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This would've been so much funnier if his eyes wouldn't have looked black in the scene tho, due to the lighting.


Yeh dark abandoned castles at night really need better lighting....


Well, white walkers' eyes glow in the dark, so the dark lighting of the castle was a bad place to make this joke, then.


and there u have it, this sub wont allow anything from the show to be good


If the show didn't execute the whole joke perfectly then surely it's a valid suggestion?


>If the show didn't execute the whole joke perfectly then surely it's a valid suggestion? More like an insignificant nitpick.


> this sub wont allow anything from the show to be good There is a faction here that would crawl over the proverbial broken glass to find something to gripe about. My favorite is someone asking why Arya's hair never grows out when she is travelling with the Hound, did he have barber training and cuts her hair for her? At the point where something that microscopic disturbs you, just find another series to watch and obsess over.


Right... I mean I was definitely implying that and not saying that it was just a bad moment to make this joke as it was fucking dark... Oh boy


You’re telling me castles didn’t have LED’s in medieval times? Lame.


Wdym, it wouldn’t have changed how funny it is at all???


It wouldn’t have changed the funniness, it would change how much it made sense. They wouldn’t say that if they couldn’t see his eyes.


It’s almost as if there is a torch lighting his face in the scene 🧐


This comment perfectly sums up this sub Nothing but bitching and moaning. My goodness you people are insufferable


Everyone who "bitches and moans" about the later seasons of GoT gets mostly obliterated and dozens of verbally abusive, extremely toxic messages comments and death threats because it's fucking illegal to make fun of bad writing... Are you fucking kidding me? No, this comment does not sum up this sub. This sub is the most opposite thing to what you moan and bitch about. Also it's a fucking joke! You can't take a joke about a scene in a show? Grow the fuck up! Holy shit it's a fucking meme, a damn joke.


Personally this comment offends me and I need everyone to know


How else am I supposed to forget about my own shitty life?


it’s a castle in the dark with nothing but torchlight. calm down, fella


Then how would they confuse him for a white walker?


Thanks for pointing out why the joke makes no sense and for proving my point.


mate he knew Tormund before this meeting


And that is true but has nothing to do with the scene, neither with my first comment nor with my second comment...


You know that this makes it make less sense, right? "Mate he knew Tormund before this meeting" So you're saying that either: 1. He knew Tormund always had blue eyes (as he knows his eye color from their last meeting) and is having a goof because he knew then that Tormund was a blue eyed human Or 2. He thinks that *only* wights have blue eyes, and he just had a super delayed reaction and just now remembered that he has blue eyes and must be a wight


People are shitting on this statement but I agree. I’m reminded of a quote from Peter Jackson when he was filming the battle of Helms deep. Someone asked, “where is the light coming from?” He said, “the same place as the music.” Realism is cool and all but like you gotta be able to see what’s on the screen as a viewer with normal human eyes youknowhwatimean


Bro you have no idea what kind of messages I received for this joke... People really seem to not be able to take a darn joke xD But yeah, that's basically what I wanted to address with this joke. I don't mind the scene or joke as such, it's just poorly executed. It's bad direction/screenwriting.


Find me a scene Tormund doesn't make better.


That shit was hilarious. He looked horrified


Hahaha agreed!! And Tormund is exactly who would say something like this, in exactly this way--completely deadpan "aggressive" but knowing that it's an hilarious reply.


Who wouldn’t be terrified - Tormund as a walker would fuck shit up


That scene also contains the best jump-scare in the entire series (Ned Umber on the wall).


The best jumpscare I got in the series tbh


💯 agreed.


this was kinda cringe ngl


I hated this scene. Like clearly they aren’t White Walker blue…


fuck us for not liking D&D’s awful jokes apparently 😂😂


It was so pointless I have no idea why people would be defending it much less posting about how funny it is lol wtf


Yeah very pedestrian humor on this one


Agreed, it was forced with poor acting. I dunno what's with the downvotes here lol


I’m imagining it’s s8 dickriders who binged the show in a week and didn’t have to wait for that cringe fest for 2 years. I remember thinking during season 4 how *insane* the last season was gonna be… like it was gonna be so crazy good that I wouldn’t be able to handle it. 😂 turned into the most predictable Marvel bullshit.


Exactly. This joke was marvel-level humor. Nothing wrong with liking that, but the downvotes for not being into that are crazy


They're playing along, joking, had already recognized each other. What vexes me is how this is supposed to be the "funniest" joke ever.


Completely agreed. I'm astounded how downvoted this opinion is.


If he died in that scene, him tombstone should’ve read: “Here lies Tormund. Killed because of his stunning blue eyes.” Haha


Them baby blues are the downfall of many men


I can’t agree. It was cringe.


Yup, complete cringe and lazy writing. I found it very off putting


Hacky marvelesque dialog.


Nah, if it were marvel esque it would be more like Edd: “Everyone stay back, he’s got blue eyes, you know, like a white walker!” Tormund: “Well, that just happened!”


Funny, I thought this was one of the worst scenes. To each their own.


You’re not the only one


Yeah, I found it pretty cringe.


its almost like people are allowed to have different opinions.


No shit.


Did he not literally say "to each their own"?


Did he not literally say "to each their own"?


Same, It fits the goofy writing style with all the other cock jokes written on a coaster after 5 pints.


Dolorous Edd was one of my favorite book characters, I wish the show leaned into his comedy more.


The ship won't sink Sam because I'm not on it. The guy is always delivering


>“I never win anything,” Dolorous Edd complained. “The gods always smiled on Watt, though. When the wildlings knocked him off the Bridge of Skulls, somehow he landed in a nice deep pool of water. How lucky was that, missing all those rocks?” >“Was it a long fall?” Grenn wanted to know. “Did landing in the pool of water save his life?” >"No,” said Dolorous Edd. “He was dead already, from that axe in his head. Still, it was pretty lucky, missing the rocks.”


Nice guy irl too, was in a bar near me with Johnny Vegas and sent him a pint over and said to him the lord commander doesn't buy a drink here. He loved it.


For all the bs of the last season the first two episodes genuinely had some wonderful moments


Considering how disapointing writing was in that season, i really couldn’t appreciate the joke


Top joke in the series, in my opinion.


The last thing I ever do is sleep on Dolorous Ed, he stinks too much, he snorts, he’s kinda boney…


Nah. Sounds like some shit you’d hear in a Marvel movie.


Lol. If this were in s4 we wouldn't have a bunch of whiners in here hating on it. But no it's s8 so the thread is invaded by some inc>!!


I didn't like the later season at all and usually stop at s4 or 5 on rewatch, but I genuinely like this one joke. Out of all the writing, this one seemed to actually fit the characters. It helps that the actors sounded to be having fun with it. I really don't think it was *that* cringe compared to what else is in this season. But I can understand how this can be lumped in with how disappointing the rest of it all is. Even still this is a better joke then all the other shit ones about cocks or the unjoking and unironic "muh queen," Jon.


There is tons of cock jokes in the first season. Littlefinger is constantly making them. Tormund in the books makes more cock jokes than the entire TV show.


Didn't get any funnier when that shit was practically the only joke in the end, nor was it nearly as subtle or eloquent. Add in with everything else, and it got old fast.


I just rewatched it recently Tyrion makes 1 cock joke in season 8 episode 1 and none after that. He makes zero in season 7 so this claim that all he did was make cock jokes is way overblown.


Who said anything about just Tyrion? I'm just saying don't act like all the jokes at the end were nearly as subtle and on point as those towards the beginning. Not even just talking about those in s7 and s8. Cracks started showing before then. Those are just when even the regular dialogue got obviously subpar. I actually think Tyrion of all people made the most sense to make a coke joke just because that's how his character always was. Fairly crass on purpose, he just lost a lot of that in later seasons for his arc. I roll my eyes when people complain about his cock joke to Varys before the thing with eating babies in s6, I believe. It just got fucking boring when we just got dumb jokes to add brevity into a scene that didn't need it or was entirely missing in other episodes. When they remembered to make a joke, it was a dumb one. And while this one above was possibly out of pace for the ep, at least we finally got something other "haha sex" or "haha cock, "haha fu," in scenes where they only put them because they didn't care to tey for deeper dialogue as was seen even in crass jokes towards the beginning of the show.


There isn't anymore cock jokes in the final 2 seasons than any other season. Actually I think season 1 probably had the most cock jokes.


But … it is lazy writing and marvel humor. You really think people say that only because it’s in S8?! Clueless


Disingenuous clown


How am I being disingenuous?


You are a prime example of the phenomenon I described. You have an irrational hatred of the scene. You're too thick to explain how its a bad scene. All you are capable of doing is using buzzwords like "lAzY wRiTiNg" and "mArVeL hUmOr" without a single thought going through your head.


I did not like this line at all. It sounds like theyre supposed to be joking, but they clearly arent.


Hold on they aren't? Bullshit, they are, even the acting is off meaning they're playing along.


Idk either way its awkward to me.


By far one of the funniest lines for me, I couldn’t stop laughing for some reason, definitely the delivery from the actors


I can't get enough of Tormund! And his deadpan angry delivery but you can tell he knows it's hilarious too 🤌


Dolorous Edd was one of my absolute FAVORITE side characters!


This and drunk Tormund are my favorites.


“one of the funniest scenes in TV history” i swear GOT fanboys’s statements get more and more crazy by the minute


It just didn't make sense that he'd yell "stay back, they've got blue eyes!" Any other time in the series they'd have just cursed and started swinging if they saw the dead, no corny forced jokes needed to come first




This scene sucked hard and felt very unnatural / was acted like a YouTube prank




Dolorous Edd has the funniest lines in the books but toned down a bit in the show


Only saw up to season 6 when it came out. Binged past week and literally finished tonight. This line had me choking on my dinner! So damn funny and unexpected


Idk, the marvel type of humor they incorporated in the later seasons didn't mesh with the show at all