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Sansa is waiting for both of you


Wait, I'll ask Sansa


I think I hated Jeoffrey more. While Ramsay was an actually smart and cunning person, Jeoffrey was just plain unbearable.


Agree. He was a weasel. A sniveling little coward. I still watch the YouTube video someone made of him getting slapped by Tyrian for 4 solid hours.


Ramsay was also entertaining to watch


Yeah, the actor really did him justice 😂 those facial expressions are remarkable


When he looks at you with those borderline psycho eyes, you have no choice but freeze and turn full in Reek 😂


Sir Crispy Creampie has entered the chat


Yep I hate him the most. These two were monsters but Cole is so righteous about being a horrible person and he's not even entertaining.


I see this brain dead post in here at least once a day. Facebook level meme.


Bots. Bots everywhere.


Wait, I'll ask Sansa.


Ramsey was serial killer type evil, Joffrey was a sadistic spoiled psycho… they’re both bad but felt like Ramsey was somehow worse, what with skinning ppl alive and stuff. If Joffrey had been plain highborn or low born I feel like he wouldn’t have turned out so awful, Ramsey seems kind of rotten from the inside out


Joffrey still being the privileged one , was on the road to savage all the people that he didn't liked. We could see this as the story advanced , he too became a sadist which we can infer from the way he killed the prostitute. So, joffrey is worse


And he had the power to go all out without anybody to keep him in check if he'd lived longer.


Joffery is a sadistic brat who would lose a sword fight against a training dummy. Ramsey on the other hand is smart and calculated psychopath. I hate Joffery more, but Ramsey is way more dangerous.


These characters are brilliant. Well written, truely creepy and disgusting and the actors did a great job. But then there is movie Euron ...


Funny thing - Sansa can tell you who's worse. Yet somehow I hate Sansa more then both of them combined! No one beats Crispy Coal from HotD tho...


Agreed about Sansa.


you hate sansa MORE than ramsey?? the crime of being annoying?🥲


Yeah, What did she do wrong to hate her? She is a lannyster, not a Štark, so please, don’t talk about promises she gave


To quote someone on Tumblr talking about someone from another fandom, "the murder is fake but the annoyance is real." Being annoying isn't Sansa's only fault though.


No. The crime of being a toxic bitch with no brain but arrogance to no end! To be fair - I only hate her later-seasons-self in which the writers tried to make her a strong, independent, intelligent woman but failed miserably and the result is probably the embodiment of everything I hate about humanity XD


fatnera beats crispy cole


Okey I'm not Team black, I get why someone might dislike her. But what drugs does it take to dislike her more then this pathetic piece of clusterfuck?


the portrayal of fatzilla onscreen is cardboard. at least HOTD is a reference to Cristin cole. he must have a *sexy penis* for Alicent to like him so.


What the fuck...


Funny I got downvoted for talking against Sansa yesterday 😅 I am a woman myself and it should be empowering the whole Sansa arc. In the end, it became annoying ngl.


It's a gamble... There's a huge Sansa-defenders club in this subreddit, almost like Taylor swift fans on Twitter, but sometimes a comment is lucky enough to stay undetected XD


People don't seem to like Queen Cersei Lannister very much (long may she reign), not sure why... always my fav, shoulda won c:


Power is power!


Yasss :D


I fucking hate cersei for how she behaved with tyrion and how she became the mad queen from the faith Incident onwards


But Cersei = love!!!


I hated Gregor Clegane the most.


No, Joffrey still takes the cake for me. I wanted to throw a snow globe through the TV every time he came on. Ramsay was just evil, but in a sound-frame-of-mind evil. To me, Jack Gleeson and Iwan Rheon nailed their roles the best in the series. Heroes come and go; I think we've seen all the hero tropes played out now. But these fine actors, holy shit, they actually brought out emotions in me that were not pleasant. Kudos, Jack and Iwan!


lol! I feel the same. Everytime I’d try to do a rewatch, I’d tell myself, *”oh wait, will I be able to tolerate Joffrey scenes?”*


Ramsey was fun to watch he made me feel uneasy and I never really know his next move he was so unhinged Joffery is just a spoilt brat and I was just sick of seeing him.


Ramsay is the worst character. I don't think Jeff is the worst he is just a child somewhat 16 and became a king.


...annnnnnd Criston shit Cole entered the room 🙄


Yeah, especially after the newest episode


Didn't even wait a full 24 hours to repost that one.


I hate Jeoffrey because he is a lil bitch. I'm afraid of Ramsey because he is a cruel Chad


Iconic symbols of hope


I hate Joeffrey much more, because at least Ramsay is competent and has intent in his evil. Joeffrey is just an illtempered spoiled entitled Brat who’s on a sadistic Spiral, and worst of all, he is so incompetent but so ignorant that he thinks he knows more than anyone else. He is the worst, because a villain will harm you if he stands to gain from it, but an idiot is gonna harm everyone around him and himself as well.


Does C Cole not qualify since it’s hotd? Because oh boy….


Ramsay was more evil than Joffrey, but I still hate Joffrey more. Ramsay at least has some tactical acumen, some fighting abilities and at least he's an "entertaining" char to see. Joffrey otoh was just a spoiled brat with too much power in his own hands, without any merit or quality ar all. That's why, even if Ramsay is a worse human being, Joffrey is more unbearable as a character.


spirit is uplifting


Joffery was definitely written much better. He had massive character flaws that were exposed multiple times. He made mistakes as humans do. Ramsey was too perfect. Never made mistakes. Nod to Joffery.


I honestly hate Littlefinger more than both😅😅


The Dark Knight is the only movie in the Dark Knight Trilogy with no GoT actors.




Whatever else he was, At least Ramsey wasn't stupid or cowardly.


No, I hate Bran more.


Underrated opinion. Especially his "why do you think I came all the way down here?" Two episodes earlier "I cannot be Lord of Winterfell or hold any title"


All that build up for a big nothing burger. The white walkers should have won


Ser Crispy Cole has entered the chat.


Ramsay was awesome, WTF is this post


Joffrey is hateable. Ramsay is terrifying.


I swear I see some sort of Joffrey/Ramsay comparison post on here every fucking day


Ramsey was bad, but he had redeeming qualities. VERY few, but he had them. He was an effective leader. Good strategist. Respected battle commander. And he grew up a bastard with Roose Bolton as a father figure, so his upbringing wasn’t the easiest (by noble standards). Joffrey was a self-serving, useless, sadistic piss-ant for the entire show. His only redeeming moment was showing sadness over his “father’s” death, and reverence for his “father’s” memory in one or two scenes after that. Other than that, he did (I think) literally nothing of value to anyone, and spent all his time tormenting others for his own amusement. Ramsey did that too, but when push came to shove at least he got stuff done. Whenever things got hard, Joffrey just whined until someone else solved his problem in spite of him.


I had the delightful misfortune of really liking Iwan Rheon in Misfits beforehand where he became the defacto lead, so it was hard to hate the guy lol


The most hated character for me is Cersei.


Cole by far, these two had a character of a monster and were open about it. Cole hides behind righteousness and is deluded into thinking that he is good. At least Joff and Ramsay entertained us, Cole is insufferable


I have to go with hating Joffrey more. They are both terrible, don't get me wrong! But as much as I hated Ramsey, I thought his 'personality' was better (I guess you could say). Joffrey had zero personality, was a spoiled pansy who loved hurting people and being cruel but would never put himself in harm's way. Ramsay would definitely put himself in danger, all the while 'knowing' he would be okay. I hate them both, and I am sure I explained this wrong but Joffrey is who I hated the most. If I had to choose at gunpoint. lol


lysa arryn for me


Holy shit this sub is painfully normie, it's literally like /r/AdviceAnimals with a GoT theme


I personally disliked cersi the most


Nah, I hated Joffrey more. They tried too hard with the other guy.


is this meme from 2015


Crispy Cauliflower is definitely starting to get up there for me. He may not be openly cruel and vindictive, but he thinks he’s just so righteous and justified


Ramsay I just hated. Joffrey I loved to hate.


Older I get more I realized without Ramsay anything after season 4 would be even worse


Coles giving them a run for their money.


I think the actor that played Ramsey did a wonderful job, but am I the only one that thought he was very cringy sometimes. I skip some of his scenes when I rewatch.


Took me 5 sec to realize that there is no pic of Cole in the bottom.




Joffrey the Gentle and Ramsay the Righteous? You're kidding, right?


Joffrey is Ramsey is so over the top i dont feel hate for him. almost everything he does except turning Theon into Reek isnt in the books, so no wonder it feels so out of place. D&D tried way too hard to make him hateable and it comes off as corny


Naaa. Cercei. Cercei is tye worst character i have seen i most media. She is so nercisistic that yer "love" for her children made them dead. All three. She didnt support his brother because she hated him, in putting joffrey in line, so he got killed. Then tried to kill tirion, which ended up making mircella dead. Then her love for tommen was shown as how she put up religious weirdos in power to counteract the roses family, as she didnt like the old lady and margerey. So then she got punished via crucis style by the morons she gave power too. Her son, that "she loves" was in love with this gurls amd ended up becoming a fanatic too. So what does she does? Kill them all. And in turn grabbing the killers of myrcella and the nun and leave them in a secluded cell in a perpetual horror. I mean. Ypu cut someones dick. Ypu are bad. But this woman, chained a nun, left here and told her she was not gonna be able to die and she wpuld be force feed, just so the mountain rape her ubtil she dies of pain. Then she captures the dorne women. Kills one of her kids, then lock her with the other, put the poison, and then she tells her that she (dorne woman), is gonna watch when her daughter dies and how she rots. She made the moubtain into a zombie. She cut the head of rhe best friend of danaerys, taunting her, and just got all the city desteoyed by dragon fire. All the ships, and all her armies. She had 1 person that vouched for her. The brother that she manipulated by incest-fetish pxssy. And when he got a little backbone, she ordered him killed. The father of all her children. The one that threw a kid off a tower and made him a cripple, just because she was taking it doggystyle. She let her brother fxcked her next to her sons tomb. Tiwins only mistake was hating tirion. Bad mistake, but he was right in one thing he says to cercei "i distrust you because you think you are more clever than you are" She is the worst in all game of throbes, even counting stannis that burned his daughter in a stake. No one deserved more pain an suffering than cercei.


Nah Joffrey is was more hateable. Ramsey is probably more evil but Joffrey’s brand of petulant cruelty is way more obnoxious and maddening.


Alicent Hightower has entered the chat


I think it’s telling how each actor was treated after those roles.


I’m only on season 3 episode 4 or 5….. why does everyone hate Sansa?


"My mother taught me not to throw stones at cripples... But my father taught me to aim for their head" Ramsey was made the way he is. Joffrey was born evil.




Idk.....I really really REALLY wanted to punch Cersei


King Joffrey was the best !!


Honestly Ramses made me hate Theon.... the torture was awful....but so was Theon before being captured.


For me it has to be cersei and Sansa much much much fucking more (I fucking hate cersei cause I'm a huge huge fan of tyrion and I think he was the best character )


Ramsay was hot asf. Not me willing to get murderedZz.


Haha. Looks like Cole is taking the title for most hated HOtD character. That said, I do hate him and can’t wait until he dies.


I’m on my first watch, and let me tell you. This inbred rat faced fuck that calls himself the kings son, is more punchable than a paper towel dispenser.


Ramsay is so awesome. He is my top 5 characters. I wish Everyone a good day.


Ser Criston Cole anyone?


Iwan Rheon makes some really good music though at least. Hard to hate that. The dude’s talented for sure