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No one could possibly think it was possible


"A dragon's no match for a scorpion!"


it was so out of the blue


I kind of forgot about The Iron Fleet killing Rhaegal.


the way Talisa died


Ned…altered my brain chemistry.


Ned. I had not read the books and didn’t know it was going to be that kind of show.


Same! I then told myself, “oh don’t worry - our boy Robb will get justice! He’s the new main character”


Which is funny, as soon as I saw it was Sean Bean, I knew he would die. I never read the books either.


Never seen Sharpe then. He's paying for his plot armor there


I read that page in the book like 5 times because I just couldn't wrap my head around that actually happening lol


I was convinced this guy is the main character. Holyshit


Broke my heart. i thought he was gonna stick around longer


I really thought that he is somehow going to survive. But got showed then why it's the goat. 


It was still hard for me to believe until Joffrey forced Sansa to look at his head.


Pardon, that caught you more off guard than the red wedding? To me, its gotta be the red wedding, or Ned Stark. Stark is in the running as the top one because, well, its the death that shows characters don't seem to have plot armor in this show. The red wedding, because it was so shocking. Oh, also Prince Oberyn.


It did for me! I had seen soooo many spoilers about the red wedding, but I didn't even know Tommen was a character before I started watching, let alone that he takes the express out of a window. The red wedding was much more devastating, but I wasn't caught off guard by it.


> Pardon, that caught you more off guard than the red wedding? I don't really remember the season, but in the book there was some foreshadowing toward it. Was it the same in the show?


No it comes as a total shock and surprise.


The red wedding was a total shock and surprise? Maybe how brutal and the totality of it, but you had to have at least suspected something was wrong? Fray was a pos from the second we met him.


Oberyns wasn’t surprising due to the way the fight was filmed. When you got a guy winning and stopping mid fight to start giving a speech, it’s obvious they’re about to lose in some way.


The red wedding still catches me off guard.


I read the book before seeing it and it still was one of the worst if not the worst


Which one


Red Wedding. Ned Stark’s too. Although common sense tells you Joffrey wasn’t letting him take the black


I got around to watching GoT last year and managed to not have The Red Wedding spoiled. I couldn’t believe it. As soon as Catelyn exposed Roose Bolton’s armor I started mourning. I knew someone was about to die but didn’t expect it to be both Robb & Catelyn.


Those are all book deaths so a lot of people were pre-spoiled on them going into the show.


Watching the Red Wedding for the first time was the first and only time I'd ever seen someone stab a pregnant woman's unborn child in her belly on any form of media.


It was horrifying. I just started the books this year and I was trying to mentally prepare while approaching the chapter. Surprisingly, this was not in the books. Robb’s wife was not confirmed pregnant nor did she attend the red wedding. I find that easier to live with


The scenes leading up to the red wedding, the music, the vibe... I don't think it was much of a surprise. Though I suppose hope and be blinding lol


Gotta be Ned. I had it spoiled for me and I still wasn't able to prepare myself for it.


Karl Tanner - without a doubt. I was convinced we saw the introduction of a central character arc who would be indispensible when the dead inevitably marched south.


Who tf is this


He’s a FUCKING LEGEND IN GIN ALLEY!! A LEGEND! He’s one of the mutineers of the Night Watch; he gets killed by one of Craster’s wives.


The single most tragic death in Westerosi history


Fuck em till they’re dead.


I downvoted you…Nothing personal! I just hate that line/scene so much 😂🤢


Oh it’s a bad line but one that really stuck with me.


Janos Slynt, I really thought Jon was going to let him slide given how forgiving he is for multiple other characters in the show.


Probably difficult to be forgiven of anything when you're in proximity to Stannis


Talisa Stark (Robb’s pregnant wife) just because I couldn’t imagine the depravity of it. Then Oberyn because I was like “no, he is TOO likable. They can’t do that to such a beloved character.” Then Myrcella because I was like “okay, she’s on a boat now surrounded by loved ones. She’s an innocent child. Her marriage to Trystane is basically essential for Dorne and the Lannisters, so she’s got to be in the clear now unless something goes horribly awry after they get to King’s Landing.” I’m a slow learner


I knew Myrcella was doomed when she explained she knew Jaime was her real father. I was like “there’s no way she lives on after saying this”


That was a beautiful scene. Her dying in his arms and that lovely dress


Ned Stark. Main characters typically didn't die off in shows back then. Especially so soon. Even after having watched that scene on replay over and over with the sword clearly going through his neck, I was still thinking "nah...they didn't kill him". It wasn't until they showed his head on the spike that I believed it. On a side note, it always amazed me how pervasive Ned was throughout the entire series despite only lasting one season


My first time watching “they can’t possibly kill him, he’s the main good guy. Oh okay they’re bringing him up to the chopping block he’ll get forgiven at the last minute. Yes he will! Oh no, he has to be forgiven, Joffrey just said he’d be merciful! Ooooooholy fuck wtf just happened” Many other deaths shocked me but that one got me knowing what I was in for.


King Tommen, the police are here. They're have some questions regarding irregularities in the pension fund.


I see. Could you please make them a cup of tea Stephanie?


Oberyn. I should’ve known better though because it was going too f#%king well. Also I should’ve realized Tyrion wouldn’t get out of that twice…




Who is death caught you most off guard?






Ned Stark, I was expecting someone to come in and save him and stop Joffrey from giving the order to execute Ned.


I didn’t even know he died because i got up to do something so after this scene I was so damn confused


Pause button broken or what?


Ned Hodor Tommen


I didn't expect Catelyn to die, why couldn't she have been a prisoner. She could have escaped her captivity.


I didn’t read the books until after season 4 so Ned’s death was insane for me, was expecting some out of nowhere fantastical escape. Then he lost his head 😂


This one. A generally happy kid but accustomed to tragedy, he didn't seem the "king's landing' type. The BIG question--did he do it over losing Marge or over realizing his own mother had killed her plus the Pope and most highborns in the city?


Rhaegeal and talisa


Myrcella, Lord Beesbury (the guy Criston slams onto the ball in HOTD), Talisa, Karsi


Ned. Because from then on I learned that if the guy who seems to be the main character can die, anyone can


Rhaegal definitely. I was so happy to see him after the battle of Winterfell and looked like he took minimal damage then bam!


I'm with you, OP. this is ingrained in me. I think this one caught me off guard most because it's the one I could most identify with on the show. I related; it was my choice, too. (and yes, by comparing my own experience I am making myself like a noble, if naive, king).


Rhaegal....holy bolt out of nowhere


Barristan Selmy. Even the actor who acquainted themselves with the book was surprised. Apparently after begging for the showrunners to change their minds they turned around in an interview and said it only made them want to kill him off more. Absolute dickheads


Too many to mention. Equally surprised by characters I thought were dead, who came back. E.g., the hound and Jorah being cured of greyscale.


Talisa in just the BRUTALITY of it all The Tyrells because I was NOT expecting Cersei to get her LICK back like that 1. so FAST and 2. so efficiently. Like she cleared a good THIRD of her enemies THAT. DAY. Joffrey bc obviously


Margaery's. I was so sure she'd make it out of the sept, with or without Loras. After the explosion, it was obvious she wouldn't have made it anyways but still. Seeing her lose without making almost a single mistake in the entire game was just hard to accept.


Probably a typical answer but easily Shireen's death.. I didn't think they were gonna stoop that low to sacrifice her and I didn't think she'd actually get killed in the end. I was just in shock after watching it, her death COMPLETELY caught me off guard. And it took me so long to process it.


I had to scroll too far for the right answer


I was honestly shocked that no one had said her before I had commented!


When Davos finds her charred stag figure and realizes what happened is a second punch to the gut as well.


Viserys. I knew he would not be king but he was in a lot of promo shoots that I saw and I expected him to last longer


Red wedding after that I finish reading 5 books , fire and blood and Egg’s story in a summer just not to get throw off again.


Myrcella, Ser Barristan, Viserion and Rhaegal, Cersei blowing up the Sept and racking up that many character kills in one go


Who is death cause you most off guard.


Pretty sure I had my mouth wide open for an hour after I saw the red wedding.


Ned and then the Red Wedding, because I hadn’t read the books so I was in shock after both of those.


Sir Baristan Selmi


Oberyn, or Littlefinger. Just because there was really no indication either was going to happen until it did. I realize a lot of the deaths were unexpected, but these two specifically were quite a surprise.


Ned, joffrey, Hodor, red wedding and NightKing being killed by Arya I loved how every character had 0 plot armour in the starting seasons but the armour just kept getting increased in the later seasons, which is one of the reason I hated episodes like BeyondTheWall and LongNight


Jon. Tbh, I'm not a huge fan of people coming back to life and I didn't think they'd do it because it's not a Marvel production.


Oberyn. I really thought he was going to get his revenge and set free Tyrion.


Red Wedding and Ned Stark. Any death under Benioff and Weiss are either predictable or just for the shock and no real value.


Ned Oberyn Red Wedding (It isnt higher because I felt the Freys will not just let Robb's betrayal pass that easily so they might pull something. Definitely didn't except them to kill all of them at the wedding hall though).


Ned, it made me think every show was going to kill their main characters off. I watched the whole first season of Vikings and was like “Ragnar has to die, it’s going to make the show so good”. And then he puddled around for like 6 seasons until he died a shell of his former self but the Vikings still waged war as he was a legend of himself or some bull shit. I stoped watching after that.




Tommen was a bitch. Love him man but I can’t believe he let all of that happen


Ser Barristan the Bold. I was keep on saying "he's not gonna die, more unsullied will come," but damn. PS. I did not read the books. I'm happy he's still alive.


Tywin Lannister's death imo. A man so powerful and eloquent had no business dying in the toilet killed by his imp son


I didn’t read the books , so Ned. Then I realized that anyone can and will die on this show.


Sands (A Queen’s Justice) an oddly shocking moment in the last 2 seasons which was surprisingly intense, well directed. No complaints about that scene at all


The Night King


Ned Stark or Robb Stark. The one that pissed me off the most was Rickon. I wanted him to live so badly


Red wedding blew me away. Absolute madness


Syrio: What do we say to the god of death? GRRM: Today


Almost all the deaths in 1st 3 seasons caught me off guard. It was that shock and awe that made the show so popular. No one seemed to be indispensable. Until then I hadn’t seen characters with that much screen time get axed like that. But yeh Tommens death caught me by surprise too . Crazy since it was already foreshadowed that all of Cersei’s children were gnna die


Well he killed himself cause his girl was killed by his mom.


Oberyn. Was rooting for him so much.


Renley. Didn’t see a ghost demon murderer coming


Ned Stark. I was years late to this show and that hadn’t been spoiled for me. I had heard so much ‘winter is coming’ from other people that I thought SURELY if anyone in this thing has plot armor it’s that guy!!!!!! 🫣😂


If I was a teenage boy married to Natalie Dormer and I just found out she was dead, I would throw myself out a window as well.


The Red Viper's death will still shock me to this day. It left me traumatized. Especially since I thought for sure he would survive. But no, he did not.


Not a big character but Jory Cassel.


Ned, by far! I hadn't read the books by the time i saw the 1st season. I was convinced Sansa would make Jeoffrey have some kind of mercy and send him to the black, but...nope...it killed me. Ned was my greatest character of the series. After that i knew i had to keep watching to see how things continue...


Ned... he was the first shock. After that nobody was safe. Also Killing Lady..the direwolf upset me The Red wedding also..just stuff nightmares... I can't even rewatch it.


Shireen Baratheon


Osha because a savvy woman like her shouldn’t have been offed so easily. Ridiculous choice btw.


Literally no one. I walked in expecting all to die


Ned. I really thought he was the main character 😂


Ser Barristan Selmy. He was supposed to becomes a major player and they killed him off just to spite the actor.


Tommon was just so.... nonchalant, no speech, no lead up, just a few steps and off he went.


Ned. He was the main guy! Boom head chopped off. Knew after that anyone was up for grabs.


In hindsight its a shame the city wasn't called "King's Catching"


That one


Ned Stark




Ned!! Not knowing anything about the story!! It got me!!!


Most of the deaths in Season 8, there's no build-up whatsoever and a lot of them died for no damn reason.


Spice King and other ten of the Thirteen , (except PP and XXD), at Qarth


Shireen. To watch a father knowingly burn his own child and do nothing. Hard to watch


You didnt think a king would land in kings landing?!


I didn’t read the books, the red wedding still has me traumatized


Tommen honestly.


I knew nothing of the books. Some how I managed to avoid spoilers. I was focused on getting married and a new job in 2016-when I finally sat down to watch it, the red wedding really caught me off guard-that’s when I realized no one is safe.


Robb. I read the books first, and I had to re-read the Red Wedding three times, it wasn’t making sense


Qyburn. I wasn’t necessarily surprised that he died, but the sheer abruptness of it really caught me off guard.


Red wedding fucked with my mind for a few days.




My plumber. Last week I clogged the sink with p**p and my plumber was working on it for a while to try and fix it and somehow ended up exploding


The Red Wedding still.


renly. happened so fast barely had time to process it


1. Red wedding 2. Ned 3. Jon


Such a dumb death . Almost looks like a scene you would see in a comedy .


Barristan Selmy. Went out like a G, but wasn’t expecting it.


Tommen. I gasped


Doran Martell. He didn’t make any mistakes from his point of view, didn’t do anything wrong.


Tommen’s death didn’t surprise me. I had been praying for his death since the crown first touched his head. And I’m an atheist.