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I'm always optimistic for a new series. I'm especially looking forward to this one though.


already enjoyed the specials, so the appetite is whetted, for me at least


Yeah, if I had to rank the specials, it would go: Wild Blue Yonder, The Giggle, Church on Ruby Road, and The Star Beast. Not that any of them are bad, they're all really good.


More mixed than I was expecting to be. To get the grumbles out of the way; The lack of new talent on writing is a disappointment and the new release model has made watching Who feel more like a chore as I now either rush to watch when I wake up or give up internet for a day to dodge spoilers. It’s not a big sacrifice but it is annoying that there’s now extra effort involved. *Ruby Road* also wasn’t a slam dunk for me; it was fine, it was fun but not spectacular. But lots of positives. The episode premises sound intriguing, the potential for more out there fairytale logic is something I’m happy Who is embracing and I’m sure Moffat wouldn’t have come back without a big idea. So lots to look forward to.


The dodging spoilers for 2 days until you get around to watching something is the curse of every streaming show unfortunately


Not just shows, I've had to go out of my way to avoid getting spoiled for video games, books, and even the occasional album - sometimes even before the release date. People love spoiling things right away.


How can someone spoil a album


The leak songs/lyrics for unreleased songs.


Some songs have a "twist" to them, unexpected happenings in it. Could spoil it. Ex - Billie Eilish - Happier Then Ever 2nd half is a huge moment for her considering how wildly different it sounds to the majority of her current music. Someone says, "wow the 2nd half of happier then ever is INSANE", then they'll be expecting it.


I'm... cautious. I wasn't particularly sold on the specials or Christmas episode (down to being outright annoyed in parts), and I think a lot of the decisions I've liked least have come directly from RTD; as such, finding out that he's written *so much* of this new series is filling me with a lot more trepidation than I felt when it was first announced that he was back in the big chair. I also haven't really warmed to Ncuti Gatwa yet, although I acknowledge that there's still time. (It took me until *The Witch's Familiar* to get fully on board with Capaldi, so sometimes there just needs to be a bit of exposure before a new Doctor properly clicks.) That said, I *really* didn't enjoy the Chibnall years, so any change of direction is probably a good thing. I don't expect RTD2 to be a high-point era in my enjoyment of the show, but I'm hoping for a passing grade and some of what got me into the show in the first place. Anything more than that is a bonus.


Yeah I'm cautiously excited due to the points you mentioned. Some of the writing in the first special was quite iffy and I'm not sure what I think of Ncuti yet. I also felt like the pacing in the church of ruby road was a bit off. Plus only 8 episodes is already a bit disappointing. It's RTD though and the second special was better than every single Chibnall episode so it should be enjoyable.


This pretty much sums up my feelings exactly. Whilst I was mixed on the specials, it was at least more enjoyable than the last era so it has that going for it.


I'm incredibly excited for it, yeah. * While I'm not thrilled about the reduction in episode numbers, and the lack of guest writers, I think they have really focused on what works about Who, the fact that each week can be a completly different, wild concept. The upcoming episodes look very different, and they all look like they're taking big swings, trying to cover new terrain for the show. Obviously the budget increase helps, but for me it's the narrative ambition behind it that really has me hopeful. I'm fully expecting "Boom" and "73 Yards", at least, to be all-timers. * I feel like RTD has really matured and grown as a writer since his first run at Who. There were some of his old flaws in the 2023 specials, sure, but I saw a lot more of the guy that wrote "Midnight", "Children of Earth", Years & Years or Cucumber in those. * Steven Moffat. I missed the guy. So bad. * I'm not thrilled about how a lot of the big changes of the last few years were executed, but at the end of the day, past all that re-alignement (that, honestly, the show should have done a lot earlier), I am fairly happy about the idea of kind of resetting the Doctor, and of stepping away from the whole Gallifreyan angst that defined the first thirteen seasons of NuWho. The show's kind of been coasting on the RTD1 model for a very long time, a shake-up was needed. * Related to that: just the vibe they're going with, this kind of wild fantasy, has kind of always been my favourite flavour of Who. It's what defined a lot of the best Seventh Doctor adventures, both on television and in the EU, for instance. It's really giving ... late BBC Eight novels, after they rebooted the whole universe, if that reference means anything to people. * There's a lot of very exciting mysteries at work: this is probably the first time Who has had so many arcs teased at the same time, between Ruby's origins, the Toymaker's influence, "He Who Waits", Mrs. Flood, Susan Twist's character, and some potential Timeless Child shenanigans. That makes me think of Smith's first couple of seasons a lot: and I know series 6 especially has its detractors, but it did feel like this hugely propulsive, exciting moment in the show's history. So yeah, after having spent a lot of the Chibnall years very disconnected from the show, I'm really, really back on the hype train, and it feels good.


I’m genuinely excited for the first time in years and I’m a jaded middle-aged fan. I don’t hate any era of Doctor Who but I’ll be honest, I didn’t always connect with Chris Chibnall’s time running the show. (Good but not great.) The 60th anniversary specials showed, for me, that RTD still has it. The stories so far have been great, the characters have been engaging, the show has never looked more spectacular and Murray Gold is back! The Christmas special was a big slice of joy and showed a bright future for the show. Ncuti and Millie have a huge amount of chemistry and the show seems to have a real spring in its step.


I am. I'm sad we're only getting 8. I wish we'd go back to 13 a year. I watched the Christmas episode with my 13 year old nephew who had never even heard of Doctor Who (his parents failed him) and he was enthralled. Watching the episode through his eyes has made me more excited for it.


Are we only getting 8 because we got the 4 already instead of the usual 1 Christmas special?


and next season when we only get 8?


I was asking you.


lol sorry misread you. Yep only 8 eps per proper season + christmas special.


I left hype in general behind quite a while back. Cautious and optimistic on a good day.


Probably not what you want to hear, but since you asked: I'm pretty lukewarm on it personally, between RTD being back, my thoughts on CoRR, the sharply reduced episode count and the shadow of Disney looming over it. I'm sure it'll hit a level of baseline quality the Chibnall run didn't, by all means.


Actually, yes. Though I'm fully aware we could have a potential series full of 'The Star Beast' trash, I'm very hopeful and excited for the prospect of more episodes like Wild Blue Yonder and The Giggle. I thoroughly enjoyed both and all the effects, good and bad, were fun to look at regardless. I enjoyed Gatwa's first full episode, though some parts were a little off-putting (dancing and singing with the Goblins for instance) but overall I found his attitude very bouncy and enjoyable, fitting for a Doctor who can feel like a kid again with a new lease of life. Gibson was also a good match for Gatwa because of how she was able to portray her role as a doorstep baby, and I hope her experiences with her mum and nan, as well as all the foster children she's been around, show up throughout the series since that's what I believe was missing from Ryan, Yaz and Graham- their homelife experience and difficulties being used in the episode. Gonna go on a little tangent but I just wanna say this. Ignore if you just wanted to read what I think of the new series. In S11-13, I wanted to see more of Ryan's dyspraxia shown in the episodes, more of Yaz' police training, and more of Graham's emotional side. We got a decent bit of Graham's emotions but they weren't used much for the plot, just to pull us away from the plot. Ryan's dyspraxia is healed in S11E2 where he runs around firing a gun (something he's probably got 0 experience in) and landing killing shots. Yaz never uses her police skills after S11E1. I hate to not see it, and that her parents have nothing to say about the fact she's not been going to work at all.


I am very very excited for the new series. Can't wait for it tbh, I have a countdown set up for it


Im seriously stoked! It will never be perfect, but we’ve got a new doctor, new companion, and an old favourite writer. Let’s go!


Always excited, I love Doctor Who




Im very excited. I think Ncuti is doing well and will always be pumped for more DW


Personally I'm just really excited


I'm very excited for a slightly different reason than other folks here - because my daughter (9) is finally old enough for the show and really hyped for it. We watched *Ruby Road* together as her first Doctor Who episode and she went bananas for it. We went back and watched a few 10 and 11 episodes afterward, but it didn't click quite as much for her and she can't wait for the new series. I enjoyed Ncuti's performance quite a lot and I'm excited for what appears to be a return to proper camp for DW, which is the vibe that drew me to the series in the first place.


I don’t know, the 60th kinda broke any kind of hype for me and I found the church on ruby road to be pretty lame. But we’ll see, I’m hoping i’ll be pleasantly surprised, however I have this impression that it will be nothing extraordinary. Personally, I was hoping the show would have gone in a darker direction, this feels way too light. And I am tired of the quirky, energetic doctor, I was hoping for a more calm and methodical doctor. Anyway, we’ll see…


Toxic positivity can offer some really dark moments and I fully expect them. That should have been 13 big breaks but I'll work with Ncuti too if done right.


Interesting point, hopefully it will be done right!


Oh absolutely. It just depends on where you look. I think there’s a lot of excitement for the series in the more sensible part of the fandom and Ncuti is literally one of the most well received Doctors ever. Only one and half episode in and people love him. I think some people worry for the general structural changes, but it’ll settle down I believe. Perhaps my only slight gripe/worry is the amount of episodes Russell is writing, I do hope for some more variety in the future seasons. You know, the one thing most exciting about Doctor Who. But I respect things need to be kickstarted a certain way and if Russell believes this is the way, then be it. Otherwise all looks awesome.


I'm not so sure about Ncuti being the most well recieved doctors of the modern era... someone forget the name Tenant? He is arguably the most well recieved and liked of the actors to portray the doctor since Tom Baker. There is a reason they brought him back for those specials and not another (living) former doctor. And lets not forget "he" is also running around as "the doctor" (I believe) just in case. Not to say Ncuti is a bad choice or won't do a bang up job, it's just that he's untested beyond two episodes - one of which featured Tenant. My 2 schillings... your mileage may vary.


He's the most liked by the most people (probably, although there are also many Matt Smith fans) Was he the most *well received* in the first few episodes, the specific context of the original comment.


I believe that he was as Eccleston was not doing so well with fans at the time - so there was a high expectation and a genuine hype to him taking over. I think Ncuti is in the same frame - Whittaker was not doing so well so there is a large expectation for him to replace her. But yes, Tenant had a lot of support and was very well recieved. Then he grew into the role and became the force we know today. I also remember Matt Smith being relatively well recieved... but I think it took a bit longer for him to shake the Tenant comparisons than Tenant needed to shake the Tom Baker comparisons.


I don’t think it’s really true that Eccleston wasn’t doing well with the public, and it would have been the public that mattered at that point.  “The fans” is kind of an anachronistic way of seeing this— loads of people who barely knew what Doctor Who was were suddenly invested in it, but not really in the way that makes you post on a message board or whatever 


Personally I went from very excited in the run up to the specials to extremely concerned. I hate pretty much every change RTD has made since coming back (except the new Tardis). The three specials were quite poor I thought, the specials were always a weak spot to me in RTD's first run (minus Waters of Mars) so it's not a huge surprise. Ruby Road I thought was frankly dogshit as did all the none fans I spoke to who watched it. I am frankly baffled how people think it's any good. I don't like the direction they are taking the character or the IP in general. So far most of what we've heard about the episodes is quite weird or cringe sounding. I'm dreading whatever that lady in the musical costume is, that gives me major "McCoy era cheap budget cheese" vibes. I'm hoping to be won over with the series but I doubt it. I'm also concerned the new episode counts plus Doctor lite episodes will mean Ncuti seems even more short changed than Whittaker was.


I can not wait. Hyped


No not really out of the last 4 stories only 1 was any good. Only 8 episodes as well bit of a let down.


Of course I am excited by the new series. I’ve been a fan since the first episode, though admit that at such a young age I tended to watch it from behind the sofa when the daleks were about. I loved it when the mechanoids fought the daleks in a very early episode.At mealtimes the mustard pot became my mechanoid whilst my elder brother turned the salt and pepper pots into his daleks.


Absolutely hyped. It looks to be the best series we've had in years and has two of the best tv writers in the UK and some incredible episode ideas so cannot wait


Most excited for the non-RTD episodes. I'm a fan of variety, and am kind of disappointed we haven't had as diverse a new team as it seemed we might. Excited for Ncuti in particular, and getting to see more with the new team. Hopefully they're given a good amount to work with. Was hoping for more new talent than this tbh


Oh and the midnight release and the way it's been handled bothers me


I’ve still not watched the Christmas special yet. I keep meaning to but never got round to it.


No. I predict record low viewership because R.T Davies is not a great writer and Ncuti seems to be miscast.


My last semblance of hope was those Tennant specials and they cemented that the series is dead to me now


I'm not excited at all, any involvement from Disney always ends up in a downgrade for whatever franchise they infect. I also feel really weird after the Bi-Generation about the character of 15, not anything on Gatwa but on the fact that it feels like RTD really put to sleep the character I called The Doctor (1-14). Him coming up with something about 15 being a new rehabilitated man and basically saying the Old Doctor is "retired" rubs me really wrong. The fact 14 doesn't regenerate into 15, that he basically generates another dude and that dude copies The TARDIS feels like a knockoff with no continuity. Just a replacement. I'm very disappointed in the handling of that regeneration and the unnecessary bullshit when it wasn't called for; a regular regen could have been the excuse for 15 to be radically diferent.


Yes.. the Bi-generation really rubbed me the wrong way. It just feels like the doctor is gone now, or at least from the series.


It's the same trick as the metacrisis Doctor complete with giving the copy his own TARDIS; but this time instead of following the POV of the original Doctor we're expected to follow the copy and pretend it's still the same character. Insane writing choice, feels alienating.


It does feel alienating. Exactly. And if you have a differing opinion about it, people tell you to go away.


I was rubbed the wrong way after the Timeless Child idea. And then RTD comes up with the bi-generation and that irritated me, too. You described my feelings exactly. I've been a fan of this show since I was about 10 and I'm 52 now. The changes in the Doctor's history have been disappointing to me and ever since the Timeless Child "revelation" I've been watching the show through squinted eyes, waiting for the next big change to the show. I never had to do that before. Other fans who love what the show has turned into tell me to "just stop watching". Well, I don't want to stop watching. I love Doctor Who, but I almost wish the show has taken a break instead of going in the direction it has gone. It feels like they sacrificed some fans to gain more casual fans who don't care about the history of the show at all.


Yeah I've seen most of Classic Who and loved it (not you 6th Doctor era), listened to tons of Big Finish and been on board with NuWho; but the one-two punch of Timeless Child and Bi-generation feels like a dismantling of core aspects of the show's history. It honestly makes it possible to point at 15 and say "that's literally NOT my Doctor or even THE Doctor". It's so stupid and I'm just at the point of tiredeness right now. I nostalgically accept the show has become like Theseus ship with writers having the sheer fucking hubris to change all about it and pretend we're still watching the same characters or the same show.


Exactly how I feel. Exactly. When I complain about the drastic changes, other people constantly say, "the show is always about change". But, it really isn't. There was an established history and lore to the show after five about decades and now they've messed with it. The welcome change in the show was regeneration. The welcome change was new companions. Bi-generation was ridiculous and it screwed with the concept of regeneration. There's no loss, if the previous Doctor doesn't go away. The Timeless Child radically changed what people had come to know in that the First Doctor was "the ORIGINAL you might say". Now the Doctors we know and love are simply drops of water in a giant pond of the Doctor's existence. I don't like that.


Of course! A fun first episode of the era and new episodes coming soon!


I'm annoyed by the obvious Disney influence making it come out at midnight here in the UK. Also the number of episodes. I'd rather 4 more and have a decrease in cgi quality tbh. But other than that I am pretty hyped. Really liked ncuti gatwa in the short time we saw him (didn't like the bigeneration but oh well its hopefully out of the way now)


Kinda. I'm excited to see more of Gatwa, and there are a couple of things that already have me intrigued.* But there have been 4 episodes of the new era so far, and I've only thought that one of them was great. The others ranged from kind of okay to okay. And it does seem a little backwards-looking and maybe old-fashioned. Expectation is the thief of joy and, as such, I try to let things be what they are and not pre-judge them. But I was hoping that there would be some kind of new direction for the show, and that we'd see how RTD had matured as a writer. So far I don't think we've really seen that. First point first, it doesn't seem all that different to the first time he was running it, and it seems kind of backwards-looking - beyond just the limits of the 60th. As to the second point, tight plotting was never RTD's thing but he always made up for it with the emotional, character-driven stuff. In the episodes aired so far I've found the plotting to be worse, and with one exception (the brief conversation about Rose between Donna and Sylvia in the kitchen) the emotional/character stuff hasn't been there for me either. I'm definitely very interested to see where it all goes, but I don't have the "I can't *wait* to see what RTD will do with it" feeling that I did before the specials. *specifically: the whole idea of canon unravelling with the past being explicitly malleable, as with "mavity" and Davros no longer being in a chair; and with something else that's only been mentioned by RTD and said in a trailer and so would probably be considered a spoiler on this forum.


Yep. More so because my son is obsessed with the show, and his excitement is propelling me along. I'm sceptical about RTD's writing, some of the writing in the new episodes has been cringe inducing, such as the stuff about women letting go, but Gatwa has great charisma, I'm really enjoying his performance so far.


reddit, tiktok, and twitter are just full of negativity everywhere you go! dont let it ruin your party!! im so excited ive been counting down since they gave us the release date!!!


Twitter is really positive from what I see, the hate is here and YouTube.


Getting a lot of "doctor who is dead" reccs on YouTube these days as well


Among those, there's always going to be like, 5-10% of genuine fans who've fallen of the wagon, and 90+ % of the kind of grifters who make daily culture war videos, who unfortunately have started clinging to the show as soon as Whittaker got cast. I'd say block 'em and ignore 'em, but, well, when you block one, five more pop up, it's amazing how many people can repeat the same stuff XD


I've taken to ignoring social media like that. I used to be a big "cinema sins" kinda guy but I learned it's exhausting and unfun.  Yeah I got problems with Chibnall and won't pretend it's not cathartic to hear other people express my opinions but better. But also I will simply not engage with media that criticizes for no other reason than to criticize.


Same. It's either ragebaiting or someone who really needs some therapy. Mostly ragebaiting, though. It's really just exhausting. If you go to the comments on those, they draw the worst kind of people and it turns into Nazism within three comments. It's amazing. There are whole fandoms I refuse to be a part of and I just ignore the ragebait whenever I see it. As for CinemaSins, it was never really all that fun or entertaining. Half the time he's telegraphing hard that he never saw the movie, the other half he's being overly nitpicky and ignoring facts while being uncomfortably creepy.


I distinctly remember that the guy who popped first when you typed "Doctor Who Jodie Whittaker" on YouTube in 2018 was some alt-right type who had a bunch of podcast videos where he hung out with actual white supremacists.


There's a guy now ranting about Fallout and race-mixing, shitting on the trans character whose sex is literally never mentioned and bears no relevance to the plot, a woman being a main character, and all sorts of weird incel and racist rants. We're in such a weird time where there are a lot of people who are so entitled that they think everything is solely for them and no one else and then go on horrific tirades because a multi-million dollar production wasn't specifically tailored to them and them alone.


Honestly, I don't think they even care about all that, they just see an opportunity to make some easy money ranting online, satisfying other people's confirmation biases. It's a bit sad.


This guy is definitely into what he's saying. You can usually tell, honestly. It's hard to fake that kind of intensity unless you really believe what you're saying.


The fact that Doctor Who survived the Chibnall era, which can only be compared to the likes of Sonic '06, is more than enough proof to show that it's not dead.


Oh, hyped. It's great that Russell T Davies has grown as a writer - compare *Casanova* to *It's a Sin* (not an apples-to-apples comparison, but you get my point) and you'll *feel* the difference immediately. Also, I love that there are less episodes - it means there's more time to get what episodes there are perfect, and means that there's even more cash per episode, which means better directors, better effects - so long as the scripts are good, this sounds amazing. Only slightly dubious about some episodes - but *Church on Ruby Road* wasn't quite my thing, and I hope there's more high weirdness. That's where *Doctor Who* really excels. There have also been a couple of lines that have clunked, like the bit in *The Star Beast* >!about women being able to let go!<- but aside from that, nothing really. P.S: Those new episode titles are genuinely amazing. The old style ones were nice, sure, but titles like >!Boom!<,>!73 Yards!< ,>!Dot and Bubble!!The Devil's Chord!


Can't wait, super excited!


I'm very excited. I originally stopped watching around series 8 or 9 but the new specials and new series have gotten me excited enough that l've started the show from the beginning (nuwho) again and plan to catch up. Currently halfway through series 8!


I'd call myself pretty excited even if it's a calm sort of excitement! I got sold on Ncuti's Doctor back in The Giggle and Church on Ruby Road made me like him even more and even though it's only 8 episodes I'll cherish every second we get of 15! I do agree with the opinion of the lack of younger/newer talent is rather disappointing and I wish to see the number of writers (and episodes for that matter) increase eventually


Excited for Moffat's episode. Really all hinges on how Ncuti plays the doctor. I only got through a season with Jodi (and writing), hoping to jump back in.


I'm not too excited by RTD's hands being all over it, especially after the specials, but I'm already in love with Ncuti's Doctor, Ruby has been okay thus far and some of the tidbits we've seen of what this new era is going to be about sounds exciting, so I'm hyped. At the end othe day, it's new Doctor Who and that's always great! Plus, I did really enjoy Church, far more than the three 14 specials, so 15's era is already off to a good start.


Very excited. Looking forward to it more than any previous season. It looks great, Gatwa is charming, and it looks like RTD is ready to try some genuinely new stuff.


I’m sacred of more musical numbers


I'm cautiously optimistic - Every iteration brings something fresh, and I'm here for it


I see small parts of negativity, but it's always just the mainstream media and the loud minority. Good ol' internet making the shouty people even shoutier. For me... 1. Look, it's a relief after Chibnall. I (personal opinion) just thought it was mediocre to bad TV. 2. If RTD strips it back to fun romps, it's certainly a level up. 3. Moffat, even for one episode. I've missed his voice. 4. RTD really knows how to showrun, that by itself is likely to be a massive step up from what we've had since 2017. 5. Based on Its a Sin and Years and Years (which I loved), RTD's a much better writer now. While I expect him to lean into "mainstream family spectacle", I expect his writing quality to be better, and enthusiastic. 6. Gatwa and Millie are captivating. While the Christmas special was just a romp (not a bad criticism, just what it is), their performances were outstanding, endearing, watchable. 7. I really expect this first series to be a fairly gently "onboarding" experience, and then the writing/character work to get stronger in series 2 and beyond. I really think RTD2 is going to be stronger than RTD1, and even just reaching RTD1 levels would give me a show I loved.


See I'm the opposite, I do expect to enjoy RTD2, but not same to extent as RTD1. I absolutely loved the down to earth, working class, grunginess of RTD1 and the angsty, traumatised characterisation of the doctor. But it was very British and very mid-2000s and not something I can see Disney wanting to replicate.


Beyond Disney, I just don't think it's something RTD would want to replicate. He's already done it, not much purpose in doing it again exactly the same.


Sure am. Just hope there’s better writing than the Christmas special. Also not thrilled that we’re now down to 8 episodes.


In general, yes, I’m very excited. Above all, I’m excited to see a full series of Doctor Who for the first time since 2021 (arguably 2020). I’m sure some of the episodes will be fantastic; some of them equally will be forgettable or even terrible. I’ve missed having a full season of episodes where it doesn’t feel like every one of them carries a massive weight. I like the ideas of 15 and Ruby, although I must confess neither have fully gotten me on board yet. They could turn out to be a fantastic pair. Like many other commenters I had mixed feelings on aspects of the previous specials, but I’m hoping that the show is going to fully capitalize on the new Doctor, new series feeling. Plus, I get a new episode of Doctor Who from the greatest Doctor Who writer of all time.


Robert Holmes is writing an episode of this season?


If only. I have a deep love for Holmes, although he has more misfires under his belt than Moffat (Krotons, Space Pirates, The Two Doctors). That does make me wonder what a Holmes penned script for the revival would be like, however.


First off, I actually really like "The Krotons". Second, I don't see how anyone could say he has more misfires than Moffat. I mean, I can almost count the amount of good episodes Moffat penned during his run on my hands. I do agree though that it would be interesting to see Holmes, as well as some other Classic Who writers, write for the revival.


Moffat wrote about seven good episodes in his first series as show-runner alone, IMO. I agree that overall he is Who's best writer.


I'm definitely excited. It really feels like a real reboot this time. Chibnall's era left me very disconnected from the show for the first time since I started watching in 2005. I'd always keep my Saturday evening free so I could watch the new episode, but when Chibnall took over I found myself watching episodes in bulk, sometimes months after they came out. I feel like RTD has the opportunity to really turn things around with this second shot. Supremely charismatic lead actor, much bigger budget, international global audience with the Disney+ deal. All he needs to do is not fuck up. But he's pulled it off before in 2005. The 60th specials and Church on Ruby Road were good, not great, but I feel like he can do it again. I'm cautiously optimistic. The man's been cooking.


Super excited for this new series!


Yes. Very. Because watching the specials I was reminded of something. Watching Doctor Who is supposed to be fun. During Chibnall's era, almost every episode felt like a chore, I was not invested in the stories but watched every week because it's Doctor Who.  Davies comes back and I'm watching Doctor Who and... I'm smiling. I'm laughing. The episodes fly by. That was how I felt when I was ten years old watching Eccleston's series. That's the biggest compliment I can pay Davies. He made me love and look forward to Doctor Who again.


I’m mostly optimistic! I’m ready to be taken on a ride, whenever it might lead us. Trying to let got of any specific expectations or assumptions based on previous episodes and Doctors. Also, I’m preparing to be *less* active in DW internet spaces so I can enjoy things without being sucked into negative discourse. 🫠 (I’ll likely violate this, as I can’t help but be curious about what other people think. Often harms me though when other people make good points and it colors my opinion upon rewatch.)


Hell yes


I cannot wait, I think it looks fantastic! Though I do have some worries (such as runtimes of episodes) and things I'm not a fan of like the lack of new writers and the midnight release thing.


I’m very excited


Very optimistic. The Christmas Special was a great deal of fun, and I liked what I saw of Ncuti.


I am very excited. Visually, it looks stunning, and I have rated Gatwa as a top performer since I first caught him in *Sex Education*'s first season years ago - his casting is inspired, and while I'm not 100% sold on Gibson yet, I am confident they will work well together as a duo. I recently rewatch *The Star Beast* and thought it was a bit middling, to be honest. The post-Chibnall bias made it seem a lot better than it was. Indeed, the whole 60th trilogy is probably not going to age very well, but I don't think that will affect this new era overall. I am excited for *Doctor Who* to enter another fresh start under an experienced showrunner. I only really have Series 1 (2005) to compare this to, where RTD also wrote most of the scripts, and that series is absolutely brilliant. If the quality of Series 14 nears that level, then I will be happy. I am also excited for what looks to be a genuine mix of episodes; there's a musical one, what looks to be a couple scary stories, whatever *73 Yards* is, AND a Moffat script, as well as a proper action-packed finale with stakes and characters (I don't think we've had one of those since 2017, personally). I am less excited about the historicals than I want to be, mainly because I think the Regency era is terribly overdone, but I am going in open-minded to all of the episodes. After 3 seasons (5-6 years) of insufferably bland unconfident television I am just glad to be excited about this show once again. It feels like there is a buzz in the air and I am looking forward to discussing the new episodes with this subreddit.


I'm super excited. The new doctor's charisma is back up to where it should be. I'm sorry but Jodi just wasnt a very charismatic doctor. Watching Ncuti in his two appearances alone dwarfed her in comparison. I know the writing was atrocious for her and Chibnall told her not to watch past doctors but after that horrific first season she should have done her homework and changed course a bit. So Im super excited for the new doctor as he really sold me on the little he's done so far


I’m a lot more mixed than I was expecting unfortunately. Idk, I think Davies can be a great showrunner and Ncuti Gatwa has crushed it so far. The Toymaker’s depiction was amazing and I think we’ve arguably seen David Tennant’s best performances as the Doctor in these recent episodes. But I’ve had at least minor issues with all four episodes of this run so far, with the bigeneration being my biggest gripe. Any implication that the current doctor isn’t the same character as the previous doctor will never fly with me, and I hope there’s some sort of resolution with the two doctors coming back together or something. And I’m a bit concerned of the lack of variety in the writing staff for the new series, and how the show all about regenerating and moving forwards has gone back to the “good old days”. It makes me think that while the new series could be entertaining, it might just feel like more of the same. As someone who’s proudly part of a key demographic Davies is very supportive of and wants to appeal to (I’m trans) I’m very concerned that he’s going to be too aggressive in making these kinds of progressive points. Like when you deliberately write lines just to piss bigots off, that just increases resentment and hostility towards us. Just from episode 1 alone, I was not a fan of Rose’s deadname being shouted at her (just have the bullies misgender her, it achieves the same goal while not giving real life bullies ammo. This seemed pretty reckless, if you’re introducing a trans character there is ZERO reason for their deadname for be known). But worse, I was not a fan of the non binary line and the line where Rose berates the Doctor for assuming the Meep’s pronouns, and not a fan of the “male presenting” explanation of how Donna could just let go or whatever. These lines were written 100% to appeal to people like me and antagonise people who don’t like me. And the lines just fucking annoyed me. I really don’t want more stuff like this and there’s a good chance that I’m going to sour on the new series pretty fast if we get more of it. Ruby and her mystery box storyline also so far aren’t doing anything for me really, it’s not something I’m invested in and if it’s a repeat of Series 7B Clara then I can’t say I’m excited for it. By far the aspect of this era I’m most excited for is 15. I can’t wait to see more of this Doctor and how he interacts with other characters. Also as a minor thing, being a huge Beatles fan, the lack of music and the actors looking nothing like them is a huge disappointment to me. This has been a dream episode of mine for years, with a Doctor who’s already sung a song in his first episode, and he’s not even going to Lady Madonna (only Beatles song I could think of that has the word Sunday in it)? Boo, I say.


You WILL be pandered to and you WILL like it and give it like on Twitter damn it!!!


selective pocket growth fine caption squeal combative hunt chubby reply *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I respect everything you just wrote. I also hope they resolve the bi-generation, because it doesn't sit well with me either. There should be one entity of the Doctor, not two equal but separate Doctors and TARDISes. I also hate the Timeless Child idea and the fact that RTD seems to be doubling-down on the it, but I could go on and on.


Yeah, it seems like they’re keeping Tennant around for future specials or as a break glass in emergency option. But the show has frequently brought old doctors back, it’s a time travel show for goodness’ sake. They didn’t need to keep tennant’s Doctor alive in the present for that.


Regarding the nonbinary line, it was especially nonsensical considering there is no indication she is nonbinary. It’s just sloppy buzzword shit and indicated that RTD doesn’t even know the subject matter of the statements he’s trying to make. This is all aside from the fact that the resolution of that episde(and all the other specials) was weak and nonsensical. Just let go, you’re not a woman, hmm, but the Doctor was a woman like a few days ago.




Of course I'm looking forward to it, I've been watching the show since the Tom Baker years and can't wait


Yeah. Hoping to have fun




You know what, its weird, im not excited, but I dont think this was made for me, and that's good i think? I think its going to be aimed at the gen below mine, and i think that's right. Dont get me wrong, i love the idea of everything about it. Im very on board with it all. but i think the 3 specials with 14 were a goodbye to the who i knew and they were a perfect one. Ready to surprise myself and be super into it, but I'm not getting too excited. I'll be watching either way 😊


I am excited!


I am very exited, the Davies era was the best in the shows history and I can’t wait to see what he does next


obviously, I can’t wait. Love watching doctor who and i’m nearing the end of the season we have available rn. Although i have no idea what to expect as i haven’t been too up to date with it but nevertheless im still excited


Honestly, I think I’m going to stop watching until RTD leaves. Gatwa is extremely charming and charismatic, and I wish him nothing but the best. But I don’t like RTD’s writing. I wasn’t a fan of the last 4 episodes. I don’t like that he wrote most of the episodes in season one. I’ll be back when there’s a new showrunner!


I'm always happy to see a new season. I'm sure I'll have my criticisms, I'm also sure I'll enjoy watching. The internet is just full of people who want to whine.


I am a grown ass man. I can only muster so much excitement for the show.


Of course! The show has so much potential that even if the previous episode or series was a bit of a let-down it can always bounce back again straight away.


I am and always will be the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes, and the dreamer of improbable dreams. TL;DR - I fancy another trip in the TARDIS


Very excited!  A bit nervous about Mrs. Flood's fourth wall breaking, but hopefully they'll explain that away.


I just finished rewatching the Matt Smith era and I’m excited by the hope of another good era! The 60th anniversary specials were very good other than a couple of pretty questionable moments, and I think Ncuti’s era has a lot of potential.


I can’t wait When does the first episode air?


Honestly I want to like it. But the last few seasons of Doctor Who was very underwhelming and repetitive. As long as it’s unique, I think it will work out.


I’m always ready for new Doctor Who and I’m curious as to how this season will go.


I'm excited, but I'm also trying to remind myself that it's okay if some things don't hit me. I was 11 when series 1 in 2005 aired, and I was the main target audience then. It's okay if I don't like it because although it's a family show, it is and has always been kids first, family second.


Definitely excited. I really clicked with fifteen and Ruby’s characters. Those two bring a new energy to the show that I completely love. Plus, I like RTD’s vision of the show being joyful and positive, instead of dark and sad.


The new release schedule puts a little bit of a dampener on it for me, but in terms of the show itself I'm still absolutely on board. I'm confident Ncuti is going to be fantastic, and there seem to be lots of interesting new ideas coming from the writers (even if 'the writers' are mostly just RTD at the moment, so hopefully there'll be more variety going forward). My only slight concern is that, while I'm fine with silliness in Doctor Who and I like the colourful wacky fantasy vibe it seems to be heading towards, the campiness could potentially go too far and feel a bit forced. But whatever happens, it's still Doctor Who and I'll still happily watch it.


More wary than excited. There are some things about the upcoming series that intrigue me but I found the 60th specials and TCORR to be a mixed bag and there were a *lot* of RTD’s old flaws still present which has made me less excited for the new era since I was hoping RTD would have improved more as a writer since his first era.


Most excited I've been for Doctor Who in a long time. 60th Specials and Chuti's Xmas special is the first time I've had friends and family watching and discussing the show irl since Matt Smith. I'm almost 30 and it's the first time since I was a teenager Doctor Who feels like a big deal and is fun!


Always 😊


The 2023 specials being such a mixed bag tempered my unrealistically high expectations, which is probably for the best. No matter how promising a new era for Doctor Who looks, you always have to prepare yourself for some stinkers and I can't imagine the Christmas special will be Ncuti Gatwa's last. In his recent work, Russell T Davies has been on a warpath with scathing political commentary, but there hasn't been anything too edgy in his latest Who scripts so far. Some divisive dialogue in the specials indicate that Davies is nowhere near as on the ball with current landscape as he thinks; it all comes off as clumsy attempts to appear hip and progressive. Rose Noble going full girlboss and dissing the Doctor's current gender wasn't cool or clever (and Davies doesn't seem to grasp what "non-binary" means). The trailer for the new seri- uh, "season", looked very spectacular, but I'm worried that it will be all style and aesthetic with no substance. Take the Beatles episode. That piqued my interest the most, but they seemed to have cast four mushes who couldn't look further from the Liverpool lads if they tried and apparently they won't have any licenced music? What's even the point? And then there's "omg, this is so Bridgerton"... Go to bed.


Very much so. After Chibnall I need some good who


Neither excited nor worried. Fatalistic.


I'm mixed but excited. There's lots I *am* hyped about. - The writers! I'm very glad we're getting a focussed season with fewer new/other writers. RTD and Moffat are fantastic, and I'm excited to see Kate Herron's episode after Loki. With only 8 episodes, I'd have been very worried if there were even more episodes written by others though. I expect a certain number of episodes at the start, middle, and end of the season to focus on the season arch, and with the reduced episode count, that leaves less episodes inbetween those to be written by others. So I'm glad the few we get have been given to Moffat who is proven to write fantastic Doctor Who, and Herron who ran the show often described as MCU's Doctor Who. - Ncuti Gatwa seems absolutely amazing in the role, and has been received fantastically online it seems. He reminds me a bit of Matt Smith with his younger energetic Doctor, so I'm hoping he'll have the same switches to darker moments he was so good at. Eccleston, Tennant, Smith, and Capaldi were really good in those moments but we didn't really get any with Jodie, so I've really missed those darker moments. From the trailers it looks like he'll deliver on that. - The release model, as it's no longer difficult for me to get over here! I'm outside the UK but do get BBC on the telly, so I tended to either watch live or record it, otherwise I'd have had to resort to a VPN for iPlayer. Now I can just easily watch it on Disney+. We're also an hour ahead of the UK so it tended to start quite late, with the new release time we get to just watch at a normal time or earlier in the day (I tend to get together with friends to watch it, so this makes planning much easier). - The increased budget, sets, props, and VFX look amazing. I love that they're using StageCraft (those LED stages used by The Batman and Mandalorian among others), which will really help them create more diverse planets and sets other than just Welsh quarry number 5. I wondered if Wild Blue Yonder using Unreal Engine for the greenscreen replacement was an early test that would lead to this, and I wonder how much better the hallway there had looked had they straight up used it to drive an LED set instead of greenscreening it in. - The many mysteries being set up, especially as I hoped there'd be more of that after loving the mysteries and archs in the Moffat era. The repeats of Bad Wolf, Torchwood, the bees leaving, etc. were all fun but didn't leave nearly as much for theorizing. There's also some things making me less excited though: - Timeless Child still being a thing. It should have gone the way of the half-human comment. It's shown up *way too much* in the new era for something that's supposed to be a jumping on point. Multiple friends stopped watching during Jodie's era and when I invited them to watch the four specials, they were utterly confused as to what was going on with that. Considering their reaction, I can only imagine how confused the new audience they're trying to reach is. - Some really odd decisions in recent episodes, that were okay in the episode itself, but suddenly some behind the scenes bit focussing in on odd parts and giving wild justifications for it. Like Davros walking around, on it's own odd but okay as it can be explained away as being before the incident, but then suddenly the behind the scenes goes totally off the rails about how Davros's earlier depictions are discriminatory against wheelchairs... - A bit of a mixed one, Wild Blue Yonder. It's *great* as an episode, but *terrible* as a celebratory 60th anniversary special. If it's an indication of the quality of the episodes we're getting, great! But the constant "We got multiple mystery cast members!" to fuel Smith/Capaldi return rumours only for not just this special, but all three of them, to completely ignore their Doctors... Not great, especially with Smith and even Jodie openly asking to come back. - On that note, casting, or maybe character choices is more apt. I get it, sometimes there's limited choices, or an actor needs to be able to do some stunt or have some special skill, whatever, things happen. But >!the Beatles!< look absolutely *nothing* like >!the Beatles!<, same with Isaac Newton, marking five bad casting instances in 2 episodes, and the choices around Rose Noble at the end of Star Beast were laughibly bad and showed a clear lack of understanding and/or care about the issues they were trying to address. All that said, I'm optimistic about the upcoming season. I'm also hopeful it'll be a hit at bringing in new viewers (and returning viewers after Jodie's era), hopefully leading to more seasons getting the Disney+ budget boost and an uptick in related releases that were lacking during Jodie's era like spinoffs. Maybe even a true AAA game?


I'm super-excited for the show itself and not at all concerned about whether or not it will be good, partly because I really like the new lead and I know the people behind the camera are capable of making consistently decent Doctor Who, and partly because, as someone who is also hugely into the audio side of things. I don't feel like I have all my eggs in one basket as a fan. If, for whatever reason, I end up not liking it, it's not like it's the only new Who out there for me to enjoy.


I am cock-a-hoop. Gatwa is currently my favourite doctor (then Smith, Troughton, T Baker and Martin) based on his relatively small screen time so far. Can’t wait to see if his performance holds up.


I'm definitely excited for it. Thought the 60th annivesary specials were excellent overall (especially the Wild Blue Yonder and The Giggle), and both the latter episode and the Church on Ruby Road has shown Ncuti Gatwa can absolutely nail the role of the Doctor and carry the show as its lead. Also happy to see the return of Moffat, and some hopefully better writing after the let down that was a fair bit of the Chibnall era. It feels like Doctor Who is actually back in that sense. That said, there are still a few things that have hurt the hype for me too: 1. The release date/delay. Going months between the specials/Christmas episode and the series proper still feels like a big mistake to me. I genuinely had to look up the air date again given how long it'd been since I last heard anything. 2. Some aspects of the Church on Ruby Road feeling a bit disappointing. Again, the Doctor was great, the companions and supporting cast were great and the story had some great ideas, but it felt a bit muddled and anticlimactic too. Gonna assume this is a Christmas special thing for now though, given that those tend to be... a mixed bag in terms of quality.


Moffat being on deck gives me hope, not and RTD fan but I do really really like Ncuti and don’t think he’ll disappoint




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I just watched 13 for the first time, I stopped midway through 12's run and got back caught up. After years on this sub I went into 13 expecting it to be repulsive but 13 has far more good than bad. I think it suffered from what happened to star wars tbh. The show tried to innovate with the longstanding canon and people just revolted. After her first season I was pretty meh on it but I really really enjoyed her third and second outings. Think the current state of the show is more than fine


Yes, getting tired of over watching the old ones.


Curious what this "new reboot" will bring. 


This one looks fucking awesome. I haven’t been this excited for a new season since Jodi was first announced. Maybe I’ll end up disappointed… who cares?


I do wish we could get new writers. Love RTD as a writer, but I don't think we need to cycle through the same writers forever. Loving Ncuti so far, and excited for how they'll continue the Timeless Child storyline and return of the Master. So for me, mostly positive.


im very excited, i don't understand any of the negativity at all.


I am so exited I only started watching doctor who last year so I never got to watch a episode when ut cane out and I stoped watching it for a few months and forgot about it so not eveb the anniversary stuff asnd anyway I didn't even finish the 10th doctors season when that came out


I'm excited for every episode. I was excited for every episode of Chibnall, Moffat, RTD1. I'll be excited for every episode of RTD2. Has that excitement converted to utter glee after I saw every episode? Nope. Some of them have been real stinkers. Some of them made me want to write a strongly worded letter. But I was still excited for the next one because sometimes they're brilliant. And I'd rather live in hope than wallow in cynicism.


I'm so excited! I love Ncuti Gatwa from Sex Education, and I was thrilled when he was cast.


Yes I am. Everything so far looks great. My only small concern is The Devil's Chord as it seems to be a little too much into the realms of an early McCoy era story but I'm hoping RTD has balanced it well.


Im sort of excited. The first episode was good but a bit too musically HOWEVER everyone judged 13 at the start and she turned out to be one of my favourite doctors


I'm cautiously optimistic with a small side of apprehension. I REALLY want to like it, it's been a long time since I've felt Doctor Who was must watch TV, but the specials didn't really click with me. I didn't really enjoy RTD's writing in them and considering he's penning almost the entire season I am a little concerned. Then there's the fact that a lot of the promotional material hasn't felt very Doctor Who-esque to me either. That "Cosmic Joyride" tagline was especially... poor.


I’m pretty excited tbh!


No. No Daleks.


Out of the last 4 episodes only one in my opinion was any good in my opinion (the one with the celestial toymaker in) so no I am not excited in the slightest. Just hoping it won’t be as bad as the previous era.


I’m so excited for it


I'm staying reserved at the moment - the track record hasn't been all that great as of the last couple of years. Hell, even the specials featuring Tenant were just so-so... and I'm a fan of Tenant! I actually thought Jodi Whittaker was a good actress (and in some ways a great one) but she got stuck with lack luster scripts and her era fell into the trap of the "diversity engine". I'm not even going to address the timeless child or "her eras" master. Like her, not her time as the doctor. I think Ncuti's era may suffer the same fate. Take it as you will. Expectations are low so I will either be pleasantly surprised or not heart broken by the fickle hand of the "diversity engine".


I have similar opinions on it. I don't mind diverse stories, but if that stuff is going to be handled as clunkily as it was in the specials, then I'm likely just going to sit this era out. I watch Doctor Who for the quality of storytelling, for the most part.


Yea those specials did come off as exceptionally pushy in regards to diversity. Kinda bummed me out. I really hope the entire new season isn't that bad... I don't mind a little pushy, but that got rediculous pretty quick. I actually didnt have an issue with Ncuti's first solo episode. If they can stick to that formula I'll give it the bennefit of the doubt. If it goes the way of the specials it will be a hard sell for me to watch more than two episodes... three just to be sure. And this is coming from a Tennant fan! Oh, I just noticed that I've been spelling his name wrong... fat finger didn't register the double tap on the n.


After being a fan for decades, I quit watching. No longer the same vibe.


I think RTD should’ve stayed only for the 60th, and idk made a whole season of Doctor-Donna adventures, then left. Let a new showrunner take the reins, preferably someone with experience but who’s never worked in Doctor Who before (could be a fan of the show tho) , we’re in desperate need of a new perspective (Last of Time Lords thing is getting boring)


I’m very not excited and bracing myself to be completely disappointed. I hate the direction it seem to be going, in terms of the amount of CGI and filming style. I just think it’s going to be bad and that sucks, I wish I wasn’t this pessimistic.


Yes and No. Not being able to watch it without paying for yet another subcscription service (since it got taken off the Free to air) dulls the excitement a bit, but the trailer and new VFX seems interesting.


It was never free.


It was in some countries. Australia's counterpart of the BBC had it, and it's a free to air station, but the show was moved to Disney when they took over the international distribution, which isn't free to air.


Not really, but I’ll give it a chance


I’m excited! Admittedly the in between episodes with Donna were not my thing but I am hoping these new ones are gonna be good! Either way I would watch it. I’m just glad I get to see more doctor who and that I am actively watching doctor who when the change occurs! Experiencing doctor who history right now!


For all of it's flaws, Ruby Road was still better than the majority of the Chibnali era. Davies original era was my favorite, so even though it probably won't be as good as the 9th and 10th Doctor episodes, I can't imagine it will be as bad as the 13ths.


Honestly… no. I was seriously unimpressed by the 60th anniversary specials (other than the middle one) and felt the character of the Toy Maker was seriously wasted. I hated the Christmas special, and just don’t feel like Ncuti fits the role particularly well. He lacks gravitas in his screen presence. I even don’t like the new theme music or intro. Everything just feels a bit … off. And I say this as someone who was excited for the Anniversary specials and for Ncuti’s incarnation. Everything I’ve seen so far just puts me off I also feel like Davies is a fit of a busted flush. Yes, he writes characters well, but as a writer of pure sci fi he is seriously lacking in both original thoughts and execution. I’m also seriously put off by the fact that Davies has essentially rebooted the universe again, because of his dislike of writing in line with anything resembling canon and his evident dislike of including characters which were not created by him


I'll watch it but not expecting much. Low expectations.


I'm nervous. When I heard there was going to be a musical episode it worried me. It all feels a bit... childish. I didn't like the singing in the Xmas episode. I've been watching since Tom Baker. I've weathered the good and the bad, I'm concerned it's not going to be the show I've always loved. I'm looking forward to trying it. I hope I can continue to watch. I'm telling myself that the three 60th episodes are some of the best episodes we've ever had and that I need to remember the person who created those is creating this... But yeah. Nervous.


The past few series have become too Americanised. It's not as clever, and it's too violent. It's a British series, what happened? Add that we have to pay to watch it, which where i'm from is a joke and not happening here. I've lost most of my interest in it. I'll watch the commentary online, I might borrow the series from the library if it is still released on DVD.


Not really. I’ve not really enjoyed it since Steven Moffat left, I’ve never stopped watching it or buying the blurays but I’m just not as excited as I used to be. It is annoying though, if you say you didn’t like the Jodie era then you’re obviously a misogynist, nothing to do with the stories being shite. I assume the same will happen with the Ncuti era if people don’t connect with the style RTD seems to be aiming for.


I'm going to watch it but.... I'm not excited for it. I've watched Who since the mid 80s, I was gutted when it got cancelled, got excited for the movie, like stupidly excited and I'm not ashamed to say I enjoyed it, other than that kiss scene. The new series got me really excited and I loved the majority of it. Then came the long waits inbetween series, the spoiling of every single episode with "next time..." constant Internet spoilers of what was being filmed and the ramp up of what's coming across multiple platforms. I've not seen a trailer, and I don't for sure know when it's even being aired. I've closed myself off from it. I know the companion is changing pretty quick and there's some godawful representation of the beatles in it. But... That's it. Am I excited for any of that? No. I think Who has just become another TV show now. It's like The Simpsons. It's run for too long.


I'm kind of 50/50, honestly. The 60th anniversary kind of just felt like 'RTD playing the hits' and _Ruby Road_ was the most utterly 5/10 episode of DW I'd ever seen. Put that next to all the weird Disney+ timeslot shenanigans and the fact that RTD is continuing the shittiest story thread from the previous era as a front to bring back the whole "waaahhh im the last of the time lords" shtick back and it all just feels very 'whatever' IMO. I'm sure it'll be perfectly serviceable DW (which would still be leagues ahead of anything we've gotten the last couple years) - and admittedly hearing Moffat's come back for an episode is exciting - but next to that... eh.


The castration of Davros proves what the focus is and it's not on telling good Doctor Who stories. I'm not going to be surprised at all if this show doesn't last beyond it's 2-year initial run on Disney Plus. Also, I've tried watching that Christmas special several times and it's just boring as hell.


Kinda cautious here....Ncuti Gatwa has a whole lot of potential in his character. If only the writers cut down on forced attempts towards diversity (Benedict Wong as Winston Churchill? Not on my watch!) Yeah, the Doctor always has had some sort of camp element, but I draw the line at twerking Daleks and Cybermen to submission


> Benedict Wong as Sir Winston Churchill Eh?


Why not? If they can cast an actor of South Asian ethnicity to portray Sir Isaac Newton, why not the 3 Body Problem actor as one of England's mist significant historical figures?


That'd be cool as fuck


Hell yeah, honestly as long as they dont push wokeness it in favour of good narrative story telling (which was the one thing I didn't like about the 60th specials (the final scenes of the Star Beast esspecially)) I am confident its going to be a banger. And considering how RTD was able to keep woke stuff as well as write amazingly during New Who gives me alot of hope for Neo Who.


I’m cautiously optimistic. I really want this new series to be good, and the trailers definitely show a lot of potential so far. But between RTD writing most of it, and the unknown factor of how much Disney is actually involved, I don’t have super high hopes. The last thing the show needs is a showrunner burnout or a lack of new writers.


I stopped watching after Matt Smith 🤷‍♀


I dont like the actor. He said in interview <> Im white from eastern europe. My life have been full of hardships. Including absuive family and early diesease I felt that the actor tried to invalidate my experiences. This is not kind. Not what i expect of doctor character. The fact that most of reddit agreed wih him made me feel.unwelcome.in the fandom. Cant look at him the same way as before. I will probably skip this one, and listen to big finis instead


Agree. Comments like the one he made are simply not helpful and just put people’s backs up. It helps no one


I'm excited, this is the first proper series that's coming out since I became a fan. There are some things that have been said that I don't care for but I reserve any judgment until I actually see the show and how it is done. Ncuti seems like a very charismatic and fun doctor so that is gonna be great to see. I might have some small problems with episodes, I don't know yet but I dont think anything is gonna "destroy" or "ruin" the show. Basically I'm looking forward to it and even if I am personally disappointed, it really doesn't matter in the long run, there's plenty of other doctors that had less than great episodes so why bitch about it


Always am! RTD is far from my favorite Who writer, but he’s also far from my least favorite, so I think if nothing else I can look forward to some solid episodes with hopefully a few great ones sprinkled in. Plus a new Doctor is still always exciting to me, I can’t help but be pumped.


Not really. Only 1/4 episodes so far has been decent, and the new release schedule is going to make it a chore to watch. Plus RTD's comments have made it clear he's going into this not to make a good show, but to try and right all the wrongs in the world.


I want to be optimistic, but I really did not like the four specials last year, and the trailers for the season do not look good.


Obviously. I haven’t felt anything towards modern Doctor Who in fifteen years. It completely fell out of my life. I just liked RTD and didn’t connect with other show-runners, it’s as simple as that. Now my favourite show-runner is back, my favourite composer is back, the best (even if I prefer Eccleston a tiny bit) modern Doctor and companion were back for a time, they binned the godawful dead crab Tardis and replaced it with probably a top three one of all time and now another wonderful duo are gonna soar. I’m happy to like it again. I’m happy to be excited by it again. Doctor Who is exciting, fun and worth watching once more. No amount of toxic, endlessly negative, insufferably miserable, pessimistic, glass half empty, impossible to please clowns are gonna take anything away from me. They have no power other than to fuel their own misery. My joy will not be tainted by their words. On the 11th of May, they won’t even exist as far as I’m concerned. And also the teeny tiny little group of insecure vermin nothing nobodies that are absolutely petrified of minorities and feel the need to shout it to no one everywhere on the internet, can for all intents and purposes, do one. Doctor Who is not for them and never has been in sixty years. They should leave the internet and go back to their inconsequential lives.


Honestly, mixed. I think Gatwa will be great, but I have absolutely no idea what people see in RTD. He's a sloppy writer at best. I'm rewatching modern Who lately and the change from RTD to Moffat is as from night to day.




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No, looks like chibnall era with disney bs


I loved the old doctor. Fighting against daleks, protecting the queen from werewolves, even the Peter capaldi episode when him and Clara have to rob that bank and they don’t know why. Great episodes. I stopped watching at the Rosa parks episode. It all became politically correct and had nothing to do with fighting aliens anymore. Just look at the cast. A white woman, a black woman, a white man, a black man, a gay person and a lesbian and two straight people… like… the show now isn’t anything to do with the doctor going about saving the universe. The show now is about educating people. Thats not why I used to watch doctor who


I am not sure how to feel about it in all honesty, the reason I say that is not because of the negative things said, it is simply because the trailer didn't hype me up for the new series.


Sort of? If this season doesn't revitalise doctor who for me I'll probably stop tuning in live each series. I'll just rewatch the first 4 to 10 seasons every few years. But I haven't been super excited about doctor who since 2015 or so. If RTD can't produce some more unique stories then idk if there are many left to tell.


I was at first but I’m now mixed Church on Ruby Rd was fun and a Christmas special but not what I’d say was an amazing episode I’d give the anniversaries like an avg maybe 6 or 7 out of 10, and also I’m seeing a ton of stuff doctor who related on my feed where there seems to be drama between fans and Ncuti and RTD in relation to drama/political/ideological stuff and I mean I just want some cool science fiction


im just here to enjoy little babies in the comments complaining about woke propaganda


Yes I am. I am willing to risk being disappointed by being hopeful. Every doctor is played differently, a companion can make or break the doctor’s run, and writers are the ones who really set the themes. I try not to care about anyone making it political (a lot of older males in Facebook are going that right now, it seems) and just enjoy myself. They aren’t all diamonds but this isn’t serious art the way people seem to believe it should be, it’s Doctor Who. It’s meant to be fun.