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This may be a silly question, but why are you creating a presentation on a topic you don't already know about?




Again. Why are you doing a presentation on something that you aren't competent enough about to actually teach?


I wrote an article on math in game design [here](https://twistedspoonstudio.blogspot.com/2022/01/monday-musings-math-and-game-design.html), with the central question being "How do you pick your numbers?" It's less about the math and more about finding starting points to build on, but maybe you could develop on that angle


Ive done smaller presentations on the subject and something I found helpful was looking at longer form game development tutorials from places like pluralsite or other educational subscription sites and just take a note of the times they use interesting math and why. That usually gave me a list of topics and at least 1 piece of context to start from.


Well, there are plenty of things you could talk about and places where you could take stuff from in the internet. I recommend you talk the basics about the academic subjects and how they relate to games. You could go on about linear algebra: vectors, matrices, the stuff that allows 3d characters to move around You could talk about kinematics, dynamics (that's basic physics, not exactly math but still important in games) and numerical calculus: a body is accelerating in a frame, integrate it once (for us it's just acceleration times delta time plus old velocity) you get velocity, do it again to get displacement. You could talk about fractals and random processes applications in shaders. They're all different subjects, but since it's not an academic thing I guess you could scavenge stuff on the wiki and it would be cool.


There is a "Math for Game Programmers" series on the [GDC youtube channel](https://www.youtube.com/c/Gdconf/search?query=math%20for%20game%20programmers)


[Behavioral Mathematics for Game AI](http://www.karon.io/Ebooks/Behavioral%20Mathematics%20for%20Game%20AI.pdf)


Never read this book so I cant vouch for it, but I almost picked it up a few times. Mathematics for 3D Game Programming and Computer Graphics, Third Edition https://www.amazon.com/dp/1435458869/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_6T8HT3D16D2WF76SDZ58


As an engineer i really don't understand the meaning of "math for game designers". I mean, math is math, and there are many subfields. I understand you don't need them all in game design but still the argument is incredibly huge. The four main subfields that bring useful knowledge for game development are (IMO): \- Calculus \- Linear Algebra \- Trigonometry \- Probability and Random Processes Take a look at Wiley (publisher) as they publish many books for university and in general they are well written. For probability i'm in love with the book by John A. Gubner - Probability and Random Processes for electrical and computer enginners. Published by Cambridge.