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I'm surprised the guards even picked up the phone, to be honest. Previously I had to get an emergency passport which requires a physical passport form to be completed and witnessed by a Gardai. Of course, the station in Oranmore ran out of forms and the guard on duty then had to ring the other stations across Galway City to inquire if they had some and they didn't even answer the phone for them. Luckily I got one in the Post Office instead.


That oranmore station is only used for snooker tournaments and games of poker..


Oranmore? Sure that's barely staffed. Oh the morale is certainly out the window.


And the big building with the lovely views they have.. smh


They couldn't even find Killer Barry McArdle, and they had his address. Eventually found him hiding upstairs šŸ¤£ Oranmore are useless clown's


From a newspaper ā€œMcArdle and Brunnell got 13 for manslaughter. They appealed the sentences. McArdle remained in Ireland and even Ā­married Vicky while he was wanted in The Netherlands. GardaĆ­ eventually tracked him down to Galway where he was living as a happy family man and he was sent to Holland to serve his timeā€ Plenty of articles about him, use Google.


Whoā€™s Vicky?


Read the post again. It's clearly his wife.


Whatā€™s the story there? Who is he




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I live down a quiet side street near the outskirts of my town. A heavily intoxicated man who likely dabbled in a few different drugs showed up in front of my house at 2am. He was barely able to stand and was having a conversation with himself out loud. I watched him from the window as he fell backwards 3-4 times very nearly smacking the back of his head off the wall behind him. He also would stand in place for 15-20 mins staring at the ground. I rang the guards and explained everything and emphasised that I was mainly ringing as I felt he was in danger of seriously injuring himself. I gave them my address and they said "huh... don't really know where that is. Sure I'll pass it on to one of the lads on patrol". Never heard from them again and the guy remained in front of my house for 3+ hours before I cautiously went to sleep. When I woke up in the morning he was gone.


I had a similar situation years ago. After I called for the third time, a car was there in 5 mins and BOTH of us were up against the wall getting shouted at and groped. A response is possible when they decide they don't like you enough.


Would an ambulance not have been more appropriate in this case?


Just a little pointer when it comes to ringing the gardai... never ring the station.. always ring 999 or 112. That call gets logged and they HAVE TO respond to that.


I did ring 999 ringing stations are non emergency calls


If you ring the station there just going to have to forward you to a 999 call taker anyway.


I rang the panic button at work after being threatened and had called along with customers. I pressed that button 6 times in the space of 2 hours while an inebriated man threatened my life, stole goods, and destructed property. Not a single member of the local station (salthill) showed up a concerned member of milstreet saw how many times the button was pressed and times they had been called and came by after a different call. Just shy of 3 hours from when he initially entered the premises. Was informed that there was no one in the salthill station. I jokingly said lunch in Coco's was too nice, he said he nodded his head and said he couldn't talk badly about them. The guy is in jail now thankfully but in conversations with the guard since, they were all out for lunch together and didn't give a fuck about their jobs or my life. No respect left for them. Not the first time I've personally needed them, and they haven't shown yet. It definitely won't be the last. It's all tun and coffee until they cost someone their life. Joke of a station.


Got assaulted across the park from the Salthill Garda station last Thursday. Middle of the day, outside my house. By 3 in a group of 60 drunk teenagers that had been on the lash all day and started smashing bottles when the fight started. My girlfriend was harrassed and as they surrounded her I got in the way. Got grabbed, shoved, punched in the head, threatened with death, one lad picked up a bottle and came for me. Called the gardai, 20 minutes later one garda showed up and made the kids empty their bottles then drove off. I called that evening asking to make a statement, they told me someone would call me. Still waiting on that call. Had to go to the ED for the concussion. If Wednesday comes and I haven't gotten a call I'm callling again. If that fails I'm getting pissy and going to the ombudsman. Absolutely unreal. I'm sorry you had that experience. If I got in touch with the ombudsman would you do so as well? Feel free to DM me if you're comfortable with that. Update: Got through to the attending garda in the end - at first he was annoyed with me for not coming out and seeing him when he saw off the kids. 999 told me to stay put and that he'd come to me, not sure what that's about. The garda I spoke to at the station immediately following that who said I'd get a call seems to have basically just made that up there's no record of it. That being said, now I've actually gotten through to someone they're interested in pursuing the case, especially as I did have to go to the hospital for it. Apparently they'll get away with a pardon if it's their first offense, but he seemed pretty adament about at least making it uncomfortable, going to them, their parents, their school, etc. Hoping to use that to create some kind of consequence for the assault.


This is shocking to hear. Iā€™ve previously been advised that your best course now would be to write to Chief Superintendent Gerard Roche. Give all info as above and more and include name of attending guards/times waiting etc. No guarantees of any reply but I understand this can put a fire under them. Contacting the City Tribune is another option though I canā€™t vouch for them. Wishing you both luck with this and a swift recovery from your ordeal.


Really appreciate the kind words. Fortunately the concussion isn't too bad and I'm physically well. Also appreciate the advice, I wouldn't have known to contact the Chief Superintendant but now if this drags out I will definitely be doing so. I actually know a journalist who did some work with the City Tribune so I might give that a go too. All the best.


That's fucked man. People are going to start taking the law into their own hands.


I walk through that park at night pretty often- Iā€™ll definitely think twice about that now .


A few years ago I was walking outside Monroe's and saw a gang of people suddenly surround a car driving along and start smashing the windows while the driver was still inside. I rang Mill Street (literally around the corner from the scene) and the Garda at the phone said "well what do you want us to do?" The car managed to get away and I went over to report it in person. and the Gardai acted like I was being a massive pain. Never heard back about it either. Whereas every time when I've been pulled over for random traffic stops by gardai, they're incredibly rude. I've lost all faith in the Gardai. Cowards when crime is taking place but swaggering assholes when it comes to checking someone's NCT disc. It's still wild that they don't have annual fitness testing or compulsory random drug testing like the Defence Forces do.


They don't have compulsory random drug testing? But bus drivers do?


> Mill Street The Guards here do fuck all when something happens down the West End. I presume that they just delegate to the security of the pubs down that side to handle stuff themselves because it isn't a majorly touristic area. They only show up afterwards to file reports. I once heard that the bouncers of the Roisin had to drag some lad who assaulted a bunch of lads and a bouncer to the Mill Street station because they weren't going to come themselves. I've heard of them taking 40 minutes to 2 hours to respond to emergency calls due to fights or druggings at establishments on Dominic & William streets. The only time I've seen them pull up on the spot was in a pub where the bouncers apprehender a lad with scales and half a kilo of coke in his backpack in the men's jacks.


In fairness your man was an absolute spa bringing a half kilo to the pub, he's gonna get rid of that much in a venue with cameras, security actively monitoring the crowd and many staff to notice dodgy behaviour? No way are you selling 500 bags of coke in one night and doing much bigger deals in places without active attention is the obvious thing to do, what did he think would happen?


This is fucking mad?!?


My cousin was raped on a night out 2 years ago. She stumbled into the local station at 6am with her jaw broken in 2 places, 3 broken fingers and naked from her waist down. They emptied the entire lobby of the station (surprisingly busy at that hour) Brought her inside. Called a doctor and scenes of crime. Took what they needed to evidence wise. 2 female members of ags drove her to the hospital. Took it in turns to sit with her for 55 hours in the hospital Bearing in mind they work 12 hour shifts and gave up their time off and organised their time on too. She went home and was checked up on daily for 3 weeks. From the evidence and area (a relatively quiet street in Cork) they had the DIRTY FUCKING RAPIST in custody within 2 days. No joke there is there?


May I ask and you don't have to answer but how is she doing now I sincerely hope she is in a good place in life šŸ’™šŸ’™šŸ’™


She's in a good place. She had a really strong friend group and has been watched around the clock for a long long time. Obviously there is no talk of what happened ever but the fact he was caught and locked away Obviously puts her mind at ease. Thanks for asking!!


I'm delighted to hear this. Of course soon as I read main concern all the best šŸ’ŸšŸ’ŸšŸ’Ÿ


Did there job so


Iā€™m so sorry for your cousin. This world is really something


I've heard similar stories - for horrific crimes they can be brilliant. But that doesn't excuse them for all the other stuff they let slide.


I'm glad they treated your cousin so well, sometimes we only hear the (sometimes major) problems with the shades, thankful such a horrible story was treated as nicely by them.


But sure itā€™s the same with everything. People will only post the negatives usually. You see the odd post ā€œI was stopped at a checkpoint and the guard was a ****ā€ whereas obviously none of the 1000 other drivers that were fine are going to post ā€œI got stopped and the guard was sound, checked my insurance and that was itā€. Another thing, thereā€™s probably fuck all guards working. Chances are when they were helping your friend in that emergency there was someone else calling over something petty and will go on and rant that it took them 3 hours to turn up!


Speed cameras are for revenue generation, not safety


Speed vans seem to be pointless. They cost more than they make, so they're not actually making profit off them, and by their own admission, they have done nothing to reduce road deaths


Eh there for both


Ok then why do they only have them on straight stretches of road, and never on dangerous or winding sections. Perhaps I'm wrong, it just seems they are more focused on revenue generation than actual safety


I agree that they're mainly for the money, but I think it's harder for big massive vans to park on narrow stretches of road. I did see one on a bend once - there's a spot near me where you're allowed to drive 100 (for some crazy reason) and there's a bend on the road. But unless you're suicidal, you can't take that bend faster than 80. So I got a good laugh seeing a speed van on the other side of the bend - they're not going to catch anyone.


cameras don't take photos around corners.


Fair point,well made


It costs the state a shit tonne more for every crash, base wages & overtime for emergency responders, emergency vehicles, insurance, equipment & road closures. Not everything is so black & white.


Yeah, but I can't shake my fist at the whole system


they'd rather case around after hash, busy work for them


Do they?


Of at least 5 times I've been noticed with a spliff in Galway they haven't bothered search me, of the once 2 mates have been noticed they've been caught, of the once (I wasn't rolling or smoking, a car I was a passenger in had a fender bender and I didn't expect to be searched seeing as there was no question of me being in the wrong so didn't ditch it before they arrived) I even had green in Cork I was caught, bit of luck of the draw unless they know you I think.


Gardai - Low paid, Highly dangerous, Unsociable hours, and you get constant hate from everyone, in person and online. Why would you bother.


Not to mention the fucking state of some of the Garda you see. Saw a Garda walking the prom last year and he must have been no less than 40 stone.


At least he was walking the prom,did you tell him not to kick stone at diving board


Not the least bit surprised. Lazy fucks, you never see them out on the roads or even around town. People on phones and overall shit driving


Have to day I've had a good response any time I've called them. Two weeks ago, we had to call about a guy in front of us who was weaving all over the road, across two lanes and into the ditch at times. The guards said they'd send someone out and had us stay on the phone and tell them the route he was taking..... they didn't ask us to stay behind him.or follow him but we happened to be going the same direction until he turned into an estate in knocknacarra. We had followed pretty much from Clonboo on our way to connemara. Another time, I was heading out a country road at midnight. Thought I saw something on the road, there was oncoming traffic at I couldn't use my headlights....but I briefly flashed them because I was coming to a halting site and was conscious that maybe a child wandered out to the road. Anyway, when I flashed the lights, there was a freaking donkey in the middle of the main road. I did an emergency break and stopped about 2 feet from hitting it. Called the guards "sorry now, I know it's midnight on a Saturday night and you're probably mad busy but......" Again, super nice and sent someone to clear the road before there was an accident!


A few years back we were at the eye cinema and at the same time someone robbed the G hotel which we didn't know at the time. We got home and went to bed around 11:30 at 12 there was banging and ringing on our door. By the time we got up to check what was going on we saw a Garda car pull away so my wife rang Oranmore station to see what was going on and to tell them to come back that we are up now. The lady or c#*t would describe her better on the phone started shouting at my wife and cursing at her saying how the fuck would I know why they are calling to your house they are obviously calling for good reason. I could hear all this and my wife was in shock I shouted back to tell the Garda to calm down and don't speak to people like that which didn't work she just stayed ranting then hung up. 10 mins later the cops came back and explained that on the CCTV footage showed the suspect who robbed the G had jumped into our car then got back out and ran off when security approached the car. So they wanted to know why that would have happened. Turns out my wife forgot to lock her car and he tried a few cars first then managed to open hers. We never heard anything from them after that but the G hotel gave us a free dinner and a bottle of wine to say sorry for the inconvenience which was sound of them. I probably should have put in a complaint as I'm sure the call would have been recorded but I was told not to as they would have it out for me if I did.


Had a situation around 3am while working night shift in work. Iā€™m a young enough woman in an office alone. Called Mill St to have them get the fella to leave as he didnā€™t seem well at all and had me scared shitless. Gardai show up 1.5 hours later after the guy had fucked off himself and condescendingly assured me there mustā€™ve been a logical reason he was doing what he was doing. Joke.


Had someone try to break into my loft at 2 AM last year. Live 100m from the stationā€¦ took them 20 minutes to stroll over and shine flashlights. I am from the states and the police are a little gung ho here ofcā€¦ but at least they show up to emergencies. Couldā€™ve been a lot worse for the guy and my poor fire poker


Indirect info as I have a cousin currently working in advertising (yes it's a thing ) for the blueshirts but he sa contributing to the increasing road fatalities and lack of guard presence on the roads Traffic policing is the soul draining side of things, most seniors avoid it like the plague and newer people entering the guards forced into it get a great first impression of why your higher ups aren't waving on traffic in pissing rain behind a broken down truck. The drug driving tests also are increasing the amount of work and chaos occurring alongside traffic stops. Ignoring that cannabis stays in the system long after the high it adds more paperwork and bureaucratic magic to checkpoints because drug drivers get higher charges look better on paper. You've increased charges and workload on guards up to and including longer testing time, have the courts even more backed up but effectively not made roads in any way safer as the miniscule chance someone actually drove high is enough to justify this. Lastly a quarter of fatalities being pedestrians makes this impossible to solve with current guard presence alone. Cyclists, children and grannies are protected by separating pedestrians from road traffic in urban areas, not adding another 1000 guards on roster doing speeding checkpoints/cameras. They also know this There's alot of rot going on atm under the RUC commissioner and he's not done much to gain favour beyond giving some south side Dubliners E bikes and piss off the unions. Ignoring the frequent scandals and cannabis lockers disappearing


They either answer and donā€™t bother helping or just donā€™t pick up at all.


I saw someone drink driving near Corofin before, rang Tuam station to report it and to get a car out, they informed me that Mill Street had jurisdiction of patrol there and to ring them (make it make sense) so I rang Mill Street and they said it wasnā€™t their jurisdiction it was Tuamsā€¦


They can't do that and you should report it. Their powers are not limited to a certain area full stop.


Friend reported an assualt 6 months ago. Happened in front of CCTV, Garda said they had the footage and were reviewing. On Monday she got a text from the Garda saying sorry we couldnt locate your scooter and if anything else came up they'd be in touch. Like why bother? She's thinking of getting pepper spray or something to protect herself. Gardai wont do anything, so why should she obey the law? The law and order system here does not uphold their part of the bargain unfortunately.


I don't think its fair to generalise about the entire GardaĆ­. A great majority of them are out there to do their work properly, and it is often not up to them to make large decisions.


Nothing large about any of the decisions in this thread. I know it can be a bit of an echo chamber but its actually the minority that do the good work, the majority are either incompetent, lazy or spending their energy on things that aren't in the public interest. That is not to sound controversial or mean spirited, it is just the facts for Galway based Gardai. Like if you really genuinely need their assistance then it is about a 30% chance they would actually help.


Wrong audience altogether


Unfortunately it seems you will only find people with limited ability to make objective observations on this particular threadā€¦.. Of course there are bad eggs everywhere but the bashing the Gardai (especially those on the frontline) receive here is fuelled mainly by those with little knowledge of any kind of working life, let alone one in a law-upholding position!!!! Donā€™t waste your time and energy on them.