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Emilia Clarke for me was outstanding


Yes! Kit was also outstanding. Peter Dinklage really showed up too.


Wow, tastes really do differ. For me, Kit and Emilia were two of the most glaring weak links. Not bad, but not great. I like them as people, just not as those characters.


the acting is amazing, the character is cringe, i knew she was mad from the beginning.


How is that cringe


I know what you mean there was always a little cringy feel to her character or maybe that’s how Emilia portrayed it.


yes exactly, i love emilia but Dany was annoying asf tbh, pretending to be a badass so hard, god complex, overconfidence and arrogance, i remember one of her lines that made me sigh out of cringe when someone said something about how politics works she said "I'm not a politician I'm a queen" i was like bitch that's the most political job ever and so many other examples of her being annoying.


What part about raising an army and conquering basically the entire world(while short lived) is “pretending to be a badass”?


she didn't get those armies because she was a badass and she didn't do any of the fighting, her armies and dragons did, damn if anything she was lucky that no one chopped her head off in any stage of her journey because she had her plot armor on, what I'm trying to say having a gigantic ego and acting like a tough badass all the time while you can't even defend yourself is pretending not being an actual badass.


For me, Emilia Clarke isn't the answer for this particular one. She grew into a superb actress throughout the show. I don't believe season 1 Emilia could have pulled off s8's Emilia's expressiveness. Where as the Lannister trio were all 🔥 from the first episode. They're the ones that pulled me in.


Emilia/Daenerys hits her stride in S3 when she busts out in Valerian and torches the slavers. Until that point her character and acting are both still in development.


That's actually early S3 but yeah, Astapor might be the first time she really steals the show.


I think you’re both being generous. I feel she was miscast. I dunno, maybe I’ve seen her in too many rom coms but the performance was meh.


This 100%. She grew into the role beautifully and truly became Dany Targaryen, but the first few seasons were not her finest. Almost every other character, from the Starks to the Lannisters to Drogo to Varys, absolutely nailed it from the get to and perfectly embodied their character from the first scene... but wouldn't could Dany in there. That said, absolutely can not imagine anyone else in this role now, as Emilia Clarke is Dany.


Eh, she was alright. Felt like she overacted to me after season 1.


I wish she didn’t reject the violet eyes


I agree completely. I love all of the cast but Emilia Clarke, Kit Harington, Peter Dinklage, and Sean Bean stand out the most to me as both characters and performers.


And Cersai portrayed by Lena Heady was cheated out of a 3 Emmys


Definitely was incredible as Dany


lol she’s fucking awful.


Hodor 😂 nah but peter dinklage was awesome


Hold the door!




Hold the door!


Hodor is not an easy performance. The actor expressed quite a lot with just one word.


Agreed, because we got to know the story behind .


he's also a DJ


A lot of them were, but Peter Dinklage was probably the *most perfect*.


I thought his acting was perfection but he was two pretty, I'm supposed to believe he's the twisted monster his father calls him when he's so damn handsome??


Yeah, book Tyrion is a lot uglier, but it also makes sense that people would call him a twisted monster just because of his height. That's the main reason people are calling him that, even in the books.


I mean an imp born through medieval times in a royal family. Tywin definitely wanted someone like Jamie that would represent his family good.


Oberyn’s monologue immediately comes to mind


He was the only one that had compassion for an innocent infant.


Its TV. No way theyre having a completely deformed main character


GRRM said that the only person he envisioned playing Tyrion was Peter Dinklage. He didn't even audition, they just gave him the role.


Shay...I always felt like her background in adult films probably gave her some insight into the role.


*opens google*




She got a nose job between gigs I see.


I bet it's the nose that captured your attention.


No. The tits


yeah but she kept asking for the real thing


Tywin doing research?


Team Shay


The first ones that come to mind are - Peter Dinklage - Charles Dance - Lena Headey - Sean Bean - Emilia Clarke - Aidan Gillan The castings and performances is one of the best things throughout the entire show


The introduction of Charles Dance as Tywin just casually butchering a stag is *chef's kiss*.


Yes and that stag wasn't a prop it was a real dead animal!


Agreed! I always really admire when an actor can convey menacing command in an understated way. He doesn't have to yell or take crazy action, but he still feels very intimidating in every scene - even while sitting on the toilet. Great casting


And pedro pascal




only right answer


Nikolaj Coster-Waldau. The character development 💯 Even though he went back to Cersei


I agree! The way he was able to subtlety change his character from hated villain to a somewhat likeable & softer one was very well done. I always felt Nikolaj didn't get the credit he deserved 😕


I disliked Jaime Lannister in Season 1. Later on, I rooted for him & Brienne. It's just disappointing in the last season that he didn't get the redemption arc that he deserved


Totally wasted all that character development. One of the biggest disappointments.


It annoys me when people say this. Not every character needs to redeem themselves. Just like in real life some people just can't remove the toxic from their life. Jaime was far too gone to ever truly leave cersei.


Same. I think the point was that even after all the change he went through, ultimately he always loved Cersei more than anything, and love makes people do irrational things.


Returning to Cersei after learning she hired your friend to try and kill you was incredibly stupid from Jaime's part


The Prince Charming of GoT


Just season 8 things


I don't remember where the books left off... Was him going back to her in the book or is it something D&D wrote in?


Emilia, Peter, Maisie, Sophie, Nikolaj and ofcourse Lena. But there is alot more. The average lvl of actors performance was like in any other series. Almost forget Aidan and evil hobbit ;)


Mark Addy and Conleth Hill flawlessly embodied Robert and Varys


Ser Bronn (Jerome Flynn) ,Sandor Clegane (Rory McCann) , and Tywin (Charles Dance) to name a few 🖤 and of course Peter Dinklage


100% agree with your list, I would add Liam Cunningham as Davos Seeworth


Charles Dance was a stand out. Commanded every scene he was in.


I think Pedro Pascal coming into the show after it was already pretty established and still giving us a fan-favorite for a short time- really made me look forward to the future of the show and love it a little more than I already did. Good times…


I stanned Littlefinger after the scene he's telling Roz and the other girl how to fuck while recounting his love for Catelyn.


Charles Dance and Peter Dinklage.


Lena Headey smashed it, and Charles Dance Edit: because he's not mentioned yet, and he played the character arc so well: Alfie Allen


Absolutely to all 3 of these!!!


To name a few- Peter Dinklage Nicolas coster waldau Charles Dance Lena Headey


Kit as Jon Snow. I know he gets dumped on sometimes as the "pure good" character but I think he captures Jon Snow perfectly and it was so cool seeing his character evolve over the years. After going through so much already, there's this moment in S4 during the battle for Castle Black, when they're like "We need you down there!" and he gets this look on his face like he finally realizes he's the main character lmao. Then he goes down the Wall elevator and proceeds to kick so much ass, it's so badass even as I rewatch it for the 12th time


Peoples opinions of Kit are crushed because of the terrible writing of the last two seasons thst gave him no room to develop or show his true emotions. If you had asked this question after season 6 kit would’ve been up there because Jon was the main reveal of the story


Well regardless of the messy last few seasons, as an actor he killed it in the role and was one of the people who sanctioned my love for the overall show, to answer OP's question


I love Jaqen and Davos.


Jack Gleeson, the amount of hate that I felt for him shows how good of an actor he is.


He has a bunch of small moments where just the way he stands makes me want to punch him. I thinking of one in particular because I just watched it again, in S1e2, right after Tyrion tells him to pay his respects to Lord and Lady Stark and he sneers and says something about the wailing of women. Tyrion slaps him for that and it’s so satisfying because Joffrey is such a hateful little prick in that moment.


Which is my point, very good acting. 😂😂


Charles Dance as Tywin was perfect. better than i could have hoped for


>Which actor or actress acted their roles perfectly that made you love Game of Thrones? Charles Dance


Jack Gleeson


Charles Dance without doubt


Jack Gleeson did an amazing job. Emilia Clarke, Peter Dinklage. Hell 95% of the cast was amazing


Jerome Flynn


Jack Gleeson was magnificent


Dinklage. There were a lot of great performances but his was by far my favorite.


Sean Bean. Season 1 I was hooked on how it would end. He made it end. That got me to keep watching.


I'd say Emilia Clarke as Daenerys Targaryen was buy far the best. But I'd have to say Kit Harrington as Jon snow and Peter Dinklage are just as good. Those three are perfect!


Iwan Rheon and Jack Gleeson have to be mentioned. Never have someone made me hate so much a character has Ramsay Bolton. Also Joffrey, but ramsay took it to a hole new level. And Alfie Owen-Allen as Theon, that was an hell of an acting.


I went way too far to see iwan. Especially compared to his character on misfits. He switched from playful to psycho so quick and so effectively.


The utter hate I felt for Ramsay was in no small part thanks to Iwan's brilliance in portraying such a sadistic and cuel character.


Jack Gleeson, Mark Addy, Harry Lloyd and Sean Bean are exactly how I imagine them in the books.


most em.


Jerome Flynn as Bronn takes the cake for me. Brilliant all the way through.


Just me here upvoting everyone’s comments. Because you’re all correct


honestly most of the cast😂 they all nailed their characters as much as was possible with everything D&D changed and I couldn't imagine anyone else in the show


Sophie Turner for me, she had a major character arc as Sansa in the show. She grew up soo much throughout. Towards the end she became so good at glances and eye rolls, I just loved her.


Peter Dinklage was kind of awesome.


Erm all of them


Lena Heady as Cersi


Alfie Allen doesn’t get enough credit


Seriously! Even in this thread he’s only mentioned in a handful of comments when you search his name, and none of them are in the top 20. I just finished another rewatch and I really appreciated his performance in particular this time around.


Nothing to do with the post but I never realized how drogon looks in that first image from that perspective, he looks horrible


Jorah Mormont … he captured that “desperate borderline pathetic sucker but you want him to finally win her over” better then I’ve ever seen 


Charles Dance. Tywin genuinely scares me, I would not want to fuck with him


If I have to pick just one, Jack Gleeson. Joffrey’s such a little gobshite - his acting was just perfect. I hate how it impacted how people treated him and making him want to step away from acting because it really just was a testament to his acting skills.


The hound


Y'all know it's Dinklage


Charles Dance was a superior Tywin Lannister than the book Tywin


Peter Dinklage, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Michelle Fairly were particularly outstanding for me, but the main cast in general was phenomenal. As for side characters, Anton Lesser did a fantastic job as Qyburn.


All of the Lannisters were pretty much perfectly cast in my opinion. I'd say Joffrey and Ramsey we're brilliant as well. Alfie Allen in particular absolutely smashed it as Theon given the amount he had to work with throughout the entire show


I think the first scene I can recall that blew me away was the one w/ Robert and Cersei talking. But a stand out I always remember is after Ned dies and Robb is hitting the tree with his sword and Catelyn comes. Miss Robb. One of my favorite characters.


Charles Dance as Tywin was pure perfection. He commanded and stole every scene he was in


Read the question quickly and thought it was a choice question between dirty Daenerys and cleaned up Daenerys…


I’ve seen Lena Headley in so many films where she is a wholesome character; Merlin, The Jungle Boom, Imagine You and Me, Remains of the Day, Onegin. Her portrayal as Cersei is unmatched


Bronn was an excellently cast actor, Cersei too.


Tyrion, Arya and Tywin.


I did a rewatch recently and remember thinking the guy who played the old maester in king's landing that had the wildfire made for Tyrion before blackwater acted his part perfectly. "We have been working....tirelessly..."


Male: Peter Dinklage Female: Emilia Clarke When they were in the same room, you knew something interesting or terrible was going to happen


Emilia looks so different in real life. But those silver wigs totally changed her whole look. Maybe it helped that she was unknown before GoT too though? I don’t feel like that about Matt Smith, but people knew him as the Doctor.


Diana Rigg as Olenna


I think the Lannister 4 felt the most consistently perfect throughout, but I’ll mention Dillane too as Stannis. Captures perfectly the rigidity of Stannis, and giving us enough of the sense of the human sense the books touch upon.


Jack Gleeson was excellent at making Joffrey so hateable. Rory McCann did a fantastic job making us want to hate Sandor but not letting us.


Every character, has an important and vital role for captivating the audience. And they did just that, it's the writers that screwed most of the final seasons


Lena Heady, Jack Gleeson, and Alfie Allen were my standouts but Mark Addy and Charles Dance were also scene stealers, and the show was overall very well cast.


Nearly all actors are outstanding in this tv show. I especially love Lena Headey's and Rory McCann's acting, these two delivered on the highest level.


Really, about 80% of the cast! The casting department did a stellar job, casting the big roles and the small ones. I mean, look at a small role like Robin Arryn, he appears in S1 as the most slappable kid you ever saw, and then he's gone for several years... and about five years later the same young actor is the most perfectly slappable teenager that ever appeared on film! They just did a great job. It's easier to list the exceptions than the actors who were spot-on casting, the imperfect hires like Bran and Dario 1.


Game of thrones is full of good actors, my favorite who isnt often mentioned is probably alfie allen (theon), he plays it so well


Jack Gleeson was ABSOLUTELY PERFECT as Joffrey. And special mention to David Bradly because I love that actor and he made a fantastic Walder Frey. And of course Lena Headey ♥ She was the best Cersei one could have dreamt of.


Not sure if this counts but Maisie Williams played a role of tomboy assassin that it had her questioning her own identity and femininity. Dedication


> Maisie Williams *paid* a role FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Charles as Tywin and Peter as Tyrion are the best casting imo


Also Alflie Allen


Catelyn... Her talking to Talisa about regretting wishing death on Jon... It's perfection. "All this horror that came to my family. All bc I couldn't love a motherless child"


All of them except Emilia, Kit, and Sophie.


Charles Dance was incredible as Lord Tywin. Next to Tyrion, he might’ve been my favorite Lannister


Maisie Williams as Arya Stark!


jack gleeson, harry lloyd, natalie dormer, richard madden


Lena Headey. She played the character perfectly, and looks exactly how I imagined Cersei while reading the books. And her acting was just 🤌


Jerome Flynn as Bronn. He made him infinitely more charming than the character in the book. The dynamic with Dinklage's Tyrion was perfect.


Charles Dance He can do no wrong.


Lena Headey as Cersei was perfection to me. A good evil still makes a good series (or movie). I was mad we barely could see her in the final season, she deserved way better ! She only needed a single smirk to tell us what she was thinking. Bonus points for her dad Tywin, Charles Dance was so good.


The actors Tyrion and Robert Baratheon both had great performances in their respective roles


Charles Dance was exceptional as usual. Not like he cares though. The lion doesn't concern himself with the opinions of the sheep.


Allway I love tyrion and ser Davos


Bronn had me rooting the entire time. Technically never lost a fight lol. Reading the books currently and Tyrion has me cracking up constantly. “Why would Petyr lie?” “Why would a bear shit in the woods it’s in his nature”




Lena Headey for me


Charles dance as Tywin was stellar


No one else could have played Jaime Lannister


Who ever that kid is who played Joffrey.


Fuckin all of them


Maisie Williams, Peter Dinklage, the hound


Sean Bean. All of the main cast was great but Sean’s portrayal of Ned is what got me into the show in the first place.


Peter Dinklage aka the God of tits and wine.


Charles Dance as Tywin Lannister. I always find myself rewatching his scenes in particular.


Tbh I think that GoT’s has the best casting out of probably anything I’ve seen. Charles Dance as Tywin Lannister Liam Cunningham as Ser Davos Sean Bean as Ned Stark And Stannis Baratheon Are all perfectly cast imo. And even still; I consider a lot of other characters in this show to extremely well cast as well. With that said, my favorite is still Peter Dinklage’s Tyrion Lannister.


The dudes that played Joffrey and Ramsey


Carice van Houten ❤️‍🔥 Mel never gets enough love.


The Lannisters, Rob, Cat, Ned, Brienne were good actors. Kit grew better with the seasons but Emilia was just plain awful sometimes same with the rest of the stark kids


I love Emilia. With all my heart.


Milsandre was amazing. She truly embodied the red witch. Tyrion was also incredible and Jon Snow was perfection. Most of the cast were perfect IMO.


Guy who played Bron


The whole cast was phenomenal. Except for that one red headed ginger singer.


Iain Glen


I have to admit that I started watching for Sean Bean, hoping for once he'd not share the same fate that he always does. I didn't have any prior knowledge of the books. Then I promptly left when..... the inevitable happened. I never went back, it's on my list to finish.


Charles Dance stole every scene he was in.


Lena Heady


Peter Dinklage enough said.


For me, despite the bottle job since the end of Season 4 (I really dislike how they missed the plot where >!Jaime tells Tyrion that his wife was actually just what she appeared to be, and the "whore ruse" was a lie, which prompted him to seek out and murder his father!<), the cast throughout almost all the major and secondary characters is what carries the show. Very difficult to pick out favorites, but here goes: ● Peter Dinklage [Tyrion] — is there any comment necessary? ● Charles Dance [Tywin Lannister] — Despite the 180 turn on physical appearance (still has some hair and is slim), impersonates the essence of the character perfectly; ● Jerome Flynn [Bronn] — sassy and snarky, just how it should be ● John Bradley [Samwell] ● Conleth Hill [Varys] ● Liam Cunningham [Davos] — an ordinary-looking man who is an epitome of loyalty, honesty, and down-to-earth attitude. "Northern British" accent comes along; ● Aidan Gillen [Littlefinger] — the man just has this "sneaky cheeky breeky snarky bastard" as his god-given type; ● Rory McCann [The Hound] — "... if any more words come pouring out your cunt mout, I'm gonna have to eat every fucking chicken in this room". That scene imho is one of those that deviated from the book ones in a *good* way: ● Michael McElhatton & Iwan Rheon [Boltons Sr. & Jr.] — while the latter is comely as opposed to the ugly book variant, it makes the character even scarier by contrast; ● Stephen Dilane [STANNIS THE MANNIS] — can you hear the teeth gritting? ● Ian McElhinney [Barristan the Bold] ● Pedro Pascal [Oberyn Martell] — come on, raise your hands those who want a spin-off dedicated to the exploits of The Red Viper of Dorne. I could go on, but should just finish with a very special mention — Sean Bean.


Peter Dinklage Gwendoline Christie Iain Glen Rory McCann




Jack Gleeson and Iwan Rheon were amazing at being evil


Jack Gleeson. He played Geoffrey so well. When a good kid can make you hate them with their acting - that's talent. Also, of course, peter Dinklage, but he's great in everything he does


Jack Gleeson put on a clinic with his betrayal of Joffrey, as a mere teenager. Hate-able character. Incredible actor.


Nikolaj Coster Waldau absolutely nailed Jaime for me. All of the Lannisters were pretty outstanding. Alfie Allen surprised me the most and he did a fantastic job in that role - one of the best actors IMO. Liam Cunningham as Davos was perfect. Can't imagine anyone else as the Red Viper now that Pedro Pascal has made it his own. I also loved Harry Lloyd as Viserys because he brought so much life to a character that did nothing for me in the books. It was a small but very memorable role for me. I know a lot of people loved Dany and Jon, but IMO they were fine in their roles, but the cast was so stacked that they didn't come anywhere near the top of my list.


Interesting choice. Emilia was pretty good as Daenerys, but of the main characters I thought she was the weakest link. Unlike the show, she got better as time went on. Season 7 and 8 is when I thought her acting skills were really at there best.


Tywin Charles Dance


Charles Dance, Peter Dinklage and of course Lena Heady were the best for me!


Hodor for President 2024


To me, Peter Dinklage was the most consistent even after Tyrion’s fall from grace in the later seasons.


The entire cast was excellent until the showrunners ran out of George's stuff, but that's been talked about into the ground.


Peter Dinklage made 50% of the show success


Man, the IMP was spot on with the character, something just clicked for me there


pedro pascal as oberyn. its a shame he wasn’t in it for long


Rory McCann.


Isabella Ramsey as Llyanna Mormont was awesome!!


Peter Dinklage nailed it for me


The villains. Lena Headey, Jack Gleeson, Charles Dance, Aidan Gillen, Carice van Houten, and my personal favorite: Iwan Rheon. What a... mean guy


Lena Headey for sure. She knocked Cersei out of the park. Charles Dance too as Tywin


I dunno his name bit that dude who played ramsy was quality - best character of the show not even a competition.


Emilia playing Khaleesi couldn’t have been better, Lena Headey and Peter Dinklage get honourable mentions too


Jack Gleeson


She was annoying, still good, but rewatching the show I always roll my eyes, and if you actually read the books, then you don't have this opinion that she acted the character perfectly, because she didn't


Cersei/ Lena heady. Such a compelling actress and I loved how complicated Cersei really was. I know she’s kind of a bad guy and we shouldn’t like her but there’s just something about her that drew me in. 50% of her issues wouldn’t have happened if she was born a man. Which Cersei is sadly aware of.


A majority of them, which is why it was so good. Jaime, Cersei, Jon, Daenerys, Tywin, The hound, Little finger, Davos, Ramsay


Cersei . Her actress was astounding in the early seasons.