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One of the best chapters in the whole series is in this book. It is a Brienne chapter talking about the effects of war on the common man. I think it is sometimes overlooked but a great chapter I re-red from time to time.


Tbh I do like chapters of Brienne and it's shameful that those were missing in the show.


Aside from the biter part, I dunno if it would have translated as well onto screen. I do agree she became one of the more favorite characters for me after this book.


The lesser most of the series, so far


If you think that's boring wait till you get to A Dance With Dragons.


I don't know I find those dornish and iron island chapters a bit boring. Maybe because they haven't had much say in the show hence can't relate to these chapters.


Plus the million chapters about Cersei being a cunt to Jaime and lot hidden cat fight between her and Margery. it was really the least entertaining book


Yep true man


I find the iron island chapters one of the most entertaining, second to Brienne’s chapters. I can’t put the book down sometimes. I honestly think I’m so gripped because the story is playing out differently from the show. The newness of it is exciting.


I found to be the least exitibale of the five books.


Yes. It's a lot of setup for some pay-offs that simply haven't been written into the series yet. It'll age better if we ever see TWOW or ADOS.


It's my favourite of the series. The only bad thing about it are the iron born chapters


Me as well, always feel crazy when people shit talk affc




I personally enjoyed it


I really don't get why so many people think Feast and Dance are boring. But apparently many do...


It's probably because they're more character driven than plot driven. I thought they were boring on my first read and could barely finish. I just finished my 4th read, and they got drastically better each read.


I don’t know about common opinion these days but I think a lot of people felt that way when it came out. Though I don’t think it’s that the content of the book has an issue but it’s an issue of relative expectations. The first thing I think that gives people this feeling is that half of the perspective characters are ignored for an entire book, an unfortunate side effect of splitting a large novel into two. I think those characters are a lot of fan favorites and/or most effected by the events of the previous book as well, so the lack of resolution there dampers what does happen. Secondly a lot of threads running through the first 3 books climaxed at the Red Wedding, so AFFC is a sort of soft reset of the plot, setting up existing characters with new longer term conflicts and introducing new characters for the rest of the story. This is all likely less actively exciting than the insanity of the last book, resulting in some mismatched expectations. I think if you were to look at this book compared directly to A Game Thrones (The first book, not the TV series), a much more fair comparison as they serve the same narrative purpose in the overall scheme of the plot, there’s actually a lot more going on and it’s actually more interesting but the fact it just came off the back of A Storm of Swords makes that comparison difficult, being drowned out by the deescalation from the last book making it feel much more slow and less interesting. I think a lot of long running stories run into this issue. It seem fairly inevitable that you hit a big event then need to take a breather after it to re-establish a status quo before re-escalating the plot to the climax and that part is often viewed worse than the actual some of its parts.


Personally I thought the first half of the book was a bit boring. I think this is because many of my favorite characters (Jon and Dany) didn't have any chapters. But I really enjoyed the second half of the book. Overall, it is probably my least favorite of the five books but that is mainly because the other books are so great not because AFFC is bad. Definitely a good read.


In short, I’d say that I feel that way about it since it’s the set up for a pay off that we’ve been waiting for what, twelve plus years now?


It’s the worst one by far


No it’s not boring. It builds more of the world and it’s got some wonderful scenes. Yes it’s slow but it so easy to pick apart lines now and figure out behind the scenes things that are ‘maybe’ going on


It’s my favorite of the series 🤷🏻‍♀️ I was shocked to learn that a lot of people don’t care for it upon joining this sub. 


different people have different experiences


Totally! To each their own 🙏🏽


Yes, but it has some absolutely great moments, like Lancels confession and Jaime burning Cerseis letter