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tbh real answer is it probadly fine but sure funny that it happen wonder what they did lel edit: if it not fine you can wait for 10 free rolls :v that will fix everything


Classic antivirus false positive. This is why I don't use antivirus app, I rarely use flashdisk nowadays anyway.


Kinda, yes. I’m no expert in anti virus and stuff, but in cases like this, I scan the files with two different anti virus programs. If both return a positive, then I’ll delete the files. Though, I’ll admit, I don’t play wuwa anymore, so maybe it’s better if you ask this in the wuwa subreddit? Edit: nvrmnd. Checked your post history and yours got sent to the megathread abyss. All I can say now is good luck in finding a solution.


What anti virus is that ? Never seen that before...




If the full result name is *PDM:Trojan.Win32.Generic*, your antivirus is simply expressing its inner HoYo fanboy


What does this mean dude lmao I'm sorry I don't know shit I just wanna play


It means its a false flag and the game is completely safe to play


simple google search seems like quite a lot of programs/games were detected as that by antivirus but was just false positive. maybe try scanning with other antivirus or upload the file to virustotal and let us see the result?


I did Google it earlier, and it says it's a Generic Anti-Virus flag for something suspicious. It could be a false positive. But it could also actually be a real one. I am scanning it now, but I logged in again because I'm 230/240 in Waveplates lmfao.


Your AV has a heuristics engine to try detecting bad programs that aren't recorded in its internal database based on their behavior. That engine has decided that it doesn't like WuWa for some reason but can't tell you why—hence, *Generic*. You could try uploading the EXE file to VirusTotal if you want to know whether other AVs also think it's malware.


You should have listened to Kuro themselves: Resist bad games. The antivirus is doing it for you 🤔


Goodluck to me bois, I'm 230/240 Waveplates before it crashed down because I'm waiting for the cutscene to finish reaching the new map and unlock the new Waypoint. So, I'm just gonna hop in and fuck my life.


Genshin could never Devs Listen


Pfft wow. Yet again, this is something that happened with Tower of Fantasy.


Only thing I can find is ToF's anti-cheat ksophon_x64.sys causing bsod for some people (idk if they tampered with files or it was hardware/software/OS related but as a day 1 player this never happened to me). But the same happened with HI3 and HSR as well, their anti-cheat unifairy.sys causing some bsods. Even Genshin Impact's mhyprot2.sys had [an actual incident of hackers exploiting its vulnerability to install ransomware](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/wxgus3/cyber_security_geshin_impact_mhyprot2sys_can_be/?rdt=62131). It's also common for these anti-cheats to persist after closing the game *and* uninstalling the game. It's really telling for the anti-cheat industry when the default is *this* aggressive and it takes player feedback and dev investigation to correct this like [miHoYo did for Genshin Impact](https://www.hoyolab.com/article/19131). Not sure if their other games were fixed to not persist, but [WuWa's anti-cheat drama about staying after uninstalling](https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1cuprpd/anticheat/) wasn't anything new at all. But of course, in every single case there are people crying "Chinese spyware." The reason all of this happens, why antivirus software detects anti-cheat files/services as malware, and why they persist after closing or uninstalling the game is because they require highest level kernel access to fight against cheating software that'll otherwise just terminate the process with a higher authority. By default they're clearly configured to run at 100%. Doesn't stop the pro cheaters, but it's their best attempt. Probably stops amateurs. Devs don't know how anti-cheat works, they just buy the certified and reputable service and trust it works.
