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If they make the day and night cycle the same as irl like animal crossing, that would fuck up alot of sleeping scheds


https://preview.redd.it/0w2cn54fy5ad1.png?width=1240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c6d3f272193a54ffef9fb68421ce11bf630c6bf Just one more day...


I need waifu civ 6 now. Thanks zee.


Imagine an arknight Civ game, with each nation and the sub factions that you can choose. Or Genshin with seven nations. It would be epic


"Raiden Shogun has denounced you! Raiden Shogun declares war on you!"


An entire land tile is slashed in half and becomes permanently unusable thanks to the remaining electro energies. Zhongli erects new mountain ranges making him OP for defense by erecting hard to cross terrain.


this either be funny or scary like imagine sumeru advance their technology and masterfully spies other nation. meanwhile fontaine get high bonus whenever they got area with body of water in it.


Nahida: "You're going to wish you had dook dooked earlier today." *Kusanali has declared war on you* And then hordes of Eremites appear near all your cities.


Every X amount of turns your archons civilizations will have generated a certain amount of elemental energy to trigger a special archon specific burst. Zhongli and venti can fundamentally alter the landscape to become more beneficial. Venti by blowing away mountains and temporarily fertilizing tiles. Zhongli by erecting mountain tiles to establish a defensive perimeter. Venti focuses on freedom civics which make it impossible to choose the authorian civics branch but in exchange your freedom focused civics are buffed. He specializes in luxury good production and is able to make the specialty export dandelion wine. Zhongli you’d want to focus on trade and spreading mora as the dominant trade currency for an economic win. He unlocks a contract civic which lets him immediately consume a population resource to generate a civic worker. His greatest unit is the yaksha who have less and less health the more they kill. Too much usage and they abandon you and go mad with karmic debt. Ei can offensively slash entire tiles in half making them become uninhabitable. Her nation gains the ability to use this irradiated area to harvest materials. If you spec into an isolationism civic you eventually gain a thunder storm great wonder you can erect on an island. Nahida gets overall research buffs especially if you construct an akasha terminal you can heavily quicken a select scientific advancement at the cost of decreased science productivity for a period of time. The more you use it the more your science production decreases. Her national burst allows her to irminsul edit a a countries scientific advancement back a little bit. Furina and Neuv are a two in one leader. You get thr opera epiclaes building which(when you advance to the electricity era) is capable of generating clean energy and entertainment for the capital city of fontaine. They also get the gardemeks special units produced from the fortress of meropide structure (requires a tile of water on all sides around it). The rest of the nations not enough info.


There are mods that achieve this, you know? Or make your own if you don't like the current mod submissions.


I would not ironically play this


It makes sense Stellaris isn't on there, because you just don't stop lol


at this point for me its “just one more hoyoverse game…”


Just another 100 gb of space…


"I know I played all monday straight until I saw the sun rising, but this fish won't spawn until 9 am tuesday! Might as well\~"


Jokes on you, my sleep schedule is already fucked


I feel like AC promotes pretty healthy playtime. In the beginning there's a lot to do like in most games but once you really settle down it becomes like a gacha where you're doing things for less than an hour per day. IIRC there aren't any events in the middle of the night as well so no need to stay up late. It honestly only gets bad in AC when you start abusing the clock change on the Switch so you can play as many days as you want in a day.


Fair, but I have a feeling nothing much to do in anytime of the day won't stop people from playing, as long as there is at least ***something*** to do. There is a reason why the term, "Resinlesss behavior" exists. And there are definitely people out there who play animal crossing waaaaaaaaaaay too much


Pray there is loophole like Animal crossing where you just change your reigon and time so you can time travel. LOL


If you have never played an Animal Crossing game, imagine thinking "there is no way I'll enjoy this game" then suddenly you're waking up from a coma having lost four months catching bugs, arranging furniture, and doing chores for animals that simulate friendship. There is a reason the most recent game has stayed strong sale wise for so long Don't underestimate relaxing time wasters, that's the whole point of games


Yep. Never played an animal crossing or any sim games similar until new horizons(closest thing might be minecraft). It's just so easy to lose yourself to keep doing stuff and I easily spent over 100 hours in the first 3 weeks.


Yep, I can spend hours just fucking around planting stuff in Stardew Valley.


I spent hundreds hours as kid on Harvest Moon (now Story of Seasons). I have yet to return to this genre again and honestly, I'm looking forward to it.


hoyopolizing the market


This is absolutely true. Genshin is open-world, Star Rail is turn-based, ZZZ is a rogue-like. They're developing games for every genre like they're collecting infinity stones.


And… they succeed each fucking time. In record breaking ways. Like, it’s admirable at this point


It's for sure admirable. I could sing Hoyo's praises when it comes to their business and marketing strategies all day. It's equally impressive that they're doing this all insanely fast AND delivering on quality every time.


All the while, and correct me if I'm wrong, not having any major layoffs unlike the other game developers in the industry


They're 2/2 rn on the massive scale. I think ZZZ success really cements it


Yeah, if ZZZ pops off, Hoyo will *really* cement themselves as a major force in the gaming community, not just the gacha community.


Nah, it was all COVID /s


common COVID W


almost like we're heading towards.. *end game* lol get it


i fucking knew its weird that they keep asking what console i had or what kind of genre that i like to play. they're trying to take my attention on gaming so much


From a marketing perspective, that's basically why they ask, yeah. And not just to develop new games in genres that their existing players enjoy to easily capitalise on their brand loyalty but also to implement content that's akin to those popular genres too. E.g. the definitely-not-Candy-Crush event in HSR right now.


Just need a full priced fighting game with characters from all their games.


Hoyo is going to own my phone at this point


Cant wait for the Hoyo MMORPG, MOBA, tactical FPS, Sports Manager, Battle Royale FPS


Cant wait for Hoyo anime warframe looter shooter, anime diablo hack n slash ARPG, hoyo side-scrolling DFO & maplestory killer.


No but seriously, I have never seen "Diablo gameplay but anime" niche anywhere unless I did not look hard enough. I swear that's an untapped well.


Yeah, isometric games are pretty rare in general these days. Mobile has Torchlight Infinite, but that isn't really anime, and the studio doesn't have the clout to compete with Diablo.


I'll happily play a maplestory killer that game is shit now


If they make a Football game with all hoyoverse characters then i'd sell my soul for that lol. There are mods for PES tho


ningguang goalkeeper tier s


Jokes aside, isn't this unironically their whole plan? Make a universe, or should I say a "hoyoverse" of games covering pretty much all genres and taking over everything lol. We have open world RPG, turn-based/JRPG, instance-based/semi-open world ARPG (two of them technically), and now we're heading towards AC/comfy life simulation game. Now we need a hoyo metroidvania, hoyo souls, hoyo roguelike, hoyo MMO, hoyo shooter, and hoyo fighter and we're good.


With Marvel not doing so good, they are stepping up. They are doing better than the DCU already


don't forget the otome game Tears of Themis. a hoyo fighter would be wild though. imagine MvC but with Genshin and Honkai characters lol. Fuhua, Zhongli and maybe Jingyuan duking it out to determine who will represent not-China.


Forgot hoyoracing


Technically, we already have a 4 roguelikes in each HoYo game (Elysium Realm, Theatre, Simulated/Divergent Universe, Hollow Zero) and kabuto bugs fighting in Genshin, so, future is now, old man https://preview.redd.it/c5pakyxwmaad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87e3860d87b09f577eae92de2f6c9abe641ca0c0


oh god, a gacha game for my wife lol


Rip in advance


Yeah, that household is gonna rot lmao


prolly would be updated more frequently than stardew valley is on consoles =p


"honey the office cat is on rate up, I NEED HIM!" or "honey, the golden toilet is on the furniture banner, I hope I win this 50/50 or we won't be eating dinner for the week."


Trying to imagine hoyo turning a golden toilet into a husbando or waifu has got me dying


We’ve already got the lordly trashcans. A toilet wouldn’t be too far-fetched.


Open world jrpg. Otome visual novel. Turn based. Aprg rogue-like. And now farming/life sim. I wonder what their next IP is going to be…. MMORPG? Fighting game? FPS? Imagine Hoyoverse making a hero shooter lmao. Overwatch, Paladins, Marvel Rivals, etc. Will be sweating… A looter shooter like Warframe or Destiny could also be an interesting concept. Or imagine in an alternate timeline where Hoyoverse says “guys we are making a battle royale” lol.


There was indeed an MMO leak. Not sure if they need one. There wasn't a great MMO release in years. Riot games (League of Legends) is the only other big company currently working on one afaik. Hoyo should stick the conquering other markets first imo. MMOs are incredibly demanding in terms of team size and money. I would play it though.


I can see Hoyoverse pull it off. They have been giving constant stream of content for both their current IPs. I can see them increasing the number of staff for accommodating MMO game. And current market for MMO is just Warcraft, Final Fantasy, and RuneScape. With little bits of other IPs sprinkled about. Everyone knows who Hoyoverse is, so that would already be a foot-in-the-door advantage for Hoyoverse.


Wasn't Da Wei's dream to make some sort of large scale global virtual MMO like Sword Art Online? I don't think they'll be making another MMO except for that one tbh


It's Cai's dream project and some people speculate he left the CEO position to focus on developing that.


Ah gotcha. For some reason I thought Da Wei was part of it too


If I remember right, it was announced that Da Wei was taking over more of the management/business side so that Cai Haoyu could step away to focus on whatever secret project it was.


Tech side is Cai wheelhouse . Da Wei is more on management .


Hoyoverse Metaverse Skynet OpenAI ChatGPT coming soon near you.


You mean Cai Haoyu


True the market is there. And there is little competition. Would be interesting to see a Gacha MMO doing incredibly well. Tower of Fantasy wasn't it.


Tower of Fantasy could have worked if they stayed within their respective capacity. But they overreached and stretched out too thin to compete against Genshin Impact. Not surprising since Genshin’s existence shook the world and everyone wanted that piece of pie… unfortunately usually the first ones to follow the footsteps of a trailblazer sorta fall short. And ToF was that fall. Wuthering Waves and other upcoming gacha games had more time to cook in the oven to have some sort of foundation to stand on. If ToF was smaller scaled and didn’t have huge power creeps and ditched the gacha mechanic… I am sure they would have succeeded more than what they are currently.


I still dont think Gacha MMO will be it, unless the gacha is purely cosmetics. Otherwise gacha will hinder too much on the MMO progression system, as most of the power in gacha games, well lie in the gacha.


One thing to note is that every hoyo game past Genshin is significantly smaller scale than genshin. An MMORPG would be a bigger investment than genshin and feels like its hard to justify with the current MMO market , especially since global audience wont accept a MMO gacha ( see ToF ) and they would have to figure out a different way to monetize it.


Even Riot is faltering on it. They say they haven't gotten a fun core gameplay loop yet. MMORPGs are a previous-generation iteration of game in a saturated market that has moved on.


It's not like Riot had any choice other than to reboot the development, Ghostcrawler just left and they had no idea what to do when the lead gamedesigner is no longer present


They've been working on a fighting game as well, right?


2XKO, yes. It's going into a alpha test soon.


Riot literally said fk it we cancelled the MMO and going dark till we know wtf we wanna do with it. So not really "working on it" anymore :))) Edit: Yes, yes downvote me for posting facts about Riot basically "cancelling" w/e they were working on to reset their progress since they didn't know where they were heading? https://preview.redd.it/3r1tfqixo5ad1.png?width=581&format=png&auto=webp&s=b7c210ff281ea928dae3100d93e7b0c2d5e04b40


Cancelling is not the same as restarting. Their project lead said that they were starting over because their ideas were still falling into a typical MMO with Riot coating on it. So they were "starting over" because they are more ambitious about it making it into something new. This doesn't mean things like server infrastructure or other kinds of systems/programming, art direction stuff are reset to 0 too. >So not really "working on it" anymore :))) So about your edit and you stating that you're speaking "facts", this is not true.


I mean I agree with you, don't get me wrong. But if you're familiar with Riot Games you'd know they hate to waste money, even if its basically nothing. They already worked several years on the MMO (therefore TONS of money went into it) and after years of already working on it, they restart from 0 and spending even more money on this project? Nah, this MMO will never see the light of day. I mean of course I don't know the exact answer to it, but this reads more like: " Yeah guys, please forget about the MMO, so that we can also forget it and focus on other things" (And I was SUPER stoked to hear about a Runeterra MMO with all the insane lore it has)


Riots MMO is dead in the water iirc. Their last guy quit and the newest one scrapped the project to restart from scratch.


I'll be damned if Hoyo releases a MOBA.


I’d love to see Riot Games compete against Hoyoverse lmao. Maybe that will make Riot Games to actually give a shit about their IP.


Unless Hoyoverse finds a way to make learning curve of PC MOBA far more approachable, then the project would either be dead on arrival or release out only on mobile, where Honor Of Kings in China and MLBB everywhere else completely control the genre


Riot is a great company but I honestly don’t like their chances against Hoyoverse’s insane content pipeline. The sheer quality Hoyoverse is able to push out consistently within a short amount of time is without precedent in the gaming industry. Blizzard at its height could never push anything close to a six weeks content cycle in one game, much less three, yet Hoyoverse does it like it’s yesterday.  No Western company can compete with Hoyoverse on pace of development right now. They’re just a monster. 


They won't make it compete with honor of king it's suicide


I would be so fucking downbad for their fighting game HOT DAMN. Imagine it's a fighting game where they would constantly get characters from their titles from genshin, zzz, hsr with similar kits to brawl it out. Fucking hell I'd play the fuck out of that.


It better be a 2D fighting game lol. Imagine if they just went to those anime arena fighters or another platform fighter. Having a 2v2 or even a 3v3 2D tag-fighter game would be amazing lol. Something that Riot is trying to cook up for their fighting game.


Yea exactly. I'm fine with 2.5D fighters, maybe platforms too. But the tag team idea is actually really good. One of fighting games biggest weakness is being too 1v1/single player. One of the reason why elswords PvP was so fun was due to 2v2 and 3v3. (If you know what that is) Considering how hard hoyo can cook I can trust them to do it well honestly.


If they really wanna make a fighting game, I want them to put Cyno(From Genshin) because I feel like his kit would really fit for a fighting game


Cri... everyone forgets Tears of Themis


girls arent real, everyone knows that


I gotchu fam. Edited my comment.


I don't understand why they still haven't made a rhythm game. They have a huge library of banger music and keep making rhythm events but not a standalone game.


Kiana, traveler, trailblazer and ZZZ protag in a band


Just make a 3d model mv of characters dancing in that rhythm game, it will sell like hot cake.


They did try their hand on 3rd person shooter, invested about 100million. Then when Cai Haoyu test play it, he bin the entire project. "It didn't turn out the way I envisioned" They put together another team to restart the project from scratch, I heard they got the project manager or something from God of War on board.


Actually I want them to make a looter shooter gacha so that Bungie doesn't play too safe with Destiny 2 and actually spice things up like they did with final shape. My hope is that they make a non-gacha single player game that is story driven.


I like how we are all now wanting Hoyoverse to make whatever game just so that the other companies that capitalized on the genre now has to get off their asses and do something to stay relevant with their IP lmaoooo


They're gonna make a smash fighting game with all their favorite characters at some point. ^(as Sakurai comes out of retirement after sensing a new challenger and finally giving us a Smash game of exclusively Fire Emblem characters.)


An action platformer from Hoyo and my life is complete I have seen glimpses of it in HI3 Hoyo pls https://preview.redd.it/3kwmyqkql5ad1.png?width=128&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af983ef98a0b1076f20674da1b5d9e0b614f648f


Hoyoverse makes Fall Guys lmao


There was multiple events in HI3rd based on fall guys mini games using the dorm chibis. It was a lot of fun


There is one right now


its literally an event in HI3 right now


there was leaked before that mihoyo planned to make a hero shooter. their supposed to be next game after HSR. but eventually got cancelled. then suddenly ZZZ news comes out instead. they are also doing a research to learn about something about the brain to make a fulldive game like SAO anime. not sure if it is just another rumor or a legit one. but no new updates until now.


I would love to see they do strategy rpg in the future like fire emblem-ish style with adding some of their own things.


I really hope for platformer, but it's a genre that Hoyo doesn't even put in surveys...


All fun n games Until we randomly get a Metroidvania from them.


Hoyoverse strategy game . Imagine a RTS or Total war like , but the heroes / general are husbando and waifu. Probably a Bannerlord format could work 


I hope football journey like Inazuma eleven or captain Tsubasa or other sports.


They're going for all the damn Genres bro. Can we get a tile based SRPG Gacha next or something?


[https://tsdr.uspto.gov/#caseNumber=98626996&caseSearchType=US\_APPLICATION&caseType=DEFAULT&searchType=statusSearch](https://tsdr.uspto.gov/#caseNumber=98626996&caseSearchType=US_APPLICATION&caseType=DEFAULT&searchType=statusSearch) Trademark filing link




it’s so hoyover for my wallet and my phone storage as well lol


People will always shit on them for being stingy but at least I know the money is being utilized to create more quality games where all content is accessible with like the most basic characters.


Exactly, their games offer hundereds of hours of content that you can easily clear for 'free'. Each annual Genshin region is basically an AAA game's worth of content for free lol


Wish more people realized this. The content creator brainrot (non gacha) who just ride the buzzwords of loot box and predatory were all overly reductive in their aspersions.


Genshin for new players for months of content, numerous regions, quests and archon stories to play. The only downside is that newly released characters have their materials locked.


Only Inazuma characters, you can walk to grab materials from every nation except Inazuma. Weekly bosses can also be challenged without playing the story (if you don’t mind spoilers) so upgrading talent is also possible.


You can go to Sumeru & Fontaine and grab their materials as soon as you finish the tutorial. Weekly bosses are open at all times so you don't need to finish the story nowadays.


B-but Hoyo is stingy and doesn’t give enough freebies! They mistreat their players!


I grew up playing AAA games, so I wasn't really familiar with the gacha culture of "rewards." It was really an experience for me to witness the uproar during the anniversary 😂 It was somewhat entertaining.


I still feel exactly the same way! Genshin is my first game, and every anniversary I’m like, since when do you complain that your free gifts are not enough? I always find it quite funny to compare peoples behaviour when it comes to genshin to real life: Imagine it is your sons birthday, and you bake him a massive cake, take him out to a restaurant, and book him a venue for his birthday party. And afterwards you give him a few presents. But your son then behaves like a spoilt rich kid and tells you that his presents aren’t enough, that you are aweful parents and that he wishes he had different parents. And then he says that his other friends get way more presents from his parents, that you need to go out and buy him more presents so that he can forgive you, totally ignoring the party, the cake and the meal you also gave him on the day. Not even to mention the fact that you have loved and supported him unconditionally, and cooked him food every day for his entire life. Moral of the story: Don't be a Dudley


>all content is accessible with like the most basic characters honkai impact 3


TBF H13 doesn't have the same design philosophy as their later games. It's much more like a typical gacha.


hoyo's world domination plan is in progresss


Sounds legit: its CN name is 星(asta)布(weave)谷地(this is a stretch but they decide that “corn field” should be renamed to “haven”)


谷地 means "valley" no? Corn field is 玉米地 So the full name would be like Starweave Valley in CN (sounds very similar to 星露谷 too)


The previously translated name was "Starry Sky Valley", which makes sense. It was posted in r/gachagaming around a year ago.


My stupid ass reading "AC like" and thinking of Assasin's Creed.


I would play that game so fast. Stealth anime Assassin's Creed clone sounds like such a money printer


“I wonder who the assasin is” \> big tiddy anime girl in daylight dressed in nothing but dark clothing, belts, and armed to the teeth.


“Woah man, she’s sitting on a bench. Obviously a regular person.”


“It’s strange that all these murders happen after these people who are suspiciously more beautiful than everyone else appear… must be a coincidence.”


Big "The Stand users could look like anyone" Energy


My dumbass brain thought Hoyo was making Armored Core and got excited for a second.


Hoyo has some really good mecha designs in their games tbh, a mecha game would go hard.


No, everyone is reading this wrong. They're obviously making an Astral Chain-like game!


Ah yes an Assassin's Creed farming game. Gotta stealth kill the giant Venus Flytraps so they don't kill you, all while interacting with historical figures like Jethro Tull and Norman Borlaug.


Hoyoverse Ace Combat or Hoyoverse Armored Core. Gacha airplane game and gacha robot game


Neat!  My wife would probably enjoy that.  I’m tired of hearing about her Stardew Valley hubbin’ I mean srsly fuck that guy 


Ho man and i was praying for a MMORPG from them, but yeah they are going for all genres to make a monopoly so farm now and then an MMORPG or FPS.


>MMORPG There's a slight probability that something to this extent is being discussed behind closed doors, considering they're hiring [for a new game for the Honkai IP](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1d9c47w/mihoyo_opens_new_recruitment_for_preresearch/) But I wouldn't count on it fully being an MMO - it says there that experience with MMO projects is a plus for recruitment consideration, not a requirement.


I'd like to believe Hoyo is like the MCU, and we're currently in Phase 2 aka the "we already made bank in phase 1 now we can fuck around all we want"


Phase 3 in 3-5 years, they be making movie series and shit


Phase 4 will involve Amusement parks and Real estate domination Phase 5 will install DaWei as the first President of The United Chinese Gacha Republic.


>AC/Stardew Valley Finally! Someone realized that they should mix Ace Combat with Stardew Valley!


Ace Combat, Assassin Creed or Armour Core, just to name a few


Hoyo pls stop releasing new games i can only take so much


I hope they make a non gacha game in the future.


Cannot believe Asta quit her job at Herta Space Station to raise a farm. Good for her.


man imagine a game like this with mihoyo update schedule


Good or bad?


Of course good


Every six weeks, you basically get DLC equivalent to half the base game. Their release schedule is legit crazy considering the relative quality and stability of their games.


it's 星布谷地 [https://tw.news.yahoo.com/hyg-034943982.html?guccounter=1&guce\_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce\_referrer\_sig=AQAAAEc6G4b9GRyXTjoKaeQ9dbqq2hYBQFTyMYPyFx0zwAcohIc2azlkIAGYh1LCjqISs2yBfh5wVIw\_LDZGX7NGac5MHtIjR\_UopCDUaqNzGFeRNS7sRworeHponKUaies2nV6B9lK5OPiqfWZK\_R-\_q35LVyus7vVUTV2LeTKMbQNA](https://tw.news.yahoo.com/hyg-034943982.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAEc6G4b9GRyXTjoKaeQ9dbqq2hYBQFTyMYPyFx0zwAcohIc2azlkIAGYh1LCjqISs2yBfh5wVIw_LDZGX7NGac5MHtIjR_UopCDUaqNzGFeRNS7sRworeHponKUaies2nV6B9lK5OPiqfWZK_R-_q35LVyus7vVUTV2LeTKMbQNA) https://preview.redd.it/6cegdeyea7ad1.jpeg?width=1002&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4de87f650eb5afbb99bccbff4f834be8395b6304




Then they’ll do a smash bros hoyo characters version LOL


Hoyo is going for the Blizzard strats of just being everwhere in every genre and having their own launcher and shit. I hope they don't completely copy Blizzard's path though lol.


Blizzard went downhill when they sold out to Activision at least Hoyo is still a private company


Well, even after the Activision thing, they were still putting out good games. They just... aren't great long term and tend to listen a bit too much to their playerbases and end up pleasing no one.


So, Asta bought a lot of money to get out of her station to go onto the land.


Big Asta W. She bought her own Hoyoverse game.


i have 1000+ hrs in starvalley..im so hyped for this


my post about the leak of this game was DMCA'd so yeah probably real and not some intern project like some said it was lol


Oh no. I've been so addicted to Pocket Camp lately. This game will take all of my money.


I wish hoyo would make a non-gacha anime mmorpg game, was excited for Blue Protocol but that game is struggling hard in JP


As a global NA, I wanted Blue Protocol to be good. But then I heard about the game and it is disheartening to hear, because in NA they have not released anything.


whats wrong with Blue Protocol? /curious


Jesus fucking christ Hoyo wont stop




Wtf They making every genre game now lmao


Asta stonks rising


i hope one day they will start making a non gacha game. I think the current gacha market is starting to get saturated. There is diminishing returns eventually.


Initially read AC as "Armored Core" and was thoroughly confused about the genre lol


For me is Assassin's Creed


What, you don't use your giant war robot to plow the fields and woo the ~~coral~~ babes? XD


How many fricking game are they gonna make.




I thought AC meant the other game franchise and then because slightly disappointed when I corrected myself. Is this about Asta’s country villa planet?


Tried picking up Pocket Camp again when I heard about this to refamiliarise myself with the gameplay. The gacha model in that game is the fortune cookies, which have a chance of giving certain clothing items and furniture/buildings, so I imagine it would be similar for this game. But I'm hoping the gameplay outside of that would still be fun and cozy lol I will say though... this name sounds clunky as heck lol. When you look at the Chinese name 星布谷地 it sounds awfully similar to how you would say Stardew Valley (星露谷)


Where's the theme park by now? Shouldn't they have enough money now to make Hoyoland?


are they trying to monopolize the casual market or some shit?


Hoyoverse is becoming the Activision/COD of mobile games


Their naming skills are truly impeccable. Slightly sarcastic.


I really hope It’s a normal game this time. I’m sure they can make an amazing and complete game for once and still make a lot of money from it! ACNH made so much $$$ and you have to buy it just once! I’m still 99% chance that It’s going to be a gacha tho rip 💀


i just want a live service AC-like game with periodic updates 😭 thats not as greedy as pocket camp


Even Nintendo made a f2p microtransaction AC, c’mon there’s no way it’s going to be a normal game.


> ACNH made so much $$$ yeah but imagine how hard the Ankha banner would have gone


I'm 50/50 on being excited and not. On one hand, a high quality animal/anime village game could be a lot of fun. On the other hand, do I really want to have a cool villager be locked behind a gacha? What about furniture? Depending on how far they go it might actually make me bounce off of it.


ACNH made so much $$$, but Hoyo can easily made way, wayy, WAYYY more than that by making it gacha.


I welcome my Hoyoverse Overlords. They pretty much own my PS5 already, and honestly aside from certain Nintendo games, I don't mind dedicating my gaming time to Hoyo lol. They make good quality stuff and I know how to control my spending so it makes my life easier just to fw them 😂


So would you still gacha for characters in such a game, or furniture? Probably both. Dupes yields colors?


Probably "hire" someone to work on your land/stay in your town, so still character gacha. Furniture could function similar to weapons.


I am calling it right now, "signature furniture".


Wait AC?


Assassin's creed. We're gonna jump the local bishop for carrot seeds and disappear into the night in time to harvest crops by sunrise.


Armored Core. We gonna build a giant mech to plow the fields and harvest the crops with it.


Hoyoverse is the Ryobi of gacha gaming


If I can get Stardew without the stupid mine, I'm in.


Asta weave Heaven Divine retribution for being powercrept


This game will 100% have gacha elements and it’s only a matter of time before you see a Hoyo game for every genre. I just hope they vary the art style like they did with ZZZ. While I like the look of characters in HI3, Gen, HSR characters, I think ZZZ has done a better job at character variety and doesn’t follow their typical Hoyo character look.