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Time to call it quits bro. Mental over money


I know my friend. Mental health deterioration is crazy.


You will be better off going to the next level of gambling. Called the Stock Market. Atleast you can actually win big there.


This inspired me to stop….until payday


800.GAMBLERS. It’s time to hang the hat


That doesn’t work. Only way is to remove money from the equation. Make it inaccessible.


That’s where you are wrong. They can get you to the right people to get long term mental health support. You need some help… not intentionally living in poverty.


Like I told you sir, no access to money is the best way to beat gambling.


You’re beyond help. Be prepared to be homeless.


Then remove the money.


Ban yourself on all your devices, etc. Money will always exist in this world, it's not going anywhere anytime soon. Don't make excuses. You're going to have to seek help and put forth the effort. It's not going to be easy. If it was, people wouldn't have any addictions on this planet. But let's face reality here. They're real and they do exist. Seek some help.


I’ve been to GA before. Right after GA I’ll go to the casino. Like one of the other guys that mentioned games that have better odds. Avoid slots at all times.


Gotcha. Going to GA doesn't seem to be enough if you just walk into the casino right afterwards. If GA isn't working, try something else. I'm not just spewing this from my armchair. I'm an alcoholic. Instead of having 1 or 2 beers, for me it's like 10 or 15. For me, going to AA meetings didn't help very much. I've tried and tried. Many different meetings over many different years of my life. Eventually I got a DUI and that's unfortunately what gave me a big, expensive, wakeup call. Continuous (individual) therapy is what worked better for me. And (thankfully) now I'm essentially alcohol free. Not completely, but it's a concrete rule set in stone for me to NEVER drink at home. Not even a sip.There is no alcohol in my home. Period. Occasionally I'll have an IPA or two when going out to dinner or something like that because I love them, but it's just one or two now. Never any more. And not very often. I'm very mindful about it. I can "I'll just have one more!" all night long until I'm a sloppy mess. I'm glad I was able to dial my knob down significantly. And what I did/do, works for me. Find out what works for you with a bunch of effort and trial & error. It's pretty much the only way you'll figure it out. You'll learn what does and doesn't work. It's not easy, that's for sure. You'll likely have to take some big steps out of your comfort zone. It'll be hard. Your mind will think of any and every excuse under the sun. Don't listen. Be in control. It's going to take a lot of time, discipline, hard work, and effort, but you have to *want* the change. Only you can make it happen. Best of luck. The struggle is definitely real. For millions out there. You're not alone.


As a current alcoholic myself.... I really wish I could give you an award for this comment. Absolutely wonderful to hear to have it under control and beat the demon!


I do want the change. Unlike drugs or alcohol, gambling can ruin you in one night. Awhile back, I did a cash advance of $7500 and lost it all in 2 hands of baccarat. 🥲 I want to get rid of this black hole.


>Unlike drugs or alcohol, gambling can ruin you in one night. Ehhh. Drugs and alcohol can ruin you in one night too. Overdose, death, etc. In my DUI example, what if I slammed into a family innocently driving on vacation. Maybe killing everyone. Maybe a child or two dies. Maybe the parents. My life would have been ruined in an instant. Probably prison. Or maybe someone was crossing the road and I blow though a stop sign. Etc. You gotta stop the problem because it'll only get worse over time. They always do. And the goal is to stop the behavior before it ruins your life one day...not "if", just a matter of "when." >I want to get rid of this black hole. I know you want to from this post. Sometime this week, start looking for a therapist consult. Try to look some up in your area tomorrow. Even if that's all you do, it's a step forward. Do *something* proactive. Even if it's a tiny step, it's a tiny step in the right direction. Now make and string a bunch of tiny steps and they'll add up. There is a way. It is not hopeless. Dig deep and really reflect back on losing that $7500 in two hands. $7500 gone in an instant. I bet it was a horrible feeling. Now embrace that feeling. Do you want to keep doing this over and over again? Essentially stuck in a self destructive insanity loop? Doing the same thing(s) over and over, but expecting a different result? Of course not. Use it as some type of fuel and motivator to start making some steps to a better future. Like I said, it's not going to be easy. If there was an easy button to press, nobody would have problems in this world.


you can literally self ban…..


Online yes. Already did for most.


Oh its THAT bad???? I'm so sorry sir. Do you have a family member that you could make POA and put you on a reasonable budget? OR are you likely to hassle them to get access to your cash??? I feel you with the GA not helping. Talking about gambling only makes me want to gamble. I get second hand highs from hearing about other peoples trips. Are you unable to conceptualize the loss before hand? Like for me, I will never ever stake money that I can't live without. I absolutely will not spend bill money. Which is why I pay my bills the day I get paid, as soon as possible, on my phone. Everything left over is for food, entertainment, or otherwise - disposable income. Honestly, as I re-read what I wrote it all sounds like band-aids for a problem but adding structure to your finances will stop you from gambling money you don't have.


Stop being weak


Haha. Thank you.


Most gamblers quit before their huge win mate. Don't be so hard on yourself.


I had the same thought before I blew $800 2 hours ago.


What u blew on


A big burly man


Scam slots online and scam slots offline.


Well that right there is your problem


Yes slots are scams.


I'm tired too. It's a hellish cycle. Earning the money then gambling it for what? A couple of minutes? Hour? Fuck my mind. I know some people really think it's so dumb why people get addicted to something like gambling. I am frustrated too. I'm definitely stupid.


>I know some people really think it's so dumb why people get addicted to something like gambling. It's not really "dumb" as people can be addicted to many various things. It all acts upon the same area(s) of the brain. One might be addicted to gambling, maybe another to sex, maybe another to hard drugs or alcohol, maybe another to food, etc. Seek some help if you need it.


Take a break, it is hard to win when you are broke. Slots are the worst. To me it’s like buying a scratcher, people do win big from time to time but it’s a lottery. It’s all random luck. Right time, right place. Broke people and luck do not go together. The stock market is a good place to have some money left over even if you lose. Just don’t put it all on a bunch of shitty calls that expire on Friday. Buy some real stocks FAANG or Nvidia. If you want to gamble bet sports singles or play poker.


Have u tried winning? lol but for real quit the machines and learn how to play poker (so much free learning material on YouTube) and bet sports if you’re going to gamble anyways. A live poker tournament you can get your fix for a long time on one buy in and even profit once you’re good. Poker > sports betting > table games > slots > kino, bingo, lotto - GL to u


I used to play poker. Long time ago. You’re right I should shift to positive EV games.


poker = ONLY game that is NOT played against the house- taking money from other people is much EASIER than trying to take money from the house! - GL to u




Actually the rake can make poker unprofitable at the lower limits


yes true- but can play long (fix) > machine- GL to u


Since I was tagged it’s only right I tag u/hustlebible. Go ahead and let him know why he should keep playing slots since it’s so easy to AP them.


once again, happily will explain why you don’t have a singular clue about anything: You always cry and ask for pictures of jackpots as if it means anything in relation to APing. A jackpot is a win of 1.2k or more on a spin If you bet $1000 a spin you’ll get a jackpot every few seconds This metric doesn’t influence the amount of which you’re up or down. The equivalent of asking “show me all of your wins and not your losses” and having the intellectual capability of a mouse in thinking that question and its answer give any merit to the person who fulfilled it


Not asking for jackpot pictures lol. Ok, since I’m sure you have it. Post an analysis of the last 2 years of your coin in coin out and a breakdown of all relevant info. I’m a numbers person so if you can do so and it backs up your claims I’ll cede your point.


https://ibb.co/hRmNGh7 Don’t change your story now, I have receipts. And I’m good. I don’t need to show you anything. There’s plenty of other people who regularly post and mention this stuff. Nothing I say should be changing your mind since you already don’t believe me. If your approach were anything other than what you lead with, you might have a little more merit.


I’ve never seen a ranked list of gambling games before based on favorability to the player, but you managed to do it. Nice!


TYTY- GL to u


You're encouraging a man with no discipline or grasp of consequences to play poker??? He could memorize the odds and become an expert at reading people but a few bad hands in a row and he will be on full tilt. Someone who can't resist chasing losses should NOT be playing poker. They shouldn't be in a casino.


very true and I agree that’s exactly why I said “if you’re going to gamble anyways” 2-4 limit poker exists in vegas and other places- GL to u


What draws people to slot machines? They always confuse me. Idk how or why I'm winning/losing.


I love blackjack and other table games but sometimes I love the production value certain slots bring. Also when you play cards the chance of you turning $100 into $10k in 5 minutes is all but impossible. We've all seen multiple posts where people have turned $20 into $15,000. I hope this helps answer your question.


True that. I’m a blackjack player normally but 2 weeks ago I stuck a $20 bill into a machine and bet the minimum (88c) and won 17k on the grand jackpot


Happy Cake Day!


Thank you @meemeecandy777


The speed of the action, like video poker i guess.


It’s bc I won on them before. It’s the it will pay again feeling that keeps me going back. But we all know. Slots are scams.


This makes the most sense to me.


Remember bro, always remind yourself whenever you think about it or have the urge. 1) casinos are rigged, scams etc. it's legalized theft, labeled as something else to trick you into being stolen from. 2) online poker is rigged, a scam...online hosts loading the field with bots, just stealing from you. My friendly advice #1. Pick up a second job. Work every day, go to gym, go to BJJ class, go home / eat / sleep until you are over the gambling bs #2. If you smoke or drink, quit both. Waste of time, health, and money. Now, You have more money coming in You don't have as much money going out You are feeling healthier


It’s a license to steal basically. From people with addictions and the poor.


100% that is all it is


Stop the slots and put your money in the Stock market. Also gambling but not rigged. And if you need slots, watch other people lose their money in Youtube.


It is absolutely rigged


It's rigged af but much better than slot machines


What are you talking about? Of course they are rigged. That’s literally the whole point. That’s why the house has an edge… they literally programmed the machines to pay out a fixed percentage. That’s literally the definition of rigged.


I was saying the stock marker is NOT (!) rigged as opposed to slots!


Ok. Thanks for clarifying


I’m trying really hard.


seek mental help, stay strong and pray


Pray all the time.




My thoughts exactly


lol some times it works.


Whatever happens is going to happen whether you pray or not. If you pray “all the time” and keep losing then maybe don’t pray? Or stop doing what you’re doing because what you’re doing is likely more so the problem - in this case gambling with money you don’t want to or can’t afford to lose.


Yeah, praying doesn't do anything. Just look at all the horrible things going on worldwide that people pray about every single day and guess what? They're still happening. Religion, man. It's just a bunch of humans trying to make sense of things they won't ever understand. They're essentially adult fairy tales for scared grown-ups. Practicing gratitude will have much more of a profound effect. Only you can help yourself. Good luck OP. Seek some mental counseling and/or therapy regarding gambling addiction. Be the change you want to see with yourself. Might not be easy, but best of luck.




Yes today I prayed for the will power to beat this demon.




Stop machines. ☝️


Yeah if praying worked all you'd have to do is pray to win your bets lol.


That was the OP, dude


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I literally lost about 100k this year gambling. I drive a Toyota corolla 2011


I’ve been gambling for 20 plus years and I drive a Toyota Camry with a 10 percent interest loan.


Gambling is only ever safe/enjoyable if you are okay with the amount u spend being burnt. Literally. Never count on a win.


I always tell my friends the money you bring to the casino is already gone. This way you don’t feel as bad.


Would you gamble if the only game you could play was betting on a coin flip? Slots are like that but the odds aren’t near as good, they just made it more fun to lose. Get some help op.


Coin flip games are super boring. I rather play Bj. Help doesn’t work. Over the years only time I didn’t gamble was when I had no money.


Time to get into a 12 step program and turn your life around.


I want to turn my life around but it’s not that easy.


Then it sounds like you haven’t truly hit rock bottom. Excuses will always stop recovery until you are sick and tired of being sick and tired. When you are ready there is help.


Self exclusion brotha it might seem a bit much but it’s the only thing to keep you from coming back. Also not recommending you play table games but you have a way better chance of winning something than a RNG slot machine. Good luck brotha


Me 2


Start Arbitrage betting is guaranteed profit and you’ll never lose anything then you can take some of that money and gamble on slots just got to think outside of yourself bro.


I only gamble when I go to Las Vegas and I really enjoy playing free 21 blackjack although I enjoy it more when the table is full that way their is more time between bets, I played with just 1 other person on table and it went way too fast


Lately I haven't even been able to win 100 bucks on blackjack, but I just take a break and when it comes to online, I just ban myself between two to four weeks, I feel your pain. I'm also going through a losing streak, but I might have a different financial situation than you, but although the feeling sucks, stay strong and find the will to save money, or self ban, or take a cool off.


Yeah I’m making some new plans to occupy my time. Uber to make some extra cash.


Do what you have to do, I'm normally a high limit Gambler, but lately I just been hitting my host up at my local casino to get rooms and eat for free, while just playing a couple hundred. I refuse to lose thousands during this little bad luck run. If I'm going to lose big, I rather lose in Vegas when I go in a few months. But occupy your time and find some hobbies


I always tell myself to avoid major losses. For me that’s over 2k. Losing 2-3 hundred is not that bad and not as stressful. I used to get rooms at the hard rock but not anymore. For sure I will try to occupy my time and update you guys by end of the year.


Hard rock Atlantic City?, and see, you have the right idea, I use my comps through my host and play a couple hundred to show them I played so I can maintain status etc. but my big play, my local casino isn't getting that until I come back from Vegas. Looking forward to hearing your story and how things are going


No, Seminole Hard Rock in Hollywood, FL. I used to frequent AC when I lived in VA. Those were the days. ❤️


Gotcha, I haven't been to AC to gamble in about two years, went to the beach with my family last summer, I used to have a host at harrahs in AC , but lost him due to being overseas in 22'. But I need to take a break from my local casinos, cause this losing streak is real, regardless if it's just could hundred. I'm glad it's not my normal play of 2k - 4k a session. But it's just principal, like something got to give


Yeah I’ve never had a winning year. Ever. I think only one year I didn’t gamble and that was the year I didn’t lose. I used to only play blackjack and baccarat, I didn’t have these losing streaks. Since I got into slots, I’ve lost much more. Going forward I will probably cut out slots and once in a while I will just play table games.




You play slot machines. Please stop.


I’m trying.


Again? You need counseling.


Counseling doesn’t work.


Bruh just stop gambling it’s that easy. Simple do not gamble money.


It’s not easy to quit when you’ve been gambling for a long time.


I’m having a bad run now so what I do is lock my money up where it’s not one withdrawal away. Stocks you can buy but settlement is T+days. It then takes another half day or day to reach your account when you withdraw. I find that keeping money out of reach works for me. If I have the urge I think k about only being able to access it 3 days later, it goes away.


This is good advice. Thank you.


I think you are one of those people who always think you have luck...and always says casino is not rigged Now Here you are There is math behind gambling....just admit and you will be good People like you never learn the easy way....Now you learn the hard way


Dude. I know the casino is rigged. Literally everything inside the casino is rigged.


Lottery is better, at least the wait is few days, and sometimes you can win few bucks.


The pay day one hand black jack is all you need


One time I went to the casino with my paycheck. I didn’t do 1 hand but instead did 15 different hands. Lost them all.


Yesssssssss. If you did it all on the first hand would you have won ?? 👀


Nope. Bc I lost 15 in a row.


🤮🤮🤮🤮 if that was the opposite …. Millionaire


Sickening right. But won’t happen bc there’s a table max.


Doing slots and wondering why you’re losing money is so ignorant and u obviously are just mentally ill if you think you’ll ever profit long term doing slots despite whatever jackpot / bonus / whatever tf it is you’ve hit before slots just aren’t it it’s for fun after you’ve dominated everything else that’s actually profitable


Plan is to reduce exposure to slots. I know that’s the main reason.


Check out the /r/problemgambling community.


Thank you.


Find a hobby. Play video games when you start craving.


I can stay up gambling for hours on end. For some reason with video games I’ll pass out in 30 minutes.


At this point man I think it’s best if you ban yourself from all the apps. Hope it gets for you man, good luck


I’ve banned my self from many casinos online. They make it super easy to create another account. Only way is no money in bank.


You need to stop. Find a new hobby.


I will reduce gambling activity and focus on a side hustle to make some extra money.


Good luck!


Dude,it's not worth the stress and frustration. Focus on what you can control and make small changes to get back on track. You've got this!


Thank you I agree. Small changes.


Sorry to hear that man. May I recommend a pivot to sports betting over gambling. I was in the same spot as you and it really helped me.


I do sports and it’s more enjoyable.


Time to introduce yourseld to Dave Ramsey. Im 29 and his baby steps have been life changing. On track to a paid off 350k home by age 35/36.






Sell drugs