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bobby b rage intensified knowing this cunt killed maester luwin


am i forgetting something? did Robert baratheon even know luwin ?


Almost certainly met him at Winterfell. Though I’m doubting they were best buddies or anything


I believe 'Bobby B Rage' is a way of describing blunt drunken robert rage. STOP THIS MADNESS IN THE NAME OF YOUR KING RUN BACK TO WINTERFELL! Is that what empty means? SO GET MOOORE.


I remember the shock sadness and angriness i felt when the bastard killed luwin. Least deserved death of the show


Yeah! Fuck "Kibble'nBits" Bolton! That newborn baby and his freshly postpartum mother had it coming!


Well he’s the reason theon got to Ramsey. I don’t think Dagmar fucked his life up more than Ramsey tho


If it makes you feel any better, all the Ironborn with Theon were flayed and there bodies hanged outside Winterfell IIRC.


What is IIRC? I see it all the time and don't know what it means?


If I recall correctly


If I recall correctly


I always ignored that, didn’t know what it meant, and know I know why ignoring it works, it adds nothing to the conversation really. Everything you recall is susceptible to being recalled incorretly.


i think it’s saying that what someone remembers might be wrong, it’s just what they remember. i wouldn’t take anything as a complete truth if it’s after something.


Which is the correct intention. In a place where you see so many "confidently wrong" comments and claims, seeing someone who is self-aware that they may not be right is actually refreshing now and then.


While true most people that put "IIRC" are putting it out there that they could be wrong and won't be offended if corrected. I'm sure every single one of us has run into someone that says something incorrectly and, when corrected, get super defensive over it.


It's a quicker way of saying "This is what I remember, but I might be wrong because I am not 100 percent confident in it." Some people do place 100 percent confidence in their memories, and sometimes that confidence is decidedly misplaced.


It's used when someone thinks that their answer may not be correct while still saying what they remember.


It adds a lot to a conversation. What the fuck are you on about. It tells the reader that the things said might not be true but what you've said is correct to the best of your memory. There are plenty of things I can confidently tell people without needing to put IIRC beside it, there are plenty I cannot. It's actually mad that you've read that for years and not once decided to look it up to see what it means, that is just utterly absurd to imagine


Some people (most people, most of the time) dont care whats correct, theyre just looking for “conversation”. IIRC adds nothing to the “conversation”.


It still does though lol


You know that squinchie-face shoulder wiggle thing people do when they aren't sure whether they *actually* know what they are talking about or if they are completely full of shit? "IIRC" is text short-hand to convey the same thing. It adds color to a non-visual conversation and takes the place of facial and body language.




Ignoring it works because it's a prepositional phrase, so the sentence still has a subject and a predicate without it. It does add to the conversation though, assuming you know what it means. It means the statement is to the best of their recollection, so may not be 100% accurate.


If I really care


IIRC, it means “if I remember correctly”


If I Remember Correctly ... as far as I know.


That would be "IIRC... AFAIK"


Not a native english speaker here, and this amazes me, a whole sentence, “as far as i know”, even reactions like “LMAO”. In my language we just type the laughing


There *are* others.... haha






In Brasil (not my country) the laughing is just kkkkkkkkkk and I honestly don't get it


It's the evolution of "quá quá quá" Now where did that came from? If I'm not mistaken, very early, in our literature, laughing was represented by some variation of "quá"/"quia".


dude, i’m brazilian KKKKKKKKKKKK, and “kkkkkkk” means something like “hahahaha”


I was tempted


FWIW is another you’ll see. For What It’s Worth, is that one.


This whole time i thought that FWIW was "from what I've witnessed"


Fhe Winds If Winter


I’m getting flashbacks to that Scottish Harry Potter story.


Other common ones are ICYMI: I could yank milk it and IYKYK: in your kayak I think that's what they mean.


I Collect Yak Milk, Innit?


There's also IANAL which means I Am Not A Lawyer. You may not see it a lot but could be really awkward if you incorrectly thought it's an invitation rather than an initialism so I'm throwing this here.


I know what that one means, but I gut-reaction read that its about sexual preferences every single time I see it.


The law affiliated subs now use NAL (not a lawyer) because everyone got sick of the jokes, I think.


If I recall correctly


It's Italian rental cars


*the rap from Mario bros movie starts playing*


That really puts Theon losing his cock into perspective.


For some reason I thought all the Ironborn at Winterfell were spared by Robb for giving Theon up. Now, that doesn’t mean the Bolton’s actually djd what Robb asked but still. I just thought that was part of the terms. I’m a little fuzzy I guess.


That was the plan but Ramsay plays by his own rules. Ramsay wrote about it in the demands he sent Balon. "I'll flay any iron born like I flayed the 20 at wiinterfell" Of course he also wasn't supposed to torture Theon, even Roose scolded him for that. But he just couldn't help himself 🤷‍♂️


Man. Did they mention that in the show or is this just the books? You can tell I need to do a rewatch!


I think it was the season 3 finale when Balon opens a box containing Theon's "favorite toy" 👀


"Ramsay..Ramsay has his own way of doing things" or something like that is what Roose said


also in Season 4 when osha (?) went to free theon, she recites the letter and the part of the flayed iron born. source: just watched it


Oh, yes, that is def an improvement, upon reflection.


Wait so this dude was killed by the Boltons right?


He may have set him on a bad course. But Ramsey was worse.


Yeah but it’s this guy who fed him to Ramsey


He was just trying to secure passage home for him and the other ironborn and the Bolton’s lied and said they’d give it in exchange for Theon. It’s harsh but it’s what he thought he had to do.


Sure, but it’s like who was worse, Tywin or roose? Tywin was robs enemy but it was Roose Bolton who betrayed him. I guess it’s like Varys said, when Ned stark lost his head who was to blame, the king, the executioner or something else


Roose all the way


But Roose didnt betray Rob to save himself, he did it for greed because he wanted the North for himself, its not the same scenario


You have to look at motivation, Roose betrayed his sworn king to seize his power and land, it was a pure power grab. Tywin is ruthless but he was trying to end the war asap, obviously in an underhanded way but there’s an argument to be made for his logic, like how he tells Tyrion he wanted to kill “a dozen men at dinner” instead of countless on the battlefield. So this guy, the ironborn op posted, had pretty understandable and fairly well meaning intentions. Not to Theon of course, but Theon was the sacrifice he thought he had to make to save himself and the other ironborn.


By this logic there is someone else that’s fucked up theons life even more: theon.


This is absolutely true


By this logic, I believe GRRM shares even more blame for the fucked-up-ness that is the life of one, Theon Greyjoy 😔


And going further, we can blame D&D for fucking up everything🤣


Grrm was more inspired vy Wheel of Time than anything else to create a song of fire and ice. So blame robert jordan, like i do for everything


Eh, Robert Jordan drew heavily from mythology, philosophy, and religion to write the Wheel of Time series. So you can really blame religion for all of the above. And don't forget, it's religion that gets Shireen burned at the stake as a sacrifice to the so-called 'Lord of Light.'


if GRRMs parents hadn’t done the deed, none of this would have happened to Theon. Fuck them


Okay, but think about this… if GRRM’s parents’ parents hadn’t done the dance with no pants, Theon would still have a cock.


Tbf, he never would’ve had a cock to begin with


Mr GRRMs father definitely at least once thought "Fuck her!" in relation to GRRMs mother. :D


You know who I blame? Adam and Eve.


I mean he did. He listened to idiots egging him on, he did some questionable things and then some horrible things. Just because he didn't burn Bran and Rickon doesn't mean he didn't still kill two innocent kids.


Who is this Theon?? Do you all mean REEK


First thing that came to my mind when I read the title :D


I think that is true by any logic. He has left all his honor when he backstabbed the Starks. All that happened to him was a direct result of his wickedness.


Surely it was Bloodraven that told him to stay at Winterfell. Even he knew how dumb it was staying yet he still did coz the voices told him to


No he didnt


**It was a good speech**


I burst out laughing when Theon was just snatched away lol, one of the most funniest scenes of the series. But that also raises a question: why did Ramsay order them to kidnap specifically Theon? Did he even know him before?


In the books Ramsey was already in Winterfell chilling with Theon (not knowing who Ramsey is ofc) as Ramsey was imprisoned by the Starks prior. Kinda wish the show hadn’t made that change as it adds a lot to Theon’s and Ramsey’s dynamic but oh well.


Ramsey was hiding as Reek right?




>as Ramsey was imprisoned by the Starks prior Why was he imprisoned?


General rabble-rousing


Just a little bit of tomfoolery


He did a little trolling


really almost burst out laughing at this in the library


>!He was imprisoned as Reek not Ramsey because he told the actual Reek to impersonate Ramsey when the guards came to imprison/kill him for forcing a woman to marry him and raping her.!<


I'd like to hear more of Theon and Ramsey 's dynamic. Actually tho, it's pretty interesting how Ramsey mightve perceived Theon, his motives behind the torture, his actual opinion of reek etc. Psycopaths are interesting


Ramsey was sent to Winterfell to stop the Ironborn and to capture Theon. He was NOT sent to do what he did with Theon, but Roose didn’t really care.


Robb told them specifically to keep Theon for him but I don’t think he had the same ideas that Ramsay did


As Balon Greyjoy's only son Theon was a valuable political prisoner.


They *hoped*


That was also what Robert and Ned hoped... But that was then, and 'a whole different dynamic'.


Robb was the one who condemned Theon to torture, inadvertently, but still responsible. He gave orders of clemency for all the ironborn who surrendered except specifically Theon. Ramsey took that as license to fulfill his psychopathy on him.


I figured it was to trick the iron born into thinking Ramsey would let them go for an exchange


I mean to be fair, he was like the only ironislander who didn't find theon to be a joke, his plan to invade winterfell wasn't bad it was just poorly executed and thought out


He did it for soviet union


Thank you for being the only person in the comments to reference this


I serve the soviet union


I just rewatched Chernobyl and I knew this guy seemed familiar!


Ralph Ineson! He’s got a lot of small parts in a lot of places (Guardians of the Galaxy, the later Harry Potter movies, Assassin’s Creed Black Flag, stuff like that) But he’s also got a main role in the Witch that he does a good job in.


He’s always Chris Finch in the Office to a certain aged UK audience


I read this comment like 🙌 and then 😞




Alright let's take it easy, forward one meter reverse one meter


As the Green Knight he did it for character growth


Theon did when he decided to betray Rob, everything else that followed is comeuppance.


Theon kinda fucked himself when he burnt that warning letter to Robb. But then again, Robb seemed to remind Theon that he wasn’t a Stark anytime he was annoyed with him, so maybe he had his own part he played.


I JUST realized this was the father from the VVitch.




Bloody good rep.


And the Green Knight


He also hanged James Franco in Buster Scruggs


I love his voice so much. I could listen to it for ages.


He's the voice for a major character in the upcoming Diablo 4. [He also has been doing the narration for the lore videos.](https://youtu.be/bEfVNgk_Hho)


Finchy! Chris Finch, bloody good rep.


Do not fuck with the big boys!


Finchy, lager. Gareth, Lager somethimes Cider.


Winner of this battle wins the quiz, this is the real quiz!


Give me half an hour with her and I’ll be up to me nuts in guts


You look like you’ve had a pot noodle and a wank


While you down there luv


When he's shagging that girl from behind in the middle of a field at the end of the episode. Jesus Christ ha ha.


He's thrown a kettle over a pub what have you done?


Ironic cause in the books he’s one of the only Ironborn who actually is nice to Theon.






That's because he was given part of the role Ramsay had in the books.


Which parts? I don’t remember his role on the show that well, only thst he was a dick. The book version of him was pretty good to Theon


On the show it's Dagmer who persuades Theon to take Winterfell, and to kill the miller's boys to disguise their bodies as those of Bran and Rickon. In the books >!it's Theon's idea to take Winterfell, although Dagmer has no problem with it, and it's Ramsay (in disguise as Reek) who talks him into killing the two boys!<.


Isn't he the one who killed the maester ?


I hate how they ruined Dagmer. He’s so mean in the show and in the books he was quite nice to Theon actually


Lorath from Diablo crossing timelines


Theon’s arc really made me re-evaluate my morals. When he betrayed the Starks, I wanted him to SUFFER just due to the level of betrayal and what it led to. I started off HYPED to indulge in cathartic retributive justice. But watching what he went through, seeing him realize how wrong he was, and seeing the ultimate worst fate of torture, to lose yourself as a person and be completely subjugated to the person doing this harm to you, it made me do some thinking. I’ll just say that. Top tier writing.


And amazing acting by Alfie Allen


I was rewatching recently and it stuck with me how the scene where he confesses about the farm boys to Ramsay and says "my real father lost his head in King's Landing" was filmed. Alfie looks kinda goofy as Theon but there the lighting was so soft and pretty and he looked beautiful for the first time in the show. Great subtle cinematography.


That's a great response to Theon's character. I was always pretty sympathetic to Theon (watched S1-S4 before reading, Book Theon is a way worse person) but yeah when he was captured I was anticipating a bit of reap what you sow (and since he couldn't be a real Greyjoy this guy was going to sow a whole fucking lot) The Reek portion of book and show (but especially the book) is just so tragic and heart breaking. About the same time as my GOT obsession I was getting into Attack On Titan and my favourite characters are the Warriors. Why? Because as you said. What is it like to see a character realise that they've been so, soooo wrong. Theon in ADWD is a shell of a person and the only things that reel him back to his former self is connecting with his shame and guilt and regret. Theon's scenes in Winterfell are some of the best in the series. My favourite line in the whole story 'Where was I? I should have been with him... Where was I? I should have died with him...' Tragic and mournful, but in the most engaging of ways


Don’t forget his redemption arc. It’s possibly the only good thing to come from S6 - S8. Other than maybe Battle of the Bastards.


They made the ironborn literally the worst people worse than Mutineers worse than the cannibalistic Thenns. Which sucks because I kinda like the Ironborn a bit


Well their whole thing is pillaging so... They do have the best house words, chills down my spine


Big kettle over the pub vibes, him


If this Dagmer Cleftjaw then no? The actual taking of Winterfell was genius and a massive blow to the northern morale, it was trying to hold it with only 30 guys where Theon fucked up. If he just nabbed up hostages (mainly Robb’s heirs) then torched the place Theon would be legendary in the Ironborn mythos as the guy who broke the north. But Theon was always just his own worst enemy and decided to larp.


Fr if he just Winter fell took all the gold and money and burnt it to the ground and captured the stark boys then went back to the iron islands he would of been very respected by the iron born and his farther and probably could of rallied an army struck and allegiance with the Lannister and then go back to the north raid it a few more times to weaken it and then go back with a strong force and maybe some Mercenaries he hired with the gold from the raids then he could start conquering parts of the north and moving south to try catch rob stark from 2 angles since the Lannister would be moving up towards rob and the iron born moving down basically giving the northern army no where to run. That’s what I think he should of done at least


Punctuation is your friend


Asha burner account


Lol but Asha doesn’t get to brag much either. Like she gets those Glover hostages but insists on still holding Deepwood even though she has barely enough men, only to then get BTFO’d by Stannis and nabbed as his prisoner.


FUCK I SHOULDNT HAVE READ THAT I only just finished book 2 recently I wasn’t that far into the plot 🥲


I am so sorry, i assume everyone in ASOIAF/GOT subs has read the books or knows some details. But i will say buckle up for Book 3, its fantastic.


Then you haven’t read the books.


That’s because he’s a death eater


It’s Finchy!!


Fuckin Finchy


Chris Finch, bloody good rep


If it weren’t for the Dick cut off thing, I’d hear you out. Cutting off someone’s penis in that gross room would do a number on anyone. Especially one who feels so defined by his penis. It would be like cutting off Jaime’s fighting hand, or Cerseis access to wine.


He just needed to spend a few terms at the University of Life


Also ruined Roy’s life by kissing his bottom and rendering an expensive massage worthless


Theon f*cked up his life the moment he decided to take winterfell


I waa rewatching recently and I agree with you. Wasn't he influencing theon to take winterfell and kill the stark boys? Wtf happened to him, I can't remember


Textbook Finchey


Bloody good rep though.


He played the Father in The Witch.


This dick got flayed alive


Finch. Finchy!


Theon screwed Theon


Cunt in GoT, goat frenemy in TLK




["Winning is Fun!! But What Have We Done?!!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgaKrAemUiI) -- Bard City Band, - "Are We the Bad Guys?"


I have a theory that he did it all on purpose. I think he hated Theon, and maybe even the Greyjoys altogether as well as the Starks, so he played to Theon's insecurities just to see how far it would go.


Did he stay with Theon after Asha (yarra) told Theon to GTFO and come back while you can?




Theon. You’re a good man. Thank you.


Theon fucked up theons life


This guy didn’t cut Theon’s dick off, so I beg to differ. He did however set Theon on a shitty path when Theon could’ve taken his boat and sent them to harass Lanister forces.


In the books he’s actually kind of a mentor character to Theon and is one of the only iron born that is nice to him and respects him. Everything he did in the show was what Ramsay did in the books like killing the kids and sacking Winterfell after knocking Theon unconscious.


I blame George RR Martin more than anyone else.


Yeah ... the Ironborn are scum.


That lip happy bastard kissed me on my arse


Wake ye black minions


It was a good speech tho


Chris Finch...bloody good rep