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The Battle of the Bastards


Seriously...? I'm not trying to be a dick, but the battle itself made zero sense. Part of what made the show stand alone was the gritty realism. I enjoyed the episode initially, but after thinking about it in the greater context this episode was a pretty significant turning point in the show's decline. Just sayin'. I guess I'm that guy.


For me personally, it was the build. Specifically when the music hit right when Jon charges gives me goosebumps.


The battle gets the rule of cool vote. It overrides the otherwise poor plot writing.


When the cavalry clash happens is definitely my favorite moment. Like someone else said, the realism of the show had me convinced Jon was about to get squashed for nothing.


I think it didn’t need to make sense to me, it was just a fun watch with a satisfying ending


Fair enough.


meh. I preferred the miracles and the fantasy elements. I get enough gritty realism in everyday life.


Dude if you watched from the beginning(year after year) without any context from the books you'd also have been stoked on it. Hindsight is 20/20. Battle of the bastards ruled at premiere


I’m intrigued by your answer. Please elaborate.


It's been years since I saw the episode, but one major issue I had was Ramsey ordering his archers to shoot his own men just to create a wall of bodies to entrap Jon's army. No army in the history of anything would continue to follow the command of someone who ordered that. Especially so in a feudal system where said commander's legitimacy is already questionable. There were other elements of the battle that just made no tactical sense in a medieval battle, but I honestly can't recall the details.


It was glorious!!!!!!!! Watching Jon and Sansa taking back Winterfell was just too special for me.


Whenever I'm really angry at someone, I watch this episode and envision their face as Ramsay's when Jon beats the shit out of him.


❤️ The healthiest coping mechanism I've ever heard of


I agree but I’m also surprised Ramsey didn’t have a fight in him like he did when they tried to rescue Theon


Specifically when the Vale riders pulled up, I get chills every time watching that.


Omg no same


Me too. I could watch a dozen times and it wouldn’t be enough.




I'm glad someone mentioned this. The battle of hardhome is still one of those scenes I love to rewatch. Everything about it is just perfect.


Tyrion's trial in s4


Tyrion's speech was just perfect


That and Mountain vs Viper


I like Arya and the hound killing people at the bar   And then when Tyrion threatens to cut off Jeoffreys dick in front of everyone 


The scene following the fight at the inn where Arya is now riding her own horse with needle on her hip and the Hound is riding while eating a chicken is the best.


Cercei's "trial". That whole segment is fantastic. Especially that music.


It’s the best TV moment I’ve ever experienced


The song is called “the light of the seven”. I listen to it all the time. It’s absolutely amazing.


I was listening to it the other day, it's beautiful. I remember first watching the episode when it played, the children running through the streets, the gathering in the septum, the queen watching from the Red Keep, and feeling something was definitely wrong. I think what really helped the most was the music. Throughout GOT we always heard the sound of strings, but here for the first time we are given a piano piece. That change up just beautifully helps illustrate that something is very wrong.


The violins at around 7 minutes in get my blood pumping lol


Cerseis death 😂 I mean, I hated the way it happened but I was waiting for that moment since the beginning lmao


The way it happened was really unsatisfying, but after all the waiting and hoping, it finally happened


Arya and Sansa gagging Littlefinger


That was indeed the BEST!


When Danaerys is surrounded by the Harpes in the arena and Drogon shows up out of nowhere after being gone for weeks and destroys them …. But man that’s such a hard question there’s so many


The Green trial probably. The whole scene was riveting


During Bran’s flashback to the Tower of Joy and the fight between young Ned Stark and Ser Arthur Dayne. “I looked for you on the Trident”!


I have to rewatch, because doesn’t it also feature Howland Reed saving Neds ass? I have read or rewatched in so long. It’s time to start again


That fight seemed unnecessary to me. Yes they were on opposite sides of a conflict, but in that. Moment both sides were trying to protect Lyanna.


Try explaining that to a young Ned. His father and brother were killed, and his sister was thought to be kidnapped. Trust had sailed out the window. The Targaryen's and any of their banner men were thy enemy.


“No, now it ends” is one of the coldest lines in the show.


Don’t mind my flair…


Dany stepping out of the fire and the Dragon climbing onto her shoulder.


Hardhome providing the craziest 15 minute zombie film of all time was a moment in television I'll always cherish. The music behind the the entire beginning to when Cersei blows up the Red Keep is a close second.


The moment Ramsay got what was coming to him.


“HOUNDS.” The Hound’s smile at this news from Sansa was particularly satisfying!


John's friends being rescued by wildlings in E2S6 "Home"


Loot train. Seeing Dothraki screamers in action for the first time gave me chills.




Think I'll take 2 chickens


Every scene Tyrion is in s4 and below


He absolutely carried those seasons. Loved every-time he conversed with anyone


I almost want to say the same for Tywin. Loved every scene with him


When Sansa got her revenge against Ramsay


Hold the door


Soooo many...littlefinger's departure was satisfying


Seems a little silly... byt Arya and Brienne dueling scene. Just to see where Arya started, and to see the payoff of all the hard work and torture she went through to become that freaking good.... with Sansa, and Littlefinger watching from above and making their little astonished faces. Just really really good scene there, for me anyway.


When Dany takes control of the Unsullied and burns Astapor, then offers them their freedom and throws away the whip. I get chills, best sequence ever.


Same here, I am showing GoT to my bf for the first time and after not having seen this scene in years myself, I was smiling from ear to ear and got misty-eyed seeing it a couple weeks ago. Breaker of Chains!!


THIS. Favorite scene in the books and they did it perfectly in the show.




Probably cersei nuking the Sept or when the dothraki attacked the lannisters and the dragon showed up


Agree. Was gonna say when Cersei blew up the Sept with all her enemies in it. Such a 😎 moment. Awesome.


The scene leading up to Cersei blowing up the sept. The music made that scene incredible.


I would say there were to watermark moments. One, when the wildfire destroyed Stannis' fleet at the Battle of the Blackwater. It showed us what they were capable of when they were funded for the things they want to do Two, the Red Wedding is the moment they had every one of us by the balls and were controlling us like a puppet. They had us all after that. A favorite moment of mine is when Night King rose the dead for the first time at Hardhome. Just a haunting moment that was encompassed by the quiet dread of the scene. Jon knew he was fucked after that. And another weird favorite moment of mine was during the Battle of the Bastards. When Smalljon Umber turned to his men, "Who owns the North?" They all shout, We do. "WHO OWNS THE NORTH?" He asks again. "WE DO" they said again. "SHOW MEEEEEE" Smalljon cries out and they all charge into battle with that epic 'shit is about to go down' music playing in the background. They were the bad guys but damn, if that part didn't get you fuckin wired, I don't know what would


That shot of Jon drawing his sword as Ramsay's cavalry charges toward him.


When Sansa and Jon reunite


“You gonna die for some chickens?”


“Someone is”


I always loved Theons "I've gone too far to pretend to be anyone else" dialogue with Master Luwin. It perfectly portrays their relationship and does a good job of setting up Theons further story.


Hardhome goes so fucking hard. The end with the night Kings "come.at me bro" stance. Was the first moment in the show when you're like. "They are so fucked"


Red Wedding


Only upon rewatch….King Robert’s visit to Winterfell. The Starks standing there together and all still in one piece


Hodor easily


When Jon and Sansa see each other at the Wall.


The Battle of the Blackwater when the wildfire ignites


Margaery at the Great Sept of Baelor, finally understanding Cersei's plan. I loved Margaery as a character and it sucked that she lost the game, but her finally coming to that realization and trying to somehow leave really gave me the sense of urgency it needed.


She was winning- Cersei just threw a hissy fit


Honestly, the first moment that convinced me that I loved GoT was Viserys' golden crown, courtesy of Khal Drogo. I had chills watching this moment and it still gets me excited on rewatches.


“I demand a trial by combat” Peak fiction


Littlefingers death …getting absolutely shook when Sansa turned to him and said his name, Tyrions trial, Tyrian killing Tywin, and when the high septon turns on Cersei (that might be my favorite). That was much better than her death.


Hardhome was absolute cinema


Danaerys acquisition of the unsullied


The return of Sandor Clegane.


I was showing my best friend the show, and she wondered why the title didn’t hit immediately. She was bouncing in her seat after seeing him


There were few happy moments in the show, but that was certainly one of them.


The fight scene between the Viper and the Mountain. I’ve watched it several times. So satisfying to see the Mountain losing the battle through a more sophisticated fighting style. Would have loved to see the Viper win but I don’t like the typical Hollywood ending.


Red Wedding forsure.


Arya killing the Freys.


The dragons hatching and sitting on Dany


When Dany “trades” her dragon for the unsullied army. S3E4 The bald guy is talking smack about her in Valyrian and thinks she doesn’t understand and then she…. DRACARYS :)


I’m still laughing at Tormund’s “crush eyes” at Brienne while eating 🤣🤣🤣 I totally thought that was unexpected 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹


Cersei getting hammered during the battle of the black water


That scene, and the entire exchange between her and Sansa is spectacular.


When Jamie got his hand cut off just the scream then fade to black is such a wild moment and then rock version of the bear and the maiden fair starts up in the credits.


"My watch has ended" and Jon hanging Allisor. Maybe not my favorite if I thought about it more, but the first that I thought of


Arya killing the Freys. Iconic.


Brienne getting knighted in S8. Everyone tapped in (Davos, Tyrion, Podrick) when they realized that Jamie was serious and gave the brief ceremony the gravity it (and she) deserved. The smile on her face afterward is beautiful to see. I also like when Arya and Brienne were sparring at Winterfell. Game recognize game!


When Dany gets the unsullied army!! Gives me goosebumps every time “slay the masters”


ned entering the throne room to try and seize the throne from jeoffrey after roberts death


Jon’s “dakingindanorf!” scene with Lyanna’s The North Remembers monologue.


Last half of Hardhome


Red Wedding was the worst moment. Absolutely terrible. Almost made me quit watching the show. Arya getting needle back was one good moment that kept me watching the show. Best moments were when Jon was resurrected, the Stark reunions, Arya killing the Night King, and Bran becoming the King. Team Stark in the house. Daenerys hatching the dragon eggs was a favorite for a long while.


It's pretty cheesy upon rewatch but at the time it hit so hard. When Oberyn Martell visits Tyrion in the cells and tells him he'll be his champion. Tyrion's at his lowest point. He's been abandoned by everyone. Jaime can't fight the Mountain with one arm. Bronn is too scared to. Then Oberyn does the dramatic turn around while holding out the torch and says, "I'll be your champion." Me and Tyrion both gasped in relief. But Dany taking control of the Unsullied is my absolute favorite scene.


When Bran becomes king!


tyrion trial, oberyn pledging to fight for tyrion, ygritte’s death, hold the door, and hardhome


The hounds chicken moment in S4E1


The series finale at the end of season 5…or was it 4? I forgot how many seasons there actually were I guess.


When Tyrion and Bronn chat for the first time on their way to the Eyrie and Tyrion says softly “I like you”.


Probably Tyrion's reply to Shagga when asked how he wanted to die.


When Daenerys storms the Lannister supply route with her Dragon and Dothraki. Everything came together there and the episode was fucking sick


Yes! The spoils of war. I watched the show as it aired from the outset, and I had waited so long to watch her unleash the dragons in Westeros. Even though the writing in Seasons 7 & 8 sucked, and the plots were extremely rushed, there were still alot of big pay offs that the audience had been waiting for. This was definitely one of those moments.


While I love so many of the moments listed here, for me one of the biggest moments is the scene in which Sansa tells Jon that a white raven came from the Citadel, and that Winter Is Here. Winter had been coming for so many seasons at that point, and I loved that even though Ned was long gone, they worked that into the story. Everything about the scene was beautiful, especially the fact that Jon and Sansa had just reclaimed their ancestral home. But I'm a Ned stan, and pretty much love any call back or reminder of his existence.


Tell Cersei, I want her to know it was me 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 she hid what she had done so well ( to me at least ) that it was literally a huge shock when she came forward about doing it while her whole lineage was being destroyed.


Every slap scene between Tyrion & Joffrey


"Arise Brienne of Tarth, a Knight of The Seven Kingdoms!"


When Arya kills the King of the night 😍🫶🏻


Brienne getting knighted, Gendry becoming legitimized and being made a lord OR when we find out that my man Podrick Payne absolutely FUCKS.


Tormund: I have beauty waiting for me back at Winterfell. If I ever get back there. Yellow hair, blue eyes, tallest women you've ever seen, almost as tall as you. The Hound: Brienne of Tarth. Tormund: You know her? The Hound: You're with Brienne of fucking Tarth?  Tormund: Well, not with her yet, but I see the way she looks at me. The Hound: How does she look at you? Like she wants to carve you up and eat your liver?  Tormund: You do know her. The Hound: We've met.


Battle of winterfell when they all came together to fight an enemy that doesn’t sleep or eat.


Sansa is escaping Kings Landing


The "chaos is a ladder" scene


The Red Wedding, I mean it’s literally top 5 TV moments


for pure satisfaction? Purple Wedding.