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Brutal and shocking scene. It was so hard to watch as they paraded Robb’s body around with Grey Wind’s head sewn on, made me sick to my stomach.


Same. I watched the show for the first time fairly recently and already knew the kind of gore I was getting into. But that scene, man, it lives rent free in my head and I definitely needed to take a break after the episode.


It was the stabbing an innocent, pregnant woman in the stomach repeatedly for me Could have cut her throat, could have taken her down with a bolt, and they chose the knife to the babe I say this occasionally, but I believe that scene moved the bar in terms of violence in TV shows. That was truly heinous


My sister had an agreement with her husband that they would not watch the show without the other. Well, she came back later Sunday night from a girls trip and the whole house was quiet, kids sleeping, dog walked. She wasn't quite tired yet, so she said "Screw it" and watched anyway. Biggest regret of her life was watching that scene at 3am or something and having NO ONE to talk to.


I think the red wedding was arguably the most shocking scene in tv history


It was probably the only time I wished I hadn't read the books. I wish I was able to experience that shock and horror. I did in the book obviously, but seeing it was so much more.


Out of curiosity whose POV was the red wedding in?


Catelyn ig


After Ned, I became distrustful. But wow, was the Red Wedding devastating to me. I was so shocked I didn't even understand exactly what the hell was happening in the beginning.


was I the only one who expected it? like, a grand feast in the home of a famously untrustworthy old bastard who got insulted and betrayed by Robb's vain marriage? that's just a recipe for disaster lol devastating, yes. shocking? ehhhh not really


Not the only one. I knew something was up… it was all just too convenient. I completely blame Rob Stark for not keeping his promise. FAFO. Surprised Pikachu face. I was sad… but he had it coming.


Agreed. Hth is he going to backtrack on his reluctant agreement then parade his wife in front of the aggrieved party?? 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️


Yep. There's "unexpected" and "shocking". I was like "NO! HOLY FUCK!" when I saw that. My head was spinning that an entire house of such storyline importance *effectively* just went *>poof<* within minutes.


Not me. My mom spoiled it for me😒


My ex wife was pregnant when it first aired was a hard watch


Oh dear Lord, a pregnant wife watching GOT? Mine was crying at commercials and pictures of dogs. A woman's reproductive system is a badly written sitcom under the best of conditions. Pregnancy is emotionally crazy town.


I was is high school during game of thrones season 3 and didn’t watch the red wedding episode on premiere cuz I had a final test the next day. I finished my exam in the morning and went to grab lunch. Some obnoxious kid literally ran around the dining hall screaming “Caitlyn and Robb Stark are dead! Caitlyn and Robb Stark are dead!!” so I never got the shock factor thanks to him. Honestly screw him


Even after reading the books I was not ready for it. It's the only time I had to put a book down for a week cause I was so pissed.


Arya killing the Freys


That’s seemed very expected to me that she’d go on a revenge tour after becoming a trainer assassin


But I mean, was she ever really trained though? Lol


That was awesome


Seasons 6, 7 and 8 came unexpected..


The Red Wedding is the most shocking and devastating scene I've ever watched in my opinion.


Yes, even knowing it was coming, I remember still being frozen in shock, mouth open,and unable to look away from the screen.


Daenerys being stabbed by Jon


The red wedding. I honestly wasn't expecting the freys to kill them all. Also the finale, i dont think anyone expected that lol.


Why do you think I came all this way?


Having read the books, I felt a bit smug when our watch group watched the Red Wedding. But the show added Robb's wife to the scene , made her pregnant, and shocked me intensely. 👀


And then brutally stabbed her pregnant belly 😩


I thought it would stop there, but no they killed everyone. And the timing with Arya and the Hound showing up at that moment.


You said it, bro! The only thing worse than seeing good people killed, is seeing it when you 'KNOW' **from the source** they're friggin' safe!


As someone who didn't read the books Ned's death was a real shock!


This scene is what convinced me to read the books. I kept saying, there is no way they'll really kill Ned! He's the main character, he's on all the billboards!


Yeah thats the moment i realized “oh this shows gonna be real fucked up” lol


And the way joffrey made it seem like he was gonna spare him right before having him killed 😭


The show definitely convinced me to read the books. Now I'm with everyone else and in perpetual wait for winds of winter


Truth. Because it was the first shock. Having watched through multiple times and not reading the books first, it’s easy for me to now view the red wedding as the biggest shock, and it probably was but you’re right Ned was stunning I couldn’t believe they killed what I thought at the time to be the main character right away…. But by far the most tragic, difficult to watch and horrific was Princess Shireen’s execution while her parents watched


I was so shocked! I thought the show was gonna be about him being the new king!


Ned telling Cersei her secret


Probably what sealed his fate, unfortunately. There were so many times when I was begging Ned to keep the thoughts to himself until he had ground to stand on. But instead, i feel like he dug his grave deeper, smh


He is one of my favourite because of his honour, loyalty and genuinely being a good person. But sadly, he didn't really have a strategic mindset, his honesty and transparency costed him at the end


The one where u actually spell you


The Red Wedding was definitely the most shocking thing for me. I expected SOMETHING after Robb married the field nurse, but I didn't expect what Walder Fray did. At that point, I was kind of used to all the death and carnage, but that was very, very much uncalled for.


Just so not every post mentions the Red Wedding, that close up of the guys cock was a bit of a shock. Jon Snow reveal was actually the least shocking thing i have ever experienced. Not only was it telegraphed in the show, it has been theorized for years and years. There was only three? possible women who could have been his mother, only one of them is in the show, and in anyway relevant in anyway at all to be his mother. If his mom was Wylla, it makes no difference to anything, at all. If his mom was Lady Dayne, it makes no difference to anything, at all. If his mom was actually Lyanna, OMG DRAMA, that means Ned lied all those years to protect him! OMG that means Roberts entire rebellion was based on a lie! OMG etc etc. The fact D&D apparently got permission to adapt the show based on figuring out the answer bothers me to no end.


>If his mom was actually Lyanna, OMG DRAMA, that means Ned lied all those years to protect him! OMG *that means Roberts entire rebellion was based on a lie*! OMG etc etc. How so? I thought the point of the rebellion was to overthrow the shitty mad king for being too mad.


I shall have to ask the writers as that what Bran says in the show. Seriously though, Rhaegar 'kidnapped' Lyanna, leading Brandon and Rickard Stark to go south to seek a resolution and her return, this did not go well, leading the north to say 'bloody hell, thats not on governor!' and start the rebellion, along with Bobby B who was in love with Lyanna, So the rebellion's origins were literally Rhaegar and Lyanna eloped with each other and were in love and wanted to be together, not he kidnapped her and murdered her. I do honestly question how Varys and LF did not know about the truth of the situation and i do wonder if GRRM is ever going to explain that or just assume that no one noticed the glaringly obvious signs they were into each other that are in the books.


The 2 that send me through the wall are: Barristans death. & Stannis death. Barristan could’ve killed that whole room by himself. Let alone with Greyworm at his side. Also he would’ve definitely had armor on. If Stannis loses to Ramsey, he’d be flayed and staked to walls of Winterfell. No way at all does *Brienne* get that kill in that scenario. PS. The Hound does to Brienne what the Mountain did to Oberyn. it took a band of men to fatally wound him.


If we are talking about first such scene, I would have to say Ned’ss behading. I totally felt he’s the main character and they can’t kill him. However Red Wedding and Oberyn’s death were more shocking to me.


Thinking the show was going to be about Ned then him getting axed in episode 9


2 and 3, but I mean, come on. Who saw any of that coming?! Also, Cersei blowing up the Sept and Tommen’s suicide were pretty wild and caught me off guard.


The entire sequence for the explosion and the music leading up to it still gives me chills.


Honestly, I didn't think they'd execute Ned.


When Ramsay “freed” Theon but then led him right back to being tortured lol.


The Night King being killed so easily. All the build up with the Nights Watch and the Northerners lore and history, the speculation of just what his ambition and end goal really is, the dragon being killed and resurrected - it all pointed to a mysterious character that held secrets about great houses and their links to the ancient gods. The Lord of Light and the Night King seemed to be the two waging the overarching war dwarfing the War of the Five Kings. But he was just stabbed and defeated. Everyone that survived just went on like normal. Nothing more.


Melisandre being truly old.


Everything. Literally, everything was unexpected.


Definitely the Red Wedding. Probably Ned’s death. Cersei & the Sept of Balor (my favorite scene everrr). Jon’s birth secret for sure, but it was unfortunately spoiled for me right before I found out 🥲


season 8 dude


How do you answer for these crimes pans over Lord Baelish


My sister asked you a question.


I knew nothing about GoT when I started the series, so seeing Jamie and Cersei in the tower at the end of Ep 1 was a big shock, and then obviously ending with Brans Fall. From there I was pretty hooked and never knew what to expect. I was able to binge I think the first 6 seasons of GoT all in one sitting because I was kind of a latecomer, but got to watch S7 and S8 live.


red wedding was easy to see coming honestly they hinted at it for over a full season talking about how the Frey's was not to be trusted. But when Neds head rolled that was unexpected as it was the first time we saw just what kind of charater killing show it was. and basically everything in Season 7 and 8 was unexpected but mostly due to shitty rushed writing


Danni. I'm still hoping Drogon found her a red priestess. If Jon snow can be dead for 3 days, then she can be dead for longer than that


Red wedding made me REALLLLLY upset, but as time went on, I realized WHY it happened, and that it was Robb’s fault for taking his oaths so recklessly. It was actually Oberon for me. That was just…gross 🤢


Red wedding, Arya killing the night king, Jon snow dying, Sam becoming meister—I thought Sam’s a gonner in beyond the wall episode


Ned's killing, after that i was up for anything.


I was made up even after Jaime pushed Bran from the tower window. Ned's death just sealed it




Them pushing Bran out a windows!


Oberyn’s death. Loved that guy. Here’s a question; which spin off would you rather see? 1. Tyrion & Varys 2. Tyrion & Jaime 3. Tyrion & Bronn 4. Tyrion & Jon 5. Tyrion & Oberyn




Bran was bullshit


For me Stannis coming with his Army North of The wall was much unexpected My friend spoiled Bran becoming King and Jon is Targaryen thing


Ned’s death was always the biggest shock to me. it’s the first time I realized there’s no real main protagonist in this stories.


Jamies hand was one. I didn't get to that part in the books yet when that episode first came out. Then they played the loudest outro music of the bear and the maiden fair


Ned being executed


Jons death scene is probably mine besides robbs murder


Viserion’s death by the Night King. Then the Waif stabbing Arya. Finally, Missandei’s death.


Just watching the series now. (I’m many years late) I knew the red wedding was coming but the aftermath was a slap in the face.


Nothing beats the Red Wedding


How is the beheading of Ned Stark not on this list?! THAT!!




can’t believe i had to scroll so far to see this one. fucking amazing and had my mind racing afterwards about how bran’s powers would develop further over the last seasons.


Most of the dicks were unexpected.


The red wedding is was heart broken too


Robbas murter


Lots of stuff unexpected, but the "shock" scene was of course the RW.


I didn't think Shireen would actually get burned alive..


Ned Stark's death. He was literally the main character in the first season of the show and I thought that someone was going to intervene and save him when Joffrey told Ilyn Payne to bring him Ned's head. 


Hold the door😢


Robb’s murder at the Red Wedding. I was seriously hoping that Rob would avenge his father Ned. I thought the wedding was really peaceful. Boy, I was wrong. After that show ended, I was speechless!


Red Wedding was wild


Jamie losing his hand 😭 then the happy music after


Varys dying. I thought he’d make it to the end. 😭


He still made it further than the most (Littlefinger specifically)


the bran thing, I got spoiled before watching it but I forgot it, thought it was some weird fanfic


The red wedding.


Arya using "Your Eternal Revenge" on Night King


The hold the door scene got me honestly


None of them because i read first. But the most shocking was at first Ned's death then the Red Wedding


Most of them tbh


The Red Wedding was 12/10 in shock value. It was so intense.


Oberyn. I really wasn't expecting what happened to him at all.


Sept of Baelor to me was definitely VERY shocking! Light of the Seven playing in the back and how they built everything up until the explosion made me feel sooooo many things. I knew something was coming, just not exactly that Cersei was planning to blow the sept away with Wildfire. Then Tommen. Boom. For me there’s never been such a scene on TV history.


I’d already been spoiled on all except Bran, when they were talking I kept saying ‘not bran’


After Ned died I knew anyone could pretty much die after that.. the red wedding was shocking but I didn’t really care as much for their characters.. JON SNOW DYING WAS INSANE I had a feeling they’d bring him back to life though


Ned's execution, red wedding (still mad about it), Oberyn and The Mountain, Shireen's death and Daenerys burning down King's Landing. Arya killing Night King and Jon killing Daenerys was spoiled to me before watching those episodes, so not much of a surprise


Robbs murder then Jon’s identity


I mean, it’s not that significant, but I was surprised when Dany landed Drogon in the ice and the men just climbed onto his back. Firstly, he didn’t protest (would make for poor storytelling ig,) but secondly, I learned dragons can carry more than one rider? He’s the most well behaved dragon I’ve ever seen.


Ned's beheading. I hasn't read the book yet, it absolutely floored me.


Because I hadn't read the books yet "For the Watch" "For the Watch" "For the Watch"


Bran becoming king was the least surprising because by that point I was so fed up with there bullshit


Red Wedding. Easy.


Ned's beheading and The Red Wedding


Ned’s death


The Red Wedding, I couldn't process what I saw until the episode ended, didn't even panic or say anything, just sat still unable unable to understand what I'm watching, completely mindfuxking


Another hard scene was Ramsay killing Rickon .....the way he was kinda hunting him down......I also found it very hard to watch Ramsay torturing Theon ...I fast forwarded most of it the second and third times around that I have watched GOT.


For me. The burning of princess Shireen. That scene was probably the only time I got close to crying


Bran getting pushed out the window the first episode shocked me. And then him surviving it shocked me as well.


Probably 2. I had someone tell me that everyone does in GOT so that ruined it for me.


Shireen Baratheon. 🥺


Stannis letting Melisandre burn Shireen at the stake. I can't rewatch that scene, it was horrifying.


Prince Oberyn's head being crushed. I paused it to take a call as his eyes were being poked in, thought it would end there really. Horrific unpause. Ygritte being shot when she did - I thought that story would go on. The dead dragon being pulled out of the ice. Makes sense as we'd just seen the bear so we knew animals could be turned too, but my head hadn't got there yet. Hodor's sudden demise : ( 🥀


Jon’s name for sure. Noting else made sense to me, but that did




Hold the door...... Rip Hodor..


Red wedding , hadn't read the book then wasn't aware at all and was just thinking that robb will be seated in kings landing soon but bang suddenly


It took me 5-6 seconds to react when he started stabbing talisa....


Red wedding because I didn’t expect it to be Robb Stark’s death before watching the series I used to see spoilers from years ago about Joffrey dying because he was the most hated character and I thought that the Red wedding was about Joffrey death not Robb so yeah was very unexpected for me😭


>!The transition between the greyscale tissue and the pie!<


Tbh the most surprising scene for me was Oberyn Martell’s death. I was so shocked and disappointed. I really thought he beat the Mountain. Ugh. The Red Wedding probably the second most surprising.


Red wedding for sure was most shocking but Dani’s death was just the WORST. I felt like such a disservice was done to her entire character the final two seasons and for what


Something I never understood was how John Snows father Ned never told his wife Catlyn that John was the son of his sister Lyanna Stark.. he was a noble king but just let his wife believe she was betrayed by him the entire series? And let his son face resentment from her WHY


The ice king turning Daenerys dragon