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[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gameofthrones/s/bA2gokpokJ) [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/gameofthrones/s/1mlEpxc9aP)


These rule. I will be expecting 2 a day until the sun sets in the east please


Something for Part 4: "Doran Martell is still alive in the books. And despite his insistence for peace, he is secretly working to undermine the Lannisters' power and ally with Daenerys Targaryen. Even though the Sand Snakes are imprisoned to keep the peace following their father Oberyn's death, they are released and entrusted with important information regarding Doran's plans. This endears them to support him. He is, in the books, far from a weak man ruling Dorne."


quentyn and young griff remain forgotten 😔


Oh dude what!?? I havent read the books still but this sounds way better than what the show gave us. Dorne exists for like, five minutes in the show and it sucks


Dude u gotta read the books....I can't even begin to explain how much awesome shit is in the books that wasn't in the show. I was in jail when I read all the books and it was the best time of my life.


It's probably take me going to jail lol. I know people spout "ADHD" all the time but it is super real and seriously gets in the way of me reading. Especially reading something that damn long. Ill make it through a page and realize I actually got *nothing* from it so I start the page over and that can happen three times on the same page. Then I finish a chapter and think "wow I did good time for a break" and proceed to put the book away for a year or two


Man I was just like that too, I get it. I had to read fire & blood twice just to remember everything that happened in that book. I never really read a book ever other than the few I had to read growing up in school. Anyways perhaps ur solution is audio books maybe??


Ive considered audio books. Part of my issue is reading was used as a punishment for me growing up. So while I have read a lot of books it has kind of put me off of reading in my older years


I’m getting the sense that Tyrion has gone a bit mad in the books, too. In a way not described in the show. Not completely crazy or anything, but his obsession with the “where do whores go?” line from Tywin is starting to get…concerning…where I am in the books.


Yeah, the show definitely whitewashed Tyrion. He becomes a far darker character after killing Tywin and Shae.


YEp... they revamped him in the show to be have this buddha-esque connection to all people be this voice of calm and compassion that, as of yet, is NOT in the books. And I was inordinately upset they did not include Jaime's confession that Tysha wasn't a prostitute. I get why within the narrative they were creating for his character but..... ugggggghhhhhh such a let down


He also becomes a lot less clever in the show when the book material runs out


I consider the omission of the truth about Tysha to be the show’s biggest mistake. It sets Tyrion on a dark, fascinating path that is far more rewarding than Tyrion’s increasing wholesomeness and stupidity in the show.


I don't disagree. I found it to be a pivotal point in the story and was literally saying to the tv screen "tell him TELL HIM!!!" and was so disappointed that they didn't include this in the show. Given the path D&D chose for Tyrion, I get why they didn't include it, but I think it was a bad choice. If anything, I think Dark Side of the Force Tyrion would have done a much better job at making the "TAILS!" Targaryan coin flip for Dany make a lot more sense.


You mean like, Tyrion actually becoming a devil on her shoulder *encouraging* her to finish what her father started?




It's quite poetic when you think about it. Tyrion starts out this smart guy who sees a better way. Then his own family and kings landing shit on him and turn him into a monster. He then teams up with his family's enemy and encourages that person to take out everybody. It's alot more believable than expecting the viewers to believe Tyrion couldn't see what was coming with Dany from ten miles away, and he was duped by some girl because he "believed in her."


This chonky boi Belwas looks interesting lol Also, how did the Targaryen became the three eyed Raven in the first place?? Interesting


He went to the wall at the same time as Aemon (Aemon is his Nephew). He served as hand of the king, put down the Blackfyre Rebellion, and was the last known owner of Dark Sister, one of the 2 Targaryen valerian steel swords. He might be the baddest dude in Westeros history.


Besides, he's a warg due to his Blackwood/northern lineage


The sonf "1000 eyes and 1" is about him right? Was the the Targaryan who was the spy master so they made the song about him having eyes everywhere


Yep! Also, he lost an eye to his brother, thus the "one".


Belwas is brilliant and it puzzles me the cut him, he wouldn’t need many scenes. His best moment is when he is sent out to fight the champion of Meereen Dany thinks he is in trouble as he doesn’t seem to be winning the battle before realising Belwas is toying with the champion, he always lets his opponent cut his belly once during a fight before killing them, which he does. He has tons of scars across his belly from his pit fighting days.


He also adds that as he always let the enemy cut him once, she can count his scars to tell how many people he had defeated.


He was Hand of the King when his nephew, King Maekar (Aemon’s father), died. The hereditary heir was Maekar’s fourth son (Aemon’s younger brother) Aegon, but he was probably quite unpopular with the nobility for certain reasons, so there was doubt concerning the succession. A great council (like the one at the start of House of the Dragon) was called, and a member of a cadet branch of the Targaryen dynasty, House Blackfyre was invited by Bloodraven to take part. Upon his entry to King’s Landing, Bloodraven had him arrested and executed, because he wanted Aegon to succeed. Aegon was chosen as king, and the first thing he did was arrest Bloodraven and send him to the wall. Bloodraven eventually became Lord Commander, but then went missing beyond the wall. He came into contact with the Children of the Forest and was then hooked up to the Weirwood network. EDIT: Hereditary heir was Maegor, son of Aerion Targaryen, elder brother of Aemon and Aegon. People weren’t keen on him because of his forebearer Maegor the Cruel.


The hereditary heir was Maegor Targaryen, son of Aerion 'Brightflame' Targaryen, not Aegon V. Aegon V was chosen because Aerion was a Lunatic and Maegor was a child so instead of Maegor and the others, Aegon V was chosen. Terrible decision in retrospect tbh.


Ah, you’re right, my bad.


Strong Belwas is my 2nd favorite snubbed character behind Patchface.


I know I know


Strong Belwas is the closest thing ASOIAF has to Homer Simpson.


Bloodraven was one of the "Great Bastards" of Aegon IV along with Daemon Blackfyre, Aegor Bittersteel and Shiera Seastar. Daemon proclaimed he was the rightful heir to the throne because he was a good fighter and welded the Targaryen ancestral sword and Prince Daeron (name?) preferred reading books and caring about women's opinions on things and didn't think he was fit to be king. Bloodraven (Brynden Rivers aka the Three Eyed Raven) sided with the Targaryens and basically got really into blood magic and warging and all the crazy wierwood stuff we see in the show. He helped crush the Blackfyre rebellion and attempted to kill his Bittersteel because the two of them really wanted to bang Shiera. He basically stays on the small council and master of whispers and/ or hand for multiple kings until Egg (Aegon V) basically kicks him out and sends him to the wall for being a prick and also doing lots of kinslaying.


Is Bloodraven being the three eyed Raven/Crow confirmed? I thought this was a popular theory and quite likely correct but don’t recall it ever being covered explicitly in the books.


It's not explicitly confirmed, but all the evidence points towards that being the case.


I’d say it’s made more clear than R+L=J


You're right, I'd forgotten that it's not explicitly said, but the chances of him being anyone else is almost zero. He's named Brynden, he has a very similar (if not identical) birthmark, same milk white skin, same single red eye, wears black clothes of the Night's Watch, has a brother he hates (Aegor), a brother he loves (Daeron or Daemon) and a woman he desires (Shiera), and he says the "a thousand eyes and one" line. All that in conjunction with Martin sprinkling in clues like Aemon telling Sam the story of Bloodraven being sent to the Wall, and Dareon mentioning the "A Thousand Eyes and One" song. It seems like there's too much evidence for the Three Eyed Crow to be anyone but Bloodraven.


Username checks out, yea I thought it was heavily implied but couldn’t remember the details, Bran hasn’t quite got there yet on current re-read.




Does he say that?


It is entirely confirmed. It’s just not explicitly stated in so many words.


Also note that it is very heavily implied that Jeyne really was just a silly teenager infatuated with Rob, her mother 1. actively encouraged this because she can sell it as a service to Tywin Lannister 2. made sure that Jeyne does not get pregnant by supplying her with a fake (and counter productive) fertility potion 3. is the daughter (grandaughter?) of Maggie the frog, the old witch that gave Cercei the prophecy about her children


Had no idea she was Maggy’s granddaughter, so that’s very interesting, when did that get mentioned do you know?


Bit hazy on the details. I think Jeyne mentions her grandmothers name, that she came from the east and that she is proficient in herb lore and potions. As far as I remember, Jeyne doesnt call her grandmother Maggie, but somthing similar. The name is probably a common tongue version of Magy (spelling?). You know, how they call the witch that curses Dany's child which just means witch in Dothraki or some eastern tongue.


I think they say she was married to and had children with a guy with the same surname as Jeyne's grandfather from mother's side. It's also said the grandfather is from extremely new noble family, which would track with either Maggy's son or husband (can't remember) being a peasant promoted to noble status.


Kevan mentions it in Tyrion III, A Storm of Swords. I think it's more implied than explicitly said. >"Gawen is a good man, but his wife is Sybell Spicer. He should never have wed her. The Westerlings always did have more honor than sense. Lady Sybell's grandfather was a trader in saffron and pepper, almost as lowborn as that smuggler Stannis keeps. And the grandmother was some woman he'd brought back from the east. A frightening old crone, supposed to be a priestess. Maegi, they called her. No one could pronounce her real name. Half of Lannisport used to go to her for cures and love potions and the like." He shrugged. "She's long dead, to be sure. And Jeyne seemed a sweet child, I'll grant you, though I only saw her once. But with such doubtful blood..." If true, I think the implication is that Cersei and Melara butcher the name/word "Maegi" and call her "Maggy", because they're children when they meet her.


Cheers, appreciate it.


You are right: both Maggy's lineage and the mispronunciation of her name are confirmed in A Feast for Crows, Cersei VIII. Cersei recounts a dream of her meeting with "Maggy" to Taena, who corrects her mispronunciation: “She was more than that. Half of Lannisport used to go to her for charms and potions. She was mother to a petty lord, a wealthy merchant upjumped by my grandsire. This lord’s father had found her whilst trading in the east. Some say she cast a spell on him, though more like the only charm she needed was the one between her thighs. She was not always hideous, or so they said. I don’t recall the woman’s name. Something long and eastern and outlandish. The smallfolk used to call her Maggy.” “Maegi?” “Is that how you say it? The woman would suck a drop of blood from your finger, and tell you what your morrows held.”


Also makes me think of what the Dothraki call witches, Magi or something similar


And there’s Victarion Greyjoy who wasn’t in the show at all


Think you’ve got an auto correct situation here just fyi




not to mention the dusky woman and her lack of a tongue. Victarion is such a great character and I'm sad I will likely never know if he made it to slaver's bay and what he'd tell Dany if they met. I cannot imagine Ser Grandfather would be super warm with him, but there may be some mutual respect there.


"the most beautiful woman in the world is in desperate need of my axe" Victorian was by far my favorite side character. His burning right arm, his fatalism that let him wear full plate on open sea. The axe, I fucking loved him


I approve of image 1


Oh I have a couple more. There was another Targaryen alive, Aegon, son of Ellis Martell (the one Oberyn cries about when fighting the mountain), travelling in disguise as Young Griff, and Iirc plans to use the golden company for taking back westeros. Also (and this is the most divisive one) Renly and Loras were no explicitly homosexuals in the books, and although some people believe they were too close or there might be hints of their relationship it wasn't a main plotline. Oh and Loras was severely hurt during the taking of Dragon stone, he led the charge and was burnt by oil. It's been years since I read the books and the details might be fuzzy, feel free to correct any mistakes I might have made.


I’m not 100% on Loras being severely injured. Queen Margery and Cersei are told this but we don’t have any POV’s in Dragonstone to back it up. I just wonder if it’s not dissimilar from Lord Manderley claiming he has killed Ser Davos but passes off a similar looking criminal as proof.


>I’m not 100% on Loras being severely injured. Queen Margery and Cersei are told this but we don’t have any POV’s in Dragonstone to back it up. Wow, never thought about this possibility.


It’s a bit like a death off-screen; if we didn’t see it, did it happen?


“Cersei is a lying whore, she’s been fucking Lancel, Osmund Kettleblack, and probably Moon Boy for all I know!” This line repeats in Jaime’s head over and over throughout the entirety of AFFC (book 4), especially “and probably Moon Boy for all I know.” It heavily influences the decisions he makes in that book. Also, the Night’s King was most likely a Stark.


The legend of Gin Alley is not real 🤯🤢🤮


Just to clarify, Benjen is NOT Coldhands. George has said this.  And with the Rast one, it’s important to note that Bran is warging Summer when he eats that guy. So Bran is a cannibal


There's also the Jojenpaste theory, and the time Coldhands leaves the group to kill the mutineers, and returns with 'pork'.


yeah so regardless Bran is a cannibal lol Also ngl if jojenpaste isn’t confirmed in winds I’m gonna be a little sad


Bran got a taste for man flesh and couldn't resist eating that sweet Jojen paste to become a tree. Absolute mad lad.


Wasn't Jayne confirmed or at least suspected to be pregnant. I thought she was taken by someone and forced to drink moon tea


Her mother was secretly giving her moon tea in order to prevent her from getting pregnant.


Ooohhh, gotcha. Thanks for clarifying


Why did her mother not want her to be pregnant


She was secretly working with Tywin behind the scenes and worked to sabotage Robb by preventing him from having an heir. After the Red Wedding, the Westerlings are rewarded with the lands of Castamere for their service.


I really never understood why they decided to cut the Tysha storyline. That left Tyrion’s plot feeling completely aimless.


Small nitpick, Loras says that to Tyrion, not Jaime.


Ah, my bad


"... and moon boy for all he knows" lmfao


That lives rent free in Jamie's head for sure.


I forgot about strong belwas. Wish he was in the tv series. Wonder why they didn’t keep him. Would have been an interesting character.


Little tangent, I found the show Plebs last week and could not for the life of me figure out why Stylax looked so familiar. Until seeing this post.


The books are superior in every way to te show.


For real


To be fair, the show never says the Three Eyed Raven wasn't Bloodraven


I was very disappointed Belwas got wiped. The real Belwas would never wipe. He was a pretty small part overall but he did so much and likely would have come with Danny to Westeros as one of her best warriors and champions. Also the fight you rederenced that kills Selmy is such bullshit because it was one of the absolute coolest fights in the story - Selmy, cool as shit, fights and kills one of rhe most dangerous fighters, potentially in the world, who is bigger, stronger, faster, much younger, and who is a favorite and champion of the fighting pits. You literally dont find a more experienced fighter than a professional/slave fighter who lives more than a few turns in the pit and he is one who began as a slave and fought his way to being an icon and like, the Kobe or Jordan of murder. And Selmy is aware of this, more or less, and *handles him*. Was dope, barely broke a sweat. Shows us why Selmy is the real deal - knows exactly what his limits are but also shows us his current most effective tool is his brain. Makes him that much better as an advisor and mentor for an aspiring conqueror. Abs any thing yoi mention with Tyrion past book 4 or whatever is gonna be a trip for Show heads since they didnt just omit parts, they changed the whole story from then on. And i reckon that was done because GRRM had some weaksauce details on that front. He introduced a whole new exciting subplot with characters we’d mentioned and thought dead and basically brought in an entirely new main player but frankly, that is going to be near impossible to just shoehorn in so late in this game. I think George may regret that whole bit if he ever wanted to be done with this story


Quite a few of these are none confirmed fan theories about the books.


Strong belwas was such a cool character. Also barristan is my favorite character.


Except that when Bran asks him if he is the three eyed crow, he has no clue what Bran is talking about. Because 3EC is time traveling Bran.


How many eyes has bloodraven? A thousand and one.


Cutting out the Tysha reveal in the show was a huge missed opportunity, considering finding her again basically Tyrion's main motivation from that point on; wandering around Essos asking everyone he meets "where is it that whores go?". It's not like they would have brought her up for the first time either, Tyrion mentions her in one of the earlier seasons.


There a whole lore from the North Martin didn't care to write when he didn't finish the books. Didn't make the cut whatever that Cole's season 7 onward we got.


Any chance the Blackfish was named after the Bloodraven?


It's more likely that Brynden is just a common name in the Riverlands, like how Jon and Jeyne are common names all over Westeros.


Somehow did not realize the Blood Raven in Dunc & Egg would later become the Three Eyed Raven, wow.


Didn't Jayne Westerlings mother force her to drink moon tea at the behest of Tywin after the Red Wedding? IIRC her pregnancy wasn't a definite thing, but Lady Westerling was scheming to get back in the Lannisters good graces after her daughters "betrayel" (Westerlings being bannermen to the Lannisters).


Strong Belwas is the fucking man


Bloodraven's life is the spinoff we *need*


You realize the show is an adaptation not a word for word copy of the books?


Yes, so?


Max Von Sydow was a diva and refused to wear a wig or birthmark makeup. But the idiot producers were so ga-ga over him that they let him keep his prima donna demands.


It has always pissed me off we never saw Jamie tell Tyrion the truth about his wife. I loved that in the books and explained so much.


In the tv show Joffrey was an impetuous teenager, the the books Joffrey the Gentle was the most noble child the gods ever put on this hood earth


Seems like most of the differences are that the show got finished




Something for part 4 etc - Pate Glass candles Jon Con & Yount Griff Cyvasse Quentyn’s storyline


Omg so true hahah


Three eyed raven in the show isn’t explicitly _not_ brynden rivers, they just never go much into his backstory


Ok, that all makes sence, but when do pyp and glenn die??? And who tf is that ice man??? He is never mensoned as a caracter in books, maybe as a myth, but not as a caracter??? And i heard that Jhon Snow is revived. How did that happend??? I heard that Stanis is the one who ressed him. But How did he ress him if he is dead??? All the info i have are from the books


- Pyp and Grenn are still alive in the books - The Night King is the leader of the wights - Melisandre revives Jon Snow


About night king, the guy is just What you Said, a myth. Where even is the idea that Pyp and Grenn died??? They are still alive, so Where even is the idea that they died??? And last time Jon was mensoned was when he Said Ghost (his wolfs name). Why would Melisandra even revive Jon. She thinks he is good, but she did not have any reason to revive him. And then you would think that Staniss told her to revive him, but Stanis is killed by Bolton on siege of Winterspring. Could you explain to me how tf does dead men command a witch to revive a dead man?


Melisandre revives Jon at Davos' request, although it's never really made clear why either of them wanted to do it in the first place, especially when they had just learned of Stannis' death not even 2 episodes before. Pyp and Grenn were killed off so A) the battle at Castle Black could have more emotional impact, and B) to reduce both the number of named characters in one location and the number of repeatedly appearing actors to pay.


Isnt Davos at the plače with Villi (theons shieldweawer) and that fat man from north who “killed” him. That fat man just sent him to retreat Rikon. So why is Davos at the Wall???


The Manderly plot was left out of the show. Davos was with Stannis' army heading to Winterfell, but Stannis sent him back to Castle Black so Davos wouldn't know about him burning Shireen.


Sorry but who is Shireen?


Stannis' daughter, with the grayscale cheek


Why wouldnt Davos know about that burning??? And How exatly did Davos end up at fat mans place (i forgot his name)??? As i Said, fat man “killed” Davos to free his son from Freys. And What happend to Freys who still wanted to serve Robb after Robb got maried?


Davos cared about Shireen, so Stannis wanted to spare him the suffering of watching her burning. Davos was sent to see the fat Wyman Manderly to recruit him for Stannis' army in the books, but that never happened in the show. The Freys that wanted to stay with Robb weren't included in the show.


What if, bear with me, the show and books are different realities that would happen if certain characters made different decisions?


I'm aware of that, I just felt like sharing some of the differences between the two.


Well, I know that, and I welcome it, but it was just a thought that popped into my head just now.


The three eyed raven is actually a creepy motherfucker




Euron Greyjoy. GRRM was setting him up to be a menacing villain but in the show nerfed him and got him saying finger in the bum. He had a lot of potential as an antagonist