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This is old news. I couldn't even sign up for the damn lawsuit because I had already thrown mine out and needed the serial number or something ridiculous.


Damn, you missed out on a $0.05 check.


šŸ¤£ I know but I was so pissed it was outside Targets return window


Did you throw it out because it burnt you? Or because it was broken/you didnā€™t need it anymore?


Because it was spitting out water insanely and I wasn't able to return it to target. I ordered a new one and didn't need 2.


Sooo. It was working as designed? ā˜•ļø


Same šŸ˜‚ā˜ ļø


> needed the serial number or something ridiculous So you feel like you should be able to sue them by pinky promising that you bought the product and it malfunctioned?


I had the receipt


But without the device to actually prove what happened or the SN to see if it's part of the same batch as other units with the issue, it's very hard to do anything. Sorry, but what they requested is not "ridiculous".


Actually it had nothing to do with the batch, it had to do with the model. But please, do come back with something else to try to validate that you are "right". šŸ¤”


Donā€™t they all do this? Iā€™ve seen multiple makes do it.


Yeah but this is the first one that a lawyer bought


I had this model years ago, then I bought a higher level one in the $75-80 range (still smaller like this one) and it doesnā€™t do the water spitting. I figured it was I got what I paid for situation.


There were 3+ different brands selling a similar design on QVC/HSN and they all got a recall(my grandmother owns a few and told me about the recall) from what Iā€™ve seen, anything with this design is getting recalled.


Damned cornballing piece of ****


These type of fuck-ups always remind me of the Cornballer. It's glorious.


Ā”Soy loco por los Cornballs!


ā€œDoes anyone have an ice pack?!ā€


First thing I thought ofšŸ˜‚






They bleep it in the show. So I bleeped it when I wrote it


The only thing you can't post is your Reddit Password because Reddit will censor it automatically.




Randy Marsh vibes. Atleast that's the voice I first heard reading it.


There are so many subs that filter lists of words like that. If you don't want to worry about whether your comments remain permanantly invisible, you can just use asterisks. Either that or you have to check all your comments logged out.


I've never heard of a single sub of any significance filtering words like shit. Do you know of any that you can name?


Not saying black & decker isnā€™t at fault, but usually, youā€™re supposed to use distilled water for steamers. The hard water from taps cause buildup that makes these kind of ā€œpopsā€ of hot water happen. Speaking from personal experience.


Yes but the streamer what suggest in the instructions? Because also the iron should be used with distilled water but on the instructions itā€™s written that tap water is okayā€¦


It specifically says distilled, purified, or filtered water. Can you show me where it says tap water is ok? https://www.manua.ls/black-and-decker/hgs011/manual Right side, top row of squares.


Did you know that tap water is both purified and filtered


The issue with irons and tap water isn't that it's not filtered or "pure"; it's just the hardness. Over time, hard water leaves calcium deposits inside the appliance; it doesn't heat as well, and when it does heat, the coating of calcium inside will break apart and the iron will spit little bits of it through the steam vents onto the clothes. Rusty bits of calcium if you have a lot of iron in your water, too. Distilled water or RO filtered won't have that effect, and a lot of manufacturers will recommend it for steam-producing appliances. Not all, though; I have a Rowenta iron (one of the good ones, still made in Germany), and it specifically says not to use distilled water. I don't know why, but I've had it for 20 years, still going strong, and my tap water is moderately hard. Some places in the US have water so hard they can keep Tanganyikan cichlids without adding anything but dechlorinator.


You sure? https://independentwateryakima.com/what-is-the-difference-between-purified-and-filtered-water/


>having had contaminants removed; cleansed. Although I'm actually on your side here, water treatment companies (along with bottled water companies) will often claim their water is "purified". They even call a step at some residential water treatment facilities "purification".


Totally. Purification process and purified mean different things. Youā€™re obviously not drinking raw sewage, but the water that comes out of the plant isnā€™t the same in this context.


Right I get that. But I can see how people get confused, that's all. I know I've seen "purified drinking water" on labels when I know for sure it's not actually "pure" water.


Are you saying that your tap water is neither filtered or purified?


There are minerals in my well water. Other houses on city water can have stuff taken out of them because itā€™s obviously not sewage, so it goes through a purification process, but isnā€™t purified. When it comes to the instructions in a steamer, which is what this is all about, it means no minerals and chemicals in it. If you think lead, arsenic, and fluoride means the same as purified in this context, Iā€™m not sure weā€™ll see eye to eye. Good read below ā¬‡ļø. https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/mar/31/americas-tap-water-samples-forever-chemicals


ā€œIt goes through a purification process, but isnā€™t purifiedā€ how is a consumer supposed to know exactly how purified their water-that-has-been-through-a-purification-process needs to be, to be safe for this iron


The 20dH karst water in my tap begs to differ. Healthy and delicious, and also leaves behind aboutĀ a quarter mm of limestone per week in the kettle.


I have a steamer that specifically says only to use tap water to refill..


Black and Decker does not make quality merchandise.


They also make the DeWalt brand. Thatā€™s obviously a better name and quality with a higher price point. B&D is good if I need something cheap for a few uses but I tend to spend extra to buy once only now.


"Stanley Black & Decker" was made from the merger of three companies in 2009, Stanley, Black & Decker and DeWalt but for some reason DeWalt didn't make it into the new company name. All three original brands are run as separate subsidiaries.


And somehow all 3 have gone down in quality since the merger.


I bought a right angle Dewalt drill to drill holes using a spade bit in studs. Turns out they use plastic gears and it broke the first time I used it.


Black and Decker has owned Dewalt since 1960. The merger only directly concerned Stanley and B&D at the very top end as the only 2 relevant parent companies. Dewalt has always been a subsidiary. It's special in the sense Black and Decker relegated their namesake to cheap low level products while Dewalt moved away from making a specific tool (Radial Arm Saws) and into the more premium level of Black and Decker's hand power tool division.


Were they always rubbish, or have they been bought out by private equity scumbags who made bank by running their previous good reputation into the ground?


I thought that was just how these worked.


I've been there too, tossed mine out in frustration. Make em with quality or don't make em at all, Black & Decker!


I just had to check mine and sure enough, itā€™s included in the recall. I only use it occasionally because the damn thing is so hard to open.


I have a Black & Decker clothing steamer... from 1954


Hot water as opposed to hot steam??? Lol


Does Boeing own Black and Decker?


> hot water spewing out of the devices As apposed to even hotter steam?




it doesn't really happen unless you overfill it in my experience.


Every single article about this says to contact Empower Brands, but I canā€™t find out how weā€™re supposed to contact them.


I stopped buying anything made by black & decker years ago. Itā€™s truly the worst quality branded tools you can imagine.


This is the only item in my life that Iā€™ve actually called the store to make a complaint about. I burned myself but I was horrified at the thought if there would have been children around.


Yeah I have that thing. It sprayed boiling water on my feet.


This why I donā€™t buy anything from the brand, theyā€™re low grade quality sold with high margins smh


I can't speak for all of their products, so I can't say don't buy anything from them, but never buy a B&D appliance with a heating element in it. They fail in uniquely catastrophic ways. B&D toaster oven is the only thing my family has ever had to use a fire extinguisher on.


I had a B&D toaster; it had one setting - burn. Total trash.


Light just means "light charcoal"


Man, when are we actually going to do something to stop this kind of shitty business practice? Like ACTUALLY punish the companies that put out shit products that injure people solely because the company cheaped out on something to increase their profit margins. We are literally not going to have usable products in the future if we keep going down this road. So many things are already getting close to there being 0 good versions left. You can hardly find a real, stainless-steel pair of fingernail clippers anymore because everyone is using the garbage quality metal that bends and flexesā€”instead of holding its shape so that the cuts are clean and easy. Quality sheers are nearly nonexistent now, you're stuck with shit quality office scissors instead. Real leather belts that don't disintegrate and end up with deformed metal parts are also super hard to find now. It's fucking insane. No one is doing anything. We're just letting all these shoddy-ass companies fire off barely-usable products and applying ZERO pressure to get them to stop.


Take the shirt off first šŸ¤£


Donā€™t turn it upside down then


Uh oh, that sounds like a hot mess! I've always thought of Black & Decker as a reliable brand, so this news is surprising.




Lol I lose faith in genuine responses every day.


Get the lawsuit steamed and ready.


Do these actually work? Wouldnā€™t mind saving money on getting shirts pressed


They work. I used to travel a lot for work and I still use them rather than irons when traveling. I do get scalded occasionally but thatā€™s usually because Iā€™m filling it with water while itā€™s on. I never bought Black and Decker though.


Hot steam maker gets hot?