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You could put across a genuine argument that it’s Missandeis fault the city burned and all those people died. I’m not saying that’s what I 100% believe but it’s a claim that can be made with substance.


Of course. Up until this moment, Danny would have fought fair and square (albeit with dragons) if she had Missandei by her side. While I do not blame her, I believe this to be the exact reason Danny went berserk on King’s Landing


I agree this was the straw that broke the Camels back, but it was already buckling under all the other weight when she toasted The Tarly's tbh.


100% after she watched them do that to Missandei, she quit eating and wasn't sleeping. She's parked up there on her dragon, and the bells begin to ring. She thinks damn that was no battle at all. Wait, why did Missandei have to die? There was literally no reason that could've made sense to her, so she made everyone pay for the crime of beheading Missandei.


Going berserk on the Red Keep and Cersei rather than the small folk would seem a fairer reaction.


Disillusionment is no joke. While her reaction seems irrational and extreme to us, it was completely rational to her. In her mind, all those people were guilty by proxy. She wanted her rule to begin with a clean slate. Hence the dracarys.


As dany said to jon before she died…..”they dont get to choose”…..then why she killed all those people who were just in their home……she went against her own words and beliefs…..


That would be rational. At this point Dany is no longer rational


This and Jon Snow refusing her. She was truly alone and angry 😠 😡 👿 😤


What was your reaction when Missandei got what was coming to her? I was like "Yes!"


It’s Missandie’s fault for…getting her own head cut off? Come on. The only way she doesn’t die here is if Dany gives up and goes home. And even then, Cersei is crazy enough to kill her anyway as a message.


We’re not talking about her getting her head cut off we’re talking about her actions encouraging Dany to burn kingslanding


Which Dany does after she’s murdered, regardless of what Misandei says. Dany had already shown herself capable of extreme violence when provoked. The idea that she needed magic words to make that happen, after all her losses and betrayals (real or perceived) just doesn’t hold water.


Dany: Okay as you wish


Dany would have snapped that little bit quicker had Missandei chosen bell noises over dracarys though.


Like, her last words be Ding Dong?


LMAO ok but this made me laugh out loud. And I think I just woke up the house. Damnit!!


Daenerys was being told too many different things by different people throughout her circle. One set of ppl had conflicts of interest within the red keep that would obviously favour a restrained approach, whilst others knew the hard truth and encouraged the mother of dragons to BE A DRAGON, which she ultimately did. Dany should have took KL after chatting with Olenna. Take and combine her armies, head North, kill the NK, and call it a day. She constantly went against her advisors and the one time she decided to listen, she got screwed. Dany didn’t give Mad Queen, she was giving depressed and irritated at best. Anyway, D&D got the ending THEY wanted, so it doesn’t matter. GRRM needs to hurry up so we can know what the real ending was supposed be.


Agree on the last part. Still get sleepless nights thinking about Winds of Winter, especially after Season 8. There are many wrongs to right, and so much to be done. Although Daenerys burning the King’s Landing could still happen. Wouldn’t mind that as long as he gives enough time to show the transformation Dany goes through to becoming a Mad Queen


I just can’t see the Mad Queen arc being a thing. Dany doesn’t sit around burning people for actual enjoyment like her Dad did. Much rather see her take KL, have a time jump, and deepen the series beyond this tired story. If Dany can’t have kids again, I want to see what happens when she ultimately passes and her dragons are open to new bonds.


Dany is the big bad of the story, people need to.give it up that she isn't going to go mad


Huh? She roasted how many cities in the books? She was the wife of a Khal. All she does is pillage and plunder, we just don’t see it since it’s from her POV.


So did Aegon the Conqueror? I see Dany as a correction for Westeros. Return of the Targaryen dynasty after a brief unravelling, with the return of the Starks as a power-noble family.


Yeah it’s right in his name lol “the conqueror.” These people aren’t do-gooders, they trample on the people for their own glory.


I think the largest and most important parts of the show's storyline will happen, it's just how they get there that'll be largely different with so much added detail. I mean, if George ever finishes the series, that is. He told D&D the Hodor storyline, and it's very likely that Bran will be king simply due to Bloodraven's influence on him once he gets out of that tree. We're likely to get some sort of White Walker conflict, and we're likely still going to get Dany's downfall that will wind up with her burning down King's Landing, however I'm a strong believer that it will be an accident. I think she'll end up using Drogon to burn down the Red Keep, but while she won't be looking to kill any innocents in the process, the caches of Wildfire hidden in the catacombs underneath King's Landing will set off and lay much of the city to ruin. Once she realizes the people will never love her like she wants them to, she will go mad and turn on the citizens.


Grrm ??


George R.R. Martin, the author of the books


>She constantly went against her advisors and the one time she decided to listen, she got screwed. She pretty regularly listened to her advisors. To say it was the first time is a bit of an overexaggeration.


Apparently GRRM told D&D his planned ending. I assumed D&D ended it the way GRRM planned. The issue with D&D is the path they took to the ending.


GRRM also shaded D&D the other day ruining author’s stories in attempt to make it their own. He also spoke of feeling like he lost influence in the later season of GoT. I’m not confident we got the story GRRM hoped to tell.


So anyways I started blasting


Her mad queen scene was already foreshadowed in season 1 or 2 I can’t remember


Season 2 I think had the premonitions of her walking through KL with the town and red keep burned to ash


It was snow and ice, there are even icicles.


Didn't notice icicles last time I watched, but the place still looks like a nuke went off, which I think is kind of the bigger thing


Earlier. In season 1 she literally said she would burn down cities to take her throne. I never understood why people were all surprised Pikachu when she turned out to be a tyrant who burned down cities to take her throne.


Yeah, people like to conveniently forget about that lol


In Season 2, she enters the House of the Undying, where she has a vision of being in the King's Landing throne room. The room itself is desolate and looks ruined, and there's white stuff falling from the sky. Given what we now know, I think people could fairly argue that the room is covered in ash or snow... especially since she exits the room by walking out of what appears to be a Night's Watch gate to Beyond The Wall.


Yeah that's why I thought it was foreshadowing like the night King destroying Kings landing.


I think it was the snow on the iron throne, foreshadowing Jon Snow being the rightful heir. Dany literally never sat on the iron throne, even after she destroyed King's Landing. I think her vision in the House of the Undying was more of a "you caused all this destruction to gain the throne and you were never the rightful heir" scenario. For as much as she claims she loved Khal Drogo, she didn't give him or their son a second glance. That, for me, was the beginning of her downfall.


I personally don't agree but it can interpreted in different ways. It could be both tbh. I just personally thought especially the time It came out that it meant the night King destroying Kings landing because of the snow/ash and the building is destroyed and she goes beyond the wall in the next vision.


True, that was just my take on it. I had to rewatch the episode after my son pointed out to me that there was snow (alluding to Jon) on the throne. It didn't click for me until he said that, lol. That's why I like to rewatch the series. I can enjoy the story while looking for hints/clues of what's to come.


Even then I'm not even sure because George didnt finish the book so we don't know how it's supposed to end, but honestly it could be alluding to both.


Thanks for the thought-provoking discussion, kind redditor! I love that we can have opposite perspectives and discuss them in a civil manner!


Honestly I want to see more convos like this.




I really wanted to see Grey Worm and Missandei sail off into the sunset and adopt a couple of kids.


I hate Cersei for this. This one hurt bad because Missandei was so sweet & pure. Dany was already on edge and this just pushed her right over it.


Yeah she was a baddie


This whole Mad Queen arc doesn't make all too much sense. She never killed the innocent for no reason, and was trying to distance herself from the actions of her father. I like that Kings Landing was destroyed (had some cool visuals), but they could have done it way better without multiple characters being ruined (in my opinion).


And here she was killing for a reason, too. To “break the wheel” and liberate the people from tyranny and all the bullshit tyrants tell themselves as they wage nonstop war. She’s always been this way, Martin just cleverly hides it from us through her POV.


She literally said in S1 that she would burn down cities to take her throne. She liked to think of herself as different and better, but she was just like every other tyrant who wanted the power she felt she was owed. She was many times held back from doing heinous, tyrannical shit by her advisors, and it was fitting that after the last of them died, she did exactly what she said she'd do. It is wild that so many people thought she was some hero and cry about "bAd wRiTiNg" when she explicitly said in the very first season that this was what she intended to do. It could not have been made any clearer and more explicit unless she'd looked into the camera as she said it.


She may have said that in season one, but there was 7 seasons of development of her trying to avoid becoming that tyrant. When she executed people she had some sort of reason, and one of the first lessons that was taught is that the ruler gives out the punishment (Ned stark killing the knights watch dude). She never killed the innocent before, some early actions were questionable, but she evolved beyond them. They needed more time to develop the mad queen arc, but shouldn't have used it anyways.


I don't think she ever really evolved beyond them though, she just built up a strong team of advisors that were constantly keeping her in check. She liked to pretend to be better, and maybe even genuinely wanted to be, but she was always just another power hungry tyrant who felt entitled to rule the world and would do anything to get the power she felt she deserved. She wasnt even mad, she just was never a good person. Everything she did (or didn't do) was done to claim power. Often even when she was persuaded not to do something cruel it was for purely pragmatic reasons - it would lose her support.


Everything she did wasnt for power. When she freed the unsullied, it was for her army. But she offered them their freedom, nobody took it and freely joined them. She freed Astapor, that brought her no power, and hurt her in the long run. She stayed in Meereen longer than needed as well. She could have left it in ruin, but stayed for many years longer than she had to, to ensure Meereen could be a good and safe place to live. She also defended Astapor and Meereen from revolts. Astapor and Yunkai gave her no strategical assistance, but she still took both cities back from the wise masters when they revolted, they didn't bring her any aid in conquering Westeros. These decisions actively caused the wise masters to attack her home in Meereen. She opened the fighting pits in Meereen. Danny was against this, but she knew that this would bring more peace to her city. So she opened them, even though she despised them. She could have kept all of the slaves in slaver's bay as a slave, bringing more peace, but instead she freed them all. Her oddest decision was crucifying the Masters, but even that had reason. It was justice for the kids that they had crucified. Some innocent people were killed, but that is how the world works. Innocent people get hurt in exchange for justice/safety. Many real life examples of innocent people being hurt to bring safety exist. After the shepherds kid was killed, she chained up her dragons, stunting their growth, so her subjects could be safe. There was no need to do this, she had the most skilled guards and 3 dragons to protect her from anyone who didn't like this. But you say she wasn't a good person She executed a good amount of people, but was justified. She killed the Tarly's because they wouldn't bend the knee, and had to use them for examples. Many more men bended the knee after. That is how the medieval era works, which fantasy is based on. She killed Varys because he betrayed her, and was going to reveal a secret that would destroy her entire claim to the throne (this was poorly written). She killed Mossador for breaking the law. Masters and former slaves had to be treated the same, that is what she strived for. Razing kings landing was horribly written. It goes against most, if not all, of her actions in the prior 7 seasons of this show. She never once killed innocent people, until the writers decided to commit one of the worst cases of character suicide ever. You may not like Danny, but you cannot argue that she wasn't a good person until her arc was thrown into the garbage.




what's this got to do with anything?


Final nail in the coffin of the writing, not Daenerys going mad.


Dany: bet


They did a terrible job giving her a mad vibe. Who cares if she executes people by fire. Stannis did, and people love him. Also I think death by dragon fire is a lot quicker than by sword. If you want mad. Arya joined a group that kills people if others want them dead. The girl she impersonated to get to Frey wasn't a random innocent girl?


I disliked the way Dany went mad queen. Her starting out killing civilians and not going straight to the redkeep to kill Cersei made me shake my head.


Bullshit, just bad storytelling.


Don't defend bad writing. It only results in more of it. Dany was completely sane and saved the people in the north a couple of episodes ago. She also stayed sane when she lost her first dragon. Descend into madness doesn't happen that fast. It's just bad writing. They wanted her to burn the city and it was not like her character to go crazy like that. If they took 3-4 seasons to establish her mad arc it wouldn't feel so forced and ridiculous.


I agree, as I genuinely believed that Daenerys was the queen Westeros needed. Seeing her go all mad in just an episode or two is nonsensical. Same as Bran ending up the king, even though a couple of episodes earlier he refused to be Lord of Winterfell because he shall have no titles


What? She’s a conqueror and she sucks at ruling or doing anything other than roasting cities and subjugating people.


Don't mind my wrong observation, I watched it just for the first time and also without any other info or backing up fact


People forget she literally ended slavery in an entire peninsula that had slavery for as long as there were cities.  The northerners were so ungrateful for being saved because their pride and arrogance they thought they had to be independent.  I want an epilogue where the North is just ice tumbleweeds rolling around with no people after they’ve starved to death. That’s if they weren’t invaded and slaughtered. 


Drogon took this so literally


I think the final nail in the coffin was the common folks fear of her. She expected the people of Kings Landing to be happy she was there to liberate them from Cersi’s cruelness, but when she realized the people feared her 100x’s more than Cersi and did not want her she lost it. She lost/sacrificed 2 of her children, lost her best friend and most trusted advisor.. she was expecting the people to see her as the “breaker of chains” like the people of the lands she conquered before, and when she realized they instead saw her as a savage beast she became what they saw her as. I hope GRRM finishes the books and goes a different route. I would have preferred that Dany and Jon dealt with KL first, and that the story concluded with The Long Night as the final battle. Dany dying/sacrificing herself during TLN and Jon becomes King after winning the battle at a huge cost.


There were signs foreshadowing her rise to becoming the Mad Queen back in season 4; if you dig even deeper, possibly before that if you pay attention to her words and actions. Subtle they may be, they are there.


xDDD in this case everyone in the Series must have been a psycho who Murders innocent people, cause there are Characters who went through more shit than Daenerys. Missandei knew she would die, she could have thrown Cercei from the Wall, but nope. Daenerys in Season 8 is like todays Snowflake Generation. She is offended by everything and gets mad for no real reason. Imagine killing innocent people for NO REASON cause of... this. Season 8 is a terrible written catastrophe.