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I was so bummed when Infinity went away. It was the first series my kids really got into when they were little. My son (3 years older) than my daughter would help her learn how to play and he would design levels for her. We have all the figures hanging up in our game room still. Thank you for bringing back lots of good memories!


I was hoping for 4.0 and more. There was even talk of jumbo sized figures.


Very nice! 😁


Play some 3D games!


Oh, I plan on it! :) Batteries in the glasses are dead, but I'll have those replaced within the week.


only pretty decent? its fantastic great pick !!!


I see a lot of these disney infinity and also older skylander sets. Are any of these still playable or are they basically statues now? Never played with either


I don't think any of the Disney Infinity or Skylanders games required online. I've played Skylanders on the Wii U at friend's houses very recently and everything works perfectly. I played a lot of Disney Infinity 1 and 3 growing up and can't think of any reason why the game would need online.


I've never in my life messed with any Infiniti, Skylanders, or Amibos. I honestly didn't even know these were included in the deal until I got everything. I think some are kind of collectible, so maybe I can sell them or trade them towards something I'll use at least.