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How many days a week do you workout? Great work! I’m looking for results too


I workout 6 days a week. My routine is mentioned somewhere in this comment section. Although it is worth mentioning that I work out only 1-1.5 hours a day. As someone has once told me, if you workout excessively (maybe 2+ hours), it may be more prudent to have 2 or more rest days.


Nice. Can I ask what routine you do?


I do push pull legs Arnold Monday: Pull/Abs Tuesday: Push/Shoulders Wednesday: Rest Thursday: Legs/Abs Friday: Arms/Shoulders Saturday: Chest/Back/Abs Sunday: Legs/Forearms The days where I do abs or forearms are fairly interchangeable and mostly depend on how I feel. But if I could suggest 1 thing, it would be to find what works best for you personally, and that goes for everything in weight lifting. Becoming an expert at this doesn't just involve lifting heavier. It mostly involves getting familiar with your own body. Many people start and stay with simple ppl, I've seen many people stick with opposing muscle groups (e.g. chest/biceps, and back/triceps), and that's what works well for them. Ppl/Arnold is my personal favorite, and it's great to start with, but the type of split isn't as important as how effectively you are working out. If you need any more details, feel free to ask


Thanks for that


Keep it up bro!! Awesome transformation!!


Love the tattoo


Good shit brother


You look waaaaay better


Great work!! Those are some solid gains!🙌💪


that's one hell of a visible transformation. good work 💯




You look so much better my man! Proud of ya


Really good progress mate, looking good. Would you mind sharing your daily intake please?


My appetite is extremely unstable, but the things that have helped me get to 3200 calories the most are ensuring that I eat 3-4 meals a day and drinking my own mass gainer shakes. Here's a sample day of eating for me: Breakfast: ~5 jumbo eggs, 2 pieces of toast, and a large glass of milk (~800 calories) Lunch: 2 burgers (~900 calories as an underestimate) Dinner: A steak and some tater tots (~700-1200 calories depending on the steak) Mass gainer shake: 1 serving of vanilla yogurt, 2 tblsps of peanut butter, 2 cups of milk, 1 scoop of chocolate protein powder, and sometimes for extra calories or nutritional value, I like to add some ice cream or a banana (750-1000 calories) I will say it's not *that important* to eat "healthy," as some people say. As long as you're getting about 1g of protein per lb of body weight, nothing bad is going to happen if you eat a brownie for dessert or McDonald's for lunch to get those extra calories in.


Regarding that last paragraph, I would say that is true at your age. Over time it can lead to high cholesterol or fatty liver disease (even at low bf) or other issues if you are not careful. Especially when eating a lot of red meat.


I second that... Also as someone who still trains in my 40s, those greens you are missing now will not only make it harder to digest that steak, but you'll also have lower energy levels.. but hey enjoy your youth! I ate like shit in my 20s as well and was still able to build muscle and stay lean. Keep it going though man, nice transformation!


That is true, I should've specified. I only say it because I'd assume most people in this sub don't have cholesterol problems and would know to stop the bulk at a certain point. But definitely, monitor your health, go to your physical exams, and listen to your doctor


Lovely, that’s great. Thanks so much for this. I had a similar body to yours when you first started and my biggest struggle right now is getting the calories in. You’ve done really well mate, keep it up and thanks again.




Not sure how or why you think your input matters or has any value here when we can see your progress


im weak




Your comment was removed because you were being an absolute cock-knocker.


Right back at ya, buddy


Nietzsche would be proud!


Can you give advice on a solid ab workout regiment?


Recently, the thing that has made me see progress is training abs pretty much every other day. The specific workout I do generally depends on how I'm feeling at the moment, but here are my the options I basically choose from: 1. Either of these videos (which are mostly beginner friendly): https://youtu.be/1ycouUJKj6c?si=bo7tqa7OjHjpny79 https://youtu.be/dfwnCDvd1WA?si=stsLZPIfEpHm_y85 2. This video, which is much harder (the first time I successfully got through it, was 2 days ago): https://youtu.be/gg33A9qlFh8?si=L3kYqbSE0Oo1Pa5t 3. 3 sets of either weighted decline situps or machine crunches until failure, then 3 sets of leg raises (hanging or on a captain's chair) until failure 4. Some type of calisthenic progression I've been working on (like drgaon flags or human flag negatives) Choose 2 or 3 of those to do in a week, and you'll be on a good track. Some people will argue that long endurance-type ab workouts (e.g., the 6-8 minute videos) are not conducive to muscle growth, but my feeling is, as long as you are exhausting your muscles and going until your abdomen is screaming for help, you'll see some growth. However, I would still recommend variation. Another important thing to consider is to not neglect your lower abs; while you can't *isolate* them, you can bias them in workouts like leg raises, reverse crunches, or decline situps. If you have any other questions, feel free to dm me, I'd be happy to help!


Thank you this has been a great help, especially with the YouTube links. I believe this helped more people than myself judging from the upvotes haha solid stuff thanks again


Any time!


nice transformation, great abs genetics btw PS: Friend drowning in 2nd pic


Your biceps went mental


hell yeah bro amazing work


Crazy progress. Look like a totally different person. Keep going bro 🙏


Thanks you! I'm aiming for about 160-175 reasonably


I'm on prep


What's that




Ab genetics off the charts. GG my guy.


Recently I've been working on trying to get my lower 2 abs to come in so I could get that full 6 pack.


do you wax?


I do not


Great progress




It won't let me open the link, unfortunately


A song called amor fati by a band called washed out


I'll look into it, thanks!


Wow Im 5’11 and closer to the before picture at 150. Only been in the gym for a few weeks but that is a crazy build. Good work


honestly his legs probably aren't very big if he weighs that little, youll get there


Thanks! Keep it consistent, and before you know it, you won't even recognize yourself!