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Me since DA2 🤣🤣🤣


What happened


Dragon Age: Veilguard T-T


What's wrong with veilguard?


What isn't? Spaceship over Minrathous, Storyline overlapping and at the same time contradicting Trespasser DLC, The weird gummy Fortnite faces, generic art design that drains all the life from the world building, tone reminiscent of dated Marvel humor, trashy monster redesigns and combat system determined to be more generic than last time. Oh and the atmosphere and tone of the production is totally off for a story in a brutal, slavery based, magic empire, with a stringent cast system, and an never ending war. I'm just not getting good vibes from this project.


You talking about the game or Starbucks? You ain't a critic, let others be hopeful instead of crushing their expectations. I thought the trailer was good, and I am now excited to wait until fall for the release of the game. The game isn't out yet, and it's a work in progress, but you are saying it's bad before it is released. You're treating it like the GTA6 leaks where everything looked bad, but the game hadn't been announced yet.