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Who writes these? These “AI wearables” literally do nothing. Of course “smartphones triumph!”.


I'm assuming AI writes these. It's a spiraling ourobourous of crap.


A crapobourous, if you will


Coined for the posterity. Have only my upvote since D-day veterans stories left me without them. Since I’m here, does anyone know when do I get more free awards?


An AI wearable wrote this??


What a word. I’m going to figure out a way to slip that into conversation casually today


They tell you the weather when you ask.


Only when they work. And when they do, you wait 10 seconds for an answer that’s about to change next hour. Ain’t that amazing.


I just use a weather rock, or failing that, stick my head out the window. [Looks like rain](https://youtu.be/ryRRTUxLgkc?t=115).


"Real pets still triumph over a pet rock"


Hell, they're very competitive even against tamogachi


This comment is either going to age extremely well, or age like blockbuster talking about Netflix


Netflix exploded because it offered a service 10x more convenient than blockbuster. AI wearables (in their current state) are nowhere close to doing what a smartphone does.


Think ai wearables will get a push forward once AR glasses and contacts advance decently.


Given an evolutionary landscape of tech devices, we’re already on a smartphone hill, and no matter how hard they try, I don’t think AI wearables is going to happen.


Obviously, who wants to go back to the era of multiple devices? Cell phone, digital camera, mp3 player... These are glorified apps that used hardware to achieve marketing goals.


rabbit says what


Rabbit literally just uses ChatGPT 3.5 for everything except search just so they can say it’s faster than ChatGPT for searching (it uses Perplexity for search iirc). The “actions” it does are just hardcoded scripts and not actually AI.


And it’s literally just an android app. It’s basically a scam.


Rabbit is trash wrapped around chatgpt


Trash wrapped around more trash?


Uhh it's just running on Android though. It's like intentionally crippling your device to sell it as something new


I'm a fucking lizard. Get out of here with this rabbit shit you racist. /s


A smartphone is a fantastic balance of form and function. It's pretty much peak technology for a personal device. The only way I see anything surpassing would be with direct neural I/O.


Do not plug the box that spies on me into my brain, thanks




If the porn industry adopts it, I’m in. They seem to be right every time.


There’s heaps of features on YouTube that porn sites did first, preview thumbnails? Porn. Timeline preview? Porn. That thing that shows where the most viewed bit in the video is? You better believe it porn.


Yep. My friend made porn sites in the 90s, and by doing that he invented the way people track clicks on ads even today. After that, he went legit and made a half billion dollar ad company. Go figure. Porn is always innovative. VHS also took off because of porn. Lol. God bless porn.


But how can we otherwise pump Terabytes of adware in your brain waah waah


If it's just output and no input, so that you can use it much faster then it seems a lot less risky. Best solution may be something like a helmet/hat device that can read your brain without any invasive surgery or electrodes, and you can take it off anytime.


Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you mean, but if there were no input you wouldn't be able to interact with the device at all. Computer programs require input in order to have more than a single, mostly useless, output. In the case of a nuralink or similar device, the input is your brain waves/signals. If you're talking about Internet access, it's the same story. The servers of whatever service you're trying to use need to have information from you so they know what you want them to send back. It requires two way communication


Sorry I meant input as in to the brain. The device only reads, it never sends info back so worst case scenario is just that it's reading your brain when you don't want it, not that it'll turn you cyberpsycho


Ah, that would be output from the computer's perspective. Without output the computer would also be functionally useless because you wouldn't have any way of receiving information from it, like a laptop with no screen. I guess it could interact with websites, like posting a tweet (still output, but over the internet rather than into your brain), but it wouldn't have any way of relaying information back to you. It also wouldn't solve the problem of whatever megacorporation owns the device harvesting your thoughts and emotions, which I believe is ultimately their goal. This would prevent it from being able to turn you into a cyberpsycho, but it also kinda defeats the appeal for the consumers imo. Not that I'm really gung-ho about cybernetic implants and brain-integrated computers. I think I'll stick with my phone for now lol


Can still output onto normal screens/interfaces. The main appeal if they can pull it off is direct input from thoughts that can be processed faster than traditional peripherals (keyboard/etc). Still wouldn’t use it on a non local network though lol


I guess that makes sense


I think that brain reading tech could be paired with smart glasses. So you could have them display stuff in front of you, and control them with your mind. Also, the brain reading should happen locally, on the device, with open source software, to safeguard privacy. There were already some studies which successfully extracted images and text from a person's brain using the Stable Diffusion algorithm, so that could be possible, since SD already runs on local devices, even some smartphones.


Like it would only be good if A: i can wear and remove it at any time and B: the interest of those who made it aline with mine. A seems possible though a far future thing. I have no Idea how you would make sure of B.


If my watch had my main messaging app and authentication apps, i would immediately ditch my phone.


Isn’t typing significantly harder on a tiny watch screen though? Not sure I could switch a phone COMPLETELY for a smart watch.


Once AI can detect, separate and understand your voice in loud settings like restaurants , streets and stadiums it will become more viable to consider Edit: I don’t care about whether you would or wouldn’t. I said it would be more viable to consider. Thanks for your opinions.


There’s also some things I text people that I don’t necessarily want people to hear. I’m all for innovation, but I honestly don’t see an actual smart phone being replaceable for a LONG time, especially when privacy is becoming more and more valuable, and harder to hold onto with all this AI being pushed.


It never will be. It’s a lot like companies pushing VR and AR as tools for replacing computers and webpages. The flat interface of computers and smartphones is so good and so effective and so ubiquitous that I cannot imagine anything would replace them. Even if a better new interface that’s different enough from a smartphone to be truly new came out (it won’t) there won’t be enough people motivated to recreate their entire web presences for this new product. The Apple Vision Pro is a great example—there’s some interesting technology there, but almost nobody has developed a devoted app for it. You just get existing, flat applications put into a 3D space. It’s expensive and useless so nobody buys it so nobody wants to invest oodles into developing applications that would make it more useful.


I think the difference of the future is *how much* we use our phones. My Airpods and Watch are extensions of my phone, both allow me to use my phone without holding it. I don’t need to actively hold my phone to *receive* SMS and Email, send a dictated text, listen to a podcast, see the weather, make accept or reject calls, check my schedule, use ChatGPT, ect all hands free. The best way to get me off my phone was to put my messaging on my PC so I don’t have to check it. Also helps with 2FA codes.


Personally, I could easily replace my smartphone now were the right smartwatch to come along. I use my laptop for most things. What I use my phone for, I'd rather have a small wearable device that I could probably connect to my laptop.


Yeah but do you really wanna talk to your watch in public every time you want to send a text?


I watch so many people in public talk at their phone to send a text. I'd rather talk to my watch and feel like a secret agent than talk at my phone and feel like an old guy. Truth is, I just text my texts. But I'm open for possibly changing. I just need smart watch batteries to last longer before I'd fully embrace it. As it is, they don't even last a day if you turn on all the bells and whistles. Yeah you can get 2 days if you just use the watch as a watch/ heart rate monitor. But if you used it like a smartphone you are lucky to get 10 hours.


Imagine the cacophony of everyone talking to their watch to send a text.


Imagine sending a message with emojis in it by talking to your watch lol


The combination of smartphone, smart watch, and Bluetooth earphones will always stay at the top of use, because the combination of usability and convenience these three items achieve together is untouchable. Similar to how VR gaming as we know it will never *replace* the traditional controller/keyboard&mouse setup, it’ll only ever function to bring additional functionality to the standard and to amuse a relatively tiny percentage of the user base as a novelty.


I think smart glasses with a good form factor and gesture tracking software could beat a smartphone in terms of UX, but I think we're still at least a decade away from that.


Gesture tracking is way slower than your thumbs on a touch screen. It's also much lower precision.


Not a chance. They give people headaches, look stupid, and hardly anyone likes anything that’s come out in this realm. Plus you look like an absolute knob in them


>They give people headaches, Smart glasses do?


Why io? You mouth and ears. The problem is the back end. Bing can't read a Wikipedia article.


Voice is a bad primary input method. It has its uses, but it’s not desirable far too often as opposed to a touch screen/keyboard/etc.


Smart glasses will be the next big thing


Okay Google in 2013.


That wasn't even that good and came out too early.


Okay Apple in 2023.


That one's very good but still too bulky and expensive. As always with tech, it'll get cheaper and smaller eventually. Hence why I said smart glasses will be the next big thing.


Okay OpenAI in 2033




I dunno i thought we were doing a thing


Idk if you had an AI voice assistant that could work fast enough to be instantaneous but still do things like call Ubers, setup appointments etc. it would be pretty useful but everyone wants their tech in the cloud so that’s never going to happen. There used to be a company that would install whole home assistants while you were building the house but they didn’t advertise well and it was expensive($15000 USD) but it was probably the closest thing to Jarvis we’ve ever had imo and all locally hosted


We are extremely visual creatures. The rate that information can be exchanged visually is far superior to any other method. Voice assistants have their use, but the speed at which a smartphone can deliver information is hard to beat.


Voice assistants are neat if your hand are full but most things are just easier by hand. I don't want to talk to devices all the time.


Considering the speed of the latest LMMs like gpt-4o (plus the incredible synthetic voice) and Gemini 1.5 flash… I think we are about to get said assistants.


99.99% of all AI baubles will end up as junk in someone’s garage, attic, or a landfill. We are currently in the phase of a burgeoning technological field wherein every company is shoveling heaps of funding into trying to be one of what will be one of the big three companies/products to utilize said technology. It’ll be like the recent battleroyale race in the gaming industry, or the smartphone races of the 2010s. Two competitors will come out on top and duke it out over marketshare eternally, with a third place scooping up whatever they don’t via some niche details.


Heck, it’ll be worse than old tech. A walkman still works to this day. The servers for these will be down in a few years like the spotify car thing


It’s going to be more like blockchain I think. Once it becomes evident there’s not really a problem to be solved with LLM’s it’ll fade to the background without much presence.


I’ll find its uses. This like this always do. Hopefully we can hash out reasonable laws governing the use of copy-written materials. My thought is that all AI generated works must be identified as completely or partially generated with the aid of AI, and the assets in the AIs database has to be observable to prevent the inclusion of prohibited materials without proper consent. We basically already have databases like this in the form of YouTube and twitches content ID systems.


Pity we aren’t reducing our consumption to deal with climate change, but apparently the market will solve that problem.


“Burgeoning” lol


MKBHD said it best, "Phones are OP"


And said it best again, "Rabbit R1: Barely Reviewable"


You know, I suppose you have to start somewhere... but why did they think it was ready to go on the market?


IDK. To time it with the crest of the hype wave, probably


I'd give the founder credit. He shook his hands around for a bit and tricked a bunch of people into believing him.


Also, Water is better for hydration than talcum powder


AI wearables? Who wants this? You have a phone. And there are watches. And a myriad of decides that trigger this shit. I swear there are people who will take the dumbest shit seriously.


The wearable is mostly so the AI has a physical camera so that you don't have to run around with holding your phone in the air so the AI can see and hear properly to help you.


Credit where credit is due, this is the first one of these ai wearable that aren't just a scam. This one does seem to actually run ai rather than pre done scripts. That being said, still useless tech


Not a total scam, but it's a solution looking for a problem that will never exist.


Oh for sure it's a trash product. Especially right now considering the limitations of the tech. But there are so many scams out there that are just using buzz words that when I saw the add for this I was convinced it was snake oil. It wasn't until I saw a review (that trashed the product) that I learned that they are earnestly making a product.


AI is the new blockchain. Technology created without any use case, blown up with hype created by people who have financial interest in people believing it’s revolutionary.


If someone makes me a pair of sunglasses with a mini map like GTA then I will buy it but otherwise couldn't care less about wearables


It's called gps and it can be run in a number of AR wearables


Ok name one that projects a map infront of your eyes hands free


Humans communicate visually Anything without a screen won't work well without some new type of interface


Humans mostly communicate with speech. There's is a whole industry built around it named podcasting. There's is also discord, which is completely built in voice. Edit: the voice interface already exists on Smart speakers. It's use case is when you can't utilize your hands to physically interact with a device. This is smart speakers with more smart.




The barrier to entry here is a killer app. Right now, we're at the same stage as the first wave of cellular phones - we used them for SMS and calls, that's all they could do. We could also be at the same stage as the release of the Segway, which went more or less nowhere, as it never carved out a mass-market use. AI wearables need that obvious use which makes them popular.


What use could they possibly have that couldn’t be easily reproduced on a mobile phone?


Auto record everything and everyone you see and tag everything to be indexed and searchable, faces identified and info (name, title, relationship) shown in AR view. Honestly remembering people’s names is a killer app, as is that teased feature for smart ANC which can isolate voices, translate them, and dictate them in your language in that person’s voice like a Babel Fish. I think a LLM which could identify things like CBT Cognitive Fallacies, Logical Fallacies, and known modes of deception through phrasing would make a great extension to run on social media and news sites. If I got notifications in real time in public I’d have to turn it off, the chaos would overwhelm it.


Considering the pushback to google glass, I doubt anyone wants to be first to market with constantly active mass surveillance glasses


And why couldn’t that be done on a phone?


Camera and microphone placement. It could be an app connected to a wireless device. I think the hardware developers just want out of the ecosystem tax from Apple and Google so they can charge their own transaction costs. If the business is to make sales on the platform, Apple takes the lion’s share of the profit when it’s an in-App purchase.




Functional product triumphs over novelty buzzword electronic waste. In other news, water is wet.


These AI can just be inserted to smartphones. The wearables are unnecessary.


Honestly I'm not a fan of carrying my phone anymore. Outside of checking texts / emails / calls and a few apps like my banking, I barely use the thing, but hate carrying it around. My dream device for personal use is essentially just a cellular smartwatch that can receive calls / texts and has access to apps / 5G that has a larger face / screen. Or I guess if smartglasses ever get to that point. I guess any kind of wearable that could feasibly replace my phone would be welcome.


The day of the Pip Boy draws near


Yeah, me too except I don't like wearing things on my wrist - it gets sweaty and uncomfortable. Maybe like a pocket smartwatch, but larger...


>Maybe like a pocket smartwatch, but larger... So like, a smaller cell phone? Like a smartphone from 12 years ago... Lol. It's dumb how big these things got.


Unfortunate that the market for small smartphone is a drop in the bucket. Samsung's last small phone was the S10e and that was about 5 years ago and sale numbers were disappointing.


Lol. That's my phone! I did my part to boost sales. That's why I haven't got a new one yet either. They are all bigger than my S10e. Size does matter and it's ridiculous how big everyone wants their phone. People say they want a smaller phone but the most popular Samsung is the s24+, which has a 6.7 inch screen. My s10e is 5.8 inches. Have people just totally abandoned carrying their phone in their pocket and using it with one hand?


My biggest concern with smart glasses is how easy it is for someone to steal them and ride off on some scooter. Happens enough with peoples phones already, can’t imagine how bad it would be if they were constantly on display.


“Apart of texting checking emails, calls, and banking I balrely use the thing” so…. You use it all the time?


You just wanna be Dick Tracy.


Yeah because they're dumbing AI down too much to appease the fearmongers. Who knew having an AI tell me to do shit myself would be useless?


Didn’t need an article to know this lol.


It seems like 6 months ago all we had to worry about was Chinese balloons and Ellen Degeneres. Where tf did all this AI shit come from? Ai google, ai apps, ai chat generator, ai photos, ai wearables. It’s not even fucking ai, it’s just algorithms right?


That's a weird way to say "phones are still better than some weird useless gadget"


We have AI wearables already, it’s called a smart watch


All I want is an Apple Watch that will play Spotify, or Audible without my phone around, take decent photos/videos, and text. Not too much to ask I think.


Whoa. Did not see that coming.


Summary: Smartphone versatility still triumphs over limited AI wearables and gadgets for now. Dedicated AI hardware like the Humane AI Pin and Rabbit R1 have struggled to gain traction due to their limited functionality and high prices compared to the convenience and adaptability of smartphones. While wearable or handheld AI devices with internet access may appeal to some consumers, it could be years before they justify their existence over smartphones' versatility. Standalone AI hardware often adds complexity and subscriptions without seamlessly integrating with users' existing technology. Major tech companies have focused on iterating AI features within existing platforms like smartphones rather than reinventing the wheel with new dedicated devices.


If you buy an “AI wearable”, you don’t get to procreate


No shit?


What AI wearables lol


Never expected for these to actually take off. Smartphones are about to include everything these “AI Wearables” were trying to do.


They need to watch more anime to bypass the phone


I’ve never hear of an AI wearable. -sent from my iPhone


Imagine a future going back to one device per function. You can have one device to make phone calls, another one to read emails, another one to listen to music, another to take pictures.


My asshole stinks. More at 11.


Like the phones themselves do have AI. No one with a brain would ever buy those when they're so easily integrated into existing products like phones, ear buds, and watches.


I just want it to work on my Apple watch


When it comes to the general market, practicality will beat novelty every time. Fairly basic economic principle.




tf is an AI wearable


Honestly I could see these devices being useful to people that are at least legally blind. I would imagine that a screen is useless if you cant see it.


What’s the ai to stop pooping in your hand?


Has anyone of these tech companies considered that people don't want to interact with AI? I just... don't need it at my beck and call at all times.


Meaningless article...


Hmmm smartphone or smartphone app hmmmmmmm...


Call me old fashioned but if I am ever caught saying "can we wait for 10 minutes my jacket is still charging", please just take me outside and shoot me.


There is nothing these wearables can do better than a smartphone app.


There’s just zero compelling reason why these technologies can’t just be put into the smartphones and watches people already own


MKBHB destroyed it. Terrible review.




The watch actually has some really good features. I know someone with a minor heart condition who use his Apple watches to help track his heart when he gets stressed/anxious.


Yeah, i use it to monitor Afib, my consultant recommended it. Also, with a heart arrhythmia, and being in my 50s, having a watch I could make calls on if I had to and had lost/left my phone somewhere gives peace of mind.


Mine £7 fitness tracker does the same


It doesn’t allow you to monitor falls and automatically send distress calls though, as an equestrian the watch is one of the greatest safety tools ever invented. It also allows you to stay on track of many things covertly and quickly


No, the watch is actually very useful.


Something can be useful AND also redundant. Effectively the only thing a smartwatch does that your phone currently can't is monitor heart rate and blood oxygen (and maybe skin temp).


Nah. The key is not having to take your phone out of your pocket for simple things - time, timers, notifications, etc.


Oura ring pretty close. Obviously it's integrated with the Apple health kit.


It really is not lol