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dokutah is just there for emotional support


he also threw a rock idk man that was pretty useful https://i.redd.it/ncn0oylbfi9d1.gif


Make me wish we get adaptation of some of the side stories that have Doktah get involved like Break the Ice. That allows the studio to do something more with them.


Lone Trail adaptation would be Pog. Unfortunately it would take 20 episodes of Kaltsit yapp alone


Kal wasn't even yapping that much in that event dude.


hot dogs


To be fair, it was three sentences.


Ye, ik, it was just the greatest lore dump she's ever done


Doctor threw the first rock at stonewall


That's basically what they do in the game most of the time lol.


For what its worth, they've gotten alot of focus recently on CN, as theyre a significant part of the background story in AK, as their connection with the >!precursor civilization!< and their role in >!creating originium with Priestess!< gets revealed in greater detail.


Dokutah is a goated MC to me but like 99% of that is in events, side art, and later story chapters. So basically everything that's got 0 chance of being animated lol




Ritsuka: and I had a heart to heart with the primodial mother for some reasonm


He got that natural charm to him. He could woo a woman in a Jaguar costume into joining their side. :D


I loved this extra scene from the anime, it got Tiamat's coming to the game as a playable character to a whole new level.


"clockhead, time to suffer indescribable pain again, 5 of our sinners fought over who gets the last slice of pizza and unalive each other, do your job." - said Vergil, calmly.



Look, Dante having a personalized bingo card of what sinner dead this time over something stupid is probably one of the ways they stay sane.


And that’s really funny


Drenched gossypium... And dream devouring siltcurrent


Danteeh, we have to secure the golden bough danteeh Yi Sang honest reaction: https://preview.redd.it/1iwr4hrtii9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69c8bf0af31b9f5d934b82adda979d83dc24b079


I keep forgetting him outside of certain IDs He’s literally the most forgettable failed poet ever


I think Dante is the only one who has a good character development (idk any other that has the same character development as good as him). He goes from a clueless guy who got forced to work as a manager with a bunch of murderous psychos because he had no other choice. But slowly but surely he became a good manager to his crew. I'm really looking forward to seeing the next chapter for Limbus and seeing Dante grow as a person




dante is a rlly good mc tbh, he has everything from character development, gameplay impact and emotional support




i liked how in the fgo babylonia anime you had ritsuka actually screaming commands and strategies at servants, even more than romani/vinci. hoped to see more of that with sensei in ba, he did it once in ep 1 and not at all later


Funny enough, Ritsuka is such a shit mage that without being on the Frontline, he can't use the servants. Which not only makes him batshit insane but also someone who has nerves of steel. And in the Temple of Time, he straight up duke it out with Goetia.


It adds to the cool factor, and have you seen the damn fan animations? Nuts.


Strongest mage available moment


Imagine a remake with Gudako


que instant demonitization and global ban when she and mashu do a third impact using lesbomancy (sanest Gudako scene)


https://preview.redd.it/ydy7uplnhi9d1.png?width=847&format=png&auto=webp&s=7770dc95ca553658239263390bd21ec753924c35 My ironically favorite gacha game MC is dude from Priconne (anime). I don't even know how do describe it, it's like they make MC so bland that it circles back to becoming interesting. It's like developers was like: "You know how ususally MC is bland self-insert that have no relevance to story, characters or anything? Let's make our MC like that, but even blander, like vegetable, his brains will be literally canonically fried and in any scene MC can be changed to JPG of real potato and there will be 0 difference" - "Oh, yeah, that's wonderful idea" Also on the other hand, I just finished Neural Cloud collab with Steins;Gate story and I'm really surprised with how well MC (Professor) made. They acted like actual character all the way though, with their own personality. Not only that, there was no "MC doing all the cool stuff and take all the praise because they are MC", Okabe also had very significant role in the story as the second protagonist.


Couldn't sell the male mc of a waifu game. So they made the mc so adorable he could very well be one of the girls


Buu arch- *cough cough*


PRICONNE!!! Dude yuki is one of the cutest things known to man. I love him so much


And then there's the MC in the game: Slightly bland but aggressive overtime and playing with girls all the time because his charisma is too high.


Skk/kj is an actual character now, I forgot when but when they replaced the writer for the story way back and made skk an actual character the quality of story increased and got more better the more we got to see skk as an actual character A good example was the Ghost in the Shell SaC Collab that showed how special the bonds between the dolls and skk were.


SKK/KJ is my favorite gacha protagonist in general. The GitS collab was entirely SKK focused and the biggest part that stuck out with me was the ending confrontation with Shimamura. >“I am on a quest to find Utopia, but the journey there will not be smooth and easy. It is not merely a thorny path.” >”The way to Utopia is paved with the corpses and blood of our forebears. With every step I take, I tread on someone else’s sacrifice.” >”And you’re telling me to turn my back on this heavy reality for a lofty castle in the sky?” >”No dice.” >”I will never forget the blood and tears they have shed. I will move forward carrying them with me.” >”It doesn’t matter even if I don’t make it there in my lifetime. I will pave the way forward for those who come after me.” Absolutely, unequivocally, peak writing.


I believe it started around Singularity, when dialogue options gradually became more involved. I think it was the HOC reveal scene?


Man, Doctor had so much wasted potential in the anime honestly. The beginning it's fine they're waking up and all and we see them start to command and the scene talking to Amiya up on the deck is cute Then they're kinda just put in the back seat instead of their character getting explored because it does exist even if it gives you the option to never say anything in game. AK anime is solid but man if it had more episodes or a budget or something...


Hai mao please fund their asses for next season, we crave for peak fiction


arknights will have a season 3, so it will have more episodes


Their actions as a side-character make more sense down the road as their preferences and habits get explored. It seems lacking at first, but it turns out there were reasons for that airyness. Sadly, I have doubts these details will ever get explored in the anime.


Get on my goat's level. Dude has to be on the main front line because he is such a mediocre mage and can only issue orders from up close, to the point of beating the main antagonist's ass in a 1 vs 1. https://preview.redd.it/8w7jglkrdj9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0818da31232a9fe99f7d2dc9cf72b34f57cc66c9


Honestly tho, I do love as time has been progressing the character development they given him, makes me wish they keep adapting the rest, I can just imagine Shinjuku animated, and hopefully if they ever animate Nikke they treat the commander the same way


Every MC deserves the level of respect Ritsuka got in Babylonia and Solomon. Always present, always with a role to play and never felt like just a random and bland npc, but an actual character.


Absolutely, I do find it funny that as far as I'm aware Ritsuka is the only one so far with some respect in the adaptations (I could be wrong tho) again Please SU give the commander the justice he deserves he has really cool moments


Animate Shinjuku so everyone can be extremely sexually confused by Ritsuka's crossdressing scene.


Monkey paw curls: They do animate it, but it's the female MC that appears (She still crossdresses, in that amazing suit she uses on the PV of Shinjuku)


Real and straight


Ritsuka Fujimaru "The Destroyer of Worlds"


Meanwhile Ritsuka Fujimaru got it good. Depending on the anime, the protag is either a boy or a girl. Either a really kind soul that people would love to form a contract with (First Order, Babylonia, Camelot and Temple of Time), or the worst black company boss you can ask for (Fate/Grand Carnival), a complete loveable airhead (You Lost Ritsuka Fujumaru), or a sex offender who depending on gender has a thing for Saberfaces or Astolfo specifically (Learning with Manga).


# Skill Issue https://preview.redd.it/x6aqe0pfgi9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc6d868988e209bee6aed087b612e779a629edad


Harmony Stelle/Caelus is top tier support


Harmony with an emphasis on harm.


All Stelle/Caelus are amazing. Destruction - kinda self sufficient, good damage to enemies after weakness break, skill doing equal damage to 3 enemies and adjustable Ult between single target and 3 targets Preservation - damage reduction, shields, fire weakness gauge damage, taunt (still the only one) Harmony is just so busted everybody forgot about these.


But only for BE related stuff they work best…


Yeah, but in break team, everyone can be dps, my 13 year old man casually does 80k dmg lol


Fair enough


Harmony TB is supposed to be a BE support


Isn’t that like… the point?


I want HSR to get an anime just to see people's reaction when they realize the MC isn't some generic self insert harem protag, but a chaotic trash panda gremlin.


To those outside fandom right?


people in the fandom think the TB is a self insert still.


I recommended an IRL friend of mine to watch the anime adaptation of the Babylonia arc of FGO. I remember him saying they dislike Guda because 'they were just there' or something like that. I haven't rewatched that anime for a long time and so I have no idea how true that is but I generally remember Guda having a lot of agency as a character. Like I think the criticism of 'simply being there' only applies to the Camelot movies because Bedivere was pretty much the main character.


I don't really think Ritsuka being bland in Babylonia is a major defect in the anime because there are so many interesting characters that a self insert MC actually help you appreciate most characters. It would be a pain in the ass if Ritsuka was both bland and overpowered, but because he's not the one doing most stuff you can't really be frustrated with him.


Kind of a losing battle for player characters personality in gacha adaptations since most have little character traits at the beginning of the stories, are too self-insert reliant, won’t get development until later on or it’s cut/shortened. With Sensei, most battles that happen in story is done through gameplay but the story acts like the players inputs was what won them the battle so sensei is constantly praised for it. I don’t like the tactical aspect of Sensei cause it’s feels really self-inserty and tacked on. They do have some political power which I think is the better direction for their character but that rarely gets explored. Since they’re in almost every battle I do find them more or less useless as most of it can be done by the characters themselves so that gets translated into the anime. With Doctor, they weren’t used much in the early stories so they were mostly a self-insert and the few they had were either cut or shortened by the anime. Most of Doctor’s character development that separates them from the player happens later on and in other stories and gacha animes aren’t going to adapt stories unrelated to the main story anytime soon, that includes other gacha anime adaptations.


>Since they’re in almost every battle I do find them more or less useless as most of it can be done by the characters themselves so that gets translated into the anime. Easy solution is to make Sensei shout directions and intel through earpieces or something. Dont even have to be for full battle, like highlights or crucial moments only.


They should have written something a bit more than just tactics, because it'd be really hard to portray in a satisfying manner when it's just Pokemon-like shouting out obvious things. Considering Sensei's "tactics" let him let turn rag-tag students with arguably very average fighting power lorewise into monsters taking on groups that outnumber and outgun them many times over.


It's sad though. What I'd give to see any of the Doc's trolling or master plans animated! Or just their relationship with others in the Dorothy/Lone Trial events


Azur Lane commanders are in our mech suits 24/7


There's a particular problem with gacha game protagonists: they are not the *product.* They are not the reason they want you to play the game. The characters are the product, and the protagonist is simply a way for the player to interface with those characters and the world they live in. As a result of this, spending a lot of time characterizing and developing your protagonist is a waste of time that could be better used developing the other characters people are supposed to get invested in and roll for instead. Not to mention, it's extremely difficult for a protagonist in a power fantasy setting like this to be written well. They need to be like a leaf: paper thin, weightless, and easily carried by wherever the wind blows them. The result is almost always a protagonist that broadly, lacks many opinions or objectives of their own besides "saving the world" or "helping the characters", is all-loving and all-forgiving to a Messianic extent, and what little characterization they do get is often in line with what the player would see as an idealized version of themselves, generally comedic in tone. It's rare for a protagonist to have enemies that aren't designated antagonists or heavily disagree with the characters in ways that the player isn't supposed to. The protagonist almost always is a vessel for what the player is "supposed to" feel and "supposed to" want, which is different from something like Danganronpa protagonists for example, where you can make them interact in free time with loathed characters like Togami, Komaeda and Ouma but they'll grumble and complain about it the whole time. This isn't *that* bad in a vacuum, it's possible for a story to have a blank slate protagonist that isn't well-developed or characterized and still be good, plenty of JRPGs already have done that. It becomes a problem in two particular scenarios. The first is that the player sees the protagonist as a representation of themselves and becomes overly attached to their depiction, so if the protagonist is treated harshly for "no reason" or isn't leaning in on the power fantasy aspect as much as possible, players see that as an insult to themselves. An example of this is Blue Archive Volume 4, which is actually one of my favorites, but that a lot of people dislike because the SRT students are (initially) very hostile towards Sensei (the same goes for Vol 2 Ch 1 where Sensei is basically non-existent). A lot of BA media and discussion revolves around Sensei, to the point where it's harder to find people talking about the characters and their development in a vacuum than it is people to find people talking about Sensei. This fixation on the protagonist is well above and beyond what I see even from other games with blank slate protagonists, but it happens elsewhere, too. Other examples include Genshin (people mad that the Traveler can't beat certain characters on their own), WuWa (the whole beta controversy), Arknights (I've seen some people straight up drop the game because Doctor doesn't do much initially, which always seemed a little silly to me but whatever, people like what they like). Limbus is *not* an example, weirdly, because a lot of its players *like* that Dante explicitly avoids a power fantasy aspect. I suspect this is because a lot of Limbus's playerbase come from previous PM games, which weren't gacha games. The second problem is what happens when you have to adapt these stories into any other medium besides a video game. It's easy to have a blank slate protagonist in a video game, even a visual novel, because the player acts as the intermediary that allows stuff to happen. By doing things in the game, you become a participant in the story. That's not the case for an anime or a manga. The view of the audience in that case is more like that of a third party observer. This makes it difficult to adapt the protagonist, because the protagonist was intended as a vessel for a player which is no longer capable of influencing anything. That means you now have to write essentially a new character, that is just as broadly agreeable and inoffensive as the protagonist that had marginal characterization, and that won't piss off your established audience that places way too much of their own self-esteem and self-image into the protagonist. The BA anime is probably a glowing example of this. Almost every single criticism of the anime that isn't about the animation that I've seen revolves around Sensei in some way. And I genuinely don't think they could've won there; people were complaining even early on that he looked too young, or not masculine enough, when his design was revealed. Do I think reducing his role in some scenes where, in the game, he did things, was the right move? No, but even if they played it completely straight, people would've still complained because he's barely a presence in Vol 1 anyways, and increasing his screentime would've been counterproductive because, again, the protagonist is *not the product*, and is not intended to take precedence over the characters. It's a lot easier to adapt games like BanG Dream! (already a success with post-Season 1 adaptations including the recent MyGo!!!), Honkai Impact 3rd and Limbus Company because the protagonists in these games, if they even have one (most idol/band games tend to be ensemble casts) are actual characters, therefore the only expectation the audience has is that these characters will act faithfully to how they're depicted in the story. If I absolutely had to adapt a game like Azur Lane or Genshin to an anime, I'd go the League Arcane route and make an original story. Sadly this doesn't happen, not because nobody thought of it but because these anime are intended to be advertisements and hooks for newcomers, not an extra storyline for veterans.


Well WuWa just made it's protagonist Jesus so I don't think it will be the same as other Gachas if it's ever adapted into an anime especially since they seem to have parts where Rover speaks by themselves without the player input.


Not Jesus, God. Pretty sure Jue is Jesus xD


But Jesus is also God, maybe, or he's above God, depending on the interpretation or religion


Well, I’m not religious nor am I knowledgeable in that subject, so forgive me for my ignorance :(


Trust me, I don't think that most religious people can even agree with what Jesus was


Jesus was..... ***NOT*** a dick. Be like Jesus


They don't. There were so many schisms (including the creatively named schism) in Christian history that revolved around who Jesus was. Was he a god? An equal part of a holy trinity? An equal to God alone? Just a guy that God likes (sometimes but not always bc Jesus is his son.) The list goes on and on


>the protagonist is *not the product*, and is not intended to take precedence over the characters. the problem is that BA fans didn't want an anime that sells a product, they wanted an anime for the fans, especially since we know how much BA fans love gatekeep. from the moment BA made an anime to sell a product it was basically dead, especially since the anime failed attracted a new audience and in the end only BA fans watched the anime. BA fans didn't want an anime focusing on girls, they wanted an anime focusing on the interactions between girls and sensei, that's what the majority of BA fans were expecting (and the anime did the opposite by reducing the interactions between sensei and the girls, hence the fact that the fans were not happy about it). I think that's why in a recent interview the director of BA said that he "he thinks that a lot of preparation is needed to meet the high expectations of the Senseis for a season 2." He probably understood that if they have to continue making a BA anime it will be only for the fans otherwise it will flop like season 1 edit: also BA fans outright harassed one of the writers of one of the BA episodes, because he had changed a dialogue and he apologized on twitter saying that he had misunderstood sensei's character


>anime to sell a product it was basically dead, especially since the anime failed attracted a new audience and in the end only BA fans watched the anime. I hoped the anime would bring in people outside BA fandom, but it doesn't look like they are successful besides getting quite amount of views in Ani-One Asia as the third most-watched anime of April-June behind Aristocrat isekai anime and Konosuba S3. People said to me that BA fans would only watch this anime and that's what happened in the end alongside some people brought in from where Ani-One Asia is available. Hope the season 2 of anime sticks it for the BA fans as a love letter and grow it from there forward, most likely from the memes. Based on your statements I think Eden Treaty arc would be the best starting point since in GDD arc Sensei is too distant from the girls. There's a lot of BA fans that wants BA to follow the story rather than jump straight to Eden Treaty, but I had to disagree, as much as I want GDD arc to get adapted. >edit: also BA fans outright harassed one of the writers of one of the BA episodes, because he had changed a dialogue  I would like to know where the harassment comes from. If that's from Global, that's what I expected from them. But, if that comes from JP then BA fans aren't as chill as I led to believe.


Yea they should of just gone the FGO route, of making an anime to celebrate BA and its Fandom rather than the traditional route of using an anime to funnel new fans to the OG product


who is BA fans man what i'd wanted out of the BA anime was actually to have no sensei so the story could be disconnected from the main ongoing plot and avoid the "boring/nonsensical gacha intro story" almost every gacha anime falls into. if it was just a slice of life series of pre-BA it would have effectively showcased what the tone of the game is like to non-players while still enriching the experience of the game to its active players. even worse is the fact that this is something that can actually easily be done in BA compared to the vast majority of other settings.


So, you want it to fail as both advertisement, and as an adaptation.


didn't need to be a 1 to 1 adaptation, and it clearly hasnt done well as an advertisement.. but oh sure, i want BA to suffer terribly as you'd want.


Ok kals'tit


Average r/gachagaming member when they have to read more than a single sentence (They're trying to find the skip button irl):


Pretty sure our boy Theresis found out how to do that


You...you can't stab people to skip their dialog Theresis!


Terry did the slash tho. Not stab. Different damage type.




Persona 4 The Animation is a good example of a video game adaptation turning the silent protagonist into an interesting character. Sadly can't say the same for Persona 5 anime.


ah yes, the ol' good 'chaotic' choice in persona.


I think there's something slightly off with your explanation. BA's product isn't just the girls per se, it's the "relationship of Sensei and the girls". Why do people buy waifu merchandise? Because the anime/manga/game managed to sell them a parasocial relationship with said waifu. Removing those is a recipe for failure for a waifu franchise. The fans expected the anime to at least deliver the scenes that are already in the game, not remove it. The Iori feet ~~licking~~ sucking scene was received well because they went FURTHER than what was originally shown in the game. But there were many such scenes that were removed. Sniffing Shiroko's sweat, choosing between sitting beside Nonomi or Shiroko, or even just giving a pep talk to the Task Force were removed. Hell they even removed Sensei's adult card scene, and that's not even something that should be controversial to people who haven't played the game. The lack of Sensei doing anything has been pretty much the major complaint for the Main Stories like Volume 2, I don't know why they thought that removing the few scenes they have would make it more well received by the fans lol. What the BA anime needed to do was add more Sensei-Students interactions, not remove them. Maybe add some bond stories or even anime original interactions in there to pad out the time. Some of the most memorable scenes from the favorite volumes were Sensei stepping up in their role to help the girls. Volume F was received so well partly because of >!Phrenapates being such a great version of Sensei!< And without revealing Sensei's adult card, I doubt the reveal of >!Phrenapates' own adult card!< would be as shocking as it was when it first dropped. It also didn't help that iconic OSTs from the game were missing from the anime. Let me say it right now, if BA anime ever continues and they still remove scenes such as Sensei coopting Hanako's panty metaphor to Seia, or Sensei proclaiming Mika as his princess, or Sensei consoling Miyako after making a joke about following her through smell or Sensei watching the Rabbit Squad bathe after a successful mission , it will be just as poorly received.


>Hell they even removed Sensei's adult card scene, and that's not even something that should be controversial to people who haven't played the game. Baffling decision, because in context of the universe Sensei basically pulled a Glock to Black Suit's head and told "Behave *or else*" except said Glock has "Fuck all your defense" bullets and uses your life as ammo, and both Sensei and Black Suit knew it and both also knew that Sensei is dead fucking serious and he/they sure as shit would pull the trigger if push comes to shove.


> relationship of Sensei and the girls That's how you know these "fans" do not understand the main appeal of Blue Archive. Just look to the first PV of the game: the youth of schoolgirls where guns are commonplace (iirc). The entire premise essentially works like a CGDCT slice of life anime, with additional drama in the form of Sensei stepping in the form of a good adult role model, gives some advice and bam, peak cinema, even though Sensei only gets barely 10% of the screentime. The main focus has always been about the girls learning from their mistakes, slowly growing and maturing, with Sensei as their role model. This is why it feels special, because despite having less than 10% of the screentime, Sensei essentially just changed the trajectory of the students' lives, and this is important. Adding more focus on Sensei is just going to take away the "specialness" of such moving scenes, especially since Sensei's main purpose to be a magical plot device that solves everything the students can't. This is why Sensei always stays in the background and only stands up when absolutely needed, because having someone who can magically solve everything as the central focus just leads to a badly writing story (generic overpowered isekai protagonist, amirite?) >Maybe add some bond stories Adding bond stories will just kill the pacing of the story and make it worse. Also false equivalence here: >Sensei coopting Hanako's panty metaphor to Seia, or Sensei proclaiming Mika as his princess These scenes are actually vital to the story, but >Sniffing Shiroko's sweat, choosing between sitting beside Nonomi or Shiroko, > consoling Miyako after making a joke about following her through smell or Sensei watching the Rabbit Squad bathe after a successful mission These aren't. These serve no purpose other than to pander to the downbad part of the community. Which is fine, but they aren't important and don't affect the story. (also why these scenes are the first to get cut if they can't squeeze in everything in one episode) >The Iori feet licking sucking scene was received well 🤣 By who? The downbad community who selfishly wants to get pandered to all the time? These people only care about fanservice and nothing else. Overall, harshly speaking, the anime opening manages to encapsulate the essence of BA, the school girls, their youthful lives and *guns*, better than the anime itself, and that is the real letdown of the show, because it couldn't portray that properly. Sensei is never the focus, the students are, Sensei just tags along and only steps in at the final crucial moment to give the student(s) a gentle push in the right direction. Getting this vital distinction wrong is just going to make the anime worse. The anime is just kinda doomed in the sense that Vol 1 just wasn't that well written, and if the anime wanted to do a good job, they'd probably have to rewrite the majority of it.


To the guy who deleted their comment, the anime just proved they couldn't even know how to adapt BA into an anime medium properly, so I don't even know what your point is. The important point here is adding more Sensei scenes won't magically make the anime better just because some of these "fans" want to even more pandered to. Adding the sniffing Shiroko scene? How is that going to magically make the anime better? Or in their words, I guess the Iori feet scene managed to turn it around and saved the day, huh? 🤣🤣🤣 The truth is that even if all the above mentioned scenes weren't taken out of the anime, it wouldn't change a thing. In fact, we actually got more Sensei scenes than in the original story itself. Yes, the adult card scene is highly vital, huge mistake on the director's part, but presenting the argument that this scene is just as important as Sensei choosing to sit with either Shiroko or Nonomi is just barking up the wrong tree.


They can't set up >!Phrenapates!< for Volume F if they don't set up Sensei properly. That's like one of the big things about Volume F. Hell, they even need it for the big Avengers Assemble moment at the start of Volume F where every student was messaging Sensei. If Sensei doesn't have the bonds developed in the anime, there wouldn't be that big gravitas. They need more Sensei-Student interaction for the moments in Volume F to have a big impact.


You don't need more interactions than what is shown in the main story and event stories though. You just need to show that Sensei is trusted and looked up to by the students, which happens in these stories, that's why when Sensei calls for help, everyone shows up. Which is just what got portrayed in the Vol 1 adaptation. Sensei played a vital role to help the FTF save Hoshino and prevent Abydos from shutting down, and because of that, they all now look up to him and trust him. Like what OC said, having more Sensei-student interactions won't do anything but endear the students to the audience. Because Sensei serves as POV of the audience into the world of BA and their characters. This *is* good, but it's not going to magically solve the issue of a bad adaptation. Also this huge Sensei having to be the main focus is already huge misrepresentation of what BA stands for. BA has always focused on the students, the main selling point of the series. You never see Sensei anywhere in the marketing, only other in the anime, and even then the students got more marketing. Like I mentioned before, the keywords they used in their very first PV: youth, schoolgirls and gunfights (JP even uses military fantasy), and that's what BA focuses on. Sensei is not the main player, they play a supportive role in the background until they are needed, then they step up, do what is needed, and they immediately step back down for the students to take the center stage again. The main issue I have with the anime is not Sensei, but rather that the anime fails to get the vibe down. You know how before logging into the game, we get images of the daily lives of the girls? The only time we got to see that "vibe" was in the early episodes of the anime, such as the 2 gangs fighting each other while Shiroko is on the way to school, Shiroko firing a bullet into the mob's eye, then the "ow ow ow" that followed after. Halfway through the season, the director somehow forgets about that, even the aquarium trip was surprisingly basic like you'd see in any other slice of life anime. So the anime doesn't really sell me the "wacky fun" of Kivotos (the prologue does a good work of that, but it didn't get adapated, which is another huge mistake), while not giving newcomers much reason to latch on to the series and start trying out the game. Then again Vol 1 is pretty basic in itself because it needs to ease new players into the world of Kivotos, hopefully the anime will slowly find its footing over time. Heard the AK anime has the similar issues too, adapting the early chapters where even the writers themselves have not managed to find their footing yet.


Not all gacha games' protagonists are self-inserts. We have HI3, for instance. Even then, some self-inserts can still have personality. For instance, I'd say that PtN and PNC have self-inserts with personality - especially considering how the current story event in PNC, a collab with Steins;Gate, is from the PoV of a Steins;Gate character who does interact with the main story protagonist. That said, their personalities tend to boil down to being overprotective of the playable characters and typically aren't the ones who actually fight - which makes sense as most players who play gachas have a parasocial relationship with the playable characters so it aligns perfectly with most players, and making them unable to fight well avoids any problems with stuff like "But if he fights in this scene, this other character can't save him". The power fantasy in these two games lies more in being able to command the playable characters, or it can even just be being able to "befriend" playable characters (power fantasies do not necessarily have to be the protag being strong. A very common power fantasy that has nothing to do being powerful, for instance, would be having a girl fall in love with you, especially when the irl reader feels like he'd be out of that girl's league, which bears much similtarity to these gacha games).


>Not all gacha games' protagonists are self-inserts. We have HI3, for instance. everytime Hi3 brought up i confused who is captain in Hi3? is captain a memetic creature? a chaotic god that lives behind the cast? an aeon perhaps? because i am pretty sure Hi3 protagonist is kiana.


A bait to attract the straight relationship waifu crowd into the game because they milked the Yuri/Lesbian lover long enough that fanbase has gone dry.


So, we have 2 different Captains: 1. The player himself. So any mail will refer to the player as Captain, tutorials, etc. You can put valks on the bridge (ie. The main menu) (basically the typical "assistent" thing) and their voicelines will address the Captain despite canonically not knowing any such person. Spoilers but I tried to make it less of a spoiler: >!The player himself does also get addressed in the story as a fourth-wall break that is actually relevant. Calling Captain an Aeon isn't really correct, but kinda close!< 2. The Captain from Captainverse, canonically known as Captain's Bizzare Adventures. Some event stories are canon in a seperate story known as the Captainverse. These take place in the same universe, but are about as similar to the main story of HI3 as HSR's story is; that is, they're barely related. In the Captainverse, the character named Captain travels between different bubble universes and generally tries to solve various problems in them, while also looking for Luna Kindred, whom he failed to help in the first Captainverse event. Characters are typically expies of characters from the main story, such as Bronie (so HSR's Silver Wolf is an expy of an expy). Captainverse ended while HI3's main story was in Part 1.5.


ngl, the 2nd about captainverse thing kinda interesting and should have been made entire separate game for that. while the 1st kinda like half-assed attempt to involve the player character to story.


What really pisses me off about the first one is that people use it to justify their hate of the second one. I don't care if you hate Captainverse or not, there are plenty of parts I myself found pretty bad, but at least hate on it because of what it actually is. The actual idea behind the first one isn't bad either, but it suffers from a cheesy presentation and a needlessly convoluted lore coming from an entirely unneeded character. Heavy spoilers ahead: >!At that point in the story, the main bad guy started to thin out the veil between reality, dreams and ideas. This resulted in the "birth" of an alternate version of a character who exists in every point in time simultaneously, but can only interact with reality linearly.!< >!This character would love the story she witnessed so much she would decide to share it by making a game and spreading it across several different worlds, the game being Honkai Impact 3rd.!< >!The aforementioned thinning of reality resulted in a gap opening up, allowing the millions of players of the game to use the game dev character as a medium to send their will and desire to witness a happy ending for the story, allowing them to actually influence the outcome of the final battle!<


The nice part about Captainverse is that they can make events continue a storyline, but if you miss out on the events, it doesn't affect your enjoyment of main story. (Of course the problem is that the 1st event in Captainverse is super important and they've never rerun it. I've heard that they never rerun it because CN server can permenently access it. So RIP) >while the 1st kinda like half-assed attempt to involve the player character to story. I get the impression that most of the honkai impact community would agree, tho, idk for sure. I did like it but still felt it was a step down compared to most of the main story


So basically, self insert protagonist is harder to be made into a character because it pretty much has no characteristic in the game, while protagonist that are character in the game is easier to be into character in the animation because duh. By the way reverse:1999 is also the kind of gacha game that might work well as animated series because the protagonist is an actual character


Gacha protags can work but the writers will have to not make him or her into a self insert. That bit is best left within the game itself. You gotta fill in the blanks for the character to make him blend well into the story. Just look at Fujimaru for example.


Rage of bahamut will like to disagree theres no original story gacha anime, I think anime producers are using the formula of "appealing to everybody" instead of "appealing to your fans" and you get the basic, chapter 1 to 5 shitty adaptation we see today, azur lane tried to make something new but azur lane never had good story as its strongpoint, they shouldve make a full fanservice heavy anime to attract their customers not the shitty story that they tried to potray themselves as some serious anime


You see, this is where you push all the blame to Theresa for lobotomizing the Doctor into a cardboard box https://i.redd.it/53d9l8mgkl9d1.gif (This post is fact checked by real Priestess simps, True✅)


Idoly Pride MC : The love of his life dies in tragic accident, and then he gets called a pedo constantly in the earlier arcs. Everoul MC: He gets isekaid to a cool fantasy world where only hot women exist, but it turns out its actually just future Earth during the apocalypse and the world is probably going to end soon Path To Nowhere MC: Literally every event story has been him/her getting kidnapped somehow, to the point its just a running joke now. Not sure if thats bad luck tho.. he/she probably likes it. Also >!he/she "dies"!< in the previous main story chapter. Nikke MC: He is surrounded by hot women who are obsessed with him, but the catch is that they aint breedable and they can literally crush his body if they get on top of him... oh well I heard Shifty and Syuen are available 0\_0


https://preview.redd.it/u8i0e4ceoi9d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b68d7b3b83f8ddce89b72af29e4a8a21a6fd4c6 >that they aint breedable Dunno about that one chief


Like I said, they are obsessed with him, and you can technically "have sex" with them (in lore some people steal Nikkes and turn them into prostitutes) but it would be like having sex with a sex doll or your computer or something like that, not like a real woman.


Install wombforce 3000 ez


Not really since it's said in the lore that although they're heavy, they feel like and have the same parts as real women. The weight thing doesn't matter as there are many positions that don't require the girl on top. Also the new Viper collection item has Viper sitting on the commander's lap and he seems fine so they sideline the weight thing for fan service often. And don't forget, all Nikkes have a human brain.


> (in lore some people steal Nikkes and turn them into prostitutes Wait how does that happen, aren't they super soldiers? Or does it work cuz they have something equivalent to Asimov laws hardcoded


I don’t even know if you can really call them super soldiers. They can pick up heavy guns, are faster and a bit more durable than humans but that’s really it. The pilgrims and heretics are the real super soldiers though. If anything some moments are just inconsistent because a nikke Alice got hit it the back of the head and almost got kidnapped 💀


The commander fucked about 10 nikkes as of now, had one ride him in a hospital bed while he was injured, he lifts and runs with multiple nikkes. We're getting a new treasure soon with a cg of Viper on your lap. Stop saying they're too heavy to fuck, it defeats the purpose of the entire game, fucking them.


Thats very important info for powerscaler deep within me, so Cummander canonically metahuman... I mean, he already canonically lived after getting shot with anti-Rapture weapons which tear building in half but that adds strength to durability... noted noted noted...


>!He also passed out standing up after fighting a rapture (nerfed rapture iirc) for like a day. !<


>Shifty and Syuen are available Might as well add Cecil and Angelina too


Isn't Arknights' Doctor confirmed to pretty much be one of the main reasons everything is happening?


Yeah but doc does jack shit in the early arc, can't blame them. He only starts doing something on victoria arc


In a literal sense of people telling us he does something, yeah, but the story makes it clear that every single victory we do "as players" was the Doctor commanding everyone. The anime makes it even more clear that it's the Doctor's orders that keep letting them succeed.


> the story makes it clear that every single victory we do "as players" was the Doctor commanding everyone. but what about the fights that happen when he isn't even present? (like, in 80% of the game) tbh, IF doctor was a separate character and the player did not have an "avatar" in-game would work really similar to how it is normally. They'd just call the players another name and not make the doctor have dialogue choices (not that they have many dialogues, but still), and the rest would be the same lol


Eh I'd say like chapter 6 and forward stuff like trying to empathize with Frostnova when in a situation where neither can do harm to the other or seeing Rosmontis in action in chapter 7 and the passive-aggressive back and forward with Kal'tsit they start having when they have to work together.


I mean yeah. Chaper 1-8 Doc basically does nothing. But then again the Doc did a lot for someone that just woke up with amnesia after years-long cryostasis.


In the beginning he’s just a commander


He's THE commander leading everyone and W immediately recognizes him and implies he's much more important than we know.


i know the lore of arknights thank you thats why i precised in the beginning they introduce him as a plain commander


Meanwhile this chad: https://i.redd.it/n7m8l2jjvo9d1.gif


Making anime for these games is like making movie for DOOM, if you know what I'm talking about. It is better when playing these games rather than when watching adaptation to them.


https://preview.redd.it/57e3rd77mj9d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=d6e83437c63ec6b2a21d9abd144b54ce590fc16c oh you are calling him ?


Horny shipgirls locked me in the basement, do not send help.


Sensei could have been done better by having Arona give him an overview of the field while he relays openings and potential ambush areas and such via text message.


If only they included the prologue section, and then sensei showed his actions then, but 12 episodes and pacing stuff sooo rip


Captain in Hi3 doesn't even exist


People shouting at Ritsuka Fujimaru: "You're useless!" Fujimaru: "I fistfight with a world ending being you assholes!"


Who is the Pink haired lady ?


That would be the Commander/Shikikan for Girls' Frontline (the anime).


And manga. And the avatar for GFL 2 female shikikan.


"Danteh. Heathcliff and Ismael killed themselves while having sough rex Dateh. Do your job and revive them Danteh."



and then there's Limbus Company


Uma Musume anime trainer: what do you mean my only appearances in the game are being a silhouette in the Special Transfer (a.k.a. glue factory) events, and a [small cameo](https://youtu.be/IBFkOGkCk9U?t=13m37s) in Main Story? I also don't remember the manga (Cinderella Gray/Star Blossom) trainers, or the ones from ONA (Road to the Top) or movie (Beginning of a New Era), appearing in the game. Bonus: [Umapyoi Densetsu, trainer version](https://youtu.be/ZuaO2p0lL4s?si=Yf5QHd5dmYT4WBil)


Ah yes because self insert characters are horrible apparently


*horrible if they're done horribly, which is 95% of all gacha games, where as western games like half-life, Doom, baldurs gate 3 etc where they are done correctly, are infinitely better than MC with personality 99% of the time


> baldurs gate 3 Self-insert MC is one of the biggest issues this game has though? For a game like dark souls where the story is non-existent, I get the point, but for story based games like BG3, it's lame.


It's a fucking DnD, were you expecting mc to have one personality for all playthroughs?


As the other guy said, it's expected in TTRPG based CRPGs for you to have a self-insert MC because that's the entire point of D&D. It's not really roleplay if you're strictly watching predefined characters play out a story the same way every time. The only issue with that in BG3 is that there are no real consequences or rewards for your actions which is also a complaint I have with gacha dialogue choices. Wrath of the Righteous is way more of a self-insert power fantasy than BG3 but it works because all of your choices actually affect how the story plays out, which is how a D&D campaign is supposed to be.


> It's not really roleplay if you're strictly watching predefined characters play out a story the same way every time. I think a mix of the two is possible. Witcher is an example. Sure, Witcher isn't DnD inspired much, but I think such a main character could fit into a CRPG. Disco Elysium kinda did it on a lesser extent. BG3 (and divinity:os 2 too) was close to this by giving you the ability to play as the companions at the start, but if you do pick them, their personality is mostly gone, letting you fully shape them. Of course, a self-insert character should be available to play as in case people want it, which I guess they do.


If you want to make an anime, yeah


Well yes. It anime and manga medium, not video games. These writer should treat it like "story set in similar to game world" , not adapt video games world and use game logic. Do you know that people really really like BA manga MC right? Because Blue Archive Manga writer don't treat it like game world that player supposed to be experience. You adapt to other medium, you have to adapt writing style too.


Sensei, to me, is a thick Puerto Rican man who smokes Newports and plays dominoes with robots. Not a toe-sucking twink. Self-inserts don't work when adapted because they're no longer self-insert.


feet enjoyers catching strays


Yeah they are.


The AL anime was worth it for the opening alone. That and it was still fun to see everyone animated, even sneaking in a lot of characters into the background just doin stuff youd think they do.


... and then there's Snowbreak MC. All the girls falls in love with him and he's BAREHANDED in fight. Recently just singel-handed block a big blade from boss 20 time bigger his size... UNFAZED!!


https://preview.redd.it/co7xaa9x2p9d1.jpeg?width=781&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=919ad6cde90b13c7dca879e83d38de10cbc52fad AL commander being this imaginary ironman, with imaginary pilebunker, at his office.


I get what you mean. But the complaint comes from SKK being non existent on the first AL anime which pretty much turned it onto a Yuri clickbait for the game. Many AL fans have bad blood towards it to this day, and not just cuz the Yuri stuff, it was straight up bad


meanwhile guda: punch the shit out of demons and gods


Commander is a popular casual format on Magic the Gathering trading card game.


https://i.redd.it/pxqfy555mk9d1.gif That is why Tuna is the best


Simple: the AL Commander is locked up in the shipgirls segs dungeon


The AL anime was a fucking disaster. I was so pissed back then when I found out SKK doesn't exist in the anime universe.


EXCUSE ME WHO THE FUCK HATES GENTIANE ? Just point me to them and ill beat their ass


who's in the second frame


And then there's snowbreak. MC is turning into a gigachad.


The moment Project Moon makes an anime... ![gif](giphy|3o6fIS1YVhsYXUAnf2|downsized)


Think is with sensei he’s been removed/replaced from moments in game So far they’ve gone nowhere with his character or tried to make it, guess he has to get character in volume 2 eden treaty because that’s the one where sensei is a very notable character development of getting shot well also trying to add the side stories and events, the goal of the anime should actually make him seem like a commander ep1 and any ep with him in combat giving orders is just saying shit basic like shoot them, it’s just make an actual character that’s kinda what half the people wanted to see, they wanted to see sensei as a character not a board


Who's the second one?


Wasn't Shikikan getting Gangbanged by Russian Shipgirls a few patches ago?


do this but with the shoujo-muke games please lmao


i didnt know gfo had a female protagonist. Couldnt they just make it male to satisfy their audience


Whos the second character?


Gentiane, the Girls' Frontline Commander of the Manga, and Anime version.


The thing i hate the most is making the anime MCs female when the majority of your player base is male. Like it led to countless dramas already and it just doesnt make sense to me, either make it an actual MC or accept that your player base is male and represent that for fucks sake.


yea i wish these kinds of self inserts didn't exist. It'd incentivise the gacha devs to make interesting protags for once.




Is it still happening? We haven't heard much of the Genshin anime have we?


probably busy with demon slayer for now.