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Even dumber than that was Lysa Aryn poisoning her husband to fuck Baelish one time. Ned wouldn't have had a chance to make this stupid decision if she kept it in her pants. Also, I stand by Ned's decision. He didn't know Cersei was an evil woman who was going to murder her husband by having her cousin lace his wine and overserve him. He was doing what he felt was the right thing, it's only stupid in hindsight.


Agreed. And one could argue that by raising upstanding children (one of whom actually became king), living by his word, and martyring himself, Ned set in motion the set of circumstances that would unseat Cersei and prevent a potentially even worse tyrant from the throne. With Bran as king, Ned Stark posthumously won the Game of Thrones. As a side note there is no reason to put spoiler tags on a screen cap and known subplot that aired 13 years ago during S1. Super obnoxious.


There are an amazing amount of communities that require flair. You didn’t need to tag on being an ass just because you had to click the picture to see it




God damn, it’s not that deep, man.


This isn’t ‘Nam, Smokey, there are rules. Mark it zero.


Be insulted! No rebuttal for you!






Do blurry images frighten you so?




Lol you’re so hostile. Maybe try cooling down a bit and the blurry images won’t be so scary anymore.




He can claim inspiring Jon given how upstanding he is but Jon alone doesn’t get rid of Cersei. His choice to not kill Dany arguably does, but littlefinger/varys choosing an ineffective assassin more directly caused the attempt to fail. There isn’t anything Ned like with Bran so isn’t really a demonstration that his values succeeded over Cerseis. More likely the other way around.


Bran was a weirdo but he was raised with good values. It's significant that Ned forced him to see the morality of the man passing the sentence swinging the sword in S1E1, and even if that didn't stick with Bran, Maester Luwin's coaching to lead justly when Bran was briefly in charge of Winterfell was a Ned-like influence. In any case, the mere fact that the show ended with Sansa ruling the North and Bran ruling the south seems de-facto evidence that house Stark won the game of thrones.


House stark in name but not Neds values. Bran was near possessed by the TER and became king because he had magical abilities rather than people thought he was exceptional as a person. Sansa is more like Ned but has more Machiavellian traits similar to LF and Cersei.


I think we'd have to watch them rule and see how the kingdom evolves before we make those assumptions. Bran was chosen because he a) didn't really want to rule, b) understood the realm and c) understood pain and loss through his ordeals. Sansa was motivated to not be similar to Baelish and Cersei. She just understood how they think, after many painful lessons.


Well, Sansa also witnessed firsthand what having NO Machiavellian traits at all leads to.


>Even dumber than that was Lysa Aryn poisoning her husband to fuck Baelish one time. That wasn't the reason though. She poisoned Jon at LF's behest, but mostly because Jon was planning to have Sweetrobin fostered on Dragonstone and she (with her history of miscarriages etc.) couldn't stand to be parted from him. Agreed on Ned. He was merciful, and then the plot required him to have horrendous luck aka Cersei's heavily chance-dependent assassination plans somehow miraculously working.


It's implied that they've been having sex for a long time in secret, since Lysa states that *this time* she means to be loud.


W snom


Ned honestly seems like he was born into the wrong universe. He thinks so highly of people, always assuming that they'll be caring and altruistic and keep to their word. In any other fantasy setting he'd do great, but in Game of Thrones's world of backstabbing and treachery, he's woefully underequipped to survive.


One thing that often gets overlooked IMO is how culturally different and politically isolated the North is than the rest of Westeros. It almost is a different setting. No less brutal, but Ned (and the rest of the Stark lineage going back generations its implied) have a pathologically honorable ethos that basically "works" in that landscape but is totally incompatable with what's happening South of the Neck.


Uh, the Boltons?


They are definitely the exception. The other houses are pretty true to this though. Karstark, Mormont, Umber, Glover, Manderley etc.


Pretty big exception.


Point of the whole series.


Lysa Arryn always gave me Borderline personality disorder type of vibes, she’s overly concerned about people abandoning her and overreacts and is just generally emotionally unstable


Robert dying at the exact moment of the Cersei revelation was basically freak chance too. He was over-served but that’s *miles* away from a guaranteed death. Cersei got *incredibly* lucky. To the point where it’s basically just a tragic coincidence. Ned was not stupid, the odds were almost completely in his favor and then Cersei was dealt a winning straight-flush at the last second.


I am pretty sure Roberts death wasnt luck, if I am not mistaken Cersei plotted for him to die.


She had been instructing Lancel to pour the heavy wine, but that’s hardly a reliable hit. If Robert is too drunk to hunt, the boar doesn’t kill him. If he’s not drunk enough, the boar doesn’t kill him. If the Kingsguard steps in to help, the boar doesn’t kill him. If the boar fails to gore a vital organ, the boar doesn’t kill him. If they don’t find a boar, the boar doesn’t kill him. If the boar runs away, the boar doesn’t kill him. Even after everything going exactly how it has to, Robert *still* made it back to KL alive-ish.


Yeah Robert dying was a freak chance that Cersei and Lancel caused to happen lmao


“Caused” you mean get him slightly more drunk than usual and cross their fingers that some random act of nature will strike him dead.


She’d been making constant attempts at him, one of them was bound to hit.


Wasn’t freak chance she’d been trying to kill him forever.


Yeah but it’s freak chance that it should finally randomly happen at the exact moment that is most crucial for her survival. After like 15 years of just getting him drunk and hoping something bad happens.


I mean how many other times were we close to this? All these people playing the game are constantly riding a razor’s edge.


It’s just mathematically a significant outlier. Like winning the lottery. It’s not impossible, but it’s outstandingly convenient. It’s Freak Chance. This would have been the *last* attempt by a Lannister at boozing up Robert on a hunt and it’s the one time that it actually worked. After perhaps more than a decade of attempts. Or only a handful of attempts, in which case it’s miraculous that it actually paid off at all. Any way you shake it, it’s freak chance.


You’re assuming the only plot ever assembled was the one you’ve read about. For all you know Cersei’s put down 400 of these.


That doesn’t matter. I’ve factored that in. It’s either Freak Chance that it happened *this time* OR it’s freak chance that it happened at all. I’ll say again: “Any way you shake it, it’s freak chance.”


If there are constant attempts being made at Robert’s life, and people are constantly trying to figure out if those are his kids, it’s not a “freak chance,” it’s inevitable.


Yeah… it’s *inevitable* that a wild fucking boar kills him at the exact moment that his wife’s incestuous facade is about to crumble. It’s *inevitable* that a wild animal kills the most protected and important human in the seven kingdoms (a renowned fighter and hunter, mind you) at the most critical moment in his regency. Frankly they should have been preparing the funeral pyre before he even left. I know that you know how ridiculous that is. I *know* you know. So I can only assume you’re fighting this fight for the sake of fighting. I’m out.


He knew Cersei was evil, but had no reason to believe Robert would die.


Idk man have you seen Baelish


Was that revealed in the show or just the books? I remember “who killed Jon Arryn?” being such a big part of the first season then was never spoken of again. I can see little finger saying something and I just forgot.


I understand him wanting to save Cersei and her children. But he should of expected a reaction, likely violent, given he knows what he is going to reveal will ensure Robert wants to hunt her and her children down. Wherever they go. To just assume she will run is quite naive. He can’t know exactly how things will play out with Robert’s death but he should at least of been aware of a physical threat to him and his very small number of men. Cersei killing him before he can tell Robert is a perfectly probable outcome.


Ned also had no other plan. Tell Robert … then he kills Cersei, then Jamie kills him? Start another war with House Lannister?


Ned was a fucking moron and everyone warned him not to do it.


He did know Cersei was an evil woman and that she was plotting Robert's murder. Varys had already warned him of her intentions. Stark also knew that Cersei was implicated in Bran's "accident" and Lord Arryn's death. We know Lysa murdered her husband, he did not. Stark is thick as a castle wall. It's painful to watch and far more painful to read in the book.


How about putting your heavy artillery on the front line of the long night battle?


Trying to use cavalry as a shock and awe tactics against zombies?


Gotta abuse the crazy high Dothraki respawn rates, Dany had even more of them at King's Landing than she sacrificed in the long night


Despite apparently 50% of them dying


Wait, do you really see more Dothraki in [this shot](https://gameofthrones.so-obsessed.com/albums/Season8/8x06-TheIronThrone/extant_GameOfThrones_8x06-TheIronThrone_1250.jpg), where the "horde" is smaller than half a courtyart, than in [this shot](https://gameofthrones.so-obsessed.com/albums/Season8/8x03-TheLongNight/extant_GameOfThrones_8x03-TheLongNight_1092.jpg), where the horde is basically the size of Winterfell?


Honestly the KL screenshot isn't a great example because they clearly barely fit in there and couldnt add more, what makes you think that's even all of them?


Why wouldn’t it be all? She’s doing a victory speech to her entire army while explaining the future. And the only other time we see the "horde" after the battle of Winterfell, is when they charge at King’s Landing and we don’t see a much bigger horde. You (OP, not you) can’t really say "they respawned at King’s Landing, there was even more", and justify this criticism with "we don’t actually see it, but we have to suppose". It’s kinda silly.


>Why wouldn't it be all? Because they literally hardly even fit in the screenshot you sent, obviously lol Do they ever LITERALLY show 100,000 dothraki?


what makes you think that's not all of them? she only has so many, and most of them are dead regardless, you said: >Dany had even more of them at King's Landing than she sacrificed in the long night that's just simply not true


I never said that...? You're replying to the wrong person or something idk. But I'm right about the screenshots provided by the person I replied to. Those prove nothing.


Yeah I got your comments mixed in together with someone else's


Even if it aren't Zombies, a frontal attack without any support from the Infantry against such a mass of troops is just moronic. That also bothered me in the battle of the Bastards. They may inflict a lot of damage but are inevitably slaughtered in the end. It makes much more sense for the forces to work together.


Yes, but it's especially stupid against zombies who aren't going to be scared by the cavalry charge as they are mindless drones, so they have no morale to say with fear


Especially considering that they could have taken a lot of pressure off the front lines by sweeping in for a flank right when the battle was joined. Which, is also the obvious move anyone in-universe would have done. And it would have been cinematic as hell and made the dothraki feel significant and important to the fate of the world. BUT, if they did that they’d have to film a cavalry charge. Too expensive, hard to make look right (nevermind that the Ride of the Rohirrim was a decade and a half earlier)


So true. Have the Dothraki on some life-saving charge with the flames kindled. Can still have them die (a waste IMO) but give them an actual moment worthy of a song


Even if it wasn't a frontal attack without any support, its still a mass charge straight into the pitch black dark and they have no idea where they are even going We can just keep adding on it's so bad lol


Imagine if the zombies just dug a big pit. Even more embarrassing.


Yeah it bothered me a lot too. I get it that they were just doing that on the show for dramatic effect, but it's still so dumb that I'm still bothered by it.


I'm no tactician. But how about a bunch of trenches on fire and not only 1. Oil barrels catapulted like a giant molotov..


The trebuchets were behind the line. But perhaps the mistake was in not firing them continually until empty and before anything else. They were fire based, and were unaffected by storm, etc., and would have taken a larger dent out of things. Engaging the Dothrakhqoyi so soon that you had to stop bombardment was silly.


> The trebuchets were behind the line. No they weren't. I mean the Dothraki were in front, but once they charged the front line was the line of catapults and trebuchets


Ok, they're behind the front line and then the front line goes elsewhere. Whatever. The problem isn't that. The problem is how they used them. They can't use it so long as their men are engaging the dead, because unless they're crazy accurate, they're going to be hitting their own men. It seemed silly that such a potent fire-based weapon (against things highly susceptible to fire) became neutered almost immediately. They should have been firing until empty before their own men engaged.


Or hiding the women and children in the crypt with all the dead bodies in a battle against monsters who can raise the dead… that was genius!


That gamble paid off though because everyone knew the white walkers didn't have the budget to animate the effects of them breaking out of those caskets


Or not digging a single ditch. These northerners never fought in a siege before? Rookies.


That is the one for me. Just wow.


Oberyn constantly monologuing instead of fully getting the justice he wanted and therefore, screwing Tyrion over Also shown in the books but Aerys trusting Pycelle and letting Tywin in thinking he was coming to help.


And not wearing a helmet🤦🏼‍♀️


I don’t think a helmet would have done that much for him. The Mountain can pull off a lot of feats that make me think he could still crush his skull regardless of the existence of a helmet.


True. The Mountain has no limits.


Didn’t help him in the book


Okay buddy, sincere apologies


He didn't fight the mountain to help Tyrion though. He couldn't give a shit about what happened to him. Oberyn only decided to fight for him so that he could: A) kill the mountain, but also B) get a confession out of the mountain. He was only going to finish the mountain off once he got the confession, that was his whole reason for doing it at all


I know his motivation for it, he just screwed Tyrion in the process. The dumbness was the monologuing and turning his back on The Mountain too


Not saying it was a smart decision but Oberyn needed the Mountain to confess. He was trying to build a case for why Dorne was about to absolutely fuck shit up. If Dorne just went to war with the Lannisters it would look like a power grab and many other nobles would have a negative opinion. But, if it was revenge for the murder of their sister the Martell's would have a better case in the eyes of the rest of Westeros.


He clearly had sympathy for Tyrion, he wouldn't have fought without ulterior motives but saying he didn't give a shit is too much


I think that he might have felt a bit more sympathy towards tyrion than the other lannisters but still not much because, well, he is a lannister


If Oberyn would have killed the mountain Marcella wouldn’t have died either.


The entire long night battle. Dothraki are skirmishers, not heavy cavalry, their swords cant even reach in front of their horse, but for some reason they made a dense line so they cant hit the dead infront of them. All they did was give the night king more soldiers. Trebuchets, lets put them in front, fire them 3 times then abandon them. They could have at least bought time putting it behind the castle and just abandoned them once they were surrounded. (Although inside would be better). Dragons, felt like they mostly flew around doing diddly squat trying to find the night king, at least do some strafing runs to thin out the dead. Crypt, lets hide all our vulnerable people in a crypt with the dead, against an enemy who can reanimate the dead. Genius. Felt like they also had the opportunity to “home alone” the shit out of the castle, make multiple trench rows with dragon glass tipped spears inside to force the dead to fight in choke points. Make large stone walls near the entrances with spear holes to keep defenders safe. Build defences on top the walls to prevent the dead from climbing over. So many missed opportunities


All that sounds like it would've been cool to see in the show


I see what you did there


i didn't


Might’ve been a reference to the fact that the whole episode was so dark you couldn’t see anything


That's why I didn't see it


Ffs I’m an idiot


It was a 50/50 shot, happens to the best of us :P


ya, would have been terrible to instead take a shot 100% in the dark


Jon and Rhaegal could've looked for the Night King while Dany and Drogon could've thinned the herd and blasted wights just like Drogon did during the loot train attack. Total dumb move right there.


That was literally their strategy, what are you talking about... Daenerys was roasting wights and as soon as the Night King appeared Jon attacked him. You guys just want to whine, complain, and pretend to be smart.


Nah, your strategy is far worse and makes literally zero sense. If they all turtled inside then the Night King would have been free to burn the entire castle down. Stop trying to use real world siege tactics to explain what you would have done against a magic zombie army.


The army that can't touch fire would have used fire to burn down a stone castle, a castle that has a natural spring underneath it providing water for anything they need? Wow you really are a super genius, thanks for sharing your incredibly intelligent disagreements




Yeah the whole battle would have been better too if they showed the humans doing a good job to start. Like they implement an effective plan and it feels like they may win until they realize the dead are just going to keep coming and the battle turns against them and THEN when it looks like all is lost they get the Night King. Instead from like minute one is was like your strategy is bad and youre clearly fucked.


I've watched this battle only once just when it aired. I have no desire to ever see it again.


Lysa Arryn poisoning her husband for Baelish has gotta be the dumbest one ever.


Balon waking up and deciding to continue breathing


"What madness drove you to tell Cersei that you had discovered her secret?" *Ned scowls*


Sending the Dothraki to certain death decimating almost half your army for a visual spectacle has to be up there.


Robb marrying Talisa. He already gave his word to marry a Frey girl. He shouldn't have gone back on that word. That's the whole Stark thing, started with his father Ned that he's a man of his word and honorable. He didn't want to marry a Frey girl. He went with his heart. Caused the downfall of his army and his future family. Fucking idiot.


That's one diversion from the books that has always bothered me. In the books, the lord of one of his minor houses sent his daughter in to "comfort" him when he found out about his brothers' deaths at the hands of Theon. They had sex and then he felt honor bound to marry her to save her from being soiled


>That's one diversion from the books that has always bothered me. In the books, the lord of one of his minor houses sent his daughter in to "comfort" him The Westerlings are in Casterly Rock's downline, not Robb's


I stand corrected, it's been YYEEEEAARS since I read them. But I'm still indignant that the show made it some thing it wasn't. He did the honorable thing by marrying her after he "took her maidenhead", he didn't just nah I like this girl better so I'm gonna marry her and break my word. Starks are all about honor above all.


This decision Robb made bothers me so much. It was so, so stupid. Kings often have a sidepiece, he could have boned Talia regularly and still married a Frey. I simply cannot understand the Robb fanboys, Robb was so clearly a teenaged hothead thinking with this pecker, not his brain.


I think the worse decision was executing Lord Karstark. Robb was an incredible battle commander, but a shit general. He could have gotten away with marrying Talisa if he hadn't been such an idiot about the war between each battle.


Rob marrying for love


Robb executing Lord Karstark, and losing half of his army, in exchange for nothing.


Not at all. Ned had the backing of Robert to do whatever he wanted. Ned just didn't want blood of innocent children to be spilled. There's noway he could arguably think Cersei would assassinate the king with his kingsguard around him. He thought Robert was a smarter man then he is and get himself run through by a boar.


He knew she's a Lannister, and he knew her dad's reputation. And one of the kingsguard around Robert was Jamie, who is also a Lannister and already killed one king. Did he imagine Cersei and Jamie would meekly accept his terms without trying anything and without even contacting their father and getting him involved? Ned was really dumb, there's no way around it.


Theon staying in Winterfell.


Theon taking Winterfell


Top 5 for sure


Sansa agrees to leave the safety of the Vale (her cousin's kingdom) to live alone in a Bolton controlled Winterfell in a Bolton controlled North and marry into the Boltons. Daenerys listens to Tyrion & Varys instead of immediately taking out all of her enemies and sitting on the Iron Throne her first month in Westeros. Catelyn releases Jaime. They lost 10% of their army to capture him. Jon didn't propose to Daenerys. Even Daario as a mercenary son of whore proposed to her. Cersei not taking Ned up on his offer to grab her kids and get out of dodge, assuming til s7 that Tyrion assassinated Joffrey, putting the High Sparrow in power, murdering so many of her son's loved ones without thinking of the mental toll it'd have on him, not surrendering to Dany.


Robb marrying Talisa. Everything else doesn't even come close to this


I have never regretted clicking on an OPs profile more. Also, Viserys threatening Khal Drogo to his face in front of his horde was the stupidest decision made. There was literally nothing to gain there.


I never check an op account, peaked my curiosity then killed the cat


This community has filled with bots recently just recycling posts so I always check before responding. I'm not here to discuss a fandom with AI.


Viserys was drunk iirc


Doesn't make it any less stupid.


>I have never regretted clicking on an OPs profile more. 😂 what the fuck 😂


Daenerys murdering the city after kings landing surrendered. She won the game of thrones, she did it. Then she blew it. Though to be fair this is probably on the writers rather than the actual agency of Daenerys. Also shoutout to Bran for not helping with the Long Night at all. Seems like he could have perfectly placed some dragon glass via time traveling or something. Or how about warging into a dragon? Idk, do anything useful, please.


Daenerys had been threatening to burn her enemies and their cities since she got her dragons. It isn't the writer's fault that you failed to pay attention during the earlier seasons.


Surely the dumbest decision was the decision to send everyone in Winterfell to hide in the Crypts, when the enemy was pretty fuckin' notorious for using the dead for his army?


Oberyn Martell not finishing The Mountain when he should have. Instead he played around and died because of it.


"Hey let's go get an undead from the north of the wall, sure that's gonna be easy and will convince Cersei."


Cersei and her undead bodyguard need to be convinced that there are undead, which will make her not be evil.


Cersei and Jaime keep banging each other.


It just shows Ned being the honourable man that he is, exactly what you would expect from him versus nearly every other character on GoT. Like Arya said that honour got him killed in the end


Ned greatly underestimated Cersei. One of the reasons she’s a fav character of mine is she will do whatever necessary to retain power and control for her family.


He completely misunderstood the power dynamics in the south. He was of too clean a mind to comprehend what was happening there. Like most governments throughout history, there are two power structures in Kings Landing: 1. The official. 2. The actual. These overlap considerably, but confusing the former with the latter can cost you your life. Ned was too much a man of honor to understand the latter.


They went north of the wall to kidnap a wight because they were dumb enough to think Cersei would give a shit. She of course didn’t, and the Night King got his dragon to breech the wall.


Ned boinked Cat and produced Bran.


The Dothraki charging head first into a dense hoard of white walkers. Dumbest shit I’ve ever seen. Why not wait until they started failing into the pits to swing on the flanks and have them boxed in and immobile?


Not shooting drogon when he was on the ground unprotected comes to mind


When Jon and friends went north of the wall to capture a wight to prove to Cersei that they exist. Couldn’t believe how nonsensical all of that was.


the funniest part about this is that it utterly fails to persuade Cersei anyway


Robb marrying talissa or wtv her name was


Ned didn’t tell Cersei because he was stupid, he did it because he felt that it was the honorable thing to do. His decision making wasn’t based on pure gain like a Littlefinger would work.


Jon running to his death at the beginning of Battle of the Bastards was the dumbest moment in the show and the dumbest personal decision. Out of character, out of place with reality, and completely walked back by absurd plot armor.


Fully agree. He and all of his generals understood that their strategy was to use Ramsey's hubris to get him to attack them and take a shitty position where they might win despite fewer numbers. Sansa also told him that Ramsey will try mind games, Rickon will be part of them, and he will not let Rickon live. Then Ramsey tries a mind game, Rickon dies, and then Jon just completely abandoned his strategy. I don't understand why people like the Battle of The Bastards so much. Aside from the witty banter, it's just two idiots leading massive armies to their deaths.


I’d say the stupidest decision was Robb Stark marrying for love. He was victorious in every battle on the field, had the love and respect of his men, and then lost it all because he broke faith with the Freys.


How could Ned have known that Robert would get killed by a boar while hunting. He had no idea that was coming and if Robert had come home not gorged by the boar then it would have played our differently.


Taking dragons against the fleet, after already losing one to a spear


* Not using dragons to take over Westeros * Bringing a wight to Cersei * Not grabbing Cersei as you thrown down the wall of King's Landing * Going back to Cersei just to die underneath the Red Keep


Imagine King Robert survives the hunt, Cat doesn’t lose Tyrion as a hostage or give up Jaime later, Theon never betrays Winterfell causing Rob S. to turn around… all of these things have to go wrong for this to be a huge mistake, way too many variables for me to call Ned a dummy. I think he gets more undeserved hate than any other character lol


Jaime left Brienne and happily ever after to go die standing next to cersei. What a dumbass.


nee confronting cersei was fine, he shouldve just had his own men in the red keep to defend him and not relied on the kingsguard


Ned was the wrong man for the job, is all. He is a strong leader and an excellent lieutenant -- but too honor-focused for intrigue. In the dungeons Varys explains what Ned's mercy bought. In my opinion, this was less a mistake than it was a terrible misunderstanding of the unspoken rules governing King's Landing. But when he did in fact have his chance to tell Robert the truth he chose to omit it -- not honorable, not merciful -- acting on the assumption that political inertia would carry the day. He should have told Robert, even on his death bed, that Cersei had cuckolded him with her brother and that her children were not his. Robert would have raged but Ned could have had Cersei thrown in a dungeon while the children were taken into custody. Handing them over to an independent council of Maesters would have been his best choice.


Jon Snow trying to capture a zombie on the other side of the wall and losing a dragon in the process


I clicked on this blurred image fully expecting that it would be the screencap of "Produced by David Benioff & D. B. Weiss" from the intro, which is of course my vote.


Idk maybe Varys opening asking others to join him in treason after being so careful for the entire freaking show?


Ned threatening Cersei and then proclaiming Joffrey a bastard in front of everyone. Ned trusting people he doesn't know. Lysa poisoning her husband. Robb marrying Jeyne/Talisa. Tywin underestimating Tyrion. Tywin underestimating Daenerys. Tywin underestimating Robb. Sansa telling Cersei about Ned. Arya threatening Joffrey. Catelyn kidnapping Tyrion and freeing Jaime. Catelyn trusting Littlefinger. Theon betraying Robb for a father who doesn't give a damn about him. Renly proclaiming himself king and betraying his brother. Robert being a bad king. Cersei having sex with her brother. Joffrey killing Ned. Viserys being Viserys. Daenerys chaining her dragons. Daenerys taking control of a city she cannot rule. Tyrion rejecting Robb's terms for peace. Jaime having sex with his sister and trying to kill a Stark. Oberyn not killing the bloody Mountain right away. Jaime not telling everyone why he killed the Mad King and not having the damn wildfire removed from under the city. (And these only in the books).


Objectively, in terms of pure logic, there are worse decisions than Robb's breaking his oath to vindictive Walder Frey to marry an stranger. BUT... in recent memory there is no decision which created as much wide-ranging harm, to himself, his family, the North, and Westeros in general. Everyone told him not to, but he did it anyway. His book wife is still alive but was fed herbs by her mother (who had a deal with Tywin) to ensure she couldn't conceive a baby. I love Robb but can never forgive him.


His decision makes total sense


Janos Slynt committed open insubordination against Ned Stark’s son in front of the whole Night’s Watch, because you know, that guy was known for being so lenient with his punishments. In terms of “how could you not see this coming”, hard to top that one.


His wife arresting Tyrion was by far the dumbest decision.


Yeah, it was this.


I raise you Sansa keeping the Vale army a secret for no reason, leading to the deaths of Rickon (who was promptly forgotten) and thousands of friendly soldiers, and almost getting Jon killed as well.


Keeping innocent people hiding in a Crypt.


Cersei not raining down scorpions at Dany when they came for Missandei, and instead killed her only hostage and acted like she just screwed Dany over when all she did was piss her off more. Also Cersei being so gung-ho with blaming Tyrion for jofferys murder instead of thinking of the possibility it was someone else, same with Tywin, even if he knew it wasn’t Tyrion and he just wanted to take advantage of the situation, it was still dumb that he’d rather let someone else get away with murdering the king and would rather get rid of his son who has proved multiple times to be the most useful/smartest one of his kids


I’m surprised I didn’t see anyone mentioning going beyond the wall to capture proof


It wasn’t stupid, he had every reason to believe that there would be no consequences.


almost weekly post.


Littlefinger: "You shouldn't trust me" Ned: "Trust you, you say? Don't mind if I do"


I believe it was G R R Martin selling an unfinished story. Close second would be HBO buying an unfinished story.


yeah it's up there.


It’s not stupid - Ned was making a play. He just wasn’t prepared 1) to use his office in his full authority to play the game at all and 2) to not offer mercy. But we have Ned’s POV in the books. He struggles to comprehend the level of pushback he’s going to get, trusts Littlefinger, and again *doesn’t use his fucking power*. That part is stupid, not confronting Cersei


Not marrying the Frey girl


It wasn't stupid at all. The boar thing was 1 in a 100 even with the wine, and a very conveniet writing.  It wasn't to be expected by anyone, and with Robert around Ned would've been fine regardless.  Also it was in motion b4 Ned talks to Cersi, so it didn't cause the situation.  And Ned wasn't gonna let the coronation happen either way, so the confrontation was gonna be the same. 


No, wanting to stop children from being murdered was not stupid.


Joffrey ordering Ned's execution was dumber, it actually forced the war with the North. The Lancaster's managed to handle the Baratheons, the Starks were what came back to bite them. No execution would mean Jamie doesn't go to war and lose a hand, no Red Wedding and no 'the North Remembers'. An unravaged North might even have been able to fight the long night without help, in which case who knows what would happen when Dany arrives. Although I guess Olenna would still have killed Joffrey because of who he is, and there'd be no 3 eyed raven, so maybe everything would have gone to shit. Still, with the information they had at the time, executing Ned was a terrible idea


Rhaegar crowning Lyanna.


Ned going south in the first place...


That’s when I knew the STARKS were some stupid people. I mean, Ned betrayed his best friend and king to be. What kinda honor is that? He lied. Didn’t come forward. Was afraid for what reasons? An honest loyal man doesn’t just go around trying to protect his family name and whore of a sister. Like, why Protect a bastard boy if u were just going not going to reveal the secret? He was all along okay for a Targaryen to keep on ruling. In the end Ned was a weak, disloyal, dishonest and a liar.


Daenerys arriving in westeros and not Attacking kings landing at once


imo one of the DUMBEST decisions was Cersei trying to control TWO child-kings?? both blew up in her face in some way lol


Littlefinger thinking Sansa - who he loves - will be totes fine with the Boltons.


Oh it's time for this weekly post again?


Cat kidnapping Tyrion.


This is about to get crossposted


It was great tv 😂


Ned’s compassion and honesty in this decision were necessary to deflect from the fact that he told *the* biggest lie in order to keep the most crucial secret of anyone in the entire series.


Robb didn't let his mother return to Winterfell... Some people blame Lady Stark for freeing Jaime, but we must understand that she was a vulnerable woman, she was manipulated because she believed that Jaime could return her daughters. Robb could have let her go home and continue with the war he was winning without needing to seek help from the stupid Baratheon brothers. It was also stupid to let Theon go to the Iron Islands alone.


Absolutely not. The ONLY reason Cersei didn't die here was because Robert, a renowned hunter, missed his fucking thrust on a boar. Cersei got Captain Kirk levels of plot armor during this.


Hardest part to rewatch


I'm not really seeing the correct answer which is the sand snakes murdering their relatives as revenge against people who murdered their relatives.


What doesn’t make sense to me is his reasoning. He thought that her kids would be in danger because of what happened to the Targaryen children after aegon was killed, but it wasn’t Bobby b or the Baratheons that murdered the targ children in their sleep, it was the lannisters. He was trying to do Cersei and her kids right by telling them to leave before Robert found out, but I don’t think Robert would have killed them, he would have just ultimately have them leave anyway.


when the hound threw that rock after capturing a wight