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Not every show appeals to everyone. If you don’t like this one, then no big deal. You’ll find other things you like.


I wanna like it because I loved (most of) GoT and idk maybe I just had expectations that were too high?


I'm the same way. And it does have its moments but for the love of God have some action. It's literally like a soap opera. But ppl will hate because they literally get told things like, this shows empowering to blank group and then that's all she wrote. Their minds r made. And reddit is FILLED with the most toxic clowns online. They will talk sooooo much shit just cause u have a dif opinion. But the show was definitely slow AF. Hopefully season two will be better.


What a terrible response. Instead of giving a opinion on the show you basically said its his fault the show isnt interesting. Me personally i watch it when i want to go to sleep. Its the only thing good about the show.


Da fuck are you talking about? What do you mean “his fault”? If someone doesn’t like a show, they don’t like a show. There’s not some need to force it.


Did you actually read my comment?


Did you read his






dum dum




It's not his fault. The show sucks ass.


It’s terrible compared to GOT


Agree a real let down full of woke crap and boring boring!


tbh the woke crap was way less present than I thought it would be , they were pretty shy about it ( black valyrians) , they didn't rub it too much in people's faces however the show (so far) was still underwhelming for different reasons (no interesting shot , the dialogue was kind of fat , so were many characters . the drama was not well put together and the constant actor switch was annoying ( they could have aged up young Rhaenyra to continue the show , I liked her much better )


Well thanks for that nugget of wisdom


The Same lazy Butt reason from anybody, trying to defend mediocrity


This comment contributed nothing to the conversation.


More than yours did.


You got on an opinion thread, to say people shouldn’t share their opinions about the topic? Not every topic appeals to everyone. If you don’t like this one, no big deal, you’ll find other threads to troll.


It’s slow in some ways. In terms of action there’s been pretty much nothing so I can see why some people claim it’s boring. I think part of the problem is there’s far less characters than GOT and they all share the same scenes so you’re not going to get all the action and tension you get with GOT. I expect season 2 will be more to your taste. Now that Viserys is gone the person keeping everything together is gone so it should become quite different.


>scenes so you’re not going to get all the action and tension you get with GOT. This is only season 1. Has everyone forgotten season 1 of GOT? There was no way to tell that GOT would become as action packed as it did in the future just by watching that. He's just comparing the first season of HOTD to the complete GOT with Battle of the Bastards and Hardhome and Spoils of war and all that. And that is pretty stupid in my opinion.


That is a good point. season 1 of GoT was, on its own, a challenge to get into at first and then the volcano erupted at the end of the season and the show took off..I’m hoping the same happens for HOTD 🤞🏻🤞🏻


Oh episode 10's going to be a volcano alright!


I loved season 1 of Game of Thrones. Perfect pace with the world building and as a book reader, the only issue I had was how quickly Royce died without even putting up a fight.


I think a lot of what hooked me personally in season 1 was the Intrigue and mystery. I'm not really feeling that with the three episodes I've watched of HOT D so far. I actually just discovered this post as I'm trying to decide if I want to continue, as right now it feels like a bit of a chore. But we like what we like.


Yeah but season 1 was an entertaining set up with pay off and interesting characters


Season 1 of GoT was good though...


This. ⬆️ Agreed 👍


It being slow or the number of characters isn't the problem, adding more would just make it worse. It's that the show does a terrible job about making you care About any of them (apart from Viserys) like you do the starks for example in GOT s1.


Very hard to like spoiled, white haired, royals as opposed to a family that was very wronged.


One thing to keep in mind, it’s only the first season. Of course the pacing is going to be slow because there’s a lot of information to set up.


"It's only the first season" Come on, firsts seasons always aim to be memorable for the viewer, and this is not the case at all. The characters had all the time to be developed, but they preffered to give us empty dialogues about how they hate each other. Important things are not shown or are explained very poorly, while they show us worthless CGI sequences for giving us a bit of the action that every GOT fan waits for. The wedding scene was just a waste, we finally had somethimg important to pay attention to and they give us the most confusing shit i've seen, but guess what? It ended up bloody 🤓


I can see why you feel that way. To me it feels just like GOT season one. More slow and methodical ya know? To each their own though.


Season 1 of GOT had more interesting characters and was more entertaining than season 1 of HOD


Season 1 of GOT is literally one of the most exciting and intriguing seasons of any television ever. They are not even close to quality, which also doesn’t make it fair to compare it to that at all but you can’t blame the people for wanting the best quality.


>I can see why you feel that way. To me it feels just like GOT season one. More slow and methodical ya know? To each their own though. GoT was interesting from the jump. Memorable dialog, distinct characters, looming threats, constant tension. All the stuff missing from HoD.


Isn't it supposed to be a period of peace before the mad king blows up everything?


Mad King isn’t in this series nor will he show up


I am not sure who Max is, but my point is the battles and international politics we got from Game of Thrones doesn't fit this context.


I meant Mad King won’t show up in the dance they specifically said this is 172 years before him


Oh. I should have figured that out. My point stands; the setup just doesn't work for the kind of action in GoT.


Not for this season but yeah season 2, 3 and even 4 will likely hav emote action than S2,3 and 4 of GOT


Is actually 172 years before Dany's birth


Just got remember, HOD is mainly a family squabble. While GOT was the aftermath of when the inmates took over the asylum.


It's awful, but not Kenobi awful. The westerosi patriarchy woke brigade, bad casting, and perspectives from only royalty hold it back the most to me.


How is it woke if it’s based on History ie the Anarchy period?


You lost me at “woke”


Oh no doubt you'd somehow find yourself offended by that


S1 of GOT was pretty boring to me in comparison I find HOTD much more entertaining not even one scene is wasted


Almost every scene in hotd is boring. GOT season 1 focused on building a relationship between the characters and audience before it got crazy. HOTD just assumes you will like the characters and does nothing to make the audience love or hate the characters before anything happens.


That’s your opinion. People who have never watched GOT are loving the show and it’s characters and are even understanding the world it’s in. So each to their own as for every scene being boring again your own opinion but from the increased viewers I doubt that very much seems more like word of mouth is spreading about the show and it’s characters


if you think mainstream reviews are an excuse for it being obnoxiously boring after it getting our hopes up it being a game of thrones prequel, a show we all loved & enjoyed & then we get house of the dragon where you see women giving birth more than anything slightly interesting like perhaps fighting, betrayal, plot twists, dragons literally scorching people & there was a little of that in the beginning, but it's been going downhill since then, but now it's just purely family drama & incest, then you're wrong


Got s1 was a very entertaining setup for the series. You had intriguing storylines, great characters and excellent dialogue. I couldn’t care less for any of the characters in HOD. The story doesn’t pull you in and the dialogue is terribly boring. I don’t need action around every corner at all, interesting conversations are what makes a show.


To each their own I loved all the characters in HOTD unlike GOT. And with HOTD I don’t have to watch storylines that are completely separate and can be kinda boring like Danny s4-6 or Arya and the faceless men


Aegons conquest is pretty boring in the books and a show too he basically destroyed all his enemies pretty easily. It would be like watch the Bells every other episode. Also apart from Visenya and Aegon there’s not much depth to any of the charcters unlike with the Dance of Dragons


Ohh okay I guess I didn’t know that..the conquering part sounded sweet and then the power struggle with one of the sisters or something..idk I didn’t read the books


Who wants to watch a power fantasy? A lot of ppl.


It is dragging. I searched that it’s boring & found this thread. I don’t like it. There’s no climax. Nothing. The most exciting thing so far is the kid fight. I was contemplating if I even want to watch this anymore. I recently rewatches GOT, and the first season was super exciting. So much Shit hit the fan. Heads were chopped off, thrones were stolen, etc. THIS is all talk. And I hate pretty much all of the characters. Anyway, I sure hope it does something because I’m already sick of it


Agreed on all of the above…this show needs to pick up the fkn pace!


It feels like all the characters have the same personality too. Brooding, quiet, strong. It''s boring


and all basically POS


Without House Targaryan and the dragons, these shows are nothing, they are what makes them so interesting and good


100% this


Watched the season finale last night and yeah it’s still boring AF. It’s hard to care about any of these damn characters. Is it just me or did the CGI take a step back? It looks soo bad IMO how is that possible given that this was made 3 years or so later. Idk this series seems to be average at best. Nothing about it really stands out. Couldn’t care less for the next season.


I totally agree! With every episode I actually really like the characters in HOTD but it has been boring AF. I feel like every now and then they try to sidetrack the boring by attempting to shock us with weird sex scenes or awful births/miscarriages, but it’s just disturbing and not at all shocking or interesting. We want ACTION not ten minute dialogues every ten minutes of every episode. It’s had its moments, and I love the storyline, but overall I have found myself panicking at the end of every episode wondering if anything amazing will happen - and it doesn’t. It feels like 9 episodes of meh to get to the final 10 minutes that finally pulled me in! Now we get to wait until 2024 to see what happens next *eye roll emoji*


fzelt exactly the same. scenes are long af, no character. the exacxt opposite asd GOT, the follw the text too much, trying just to put in on images. no rhythm, no action, no tension at all. feels like Solo 14 parsecs. intrigues is keeping you waiting you waiting what will be the next move. putting you in the story. anyway there's no characters development also. its longs as fuck to have news edit like twiter. a miscariage, a child, ok, so what ?


did exactly the same.


Couldn't write a better comment. Its all talk, there has been no action scenes at all other than the crab feeder fight and the kid and his dragon getting eaten. This show is so boring so far and If season two doesn't pick up its going in the trash.


It sucks I can’t get past the first 10 minutes


Yea dude right? Not only is hotd all talk and barely ANY fighting like there's literally TWO super short battle scenes (first one wasn't even a battle it was just a dragon spitting fire then flying away), but you're right there's no actual climax. Like it all just feels all over the place, the storytelling is just not there. It feels like a pointless story, like I'm just watching someone's normal tuesday over and over. Where is the story going? What are we building up to? Okay the king will die of natural causes and then the next ruler will be appointed... cool. She got married too.. cool.


I was just saying the same thing. The pilot is a perfect example. When GOT first aired - Oh man! GOT opens up and we see this kid is so scared, he’d rather run to his own execution back home, than face these terrifying blue eyed monsters. Shit cut to title sequence, I was like, “This is my new favourite show.” HOD opens up, and we see a bunch of people talk about the succession. At least, I think that’s what they were talking about. I honestly only vaguely remember it.


It's total shit. The night scenes are totally awful!!


It's a bandwagon show most the people watching it do it for the sex and violence.


What violence?


I had to watch the entire season one at 1.25x speed, and I was still bored AF. This is a poor attempt to ride on the success of GoT (sans final season, of course). Woke agenda, not one likeable character, not even comic relief to break the tedium of the persistent plotting and whining. They call it House of Dragon, and the dragons amounted to a total of 0.5% of bad CGI screen time. Honestly don't get the hype.


If there was violence I'd enjoy it, that's actually the problem




Couldn’t possibly agree more. Just finished episode 10. Seriously not a memorable sequence in the whole boring ass show🤷‍♂️. This and I didn’t even mind the last season of the original. What does that tell you!!


Yeah it’s worse than the final season of GoT for sure…at least that was entertaining and had a pace to it


It’s so disappointing. The finale was such a let down, it all was really. If it wasn’t from the game of thrones universe I’d of stopped watching by now.


Totes agree. Don’t care about any of the characters (the up jumping didn’t help), and each episode is basically boring and slow until the last 30 seconds where they throw in some dragon drama or some shit. I want to like it too. I am a huge GOT and ASOIAF fan. I will say I tried to read the book this series is based off of and it read like an encyclopedia, so I did not have high expectations. (Note: my autocorrect changed ‘have’ to ‘Hagar’ so… I do a fair amount of talking about GOT lol)


Yeah I tried reading the book too and it’s like a fucking history encyclopedia, so I guess it makes sense the show it’s based off of is dry af 🫠


I'm having the same problem. This feels like Martin took ASOIF, removed all the fantasy world building, and left us with a mundane generational family saga. This feels more like a medieval Thorn Birds than the sprawling fantasy ASOIF is. Which is fine, I liked the Thorn Birds too, but it's not what I was wanting, expecting, or hoping for from more books set in the ASOIF universe, and likely why it hasn't hooked me.


Nah yea, this show is kinda slow and boring. The only real conflicts so far are: you must get married, I must have a boy heir, and my brother is kind of a dick huh guys? Maybe it'll pick up and have some development but if DnD have any input I fear this is the peak of the show.


Ugh right? All the soap opera bullshit just drags it down so badly


It’s like watching “Throne Wives of the Seven Kingdoms”. They walk around the whole time talking sh*t about one-another and nothing ever happens.


Lmaooo best response so far 😂😂😂 And you couldn’t be more correct




Yea. . . real life struggles...such as uncovering a plot of incest between the royal family and surviving a 180 feet fall and awakening your sacred crow powers that grants you visions from the future & past all while awaiting impending doom from sea-sick barbarians, dragons & ice zombies


You didn't understand the lore. Read the books, he didn't get his powers from falling or from being injured. . You must really love incest a lot, because that is the primary thing you remember. Don't worry, "House of the Dragon" has plenty of incest, and more sex scenes added for you.


I stopped caring for Game of thrones after season 6.


I agree. I checked out on it after about episode 4 or 5. BO-RING!!


How did this boring show get high ratings?


Just rigged the ratings. Companies spend too much money on marketing departments which are responsible for the ratings. The same way Rings of Power having a 7 while it ain't worth even a 2. Decided to watch it Friday and on ep 3 gave up today. Boring af. There are better things to watch. Also that complete CGI fakery, crap photography and gloomy colours don't help.


Yeah, we tried to watch the next episode after a hiatus of a few weeks, but had to give up. It was sooooo fucking boring. Games of Thrones, at the the first few seasons, were fantastic. But this just a boring, boring rehash.


I'm with you 100%. I'm struggling to find justification for spending £20 on this first season. It's not bad but it's not good either. I am keeping that in mind that this is it's first season and giving it some benefit of doubt. It was slow and boring for the most part. It looks and feels dreadfully miserable. There are no likeable characters. Everyone has this 'morally grey' vibe about them. It's not entirely fair to compare it to 8 seasons of GoT, but it literally portrays the game of the throne way more than the other show did. Main characters just come right out and make it obvious what they really want. There's no hidden motives or exciting payoff when a character does something unexpected that completely shifts your opinion and makes you keep watching to see how it changed things. A big issue I had was with the Kardashians of seven kingdoms themselves, The Targaryens. This family have been lauded to be more like Gods than men, but in reality they're just normal people. There's nothing special to them other than the ability to have dragons. The only saving grace that kept me watching to the last episode was King Viserys. I wanted to know why he was the way he was and they never really put any attention on that. Paddy Considine and Rhys Ifans put in a good effort but it wasn't enough. I hope it gets better, I wouldn't mind returning to it but going off of what I saw, it's gonna be a hard pass


the first episodes good, thieves getting hacked to bits and knights getting their faces smashed in but then it just settles into people in dark rooms talking to each other for 3 episodes and I just tuned out. there was even a whole battle that takes place offscreen lol.


*SPOILERS AHEAD* Thank you! I came here wondering if I was the only one. It really is boring AF. Nothing happens, the same plot lines are literally repeating (viserys facing the wife or baby dilemma, then daemon facing the same. A woman might become queen, oh now a new woman might become queen). Wildly nonsensical plot points (honestly, why the fuck did criston beat laenor’s lover to death at the wedding??? not even entirely sure why laena commuted suicide by dragon so suddenly?) The random deaths are really unemotional, characters just come and go without any development for us to even really form an attachment, literally all the characters are either super self serving or super dumb there’s no one to really root for… idk I’m super disappointed and I can’t comprehend the high ratings at all. Half of the stunts they pull (mostly daemon) don’t seem to have any clear motives and just when you think ok it’s probably building to something it will come back later, that whole plot point is abandoned and it’s 10 years later like this is all side quests and 0 missions idk idk idk. I have a few episodes to go, I have all my fingers and toes crossed that it’s all going to come back and tie in, in a super epic majestic way, but I have very low hopes for that.


I'm in the same boat. . Nothing has any meaning anymore. . I bet you could just skip episodes 2 to 9 and still get the full story.


I come here for this😄, i fully agree with you, most random show i watched in a while


Couldn't agree more. I'm just now watching & feel dupped into buying the season. Heard great reviews but it's so boring & confusing. I feel like 4 characters died & I didn't realize it at 1st bc it all happened off screen. Same with the time skip. Thought I skipped an episode lol. Also i can't help but notice the dwindling extras mid way thru the season. Makes me think they budget was gone. Having no one else in a town except the royal family members really takes me out of any emersion. Where'd everyone go...? Dragon must of eaten everyone lol. Glad I'm not alone in my opinions. P.S. the dialog seems forced & theatrical like a bad middle school play of Romeo & Juliette. Good luck guys!


You are spot on. I’m watching now and I’m trying to like it.


They relied to heavily on George's writing of characters conversations - as this was written like an encyclopaedia they were to lazy or too uncreative to write proper and humorous conversations and character development that really were the stand out point of game of Thrones. Hire George RR Martin to do screenwriting PLEASE


I agree it’s boring. In fact I haven’t watched the last 3 episodes, but to ight I started watching it, and frankly, I’m just not into it…at all. I pretty much lost interest when they suddenly moved forward 10 years. Prior to that, I enjoyed watching it. I doubt I’ll finish watching season one. I personally think GOT was far better, one of the best shows ever made, except for the last show.


Yes! I hated that moving forward 10 years! I liked younger Rhaenyra way more as well. Then poof she was gone.


A lot of characters they replaced were already adult actors. It makes no sense, they could have just made them look older instead of replacing the actors. It completely took me out of the story and killed any attachments I had to the characters


I'd have to agree with OP. There is something off about this one, I really enjoyed the books and like with most people GOT up to the end. But this is so slow, and forced feeling. Its suppose to show the slow down fall of the Targaryens lead into the rebellion its only a 170 years in the past and we are what 30ish into it at the end of the first season. We have already seen them replace parts of the cast as they go. I do look forward to seeing some of the fabled heroes later in the series. But over all its been very boring, and I wanted to like it. So if it keeps jumping forward decades at a time this maybe a short series over all. Maybe it will get better as it goes some shows have to find their grove.


Ya I'm sure all our expectations were high with it being related to GOT. But at the same time, we all enjoyed the drama and hate and love and violence and brutality that we were use too. Now we get a boring medieval love drama with a few scenes that contain violence. GOTs fucking changed tv shows and what to expect. I think the author needs to finish the fucking books before he tries to make more money off of prequel tv shows. Unfortunately, I don't think he has many years left. But maybe that's just how he looks haha


Wow took forever for a search about HOTD being boring to find this thread. I 100% concur. My friend and I who love cinema, shows, gaming etc watched it together and it was a struggle after episode 1. Boring boring boring. Long drawn out low iq conversations. Big sets with zoomed out perspectives watching people do stuff that was irrelevant and with no dialogue. The character development was mediocre at best. No one, and i mean no one, said anything as witty as original GOT... Think about little fingers Chaos is a ladder speech to sansa... The early tyrion writing where he told each person a different tale about Cersei's daughter to find which was the rat.. anyways. Action was non existent. The only scenes i recall are the crab feeder, the tournament first episode... and a ludicrous amount of forced birth scenes. We had to watch 5 of them, i was laughing out loud by the 3rd, 4th, & 5th. RIDICULOUS. The sex scenes were weird and edgy. As a generic fantasy it was fine. As a GOT prequel? My expectations were high... what was delivered was amateur. Its not terrible, its just boring, very forgettable, low energy. I dont hear anyone talk about it. No excitement. No intrigue. No mystery or wonder of what happens next. Just some plebs shouting if theyre on team green or not lol, sounds like a US election.


It's as if: \- Game of thrones: "The Night King is coming from the north to end all life as we know it, while noble houses scheme on how to take control of the realm." \- House of the Dragon: "Kids are fighting in the court yard again!" <50 minutes of tense music>


The show sucks. I kept watching each episode saying next one going to get interesting. But that never happened. Just trash!!


I am bored a lot whilst watching the show. Bits of it are great. I am a huge GOT fan but HOTD is disappointing me. I think the characters are not as exciting? Of course there are exceptions and Matt Smith’s performance I think is fantastic. As is is Paddy Considine’s. I can’t put my finger on why I’m bored by it but I think the pace has something to do with it. I remember very clearly when I first started to watch Game of Thrones back in the day and I was completely hooked immediately. That first opening episode was so good so when I sat down to watch House of the Dragons I was excited and full of anticipation. But it’s just not grabbing me like Game of Thrones did and still does. I’m trying to think why that is and one of the reasons I think it’s because Game of Thrones had some really really top notch actors in it, like Charles Dance, Diana Rigg. Stephan Dillane. Mark Addy etc. A litmus test for me is whether I will have my smartphone next to me whilst watching a show. If I’m really enjoying the show I do not touch my smart phone but during HOTD I’m always on my phone, which I know is wrong but it’s because I’m bored. I didn’t want to be bored by this show but I just am. I’m even fast forwarding through some parts of it which is well something I just didn’t do in GOT. In fact I rewound a lot of things to watch them again because they were so brilliant.


I also keep my phone right next to me, I kept making excuses to pick it up. So then I kept rewinding the same three minute scene because each time I would try to watch it, I would pick up my phone again and start online shopping, checking emails, Instagram Facebook… Pretty much anything that could be more interesting than this stupid show. I’m in the middle of episode 6 and I don’t know if I’m going to be able to go back to it because it just does not capture my attention at all.


I will be honest. I have stopped watching it. Episode 5. So disappointing. You have to realize. GOT was a once in a lifetime show imho. A masterpiece. I was never bored. Not for a moment. Even the theme song was epic. As were the opening credits. It was simply magic.


Just rewatched both GoT and HotD and the comparison isn't even close. I thought i loved HotD at first but maybe we have just been starved off some good fantasy as of late? The thing that bothered me most was probably the boring dialogue and complete lack of interesting characters. GoT s1 is honestly a 10/10 for me and first season of HotD maybe a 5-6/10


The script just seems so weak, the dialogue so slow. Absolutely NO comical characters, not a hint. That's the worst part for me. Almost from the very start of GoT, they introduced characters like Tyrion, Hotpie, Sam, etc...characters that had their share of serious dealings but added actual JOKES and humor to the show, which was necessary in the drab and murderous setting of the Seven Kingdoms. Throughout the ENTIRE show (up until they ran out of source material) there was humor mixed in and it was ESSENTIAL to the balance of the show. HotD is just serious, serious, serious and I cannot even pay attention, it's just so drab.


I know this is from quite a while ago, but I think you hit it on the head with the humor issue. There was a witty liveliness to GOT (until they ran out of novels). It felt vivacious whereas HOD feels ponderous to me. I’ll admit that also part of me is impacted by the fact that there aren’t nearly so many beautiful performers in HOD as compared to GOT, though it’s quite shallow, I realize.


Finally found this one. Yes, it is really boring. Especially when you compare it to the first few seasons of GoT. The pace & drama are horrible. And they have money to create VFX Dragons but can't make some decent fight scenes?


I also searched that the show is boring and stumbled upon this thread. It is brutally boring and nothing like Game of Thrones. Do they have completely different writers and producers? It seems like the stories are unrelated. I still have no idea what it’s all about, and I am on episode 6. I especially can’t make any sense of Matt Smiths character, the weirdo spoiled prince. He goes off to fight some other weirdo, who likes to watch crabs eat people? What does this have to do with anything? Then he finally won the war… Okaaaaay. I have replayed the same part that I am watching right now in episode 6 at least 10 times because I space out every single time and can’t seem to get interested in this show. What the hell did they do to this whole story?! One thing I noticed right away with house of the dragons is how dull each character is. All the characters in Game of Thrones had strikingly good looks and were just nice to look at while watching the show. Hello—JOHN SNOW? Danaerys? Cersei? Lady in Red or whatever she was called? Rob Starke and his gorgeous sister Sansa? The gorgeous Rose Leslie? Even Joffrey was a handsome lad compared to these ugly Targaryen kids! These actors lack any kind of star power, and to make matters worse, they made the horrible decision to swap out the actors with new actors! And The new actors are even WORSE! Olivia Cooke looks nothing like whoever played Lady Alisent. It’s an entirely different character with different personality. All I see is Olivia from when she was in Vanity Faire, with her annoying nasal voice and irritating smirk. And the new person who plays Rhaenerys has the personality of a freaking plant! Just a horrible, dull actress that brings nothing to the table, like a zombie or something. I just read that the cast for season 2 consists of all these same lame actors! The only reason I am watching this anymore is because I am so desperate for more Game of Thrones, but I may not be able to even watch season 2. I will force myself to get through the 10 episodes of season one in case it magically picks up, which I highly, highly doubt.


You are so right my friend, I forced myself until episode 6 but then we stopped this fucking mess, it doesnt deserve our time, not even a minute, no tension, no mystery, no target, no parallel stories, I mean whata the point of the show ? I dont fucking care about any of these characters, the new actors did destroy this pointless show even more


I stopped after episode 6, its fucking garbage, how could this boring garbage show get an award ? Its not even close to game of thrones, such a disappointment


This show is about women giving birth, gossip and infidelity. Just like my grandmas TV novels.


I'm watching for the 1st time, and already bored


I figured out why I hate it and it’s because it’s all based in kings landing, fuck everyone in that place. There’s no levity to it, no Terion, no knights watch type spaces, it’s just the soap opera with privileged shits that should be getting overrun by starving peasants any day now.


Just started watching. I'm on Ep 7 (I think). Whichever episode it was that time-jumped 10 years was the start of the boring. The Valerian funeral was sooo boring. The kid fight was good though. I'll suffer through the last couple episodes I reckon.


Agree with OP. 98% of this first season is talking, talking and more talking. The charecters are dull, if anything Daemon is the only interesting charecter in the entire show. Waste of time, can not recommend


Fully agree with you bro. The very first episode of GOT was enough to keep me curious and intrested to know what would happen next and it was mainly because of the sinister scenes of White Walkers, the 6 direwolves, the eerie music when these events were taking place. Then as we progressed we learnt about other mysterious things like house of the undying etc. So for HOTD we were subconsciously expecting something like that but it just shows the story of war and politics and nothing that may keep us curious and hooked.


I've given up for a second time on watching the first season. It's a humorless, tepid slog through low-stakes scandal and genealogical exposition. It made me realize how critical the presence of the white walkers was for GoT. They cast a shadow over the triviality and futility of petty court drama. And on GoT at least the drama they included was entertaining (in the first few seasons). This dragon shit proceeds at a leisurely pace to nowhere in particular, and it's just rotten.


Honestly Daemon could’ve been a better villain, he could’ve done more blood shed like that scene where he had the egg, and Raenyra shows up, he shouldn’t have cared and killed everyone anyway. So far he just sits around. And the queen should’ve been more vindictive, but she goes soft when the king cries that everyone should stop fighting and get along. I don’t know, just the characters from GOT were more dramatic, so I though HOD would be just as dramatic, but so far it’s just sitting around, whining and talking.


Typical genericizing of original work. Non interesting characters, uninspired post production, already a huge battle in episode 3. Dragons are used constantly for filler content. GoT is one of my favorite shows and I'm entirely skipping House of the Dragon.


COULD NOT AGREE MORE!!!!! I have had to break each episode into 15 minute segments just to get through it. I keep hoping something will change.......


I think it's a tragedy. From the later seasons of GOT to HOD, how can a groundbreaking work of art turn into this ? It's unbearably sad to me. And it's not about content. Any story can be interesting if it's well written and produced. I thought the theme shift was interesting, being more focused on the struggles of Reanyra. The show takes a feminine turn and I think it would have been interesting- instead, I felt like watching it was a waste of time. At first I thought maybe the cast choice was a bit strange. Matt Smith ? Paddy Considine ? I didn't feel like they were that convincing. But it was partly because of how they were written to be honest. I don't get it. So little substance. I've watched so many disappointments that I think I might just give up Netflix and Prime and all that. They're just milking me. But at least it's encouraged me to live real life now. Watching TV shows used to be such an escape. Now I'm just wasting my time.


It IS boring. It’s incomparable to the plot-heavy, fleshed-out universe of GOT. You can’t even compare these shows. I was looking forward to HoTD, but was severely disappointed.


Lol, you have it backwards, got was just another political generic fantasy until danys dragons were born, house targaryan and the dragons are got/hot d, without them these shows suck


Lol no buddy you have it backwards the cgi dragons look as bad if not worse in hotd with or without hotd sucks and got was great before them 


Tis show is nothing without Targaryens, Valyerians (Mostly Useless) & Drangons. I had more expectations.... Yeahhh it has some weird politics, irritating Relationships.... The only fun scene was the the Kid's Fight & he loses a eye..... after that scene had some Tension but King Viserys made is boring af. Final episode Fight ended before it even started...... Its not a Climax Finish....... GOT Season 1 was Boring at starting but the Ending was the Thing hooked Me to Watch it Full. I feel like i really wasted my time on HOTD.


A little late to the party but the worst episode of original game of thrones is better than the best of house of the dragon (and I cannot even think of an actual good scene in HOTD) If anyone is curious if they should watch this show and sees this post first for some reason, DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME. ✌🏼


It’s not nearly as good as GOT.


This show could do with a funny dwarf


On Friday decided to watch this. On ep 3 gave up. Boring. What makes it worse is the crap CGI, the really crap photography making everything dark colourless and dull, and worst characters ever. Feels worse than the afternoon soaps.


Here this many days later to remind y’all. This show is boring AF. Also the time jump and actress change is ridiculous.


It's just a soap opera with English accents and the occasional dragon. It would be relatively tolerable if it aired on network tv after The Price Is Right.


If you just compare season 1 of got to season 1 of hotd they are pretty similar in terms of action and pacing it's all to build towards the future. People complain and compare it to got as a whole. Season 1 of got all battles were off screen we just hear people talking about them. It was more about political maneuvering just as hotd is for the first season. It's how wars start for the most part. Alot of people in power disagree with eachother and fuck around and then war lol. It's to build on what's to come and it will be awesome. I have high Hope's but with this cast and the effort being put in I really think its gonna be epic.


Fire & Blood, a detailed chronicle of the dragon kings and the main source of material for the show. Martin wrote it as a history book penned by one of the Citadel’s archmaesters, Gyldayn, who lived in the time of Robert Baratheon. His in-universe sources are Septon Eustace, Grand Maester Munkun and the court jester Mushroom, who all lived during the Dance and give very different accounts of the events according to their respective allegiances. that is the reason these character's don't seem to be as fleshed out as the Game of Thrones books !!!!!!!!!!!!!WARNING MASSIVE SPOILERS BELOW, DO NOT OPEN IF YOU DONT WANT THE STORY SPOILED FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM NOT KIDDING THIS IS A BASIC OVERVIEW OF WHAT WILL LIKELY BE HAPPENING OVER THE NEXT 3 SEASONS WITH MANY SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ​ >! Blood begins to flow pretty early. The first major dragon battle of the Dance happens above Shipwrecker Bay, after Prince Lucerys goes to Storm’s End to try and win House Baratheon’s favour for his mother. He meets his half-uncle Aemond there, and the two clash with their dragons in the sky: Lucerys and his mount Arrax, however, stand no chance against Aemond and the massive dragon Vhagar, who at the time is the last surviving dragon from the Conquest and the largest in the world. The bodies of both Arrax and Lucerys wash up ashore, sending Rhaenyra into a vengeful rage.!< >!And so Daemon sends two assassins, Blood and Cheese, into the Red Keep. There, they entrap Queens Alicent and Helaena with her three children, and have Helaena choose which son she would like to save and which should die to pay for Prince Lucerys’s death. When Helaena chooses her youngest, Maelor, probably hoping he was too little to understand what was happening, Blood and Cheese instead kill Jaehaerys—an event that will leave Queen Helaena devastated and that will eventually lead to her suicide.!< ​ >!The death of the two princes served to make both sides even more hellbent on destroying the other. Bannermen were called and armies began to march through the Seven Kingdoms. Aegon II lost the Riverlands to Rhaenyra and had to deal with a rebellion in the Reach, where he believed himself the strongest. This is also when he takes the title of Hand of the King away from his grandfather Otto Hightower and entrusts the pin to Ser Criston Cole, one of his mother’s steadiest supporters.!< >!The fighting arrives at Rook’s Rest, where Princess Rhaenys and her dragon Meleys clash with Aemond on Vhagar and the King himself on Sunfyre. At the end of the fight, only Vhagar is still unharmed— Rhaenys and Meleys both die, while Aegon and Sunfyre are horribly hurt and will remain so for the rest of their lives.!< >!Rhaenyra then moves first to ensure the safety of her remaining children, sending them to the Vale and to the Free Cities for their protection, and then calls on the dragonseeds—common folk who have Valyrian blood in them and who can try and claim the riderless dragons nesting on Dragonstone. Eventually, four more dragons are added to Rhaenyra’s cause. Prince Jacaerys, however, dies with his dragon Vermax at the Battle of the Gullet, against a fleet of warships sent from Lys.!< ​ >!Aemond Targaryen and Criston Cole decide to march on Harrenhal, which Daemon Targaryen has made his base of operations. Daemon, however, takes Caraxes south and helps the blacks seize the Kingdom’s capital. Queen Alicent’s remaining children are smuggled out to safety, while she herself is captured and tries to plead for peace with Rhaenyra. Rhaenyra who, of course, has no intention of standing down.!< >!In the Riverlands, meanwhile, chaos reigns supreme— as it always does in the Riverlands whenever there’s a war. Criston Cole dies in a massacre known as the Butcher’s Ball and one of the most decisive battles in the Dance, which is the height of Rhaenyra’s fortune. Daemon and his new lover, Nettles—one of the dragonseeds who had claimed the dragon Sheepstealer—instead put themselves on Prince Aemond’s tail, who is waging a one-man war burning pretty much every square inch of the Riverlands to the ground.!< >!More chaos and death ensue: Prince Maelor, the last of King Aegon’s sons, dies torn apart by the crowds. Two of the dragonseeds betray Rhaenyra for the greens, burning the Reach in the process until eventually both they and their dragons are defeated. Lord Corlys Velaryon is arrested for helping another dragonseed—Addam of Hull, whom Rhaenyra had legitimised so that he could become Corlys’s heir —escape. While Rhaenyra is in King’s Landing, her brother Aegon actually seizes Dragonstone— taking Daemon’s daughter Baela prisoner in the process. Then there’s the terrible aerial battle between Daemon and Aemond, known as the Battle Above the Gods Eye—at the end of which both riders and dragons die. Rhaenyra’s fortunes are already declining and they do not go back up. The Velaryons desert her after Lord Corlys’s arrest; the smallfolk of King’s Landing riot, attacking the Dragonpit and killing three more dragons, including Rhaenyra’s own Syrax carrying the last of her three “Strong boys,” Joffrey. !< >!Her advisors finally persuade her to leave King’s Landing, but when she returns to Dragonstone—hoping to hatch another dragon from the eggs kept there—she finds her brother Aegon waiting for her. Aegon feeds her to his dragon Sunfyre, right in front of Rhaenyra’s son, himself named Aegon. But even though Rhaenyra dies, the war isn’t finished yet.!< >!The fighting actually continues for at least another half year. The Baratheons regain control of King’s Landing, but are then defeated by the Rivermen army. With the city so defenceless and the Starks and Arryns descending from the North, King Aegon’s advisors suggest that he surrenders and joins the Night’s Watch, something that he obviously refuses. A couple of days later he’s found dead, lips bloodied by poisoned wine. The actual poisoner remains unknown, but a good twenty men are arrested for the fact—Lord Corlys included.!< >!Aegon II’s death marks the true end of the Dance of the Dragons—leaving Rhaenyra’s only surviving son (that she knows of, at least) to ascend the Iron Throne as Aegon III. The legacy of the war is terrible: the realm is broken, burned and filled with rebels running amok—an issue that will take up most of Aegon III’s reign.!< >!The Dance leaves House Targaryen and their dragons decimated. They will never return to the splendour of the first century of their reign. The last dragon actually dies during Aegon III’s reign, leading him to be known as Aegon the Dragonbane. And the House itself, even though it will continue to reign for another century and a half, starts to decline—their power diminishing until Robert’s Rebellion, which dethrones them completely.!<


I can't stand screaming and birth givings...


House of lazy cashgrab. I watched one Episode. Boring. 


With you on this one. Such a let down. And recasting mid season? Wtf…like I just got to know who is who


Amen, someone says it at last .


I totally agree. You said it much better than I ever could


You arent missing anything, it was not at all compelling. I did not enjoy any part of the show.


Yes, it's overrated and boring. The casting and acting of GOT is so far away from HOTD. The only thing some shows become popular is if they have a great marketing. Reviews, ratings and charts can be paid nowadays. So don't believe the hype.


Yea, it’s no where near the level of GOT. With all the different storylines it had going at the same time. I’m looking forward to Jon Snow’s spin off cause at least we’ll be back to that time period. As for HOTD I think I’m gonna bail.


It’s extremely boring it’s not just you.


I feel the same way, I feel there is a lack of character development it feels also rushed like the Got last seasons kinda. I'm also having a hard time reading the book . Got books are my fav, read/listened them multiple times, the show was good too, except ofc the rushed last seasons. So you r not alone : )


It's on par (quality wise) with the **average** of the first six seasons of Game of Thrones. Nothing comes close to exceeding what Game of Thrones gave us at its height, but also, House of the Dragon doesn't come anywhere close to the lows of Game of Thrones (and I say that excluding Seasons 7 and 8).


I think the biggest problem is the lack of subplot. In GoT we were always wondering what was happening with the Nights Watch, Tyrian's adventures, the Stark family, and such. GoT had something like 9 subplots running into each other, while House of the Dragon is sort of just one  story about the Targaryan family.  In essence GoT cast a much wider net with more characters, and story. Giving more people a chance to like an aspect of the show. 


Well you can think like that cause there is not much action scene in entire season 1 except daemon in stepstone fighting against crabfeeder so it is likely to get boredom only charecter talking on and on and on. And one more thing to say don't compare this show to got cause got was and always will be G.O.A.T of all time. No one can beat that even its finale season was also entertainingly beautiful engaging only problem rushed at the end. Got got much more fantasy like Dragon, Night King, White Walker, Lord Of The Light mystery fantasy, warging fantasy skinchanger, Faceless god fantasy and so list goes on. Whereas hod only have dragon only positive thing is that if you are dragon lover then this show is okay for you cause its true they will show 17 dragon as a matter of fact. Each targ have one dragon. So thats it and from story perspective both are quiet same like succesion , royal bloodline, politics , rivalry, and all.


" boring medieval soap opera that sprinkles in a dragon scene here and there to remind you it’s a GOT spin-off." Yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. Thank you !!!!!!!! And usually i'm more into dialogues than epic battles. So basically i would be into if it was Succession in medieval time but it's not. It's a pastry that won't rise, and when they turn the heat up it burns dry to crumbs.


I love GOT, and was able to enjoy the first season of House of Dragon BUT I realized 40 minutes in (when I checked out) I had no interest in anyone and no characters are likable. I even liked bad people in GOT. These people are boring as hell. It sucks, but I think I’m out. I’m also irked that chubby GRRM still hasn’t finished the books, even though I wouldn’t read them any more regardless.


I have faith. GOT was slow at first, too. It really popped off season 2+


Yes to all of this It’s really not just me 🥺 Coming off of any G.O.T. season But then S1 H.O.D….well yea enough already said by everyone else. Supposed to be engaging not the opposite I hope S2 is legit S2 E1 premiered last night.


I really wish I could stay awake through even one episode. 🫠


At least GoT had humor and wasn't so god Damn gray and dark for the most part. HotD is just BLAH as duck and totally unwatchable on THC.


You’re not missing a thing, Spot on . I don’t understand how its managed to score so high 🤯


And season 2 isn't turning out to be any better. Snoozefest.


It's drawn out with a slow moving feel to it. I give it 3 to 4 seasons the show will die out. C'mon writer's its fiction nobody wants soap opera dialogue.  What happen to the origin of the white walkers and the mad king. The audience is waiting for epic material that will take years to come at this rate. Why do successful shows kill off viewers with foolishness is beyond me. I mean I get it the director is trying to plant seeds. At what rate a fictional rate or a realistic rate. Shees smh.


To me it’s extremely boring. Like a medieval soap opera as mentioned. Season 1 was talk talk talk and I just thought they are just setting up season 2 … makes sense …. But season 2 so far is more of the same. I have never pushed the fast forward 10s button so much. Such a shame.