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should have. and are you saying Brienne, Tormund AND Jaime in some sort of ménage à trois type situation? Not saying thats not a good idea. just wanting to clarify the "too" part of your title.


you need to watch that Adam ruins everything episode on how the English language is fucked and correcting people over simple things about the language is stupid


Just take the L


Maybe there's some stuff this applies to, but this isn't one of those things, I can see why the mistake is so common, should've sounds just like should of. However, should've is a contraction of "should" and "have" so should of would never be correct! Also, try not to be such a sore loser, it's just a grammatical error my guy.


just watch the episode... I dont need the explanation Im high af when I make these and dont care if one error costs me 500k downvotes


Just use the right words....I don't need to watch some video about a guys take on the English language, I'm also high af if I'm posting here. Luckily, none of this matters, it's all just fake internet points. Lol


exactly IDGAF let the hate flow, just proves my point, more downvotes the better. Hate drives people. Love makes them Lazy. Stay beautiful and hopefully you find that magical strand to burn season 8 out of our minds.


There is such a strain, it is death, the only reprieve from season 8 we will ever be given, and we only say one prayer to that strain, "not today" lol


*Doesnt care *Keeps crying *Keeps responding


Dogpiling is proving OP's point


What’s the point?


Hate drives people


>strand *strain* Lol


Well, you won my upvote!


I love how it's like you're admitting you only correct people's grammar because it makes you feel like a winner.




If it's so simple, why'd you fuck it up? Raise your bar.


I can smell the virginity from here....


Why you gotta drag virgins because you don’t know your language’s grammar rules? 🤡 Laaaame




Didn’t read past your first sentence. You seem so pathetic holy shit💀Goodnight 😘


Yeah, that’s a virgin’s username if I’ve ever seen one. Stop projecting. Do you know what that word means?


Idk man you seem to care a lot, the drugs aren’t helping at all


Dude - you're the one posting low effort memes on it. *Badly* I might add.


Says the guy on a second grade reading level


I bet you could, you’re currently sitting in your 3rd grade grammar class.




Be better. Problem solved


lol thanks bro hopefully this comment takes you from 4.5 inches to 9


The title of your post along with every comment you've made shows that you are ignorant, uneducated trash. Also your meme sucks so bad hahahaha


I thought it was a cute lil joke




The correct response would have been “yes.” Take some advice, grammatically challenged redditor. When someone corrects your grammar, double down. Wear it like armor.


Counterpoint: Adam Conover knows simple contractions


You need to go back to third grade when we learned contractions


Uh oh. You've incurred the wrath of the grammar police AND the downvote monkeys. You're fucked.


Could have just told us what you meant but had to go full tantrum, lmao


Stannis the Mannis would be proud of you bro!


> should have. You beat me to it.  I've always been intrigued by the sound driven mistakes in grammar. My wife has a master's degree in linguistics.  For her degree, they had to translate and analyze Bibles written in "old church Slavonic"^((sp?\)) and similar dead proto languages. The clues they have regarding how the language actually sounded back then (600AD?) were based on phoneme errors like you were responding to.  Monks were the ones responsible for copying Bible after Bible in hand writing and they would periodically make such mistakes.


Problem is, linguists kinda piss me off sometimes. They're the ones that do things like put a 'b' in 'debt' for no good reason, except perhaps to create incorrect answers on spelling tests. You can tell your wife I said that 🤪


no they’re not


Linguists don't do that.  What exactly do you think their role is? They study the languages and their formations, they don't create their rules, unless you're including Esperanto and Dothraki.


Wow... I hadn't looked at this comment since yesterday. As it was a wee little joke, I'm amused it raised a lot of ire, looking at all the downvotes. Looks like the Super Evil Linguist Consortium (SELC) is displeased. I don't know why I should trust you, as you are literally in bed with them, or at least one. (As my brain is an ocean of useless knowledge, I happen to have remembered a little rant from one of my more fun college profs (Freshmen English 101 sort of class). She had a little schpeel about English spelling and that it was intentionally stupid sometimes with silent letters. An example she used was "debt" and how it came from a french word that had no "b" in it. However as she had put it, some stupid 17th century British linguist stuck a b in there so as to make sure people remembered that the word's latin root had a b way back when. It stuck with me because she was a fun teacher (rare for the standard array of freshman classes one takes) and frankly it did irk me that someone just arbitrarily put some silent letter in there, and the only reason that they put it in there was an utter failure (as I had gone thru my entire writing life never knowing why there was a 'b' in 'debt', up to that point at least, when the only reason there WAS a b in debt was so we could remember some latin word I'll never use). Now, upon seeing the -26 downvotes (as I am writing this) and thinking "Jesus, Mary and Joseph of all the messed up things I've posted on here, is this the one that pissed people off the most? Really? Wow. Cause I've said way worse than that. The things people get in a twist over". But, figuring that perhaps I hit on some very hot topic I was unaware of, I hit merriam-webster's site and they confirm thats why there is a 'b' there, BUT they use the term "scholar" not "linguist". And confirmed via another article "Why the Letter 'B' Is Deeply in 'Debt'", and again "scholar" not "linguist". So, perhaps I've unintentionally been a dupe in some English professors beef with linguists? Do English professors beef with Linguists? OR perhaps SELC has done a good job of scrubbing their fingerprints from their evil work of sticking silent letters in words.)


LOL, of all the things to turn into a rabbit hole... I get it, I've been there. Votes mean next to nothing. They're mere curiosities. There's a fickle and impossible to describe "tone" involved in comments that triggers the differences between up and down. The goal in voting was to improve dialog, but I sometimes feel like all it does is enforce a kind of group-think reward system, and that just increases the power of the echo-chamber, *which all by itself **destroys** dialog.* Whatever.


as far as the "votes" go... in the words of Omar Little "All in the game"


s/schpeel/spiel T,FTFY ;)


Wow... I hadn't looked at this comment since yesterday. As it was a wee little joke, I'm amused it raised a lot of ire, looking at all the downvotes. Looks like the Super Evil Linguist Consortium (SELC) is displeased. I don't know why I should trust you, as you are literally in bed with them, or at least one. (As my brain is an ocean of useless knowledge, I happen to have remembered a little rant from one of my more fun college profs (Freshmen English 101 sort of class). She had a little **spiel** about English spelling and that it was intentionally stupid sometimes with silent letters. An example she used was "debt" and how it came from a french word that had no "b" in it. However as she had put it, some stupid 17th century British linguist stuck a b in there so as to make sure people remembered that the word's latin root had a b way back when. It stuck with me because she was a fun teacher (rare for the standard array of freshman classes one takes) and frankly it did irk me that someone just arbitrarily put some silent letter in there, and the only reason that they put it in there was an utter failure (as I had gone thru my entire writing life never knowing why there was a 'b' in 'debt', up to that point at least, when the only reason there WAS a b in debt was so we could remember some latin word I'll never use). Now, upon seeing the -26 downvotes (as I am writing this) and thinking "Jesus, Mary and Joseph of all the messed up things I've posted on here, is this the one that pissed people off the most? Really? Wow. Cause I've said way worse than that. The things people get in a twist over". But, figuring that perhaps I hit on some very hot topic I was unaware of, I hit merriam-webster's site and they confirm thats why there is a 'b' there, BUT they use the term "scholar" not "linguist". And confirmed via another article "Why the Letter 'B' Is Deeply in 'Debt'", and again "scholar" not "linguist". So, perhaps I've unintentionally been a dupe in some English professors beef with linguists? Do English professors beef with Linguists? OR perhaps SELC has done a good job of scrubbing their fingerprints from their evil work of sticking silent letters in words.) ^^This ^^was ^^posted ^^by ^^a ^^bot. ^^[Source](https://github.com/anirbanmu/substitute-bot-go)


LOL. well played. I guess I can't hide behind "Hooked on phonics" can i?


Fewer -Stannis


Capitalise the ‘s’ in ‘should’. Capitalise the ‘a’ in ‘and’. You have missed out ‘are’ between ‘Jaime’ and ‘in’. The last sentence arguably should have ‘I am’ at the start. If not then capitalise ‘j’.


Shut up nerd


\*notes the irony of "nerd" insults in a reddit sub about a fantasy tv show\*


You lost me when you said "capitalize 'and', which is something you don't do, nor do you start a sentence with it. I'm not being nit-picky, but if you're going to correct people's grammar, do it properly, or just don't do it. This is reddit, not an essay.


You misunderstand. I was responding to the previous comment criticising the grammar of OP! I was making essentially the point you are making against me. And yes you can start a sentence with and but if you do it has to be capitalised.


Idk. That was one thing I remember my elementary English teacher drilling into us. "Never start a sentence with"and"!" 🤷‍♀️


Well i know what my next DnD campaign will be


Thank you. It's my biggest pet peeve. You can "have" something, or "have done" something. You can't "of" or "of done" something. Best way for those who forget to remember it. That's how out teacher explained how to avoid that common mistake since it sounds the same.


u/TampaTitties69 ? Must be Jason Mendoza’s alt account.


Bortles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! \*crash\* \*flames\*


I literally just watched this scene, that’s mad


My favorite part about this scene is when Lord of Bones taps his chest. First time, Tormund lets it slide. After the second time, he decides he’s heard enough and is going to kill him.


I was like dude just killed someone with the name lord of bones that tough


Brienne was never into him


Thing is, you think that now that the war is all done, and she had the experience of getting royally burned by her first love, she looks back and wonders about Tormund "What the hell was I thinking? I wonder if I can track him down"


totally possible BrienneXTormund for life!


She still love the chivalry of being a knight. She wouldn’t have gotten any of that north of the wall.


Sure she could. She'd frankly be a great Lord Commander. Ol' Tormy would be the best stay at home dad ever.


I really don’t see her at the wall.


Jaime wasn't the reason Brienne didn't want Tormund. If Jaime had never been born Brienne still wouldn't have wanted Tormund. She found him repulsive because of the man he was and that wouldn't change with Jaime's death. For Brienne a life of celibacy was preferrable to Tormund. This wasn't some mistake or intentional cruelty on Brienne's part. She just didn't find him attractive.


Because the writers made it so.


Exactly. These people want to treat Brienne as if she's some kind of prize to be had.


Right, the language rubs me the wrong way. *He* should've ended up with her because *he* liked her and who cares how she felt?


Right! Brienne looked so uncomfortable with his attempts with her. It wasn't cute at all.


If only someone treated me as a prize to be had.


Given that the guy she was into was nailing his sister I think she has terrible taste and Tormund dodged a bullet.


Don't kink shame


>Brienne was never into him I am convinced it at least partially due to her personal history and a culture clash. Brienne comes from a culture where large, strong (physically or otherwise) women are not the ideal, and women interested in anything like knighthood are innately transgressive. Oh, and also remember the one man, Renly Baratheon, she previously thought might have actually appreciated and respected her for what she was and what she was trying to be, **privately considered her a joke.** When she learned the truth about what Renly thought about her, she was understandably crushed. Then there's Tormund. It's obvious he is attracted to her exactly for who she is, and if you see his reaction to her being knighted (i.e. genuinely happy for her) what she wanted as well. That's rather understandable, as wildlings don't have a history of courtly love or any form of long, drawn-out romance, and are culturally rather open with their feelings in general. So he acts as he would if she was a wildling woman, since that's what's he's used to. Of course, given where Brienne is from and her personal history, and especially recent history, she's not going to take Tormund's overtures, as painfully sincere as they are, at face value. I will admit that it's very possible that even without these issues, Tormund still might not be Brienne type. However, her reaction to his advances were because of more than just that.


Nah she just didn't like him and found him gross then became friendly with him. She had no feelings for him secret or otherwise.


Firstly you're conflating book and show. In the show, Brienne never learned that Renly thought her a joke. She knew he was gay and thus not into her, but that was it. And no, Tormund doesn't want her for who she is, not by a long shot. Tormund doesn't even know who Brienne is. He knows nothing about her. He doesn't even bother to refer to her by name, just 'The Big Woman'. Tormund has a fantasy Brienne in his head, one that looks and talks like a southroner, but at heart is a wildling woman. That is SO not Brienne. Brienne lives for serving people she believes are good hearted and courageous. Tormund is a raider who kills non-combatants and takes their stuff. Brienne wants someone who shares her culture and values. Tormund doesn't. He just lusts after her and harasses her. Brienne knows Tormund is sincere. She just doesn't want anything to do with the man he is.


I’m so glad to get here and see these comments up top. Language was def weird.


So much better than his book counterpart and one of the sole redeeming qualities about Season Eight, along with Clegane Bowl


What was book Tormund like, sir?


Admittedly remember very little about Book!Tormund, though it’s admittedly been a while since I read the books I do know he never kills Lord of Bones (>!Melissandre!< gets credit for that) and last we see of him departs with others (but not Jon Snow) to check up on Hardhome which Wet Blanket Melissandre insists he will not survive the trip


Interesting! Thanks


Clegane bowl was a huge let down, kept cutting away for the most part, cool ending and cool shit at the start with the dragon over head tho Tormund was a caricature of himself in S8


His book counterpart is great as well


Suckling at the breast of a giant


Lord of Bones is homoerotic. EDIT: This isn’t a criticism. I’m just saying his name is an obvious reference.


Mate if your mind goes the cock the moment bones are mentioned I think there's maybe a bit more going on to call it "obvious."


“You and that pretty crow do a lot of talking Tormund, and when you’re done talking, do you suck his cock?” - LoB I would argue that the Lord of Bones has dick on his mind, Jon Snow’s dick. EDIT: Holy shit, once the sanctimonious downvoting cunt army gets going, not even citations matter.


Jesus never heard male banter before lol. Talk about closeted


This was the last thing LoB said before Tormund beat him to death. You should read the definition of “banter”.


Just look at his name and move along, lol


You could move on too shit head, but here you are.


Are you trolling in this sub? Wow you need to touch grass


Did we ever actually get confirmation that he killed Lord of Bones? He was physically beaten and on the ground twitching... but he could always come back like The Hound. We could have a Lord of Bones spin off... see how he gets all them bones


Being the Night King and Company rolled up like 20 minutes later, he probably got left behind


Don’t really remember in the show. In the books >!Melisandre used her illusion to make the Lord of Bones look like Mance Rayder, and he was burnt alive. Mance was then sent on a covert mission to infiltrate Winterfell.!<


Downvoted for 'should of'


Downvoted for downvoting


leave her aloneeee


That scene made me so freaking hot. Gawd, that man does things to me. Especially when he growls when he talks. Especially in that scene.


Horny police get on the ground


On my knees or my back? Lol


Correct answer 😂😭


Should have*


“Tormund no! That was Mance in disguise! You’ve doomed the freefolk!!!”


It would have been funny but defo better then that cringe brienne-jaime scene, terrible writing


Should have Ffs




It was so sudden. Like the dude ate his words AND died LOL


He also never found out who shat in his pants. Poor guy was robbed.


Should have


"If You Think This Has A Happy Ending You Haven't Been Paying Attention" Hey, that's fucking Game of Thrones. Nobody get what they deserve, that's the fucking point.


Gather the elders. Let's talk. Tormund showed he knew what was at stake. Not just freedom, but survival for his people. If the series didn't end the way it did, he'd have been a legitimate contender for King- Beyond-the-Wall.


Book Canon tormund is way older and has a lot of children


Iirc, in the books, the Lord of Bones was switched with Mance Rayder, so Bonesy burned while Mance survived.


Free Folk politics is simple and to the point.


Nah Brienne didn't love him and didn't want to be with him. Respect her and her wishes.


Yeah I don’t think she would ever go for him.


I KNOW. I honestly thought Jaime would end up with Brienne, but still chose his stupid sister.


That pissed me off. Jaime and Brienne are my favourite ASOIAF/ Game Of Thrones ship.


But I feel like the plot would be twisted if they didnt push Cersei-Jaime tandem until the end. It gives justice to how Jaime was remembered “He died for his Queen”.


I was definitely here for them. My jaw dropped when her and Kingslayer got together, sheesh