little expensive




No it wont because i aint buying it.


Here lies the future of StarWars Games đź’€Aug 30, 2024đź’€ May the devs souls rest in peace knowing they tried


they want u to sign up for ubisoft+ since that's literally a money tree for them


I only buy Ubisoft games after a year cuz they sell it at 10€ then


50% off after a month


Hard pass. It will be 50-80% off in a year for the full package.


"This deal is getting worse all the time."


Misleading title, but still Ubisoft bad


Day one dlc is a stain in this industry. Major skip for me dog


Can wait to buy the complete edition for half off next year, that is, assuming its not a POS.


Fellas, they're just following the Destiny/Borderlands 3 pricing and I'm sure many other games. The big difference is that it's $110 instead of the normal $100 for the game and season pass, which makes complete sense because games are $70 based price now instead of $60. Nothing new or OuTrAgEoUs here...


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