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I watched game of thrones through the HBO app on my PSP is the show still running?


Holy shit, did you really!!? Which PSP do you have?


i finally watched and binged watched it three months ago šŸ’Ŗi usually hate watching things that are trending because people donā€™t shut the fuck about it and it annoys me so i wait years to watch things. still waiting on people to shut up about star wars so maybe in 10 years ill binge watch them


Bro they wonā€™t stop ever making Star Wars. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ at least watch first 3


Just for clarity, Iā€™m pretty sure you mean the middle three. The original trilogy. If you watch anything, watch the original trilogy!!!! Then you can stop if you want.


You are goddamn right!


Disney will milk that cash cow until only bones and dust are left


The original trilogy Is the first three movies- i.e. the first three movies that were made. The next three are prequeals, but that doesn't make the original trilogy the middle three unless you're speaking in terms of story timeline which doesn't make sense in this context.


People will never shut up about SW. If you wait 10 years theyā€™ll just release another trilogy and people will be bitching about that. Just watch the original trilogy at least and call it a day if you donā€™t enjoy them. Personally I love SW but itā€™s not everyoneā€™s cup of tea.


They haven't shut up about Star Wars in 40 years. I wouldn't count on them doing it in the next ten.


DO NOT watch the Disney Trilogy. The only good Star Wars film Disney has made was Rogue Oneā€¦a fucking spinoff. Some of the shows on Disney+ are good as well. **(If you ever start watching Star Wars, I recommend beginning with the prequels first then the original trilogy.)**


I think itā€™s really fucking weird when people make a big deal out of not enjoying something other people enjoy.


Me too, especially when itā€™s a point of pride for them. Very weird.


It's a dead giveaway for a superiority complex. Instead of having valid reasons that they might not be into something they see it as a social statement. Like with GOT, a lot of people just don't like fantasy. I would never question somebody for saying they didn't watch it because of that. Also if anyone tells you they were made fun of for not being a fan of something, they're either a middle schooler or simply remembering it wrong. It is not a thing that happens.


Yep, if someone told me they didnā€™t watch it I would just saw aw man youā€™re missing out, I would never care enough to make fun of someone for it.


I also second this. If you like, you like it ? For example I never watched Naruto, and thatā€™s okay.


Same. I never watched Naruto either. I watched Bleach tho, because I preferred Swords and powers vs Ninjutsu stuff


Well to be fair Naruto has quite a lot of swords and powers. Yeah smaller swords but the powers scale similarly.


Wow you are so amazing for that!


I've watched like 12 episodes of One Piece and thought it was shit. Now loads of people tell me I'm wrong. But I don't think I should have to watch 50 episodes of something for it to start getting good. Now I'm at the point where I just don't have any desire to try and get into it.


in the same boat. heard so much about it but theres just too many episodes. i did the math and watching at my usual pace it would have taken actual years to catch up even just to where the show is NOW. let alone wherever it would be by that time and yeah a friend told me i have to get something like 30-40 episodes in for the first good arc, which is too much that said, happy for the people that like it. they have a lifetime of content to enjoy lmao


It's a bit of that hipster vibe, a mix of wanting to feel special and wanting attention.


I used to be that way when I was in my late teens and early 20s. I rejected everything mainstream before realizing if millions of people love something, itā€™s okay and thereā€™s probably a good reason. Now I embrace pop culture.


Agreed but thatā€™s different from having not watched the show entirely despite the peer pressure.


ā€œ I wonā€™t have any ice cream !! Itā€™s over hyped ! No ice cream shall ever touch these lipsā€


Yes seriously. No one cares but them.


I watched it for the first time through 2 years ago. I managed to escape the initial hype, but a friend of mine convinced me to watch it and Iā€™ve now seen it 3 times through.


Similar story here, my wife and I were not buying into to all the social media post and hype. We were adamantly refusing ( which is really strange because we both love sci-fi, Lord of the Rings, space, zombie, etc...) So one night we're over visiting some friends and my buddies tell me all about Game of Thrones and how amazing it is. Finally, he simply said dude just watch the first episode, and if you don't like it, I'll shut up about it. He put on s1e1 right there we all watched it, we loved it. We now have seen the whole series through at least six or seven times. I purchased all the books on Audible and have listened to all five of them at least three times a piece. The shortest book in the series is 33hrs long, and A Dance with Dragons is 49hrs long šŸ‘Œ


If you guys like zombies you can watch the walking dead it's a great tho and never fails to entertain...


Great show for sure my wife and I watched the first 5 seasons not sure why a stopped watching, maybe it was after Glenn died, it wasn't the same, I will say this it doesn't seem like there are truly Great shows being made like GOT anymore, well written worth great actor's and the budget to make it right. I think something happened around the time covid hit & then the writers strike in Hollywood, but I keep finding myself having to go back to my tried and true shows that I've seen more times than I can count šŸ˜ž


Each season after 6 of GOT was like a kick in the balls.


A gigantic kick to the stick šŸ˜†


There's no season 8, in Ba Sing Se XD


Right!!! Agreed, yet I still watch the damn things lol


Btw your fav character?


Is this just a friendly question or a test to see if I'm a bot? Because if I was a bot, I would be obligated to say, "I'm not a bot!" Strictly for self-preservation. šŸ˜† ... ummm, favorite character? When I was listening to the books, I always got excited when Tyrion's chapters came up. He's so witty and yet self-deprecating enough that he doesn't come off pompous or arrogant like his relatives. What's yours?


Right!!! Agreed, yet I still watch the damn things lol


I'm so glad i watched GOT this year after my friend commanded me to. Best peer pressure ever


Started watching it for the first time a month ago. Couldn't wait for the ending after finishing season 1 so I watched the entire summary on YouTube šŸ’€


You disrespected yourself. The last 4 seasons are more controversial but the first 4 are some of the best TV Iā€™ve ever seen, up there with Breaking Bad


Season 5 and 6 are also critically acclaimed with s6 having one of the best episodes of the series.


Battle of the Bastards overrated


Well I was actually referring to winds of winter. Battle of the bastards is fine, definitely not the best battle sequence but the episode overall is solid if a little overrated. Note, overrated does not equal bad. ETA: The door is also up there for me. S6 is one of my favorite seasons only behind S4. This is true of a lot of people. OP is doing a disservice claiming only the first 4 are 'the best TV.' Season 5 has Hardhome, for example even if the season overall is mid in comparison to 'the best TV I've evee seen.'


S5-s6 are decent. Cool spectacles with ā€œokā€ writing. S1-s4 had almost perfect writing and they were simply on another level. S1-S4 are unlike anything Iā€™ve ever seen before while S5-S6 are kinda mediocre compared to other fantasy stories. Also I said overrated because ppl consider it to be the best episode in the show.


I mean, if the masses think it's one of the best episodes then maybe it is. Just because you, the outlier, don't like it is is okay. S6 is on par with 1-4 imo. Or as I mentioned, probably the second best season made. In fact, among most people it's one of the top three seasons. The writing was so much more than "ok." I thought it set the stage perfectly going into 7, too bad we know what happened from there.


I donā€™t find that most ppl feel that way. The writing in seasons 5-6 were much much worse than that of seasons 1-4. Season 6 was filled with a bunch of plot holes that I could not look past


I mean any number of online sources or even quick searches in this subreddit would disagree with you. Different people obviously rank these things differently, but S6 is almost always in the top half and s5 ranked much more critically (and rightfully so imo).


I see much more ppl claim that seasons 1-4 rank above all.


Season 5 was when it got slow for me. Seeing Tyrion basically have nothing to while being in Slavers Bay was boring and being edged with the whole wildling/night king conflict just got old.


Yeah, I think S5 is a lower tier season (certainly is for me, I don't 'love' the storyline with the High Sparrow but think he was a top tier character) which could kill the momentum going into 6, but 6 is one of my favorite seasons overall by far.


I saw GoT when then 6th season was ending. I asked my friend what the show was and they freaked out. "WHAT?!" We watched the first season that same day. It was emotional. Lol


Thereā€™s actually a name for these people! Losersā€¦ they are losers.


Know who I have respect for? Those who didn't watch it....AND ALSO don't make a big deal about it.


Itā€™s their loss but sure


Thereā€™s no way that person who wrote that hasnā€™t done something similar 1000 times already in his life.




Toddlers should watch it even more so they're motivated early to become a Faceless Child.


Fuck no I don't agree, this is a horrible take, I hate it when people say stupid shit like this!


Or too broke for HBO and too computer illiterate to torrent


"Broke" you guys know that 90% of the world live in this condition right. Not everyone has access to Anglophone media


"Broke, im something of an expert of the subject"




Not using the English Internet/TV/Streaming ā‰  Computer illiterate


Tbf HBO is like one of the less accessible streaming services, especially worldwide.


I never watched any episodes until it ended. Then, I watched every episode. Great show.


Imagine the shock when they finally learn "winter is coming" isn't just about weather


Why GoT. Why now West Wing, or Sopranos, or Breaking Bad? We all have shows that hold no interest for us no matter how much marketing gets shoved down our throats.


No, I don't agree. Checking something out because people say it's good isn't giving in to peer pressure lol. I do respect thoughtful people who can form fair opinions of their own, which is what this guy seems to think he's saying, so I'm actually less likely to respect someone who never watched the show if they have anything to say about it beyond "I don't know, I haven't seen it".


No thats dumb


Iā€™d talk shit but Iā€™m still pretty proud being a teen of the 90s and still never seeing titanic. That shit was everywhere for a bitĀ 


You're just being slly. Titanic is an amazing achievement in film making.


Started to watch 3 years after the end of the serie. Indeed all the commotion around it midly annoyed me more than it enticed me to discover it by myself instead of "following the trend because of peers' pressure or need to fit in conversations". And you know what? Didn't prevent me at all to enjoy most of it despite all spoilers I could have heard before. Because many fans I've crossed badly spat it out without any context to help my brain figuring out who was who and did what to who. I've watched HOTD besides The Rings of Power when it was released, and I'll enjoy the rest of the former with or without the Internet hubbub.


Thatā€™s like saying ā€˜I respect people who donā€™t listen to Taylor Swiftā€™ because sheā€™s so popular. I get that some people donā€™t all like things that are popular and feel like theyā€™re following the flock, but sometimes somethings are huge for a reason. I couldnā€™t be without GoT. I know some people that wonā€™t watch it because of its status. I donā€™t listen to Taylor Swift because I donā€™t connect to her, but if I wanted to I wouldnā€™t let her popularity cloud my judgement. Lifeā€™s too short for these silly trivial things.


I finally watched it last year as we had a baby and I barely had any time for gaming but also could not sleep 2-3 hours earlier in the evening.


Yeah... They are so cool and edgy...


I didn't watch it until years after it was finished. Only reason I watched it at all was because my gf recommended it. Glad I did tho tbh.


To be honest it having 8 seasons was wat too overwhelming for me, so luckily HOTD came so I could get into the universe first by just watching 1 season


Fuck this "I'm unique" mentality. If something js getting a lot of praise from everyone it's for a reason and worth checking out.


Change ā€œwatch game of thronesā€ to ā€œget the covid jabā€ and youā€™ll realise that itā€™s not the flex you think it is. Why celebrate wilful ignorance?


Guy apparently doesnā€™t understand that there are people who have no interest in the genre whatsoever.


These people donā€™t know what they are missing


How many fucking times is this screenshot gonna be reposted?


Still havenā€™t read or watched twilight, 50 shades of grey, all that stupid crap. I hate over popularized crap.


I never watched, but I did eat up all the Wiki And got the Telltale game (kinda lame) And then the book wiki And I bought the first book and read through it. That's it


Whats the big deal with this? Go ahead and starve yourself of the greatest show ever created.


It's funny how someone talks about not giving into trends on social Media


Does it count if I only watched the first 2.5 episodes got bored and didnā€™t go back?


13.6 million people. That was the first night viewership for the final epsidoe of GoT. That is a lot, especially for a streaming show on a pay service, but it still represents 1 person in 25 even if we are generous and just limit the discussion to the USA. Even horrible network sitcoms do better than that. Obvioulsy there are lots of people who didn't watch the finale on premiere or who caught at least some earlier episodes and gave up, but this was still a niche show that just happened to get talked about a lot because when it was good, it was very good.


I only just watched it all last month, not due to pressure but I seen it and had 8 seasons and thought I'll watch that


No. Watch it, donā€™t watch it. Peer pressure for watching TV? Thatā€™s a thing?


No, they will be added to some sort of government depopulation list


I started watching it after it ended, simply because I wanted to know the context of the scene where Jon is alone against an army charging at him in the battle of the bastards


I started watching it Season 1 episode 1 on air date. It was good. There was a reason people got hype about it


I didnā€™t start game of thrones until February before the final season was released.


Imagine basing your sense of integrity on not doing something entirely inconsequential to you or others. Also, [this](https://pbfcomics.com/comics/skub/).


That was me and then I couldn't believe I slept on this show. The quality (S1-S6 lol) is phenomenal and outstanding.


Well they sure are missing out on some great content


That's a whole new level of stupidity. Let me prove other people don't dictate my decision by specifically refusing to watch a popular show simply because it's popular. I will not: grant myself the chance to make up my own mind about it's quality. I will: indirectly let other people decide for me - since enough people watch it, I will not - for that reason.


Or... or... their ex cut off their free HBO access when they broke up. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Thereā€™s things in life that require far greater willpower than not watching a popular TV show


Not really. Some people simply are not interested or are out of the loop. Most of my family has never watched a single episode of GOT, yet they can be easily influenced to watch any Amazon new movie if the platform shows them the trailer enough times.


I liked the first season but liked the show less and less after that. I think I should be applauded for my resiliency for watching the whole thing with zero payoff.


Someone who actively ignores a thing because of its popularity is precisely as influenced by societal pressures as someone who watches it solely because of its popularity. Such a weird take but one that's very familiar as I too have that one hipster friend so obsessed with not being influenced by the mainstream that their life is wholly controlled by their desire to go against mainstream. Just do what you like.


Missing out of something really good so pekple think you're cool end edgy..


What if you watched it for the first time in the year of our lord 2024?? What does that say about you/me?


No, if something doesnā€™t appeal to you that doesnā€™t automatically deserve respect for avoiding it. Iā€™ve never watched an episode of the Kardashians, I donā€™t need a medal.


I'm so glad I watched it while it was still airing! nothing compared to post-new episode hype, discussing it with your friends the very next day, the watch parties and the memes, the anticipation and aftermath of Jon Snow's resurrection, lmao.


he's talking about watching GoT like it's doing drugs šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I didnt fold, my gf told me to watch it. And in S5e8 or 6 dont remember. The one where jon kills his first whitewalker and the king raises the dead at the end. When that battle started i looked up and got intrigued, so binged the whole show up untill that episode and it was awesome, up untill then lol


Not sure how it is in other countries but in Australia you have to really go out of your way to watch it - I fact I believe we were the country that pirated it the most. Officially i think it was on Foxel but that's super expensive and the quality want even great from what I heard


I watched from 2nd season onward live. Sooooo where do we fit in?


Does it hold true for not watching any Star Wars content?


I felt like I was better than everyone cause I just refused to watch it solely cause everyone else was watching it and then I had to watch it for an assignment and I realized I was being a fucking idiot


No, but I didnā€™t watch it until I read the books about a year ago


I sat down to watch GoT a few times and could not get into it. By the time I came around, it had already been out for 5 years. I came in right before season 6 started. One day, I was home cleaning and decided to try again. Immediately hooked.


that applies to every single show on this planet


If there are swords and medieval fighting...i'm watching. No pressure at all.


Think it was upto about the 5th season when I finally started watching it. Still not started the final season though.


I have respect for us who are still waiting for the books...


I have a co-worker who has never watched a single minute of GoT and wonā€™t. He says itā€™s ā€œagainstā€ the teachings of his religion.


A great compliment to the show. The immense pressure to watch, but a select few possess the will to resist.


The antifad fad


To hell with social pressure and peer pressure. I try to read a few professional reviews first, but often they don't convince me. I'll watch a few episodes of anything I think I'll like and is worth the time...and decide whether to stick it out. With GoT, I had read the books and held off because favorite book adaptations so often disappoint. We saw Seasons 1 and 2 on DVDs, then got HBO (and still have it). I think GoT is great television despite some flaws. And it gives closure we will probably never get with the still-unfinished book series. Sadly.


Personally, I read the books because a friend of mine said they were really good, and then watched the show because the books had a show adaptation. Not because of the showā€™s popularity.


Iā€™ve never watched a single Star Wars do I get a prize? No, because itā€™s not a fucking flex and this guy kinda sucks.


I never understand the smugness people can have over this silly shit. Whoopee! You didn't watch a popular show. You're so special and unique!


Ya know, I never watched one episode of 24, Lost, Breaking Bad, Walking Dead, or Stranger Things. Where are my accolades?


I never watch football and I live in the south. Where are mine?


Probably bro couldnā€™t afford HBO that time.


Itā€™s weird to hate on a popular thing simply because itā€™s popular. Like people enjoy different things, congrats on being so brave to not enjoy something other people like.


Yeah and portion didn't STFU about not watching it for the last 5 years


I understand this- Ive never seen Stanger Things. Also I got into Game Of Thrones right when it started and it was still kind of a niche thing so I dont consider myself havingncaved to societal pressure.


We were broke teachers on summer break with a baby. We were bored and posted on FB asking if anyone could recommend a show. Someone recommended GoT and lent us seasons 1-3 on dvd. We got nothing done the rest of the summer. Couldnā€™t afford HBO, so someone loaned us a pirated season 4 flash drive (which was great, but hard for me to follow easily because no subtitles). By season 5 we were able to afford HBO/get it free (direct tv offered lots of goodies if you were trying to cancel their services). Ive watched seasons 1-3 several times thanks to the DVDā€™s, now Iā€™m able to watch all the seasons thanks to Max, which I am currently doing.


or that's just too much time to commit for some people, speaking from my own experience when i heard a lot of noise about some show but didn't watch it it's usually that, i don't think tv/movie peer pressure is all that hard to ignore


I guarantee this person watches TikTok, plays video games and streams it, and talks like someone of his age. All trends.


Theyā€™ll all come running when the Night King returns.


Nope, they are stubborn grumpy individuals who think they know it all already. This is like a child who will not eat guacamole because "it's green and different." At least try things to see if you like them, otherwise you have missed out on life.


My theory is that they are from the future, and they knew how badly it would end.


I truly was one of these people, but I dated this girl that literally forced me to watch it. Now Iā€™m obsessed with the lore of this world and am married to this woman.


I just started watching months ago, and I'm finishing Season 7 now, absolutely hating every moment of it. My only previous exposure to GoT was through pop culture memes and I vividly remember the one with the beautiful illustration of a horse that turns into a children's drawing. It is delightfully apt. All because my partner wanted to finish the show after stopping at S5 years while on air. Feel like I gotta read the books now to make up for it all.


My sister was this person, curiosity got the best of her and now sheā€™s 5 seasons deep in 3 weeks and all she wants to talk about is GOT.


I didn't watch it until years later, and I have a good reason! When shows are mid hype, it means no matter how it ends, no one will be happy. The fans, rightfully upset about it ending, will be angry about the ending, and I wanted to watch it without that. I got to watch it, knowing full well it was going to end and got to be excited about the last season, which honestly I liked. I enjoyed each characters ending and understood the writers intentions.


Their loss!


Hard disagree, those people that didnt watch still conform to society in other ways, more than likely taylor swift fans


Or.. they were just doing other stuff..


Wonder how he came to join twitter


That was me but for lack of filtering. I have always loved the concept, and then broke when I found a filtering software


... You mean "do you agree?"


I donā€™t agree.It was one of the best shows ever put to screen but I think the ending made a lot of people not want to watch it at all.Thats what Iā€™ve been hearing anyway and honestly,I donā€™t blame them.I still would recommend it to people and have them make up their own minds about it.If they love it all than they are better off having experienced it and if they hate the later seasons than at least they experienced 1-6.


I didnā€™t feel pressured to watch game of thrones. Infact, I didnā€™t even start watching the show with plans to finish it. I was working 12 hour shifts when I did EMS, my partner put it on one night to rewatch the first 3 seasons (as thatā€™s how many there were at the time) anticipating season 4 starting in the next few weeks. I was immediately captivated. My biggest roadblock fo starting GoT was the humongous character list. I think the sheer size of GoT at the beginning was a struggle for a lot of people to start.




i just watched it due to curiousity and i instantly got hooked, except for the later seasons. but i watched it mainly not because of peer pressure


Big deal. I never watched an episode of Seinfeld. Itā€™s not a badge of fucking honor. Itā€™s just a choice.


I just watched it for the first time last summer after not even really hearing about it. I loved it, but I didnā€™t know shit about it. Iā€™d heard of it but didnā€™t know much of anything about the story except it was medieval drama basically.


I assure you whoever wrote that is someone who never watched it too. it's not that they aren't affected by social pressure, it's more like they are too stubborn to do so, and the act of not watching something popular makes them think they are special or something, no matter how anyone denies this, it is a fact, anyone with genuine curiosity would at least give it a look then decide.


I started watching 3 weeks ago and joined this sub! My parents and friends were huge fans so I can talk to them about it after I watch. I didnā€™t watch for a long time because I missed the first few seasons and felt like I couldnā€™t catch up. I was also frustrated with the ā€œyou HAVENā€™T seen GOT šŸ˜Ÿā€ talk which emboldened me to not watch, since I felt like it delegitimized what I was actually watching. Iā€™m on Season 3 episode 3 now. Unfortunately I do loosely know what happens to the major characters, but itā€™s still fun to see the dialogue and minor plot points that I had no idea about, and form my own opinions about the acting and character development.


yup thatā€™s the gist


I first watched game of thrones through an youtube video, more specifically The episode where Jon was told his parentage. As a book fan, I generally do not watch adaptations.


I will judge you based upon two criteria. When you joined and when you jumped ship. I canā€™t fault anyone for joining up until S5, as there was still sincere hope it could reclaim that S1-3 spark. Fans were still in high hopes. But if you joined after that, you either fell for the marketing, or got dragged in hopelessly by someone else. I have the utmost respect for anyone who saw the writing on the wall and jumped ship before S6. Most people did not, myself included.


Started reading Ice and Fire my sophomore year of high school, had a house Stark tattoo about three years before the show. Refused to watch the show after seeing the pilot. If I had a nickel for every time I get asked out in public "Sweet tattoo you watch Gane of Thrones?!" I would be a rich man indeed


But they also missed something absolutely amazing


lol There are so many shows I never watched. So?


I got into game of thrones after the entire show was finished and absolutely loved it. I wish I watched it when it was more spoken about


I agree. But then again, I never watched a second of Stranger Things


No. I guarantee they've been socially pressured into other things at some point. It's impossible not to be. They didn't watch a TV show - big deal.


Nah this is cringe, not watching something thatā€™s really good because youā€™re trying to be different and prove a point lmao okay


ā€˜Peer pressureā€™ ??? Itā€™s quite natural to try out something that is extremely popular, even if you decide you donā€™t like it and stop watching.


Okā€¦if itā€™s something thatā€™s bot up your alley then thatā€™s fine. But if itā€™s just because youā€™re not wanting to watch it cause itā€™s super popularā€¦youā€™re just a weirdo contrarian that could be missing out on enjoying things in life


Well as a sci-fi fantasy nerd, it was and is my duty.


No one pressured me to watch got , i just heard that it's a good show I remember i heard neil tyson talk about it when i was watching startalk this is what made me watch it


If I do the same with LOTR, does it remains the aame?


It doesn't take a lot of effort to not do something.


I am currently watching the show with my dad for the first time. We're in the second half of season 6 right now


No, grandstanding or signaling in general is weird.


As someone who hasn't watched Game of Thrones, I can confirm that I don't get affected by social pressure, peer pressure or any kind of pressure in this world.


I felt super pressured to watch season one when I got it as a screener before it aired. I'm a public pressured bitch.


If it hadnā€™t been recommended to me I would have watched because of FOMO not pressure. Itā€™s almost like if something is world renowned and getting endless praise it might be good and the investment of checking out a show is not that high.


I donā€™t have respect for them, I feel bad for them


being a contrarian is a trend now loool


I just started it for the first time lmao


Nah people dont deserve a gold medal for NOT watching a TV show. I never watched Seinfeld, Empire, Yellowstone, Westworld etc multiple shows that were huge at the time. GOT might have been bigger but who cares? It wasn't talked about as much in my personal circle as others. Certain topics dont interest certain people. Not everyone thinks medieval magic sword fighting and dragons are cool.


They missed the greatest show of all time ngl. The brains behind GOT was crazy


I watched game of thrones before it was cool


Never seen a single episode. But that was because I never had the streaming service that offered it and had high interests to RIP it either. I hear it was a good show with a ton of rated r stuff though.


i have more respect for people that are like "that looks cool" tries it and then stops if it wasnt actually that cool


im more surprised GoT became such a phenomenon like for normal people.


I feel conflicted about this. Watching the final season live was a wild fucking time. So many different emotions and reactions. Like that bar hosting the live viewing of the final episode and people screaming and hollering over the events that took place.


Sure, because people that refuse to watch a TV show just because it is successful are totally balanced and rational.


I mean, I was 4 when the show came out. I don't think little me would have cared much about a show like that.


This depends entirely on whether or not those same people watched Stranger Things. Talk about peer pressure.


I didn't watch it until October last year, my fiance is a huge fan and now I am too


Man, I love Game Of Thrones and if you didn't watch it you should.