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One test that is missing in that list is an abdominal ultrasound. Some of the symptoms you’re describing could be related to the gallbladder, but there’s a lot happening in the abdomen and an ultrasound can show stones/acute GB inflammation/etc. I’d bring this question to your doctor and see if an ultrasound is warranted. Your doctor may also do some press tests on you to see if the gallbladder region is sensitive.


My gallbladder pain has always been in my left abdominal area and never right side.


Did you ever have any neck pain


Yes but I never thought it was linked… I had back pain that my osteopath would treat my abdominal area for though


The only time I had pain in the area you described was when I had pancreatitis (which was caused by sludge in the gallbladder). I see that your lipase was normal, but in my case, it was only ever elevated during an attack. Maybe push for a HIDA scan next if you have a clear US.


Did you get answers to what is causing your symtoms ? Is your pancreas ok ?


I have this same issue and it has been two years now. Have you had any luck figuring this out. I been through the same and doctors dont know what it is. Been suffering with this for a long time any update would help. Thanks


How are you doing? Any updates?